acitakotêw:acitakotê IICONJw "it hangs head downwards" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s acitaskitêw:acitaskitê IICONJw "it is set upside down (e.g. a post in the ground)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s acitastêw:acitastê IICONJw "it is upside down, it is set upside down" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ahcahkowan IICONJ "it is spiritual" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ahkwêhtawastêwa:ahkwêhtawastê IICONJ "they are piled in layers on top of one another, they are piled up, crosswise, they are laid on top of one another" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0p ahpîhtan IICONJ "it is bruised, it is blue with bruises" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ahpîhtinâkwan IICONJ "it looks bruised, beaten, it looks well used, worn out, it appears purple" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s akihtêw:akihtê IICONJw "it is counted" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s akocipayiw:akocipayi IICONJw "it gets caught on something" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s akohtêw:akohtê IICONJw "it is in water" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s akohtin IICONJ "it soaks, it is in water" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s akopayiw:akopayi IICONJw "it sticks, it holds in place (e.g. as a magnet, from static electricity, etc.)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s akotêw:akotê IICONJw "it hangs, it is hanging" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s akotin IICONJ "it hangs, it is hanging" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s akwamon IICONJ "it is attached, it sticks on" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wC: it stays at one spot on the water akwâkohtin IICONJ "it is mouldy, it is rusty" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s akwâkomâkwan IICONJ "it smells mouldy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s akwâtaskinêw:akwâtaskinê IICONJw "it is not full" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s akwâyâstan IICONJ "it drifts ashore (in the wind)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s apahkwâtêw:apahkwâtê IICONJw "it has a roof, it is roofed" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s apihkâtêw:apihkâtê IICONJw "it is braided" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s apisâpêkan IICONJ "it is small (e.g. thread, rope)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s apisâsin IICONJ "it is small" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s apisciyêkâsin IICONJ "it is narrow (material)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive apisiminakâsiw:apisiminakâsi IICONJw "it has small berries" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, diminutive apwêyâw:apwêyâ IICONJw "it is warm enough to perspire" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s asamonwa:asamon IICONJ "they are in a cluster, they are clustered together, they are in a bunch, they are bunched together" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p always pl, cf. dialect differences in conjunct plural: (ê)-asamoki, (ê)-asamokwâw asamopitêw:asamopit IICONJw "it is closed with a gathering string" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s asaskitêwa:asaskitê IICONJ "they grow in a clump or mass" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0p generally plural asastêwa:asastê IICONJ "they are piled up, they are heaped up" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0p generally plural asâhtin IICONJ "it is dull, it is blunt" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s asêciwan IICONJ "it flows back as an eddy at a falls" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s asêmakan IICONJ "it goes backwards, it moves down" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s asênikâtêw:asênikâtê IICONJw "it is refused, it is turned down" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s asinîwacîwiw:asinîwacîwi IICONJw "it is a rock hill, it is a rocky mountain" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s asinîwan IICONJ "it is rocky, there are many stones" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s asiskîwan IICONJ "it is dusty, it is muddy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s asiwatan IICONJ "it is inside" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s asiwatêw:asiwatê IICONJw "it is inside, it is closed in" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s askêkinowiw:askêkinowi IICONJw "it is fresh rawhide" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s askihtakonâkwan IICONJ "it looks green (blue)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s askihtakoskâw:askihtakoskâ IICONJw "there is much green (e.g. grass, forest)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s askihtakwan IICONJ "it is green (e.g. coat or blanket)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s askihtakwâpakwanîw:askihtakwâpakwanî IICONJw "it has blue flowers" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s askihtakwâpêkan IICONJ "it is a green (blue) string" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s askihtakwâw:askihtakwâ IICONJw "it is green, it is blue, blue-green" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s askitin IICONJ "it is raw" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s askîwan IICONJ "it is mossy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s askîwan IICONJ "it is one year, it is summer, it is earth, it is land" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s askîwaskamikâw:askîwaskamikâ IICONJw "it is boggy, it is mossy land" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s askîwiw:askîwi IICONJw "it is one year, it is summer, it is land, it is earth" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s aspacihtin IICONJ "it is a hammering noise cushioned by a layer of something" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s aspinikâtêw:aspinikâtê IICONJw "it is held with a pot holder" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s astêw:astê IICONJw "it is there, it sits there, it is placed" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s astostohtin IICONJ "it curdles, it clots" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ati-mêstitêw:ati-mêstitê IICONJw "it is boiling away, it is boiling low, it is starting to evaporate" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ati-otâkosin IICONJ "it is early evening, it is approaching evening" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s atihkamêkoskâw:atihkamêkoskâ IICONJw "there are many whitefish, whitefish are numerous" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s singular only atihtêminiskâw:atihtêminiskâ IICONJw "there are many ripe berries, it is the time when berries are ripe" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s atihtêw:atihtê IICONJw "it is ripe, it is coloured, it runs (as in colour)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s atisikêmakan IICONJ "it is a dying-agent, it yields a dye" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s atisonâkwan IICONJ "it looks tan, it appears tan, it looks brown, it appears brown" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s atoskêmakan IICONJ "it works, it functions" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s atoskêwi-kîsikâw:atoskêwi-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Monday, literally: work-day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s awasêwêmakan IICONJ "it goes round a bend, it goes behind an obstacle to vision, it goes out of sight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s awasitêw:awasitê IICONJw "it is beyond" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ay-apisâsin:apisâsin IICONJ "it is small" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, reduplicated ayahikâtêw:ayahikâtê IICONJw "it is hilled, it is covered with earth, it is hoed (e.g. a garden)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayakaskâpiskâw:ayakaskâpiskâ IICONJw "it is wide (metal)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayakaskâw:ayakaskâ IICONJw "it is wide" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayakaskêkan IICONJ "it is wide (cloth)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ayamihâwi-kîsikâw:ayamihâwi-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Sunday" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayamihêwi-kîsikâw:ayamihêwi-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Sunday, literally: prayer-day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayapacâwahkâw:ayapacâwahkâ IICONJw "it is a hilly place" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayapihtakâw:ayapihtakâ IICONJw "it is a net-like structure of boards" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayapîhkêsîskâw:ayapîhkêsîskâ IICONJw "there are many spiders, spiders are numerous" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sg only ayâhkwacâwahkâsin IICONJ "it is a small ravine" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, diminutive ayâhkwacâwahkâw:ayâhkwacâwahkâ IICONJw "it is a ravine" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayâkonêw:ayâkonê IICONJw "it is drifted over (by snow)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayâniwiw:ayâniwi IICONJw "it is a possession" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayâtan IICONJ "it is set firmly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ayâtaskitêw:ayâtaskitê IICONJw "it is planted firmly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayâtastêw:ayâtastê IICONJw "it rests firmly in place" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayâw:ayâ IICONJw "it is, it is there" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayêsihtin IICONJ "it leaves its imprint, it leaves a print, it leaves a mark" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ayiwâkêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is thought of most highly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ayiwâkipayin IICONJ "it is in excess, there is some left over" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ayiwâkipêw:ayiwâkipê IICONJw "it is too deep in the water, the water is too deep" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayiwiw:ayiwi IICONJw "it is such and such a thing" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s generally prefixed by a descriptive IPV ayîtawâpitakâw:ayîtawâpitakâ IICONJw "it is two-edged, it is a saw with teeth on both sides" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ayôskanâhtikoskâw:ayôskanâhtikoskâ IICONJw "there are many raspberry bushes, be an abundance of raspberry bushes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s aywâstan IICONJ "it is calm (i.e. the wind)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s aywâstin IICONJ "it is calm" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s aywêpiwi-kîsikâw:aywêpiwi-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is a holiday" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âcihtin IICONJ "it catches in the corners so as to be blocked or stuck" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âhcipayiw:âhcipayi IICONJw "it moves" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âhciwipayiw:âhciwipayi IICONJw "it shrinks, it shrivels" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âhkikoskâw:âhkikoskâ IICONJw "there are many seals, seals are abundant" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âhkospakwan IICONJ "it has a strong, sharp, or bitter taste" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âhkwakihtêw:âhkwakihtê IICONJw "it is expensive" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âhkwan IICONJ "it is painful, it is tart" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âhkwatihcikâtêw:âhkwatihcikâtê IICONJw "it is (purposefully) frozen" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âhkwatin IICONJ "it is freezing, it is frozen, it is frozen hard" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âhkwâkamin IICONJ "it is a strong, sharp, or bitter liquid" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âhkwâkamiw:âhkwâkami IICONJw "it is bitter (i.e. liquid)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âhkwâpahtêw:âhkwâpahtê IICONJw "there are strong, acrid, acidic fumes, there is strong smoke, it is lye" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âhkwâstêw:âhkwâstê IICONJw "it is fierce sunlight" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âkawâstêw:âkawâstê IICONJw "it is shady" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âkawêwêmakan IICONJ "it goes behind an obstacle to vision (e.g. cloud), it goes out of sight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âkô-wiyipâw:âkô-wiyipâ IICONJw "it is covered in dirt" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âkôsipêyâw:âkôsipêyâ IICONJw "it is dewy, there is dew on the grass" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âkwâ-kîsikâw:âkwâ-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is high day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âkwâhkatotêw:âkwâhkatotê IICONJw "it is very dry and hard" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âkwâyâhotêw:âkwâyâhotê IICONJw "it floats to shore" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âkwâyâstan IICONJ "it is blown ashore" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âkwâyâw:âkwâyâ IICONJw "it is late" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âmôskâw:âmôskâ IICONJw "there are many bees, bees are abundant" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âniskohpitêw:âniskôhpitê IICONJw "it is tied end to end" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âniskostêw:âniskostê IICONJw "it extends, it is extended" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âniskowaskâw:âniskowaskâ IICONJw "it is full of reeds" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âniskowaskoskâw:âniskowaskoskâ IICONJw "there are many reeds" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âniskôskitêw:âniskôskitê IICONJw "it adjoins a larger thing" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ânwêhcikâtêw:ânwêhcikâtê IICONJw "it is denied, it is disbelieved" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âpahikâtêw:âpahikâtê IICONJw "it is loosened, it is unwound" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âpahôpayiw:âpahôpayi IICONJw "it unwinds (as a bolt)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âpatan IICONJ "it is used, it is useful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âpihkopayiw:âpihkopayi IICONJw "it comes unfastened, it comes untied" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âpihtâ-kîsikâw:âpihtâ-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is noon (12:00 p.m.)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âpihtâ-nîpin IICONJ "it is midsummer" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âpihtâ-pipon IICONJ "it is midwinter" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âpihtâ-tipiskâw:âpihtâ-tipiskâ IICONJw "it is midnight (12:00 a.m.)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âpihtâw:âpihtâ IICONJw "it is half" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âpihtâwi-kîsikâw:âpihtâwi-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Wednesday, literally: (it is) middle day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âpihtâwipayiw:âpihtâwipayi IICONJw "it is Wednesday, it is mid-week, it is at the half-way point" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âpihtâwitâkosiw:âpihtâwitâkosi IICONJw "it is halfway through afternoon" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âpiyikâtêw:âpiyikâtê IICONJw "it is untied" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âpocipayîmakan IICONJ "it turns around" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âsokâmatin IICONJ "it freezes across" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âsôpayiw:âsôpayi IICONJw "it goes from one to another, it is catching, it is contagious" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âstawêpayiw:âstawêpayi IICONJw "it goes out suddenly (as a flame) by itself" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âstawêw:âstawê IICONJw "it is out, it goes out (e.g. fire)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âstê-kîsikâw:âstê-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is a bright day, it is good weather" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âstêkamâw:âstêkamâ IICONJw "it is still water, the water is still" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âstêkamin IICONJ "it settles (as tea leaves), it is still water, the water is still" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âstêkamiw:âstêkami IICONJw "the water has calmed (after having once been windswept), it is still water, it is calm water" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âstêpayiw:âstêpayi IICONJw "it ceases" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âstêyâkamin IICONJ "it settles (as tea)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âtocikâtêw:âtocikâtê IICONJw "it is told of, it is talked about" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âyapâskwêyâw:âyapâskwêyâ IICONJw "it is a land with clumps of trees" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âyimakihtêw:âyimakihtê IICONJw "it is expensive, costly (spiritually)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s âyiman IICONJ "it is difficult" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s âyimipayiw:âyimipayi IICONJw "it gives trouble" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cacahkâskwâw:cacahkâskwâ IICONJw "there are high waves, the waves are high" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cacâstapipayin IICONJ "it is fast, it is quick" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, reduplicated cf. /tâstap-/ cacimâsin IICONJ "it is short" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, reduplicated cahcahkâyôskâw:cahcahkâyôskâ IICONJw "there are many blackbirds, blackbirds are abundant" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cahkasinastêw:cahkasinastê IICONJw "it is spotted, it is covered in polka dots" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cahkastêw:cahkastê IICONJw "it is in a high pile" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cahkatinâw:cahkatinâ IICONJw "it is a steep, pointed hill" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cahkâpiskâw:cahkâpiskâ IICONJw "it is a pointed rock" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s capahcâsin IICONJ "it is low" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive cf. /tipaht-/ câhkâskitêw:câhkâskitê IICONJw "it burns completely, it is a flaming fire, shooting upward" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s câhkipayiw:câhkipayi IICONJw "it comes suddenly to a head (as in boiling), it comes to a point" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cikawâsisinwa:cikawâsisin IICONJ "they are few in number" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p cikâstêhtin IICONJ "it makes a shadow" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s cikâstêpayiw:cikâstêpayi IICONJw "it casts a shadow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cimatêw:cimatê IICONJw "it stands upright, it stands erect, it is erected" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cimâpêkan IICONJ "it is short (e.g. as string)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s cimâpêkasin IICONJ "it is rather short" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive cimâsin IICONJ "it is short" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive cimâskwan IICONJ "it is short (as a board)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s cimipayiw:cimipayi IICONJw "it shrinks, it shortens suddenly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cîhcîpipayin IICONJ "it quivers" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s cîkâskohtin IICONJ "it lies near the edge" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s cîpahcâw:cîpahcâ IICONJw "it is steep" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cîpêhtakwâpikwanîskâw:cîpêhtakwâpikwanîskâ IICONJw "there are many blue or grey flowers" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cîpêhtakwâpikwanîwiw:cîpêhtakwâpikwanîwi IICONJw "it has blue or grey flowers" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cîpêhtakwâw:cîpêhtakwâ IICONJw "it is blue or grey" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cîpohkotêw:cîpohkotê IICONJw "it is whittled to a point" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cîpwaskitêw:cîpwaskitê IICONJw "it is a pointed article standing up, it stands with a point" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cîpwâw:cîpwâ IICONJw "it is pointed, it is sharp" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cîstâwêyâw:cîstâwêyâ IICONJw "echoes are heard, there are echoes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cîwêw:cîwê IICONJw "it is calm, peaceful" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cîwêyâw:cîwêyâ IICONJw "it is very calm" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s êsêhtin IICONJ "it leaves a print, it leaves a mark" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s êyikoskâw:êyikoskâ IICONJw "there are numerous ants, ants are abundant" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ihkastêw:ihkastê IICONJw "it dries up, it has dried up (i.e. something formerly containing water)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ihkatawahkâw:ihkatawahkâ IICONJw "it is a marshy depression" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ihkatawâw:ihkatawâ IICONJw "it is a marshy depression, it is a stagnant pond, it is a slough" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ihkin IICONJ "it happens, it occurs, it takes place" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ihkipayiw:ihkipayi IICONJw "it recedes, there are receding waters, there is a lowering of water" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ihtakon IICONJ "it exists, it is there" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s isawêyâw:isawêyâ IICONJw "it is square" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s isikamâw:isikamâ IICONJw "it is shaped thus as a body of water, it is shaped thus as a shoreline, the body of water is such a shape" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s isimâkwan IICONJ "it smells so" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s isinâkwan IICONJ "it looks thus, it gives such an appearance (e.g. colour, etc.), it appears so" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s isiwêpan IICONJ "it is in such a state, it happens thus, it goes thither or thus, it is such weather" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s isiyihkâcikâtêw:isiyihkâcikâtê IICONJw "it is named thus" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s isiyihkâtêw:isiyihkâtê IICONJw "it is called thus, it has such a name" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s isîhcikâtêw:isîhcikâtê IICONJw "it is made so" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s iskipêw:iskipê IICONJw "it floods, it is a flood, it is flooded" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s iskopêkâw:iskopêkâ IICONJw "it goes so far, it extends so far (as water)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s iskotêmâkwan IICONJ "it smells like fire" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s iskotêwakan IICONJ "it smells like fire" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s iskotêwan IICONJ "it has fire (within), it is fiery" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s iskotêwiw:iskotêwi IICONJw "it is fiery, it has fire (within)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s iskwâhtêmiwiw:iskwâhtêmiwi IICONJw "it is a door" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s iskwâpêkamon IICONJ "it goes so far as the rope will go" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s iskwâw:iskwâ IICONJw "it is such a length, it is such a height" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispacinâsin IICONJ "it is quite high, it is a small hill" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive ispacinâsiw:ispacinâsi IICONJw "it is a small hill" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, diminutive ispahcâw:ispahcâ IICONJw "it is high ground, the ground is so high" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispakocin IICONJ "it hangs high (e.g. the moon)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ispakwan IICONJ "it tastes so, it has such a flavour" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ispaskitêw:ispaskitê IICONJw "it is such a height" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispastêw:ispastê IICONJw "it is piled high" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispatinâw:ispatinâ IICONJw "it is a hill" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispayin IICONJ "it is, it becomes, it goes there, it happens thus, it occurs thus" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s used as a measurement of time: kâ-ispayik one week, or follows time specification: e.g. pêyak tipahikan ispayin it's one o'clock, lit: one hour is happening, cf. ispayiw ispayiw:ispayi IICONJw "it takes place thus, it occurs thus, it has passed (e.g. days, years), it goes thither or thus" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispâkonakâw:ispâkonakâ IICONJw "it is deep snow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispâkonêw:ispâkonê IICONJw "the snow is piled deeply, it is a deep pile of snow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispâpiskâw:ispâpiskâ IICONJw "it is a high rock or mountain" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispâskwêyâw:ispâskwêyâ IICONJw "it is a high, thick-wooded area" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispâw:ispâ IICONJw "it is high, it is so high, it is so tall" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispîhcâw:ispîhcâ IICONJw "it extends so far, it is of such size (e.g. country), it is so big, large or long" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispîhci-askîwiw:ispîhci-askîwi IICONJw "it is a certain number of years since, it has been years" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispîhcipayiw:ispîhcipayi IICONJw "it goes ahead" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispîhtakotêw:ispîhtakotê IICONJw "it flies so far" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispîhtan IICONJ "it is such a time of the year" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ispîhtayakaskâw:ispîhtayakaskâ IICONJw "it is thus in width, it is a certain width, it is so broad" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ispîhtâskwan IICONJ "it is such a thickness" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ispîhtâwan IICONJ "it is so far in the year" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ispîhtêkan IICONJ "it is such a length or width (e.g. paper)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ispîhtêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is considered so much, it is worth so much" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ispîhtinikwan IICONJ "it is just so heavy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s itahcâw:itahcâ IICONJw "it is such a shape (as a geographic feature), it has such characteristics (as a landform)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s itahkamikan IICONJ "it is an event, a happening, it is done thus, it happens thus, it goes on that way" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s itahtinwa:itahtin IICONJ "they are so many" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p itakihtêw:itakihtê IICONJw "it is counted thus, it costs so much, it is held in such esteem" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s itakotêw:itakotê IICONJw "it hangs thither or thus, it flies thither or thus" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s itamon IICONJ "it hangs thus, it runs thus (e.g. road), it goes in such a direction" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s itamow:itamo IICONJw "it is thus attached" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s itasinahikâtêw:itasinahikâtê IICONJw "it is so marked or written" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s itasinâstêw:itasinâstê IICONJw "it is so coloured, it is coloured, it is marked thus" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s itaskitêw:itaskitê IICONJw "it stands thus (e.g. lodge)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s itastêw:itastê IICONJw "it is placed thus or there, it is located thus or there, it is written thus" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s itâkamiw:itâkami IICONJw "it is a liquid of such a colour" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s itâpatan IICONJ "it is thus used, it is of such use, it is useful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s itâskitêw:itâskitê IICONJw "it is burnt" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s itâstan IICONJ "it is blown there" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s itêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is thus thought of, it is thus considered" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s itihtâkwan IICONJ "it is heard thus, it sounds thus" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s itiskwâstawêstêw:itiskwâstawêstê IICONJw "the door is in such a location" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s itohtêmakan IICONJ "it goes, it goes there or thus" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s itwêmakan IICONJ "it says so (e.g. a book), it has such a meaning" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s iyihtêw:iyihtê IICONJw "it thaws" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s iyiniminiskâw:iyiniminiskâ IICONJw "there is an abundance of blueberries, blueberries are abundant" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s iyîhkwatin IICONJ "it is frosty, there is hoar frost" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s iyîpêpayiw:iyîpêpayi IICONJw "it slants to one side" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s iyîpêyâw:iyîpêyâ IICONJw "it slopes, it slants" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s îkatêpayin IICONJ "it moves off to the side, it moves sideways (e.g. braided strips of rabbitskin)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kahkahkîhkêyâw:kahkahkîhkêyâ IICONJw "it is square" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated probably a reduplicated root kakwâhyakêyatinwa:kakwâhyakêyatin IICONJ "they are in vast numbers" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p kakwâhyakinâkwan IICONJ "it is of outrageous appearance" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kakwânwâw:kakwânwâ IICONJw "it is a long object" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kamâmakoskâw:kamâmakoskâ IICONJw "it is infested by moths or butterflies, there are many butterflies" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kanawêyihcikâtêw:kanawêyihcikâtê IICONJw "it is preserved, it is kept" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kanâcinâkwan IICONJ "it looks clean" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kanâtan IICONJ "it is clean, is tidy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kanâtastêw:kanâtastê IICONJw "it is clean" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kapatêyâstan IICONJ "it is blown to shore by wind, the wind is blowing shoreward" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kaskacipayiw:kaskacipayi IICONJw "it breaks off (e.g. a tree limb)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskamocâw:kaskamocâ IICONJw "it is hot and stuffy" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskamocâyâw:kaskamocâyâ IICONJw "it is closed in, it is in need of air, it is stifling, it is heat enclosed" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskatin IICONJ "it freezes, it freezes up" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kaskawan IICONJ "it is foggy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kaskawanipêscâsin IICONJ "it is drizzling" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive kaskawanipêstâw:kaskawanipêstâ IICONJw "it is misty, there is a light drizzle, there is a light rain" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskawâkamin IICONJ "it is foggy, it is foggy on the water" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kaskâciwahtêw:kaskâciwahtê IICONJw "it is boiled until tender" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskâpahtêw:kaskâpahtê IICONJw "it is smoky, it appears smokey, it is smoking, it emits smoke (e.g. a chimney), it is smoked" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskâpiskahikâtêw:kaskâpiskahikâtê IICONJw "it is preserved, canned" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskêyihtamowinâkwan IICONJ "it looks sad and dismal, it looks depressing" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kaskêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is sad, it is dreary, it is dismal" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kaski-tipiskâw:kaski-tipiskâ IICONJw "it is pitch-black night" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskikwâtêw:kaskikwâtê IICONJw "it is sewn" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskipitêw:kaskipitê IICONJw "it is tied shut" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskitêw-osâwâw:kaskitêw-osâwâ IICONJw "it is brown" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskitêwâkamiw:kaskitêwâkami IICONJw "it is black liquid" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskitêwâpahtêw:kaskitêwâpahtê IICONJw "it gives off black smoke" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskitêwâpêkan IICONJ "it is a dark, long object" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kaskitêwâskitêw:kaskitêwâskitê IICONJw "it is burnt black" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskitêwâw:kaskitêwâ IICONJw "it is black" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kaskitêwinâkwan IICONJ "it looks black, it appears black" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s katawasisin IICONJ "it is beautiful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kawatin IICONJ "it is cold" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kawâhotêw:kawâhotê IICONJw "it tips over in drifting" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kawihtakâw:kawihtakâ IICONJw "there is a mass of fallen trees" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sg only kawipayiw:kawipayi IICONJw "it falls over suddenly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kayâs-âyiwan IICONJ "it is old" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kayâsinâkwan IICONJ "it looks old, it appears old or worn" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kâcikâtêw:kâcikâtê IICONJw "it is hidden" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kâh-kimiwan:kimiwan IICONJ "it rains periodically, there are periodic rain showers" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, reduplicated kâhkwêtipipayiw:kâhkwêtipipayi IICONJw "it turns over repeatedly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated kâmwâtan IICONJ "it is quiet, it is quiet and peaceful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kâmwâtastêw:kâmwâtastê IICONJw "it lies quietly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kâsâpiskâw:kâsâpiskâ IICONJw "there are an abundance of sharp rocks, it is an area of many sharp rocks" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kâsâw:kâsâ IICONJw "it is sharp" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kâsisikin IICONJ "it grows prickly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kâsisin IICONJ "it is sharp, it is pointed (e.g. a knife)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kâsiskihtwân IICONJ "it is prickly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kâspâw:kâspâ IICONJw "it is brittle" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kâtêw:kâtê IICONJw "it hides, it is hidden" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kêcikwâstan IICONJ "it blows off" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kêhtênâkwan IICONJ "it looks old" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kêposkâw:kêposkâ IICONJw "there are an abundance of reeds" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kihcêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is respected, it is highly thought of, it is held sacred, it is of the utmost importance" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kihci-âpihtâwâni-kîsikâw:kihci-âpihtâwâni-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Thursday, it is mid-week, it is high noon" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kihci-kîsikâw:kihci-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is an important day (e.g. Christmas, New Year)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kihcinâkwan IICONJ "it looks impressive, it appears important" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kihtêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is respected, it is highly thought of, it is held sacred, it is of the utmost importance" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kikamon IICONJ "it is attached, it is on something" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kikamow:kikamo IICONJw "it is attached" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kikinikâtêw:kikinikâtê IICONJw "it is included, it is mixed in, it is added in" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kimiwan IICONJ "it rains, it is raining, it is rainy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kimiwasin IICONJ "it rains a little, it is drizzling" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive kimiwaskin IICONJ "it rains frequently" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, habitual kinêpikoskâw:kinêpikoskâ IICONJw "there are an abundance of snakes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kinokamâw:kinokamâ IICONJw "it is a long lake" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kinopayiw:kinopayi IICONJw "it stretches" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kinosêskâw:kinosêskâ IICONJw "there are an abundance of fish" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kinosêwan IICONJ "there are many fish" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kinosêwimâkwan IICONJ "it smells fishy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kinwâpêkan IICONJ "it is long (e.g. string)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kinwâsin IICONJ "it is a bit long" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive kinwâskwan IICONJ "it is tall, it is long (e.g. board)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kinwâw:kinwâ IICONJw "it is long, it is tall" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kipahikâtêw:kipahikâtê IICONJw "it is closed" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kipihcipayiw:kipihcipayi IICONJw "it stops suddenly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kipihkwêstêw:kipihkwêstê IICONJw "it is loaded" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kipipayiw:kipipayi IICONJw "it closes up quickly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kipokin IICONJ "it grows shut, it heals" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kipwâw:kipwâ IICONJw "it closes, it has no opening, it is closed" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisâkamitêw:kisâkamitê IICONJw "it is a hot liquid, it is heated (as liquid)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisâpiskitêw:kisâpiskitê IICONJw "it is hot (e.g. metal)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisâstêw:kisâstê IICONJw "it is hot weather, it is sultry weather" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisêpâyâw:kisêpâyâ IICONJw "it is morning" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisin: IICONJ "it is cold weather, it is very cold weather" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s term preferred in Alberta kisinâsin IICONJ "it is a bit chilly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kisinâw:kisinâ IICONJw "it is cold weather, it is bitterly cold weather" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisipaskamikâw:kisipaskamikâ IICONJw "it is the end of land" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisipayiw:kisipayi IICONJw "it ends, it terminates" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisipâw:kisipâ IICONJw "it ends, it terminates" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisipikamâw:kisipikamâ IICONJw "it is the end of the lake" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisipipayin IICONJ "it comes to an end, it runs out" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kisiskâciwan IICONJ "it flows swiftly, it flows fast" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kisitêw:kisitê IICONJw "it is hot" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisiwâkiwiw:kisiwâkiwi IICONJw "it is near, it is nearby, it is close by" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisîpayiw:kisîpayi IICONJw "it goes fast, it travels fast" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisîpêkinikâtêw:kisîpêkinikâtê IICONJw "it is washed" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kisîyâstan IICONJ "it sails fast (in the wind)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kiskêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is known" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kiskinawâcihcikâcêsiw:kiskinawâcihcikâcêsi IICONJw "it is made symbolically, it is a manufactured little image" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kispakaskitêw:kispakaskitê IICONJw "it stands, it grows thick (e.g. crop of grain)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kispakatin IICONJ "it is frozen thick, it is thick ice" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kispakâkamin IICONJ "it is a thick liquid" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kispakâkamisin IICONJ "it is a rather thick liquid" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive kispakâpiskâw:kispakâpiskâ IICONJw "it is a piece of thick metal" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kispakâw:kispakâ IICONJw "it is thick" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kispakêkan IICONJ "it is thick (e.g. cloth, paper)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kispakêkihtin IICONJ "it lies in thick folds" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kispakihtin IICONJ "it lies thick" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kistatâmon IICONJ "it is well-beaten (i.e. a path)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kistêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is highly thought of, it is important" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kistikâtêw:kistikâtê IICONJw "it is planted" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kitimâkan IICONJ "it is a state of destitution, it is a poor area" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kitowêw:kitowê IICONJw "it makes a sound, a sound is heard" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kitowêyêkâstan IICONJ "it flaps noisily as cloth" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kiyâmêwan IICONJ "it is a quiet, peaceful area" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kiyipikin IICONJ "it grows quickly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîhkânâkwan IICONJ "it is clearly visible, it looks sharp and clear, it is seen distinctly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîhkâtêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is held in high esteem, it is prominent" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîhkêw:kîhkê IICONJw "it heals up" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîhkîhkan IICONJ "it is so in spite of all" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîkisêpâw:kîkisêpâ IICONJw "it is morning, it is dawn, it is near morning" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîkisêpâyâw:kîkisêpâyâ IICONJw "it is morning, it is dawn, it is near morning" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîmôtan IICONJ "it is kept as a secret, it is something which is not talked about" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kînâpiskâw:kînâpiskâ IICONJw "it is sharp or pointed metal" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kînikamon IICONJ "it adheres sharply" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kînikâw:kînikâ IICONJw "it is sharp, it is pointed" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kînikwânipayiw:kînikwânipayi IICONJw "it revolves, it rotates, it spins" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîpan IICONJ "it goes quickly, it takes no time at all" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîpikin IICONJ "it grows quickly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîsapwênâyâw:kîsapwênâyâ IICONJw "it turns milder, it becomes milder" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsapwênipayiw:kîsapwênipayi IICONJw "it turns milder, it quickly becomes milder" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsapwêw:kîsapwê IICONJw "it is warm weather" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsapwêyâw:kîsapwêyâ IICONJw "it is warm" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsi-tipiskâw:kîsi-tipiskâ IICONJw "it is completely night" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsihcikâtêw:kîsihcikâtê IICONJw "it is finished, it is accomplished" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsikânâkwan IICONJ "it appears as daylight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîsikâsiw:kîsikâsi IICONJw "there is a bit of daylight left" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, diminutive kîsikâstêw:kîsikâstê IICONJw "it is moonlight" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsikâw:kîsikâ IICONJw "it is day, it is daylight" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsikâyâpan IICONJ "it is day-break" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîsikâyâstêw:kîsikâyâstê IICONJw "it is dawn, it is first light, it is moonlight so bright as to be light as day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsinikâtêw:kîsinikâtê IICONJw "it is tanned" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsipayiw:kîsipayi IICONJw "it ends, it terminates" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsisikâtêw:kîsisikâtê IICONJw "it is cooked, it is baked" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsitêw:kîsitê IICONJw "it is cooked to completion, it burns, it is burnt" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîskacinâsin IICONJ "it is a bit steep" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive kîskahcâw:kîskahcâ IICONJw "it is steep (e.g. hill, bank)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîskatahikâtêw:kîskatahikâtê IICONJw "it is cut in two" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîskatâwahkâw:kîskatâwahkâ IICONJw "it is a steep river bank, it is an abrupt drop, it is a long way down" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîskatâwahkihtin IICONJ "it flows between steep banks" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîskatinâw:kîskatinâ IICONJw "it is a short, jagged, mountainous hill" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîskâpiskâw:kîskâpiskâ IICONJw "it is cut off rock, it is a rocky perpendicular area, it is a cliff" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîskâw:kîskâ IICONJw "it is cut off, it is edged" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîskâyawâw:kîskâyawâ IICONJw "it is deep" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîskwêhtâkwan IICONJ "it is a maddening sound" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîskwêwinâkwan IICONJ "it looks foolish, it appears foolish" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîsopwêni-pipon IICONJ "it is a mild winter" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîsopwêw:kîsopwê IICONJw "it is warm weather, it is hot weather" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsopwêyâw:kîsopwêyâ IICONJw "it is warmish weather" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîsôwâkamin IICONJ "it is warm (as liquid)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîsôwâw:kîsôwâ IICONJw "it is warm, it is warmed, it provides warmth" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s also kîsiwâw kîsôwâyâw:kîsôwâyâ IICONJw "it is warm weather, it is mild" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîspinacikêmakan IICONJ "it earns, it receives in return" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîsponêw:kîsponê IICONJw "it is full" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kîwâtan IICONJ "it is a lonely, desolate area" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîwêciwan IICONJ "the tide is going out, it flows northward" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kîwêhtin IICONJ "it is a north wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kosikwan IICONJ "it is heavy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kosikwasin IICONJ "it is a little heavy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive koskopayiw:koskopayi IICONJw "it bursts" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s koskoskopayiw:koskoskopayi IICONJw "it goes loose, it shakes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated koskoskwâw:koskoskwâ IICONJw "it rocks a bit (e.g. boat)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s koskowâtan IICONJ "it is all quiet and in order" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s koskowâtêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is quiet, it is tranquil" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kostâcinâkwan IICONJ "it looks frightening" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kostâmikwan IICONJ "it is a blizzard" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kostâtêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is feared, it is frightening" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kostâtikwan IICONJ "it is fearsome, it is awe-inspiring, it is scarey" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kotikonikâtêw:kotikonikâtê IICONJw "it is pulled back" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kôniwan IICONJ "it is covered with snow, there is snow on the ground" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kôniwiw:kôniwi IICONJw "it is snowy, it is covered with snow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwatapipayiw:kwatapipayi IICONJw "it tips over (e.g. canoe)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwatapîw:kwatapî IICONJw "it tips over (e.g. canoe)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwayakopayin IICONJ "it falls out" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kwayask-ispayiw:kwayask-ispayi IICONJw "it works out properly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s also two words kwayask-itamon IICONJ "it is straight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s also two words kwayask-itastêw:kwayask-itastê IICONJw "it is proper or legal" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s also two words kwayask-itêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is believed to be right" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s also two words kwayaskastêw:kwayaskastê IICONJw "it is right, correct" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwayaskwamon IICONJ "it is a straight road" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kwayaskwan IICONJ "it is straight, it stands upright" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kwayaskwâw:kwayaskwâ IICONJw "it is straight (e.g. a board)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwayâci-sikwatahikâtêw:kwayâci-sikwatahikâtê IICONJw "it is previously pounded (e.g. meat), it is minute steak" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwayâtan IICONJ "it is ready" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kwayâtastêw:kwayâtastê IICONJw "it is placed in readiness" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwâhkotêw:kwâhkotê IICONJw "it catches fire, it burns, it blazes, it is in flames" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwâhtâhotêw:kwâhtâhotê IICONJw "it drifts far away" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwâskwêkotêw:kwâskwêkotê IICONJw "it jumps up, it leaps up" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwêskihtatin IICONJ "there is a change in the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kwêskihtâkwan IICONJ "it changes sound, it sounds differently" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kwêskihtin IICONJ "there is a turn in the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kwêskihtinipayiw:kwêskihtinipayi IICONJw "there is a sudden change in the wind" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwêskipayiw:kwêskipayi IICONJw "it turns around, it changes suddenly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwêskiyowêw:kwêskiyowê IICONJw "there is a change in the wind" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwêskosîyâstan IICONJ "there is a whistling wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kwêskosîyowêw:kwêskosîyowê IICONJw "there is a whistle in the wind" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwêtapipayiw:kwêtapipayi IICONJw "it capsizes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwêtipahtin IICONJ "it is tipped over" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s kwêtipâhotêw:kwêtipâhotê IICONJw "it is tipped over by the current or waves" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwêtipipayiw:kwêtipipayi IICONJw "it rolls over by itself" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s kwîhtawêyihcikâtêw:kwîhtawêyihcikâtê IICONJw "it is missed, it is in short supply" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s macan IICONJ "it is bad, it is evil, it is ugly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s macêyihtâkwan:macêyihtâkwani IICONJ "it is despicable, it is shameful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maci-kîsikâw:maci-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is bad weather, it is a bad day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s maci-manitowan IICONJ "it is devilish, it has evil spirits" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s macikwanâsiwan IICONJ "it is weedy, it is piled with rubbish" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s macinâkwan IICONJ "it looks bad, it is ugly in appearance" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s macipakoskâw:macipakoskâ IICONJw "it is infested with weeds, there are many weeds" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s macipayin IICONJ "it goes ill, it runs poorly, it runs improperly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s macispakwan IICONJ "it tastes bad, it tastes awful, it has a bad taste" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mahkastêwa:mahkastê IICONJ "they are placed in a large quantity" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0p mahkâhan IICONJ "it is rough, it is wavy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mahkâpiskâw:mahkâpiskâ IICONJw "it is a large piece of metal, there are many large rocks about" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mahkâskwêyâw:mahkâskwêyâ IICONJw "there is a big grove" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mahkêsîskâw:mahkêsîskâ IICONJw "there are many foxes around" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mahkikamâw:mahkikamâ IICONJw "it is a large body of water" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mahkipakâw:mahkipakâ IICONJw "there are big leaves, the leaves are big" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mamahkâhan IICONJ "it is rough water, it is wavy water" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, reduplicated mamahkâskâw:mamahkâskâ IICONJw "it runs in big waves, there are large waves" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated mamahkipakâw:mamahkipakâ IICONJw "it has large leaves, the leaves are large" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated mamâhtâwêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is thought strange, it is thought supernatural or extraordinary" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mamâhtâwinâkwan IICONJ "it looks strange and wonderful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mamênaskwâw:mamênaskwâ IICONJw "it is partly cloudy" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mamêsiwan IICONJ "it is scarce" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s manicôsiskâw:manicôsiskâ IICONJw "there are many insects" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s manicôsiwan IICONJ "there are many insects, it is maggoty" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s manipayiw:manipayi IICONJw "it comes loose, it comes off" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s manisikâtêw:manisikâtê IICONJw "it is cut, it is mowed" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s manitowan IICONJ "it is of spirit nature, it is spiritual" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s manitowi-kîsikâw:manitowi-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Christmas Day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s masinahikâtêw:masinahikâtêo IICONJw "it is written on, it has writing, it has marks, it is marked, it is pictured on" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s masinâstêw:masinâstê IICONJw "it is marked, it is striped, it is coloured" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s masinipêhikâtêw:masinipêhikâtê IICONJw "it is painted" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s maskawacistin IICONJ "there is a hard crust on snow" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maskawahcâw:maskawahcâ IICONJw "it is hard ground" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s maskawahkâw:maskawahkâ IICONJw "it is in a hard lump (as clay)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s maskawâhtikwan IICONJ "it is hard wood" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maskawâkamin IICONJ "it is a strong liquid (as tea)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maskawâkonakâw:maskawâkonakâ IICONJw "it is hard snow, it is hard-packed snow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s maskawâpêkan IICONJ "it is strong (as twine)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maskawâpiskâw:maskawâpiskâ IICONJw "it is hard metal (i.e. cast iron)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s maskawâsin IICONJ "it is quite hard" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive maskawâskamikâw:maskawâskamikâ IICONJw "it is an area of hard ground" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s maskawâskatin IICONJ "it is frozen hard" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maskawâw:maskawâ IICONJw "it is strong, it is hard" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s maskawîmakan IICONJ "it is powerful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maskêkowan IICONJ "it is muskeg, it is swampy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maskihkîwan IICONJ "there are medicines present, it has midicinal properties" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maskihkîwimâkwan IICONJ "it smells like medicine" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maskihkîwin IICONJ "it has medicinal properties" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maskosîskâw:maskosîskâ IICONJw "there is a lot of hay around" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s maskosîwan IICONJ "it is grassy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s maskosîwânikamâw:maskosîwânikamâ IICONJw "it is a reedy lake" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s maskoskâw:maskoskâ IICONJw "there are many bears around" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s maskotêwan IICONJ "it is an open prairie or plain" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s matakwan IICONJ "it is not here" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s matwêhikâtêw:matwêhikâtê IICONJw "it is hammered, it is pounded to make a sound audible at a distance" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s matwêhtin IICONJ "it falls audibly, the sound of a door slamming is heard from a distance" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s matwêskopayiw:matwêskopayi IICONJw "it cracks audibly from a distance" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s matwêtahikêmakan IICONJ "it makes detonations heard from a distance" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s matwêwêw:matwêwê IICONJw "it detonates, there is an audible report of a gun heard from a distance" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mâcipayin IICONJ "it begins to run (e.g. tape-recorder), it starts to operate" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâcipayiw:mâcipayi IICONJw "it starts to operate" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mâcistan IICONJ "it is a thawing river" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâhâstan IICONJ "it sails downstream, it is blown downstream" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâhtâwinâkwan IICONJ "it looks wondrous, it looks strange" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâkopayiw:mâkopayi IICONJw "it becomes flat (from being pressed)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mâmaskâcinâkwan IICONJ "it looks strange (e.g. an area)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâmaskâtêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is amazing, it is surprising" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâmawaskitêwa:mâmawaskitê IICONJ "they stand in a cluster (e.g. plants)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0p mâmawipayiwa:mâmawipayi IICONJ "they mix together" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0p mâskâw:mâskâ IICONJw "it is imperfect, it is defective" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mâtinawê-kîsikâsin IICONJ "it is Friday, literally: (it is) ration-day" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive mâtinawê-kîsikâw:mâtinawê-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Saturday, literally: (it is) ration-day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s more commonly wC mâtinawi-kîsikâw:mâtinawi-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Saturday, literally: (it is) ration-day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s more commonly wC mâwasakopayinwa:mâwasakopayin IICONJ "they collect together" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p mâyahkamikan IICONJ "it is a bad deed, it is a bad situation, there are evil doings" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâyâtan IICONJ "it is bad, it is evil, it is ugly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâyêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is hateful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâyi-kîsikâw:mâyi-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is a bad day, it is nasty, it is bad weather, it is a storm, it is storming" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mâyi-pipon IICONJ "it is a bad winter" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâyihtâkwan IICONJ "it sounds bad, it sounds poor" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s cf. nawac mâyihtâkwan it sounds worse mâyihtin IICONJ "it spoils (e.g. food)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâyimâkwan IICONJ "it smells bad" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâyinâkwan IICONJ "it looks bad (e.g. a storm)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâyinikwan IICONJ "it is difficult walking because of too much snow" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mâyisikow:mâyisiko IICONJw "it has rough ice (as a lake), it is a lake with rough ice" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mâyispakwan IICONJ "it tastes bad" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mêcimwâtihtin IICONJ "it becomes stuck" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mêkwâ-kîsikâw:mêkwâ-kîsikâ IICONJw "while it is daylight" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mêkwâ-tipiskâw:mêkwâ-tipiskâ IICONJw "while it is dark, night time" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mêscipayin IICONJ "it runs out, it winds down (as a tape-recorder)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mêscipayiw:mêscipayi IICONJw "it is worn out, it is all gone (as water from a leaking barrel)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mêsciwatêw:mêsciwatê IICONJw "it melts or boils away" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mêskanawin IICONJ "it is a road" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mêskocipayin IICONJ "it changes" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mêskocipayiw:mêskocipayi IICONJw "it changes into something else" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mêstahôtêw:mêstahôtê IICONJw "it is worn out, it is burnt out" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mêstâciwatêw:mêstâciwâtê IICONJw "it boils dry" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mêstâskitêw:mêstâskitê IICONJw "it is burnt out, it is totally destroyed by burning" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mêstihkahtêw:mêstihkahtê IICONJw "it burns all up, it is burnt up, there is nothing left, it burns down completely" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mêstinikâtêw:mêstinikâtê IICONJw "it is used up" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mêyiwan IICONJ "it is smeared with dung" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mêyiwiw:mêyiwi IICONJw "it is full of dung" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s micimâskohtin IICONJ "it is jammed by it's length, it is too long to go in" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s micimîmakan IICONJ "it clings on (as a repair made)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s micimohtin IICONJ "it sticks fast (as it does not fit)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mihcâskwan IICONJ "it is large, it is big around (as wood)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mihcênwa:mihcên IICONJ "they are numerous, they are many" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p mihcêtinwa:mihcêtin IICONJ "they are numerous, they are many" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p mihcêtipakâw:mihcêtipakâ IICONJw "it is leafy, it has many leaves" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihko-sîpihkwâw:mihko-sîpihkwâ IICONJw "it is purple, literally: it is red-blue" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihkonâkwan IICONJ "it looks reddish" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mihkonikâtêw:mihkonikâtê IICONJw "it is painted red" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihkopayin IICONJ "it reddens, it turns red" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mihkowan IICONJ "it is bloody, it is blood-stained" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mihkowihtakâw:mihkowihtakâ IICONJw "it is a bloody board or floor" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihkowiw:mihkowi IICONJw "it is bloody, it bleeds, it is bleeding" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihkwahikâtêw:mihkwahikâtê IICONJw "it is made red" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihkwan IICONJ "it is red" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mihkwasinâstêw:mihkwasinâstê IICONJw "it has red marks, red spots, red stripes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihkwaskamikâw:mihkwaskamikâ IICONJw "it is red ground, it is red earth" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihkwaskâw:mihkwaskâ IICONJw "it is a red sky, there are red clouds at sunset" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihkwâkamin IICONJ "it is a red liquid" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mihkwâkamiw:mihkwâkami IICONJw "it is a red liquid, it is red water" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihkwâpakwanîw:mihkwâpakwanî IICONJw "it has red flowers" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihkwâpiskâw:mihkwâpiskâ IICONJw "it is red (metal or rock)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihkwâsin IICONJ "it is quite red (as a bruise)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive mihkwâw:mihkwâ IICONJw "it is red" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mihtiskâw:mihtiskâ IICONJw "it is wooded land, there is an abundance of wood, there is plenty of firewood in the area" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mikiskon IICONJ "it is early fall" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mikoskâcihtâkwan IICONJ "it makes a disturbing noise" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mikoskâtêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is troublesome" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s minahikoskâw:minahikoskâ IICONJw "it is a pine forest, it is a spruce grove" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ministikowiw:ministikowi IICONJw "it has islands" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s misakâmêsohtin IICONJ "it extends all the way" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s misâsin IICONJ "it is rather large" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive misâw:misâ IICONJw "it is big" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s misêkin IICONJ "it is an expanse of ice ,, it is a big hide, it is a large piece of material" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s misi-tawâw:misi-tawâ IICONJw "there is plenty of room, there is a large open space" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s misi-yôtin IICONJ "it is very windy, there is a strong wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s misikamâw:misikamâ IICONJw "it is a big expanse of water, it is a big lake" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s misiwanâcisîmakan IICONJ "it is ruined, it causes ruin, destruction" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s misiwanâtan IICONJ "it is ruined, it is destroyed, it is spoiled, it decays" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s misiwêminakinikâtêw:misiwêminakinikâtê IICONJw "it is fully beaded, it is covered in beads, it is beaded all over" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s misiwêyâw:misiwêyâ IICONJw "it is whole" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s misiyâpiskâw:misiyâpiskâ IICONJw "it is rusty, it is rusted" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miskâkaniw:miskâkani IICONJw "it is found" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miskikâtêw:miskikâtê IICONJw "it is found" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miskwamîwiw:miskwamîwi IICONJw "it is icy" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mispon IICONJ "it snows, it is snowing" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s misposin IICONJ "it snows a little" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive misposkin IICONJ "it snows often" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, habitual mistakihtêw:mistakihtê IICONJw "it is counted for much, it is expensive" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mistikowan IICONJ "it is wooden, it is made of wood" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mistikwâskwêyâw:mistikwâskwêyâ IICONJw "there is a bluff of evergreen trees" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miyawâtikwan IICONJ "it is a celebration" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyâhkwan IICONJ "it has an odour" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyâkwan IICONJ "it smells, it emits an odour" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyimâwahcâw:miyimâwahcâ IICONJw "damp ground" ; ! VII-v singular miyimâwâw:miyimâwâ IICONJw "it is damp, it is moist" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miyiwan IICONJ "it has pus, it has a discharge" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyo-kîsikâw:miyo-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is a nice day, it is a fine day, it is good weather" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miyo-tipiskâw:miyo-tipiskâ IICONJw "it is a fine night, it is a good night" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miyohtâkwan IICONJ "it sounds pleasant" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyomâkwan IICONJ "it smells good, it smells fragrant" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyomon IICONJ "it fits well (as a window in a frame)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyonâkwan IICONJ "it is beautiful, it looks good, it has a nice appearance, it looks prosperous" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyonikwan IICONJ "it is good walking, there is good footing" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyopayin IICONJ "it runs well, it runs smoothly, it works well" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyopayiw:miyopayi IICONJw "it goes well, it goes smoothly, it works well" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miyoskamin IICONJ "it is early spring, it is springtime, it is ice break-up, literally: it is good ground" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyoskamiw:miyoskami IICONJw "it is early spring" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miyospakwan IICONJ "it tastes good, it tastes nice, it has a fine taste" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyostêw:miyostê IICONJw "it is arranged nicely" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miyotamon IICONJ "it is a good road, it is a well-beaten path" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miyotâkosin IICONJ "it is a fine evening" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s miywasinâstêw:miywasinâstê IICONJw "it is marked nicely, s/he is shaded nicely" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miywastêw:miywastê IICONJw "it is placed well" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miywâsin IICONJ "it is good, it is nice, it is pretty, it is beautiful, it is valuable, [in negative clauses:] it is bad, it is evil" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s historically a diminutive formation, but the basic non-diminutive form is no longer used miywêyihcikâtêw:miywêyihcikâtê IICONJw "it is well thought of, it feels good" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s miywêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is enjoyable, it is pleasant, it is well-liked" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mîkisihkahtêw:mîkisihkahtê IICONJw "it is beaded" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mîkisiwiw:mîkisiwi IICONJw "it is beaded" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mînisiskâw:mînisiskâ IICONJw "there are many berries, berries are abundant" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mînisiwan IICONJ "it bears fruit" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mîsahikâtêw:mîsahikâtê IICONJw "it is mended" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mîsiyâpiskâw:mîsiyâpiskâ IICONJw "it is rusty" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mîtosiskâw:mîtosiskâ IICONJw "there are many trees, it is a poplar thicket" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mohtêwiskâw:mohtêwiskâ IICONJw "there is a caterpillar plague, there are many caterpillars" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s moscâstan IICONJ "there are warm breezes, the winds are light" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s mostaskamikâw:mostaskamikâ IICONJw "it is bare ground" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mostâwahtâw:mostâwahtâ IICONJw "it is bare ground" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s môcikan IICONJ "it is fun" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s môhkahcâw:môhkahcâ IICONJw "it is bare hilly land" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s môhkiciwanipêw:môhkiciwanipê IICONJw "it is a spring (of water)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s môhkocikâtêw:môhkocikâtê IICONJw "it is whittled, it is sharpened (as a pencil), it is planed" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s môsâkamin IICONJ "it is a weak liquid (as tea)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s môskiciwan IICONJ "it flows out (as a spring)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s môskinêw:môskinê IICONJw "it is full, it overflows" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s môskipêw:môskipê IICONJw "it is a spring of water" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s môsoskâw:môsoskâ IICONJw "there are many moose in the area" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s môswaskâw:môswaskâ IICONJw "there are lots of moose" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s mwêstasin IICONJ "it is late" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s na-nêpêwihtâkwan:nêpêwihtâkwan IICONJ "it sounds shameful, it sounds disgraceful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, reduplicated nahâwastêw:nahâwastê IICONJw "it is placed in order, it is neat and proper" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nahêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is satisfactory, well" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nahipayiw:nahipayi IICONJw "it fits well (e.g. a door on a frame)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nahiskâtomakanwa:nahiskâtomakan IICONJ "they match, they look nice together" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p plural generally nakacipiciscikâtêw:nakacipiciscikâtê IICONJw "it is left when camp is moved, it is moved away from" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nakahcâw:nakahcâ IICONJw "it is a steep hill, it is a cliff" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nakahpêhan IICONJ "there is a west wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nakipayiw:nakipayi IICONJw "it stops working (automatically)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s namakîkwâw:namakîkwâ IICONJw "it disappears, it is nothing" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s namastêw:namastê IICONJw "it is wrong, incorrect" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s namatakon IICONJ "it is absent, it is gone, it disappears" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s namayêw:namayê IICONJw "it did not occur in time" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s namêkosiskâw:namêkosiskâ IICONJw "there are many trout" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s namêsiwan IICONJ "there are sturgeon" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s namipayiw:namipayi IICONJw "it shakes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s reduplicated generally: nanamipayiw nanamaskamikêpayiw:nanamaskamikêpayi IICONJw "there is an earthquake, the earth trembles" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nanamâstan IICONJ "it is shaken by the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nanâtohkinâkwan IICONJ "it is many-coloured" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nanâtohkwâpakwanîw:nanâtohkwâpakwanî IICONJw "it has many-coloured flowers" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nanêhtahkâw:nanêhtahkâ IICONJw "it is twilight" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nanîsânan IICONJ "it is difficult" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s archaic napakâpiskâw:napakâpiskâ IICONJw "it is a flat metal" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s napakâsin IICONJ "it is rather flat" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive napakâw:napakâ IICONJw "it is flat" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s napatêyâstan IICONJ "it is blown to one side" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s napopayiw:napopayi IICONJw "it folds over (automatically)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s natawêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is necessary, it is required" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nawatâskitêw:nawatâskitê IICONJw "it catches on fire, it is reached by flames, it catches fire" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nawêkotêw:nawêkotê IICONJw "it hangs slanted (as a picture)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nawêyâstan IICONJ "it leans into the wind, it leans against the wind" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nayêhtâwan IICONJ "it is difficult, problematical, awkward, troublesome, inconvenient" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nayêhtâwipayin IICONJ "there is trouble, there are problems" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nâcikâtêw:nâcikâtê IICONJw "it is fetched, it is brought" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ńâhkâstimon IICONJ "it sails lightly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nâmiwanâw:nâmiwanâ IICONJw "there is a wind from the rear" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nânâhtêtêw:nânâhtêtê IICONJw "it is a heat mirage" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nânâhtêw:nânâhtê IICONJw "it is a mirage, dazzling sunlight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nâtakâmêyâstan IICONJ "it sails or is blown across toward shore" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nâtwâhtin IICONJ "it breaks in two from falling" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nâtwâpayiw:nâtwâpayi IICONJw "it breaks in two, it breaks off (as in a high wind)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nâtwâyâstan IICONJ "it breaks in the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nêhiyawiyîhkâtêw:nêhiyawiyîhkâtê IICONJw "it is called so in Cree" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nêhpêmastêw:nêhpêmastê IICONJw "it is placed in readiness" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nêpêwihtâkwan IICONJ "it sounds shameful, it sounds disgraceful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nêpêwinâkwan IICONJ "it looks disgraceful, shameful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nêsowan IICONJ "it is weak" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nêsowâw:nêsowâ IICONJw "it is weak" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nêtinâw:nêtinâ IICONJw "it is a sharply projecting hill" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nêwinwa:nêwin IICONJ "they are four in number" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nêwo-kîsikâw:nêwo-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Thursday, literally: (it is) the fourth day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nêwokâtêw:nêwokâtê IICONJw "it is four panels wide (as a tent) ,, it has four legs" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nêwowanwa:nêwowan IICONJ "they are four in number" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p nêyâhtakâw:nêyâhtakâ IICONJw "the trees are just right (for setting snares, etc.)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nêyâskwêyâw:nêyâskwêyâ IICONJw "it is a point of the woods" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nêyâw:nêyâ IICONJw "it is a promontory, a tip of land, a peninsula" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nikamômakan IICONJ "it sings" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nikohtêmakan IICONJ "it prepares firewood" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nikotwâsiko-kîsikâw:nikotwâsiko-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Saturday, literally (it is) the sixth day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nikotwâso-kîsikâw:nikotwâso-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Saturday, literally: (it is) the sixth day" ; ! VII-v nimitâwiyâstan IICONJ "it blows from land out into water" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nipahâhkwan IICONJ "it is powerful (e.g. medicine)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nipahi-yôtin IICONJ "it is very windy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nipahiwêmakan IICONJ "it is deadly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nipêskâkêmakan IICONJ "it causes sleep" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nipîmakan IICONJ "it dies, it dies out, it is dead" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nipîskâw:nipîskâ IICONJw "there is a lot of water around" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nipîwan IICONJ "it is wet, it is dripping wet" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nipîwiw:nipîwi IICONJw "there is water, it has water, it is watery, it contains water (e.g. watermelon)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nipômakan IICONJ "it dies, it is dead" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nipôwinâkwan IICONJ "it looks like death, it looks as if dead" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nisitawêyihcikâtêw:nisitawêyihcikâtê IICONJw "it is recognized" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nisitawêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is known, it is recognized" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nisitohtâkwan IICONJ "it is recognized by sound, it is recognizable in sound" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nisiwanâtan IICONJ "it is spoiled, be destroyed" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s niskiskâw:niskiskâ IICONJw "there is an abundance of geese" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nistinwa:nistin IICONJ "they are three in number" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p nisto-kîsikâw:nisto-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Wednesday, literally: (it is) the third day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nistokâtêwêyâw:nistokâtêwêyâ IICONJw "it has three legs (as a stool)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nitawêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is desired, it is wanted, it is necessary" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nitonikâtêw:nitonikâtê IICONJw "it is looked for" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s niyânaniwa:niyânani IICONJ "they are five in number" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0p niyânano-kîsikâw:niyânano-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Friday, literally: (it is )the fifth day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s niyâw:niyâ IICONJw "it is a point of land" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîhcipicikâtêw:nîhcipicikâtê IICONJw "it is pulled down" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîhtaciwêhcâw:nîhtaciwêhcâ IICONJw "it is downhill land" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîhtâstan IICONJ "it is blown down" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nîkânêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is thought of as superior, a priority" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nîkânîmakan IICONJ "it is first, best, favorite, it leads" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nîkânîwiw:nîkânîwi IICONJw "it is in the future" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîpâmâyâtan IICONJ "it is purple" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nîpâyâstêw:nîpâyâstê IICONJw "it is moonlight, be a moonlit night" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîpin IICONJ "it is summer" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s nîpisîhkopâw IICONJw "it is a willow groove" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîpitêstêwa:nîpitêstê IICONJ "they are in a row" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0p nîpîskâw:nîpîskâ IICONJw "there are many leaves" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîpîwiw:nîpîwi IICONJw "it has leaves" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîsinwa:nîsin IICONJ "they are two in number" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p nîskâw:nîskâ IICONJw "it is damp" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîskâyâw:nîskâyâ IICONJw "it is damp weather" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîso-kîsikâw:nîso-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Tuesday, literally: (it is) the second day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîso-tipiskâw:nîso-tipiskâ IICONJw "it is Tuesday night, literally: (it is) the second night" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîsoyîhkâtêw:nîsoyîhkâtê IICONJw "it has two names" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nîswaskitêwa:nîswaskitê IICONJ "they are two standing together" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0p nîswastêw:nîswastê IICONJw "it is doubled" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nôhtêpayiw:nôhtêpayi IICONJw "it is insufficient, it falls short" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s nôkwan IICONJ "it appears, it becomes visible, it is seen" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s reduplicated: na-nôkwan nôtimâw:nôtimâ IICONJw "it is round" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ńôtin IICONJ "there is a wind, it is windy" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cf. VTA-1 2s-3s IMP: nôtin fight him/her! ocêhtowi-kîsikâw:ocêhtowi-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is New Year's Day, literally: it is kissing-day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ocêpihkowan IICONJ "it has roots" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ocicâhkoskâw:ocicâhkoskâ IICONJw "cranes are numerous, there are numerous cranes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ocihciminikâtêw:ocihciminikâtê IICONJw "it is held at that spot" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ocihcipayin IICONJ "it comes to pass, it occurs" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ocipicikâtêw:ocipicikâtê IICONJw "it is pulled, it is pulled out" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ohciciwan IICONJ "it flows thence, it flows from there" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ohcikawiw:ohcikawi IICONJw "it drips, it flows from there, it leaks" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ohcinâkwan IICONJ "it is seen from there" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ohcipayin IICONJ "it comes from there, it results from that" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ohcipayiw:ohcipayi IICONJw "it moves thence, it rides thence, it come from there" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ohcistin IICONJ "it leaks" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ohpahipêw:ohpahipê IICONJw "it floats to the top (e.g. drowned body)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ohpastêw:ohpastê IICONJw "it is higher than ground level" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ohpatinâw:ohpatinâ IICONJw "it is a high hill" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ohpikin IICONJ "it grows, it grows up" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ohpikîmakan IICONJ "it grows up" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ohpîw:ohpî IICONJw "it goes up, it jumps" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ohpwêyawâhkâstan IICONJ "there is a sandstorm" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ohtâstan IICONJ "it is blown by the wind from there" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ohtêpayiw:ohtêpayi IICONJw "it boils (e.g. water), it bubbles, it fizzes, it foams (e.g. water in falls or rapids)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ohtêw:ohtê IICONJw "it boils" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s ohtin IICONJ "there is wind blowing from that way" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s okâminakasîskâw:okâminakasîskâ IICONJw "there are many thornbushes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s onimiskîskâw:onimiskîskâ IICONJw "there is plenty of thunder" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osâmêyatinwa:osâmêyatin IICONJ "they are too numerous" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0p osâmihkahtêw:osâmihkahtê IICONJw "it is overcooked" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osâpahtêw:osâpahtê IICONJw "there is smoke or haze coming from that direction" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osâwasiskîwastêw:osâwasiskîwastê IICONJw "it is painted with yellow clay" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osâwaskwan IICONJ "it is a yellow sky (e.g. sunset, fire in the distance)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s osâwaskwâw:osâwaskwâ IICONJw "it is blue-green" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osâwâkamin IICONJ "it is a yellow liquid" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s osâwâpiskâw:osâwâpiskâ IICONJw "it is golden, copper, brass" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osâwâw:osâwâ IICONJw "it is yellow, it is orange" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osâwi-mihkwâw:osâwi-mihkwâ IICONJw "it is orange" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osâwi-sôniyâwiw:osâwi-sôniyâwi IICONJw "it contains gold, it is made of gold" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osâwinâkwan IICONJ "it looks yellowish or brownish" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s osâwipêskwan IICONJ "it is a sky with yellow spots" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s osêhcâw:osêhcâ IICONJw "it is a rise in the land, it is a hill" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osêtinâw:osêtinâ IICONJw "it is a ridge or knoll" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osikwânâstêw:osikwânâstê IICONJw "it is smoke-dried" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osîhcikâtêw:osîhcikâtê IICONJw "it is built, it is made, it is prepared" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s osk-âyiwan IICONJ "it is new" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s oskaniwan IICONJ "it is bony, it has bones" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s oskaskosîwinâkwan IICONJ "it looks green, it has a green appearance" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s oskâhtakoskâw:oskâhtakoskâ IICONJw "there are many pines, there is an abundance of pines around" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s oskâhtikosiskâw:oskâhtikosiskâ IICONJw "it is a land full of young trees, jackpines" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s oskinâkwan IICONJ "it looks new, it looks fresh" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s otâkosin IICONJ "it is evening" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s otinikâtêw:otinikâtê IICONJw "it is taken, it is purchased" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s otinikêmakan IICONJ "it acts to take away, it takes away" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s oyâskwan IICONJ "it is arranged on wood or stick" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s ôcêwan IICONJ "there are many flies, it is maggoty" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pahkihtin IICONJ "it falls, it falls down" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pahkikawin IICONJ "it drips (e.g. water)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pahkikawiw:pahkikawi IICONJw "it is dripping (i.e. a liquid)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pahkipêstâw:pahkipêstâ IICONJw "it is a shower, there are large raindrops falling, there are raindrops falling gently" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pahkipêstin IICONJ "it drips (as from a roof)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pahkisimon IICONJ "it is sunset" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pahkitêw:pahkitê IICONJw "it explodes, embers are crackling" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pahkwâcîsiskâw:pahkwâcîsiskâ IICONJw "there is an abundance of bats, there are numerous bats" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pahkwêpayin IICONJ "it has a piece break off, it breaks into pieces" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pahkwêsikani-kîsikâw:pahkwêsikani-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Friday, literally: (it is) flour-day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pakamahikâtêw:pakamahikâtê IICONJw "it is hit" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pakamâstan IICONJ "it is hit against something by the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pakamihtin IICONJ "it falls against something" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pakamipayiw:pakamipayi IICONJw "it bumps against something" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pakaskinâkwan IICONJ "it is clear, visible" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pakastawêpayin IICONJ "it falls into the water" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pakâhtêw:pakâhtê IICONJw "it is boiled in water" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pakitinikâtêw:pakitinikâtê IICONJw "it is permitted" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pakonêyâw:pakonêyâ IICONJw "it has a hole in it" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pakwâtikwan IICONJ "it is hateful, it is hated" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s papakâsin IICONJ "it is thin, it is rather thin (e.g. cloth or paper)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive papakâw:papakâ IICONJw "it is thin, it is not thick (e.g. a board)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s papakitin IICONJ "it freezes thin, it is thin ice" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s papakwatêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is amusing" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s papâmastêw:papâmastê IICONJw "it lies along, it is here and there, it is littered about" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s papâmâpêkamow:papâmâpêkamo IICONJw "it is strung about, it is clinging" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s papâmâstan IICONJ "it is blown about with the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s papâmihâmakan IICONJ "it flies about" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s papâmiwêpâstan IICONJ "it blows about with the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s papêskwacistin IICONJ "it is a snowdrift, it is snowdrifting" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s papêskwatâstan IICONJ "it is drifting into snowbanks" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s papêstin IICONJ "it is a drift from the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s papêtan IICONJ "it is slow" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s papitikohkahtêw:papitikohkahtê IICONJw "it burns shriveling" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated pasahcâw:pasahcâ IICONJw "it is a valley, it is a long hollow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pasakocêskiwakâw:pasakocêskiwakâ IICONJw "it is sticky mud" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pasakwamow:pasakwamo IICONJw "it adheres, it sticks" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pasakwâw:pasakwâ IICONJw "it is sticky" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pasisâwêw:pasisâwê IICONJw "it is a prairie fire, it is (a field) set on fire" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pasitêw:pasitê IICONJw "it is on fire, it is a prairie fire" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s paskêhtin IICONJ "it is a small river branching off (from the main)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s paskêmon IICONJ "it branches off, it is a fork in the road ,, [plural:] they divide, they separate" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s paskicipayiw:paskicipayi IICONJw "it falls and hangs over (the fence)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s paskipayiw:paskipayi IICONJw "it snaps (when pulled, as rope)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s paskitêw:paskitê IICONJw "it sparks, it has sparks come from it" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s alternatively: /pask-/ + /-iT/ + /-ê/ paskwâw:paskwâ IICONJw "it is prairie" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s paskwâyâw:paskwâyâ IICONJw "it is open country" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s paswêyâw:paswêyâ IICONJw "it is excessively fatty, it is fat and greasy" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s patotêpayiw:patotêpayi IICONJw "it runs off the track or line" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s payipâw:payipâ IICONJw "it has a hole through it" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s payipisikâtêw:payipisikâtê IICONJw "it is perforated" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pâh-pakwatêyihtâkwan:pakwatêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is very amusing" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, reduplicated pâh-piskihcastêw:piskihcastê IICONJw "it is in separate places" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated pâh-piskwahcâw:piskwahcâ IICONJw "it is uneven ground" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated pâh-piskwâw:piskwâ IICONJw "it is lumpy in places" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated pâhkwahcâw:pâhkwahcâ IICONJw "it is dry ground" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pâhkwâsin IICONJ "it is shallow, it is the bottom of water" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive pâhkwâw:pâhkwâ IICONJw "it is dry, it is shallow water, it is almost dried up" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pâhpihtâkwan IICONJ "it is laughable" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pâkan IICONJ "it is swollen" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pâkâw:pâkâ IICONJw "it is swollen" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pâscipêw:pâscipê IICONJw "it overflows" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pâsikâtêw IICONJw "it is dried" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pâsikwâtan IICONJ "it is stormy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pâskihtêpayin IICONJ "it goes open (e.g. door)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pâstâciwahtêw:pâstâciwahtê IICONJw "it boils over" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pâstêw:pâstê IICONJw "it dries, it is dried (in warmth), it is dry" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pâstipayin IICONJ "it breaks, it bursts (e.g. bottle, head)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pâstipayiw:pâstipayi IICONJw "it is smashed, it cracks (as a glass in hot water)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pâwistikociwan IICONJ "it flows with rapids" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pâwistikowan IICONJ "there are a series of rapids" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pê-kisîpayin:kisîpayin IICONJ "it comes quickly (by sailing)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pê-nôkwan:nôkwan IICONJ "it comes in sight, it is seen, it comes to pass" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pê-yâsipayiw:yâsipayi IICONJw "it comes sliding down" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pêciciwan IICONJ "there is water flowing in, there is water coming in, it is the tide" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pêcikâtêw:pêcikâtê IICONJw "it is brought" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pêcinâkwan IICONJ "it is seen approaching" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pêhtâkaniwiw:pêhtâkaniwi IICONJw "it is heard" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pêhtâkwan IICONJ "it is audible, it is heard, it is noisy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pêsonâkwan IICONJ "it appears to be near" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pêsowan IICONJ "it is near, it is a short distance" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pêtakotêw:pêtakotê IICONJw "it comes through the air" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pêtâhotêw:pêtâhotê IICONJw "it is carried hither by current or waves" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pêtâpan IICONJ "it is dawn, it is daybreak, it becomes dawn" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pêtâstan IICONJ "it blows this way" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pêtâstêw:pêtâstê IICONJw "it is blown here by the wind" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pêtowêkotêw:pêtowêkotê IICONJw "it comes noisily flying" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pêyako-kîsikâw:pêyako-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Monday, literally: (it is) the first day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pêyakwan IICONJ "it is one, it is the same" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pêyakwaskan IICONJ "it is for one shot, it is single-barreled" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pêyakwaskokâpawiw:pêyakwaskokâpawi IICONJw "it stands as one blade or stem" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pêyakwêkan IICONJ "it is a single piece (i.e. cloth)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s picwastêw:picwastê IICONJw "it lies around" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pihêskâw:pihêskâ IICONJw "there are many partridges" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pihkahtêw:pihkahtê IICONJw "it is burnt (as a roast)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pihkasikâtêw:pihkasikâtê IICONJw "it is toasted, it is burnt" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pihkonâkwan IICONJ "it is grey, it is ashen" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pihkosiskâw:pihkosiskâ IICONJw "there are many sandflies" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pihkowan IICONJ "it is covered with ashes" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pihkwan IICONJ "it is coarse" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pikihtêw:pikihtê IICONJw "it smokes, it sends up smoke, it is burning, it sends up fog (as water cooling)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pikiskatin IICONJ "it is decayed, it is rotten" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pikwâhtin IICONJ "it is dull" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimahotêw:pimahotê IICONJw "it drifts" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimakotêw:pimakotê IICONJw "it flies past, it runs along, it operates, it works, it is in working order (e.g. tape-recorder)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimamon IICONJ "it runs along, it passes along" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimamow:pimamo IICONJw "it passes along" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimastêw:pimastê IICONJw "it is placed in linear fashion, it runs along, it lies along" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimâpahtêw:pimâpahtê IICONJw "it floats along as smoke, it is smoke blowing a long way" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimâpêkamow:pimâpêkamo IICONJw "it is strung about clinging to things" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimâpotêw:pimâpotê IICONJw "it flows along" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimâskohtin IICONJ "it lies on the ground (e.g. a log)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimâstamahcâw:pimâstamahcâ IICONJw "it is a hill facing sideways" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimâstan IICONJ "it is blown about by the wind, it sails about in the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimâtan IICONJ "it has life, it lives" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimâtisiwiniwiw:pimâtisiwiniwi IICONJw "it is life" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimicastêw:pimicastê IICONJw "it is set alongside" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimiciwan IICONJ "it flows, it flows along (as a stream)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimiciyowêw:pimiciyowê IICONJw "it blows from the side" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimihâmakan IICONJ "it flies" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimihtin IICONJ "it goes past, it goes along (e.g. river, trail), it streams, it flows by, it lies extended" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimipayin IICONJ "it works, it goes, it functions, it runs, it runs along" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimipayiw:pimipayi IICONJw "it moves along, it runs by, it goes on, it is on, it operates" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimitamow:pimitamo IICONJw "it is a crosswise road, it lies crosswise" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimitastêw:pimitastê IICONJw "it lies sideways, it is a bunk (on a wagon)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimîwakan IICONJ "it smells greasy, oily" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s possibly also: pimîwimâkwan pimîwan IICONJ "it contains oil, it is greasy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimîwastêw:pimîwastê IICONJw "it forms fat" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pimîwihtin IICONJ "it settles and forms fat" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimohtêmakan IICONJ "it goes on its own, it goes on, it functions" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pimohtêskanawan IICONJ "it is a foot path or trail" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pinipakâw:pinipakâ IICONJw "it is leaf-fall" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pipon IICONJ "it is winter, is one year" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pisisikwastêw:pisisikwastê IICONJw "it stands empty" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pisisikwâw:pisisikwâ IICONJw "it is empty" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pisistôsiwan IICONJ "it is a small whirlwind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s piskihcâsin IICONJ "it is a separate compartment" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive piskihcâw:piskihcâ IICONJw "it is partitioned off" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s piskihcâyâw:piskihcâyâ IICONJw "it is separate, it is by itself" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s piskwahcâw:piskwahcâ IICONJw "it is a knoll" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s piskwatinâw:piskwatinâ IICONJw "it is a mound" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s piskwâw:piskwâ IICONJw "it is lumpy, it has a lump" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pitihkohtin IICONJ "it falls with a thud" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pitihkwêkâstan IICONJ "it flaps noisily in the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pitihkwêw:pitihkwê IICONJw "it thuds, it makes a noise" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pitikonikâtêw:pitikonikâtê IICONJw "it is shaped, it is formed into patties" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pitikwâw:pitikwâ IICONJw "it is all in a lump" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s piyêsiwiw:piyêsiwi IICONJw "it is a thunderstorm" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s piyêsîsiskâw:piyêsîsiskâ IICONJw "there are an abundance of birds, birds are numerous" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîhawawâskwêyâw:pîhawawâskwêyâ IICONJw "it is open land" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîhcâsin IICONJ "it is quite a ways" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive pîhcâw:pîhcâ IICONJw "it extends far, it is far off, it is a long way" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîhcihtin IICONJ "it fits inside" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîhciyowêw:pîhciyowê IICONJw "it blows in, it is a wind blowing in" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîhkipayiw:pîhkipayi IICONJw "it bends at an angle" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîhkwâsin IICONJ "it is quite sharp" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive pîhkwâtin IICONJ "it is sharp" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîhtokêyâstan IICONJ "it is blown in" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîhtokwêmon IICONJ "it goes into (as a door, gate, room), it enters (as a path), it runs in" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîkisêmahan IICONJ "it is foggy on the water" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîkisêyâw:pîkisêyâ IICONJw "it is foggy, it is misty" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîkiskâcihtâkwan IICONJ "it sounds mournful, sad" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîkiskâcinâkwan IICONJ "it looks lonely and gloomy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîkiskâtikwan IICONJ "it is a sad situation" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîkiskwêmakan IICONJ "it speaks, it talks, it uses words" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîkohtin IICONJ "it is broken falling, it breaks while falling" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîkonikâtêw:pîkonikâtê IICONJw "it is broken, it is torn, it is broken down" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîkonikêmakan IICONJ "it causes things to break down" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîkopayin IICONJ "it is broken, it breaks down" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîkopayiw:pîkopayi IICONJw "it is broken" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîkopicikâtêw:pîkopicikâtê IICONJw "it is ploughed soil, it is cultivated" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîkwâstan IICONJ "it breaks in the wind, it is blown to pieces" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîmâpiskâw:pîmâpiskâ IICONJw "it is crooked (something made of metal)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîmâw:pîmâ IICONJw "it is twisted, it is not straight" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîmikitêw:pîmikitê IICONJw "it has quill-work" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîmikwâtêw:pîmikwâtê IICONJw "it is sewn crooked" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîsawâcâsin IICONJ "it is windy with rain" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive pîsâkamâskâsin IICONJ "the water is a bit rough" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive pîsâkwan IICONJ "it contains much, it has a capacity for holding a lot, it is abundant" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîsâpikwanîwan IICONJ "it has small flowers" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîsimowan IICONJ "it is sunny, it is moonlight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîsimowâyâw:pîsimowâyâ IICONJw "it is bright and sunny" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîsimowiw:pîsimowi IICONJw "it has sun, it is sunny" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîsipakâw:pîsipakâ IICONJw "it has small leaves" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîstêwaciwahtêw:pîstêwaciwahtê IICONJw "it boils until a scum appears" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîstêwan IICONJ "it has foam, it is foamy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîstêwiw:pîstêwi IICONJw "it has froth or foam" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîswêskiwakâw:pîswêskiwakâ IICONJw "it is a soft bog, it is quicksand" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîswêyâw:pîswêyâ IICONJw "it is woolly and fleecy" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîtosinâkwan IICONJ "it looks different" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîwan IICONJ "it is drifting (i.e. snow), it is a blizzard" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîwani-yôtin IICONJ "it is a blizzard" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîwaskisow:pîwaskiso IICONJw "it is poor grain growth" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîwastêw:pîwastê IICONJw "it is scattered about" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s often plural pîwâpiskowan IICONJ "it is iron, it is metal" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîwâpiskowiw:pîwâpiskowi IICONJw "it is of iron" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîwâstan IICONJ "it is scattered about by the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîwêyâwahkwâw:pîwêyâwahkwâ IICONJw "it is powdery" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pîwêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is despised, it is considered inferior" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pîwipayiw:pîwipayi IICONJw "it lies scattered about" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pohcipayin IICONJ "it falls into a hole" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pohcipayiw:pohcipayi IICONJw "it goes into a hole, it falls into a hole" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pohtastêw:pohtastê IICONJw "it is inserted" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s posiskatinâw:posiskatinâ IICONJw "it is a steep gulley wall, it is a steep valley wall" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pômênâkwan IICONJ "it look discouraging" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pôn-âpihtâ-kîsikâw:pôn-âpihtâ-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is afternoon" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pôn-âpihtâ-tipiskâw:pôn-âpihtâ-tipiskâ IICONJw "it is after midnight, it is very early morning" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pôn-âyamihêwi-kîsikâw:pôn-âyamihêwi-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Monday, literally: (it is) the day after prayer day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pôni-kimiwan IICONJ "it stops raining" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pôni-mispon IICONJ "it stops snowing" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pôni-nôkwan IICONJ "it disappears" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pônihtin IICONJ "it ceases to fall" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pônikâtêw:pônikâtê IICONJw "it is burnt in a fire, it is made a fire of" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pônipayin IICONJ "it stops, it quits" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pônipayiw:pônipayi IICONJw "it stops running, it stops operating, it ceases, it ceases to exist" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pôskohtin IICONJ "it gets a hole through it (e.g. a canoe), it bursts (as a tire), it bursts from wearing out" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s pôskopayiw:pôskopayi IICONJw "it bursts" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pôskwahikâtêw:pôskwahikâtê IICONJw "it has holes put in it, it is pierced" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s pôskwâw:pôskwâ IICONJw "it has a hole in it" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sahkwêw:sahkwê IICONJw "it makes a crashing sound, it echoes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sakahpitêw:sakahpitê IICONJw "it is tied fast or tightly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sakamon IICONJ "it adheres, it is caught or hooked, it is attached" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sakâw:sakâ IICONJw "it is bush, woods, there is a grove of trees, woodland, forest" ; ! VII-v singular sakimêskâw:sakimêskâ IICONJw "there is an abundance of mosquitoes, it is infested with mosquitoes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s samahcâw:samahcâ IICONJw "it is steep" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sasâkwâw:sasâkwâ IICONJw "it is narrow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated saskan IICONJ "it thaws, it is melting, it is ice-break, it is a chinook, it is the thaw, it is a time of fast snow-melting" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s saskaniyowêw:saskaniyowê IICONJw "it is a chinook" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s saskitêpayiw:saskitêpayi IICONJw "it ignites, it catches on fire" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s saskitêw:saskitê IICONJw "it catches on fire, it ignites, it is on fire" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sawêyâw:sawêyâ IICONJw "it has four sides" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sawêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is blessed" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sâkaciwahtêw:sâkaciwahtê IICONJw "it sticks out at the top in boiling" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâkahikanisiwiw:sâkahikanisiwi IICONJw "it is a small lake" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâkahikaniwiw:sâkahikaniwi IICONJw "it is a lake, it has lakes" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâkamon IICONJ "it sticks out, it projects" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sâkamow:sâkamo IICONJw "it sticks out" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâkaskâw:sâkaskâ IICONJw "it is the grass showing growth" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâkaskinêmâkwan IICONJ "it is filled with a scent (i.e. a place)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sâkaskinêw:sâkaskinê IICONJw "it is full, it is in to the full" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâkaskinêyâpahtêw:sâkaskinêyâpahtê IICONJw "it is filled with smoke" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâkaskitêw:sâkaskitê IICONJw "it projects out of the ground" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâkâskitêw:sâkâskitê IICONJw "flames are seen from a distance" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâkâstêw:sâkâstê IICONJw "it is sunrise, it is sunny, it is day-light" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâkâwâsin IICONJ "it is a bit narrow, it is rather narrow" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive sâkâwâw:sâkâwâ IICONJw "it is narrow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâkêkamon IICONJ "it sticks out as cloth, it projects as cloth" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sâkikin IICONJ "it grows forth, it sprouts" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sâkipakâw:sâkipakâ IICONJw "it is budding, it is leaf-budding, it sprouts leaves, it is the time of leaf-budding" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâmaskêhtin IICONJ "it lies or falls so as to touch ground" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sâmihtin IICONJ "it touches (as something touching the floor)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sâpo-wâsitêw:sâpo-wâsitê IICONJw "lights are seen shining through, it shines through" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâpociwan IICONJ "it flows through" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sâpohtawêyâw:sâpohtawêyâ IICONJw "it has an opening at each end" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâpohyawâw:sâpohyawâ IICONJw "it has an opening (as a culvert)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâponâkwan IICONJ "it is transparent" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sâpopayiw:sâpopayi IICONJw "it is pierced, it is leaky, it goes through, it passes through" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâpopêkan IICONJ "it is soaking" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sâpopêw:sâpopê IICONJw "it is wet, it is drenched" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâpopêyâw:sâpopê IICONJw "it is water-soaked (e.g. the ground)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâpostamow:sâpostamo IICONJw "it goes through" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s cf. kâ-sâpostamoki reaches (on a carriage) - add a separate INM entry sâpoyowêw:sâpoyowê IICONJw "it has the wind blowing through" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâpôminiskâw:sâpôminiskâ IICONJw "there are many gooseberry bushes around" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâpwâstan IICONJ "it is the wind blowing through" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sâpwâstêw:sâpwâstê IICONJw "it is transparent" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâsakitastêw:sâsakitastê IICONJw "it is placed facing up" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâsâpiskicikâtêw:sâsâpiskicikâtê IICONJw "it is fried" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâsâpiskitêw:sâsâpiskitê IICONJw "it is fried" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sâwani-yôtin IICONJ "it is a south wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sêhkê-atoskêmakan IICONJ "it works automatically" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sêhkêpayiw:sêhkêpayi IICONJw "it goes forward quickly, it goes automatically" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sêkinâkwan IICONJ "it looks frightful, frightening" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sêkopayin IICONJ "it runs beneath, s/he goes underneath, s/he gets caught underneath" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sêkwamow:sêkwamo IICONJw "it is underneath, it runs beneath" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sêsêskinâkwan IICONJ "it looks dreadful, frightful" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sêskâpahtêw:sêskâpahtê IICONJw "there is smoke blowing into the woods" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sêwêpayiw:sêwêpayi IICONJw "it jingles, s/he rattles" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sikâkomâkwan IICONJ "it has a skunk odour" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sikopayiw:sikopayi IICONJw "it is reduced to small bits, it is pulverized" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sikwatahikâtêw:sikwatahikâtê IICONJw "it is pounded until small" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sikwatatin IICONJ "it is rotten" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sikwâciwahtêw:sikwâciwahtê IICONJw "it is boiled so as to fall into small bits" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s simacipayiw:simacipayi IICONJw "it turns upwards, it straightens up" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sipwêmakan IICONJ "it goes away" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sipwêpayin IICONJ "it starts off to run (e.g. tape recorder), it goes off" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sipwêpayiw:sipwêpayi IICONJw "it leaves (e.g. a vehicle)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sipwêyâstan IICONJ "it blows away" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sisiwêpayin IICONJ "it scatters" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sisiwêpayiw:sisiwêpayi IICONJw "it scatters" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sisiwêpinikâtêw:sisiwêpinikâtê IICONJw "it is scattered by hand" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sisopâcikâtêw:sisopâcikâtê IICONJw "it is sprayed upon" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sisoskiwakinikâtêw:sisoskiwakinikâtê IICONJw "it is plastered, it is mudded" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîhcâw:sîhcâ IICONJw "it is tightly packed, it is crowded, it is tight, it is taut" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîhcihtin IICONJ "it fits tightly (as in a box)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sîhcipayiw:sîhcipayi IICONJw "it tightens" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîhtwamon IICONJ "it fits tightly, it is on tight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sîhtwamow:sîhtwamo IICONJw "it fits very tightly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîkipayiw:sîkipayi IICONJw "it spills, it is spilling" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîkipêstâw:sîkipêstâ IICONJw "it is a downpour, it is pouring rain, it showers" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîkwan IICONJ "it is spring" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sîpan IICONJ "it is durable, it wears well" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sîpaskitêw:sîpaskitê IICONJw "it stands a long time (as a building)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîpâpayiw:sîpâpayi IICONJw "it goes under" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîpêkipayiw:sîpêkipayi IICONJw "it stretches" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîpêyâw:sîpêyâ IICONJw "there is an open place in the woods, there is an opening from land to water" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîpihkwâsin IICONJ "it is blueish" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive sîpihkwâw:sîpihkwâ IICONJw "it is blue" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîpîsisiwahcâw:sîpîsisiwahcâ IICONJw "it is an area of creeks" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîpîsisiwiw:sîpîsisiwi IICONJw "it is a creek, it has a creek" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîsipâskwamin IICONJ "it is sweet" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sîsîkan IICONJ "it hails" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sîsîpiskâw:sîsîpiskâ IICONJw "there are many ducks" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîtawâw:sîtawâ IICONJw "it is stiff" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîtawipayiw:sîtawipayi IICONJw "it stiffens" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîwâsin IICONJ "it is a bit sweet, it is a bit sour, it is a bit salty" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sîwâw:sîwâ IICONJw "it is sweet, it is sour, it is salty" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sîwispakwan IICONJ "it tastes sweet, it tastes salty" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sîwîhtâkamin IICONJ "it is a salty liquid" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkakihtêw:sôhkakihtê IICONJw "it is expensive" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôhkan IICONJ "it is strongly made, it is sturdy, it is firm, it is solid, it is strong" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkatin IICONJ "it freezes solidly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkâkamiw:sôhkâkami IICONJw "it is a strong liquid (e.g. tea)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôhkâpêkan IICONJ "it is strong (e.g. rope)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkâpêkasin IICONJ "it is rather strong (e.g. twine, rope)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive sôhkâpiskâw:sôhkâpiskâ IICONJw "it is strong (i.e. metal)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôhkâskwan IICONJ "it is strong (as wood-lumber)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkâstan:sôhkâskwan IICONJ "it blows away in a strong wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkâw:sôhkâ IICONJw "it is strong" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôhkêciwan IICONJ "it flows strongly, it is a strong current" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkêkan IICONJ "it is strong (i.e. cloth)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkêkotêw:sôhkêkotê IICONJw "it runs hard, it runs fast, it runs vigourously, it speeds well" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôhkêpayin IICONJ "it is strong, it works effectively (e.g. machine, medicine)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkêpayiw:sôhkêpayi IICONJw "it moves surely and quickly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôhkêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is thought to be strong" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkiciwan IICONJ "it flows strongly, it is a strong current or stream" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkihtâkwan IICONJ "it has a powerful sound" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkinâkwan IICONJ "it looks strong, it is built strong" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôhkiyowêw:sôhkiyowê IICONJw "it is very windy, it is a strong wind" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôniyâskâw:sôniyâskâ IICONJw "it is Treaty Day, there is an abundance of money" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôniyâw-kîsikâw:sôniyâw-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is Treaty Day" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôniyâwan IICONJ "it is worth money, it consists of money" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôniyâwiw:sôniyâwi IICONJw "it is or has gold or money" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôskoskamikâw:sôskoskamikâ IICONJw "it is smooth ground, it is slippery ground" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôskwâkamin IICONJ "it is soft water" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôskwâpêkan IICONJ "it is smooth (i.e. rope)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôskwâpiskâw:sôskwâpiskâ IICONJw "it is smooth (i.e. rock or metal)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôskwâskwan IICONJ "it is smooth (i.e. long pole)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôskwâw:sôskwâ IICONJw "it is smooth, it is slippery (e.g. highway)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s sôskwêkan IICONJ "it is smooth (e.g. velvet)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s sôswêpayiw:sôswêpayi IICONJw "it scatters" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahcipayiw:tahcipayi IICONJw "it becomes loose or unhooked" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkastêw:tahkastê IICONJw "it is cold, it is cold indoors" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkatin IICONJ "it is cool" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tahkâkamin IICONJ "it is a cold liquid" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tahkâkonakâw:tahkâkonakâ IICONJw "it is cold (by the snow)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkâpiskâw:tahkâpiskâ IICONJw "it is cold (i.e. metal)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkâsin IICONJ "it is rather cold (to touch)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive tahkâw:tahkâ IICONJw "it is cool, is it cold (to the touch)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkâyâsin IICONJ "it is cool weather" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive tahkâyâw:tahkâyâ IICONJw "it is cold weather" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkikamin IICONJ "it is a body of cold water" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tahkikamiw:tahkikami IICONJw "it is cold water" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkipayin IICONJ "it cools, it cools off" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tahkipêstâw:tahkipêstâ IICONJw "it is cold rain falling" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkiyowêw:tahkiyowê IICONJw "it is a cold wind, it is cold air" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkohcipayiw:tahkohcipayi IICONJw "it falls on the top" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkohtastêw:tahkohtastê IICONJw "it sits on top, it is on top" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkohtâmatin IICONJ "it is at the top of the hill" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tahkopicikêpayin IICONJ "it has a knot form, it is tangled" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tahkopitêw:tahkopit IICONJw "it is tied fast" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahkwahcikêmakan IICONJ "it clamps, it bites" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tahtakwahcâw:tahtakwahcâ IICONJw "it is even, level land" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahtakwâw:tahtakwâ IICONJw "it is level, it is a flat area" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tahtinikâtêw:tahtinikâtê IICONJw "it is taken off, it is loosened, it is untied" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s takahkâpâwêw:takahkâpâwê IICONJw "it is well washed, it washes well" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s takahkihtâkwan IICONJ "it sounds nice" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s takahkimâkwan IICONJ "it smells good" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s takahkinâkwan IICONJ "it looks good, nice, great" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s takahkispakwan:takahkispakosi IICONJ "it tastes good, delicious" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s takonikâtêw:takonikâtê IICONJw "it is added in by hand" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s takopayiw:takopayi IICONJw "it arrives (e.g. a vehicle)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s takopicikâtêw:takopicikâtê IICONJw "it is tied along to something else" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s takopitêw:takopitê IICONJw "it is tied to something" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s takosinômakan IICONJ "it arrives" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s takwâkin IICONJ "it is autumn, it is fall" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s takwâw:takwâ IICONJw "it is level" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tapahtakotêw:tapahtakotê IICONJw "it hangs low" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tasôtêw:tasôt IICONJw "it is caught (under a tree)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tastawâpitêyâw:tastawâpitêyâ IICONJw "it is forked" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s taswâw:taswâ IICONJw "it is straight" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s taswêkipakêhtiw:taswêkipakêhti IICONJw "it grows spreading leaves" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s taswêkipayiw:taswêkipayi IICONJw "it is opened by pulling, its spread out (e.g. material)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tatâyawâw:tatâyawâ IICONJw "it is crowded" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tawahcâw:tawahcâ IICONJw "it is a narrow ravine" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tawastêw:tawastê IICONJw "it lies leaving a passage through" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tawatinâw:tawatinâ IICONJw "it is a valley" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tawâstêw:tawâstê IICONJw "it is a week" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tawâw:tawâ IICONJw "it is open, it is an opening, there is room, it has room" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tawinâkwan IICONJ "it looks open ahead" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tâpihtin IICONJ "it is inserted, it is fastened in" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tâpipayiw:tâpipayi IICONJw "it fits all around" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tâpisahamow:tâpisahamo IICONJw "it is threaded" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tâpiskopayiw:tâpiskopayi IICONJw "it fits in, s/he falls into place" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tâpitawâkonakâw:tâpitawâkonakâ IICONJw "it is level snow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tâpitawâw:tâpitawâ IICONJw "it is uniform, is even" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tâpwêmakan IICONJ "it speaks the truth" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tâskâw:tâskâ IICONJw "it is split" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tâtopayiw:tâtopayi IICONJw "it is ragged and torn" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tâwaciwan IICONJ "there is a midstream current" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tâwakihtin IICONJ "it bumps into something" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s têhtapahipêw:têhtapahipê IICONJw "it floats (upon the surface)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s têhtastêw:têhtastê IICONJw "it is on top of something" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s têpinâkwan IICONJ "it is still seen (in the distance), it is still in sight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s têpipayiw:têpipayi IICONJw "it is enough" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s têpwêmakan IICONJ "it calls (train, whistling)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tihkâpâwêw:tihkâpâwê IICONJw "it dissolves" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tihkâw:tihkâ IICONJw "it is partly thawed" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tihkipayiw:tihkipayi IICONJw "it melts" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tihkitêw:tihkitê IICONJw "it is melting, it thaws" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tihtipawêkahikâtêw:tihtipawêkahikâtê IICONJw "it is embroidered round the top (e.g. moccasin)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tihtipihtin IICONJ "it is rolled or wound around (as a stool)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tihtipipayihtâkwan IICONJ "it sounds as if rolling" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tihtipipayiw:tihtipipayi IICONJw "it rolls, it rolls along" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s timaskâw:timaskâ IICONJw "it is tall grass" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s timikonêw:timikonê IICONJw "it is deep snow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s timikoniw:timikoni IICONJw "it is deep snow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s timîw:timî IICONJw "it is deep water, it is very deep (e.g. water)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tipêyihcikâtêw:tipêyihcikâtê IICONJw "it is owned" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tipêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is the property of (s.o.)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tipinawâw:tipinawâ IICONJw "it is sheltered from the wind" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tipiskâsin IICONJ "it is rather dark: it is almost nighttime" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive tipiskâw:tipiskâ IICONJw "it is night, it is night time, it is dark" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s titipihtin IICONJ "it is rolled up, it is twisted" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tôcikâtêw:tôcikâtê IICONJw "it is done, it is done so, it is customary" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tôcikêmakan IICONJ "it does things, it is the cause of (something)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tôhkâpîmakan IICONJ "it opens its eyes" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s tômâw:tômâ IICONJw "it is greased, it is greasy, it is oily" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s tôtâkaniwiw:tôtâkaniwi IICONJw "it is done so" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s also itôtâkaniwiw, more likely to be found in eastern dialects twêhomakan IICONJ "it lands (from flight)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wacîskâw:wacîskâ IICONJw "there are hills and mountains, it is a hilly region, there are many hills" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wacîwan IICONJ "there are many hills, it is hilly" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s waninâkwan IICONJ "it is evening twilight, it is dusk, it is the time of sun setting" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wanipayiw:wanipayi IICONJw "it is missing" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wanitipiskâsin IICONJ "it is quite dark out" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive wanitipiskâw:wanitipiskâ IICONJw "it is a dark night, it is very dark" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wanitipiskipayiw:wanitipiskipayi IICONJw "it darkens, it suddenly gets dark, there is an eclipse" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wapâsin IICONJ "it is a small narrows" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive wapâw:wapâ IICONJw "it is a narrows" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s waskawipayiw:waskawipayi IICONJw "it moves, it is moving" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s waskawîmakan IICONJ "it moves, it stirs, it moves by itself" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s waskicipayiw:waskicipayi IICONJw "it comes to the surface" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s waskihtin IICONJ "it bends (e.g. a river)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s waskowan IICONJ "it is cloudy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s watihkwaniwan IICONJ "it has knots (as a board)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s watihkwaniwiw:watihkwaniwi IICONJw "it is or has a fork (as a branch)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s watowan IICONJ "it is congealed" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wawâninâkwan IICONJ "it is evening twilight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, reduplicated wawêsîhcikâtêw:wawêsîhcikâtê IICONJw "it is decorated" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wawêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it sounds amusing" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wawiyasinâkwan IICONJ "it looks funny" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wawiyasipayiw:wawiyasipayi IICONJw "it is humourous (from actions)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wawiyatêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it appears funny to all" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wayawîciwan IICONJ "it flows out" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wayawîkotin IICONJ "it flies out, it is flung out" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wayawîtisahikêmakan IICONJ "it sends things out, it acts to send things out" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wayawîyâpahtêw:wayawîyâpahtê IICONJw "it comes out as smoke, there is smoke going out of the room" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wayawîyâstan IICONJ "it is blown outside" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wayâstin IICONJ "it quiets down (e.g. wind)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wayîwahkamikan IICONJ "it is in excitement" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâh-wâkâw:wâkâ IICONJw "it is bent here and there" ; ! VII-v Independent, 3s, reduplicated wâkamon IICONJ "it runs crooked, curved, it is not straight (as a road or river with curves)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâkamow:wâkamo IICONJw "it runs crooked (e.g. a road), has curves" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâkastêw:wâkastê IICONJw "it lies bent, it lies in a bent position" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâkâpiskâw:wâkâpiskâ IICONJw "it is bent (i.e. metal object)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâkâsin IICONJ "it is a bit bent" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive wâkâw:wâkâ IICONJw "it is bent" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâkinâkaniskâw:wâkinâkaniskâ IICONJw "there are many tamaracks growing" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâkipayin IICONJ "it bends" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâpahcikâtêw:wâpahcikâtê IICONJw "it is seen" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâpakwanîw:wâpakwanî IICONJw "it has flowers" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâpakwanîwan IICONJ "it has many flowers" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâpan IICONJ "it is dawn, it is first daylight, it is early morning" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâpaniyowêw:wâpaniyowê IICONJw "it is an east wind, there is a wind blowing all night into the morning" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâpaskamikatin IICONJ "there is hoarfrost" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâpaskwâw:wâpaskwâ IICONJw "it is a white sky" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâpâstêw:wâpâstê IICONJw "it fades, it is faded" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâpâw:wâpâ IICONJw "it is white" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâpihtakâw:wâpihtakâ IICONJw "it is a white lath, stick, or board" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâpikwanîwinâkwan IICONJ "it is pink" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâpinâkwan IICONJ "it looks, appears white, it is light in colour" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâpiskâpakwanîw:wâpiskâpakwanî IICONJw "it has white flowers" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâpiskâw:wâpiskâ IICONJw "it is white" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâpiskihtakâw:wâpiskihtakâ IICONJw "there are white boards, it is a white floor" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâposâwâw:wâposâwâ IICONJw "it is yellow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâpososkâw:wâpososkâ IICONJw "there are numerous rabbits in the area" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsahâw:wâsahâ IICONJw "it is a bay" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsakâpayiw:wâsakâpayi IICONJw "it twirls" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsaskotêpayiw:wâsaskotêpayi IICONJw "it gives light" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsaskotêw:wâsaskotê IICONJw "it is light, it is lit up, it is bright, it is a lantern" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsâw:wâsâ IICONJw "it is a bay" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsêhkwâpiskâw:wâsêhkwâpiskâ IICONJw "it is bright metal" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsêkamin IICONJ "it is clear water" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâsêkamiw:wâsêkami IICONJw "it is clear water" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsênâkwan IICONJ "it dawns, it appears brighter" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâsênâpiskâw:wâsênâpiskâ IICONJw "it is a bright metal object" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsênâsin IICONJ "there is brightness showing, it is a little bright" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive wâsêskwan IICONJ "it is a clear day, it is sunny, it is a clear sky, it is moonlight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâsêskwatin IICONJ "it is smooth ice" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâsêtâhkwakâw:wâsêtâhkwakâ IICONJw "it is starlight" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsêyâkamin IICONJ "it is clear liquid" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâsêyâpan IICONJ "it is bright dawn" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wâsêyâpiskâw:wâsêyâpiskâ IICONJw "it is bright metal" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsêyâsin IICONJ "there is brightness showing, it is a little bright" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive wâsêyâw:wâsêyâ IICONJw "it is a bright sky, it is completely light" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâsitêw:wâsitê IICONJw "it gives light, it shines, it is seen by the light it gives" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâstêpayiw:wâstêpayi IICONJw "it flashes lightning" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâwâkamow:wâwâkamo IICONJw "it is winding (as a river or road)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated wâwâkâskwatan IICONJ "it is a crooked stick" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, reduplicated wâwâsaskotêpayin IICONJ "it is lightning" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, reduplicated wâwâsaskotêpayiw:wâwâsaskotêpayin IICONJw "it is lightning" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated wâwâstêpayiw:wâwâstêpayi IICONJw "it is lightning" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s, reduplicated wâwiyêkamâw:wâwiyêkamâ IICONJw "it is a round lake, it is a round body of water" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâwiyênâkwan IICONJ "it looks round, circular" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâwiyêpêyâw:wâwiyêpêyâ IICONJw "it is a round body of water (e.g. pond)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâwiyêstêw:wâwiyêstê IICONJw "it is in a circle, it is placed around" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâwiyêyâsin IICONJ "it is a little round object" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive wâwiyêyâw:wâwiyêyâ IICONJw "it is round, it is circular" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâyahcâw:wâyahcâ IICONJw "it is a depression in the land, it is a valley" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâyatinâw:wâyatinâ IICONJw "it is an area with valleys" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâyâw:wâyâ IICONJw "it is concave, it is hollowed" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wâyinokotêw:wâyinokotê IICONJw "it flies back, it comes back (e.g. boomerang)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wêhcasin IICONJ "it is easy, it is simple, it is cheap in price" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wêhciskowipayiw:wêhciskowipayi IICONJw "it comes easily" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wêhtakihtêw:wêhtakihtê IICONJw "it is cheap, it is inexpensive" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wêhtan IICONJ "it is easy, it is inexpensive" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wêpâhotêw:wêpâhotê IICONJw "it is carried off by current" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wêpâstan IICONJ "it is blown away, it waves in the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wêpinikâtêw:wêpinikâtê IICONJw "it is thrown away" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wêwêkinikâtêw:wêwêkinikâtê IICONJw "it is wrapped" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wêwêpâstan IICONJ "it rocks or flutters in the wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wêyôtan IICONJ "it is rich, it is in abundant supply, it is a wealthy time" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wêyôtisîmakan IICONJ "it is rich" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wiyasinâkwan IICONJ "it looks funny" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wiyatêyihtâkwan IICONJ "it is funny" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wiyâsiwan IICONJ "it has a lot of meat on it" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wiyinowan IICONJ "it is fatty, there is much fat on it (as a whole carcass)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wiyinowiw:wiyinowi IICONJw "it is fat, it is fatty" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wiyipâtan IICONJ "it is dirty" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wiyipâw:wiyipâ IICONJw "it is soiled, it is dirty" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wîhcêkan IICONJ "it smells bad" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wîhcêkihtin IICONJ "it is left to spoil" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wîhcêkimâkwan IICONJ "it smells spoiled" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wîhcêkinâkwan IICONJ "it appears dirty" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wîhcikâtêw:wîhcikâtê IICONJw "it is named, it is mentioned, it is told" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wîhkasin IICONJ "it tastes good, it is delicious" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wîhkâkamiw:wîhkâkami IICONJw "it is a sweet and tasty liquid" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wîhkimâkwan IICONJ "it smells good" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wîhkimâstêw:wîhkimâstê IICONJw "it is the fragrant smell of incense" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wîhkwêstêwa:wîhkwêstê IICONJ "they are in a circle, they lie in a circle, they stand in a circle" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0p wîhpâw:wîhpâ IICONJw "it is hollow" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wînastêw:wînastê IICONJw "it lies or stands dirty" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wînihtin IICONJ "it spoils, it rots" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wînimâkwan:wînimâkwani IICONJ "it smells nasty" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wîninâkwan IICONJ "it looks dirty" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wînispakwan IICONJ "it tastes badly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 3s wîpâci-kîsikâw:wîpâci-kîsikâ IICONJw "it is a nasty day, it is bad weather, it is wet weather" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wîpâcikin IICONJ "it grows out of place, it grows wild, it grows as a weed" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wîpâpêkan IICONJ "it is dirty (e.g. material)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wîpâpiskâw:wîpâpiskâ IICONJw "it is dirty (metal)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wîpâtan IICONJ "it is dirty (speaking of outside)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wîpâw:wîpâ IICONJw "it is unclean, it is soiled" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wîposâwâw:wîposâwâ IICONJw "it is brown" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wîsakahpitêw:wîsakahpitê IICONJw "it is in pain from being tied too tightly" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wîsakan IICONJ "it is bitter to the taste" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s wîskwastêw:wîskwastê IICONJw "it is smoked (e.g. leather)" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s wîskwastêwinâkwan IICONJ "it is brown in appearance, literally: it looks like smoked leather" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yahkikin IICONJ "it grows, pushes forth in growth" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yahkipayin IICONJ "it suddenly moves forward" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yâhkan IICONJ "it is light in weight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s not found in wC, only in the diminutive yâhkasin IICONJ "it is light in weight" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yâsipayiw:yâsipayi IICONJw "it slides down, it suddenly goes down" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yâwâtan IICONJ "it is a deep hole, cave" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yâwâw:yâwâ IICONJw "it is a deep hole, cave" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yâwêw:yâwê IICONJw "it is a sound heard in the distance" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yâwinâkwan IICONJ "it appears dim at a distance, it is seen faintly in the distance" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yâyikipayiw:yâyikipayi IICONJw "it is torn" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yêkawahcâw:yêkawahcâ IICONJw "it is an area of sandhills" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yêkawan IICONJ "it is sandy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yîkatêpayin IICONJ "it moves off to the side, it moves sideways (e.g. braided strips of rabbitskin)" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yîkopîwan IICONJ "it is foggy, there's frost in the air" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yîkopîwiw:yîkopîwi IICONJw "there is frost, it is hoar-frost" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yîkowan IICONJ "it is foggy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s cf. Saulteaux: awan yîkwaskwan IICONJ "it is cloudy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yîkwatin IICONJ "it is frozen over" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yîkwawan IICONJ "it is foggy, it is cloudy, it is rainy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s cf. Saulteaux: awan yîkwawanipayiw:yîkwawanipayi IICONJw "there is a fog rolling in, there is a sudden fog" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yîpêyâw:yîpêyâ IICONJw "it slants to one side" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yîwêkotêw:yîwêkotê IICONJw "it dangles, it hangs loose" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yîwipayiw:yîwipayi IICONJw "it subsides, there is a reduction in swelling" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yôcisin IICONJ "it is a little windy" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s, diminutive yôhtêkotêw:yôhtêkotê IICONJw "it is open" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yôhtênikâtêw:yôhtênikâtê IICONJw "it is open, it is opened" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yôhtêpayiw:yôhtêpayi IICONJw "it goes open" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yôskahcâw:yôskahcâ IICONJw "it is soft ground" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yôskâw:yôskâ IICONJw "it is soft, it is tender" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yôskicêskiwakâw:yôskicêskiwakâ IICONJw "it is soft mud or clay" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yôskihtakâw:yôskihtakâ IICONJw "it is soft lumber, it is a soft stick" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yôtin IICONJ "it is windy, there is a wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yôtinipayin IICONJ "there is a gust of wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yôtinipayiw:yôtinipayi IICONJw "there is a gust of wind" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s yôtinipêstan IICONJ "it rains with wind" ; ! VII-n Independent, 0s yôtinipêstâw:yôtinipêstâ IICONJw "it rains with wind" ; ! VII-v Independent, 0s