LEXICON STEMLIST acici pcle "head down; upside down" ; aciyaw pcle "for a short while, a short time, a little while" ; ahâ pcle "ya; okay; agreed" ; ahâm pcle "okay then; okay already, hurry up" ; ahâw pcle "okay; ready, let's go" ; ahpô pcle "even, possibly; or, or else" ; ahpô% cî pcle "or else" ; ahpô% êtikwê pcle "maybe, perhaps" ; ahpô% piko pcle "even if; and yet" ; ahpônâni pcle "if only it were so; of course not, not any, not even; foregone conclusion that something is not the case" ; akâm pcle "across, at the far side" ; akâmaskîhk pcle "overseas, across the ocean; in the land across the water" ; akâmâyihk pcle "at the other side of a place" ; akâmi-mêskanâhk pcle "across the road" ; akâmi-sâkahikanihk pcle "across the lake" ; akâmi-sîpîhk pcle "across the river" ; akâmi-tipahaskân pcle "across the border; the United States" ; akâmihk pcle "across, on the far side; across (water or land)" ; akâmiskotêhk pcle "at the far side of the fire" ; akâmôtênâhk pcle "across town, across the settlement" ; akâwâ pcle "hardly, barely, with difficulty" ; akâwâc pcle "hardly, barely, with difficulty" ; akinê pcle "in succession, one after the other; collectively" ; ani pcle "indeed" ; anima pcle "it is that; the fact that" ; anita pcle "there, at that place" ; anohc pcle "now, today" ; anohc% kâ-ispayik pcle "this week" ; anohc% kâ-kîsikâk pcle "today" ; anohcihkê pcle "but now, just recently, not long ago" ; apisîs pcle "a little, a little bit" ; asâwâc pcle "in contrary direction, perversely" ; asêyas pcle "in a group" ; asicâyi pcle "up against; next to, beside" ; asicâyihk pcle "beside; up against" ; asici pcle "with, together with, along with, in a group, accompanied by; against" ; askîhk pcle "on the land; reserve" ; askoc pcle "next to" ; aspin pcle "away, off; ago; the last I knew; gone for good, gone for the present; since; just" ; aspinoyê pcle "Happy New Year (New Year's greeting)" ; atâmaskosîwak pcle "under the grass" ; atâmâkonak pcle "under the snow" ; atâmihk pcle "beneath, under; deep down" ; atâmihtak pcle "under the boards" ; atâmipakonak pcle "under the blanket" ; atâmipêk pcle "underwater" ; atâmipêkohk pcle "in deep water" ; atâmipîhk pcle "underwater" ; atâmiskamikohk pcle "deep down in the ground" ; atâmohtak pcle "under the canoe" ; ati pcle "progressively" ; ati-nâtam pcle "before the hour" ; awahêk pcle "be careful [excl] take care [excl]" ; awahê pcle "be careful [excl] take care [excl]" ; awas pcle "go on; go away; get out of my way" ; awasâpisk pcle "beyond the rocks; beyond the Rocky Mountains ;; British Columbia" ; awasâyihk pcle "beyond the place, beyond the bush" ; awascahês pcle "a little further" ; awasêwêkamik pcle "at the other side of the house" ; awasi% ispî pcle "the time before" ; awasi-nîpinohk pcle "the summer before last" ; awasi-otâkosîhk pcle "day before yesterday" ; awasi-piponohk pcle "the winter before last" ; awasi-tipahaskân pcle "United States; literally: beyond the border" ; awasi-tipiskâki pcle "the night after next" ; awasi-tipiskohk pcle "the night before last" ; awasi-wâpahki pcle "the day after tomorrow" ; awasimê pcle "further, beyond; more" ; awasita pcle "go on; go away; on, to the further side (in time or space); further on, beyond, more" ; awasitâkosîhk pcle "day before yesterday" ; awasitê pcle "go on; go away; on, to the further side (in time or space); beyond, further over there" ; awasitik pcle "go on; go away; get out of my way" ; awêkâ pcle "or else, if you prefer" ; awêkâ% cî pcle "or else" ; awêska pcle "there, by surprise" ; awiyâ pcle "ouch [excl] ow [excl] [exclamation used when experiencing sudden pain (e.g. stubbing a toe, burning one's fingers, etc.)]" ; awîna% êtikwê pcle "I don't know who; I wonder who" ; awîta pcle "here it is, here s/he is" ; awîtê pcle "so here you are [excl] here s/he is over here" ; ay pcle "thanks" ; ay pcle "hey [excl]" ; ay-ay pcle "thank you" ; ay-âhci pcle "from one to another" ; ay-âpihtaw pcle "half-and-half" ; ay-âpihtawakâm pcle "halfway across the water" ; ay-âskawi pcle "from time to time, a few at a time" ; ay-hay pcle "thank you" ; aya pcle "ah, well, hmm" ; ayahk pcle "ah, well" ; ayasâwâc pcle "in contradiction, perversely" ; ayaskoc pcle "at the end; one after another" ; ayâsôw pcle "here and there" ; ayênânêw pcle "eight" ; ayênânêw-tahtwâpisk pcle "eight dollars" ; ayênânêwâw pcle "eight times" ; ayênânêwi-misit pcle "eight feet; eight-foot" ; ayênânêwimitanaw pcle "eighty" ; ayênânêwosâp pcle "eighteen" ; ayi pcle "ah, well, hm" ; ayihk pcle "ah" ; ayinânêw pcle "eight" ; ayinânêw-tahtwâpisk pcle "eight dollars" ; ayinânêwâw pcle "eight times" ; ayinânêwi-misit pcle "eight feet; eight-foot" ; ayinânêwomitanaw pcle "eighty" ; ayinânêwosâp pcle "eighteen" ; ayis pcle "for, because, so it is, cannot be changed" ; ayisac pcle "unwillingly" ; ayisiyinînâhk pcle "in the land of mortal men" ; ayisk pcle "for, because" ; ayiwâk pcle "more, more than, greater than, in excess; [in numeral phrases:] plus" ; ayiwâk% ôma pcle "there is more here" ; ayiwâkês pcle "in excess, more" ; ayiwâkêsîs pcle "in excess, a bit more" ; ayiwâkihkin pcle "too much [excl] goodness gracious; literally: too much exists; it's too much [excl]" ; ayîtaw pcle "at both ends, on both sides" ; ayîtawakâm pcle "on both banks, on both sides of the river" ; ayîtawâyihk pcle "in between" ; ayîtawinisk pcle "at both arms" ; ayîtawiskanaw pcle "at both sides of the road" ; â pcle "ah, well, oh" ; âh pcle "eh? what? what's that?" ; âh pcle "ah, oh, och [excl]" ; âh-ayinânêw pcle "eight by eight; eight each" ; âh-ayîtaw pcle "on both sides" ; âha pcle "yes; as I told you" ; âhâw pcle "yes, fine, all right, okay" ; âhci pcle "still, nevertheless, despite everything; more ;; in a different place" ; âhci% piko pcle "still, nevertheless; despite the odds; in spite of; all the more" ; âhciko pcle "nevertheless" ; âhki pcle "pretend, pretense" ; âhki pcle "lightly" ; âkawâstêhk pcle "in the shade" ; âkawâyihk pcle "behind the thing" ; âkwask pcle "heading off, in the way" ; âkwâc pcle "quite a lot; well on its way, a long ways, more than halfway" ; âkwâskam pcle "really, rather; overanxious; [in negative clauses:] not really, not as much" ; âmî pcle "oh my, oh dear [exclamation of sympathy]" ; âmî pcle "dear one" ; âniskê pcle "successively, one joining to the other" ; âpihtaw pcle "half" ; âpihtawanohk pcle "halfway" ; âpihtâ-kîsikanohk pcle "south; literally: at mid-day; towards mid-day" ; âpihtâ-kîsikanôtâhk pcle "south; literally: toward noon; towards mid-day" ; âpihtâ-kîsikâki pcle "at noon, when it's noon (12:00 p.m.)" ; âpihtôsiyaw pcle "on the body, to the waist; upper half of the body (in reference to a corpse in a coffin)" ; âsaw pcle "at the far side, beyond" ; âsay pcle "already; without delay" ; âsay% cî pcle "already? are you ready?" ; âsay% mîna pcle "again, already again" ; âscamicahîs pcle "on the hither side; closer to the speaker" ; âsitê pcle "opposite" ; âskaw pcle "once in a while, from time to time, sometimes" ; âskâskaw pcle "from time to time" ; âsowakâmê pcle "across the stream, to the far bank" ; âsowê pcle "one after the other" ; âsônê pcle "especially, in particular; especially now" ; âspîs pcle "seldom; here and there among the rest" ; âstam pcle "come here [excl]" ; âstamahcâw pcle "the hill opposite; on this side of the hill" ; âstamêhk pcle "less" ; âstamihk pcle "on this side" ; âstamik pcle "all of you come here [excl]" ; âstamispî pcle "lately, more recently; before" ; âstamispîhk pcle "at a time closer to the present; more recently" ; âstamita pcle "later; on this side, closer; on the hither side (in time or space); this way over" ; âstamitakâm pcle "this side of the water" ; âstamitê pcle "later; on this side, closer; on the higher side (in time or space)" ; âstamitê% isi pcle "over this way" ; âstamitik pcle "all of you come here [excl]" ; âstamiyikohk pcle "too little; less than" ; âta pcle "although, even though, in vain; on the other hand" ; âta% wiya pcle "though, although; nonetheless, anyway" ; âtiht pcle "some" ; âw pcle "ah, oh" ; âw pcle "all right, fine, let's go" ; âw% mâka pcle "all right, let's go" ; âyimanohk pcle "in a difficult place" ; âyimâc pcle "with difficulty, barely, scarcely" ; cah pcle "geez [exclamation of disgust]" ; capasîs pcle "below, further down, lower down, down low; bottom" ; cawâscêsihk pcle "in a small ravine, in a narrows; on a side-street" ; cawâsihk pcle "in a small ravine, in a narrows; on the street" ; câh pcle "geez [exclamation of disgust]" ; câh-cîki pcle "close, nearby" ; cêh pcle "geez [exclamation of disgust]" ; cêskwa pcle "wait, wait a minute; presently, yet; soon; in the future" ; cêskwa% pitamâ pcle "wait a while, a little while" ; cihkê pcle "recently" ; cikawâsis pcle "few" ; cikêmâ pcle "of course, certainly, naturally, obviously, as might be expected, as a natural result, certain consequence; evidently; because" ; cikêmâ% anima pcle "sure, sure enough" ; ciyêkwac pcle "opposite of expected, reversal of the norm; instead" ; cî pcle "[question marker, follows questioned element]" ; cîkakâm pcle "close to the shore" ; cîkâhtaw pcle "close, nearby; in the area, thereabouts" ; cîkâsk pcle "along the waterside; along the edge" ; cîki pcle "close, close by, near, nearby, near to" ; cîkiskanaw pcle "near to the road" ; cîkiskîsik pcle "close to the eye" ; cîkiskotêw pcle "by the fire" ; cîst pcle "see here [excl]" ; êcika pcle "what is this [excl]; and so it appears that" ; êcika% ana pcle "what is that [excl] so that's it" ; êcika% ani pcle "so that's it; so it is" ; êcika% anima pcle "what is that [excl] so that's it" ; êcika% ôma pcle "what is this [excl] and so it appears" ; êcikwê pcle "I guess, probably; [personal inference]" ; êha pcle "yes" ; êhê pcle "yes" ; êhêy pcle "[discourse particle]" ; êkamâ pcle "there is not, it is not the case" ; êkâ pcle "no; not; don't; [negator in certain conjunct clauses]" ; êkâ% êsa pcle "you shouldn't have ...; well, you should not have" ; êkâ% kîkway pcle "nothing, not, not at all, not any" ; êkâ% nânitaw pcle "nowhere, nothing; don't do anything" ; êkâwiya pcle "no; not; don't, don't you dare; [negator in conjunct and imperative clauses]" ; êkây pcle "not; [negator in conjunct and imperative clauses]" ; êkâya pcle "not; [negator in conjunct and imperative clauses]" ; êko-tahto pcle "so many, that many" ; êkosi pcle "so, thus, in that way; right, alright; there, that's it, that is all; well; enough; later" ; êkosi% ani pcle "that's the way; that's it, that's right" ; êkosi% ani% kiyâm pcle "nevermind; let it go as is" ; êkosi% isi pcle "just so, like that; thus, in that way; that is how it is" ; êkosi% mâka pcle "that's it; so long, later, I'd better be going" ; êkosi% mîna pcle "also" ; êkosi% nawac pcle "better, that's better" ; êkosi% pita pcle "that's it for now" ; êkosi% pitamâ pcle "that's it for now" ; êkospî pcle "then; at that time" ; êkospîhk pcle "then, at that time; since" ; êkota pcle "there, right there; at that very place" ; êkota% mwêhci pcle "at that exact place" ; êkotê pcle "over there; a place in that direction" ; êkotowahk pcle "of that kind, like that" ; êkotowihk pcle "in that place, a place like that, in such a place" ; êkoyikohk pcle "that much, to that degree, to that extent; that's enough; only then" ; êkwa pcle "and, also; then; now" ; êkwa% ani pcle "it was then; well, that's it, (concluding statement)" ; êkwa% mîna pcle "and now; also" ; êkwa% wiya pcle "and then, it was then; then s/he ..." ; êkwatik pcle "o.k. now, let's go" ; êkwayâc pcle "only now, for the first time, just then" ; êkwayâk pcle "only now, for the first time, just then" ; êkwayikohk pcle "that much, to that extent, up to that point; enough; not so, not as; [negative comparative]" ; êkwâni pcle "that's the end, that's all" ; êkwêyâc pcle "only now, for the first time; exactly then, not before that time" ; êkwêyâk pcle "exactly then, not before that time" ; êsa pcle "I understand; apparently, reportedly, so it appears, evidently; this one; because of something; [information received from others; reference to time past]" ; êsa% anima pcle "apparently that" ; êsa% ôma pcle "apparently this" ; êskwa pcle "while; wait" ; êtataw pcle "barely, barely enough; not hardly; [commenting on someone's inability to do something due to a hindrance of some kind]" ; êtikwê pcle "apparently, I guess, I suppose, presumably; about (doubtful); [dubitative; personal inference]" ; êtokê pcle "I wonder, I don't know [dubitative; personal inference]" ; êtokwê pcle "maybe, I guess, presumably, perhaps; about (doubtful); [dubitative; personal inference]" ; êwako% ani pcle "and so after that" ; êwako ohci pcle "that's the reason, that's why" ; êwako% ôma% ohci pcle "about this; this is why, this is the reason for this" ; êwakoyikohk pcle "that much, to that extent; that's enough" ; êy pcle "hey [excl] [discourse particle: introductory; exclamatory]" ; êyâpic pcle "further, in due course, again; still" ; êyikohk pcle "so much; as far, as long; when; [when in combination with nawac:] than" ; êyiwê pcle "anyway, nevertheless; to a fair extent, as well as may be, better than nothing; so-so; despite shortcomings" ; êyiwêhk pcle "anyway, nevertheless; to a fair extent, as well as may be, better than nothing; so-so; despite shortcomings" ; ha pcle "ha, so [interjection; can be used when something happens to someone despite repeated warnings]" ; haha pcle "ha" ; hay-hay pcle "thanks, thank you; [denotes thankfulness]" ; hâ pcle "who? what?" ; hâ pcle "oh [excl]" ; hâm pcle "now then; [hortatory, indicating readiness or impatience]" ; hâm êkwa pcle "now then (hortatory, indicating readiness or impatience)" ; hâw pcle "now then; ready, all right, let's go, come on; well; [hortatory, indicating readiness or impatience]" ; hâw êkwa pcle "now then (hortatory, indicating readiness or impatience)" ; hâw mâka pcle "come on then" ; hêy pcle "hey" ; hêy hêy pcle "expression of deep concern ;; expression denoting pleasure at seeing someone" ; ici pcle "then, later, afterward" ; isapiko pcle "the fact is, in fact; really" ; isi pcle "so, thus, this way; there; to, towards" ; iska pcle "it seems (through dream or magic)" ; iskâniyê pcle "it seems (through dream or magic)" ; iskêkâni pcle "it seems (through dream or magic)" ; isko pcle "so far, to such an extent, to this point; as far as, up to, up until" ; iskohk pcle "so far, to such a point; as far as, up until; this far" ; iskwa pcle "so far, to the end" ; iskwêyâc pcle "last, at last, finally; at the end of it all; the last one, the last time; youngest" ; iskwêyânihk pcle "at the very end, at the last" ; ispic pcle "than" ; ispimihk pcle "up, up above; in the air, on high, high up; upstairs" ; ispisi pcle "on ahead, meanwhile" ; ispî pcle "then, at such a time; when; until" ; ispîhci pcle "for now, in the meantime" ; ispîhci% wiya pcle "instead of" ; ispîhk pcle "when" ; ita pcle "there; where; there where; exactly there" ; itâp pcle "then (in the future); sometime later, afterwards" ; itê pcle "there, thereabouts, over there, thither, wherever" ; itêhkê pcle "in that direction" ; itêhkê% isi pcle "in that direction" ; itowahk pcle "this kind, a certain kind" ; itowihk pcle "in such a place, in this place" ; iyaskohc pcle "next in sequence" ; iyaw pcle "well now; oops" ; iyawis pcle "entirely, whole" ; iyâyaw pcle "instead, by preference; first thing, preferably, rather; eagerly, with full intent" ; iyâyita pcle "where no-one knows" ; iyikohk pcle "so much, to such a degree, to such an extent; until, when time comes; more" ; iyinînâhk pcle "in the land of mortal men" ; iyisâc pcle "half-heartedly, hesitantly, unwillingly, against one's will" ; iyîkatê pcle "aside, off to one side" ; î pcle "lo [excl] look [excl] behold [excl]" ; îh pcle "lo [excl] look [excl] behold [excl]" ; îhî pcle "enemy in sight [excl], yes" ; îkatê pcle "aside, off to one side" ; îtawiyaw pcle "at the sides" ; ka pcle "oh [excl] yes; [discourse particle; accepting information]" ; kahkiyaw pcle "all, every; the full amount" ; kakwâhyahkamik pcle "goodness gracious" ; kanak pcle "for a moment, for a short while" ; kanakê pcle "at least; even if only; for a short while" ; kanakêkâ pcle "more especially" ; kani pcle "oh yes, I just remembered, I had forgotten; of course, come to think, now that I remember" ; kanihk pcle "oh yes, I just remembered, I had forgotten; of course" ; kanika pcle "actually" ; kanikâ pcle "desiredly" ; kapê-ayi pcle "all the time, for the entire period, throughout" ; kapê-ayihk pcle "all the time" ; kapê-kîsik pcle "all day, all day long" ; kapê-nîpin pcle "all summer, all summer long" ; kapê-pipon pcle "all winter, all winter long" ; kapê-tipisk pcle "all night, all night long" ; katawa pcle "properly" ; katâc pcle "insistently; [in negative clauses:] necessarily, just in this way" ; katisk pcle "just now, a moment ago; exactly, completely; [in negative clauses:] not merely" ; kayâhtê pcle "before, formerly; the same as it was previously; already" ; kayâm pcle "quietly, tranquilly; all right, nevermind" ; kayâs pcle "long ago, of old, in earlier days; previously" ; kayâs êkwa pcle "it is a long time now" ; kayâs mâskôc pcle "it must have been a long time ago" ; kayâs ohci pcle "from a long ways back" ; kayâsês pcle "a while ago, quite long ago, formerly" ; kâ pcle "oh [excl] yes" ; kâh-kinwês pcle "quite a long time, for a very long time" ; kâh-kipîhci pcle "stopping now and then" ; kâh-kîhtwâm pcle "again and again, over and over, repeatedly" ; kâh-kwêkwask pcle "back and forth; criss-crossed" ; kâkatâc pcle "insistently; [in negative clauses:] (not) necessarily" ; kâkâ pcle "bowel waste; [baby talk for:] anything dirty" ; kâkêswân pcle "coincidentally; as it happened" ; kâkikê pcle "forever, all the time, always" ; kâkito pcle "be quiet [excl] [imperative; cf. êkâwiya kito don't make a sound [excl]]" ; kâmwâci pcle "quietly" ; kâtanohk pcle "secret hiding place" ; kâwi pcle "again; back, in return" ; kâwiya pcle "don't; no; not; [used in conjunct and imperative clauses]" ; kâya pcle "no, not; do not, don't; [used in conjunct and imperative clauses]" ; kâya% kîkway pcle "nothing" ; kêhcik pcle "nevertheless" ; kêhcinâ pcle "of course, for sure; certainly; perhaps, maybe" ; kêhcinâc pcle "surely" ; kêhcinâs pcle "assuredly, definitely; maybe, perhaps" ; kêhciwâk pcle "near, nearby; without mediation, by immediate contact" ; kêhtinâc pcle "surely" ; kêkâ pcle "almost, in immediate prospect, impendingly" ; kêkâ-mitâtaht pcle "nine" ; kêkâ-mitâtahtomitanaw pcle "ninety" ; kêkâ-mitâtahtomitanawâw pcle "ninety times" ; kêkâ-mitâtahtosâp pcle "nineteen" ; kêkâ-mitâtahtwâpisk pcle "nine dollars" ; kêkâ-mitâtahtwâw pcle "nine times" ; kêkâ-nistomitanaw pcle "twenty-nine" ; kêkâ-nîsitanaw pcle "nineteen" ; kêkâc pcle "just about, almost, nearly" ; kêkâc-ayinânêmitanaw pcle "seventy-nine" ; kêkâc-kêkâ-mitâtahtomitanaw pcle "eighty-nine" ; kêkâc-mitâtaht pcle "nine" ; kêkâc-mitâtahtomitanaw pcle "ninety-nine" ; kêkâc-nêmitanaw pcle "thirty-nine" ; kêkâc-nikotwâsomitanaw pcle "fifty-nine" ; kêkâc-nistomitanaw pcle "twenty-nine" ; kêkâc-niyânanomitanaw pcle "forty-nine" ; kêkâc-nîsitanaw pcle "nineteen" ; kêkâc-têpakohpomitanaw pcle "sixty-nine" ; kêkât pcle "just about, almost" ; kêkisêp pcle "this morning" ; kêkoc pcle "in proper person, oneself" ; kêkwas pcle "back and forth" ; kêkwask pcle "back and forth" ; kêmâ pcle "or, or else" ; kêsinâ pcle "surely" ; kêsiskaw pcle "quickly, right away" ; kêswân pcle "by coincidence" ; kêtahtawê pcle "at one time, sometime, in the future; once in a while; suddenly" ; kêtisk pcle "just barely, hardly ;; fully, by exact measure" ; kêtiskâwi pcle "to full measure" ; kêyâpic pcle "still, yet, in continuity, more" ; kêyâpit pcle "still, more" ; kêyiwê pcle "that will help, that's better than nothing" ; kêyiwêhk pcle "fairly well, as well as may be, at any rate" ; kihawêma pcle "too far, in excess" ; kihci pcle "the best; main one" ; kihci-awasi-otâkosîhk pcle "two days before yesterday" ; kihci-mitâtahtomitanaw pcle "thousand, one thousand" ; kihcikamîhk pcle "in the sea" ; kihciniskêhk pcle "right, the right side, at the right" ; kihciniskin pcle "right-hand side" ; kihciwê pcle "directly, without intermediary" ; kiki pcle "for, with" ; kinwês pcle "a long while; for a long time" ; kinwêsîs pcle "for a while, for quite a long time" ; kinwêsk pcle "a long while; for a long time" ; kipiskwâ pcle "in the doorway" ; kipiskwâhc pcle "in the doorway" ; kisâstaw pcle "sort of, kind of, to appearance, by seeming; it might be" ; kisêpâyâki pcle "in the morning, when it is morning" ; kisik pcle "as, while, at the same time, simultaneously; and also, along with" ; kisipanohk pcle "at the edge, at the end; back up against the wall" ; kisiwâk pcle "near, nearby, close by" ; kiya% mâka pcle "and you?" ; kiyaskoc pcle "your turn" ; kiyaskociwâw pcle "your (pl) turn" ; kiyaskot pcle "your turn" ; kiyatowahk pcle "your sort" ; kiyâm pcle "oh well, it's okay, nevermind, think nothing of it; so much for this; anyway, rather; let it be, let there be no further delay; please; let's go then; do so; quietly" ; kiyâm% âta pcle "even though" ; kiyâpac pcle "more, still" ; kiyâpic pcle "more, still" ; kiyikaw pcle "in addition, additionally" ; kiyikaw pcle "all over, pell mell; every kind" ; kiyipa pcle "quickly; soon, hurry up" ; kiyomâ pcle "continually" ; kîhipa pcle "quickly, in a hurry; hurry up" ; kîhkêhtakâhk pcle "in the corner" ; kîhkîhk pcle "in spite, nevertheless" ; kîhtwâm pcle "again; another, once more" ; kîhtwâm% ka-wâpamitin pcle "good-bye, see you again; literally: I will see you again" ; kîhyawêma pcle "in excess, extremely" ; kîkisêp pcle "in the morning; this past morning" ; kîkisêpâ pcle "in the morning, early in the morning" ; kîkisêpâki pcle "in the morning, when it's morning" ; kîkisêpâyâki pcle "in the morning, when it's morning" ; kîko% pîsim pcle "what month (is it)?" ; kîkway% piko pcle "the only thing is" ; kîkwây% êtikwê pcle "I don't know what it is; I wonder what it is" ; kîkwây% kani pcle "what can it have been?" ; kîkwây% ôma pcle "what is this?" ; kîmôc pcle "secretly, stealthily, slyly, by stealth" ; kîpa pcle "soon; early" ; kîsâc pcle "right away, at once; at the same time" ; kîsâspin pcle "if" ; kîsâspinê pcle "might as well" ; kîsikohk pcle "in the sky; in heaven" ; kîsinâc pcle "too bad; unfortunately" ; kîspin pcle "if, in case; whether" ; kîspin% êkâ pcle "if not" ; kîspin% êsa pcle "if it was, if ever" ; kîtahtawê pcle "at one time, at a certain point in time, sometime; at times, sometimes, once in a while; all at once, suddenly, soon" ; kîwâc pcle "alone; going astray" ; kîwêtinohk pcle "north, northwards, in the north; towards the north wind" ; kîwêtinohk% isi pcle "northward, towards the north" ; kîwêtinohk% ohci pcle "from the north" ; kîwêtinôtâhk pcle "in the north" ; konita pcle "merely, just for nothing, in vain, vainly, without reason, without purpose, at random; without further ado" ; kosâ pcle "making it superfluous" ; kosikwan pcle "pounds [unit of measure]" ; kosikwanis pcle "ounces [unit of measure]" ; kospâyihk pcle "away from the thing, away from lodge fire" ; kotak% ispayiki pcle "next week" ; kotak% mîna pcle "another" ; kotak% pîsim pcle "next month" ; kotakihk pcle "in another place, elsewhere" ; kwayas pcle "right, properly, correct" ; kwayask pcle "right, properly, straight, correct, by rights" ; kwayask% êwako pcle "that's right; that one would do right" ; kwayâc pcle "ready, prepared; already, beforehand" ; kwayâci pcle "already; beforehand" ; kwêh-kwêkwask pcle "back and forth" ; kwês pcle "come here [excl] (call to dog team)" ; kwêskahcâhk pcle "at the other side of the hill" ; kwêskâhtik pcle "at the other side of the grove" ; kwêskâyihk pcle "at the other side of the place" ; kwêski pcle "at the other side; changing" ; kwêskwêski pcle "at the other side, changing" ; kwîtatê pcle "not even trying; wondering what to do" ; ma% cî pcle "is it not the case? was it not? not so?" ; ma% nâ pcle "is that not so" ; mah pcle "listen, hark" ; mahci pcle "come, let's see" ; mahti pcle "well, then, please; come, let's see [hortatory]" ; mahti% êsa pcle "please; let's see" ; mahti% mâka pcle "well ..." ; mamiywê pcle "easily" ; maskêkohk pcle "in the muskeg, in the swamp" ; mastaw pcle "newly, recent, recently, lately; not here before; later, more recently; since" ; matwân pcle "I wonder; can it really be?" ; matwân% cî pcle "I wonder, I wonder if; I believe; perhaps" ; mayaw pcle "as soon as; straight, exact, on time" ; mayawâc pcle "as soon as" ; maywês pcle "before" ; maywêsk pcle "before" ; mâ pcle "surely, surely not" ; mâcika pcle "for instance, as it now appears; so" ; mâcikôci pcle "look, you will see for yourself that it is so" ; mâcikôcicâk pcle "for example" ; mâcikôcicân pcle "look, let me show you" ; mâcikôtân pcle "you will see for yourself that it is so" ; mâcikôtitâk pcle "let me show you (pl)" ; mâcikôtitân pcle "look, let me show you; you will see" ; mâh-mâwaci pcle "the most, the best" ; mâh-mêskoc pcle "each in turn, take turns" ; mâh-mitâtaht pcle "ten each; ten times" ; mâh-mitâtahtomitanaw pcle "one hundred each" ; mâhihk pcle "in the east; in the downstream direction" ; mâka pcle "but, then; still" ; mâka% awa pcle "but here s/he is, speak of the devil" ; mâka% mîna pcle "as usual" ; mâka% ôma pcle "but here it is" ; mâmawêyas pcle "where all are assembled" ; mâmawo-kayâs pcle "at the very earliest time" ; mâmawô pcle "all together" ; mâmâsîs pcle "poorly done; hurriedly done, low quality work" ; mâmâwacêyas pcle "most, moreso; beyond others" ; mâmâwaci pcle "most, the very most" ; mâmâwaci-kayâs pcle "at the very earliest time" ; mâmihk pcle "downriver; east" ; mâmwayês pcle "before; sooner than" ; mâna pcle "usually, habitually, generally, always; used to" ; mâna pcle "to be feared, trouble ahead" ; mâni pcle "to be feared, trouble ahead" ; mâni% mâka pcle "possibly, it could be; for sure; (if) it were to" ; mâninakis pcle "on and on" ; mâninakisk pcle "on and on; then, right away, vigorously, entirely, just like that, without hesitation" ; mâninâk pcle "without hesitation, entirely" ; mâninâkisk pcle "without hesitation, entirely" ; mâninis pcle "I really believe (surprise)" ; mâskôc pcle "perhaps, maybe, I suppose; probably, it's likely, it's a reasonably likely possibility" ; mâskôt pcle "perhaps, maybe, I suppose; probably, it's likely, it's a reasonably likely possibility" ; mâtayak pcle "ahead of time, beforehand" ; mâwacêyas pcle "moreso, extremely so; beyond others" ; mâwaci pcle "best, most, extremely; all" ; mâwaci% iyikohk pcle "best, most" ; mâwaci-kihci-mitâtahtomitanaw pcle "one million, 1,000,000; literally: an extreme-great-hundred; an extreme thousand" ; mâwacîs pcle "all" ; mâwasako pcle "all together" ; mêkwayâhtik pcle "among the trees" ; mêkwayês pcle "among" ; mêkwâc pcle "currently, presently, right now; while, during, in the course of, in the meantime, during the time; ago" ; mêkwânohk pcle "amongst, amidst" ; mêmohci pcle "in particular, above all" ; mênikanihk pcle "in the corral; on the fence" ; mêsakwanipipon pcle "every winter, year" ; mêskoc pcle "instead, in exchange; unlike" ; mêtokêta pcle "not likely" ; mêtoni pcle "very, really" ; mêtwêyanê pcle "as was my foreboding, as I felt in my bones" ; mêyâkwâm pcle "be careful" ; mihcêcis pcle "fairly many" ; mihcêt pcle "many, much; a good number" ; mihcêti pcle "many times" ; mihcêtiwân pcle "many kinds" ; mihcêtokamikwa pcle "many lodges" ; mihcêtôskisina pcle "many moccasins" ; mihcêtwayak pcle "in a lot of ways, in many ways" ; mihcêtwâw pcle "many times, often, frequently" ; mihkwâpêmakw-âya pcle "red willow stuff" ; misahci pcle "in great numbers" ; misahkamik pcle "many, in great number, all" ; misakâmê pcle "entirely, all the way; all the way across the whole area" ; misawâc pcle "anyway, at any rate, in any case, whatever might be though; no doubt it is the case" ; misâskwacosihk pcle "among the saskatoon willows" ; miscahîs pcle "a good deal; quite greatly, quite a bit, a fair amount" ; miscahîs-kîkway pcle "quite a lot" ; misi-ayiwâk pcle "much more" ; misi-pîtos pcle "very different" ; misihtak pcle "a large floor" ; misit pcle "foot (as a unit of measurement)" ; misiwê pcle "all over, everywhere, the entire place, on the whole body" ; misiwê% ita pcle "everywhere, all over" ; misiwê% itê pcle "everywhere, all over, to every place" ; misiwêskamik pcle "all over the land, all over the world" ; misiwêyâhtik pcle "the entire length of a log" ; mistahi pcle "much, greatly, a great deal, a lot, lots; very, very many; very much so" ; mistahi-kîkway pcle "many things, a great deal" ; mistik pcle "miles (as a unit of measurement)" ; mitanaw pcle "decade" ; mitâtaht pcle "ten" ; mitâtahtomitanaw pcle "a hundred, one hundred" ; mitâtahtomitanaw-maskimot pcle "a hundred bags, one hundred bags" ; mitâtahtomitanawâw pcle "one hundred times" ; mitâtahtwâpisk pcle "ten dollars" ; mitâtahtwâw pcle "ten times" ; mitoni pcle "very, really, intensively, fully, completely, to full degree; quite; much, a lot; well" ; miyâmay pcle "I believe so; surely, without doubt" ; miyâmâ pcle "I believe so; surely, without doubt" ; miyâmâc pcle "I do believe so; assuredly; surely, without doubt" ; miyâskam pcle "past; gone beyond (e.g. the hour)" ; miyo-kîkway pcle "something good, a good thing" ; miyoskamiki pcle "next early spring; when it's early spring" ; miyoskamikohk pcle "in the early spring, this past early spring" ; miyoskamîhk pcle "last spring" ; miywanohk pcle "in a kind way" ; mîcimôc pcle "right from the beginning" ; mîna pcle "and, plus; and also, again, furthermore" ; mîna% apisîs pcle "and a quarter (of an hour), 15 minutes or so" ; mîna% âpihtâw pcle "and a half, half-hour, half past the hour" ; mîskaw pcle "occasionally, now and then" ; mîskoc pcle "in return, in exchange; by retaliation" ; mîtosihk pcle "in the tree" ; mohci pcle "on the ground" ; mohcihk pcle "on the bare ground; on the floor; to the ground" ; mohcihtak pcle "on the floor, on the floorboards" ; mohcihtakâhk pcle "on the floor; on the floorboards" ; mosci pcle "just, merely, plainly, singly, without instrumentality; free" ; moscitôn pcle "gratuitously by speech, without adding a gift or offering" ; mosê pcle "openly" ; mosis pcle "plain to perception, visibly, done in the open" ; mostaskamik pcle "on the surface of the ground" ; mostaskamikohk pcle "in the ground" ; mostâhtak pcle "on bare ground" ; mostosonâhk pcle "in the buffalo country" ; mostosw-âya pcle "of a cow, of cattle" ; mowac pcle "most" ; môniyâw-âyi pcle "White-Man stuff, White-Man article" ; môsak pcle "always" ; môy pcle "no, not" ; môy% cêskwa pcle "not yet" ; môy% kakêtihk pcle "a great many" ; môy% konita pcle "not in vain" ; môy% nânitaw pcle "it's fine, all right; no worries" ; môy% nânitaw% itê pcle "nowhere" ; môy% wîhkâc pcle "never" ; môy% wîhkât pcle "never" ; môya% ahpô pcle "not even" ; môya% cî pcle "isn't that so?" ; môya% nânitaw pcle "it's fine, all right; no worries" ; mwayês pcle "just before" ; mwâc% ahpô pcle "not even; no" ; mwâsi pcle "[in negative clauses only:] not much, not often" ; mwêhci pcle "just; just then, exactly then; just after; just like; exactly" ; mwêstas pcle "after, afterwards, later, subsequently; late" ; na pcle "here [excl] here it is, take it [excl] [deictic; used in giving or handing an item to someone]" ; nah pcle "here, here it is, take it [deictic; used when giving or handing an object to someone]" ; nahêkâc pcle "sparingly" ; nahitâk pcle "just in time, by chance" ; nahiyikohk pcle "to the proper degree, to the proper extent, just enough, just right, fittingly, appropriately; exact quantity, exact number; evenly; better" ; nakahpêhanohk pcle "west, in the west" ; nama pcle "not" ; nama% cî pcle "is it not the case, isn't it that, wasn't that so, right" ; nama% mayaw pcle "not soon enough; not immediately, later" ; nama% nânitaw pcle "not much, not anything; nothing; that's alright" ; nama% wîhkâc pcle "never" ; namahcîhk pcle "left; the left side; to the left" ; namahtin pcle "left side, the left one" ; namahtinihk pcle "left, on the left, at the left; the left side" ; namêskwa pcle "not yet" ; namôy pcle "not [used in independent clauses]" ; namôy% wîhkâc pcle "never" ; namôya% ahpô pcle "not even" ; namôya% apisîs pcle "not a little, quite a bit" ; namôya% cêskwa pcle "not yet" ; namôya% cî pcle "could it be? is it not?" ; namôya% êkwayikohk pcle "not so, not as much, not that much" ; namôya% kakêtihk pcle "extremely, a great deal, a great many" ; namôya% nânitaw pcle "fine, I'm fine, all right, okay; insignificant, of little account; nowhere" ; namôya% nânitawitê pcle "nowhere" ; namôya% wiya pcle "not him, not her" ; namôya% wîhkâc pcle "never" ; namwâc% êkwayikohk pcle "not so, not as much, not that much" ; nanânis pcle "among; in various places, in various directions, in all directions" ; nanâtohk pcle "different, variously, all kinds, of various kinds, different items" ; nanâtohk% isi pcle "in various ways" ; nanâtohk% kîkway pcle "different, all kinds of things" ; nanâtohkôskân pcle "all kinds of things, different kinds" ; napatê pcle "on one side; one side, sideways" ; napatêkâm pcle "on one bank" ; napatênisk pcle "with one arm, at one arm" ; napâwi pcle "too late" ; nasihkâc pcle "slowly" ; naspâc pcle "opposite; in a different way, contrarily, wrongly" ; natimihk pcle "upstream, up river; inland; in the west" ; natimihk% isi pcle "upstream; inland; towards the west" ; nawac pcle "by comparison; better, more; before; instead, rather, somewhat" ; nawac% apisîs pcle "less" ; nawac% êkosi pcle "that's better" ; nawac% êkosi% isi pcle "that's better that way" ; nawac% kwayask pcle "better" ; nawac% mistahi pcle "more, even more" ; nawac% piko pcle "sort of, kind of, approximately; more or less; even a little" ; nawat pcle "by comparison; better, more" ; nayawispim pcle "at a dizzy height" ; nayêstaw pcle "only, exclusively; it is only that; instead of" ; nayêwac pcle "somewhere along the way" ; nâ pcle "[question marker]" ; nâh pcle "not so [excl] [expression of disagreement]" ; nâh-nâway pcle "one behind the other, one after another in a series" ; nâh-nêwo pcle "by fours" ; nâh-nikotwâsik pcle "by sixes" ; nâh-nisto pcle "by threes" ; nâh-niyânan pcle "by fives" ; nâh-nîso pcle "by twos" ; nâkê pcle "later, later on" ; nâmiwan pcle "from the windward" ; nânahitâk pcle "just in time, by chance" ; nânapâwi pcle "it's too late now" ; nânapâwis pcle "it's too late, why does he come now" ; nânapâwisk pcle "oh, sure, now he gets here [excl]" ; nânapêc pcle "all of a sudden; finally; too late" ; nâni pcle "even" ; nânitaw pcle "simply; something; something bad; somewhere; anyhow; in some way ;; [with numbers:] about, approximately ;; [in negative clauses:] anything, anything bad" ; nânitaw% isi pcle "in some way, in any way; in various ways; if by any chance, just in case" ; nânitaw% ita pcle "somewhere" ; nânitaw% itê pcle "somewhere" ; nâpêw-âya pcle "men's stuff, men's clothing" ; nâsic pcle "very, very much" ; nâspic pcle "forever, for good, beyond return, beyond reach; continuous" ; nâtakâm pcle "across the water; towards land, towards shore; in the bush country" ; nâway pcle "in back, behind, at the rear; behind one another; past, in the past" ; nâwayês pcle "a bit behind" ; nêhiyaw-kîkway pcle "Cree things" ; nêmitanaw pcle "forty" ; nêmîta pcle "there it is" ; nêta pcle "yonder, thereabouts" ; nêtê pcle "over there, over yonder, in that direction" ; nêtê% ohci pcle "from over there" ; nêwayak pcle "in four ways, fourfold; in four places" ; nêwâpisk pcle "four dollars" ; nêwâw pcle "four times" ; nêwinisk pcle "four fathoms" ; nêwo pcle "four" ; nêwo-sôniyâs pcle "one (silver) dollar; four quarters" ; nêwo-tipiskâw pcle "four nights" ; nêwomitanaw pcle "forty" ; nêwomitanawâw pcle "forty times" ; nêwosâp pcle "fourteen" ; nêwotâpânâskw pcle "four wagonloads" ; nêwowayak pcle "in four places" ; nici pcle "at that time, at sometime in the future" ; nikotwâsik pcle "six" ; nikotwâsik-askiy pcle "six years" ; nikotwâsikwâw pcle "six times" ; nikotwâsomitanaw pcle "sixty" ; nikotwâsomitanaw-askiy pcle "sixty years" ; nikotwâsosâp pcle "sixteen" ; nikotwâswâpisk pcle "six dollars" ; nikotwâswâw pcle "six times" ; nikotwâw pcle "either one, anyone, any, any choice; anytime" ; nikwatis pcle "somewhere" ; nimitaw pcle "to the open country" ; nimitâwi pcle "in the water away from shore" ; ninîkânîmihk pcle "in front of me, in my future" ; nisihk pcle "quietly, a little" ; nisihkâc pcle "slowly, gently; without trouble" ; nisitaw pcle "satisfactorily (suitable)" ; nisîhkâc pcle "gently, softly, carefully, slowly; quietly" ; nistam pcle "first; at first, for the first time, initially, originally" ; nistam% mâwacêyas pcle "first, earliest, oldest" ; nisto pcle "three" ; nisto% kîsikâw pcle "three days" ; nisto% tipahikan pcle "three o'clock; three yards" ; nisto% tipiskâw pcle "three nights" ; nisto-sôniyâs pcle "three quarters, seventy-five cents" ; nistocihc pcle "three inches" ; nistokamik pcle "three houses (near one another)" ; nistomitanaw pcle "thirty" ; nistomitanaw% tahtwâpisk pcle "thirty dollars" ; nistosâp pcle "thirteen" ; nistoskisin pcle "three pairs of shoes" ; nistw-âskiy pcle "three years" ; nistwayak pcle "three places, three kinds, three ways ;; Nistowiak, SK" ; nistwâpisk pcle "three dollars" ; nistwâw pcle "third time; three times" ; nitaki pcle "yeah, right [excl] not by any chance; just in time" ; nitakis pcle "yeah, right [excl] not by any chance" ; nitakisa pcle "yeah, right [excl] not by any chance" ; nitawâc pcle "in spite of everything, as the best thing to do; instead" ; niyatowihk pcle "like me, my kind" ; niyâ pcle "go ahead, go on, be off [excl]" ; niyâk pcle "for the future, in the future" ; niyâk pcle "go ahead, go on, be off [excl]" ; niyânan pcle "five" ; niyânanomitanaw pcle "fifty" ; niyânanosâp pcle "fifteen" ; niyânanosâpwâw pcle "fifteen times" ; niyânanwâpisk pcle "five dollars" ; niyânanwâw pcle "five times" ; nîhc-âyihk pcle "below; down, downstairs; in the low place" ; nîhtaskamik pcle "underground, down below ground" ; nîhtâmatin pcle "at the bottom of the bank, bottom of the hill" ; nîkân pcle "first, in front, ahead, at the head; lead, in the lead ;; in the future" ; nîkânês pcle "a ways ahead, at the head" ; nîkânihk pcle "in the future" ; nîpâ-tipisk pcle "in the dark of the night, at night, during the night" ; nîpihki pcle "next summer; in the (coming) summer, when it's summer" ; nîpinohk pcle "last summer" ; nîpitê pcle "all in a row" ; nîsitanaw pcle "twenty" ; nîsitanaw% tahtwâpisk pcle "twenty dollars" ; nîsitanawâw pcle "twenty times" ; nîso pcle "two" ; nîso-kîkway pcle "two things" ; nîso-kîsikâw pcle "two days" ; nîso-sôniyâs pcle "two quarters, fifty cents" ; nîso-tipiskâw pcle "two nights" ; nîsocihc pcle "two fingers, with two fingers" ; nîsokamik pcle "two buildings" ; nîsonisk pcle "two fathoms" ; nîsopîwâpisk pcle "double rail" ; nîsosâp pcle "twelve" ; nîsôhkonisk pcle "with both hands" ; nîsôskân pcle "two pairs" ; nîstamik pcle "before (s.t.), first" ; nîsw-âskiy pcle "two years" ; nîsw-âya pcle "two of s.t., two things" ; nîsw-âyamihêwi-kîsikâw pcle "two weeks" ; nîsw-âyihk pcle "in two places" ; nîswaskisin pcle "two pair of shoes" ; nîswayak pcle "simultaneously; in two ways, in two places" ; nîswâhtik pcle "two sticks" ; nîswâpêk pcle "in two strings" ; nîswâpisk pcle "two dollars" ; nîswâw pcle "twice, two times; double" ; nîswâw-mitâtahtomitanaw pcle "two hundred" ; nôhcimihk pcle "inland, in the woods, on the inside; away from the water, up in the woods; at the far end" ; nôhtaw pcle "short of (in length, time); too soon; before" ; nômakês pcle "for awhile, for quite a while" ; nômanakês pcle "for awhile, for quite a while" ; ocicâskâhk pcle "between the legs, in the crotch" ; ohci pcle "from there, thence, out of; with, by means of; because of; for; from then; about" ; ohcitaw pcle "on purpose, purposely, deliberately; it has to be, it is necessary; as expected; without fail; by all means; expressly, specifically" ; ohpim pcle "off to the side, away" ; ohpimê pcle "off, away, to the side; at another place, elsewhere, somewhere else" ; ohtâyihk pcle "from the place" ; ohtiskaw pcle "before it; in front of it" ; ohtitaw pcle "by nature, of necessity, for real" ; okâsikâk pcle "just a little while ago; yesterday" ; okihciniskihk pcle "on the right" ; okistakêwi pcle "much, many" ; omisi pcle "thus, in this way, as follows, like this" ; omisi% isi pcle "like this, in this way; this is how it is" ; osâm pcle "too much, excessively; because, since, for; because of excess" ; osâm% apisîs pcle "too little, less than enough" ; osâm% mistahi pcle "too much, more than enough" ; osâm% piko pcle "mainly, mostly; more or less" ; osâwi-sôniyâwâpisk pcle "copper; gold" ; oskac pcle "at first" ; otâhk pcle "behind, in the back, in the rear, at the back of something" ; otâhk% ispayiw pcle "last week" ; otâkosiki pcle "in the evening, when it's evening" ; otâkosî pcle "yesterday" ; otâkosîhk pcle "yesterday" ; otânâhk pcle "behind" ; otâniyihk pcle "on his (obviative) hind part" ; oti pcle "in fact; [emphasises preceding word or phrase]" ; ôh pcle "oh [excl] [exclamation]" ; ôma pcle "it is this; the fact that; then; when; as it is, actually" ; ômatowahk pcle "of this kind, like this" ; ômatowihk pcle "right here, in this place; like this" ; ômayikohk pcle "this much, to this degree, to this extent, this far" ; ômê pcle "over here" ; ômêyikohk pcle "this much, this far" ; ôta pcle "here" ; ôtâhkimihk pcle "at his/her rear, behind him/her" ; ôtê pcle "over here; over there" ; ôtê% isi pcle "over this way" ; ôtênâhk pcle "in town, in the city" ; ôti pcle "that is to say, at any rate" ; pahkisimotâhk pcle "west; in, to the west, towards the sunset" ; pakahkam pcle "I think, I believe, apparently; perhaps, maybe; surely, it's very likely, to judge by appeal [expectation]" ; pakaski pcle "brightly coloured; very clearly, fluently" ; pakwanaw pcle "instinctively" ; pakwâc-âyihk pcle "nature; rough" ; pakwâci pcle "wild" ; pakwânikamikohk pcle "in the tent" ; papêyâhtak pcle "slowly, carefully" ; paskê pcle "off on one side" ; paskwâpisk pcle "bare mountain" ; patotê pcle "off alone, away from the band; aside, on one side" ; payâk pcle "without foreskin" ; payêkwac pcle "in solitude" ; pâh-pahki pcle "part of this, part of that; here and there" ; pâh-pêyak pcle "each individually, one each; singly, one at a time, one by one" ; pâh-pêyakwan pcle "the same, all of them" ; pâh-piskihc pcle "each separately, in separate divisions" ; pâh-pîtos pcle "very different; different from one another, each differently; separate" ; pâmwayês pcle "before; go toward, to; [temporal conjunction]" ; pâskac pcle "even, on top of it all, to top it all off; coincidentally; besides; to that point" ; pâtimâ pcle "by and by; then, later; until" ; pâtimâ% ici pcle "later on, o.k.?" ; pâtimâ% itâp pcle "later on, o.k.?" ; pâtos pcle "only later; then, later" ; pâtos-âyihk pcle "outside area, uninhabited land" ; pêci pcle "hither, to here; thence, from there on down; approach" ; pêci-nâway pcle "from back then; down from the distant past" ; pêh-pêyak pcle "one by one, individually" ; pêskis pcle "at the same time, simultaneously; also, besides, as well" ; pêyak pcle "one; alone, single; the only one" ; pêyak-askiy pcle "one year" ; pêyak-ispayin pcle "one week" ; pêyak-kosikwan pcle "one pound" ; pêyak-kosikwanis pcle "one ounce" ; pêyak-misicisikan pcle "one inch" ; pêyak-misit pcle "one foot" ; pêyak-pîsim pcle "one moon, one month" ; pêyak-sôniyâs pcle "one quarter, twenty-five cents" ; pêyak-tipahôpân pcle "one gallon" ; pêyak-tipiskâw pcle "one night" ; pêyako-tipiskâw pcle "one night" ; pêyakonisk pcle "one fathom" ; pêyakosâp pcle "eleven" ; pêyakosâpwâw pcle "eleven times" ; pêyakotâs pcle "enough for one pair of leggings" ; pêyakwan pcle "same, the same, just the same; similar" ; pêyakwanohk pcle "in one place, the same spot" ; pêyakwaskisin pcle "one pair of shoes" ; pêyakwayak pcle "in one place, in a certain place; in the same place; one way, one kind" ; pêyakwâpisk pcle "one dollar, silver dollar" ; pêyakwâw pcle "once, once more" ; pêyakwâw% êsa pcle "once upon a time, one time" ; piko pcle "only; for sure, without a doubt; [follows the emphasized word]" ; piko pcle "must, have to; [clause-initial predicative; obligation (modal); immediately preceding conjunct verb with future preverb]" ; piko% ani pcle "anyway" ; piko% ispî pcle "anytime" ; piko% ita pcle "anywhere, in any place; everywhere" ; piko% itê pcle "anywhere; all over, everywhere" ; piko% itê% isi pcle "in any direction" ; piko% itowahk pcle "of any kind, of all kinds" ; piko% itowihk pcle "in any place, in all places" ; piko% iyikohk pcle "any amount" ; piko% iyiwas pcle "entirely" ; pikonita pcle "wasted efforts; for nothing, to no purpose" ; pikoyikohk pcle "no matter how much, to any extent" ; pikw îta pcle "anywhere" ; pikw îtowahk pcle "any kind" ; pikwanita pcle "without reason; all for nothing, to no purpose" ; pikwâci pcle "wild; desolate" ; pimic pcle "crosswise, from side, at right angle; alongside" ; pimic-âyihk pcle "beside, alongside" ; pimitakâm pcle "across the place, along the shore (in water)" ; pimohtêskanâhk pcle "on the travelled road" ; pipohki pcle "next winter; when it's winter, if it's winter" ; piponohk pcle "last winter, in the winter" ; pisik pcle "always; continually" ; pisinê pcle "as soon as" ; pisisik pcle "always, all the time, constantly, every time, routinely; mere; nothing else" ; piskihci pcle "separate; by itself" ; pita pcle "first, for a while; before doing something else; wait, just a minute" ; pitamâ pcle "for now, just a while; in the meantime, first, prior to doing anything else" ; pitanê pcle "would that; I wish, I hope" ; piyis pcle "eventually, finally, in the end, at last; until" ; piyisk pcle "eventually, finally, at last; until" ; pîhc-âyihk pcle "inside, indoors" ; pîhcâw pcle "for a long distance" ; pîhtaw pcle "besides, in the actual outcome; in the end, come to find out, as it appeared [exclamation expressing disappointment]" ; pîhtêyas pcle "in the center" ; pîhtêyask pcle "at the central circle of poles [in a dance-lodge]" ; pîhtokamik pcle "inside, indoors, inside a house, tent, dwelling" ; pîmakâm pcle "not opposite; diagonally" ; pîsimotâhk pcle "towards the south" ; pîtos pcle "strange, strangely; different, differently; foreign" ; pîtos% mîna pcle "different from" ; pôn-âpihtâ-kîsikâki pcle "in the afternoon, when it's afternoon" ; pôsko-kîsik pcle "half day; the same day; during the day" ; pôsko-pîsim pcle "half a month; the same month; during the month" ; pwâstawâc pcle "with too little speed or energy" ; pwâstâw pcle "slowly; too late" ; sakâhk pcle "in the woods" ; sapiko pcle "actually; in fact" ; sâkâstênohk pcle "east, in the east; literally: towards the sunrise" ; sâkâstênohk% isi pcle "toward the east, eastward" ; sâkitawâhk pcle "at the mouth of a river" ; sâkôc pcle "really [excl]" ; sâpahcikanihk pcle "opening for smoke at top of tipi" ; sâpo pcle "through" ; sâsakici pcle "backwards; supine, on one's back" ; sâsamîna pcle "again; already" ; sâsay pcle "already, before now" ; sâwanohk pcle "south, in the south" ; sâwanohk% isi pcle "southward, to the south" ; sêhkê pcle "by itself, of own accord; move ahead of own accord; willingly" ; sêmâk pcle "right now, right away, at once, immediately" ; sisikoc pcle "suddenly, all at once" ; sisikwac pcle "all of a sudden" ; sisonê pcle "along, alongside, along the edge" ; sisonêpêhk pcle "along the water; edge of the lake" ; siyâkês pcle "better (in health), recovered" ; sîkwanohk pcle "last spring" ; sîpâ pcle "under, underneath, beneath" ; sîpâhk pcle "skids" ; sîpâhk pcle "under" ; sîpâskosîhk pcle "under the grass" ; sîpâyâhtik pcle "under the tree" ; sîpâyihk pcle "under" ; sôhkêsîs pcle "a little faster" ; sôhki pcle "hard, strong" ; sôskwâc pcle "just, regardless, no matter what the consequences; truly, surely; directly, immediately, straight away; simply, without further ado, without delay; [in negative clauses:] at all" ; sôskwât pcle "just, regardless, no matter what the consequences; truly, surely; directly, straight away" ; tahki pcle "always, constantly, all the time, repeated action" ; tahki% ayiwâk pcle "increasingly, more and more; getting to be" ; tahkinê pcle "always, forever" ; tahkohc pcle "top, on top; above" ; tahkohc-âyihk pcle "at the top, on top of the place" ; tahkoht pcle "top, on top" ; tahto pcle "each, every; so many, so much; as many" ; tahto-awâsisak pcle "every child" ; tahto-iskwêwak pcle "every woman" ; tahto-kîsikâw pcle "each day, every day, daily" ; tahto-misit pcle "that many feet" ; tahto-nâpêwak pcle "every man" ; tahto-pipon pcle "yearly, annually, every year" ; tahto-tipiskâw pcle "each night; every night" ; tahtocihcân pcle "so many inches; so many thumbs" ; tahtonisk pcle "so many fathoms" ; tahtw-âskiy pcle "so many years, as many years" ; tahtw-âya pcle "so many" ; tahtw-âyamihêwi-kîsikâw pcle "every Sunday" ; tahtwayak pcle "at every place; in so many places, ways" ; tahtwâpisk pcle "dollar(s); so many dollars" ; tahtwâw pcle "each time, every time; so many times" ; tak ôt âni pcle "it is a good thing" ; takahki pcle "good, nice; really good, great" ; takowâc pcle "close by" ; takwâkiki pcle "next autumn; when it's autumn" ; takwâkohk pcle "last autumn, last fall" ; tasi pcle "there" ; tasinê pcle "all the time" ; taskam pcle "straight across" ; tastaw pcle "in between" ; tastawayakap pcle "between the legs" ; tastawayas pcle "in between, in the middle" ; tastawâyak pcle "in the middle" ; tastawâyihk pcle "in between" ; tastawêyas pcle "in between, in the place between" ; tastawic pcle "between" ; tatâstawâyihk pcle "between this and that, in the spaces" ; tawâw pcle "come in, you're welcome; there's room" ; tâh-têpakohp pcle "seven each; by sevens" ; tâh-têpi pcle "at regular intervals" ; tâhtakowâc pcle "every little ways, at short distances, intervals" ; tân% ôt% âni pcle "how much, how great" ; tânâ pcle "would that" ; tânê pcle "would that" ; tânêhâ pcle "would that" ; tânêhki pcle "why" ; tânêhki% ana pcle "why is that? what is the matter with him/her?" ; tânika pcle "would that" ; tânima% êwako% askiy pcle "what year was it?" ; tânimatahto pcle "how many" ; tânimatowâhtik pcle "what kind of tree" ; tânimatowihk pcle "in what sort of place" ; tânimayikohk pcle "how much, to what extent; how far is it" ; tânimayikohkêskamik pcle "for how long" ; tânisi pcle "how, in what way ;; hello, how are you" ; tânisi% êkwa pcle "how are you?" ; tânisi% êtikwê pcle "I don't know; I wonder how, I wonder what" ; tânispî pcle "when, at what point in time" ; tânispî% ohci pcle "how long, from what point in time" ; tânispîhk pcle "when" ; tânita pcle "where (in a defined area), where precisely" ; tânita% ohci pcle "from where" ; tânitahto pcle "how many; so many" ; tânitahto% askiy pcle "how many years" ; tânitahto% kîsikâw pcle "what day (is it)" ; tânitahto% pîsim pcle "how many months; what month is it; [predicative:] so many months" ; tânitahto% tipahikan pcle "what time (is it)" ; tânitahto% tipiskâw pcle "how many nights" ; tânitahtw-âskiy pcle "how many years" ; tânitahtw-âya pcle "how many kinds" ; tânitahtwasiyêk pcle "there are how many of you (in the family)?" ; tânitahtwayak pcle "in how many places, from how many sides; how many different kinds" ; tânitahtwâw pcle "how many times; so many times" ; tânitê pcle "where, where over there (in an undefined area), where in general; whither" ; tânitê% êtikwê pcle "I don't know where; I wonder where" ; tânitowahk pcle "what kind, in what way" ; tânitowihk pcle "where, in what place; what kind of thing" ; tâniwâ% êtikwê pcle "I do not know where s/he is, I wonder where s/he is" ; tâniwâtokê pcle "I do not know where s/he is, I wonder where s/he is" ; tâniyiko pcle "how much, to what extent" ; tâniyikohk pcle "how much, to what extent" ; tâpic pcle "out at sea" ; tâpiskôc pcle "like, for instance; just like, as if, in the same way; it seems, seemingly, apparently, similar to; equally" ; tâpiskôt pcle "like, for instance; as if, it seems" ; tâpitaw pcle "even if; always, all the time" ; tâpitawi pcle "all the time, constantly, continually; in the same way" ; tâpwê pcle "in truth, truly, indeed, really, for sure" ; tâpwê% piko% ani pcle "certainly, okay, go ahead" ; tâpwê% wiya pcle "it is a fact; oh, that one (guy, girl); how typical of that one" ; tâpwê% wiya% ani pcle "it is a fact" ; tâpwêkam pcle "seriously; as a matter of fact" ; tâsipwâ pcle "surely, in fact" ; tâsipwâw pcle "as a matter of fact" ; tâspwâ pcle "for that reason; no wonder, so" ; tâspwâw pcle "as a result, for that reason; as a matter of fact; no wonder" ; tâwakâm pcle "out in the middle of the lake or water, midstream; in the middle of the expanse" ; tâwâskikan pcle "in the middle of the chest" ; tâwâyihk pcle "in the centre, in the middle; between the places, in the place between" ; tâwic pcle "away from shore; out in the water" ; tâwihtak pcle "in the center of the boards or floor; center of a canoe or boat" ; tâyispî pcle "when" ; têniki pcle "thanks, thank you" ; têpakohp pcle "seven" ; têpakohp-askiy pcle "seven years" ; têpakohp-tahtwâpisk pcle "seven dollars" ; têpakohpomitanaw pcle "seventy" ; têpakohposâp pcle "seventeen" ; têpakohpwâw pcle "seven times" ; têpiskâk pcle "last night" ; têpiyâhk pcle "the only thing; the most (if any); at least, at any rate, as long as; only if; just, just so, just barely; merely; [in negative phrases:] all but" ; têyakwac pcle "instead" ; tihtipâ pcle "all around" ; tipahôpân pcle "gallon" ; tipân pcle "apart" ; tipinawâhk pcle "in the shelter from the wind" ; tipisk pcle "night" ; tipiskâki pcle "at night, tonight, when it's night; when it gets dark" ; tipiskoc pcle "opposite" ; tipiskohk pcle "last night" ; tipiyaw pcle "personally, really; in person, own" ; tipiyawê pcle "one's own, personal" ; wa pcle "oh [excl]" ; wa-wîhkâc pcle "in frequent intervals" ; wah pcle "well; oh [excl]" ; wahwâ pcle "oh my [excl] wow [excl] good gracious; really; [emphatic:] so" ; wakîc pcle "on, upon" ; wakîtatin pcle "on top of the bank" ; wanaskoc pcle "at the end, at the tip" ; wapâhk pcle "at the narrows, in the bay" ; waskic pcle "on the surface, on top" ; waskitaskamik pcle "on earth, on the face of the earth" ; waskitisik pcle "on top of the ice" ; wawêhtinahk pcle "easily, leisurely; taking time" ; wawiyas pcle "humourous" ; wayawîtimihk pcle "outside, out of doors" ; wayês pcle "around, about, approximately" ; wâ pcle "so; well" ; wâcistak pcle "oh my" ; wâcistakâ pcle "incredible, beyond reason" ; wâcistakâc pcle "oh my, really good; goodness gracious; incredible, beyond reason" ; wâcistakât pcle "oh my, really good" ; wâh pcle "oh [excl] well [excl]" ; wâh-wâhyaw pcle "very far; a very long distance; in far places" ; wâh-wîhkâc pcle "at rare intervals, rarely now and again" ; wâh-wîpac pcle "often; frequently; every little while" ; wâhyaw pcle "far, far away" ; wâhyawês pcle "far, far away, quite far, quite a ways; a little ways" ; wâhyawêskamik pcle "very far away across the land" ; wâhyawîs pcle "quite far" ; wâpahki pcle "tomorrow; in the morning" ; wâsakâ pcle "around, all around; in a circle round something" ; wâsakâm pcle "around, all around, in a circuit, in a circle round something" ; wâskâ pcle "around" ; wâwâc pcle "even, even more, even now, on top of it all, especially" ; wâwiyak pcle "well [excl]" ; wâwîs pcle "especially; all the more so, better so" ; wâwîs cî pcle "especially, all the more so; especially if, when" ; wâyino pcle "turning back, action in returning" ; wêhtinahk pcle "easily, leisurely, quietly, in peace" ; wêsâ pcle "excessively; even" ; wêsâmihk pcle "excessively, even" ; wêskac pcle "formerly" ; wêskacês pcle "a little while ago" ; wêskwâhtêmihk pcle "opposite the door" ; wiya pcle "for, because" ; wiya pcle "this, that; as for, by contrast" ; wiya% âta% wiya pcle "but of course" ; wiyakâc pcle "that's too bad, it's regrettable, sad loss" ; wiyaskoc pcle "that one's turn, his/her turn" ; wiyawâw pcle "by contrast" ; wiyâ% wîpac% cî% wiya pcle "it is a rare and welcome event that" ; wiyâta pcle "nonetheless" ; wiyâyêpac pcle "gladly, gratefully" ; wîhkâc pcle "ever; at times; [in negative clauses:] never" ; wîhkâcîs pcle "a little later" ; wîhkât pcle "ever; [in negative phrases:] never" ; wîpac pcle "soon, quickly, soon as possible; early" ; wîpat pcle "soon; early" ; wîskâc pcle "ever, at any time" ; yâkwâ pcle "look out [excl]" ; yâyaw pcle "rather, instead" ; yâyâhk pcle "really [excl]" ; yâyâhk êsa ani pcle "definitely, absolutely" ; yâyâhk êtikwê pcle "indubitably" ; yâyâhk oti ani pcle "definitely, absolutely" ; yêkamâ pcle "it is not so; not the case" ; yîkatê pcle "aside" ;