"PV/acici": "Preverb: acici-" "PV/ahcahkowi": "Preverb: ahcahkowi-" "PV/ahci": "Preverb: âhci-" "PV/ahkami": "Preverb: âhkami-" "PV/akawaci": "Preverb: akâwâci-" "PV/ako": "Preverb: âkô-" "PV/akoci": "Preverb: akoci-" "PV/akwa": "Preverb: âkwâ-" "PV/ami": "Preverb: âmi-" "PV/aniski": "Preverb: âniski-" "PV/apihci": "Preverb: âpihci-" "PV/apihta": "Preverb: âpihtâ-" "PV/apihtawi": "Preverb: âpihtawi-" "PV/apisci": "Preverb: apisci-" "PV/apisi": "Preverb: apisi-" "PV/apisisi": "Preverb: apisîsi-" "PV/asawi": "Preverb: âsawi-" "PV/ase": "Preverb: âsê-" "PV/aseya": "Preverb: asêya-" "PV/asowi": "Preverb: âsowi-" "PV/aste": "Preverb: âstê-" "PV/ata": "Preverb: âta-" "PV/ati": "Preverb: ati-" "PV/atimi": "Preverb: atimi-" "PV/ayamihawi": "Preverb: ayamihâwi-" "PV/ayamihewi": "Preverb: ayamihêwi-" "PV/ayaso": "Preverb: ayâsô-" "PV/ayi": "Preverb: ayi-" "PV/ayici": "Preverb: âyîci-" "PV/cipehtako": "Preverb: cîpêhtako-" "PV/e": "Preverb: ê-" "PV/ikate": "Preverb: îkatê-" "PV/isi": "Preverb: isi-" "PV/isko": "Preverb: isko-" "PV/ispi": "Preverb: ispi-" "PV/ispihci": "Preverb: ispîhci-" "PV/itahto": "Preverb: itahto-" "PV/ka": "Preverb: ka-" "PV/ka_ki": "Preverb: ka-kî-" "PV/kaa": "Preverb: kâ-" "PV/kah": "Preverb: kâh-" "PV/kakepaci": "Preverb: kakêpâci-" "PV/kakwahyaki": "Preverb: kakwâhyaki-" "PV/kakwayaki": "Preverb: kakwâyaki-" "PV/kakwe": "Preverb: kakwê-" "PV/kakweci": "Preverb: kakwêci-" "PV/kamwaci": "Preverb: kâmwâci-" "PV/kanaci": "Preverb: kanâci-" "PV/kape": "Preverb: kapê-" "PV/kaski": "Preverb: kaski-" "PV/kaskitewi": "Preverb: kaskitêwi-" "PV/kaspi": "Preverb: kâspi-" "PV/kawi": "Preverb: kâwi-" "PV/kayasi": "Preverb: kayâsi-" "PV/ke": "Preverb: kê-" "PV/kekaci": "Preverb: kêkâci-" "PV/ket": "Preverb: kêt-" "PV/ketiski": "Preverb: kêtiski-" "PV/ki": "Preverb: kî-" "PV/kici": "Preverb: kici-" "PV/kihci": "Preverb: kihci-" "PV/kika": "Preverb: kika-" "PV/kimoci": "Preverb: kîmôci-" "PV/kipi": "Preverb: kîpi-" "PV/kisci": "Preverb: kisci-" "PV/kise": "Preverb: kisê-" "PV/kisi": "Preverb: kîsi-" "PV/kisipi": "Preverb: kisipi-" "PV/kisiska": "Preverb: kisiskâ-" "PV/kisiwi": "Preverb: kisîwi-" "PV/kiski": "Preverb: kîski-" "PV/kisopwe": "Preverb: kîsopwê-" "PV/kita": "Preverb: kita-" "PV/kitimaki": "Preverb: kitimâki-" "PV/kiwaci": "Preverb: kîwâci-" "PV/kiwe": "Preverb: kîwê-" "PV/kiye": "Preverb: kiyê-" "PV/kiyi": "Preverb: kiyi-" "PV/koci": "Preverb: koci-" "PV/kota": "Preverb: kôta-" "PV/kotate": "Preverb: kôtatê-" "PV/kwahci": "Preverb: kwâhci-" "PV/kwaskwe": "Preverb: kwâskwê-" "PV/kwataki": "Preverb: kwâtaki-" "PV/kwayaci": "Preverb: kwayâci-" "PV/kwayako": "Preverb: kwayako-" "PV/kwayaski": "Preverb: kwayaski-" "PV/kwayasko": "Preverb: kwayasko-" "PV/kweski": "Preverb: kwêski-" "PV/kwetawi": "Preverb: kwêtawi-" "PV/kwitawi": "Preverb: kwîtawi-" "PV/maaci": "Preverb: mâci-" "PV/maci": "Preverb: maci-" "PV/mahi": "Preverb: mâhi-" "PV/mahti": "Preverb: mahti-" "PV/mamawi": "Preverb: mâmawi-" "PV/mana": "Preverb: manâ-" "PV/mani": "Preverb: mani-" "PV/maninakisko": "Preverb: mâninâkisko-" "PV/maski": "Preverb: mâski-" "PV/masta": "Preverb: mastâ-" "PV/matwe": "Preverb: matwê-" "PV/mayaci": "Preverb: mâyâci-" "PV/mayi": "Preverb: mâyi-" "PV/mecimwaci": "Preverb: mêcimwâci-" "PV/mesci": "Preverb: mêsci-" "PV/mesti": "Preverb: mêsti-" "PV/mihko": "Preverb: mihko-" "PV/mihyawe": "Preverb: mihyawê-" "PV/misakame": "Preverb: misakâmê-" "PV/misi": "Preverb: misi-" "PV/mistiko": "Preverb: mistiko-" "PV/miyo": "Preverb: miyo-" "PV/mohco": "Preverb: môhco-" "PV/mosci": "Preverb: mosci-" "PV/mwayi": "Preverb: mwayî-" "PV/mêkwa": "Preverb: mêkwâ-" "PV/naci": "Preverb: nâci-" "PV/nahi": "Preverb: nahi-" "PV/nahta": "Preverb: nahtâ-" "PV/naki": "Preverb: naki-" "PV/nanitaw": "Preverb: nânitaw-" "PV/napaki": "Preverb: napaki-" "PV/naspaci": "Preverb: naspâci-" "PV/natakasi": "Preverb: nâtakâsi-" "PV/natawi": "Preverb: natawi-" "PV/nawaci": "Preverb: nawaci-" "PV/nawayawi": "Preverb: nâwayawi-" "PV/nehiyawi": "Preverb: nêhiyawi-" "PV/nihci": "Preverb: nîhci-" "PV/nihta": "Preverb: nihtâ-" "PV/nihtaciwe": "Preverb: nîhtaciwê-" "PV/nikani": "Preverb: nîkâni-" "PV/nimi": "Preverb: nîmi-" "PV/nipa": "Preverb: nîpâ-" "PV/nipahi": "Preverb: nipahi-" "PV/nisihkaci": "Preverb: nisîhkâci-" "PV/niso": "Preverb: nîso-" "PV/nitawi": "Preverb: nitawi-" "PV/nohte": "Preverb: nôhtê-" "PV/o": "Preverb: ô-" "PV/ocihci": "Preverb: ocihci-" "PV/oh": "Preverb: ôh-" "PV/ohci": "Preverb: ohci-" "PV/ohtiskawi": "Preverb: ohtiskawi-" "PV/osami": "Preverb: osâmi-" "PV/osawaski": "Preverb: osâwaski-" "PV/osawi": "Preverb: osâwi-" "PV/oski": "Preverb: oski-" "PV/otami": "Preverb: otami-" "PV/paci": "Preverb: paci-" "PV/pahkaci": "Preverb: pâhkaci-" "PV/pahki": "Preverb: pahki-" "PV/pahko": "Preverb: pâhko-" "PV/pakwano": "Preverb: pakwâno-" "PV/papa": "Preverb: papâ-" "PV/papami": "Preverb: papâmi-" "PV/papasi": "Preverb: papâsi-" "PV/pasci": "Preverb: pâsci-" "PV/pasici": "Preverb: pâsici-" "PV/pasiko": "Preverb: pasikô-" "PV/paspi": "Preverb: paspi-" "PV/pe": "Preverb: pê-" "PV/peyako": "Preverb: pêyako-" "PV/pihci": "Preverb: pîhci-" "PV/pihtawe": "Preverb: pîhtawê-" "PV/pihtoke": "Preverb: pîhtokê-" "PV/pikiskaci": "Preverb: pîkiskâci-" "PV/pimi": "Preverb: pîmi-" "PV/pimici": "Preverb: pimici-" "PV/pimipahci": "Preverb: pimipahci-" "PV/pisci": "Preverb: pisci-" "PV/pitosi": "Preverb: pîtosi-" "PV/piwi": "Preverb: pîwi-" "PV/poni": "Preverb: pôni-" "PV/posko": "Preverb: pôsko-" "PV/pwana": "Preverb: pwâna-" "PV/pwatawi": "Preverb: pwâtawi-" "PV/sakewe": "Preverb: sâkêwê-" "PV/sapo": "Preverb: sâpo-" "PV/saposci": "Preverb: sâposci-" "PV/sasakici": "Preverb: sâsakici-" "PV/saskaci": "Preverb: saskaci-" "PV/sehke": "Preverb: sêhkê-" "PV/sesawi": "Preverb: sêsâwi-" "PV/sikaci": "Preverb: sikaci-" "PV/sikawi": "Preverb: sîkawi-" "PV/simaci": "Preverb: simaci-" "PV/sipwe": "Preverb: sipwê-" "PV/sisikoci": "Preverb: sisikoci-" "PV/sisiwe": "Preverb: sisiwê-" "PV/sohkahat": "Preverb: sôhkahât-" "PV/sohki": "Preverb: sôhki-" "PV/soniyawi": "Preverb: sôniyâwi-" "PV/ta": "Preverb: ta-" "PV/tah": "Preverb: tâh-" "PV/tahci": "Preverb: tâhci-" "PV/tahki": "Preverb: tahki-" "PV/tahkohci": "Preverb: tahkohci-" "PV/tahto": "Preverb: tahto-" "PV/takahki": "Preverb: takahki-" "PV/tako": "Preverb: tako-" "PV/tapi": "Preverb: tâpi-" "PV/tapisi": "Preverb: tâpisi-" "PV/tasi": "Preverb: tasi-" "PV/tehci": "Preverb: têhci-" "PV/tepi": "Preverb: têpi-" "PV/tewi": "Preverb: têwi-" "PV/teyi": "Preverb: têyi-" "PV/tipi": "Preverb: tipi-" "PV/tita": "Preverb: tita-" "PV/tomi": "Preverb: tômi-" "PV/wa": "Preverb: wâ-" "PV/wah": "Preverb: wâh-" "PV/wahke": "Preverb: wahkê-" "PV/waki": "Preverb: wâki-" "PV/wani": "Preverb: wani-" "PV/wapani": "Preverb: wâpani-" "PV/wapohki": "Preverb: wâpôhki-" "PV/wasa": "Preverb: wâsâ-" "PV/wase": "Preverb: wâsê-" "PV/wawiye": "Preverb: wâwiyê-" "PV/wayawi": "Preverb: wayawî-" "PV/wayesi": "Preverb: wayêsi-" "PV/wehci": "Preverb: wêhci-" "PV/wihpi": "Preverb: wîhpi-" "PV/wini": "Preverb: wîni-" "PV/wipi": "Preverb: wîpi-" "PV/wipo": "Preverb: wîpo-" "PV/wisaki": "Preverb: wîsaki-" "PV/wito": "Preverb: wîto-" "PV/wiyipi": "Preverb: wiyîpi-" "PV/yahki": "Preverb: yahki-" "PV/yikate": "Preverb: yîkatê-" "PV/yipe": "Preverb: yîpê-" "PV/yoski": "Preverb: yôski-" "PV/acici": "'head down; upside down'" "PV/ahcahkowi": "'spiritual'" "PV/ahci": "'to a different place'" "PV/ahkami": "'persistently, untiringly, unfailingly, unceasingly, unwaveringly; keep on, persevere'" "PV/akawaci": "'wishfully'" "PV/ako": "'covered, shielded'" "PV/akoci": "'hanging'" "PV/akwa": "'quite a lot; well on its way, in progress of time'" "PV/ami": "'almost'" "PV/aniski": "'succession, extension'" "PV/apihci": "'halfway'" "PV/apihta": "'half'" "PV/apihtawi": "'half'" "PV/apisci": "'small, little'" "PV/apisi": "'small, tiny'" "PV/apisisi": "'small'" "PV/asawi": "'in passing something on'" "PV/ase": "'see: asê-'" "PV/aseya": "'in a group'" "PV/asowi": "'in turn, in succession'" "PV/aste": "'ceasing; quit'" "PV/ata": "'although, in vain'" "PV/ati": "'begin to, beginning; progressively, proceed to, going on, progressing; on the way'" "PV/atimi": "'going away from speaker, towards addressee'" "PV/ayamihawi": "'prayer, pertaining to Christian prayer; of the Christian religion, of church'" "PV/ayamihewi": "'of the Christian religion, of church'" "PV/ayaso": "'a little here and there'" "PV/ayi": "'ah, hm'" "PV/ayici": "'firmly, tightly'" "PV/cipehtako": "'blue, greyish blue, grey'" "PV/e": "'[grammatical preverb: complementizer; defines a changed conjunct clause]'" "PV/ikate": "'aside, off to one side'" "PV/isi": "'so, this way, thus, thither, such'" "PV/isko": "'so far, to such an extent'" "PV/ispi": "'then, when'" "PV/ispihci": "'meanwhile, beforehand'" "PV/itahto": "'in such number'" "PV/ka": "'grammatical preverb: future will, shall; infinitive; optative ought, should'" "PV/ka_ki": "'can, be able to; may; should, ought to'" "PV/kaa": "'[grammatical preverb; defines a changed conjunct clause; often a relative clause, i.e. who, which]'" "PV/kah": "'would, ought to; likely to'" "PV/kakepaci": "'stupidly'" "PV/kakwahyaki": "'greatly, extremely, overwhelmingly; with startled surprise'" "PV/kakwayaki": "'greatly, extremely'" "PV/kakwe": "'try to, attempt to'" "PV/kakweci": "'inquire'" "PV/kamwaci": "'quietly'" "PV/kanaci": "'clean'" "PV/kape": "'for the full duration of; always'" "PV/kaski": "'dense'" "PV/kaskitewi": "'black'" "PV/kaspi": "'crunching'" "PV/kawi": "'again; back, in return'" "PV/kayasi": "'old'" "PV/ke": "'grammatical preverb; future, conditional: shall; defines a changed conjunct clause'" "PV/kekaci": "'almost'" "PV/ket": "'take off, remove'" "PV/ketiski": "'to exact measure'" "PV/ki": "'[grammatical preverb; past, completion]'" "PV/kici": "'so that'" "PV/kihci": "'great, big, important'" "PV/kika": "'grammatical preverb; future; defines a conjunct clause'" "PV/kimoci": "'secretly, by stealth'" "PV/kipi": "'quickly'" "PV/kisci": "'big'" "PV/kise": "'great, gentle'" "PV/kisi": "'finish; completely, to completion; completing, having done'" "PV/kisipi": "'end, finish, ending'" "PV/kisiska": "'fast, quickly'" "PV/kisiwi": "'angrily, in anger'" "PV/kiski": "'severing, breaking, cutting off'" "PV/kisopwe": "'with hot weather'" "PV/kita": "'[grammatical preverb]; future: will, shall; infinitive; optative: ought, should'" "PV/kitimaki": "'pitiable, pitiably'" "PV/kiwaci": "'orphaned, stray; lonely, desolately'" "PV/kiwe": "'back, homeward'" "PV/kiye": "'[grammatical preverb; future; in changed conjunct clauses]'" "PV/kiyi": "'[grammatical preverb; future; defines a conjunct clause]'" "PV/koci": "'try to'" "PV/kota": "'long for, be deprived of'" "PV/kotate": "'at a loss, making no attempt'" "PV/kwahci": "'far off'" "PV/kwaskwe": "'upwards'" "PV/kwataki": "'distressing, tormenting, tortuous'" "PV/kwayaci": "'in readiness, already; in preparation; beforehand'" "PV/kwayako": "'taking out, directly'" "PV/kwayaski": "'properly'" "PV/kwayasko": "'straight; properly, correctly'" "PV/kweski": "'turning'" "PV/kwetawi": "'doubtful'" "PV/kwitawi": "'impatiently'" "PV/maaci": "'begin to, start to; commencement; initially'" "PV/maci": "'bad, evil, wicked, wrong, ill'" "PV/mahi": "'downstream'" "PV/mahti": "'Let us; hortatory'" "PV/mamawi": "'together; in full number of them all, altogether, all together as a group'" "PV/mana": "'beware of, careful not to, avoid doing'" "PV/mani": "'with the intent of, with the purpose of'" "PV/maninakisko": "'without hesitation, entirely'" "PV/maski": "'crippled; defective, deformed'" "PV/masta": "'later'" "PV/matwe": "'audibly, visibly; perceptibly; loudly; heard or seen from a distance'" "PV/mayaci": "'bad'" "PV/mayi": "'bad, evil; badly, evilly, wickedly'" "PV/mecimwaci": "'permanently, for good'" "PV/mesci": "'exhaustively, till all is gone'" "PV/mesti": "'it is used up, it is burnt out, it is spent'" "PV/mihko": "'red'" "PV/mihyawe": "'with fur or body hair'" "PV/misakame": "'all the way'" "PV/misi": "'big, greatly; much, a lot; very, extremely, to the extreme'" "PV/mistiko": "'wood, of wood, wooden'" "PV/miyo": "'good, well, beautifully'" "PV/mohco": "'silly, crazy'" "PV/mosci": "'just, merely, plainly, simply, directly, without mediation, without instrumentality; by hand'" "PV/mwayi": "'before, prior to'" "PV/mêkwa": "'currently, presently, right now; while, during, in the meantime, in the act or place'" "PV/naci": "'getting'" "PV/nahi": "'well, fair'" "PV/nahta": "'able; good at, competent, practised, experienced, skillful at, expert at, known as one who does s.t. habitually; well'" "PV/naki": "'stopping'" "PV/nanitaw": "'[in negative clauses:] any'" "PV/napaki": "'flat'" "PV/naspaci": "'opposite, contrarily'" "PV/natakasi": "'into the bush country'" "PV/natawi": "'go to'" "PV/nawaci": "'better'" "PV/nawayawi": "'one behind the other, in a row'" "PV/nehiyawi": "'Cree, in Cree'" "PV/nihci": "'down, downwards; bottom'" "PV/nihta": "'able; good at, competent, practised, experienced, skillful at, expert at, known as one who does s.t. habitually; well'" "PV/nihtaciwe": "'downhill, down'" "PV/nikani": "'in front, ahead, at the head, in the future'" "PV/nimi": "'take along'" "PV/nipa": "'at night, in the dark'" "PV/nipahi": "'really, very, extremely'" "PV/nisihkaci": "'gently, carefully, slowly'" "PV/niso": "'two'" "PV/nitawi": "'go and, go to; engaged in'" "PV/nohte": "'want to, desire to; lack'" "PV/o": "'from there, for that reason; with, by means of; [grammatical preverb]'" "PV/ocihci": "'back in time; far back; from before, earlier; having lived long enough for something; chance to, live to, live to see'" "PV/oh": "'from there, for that reason; with, by means of; [past preverb in negative clauses]'" "PV/ohci": "'from there; with, by means of; because, for that reason, therefore, thence; [grammatical preverb; past preverb in negative clauses]'" "PV/ohtiskawi": "'facing'" "PV/osami": "'too much, because of excess, for'" "PV/osawaski": "'green, blue-green'" "PV/osawi": "'yellow, brown'" "PV/oski": "'new, young, first'" "PV/otami": "'busy, occupied, delayed'" "PV/paci": "'wrongly, in error'" "PV/pahkaci": "'fixed, not moving; locked in to a previously stated obligation'" "PV/pahki": "'portion of'" "PV/pahko": "'dry'" "PV/pakwano": "'from memory'" "PV/papa": "'go around, about, all over'" "PV/papami": "'around, about, all over, here and there, hither and thither'" "PV/papasi": "'fast, in a hurry, quick'" "PV/pasci": "'over, beyond'" "PV/pasici": "'stepping over, skipping'" "PV/pasiko": "'get up (from sitting)'" "PV/paspi": "'through narrow opening'" "PV/pe": "'come and; towards, approaching; hither; thence, from there on down; [towards focus]'" "PV/peyako": "'alone, only; as one'" "PV/pihci": "'inside, in, within'" "PV/pihtawe": "'under; double'" "PV/pihtoke": "'entering to the inside, entering house'" "PV/pikiskaci": "'sorry, sad, lonely'" "PV/pimi": "'twisted'" "PV/pimici": "'crosswise, from side, at right angle'" "PV/pimipahci": "'running, on the run'" "PV/pisci": "'accidentally, mistakenly, erroneously'" "PV/pitosi": "'different, foreign'" "PV/piwi": "'small'" "PV/poni": "'stop, terminate, cease; after'" "PV/posko": "'the same'" "PV/pwana": "'unable, fail to'" "PV/pwatawi": "'unable to do, failing'" "PV/sakewe": "'behind obstacle to vision, into view'" "PV/sapo": "'fully, exhaustively, through, through and through, right through, from end to end; beyond'" "PV/saposci": "'through'" "PV/sasakici": "'backwards; supine'" "PV/saskaci": "'weary, tired of'" "PV/sehke": "'by itself, of own accord; move ahead of own accord; willingly'" "PV/sesawi": "'stretching, exercising'" "PV/sikaci": "'impatiently, bored with'" "PV/sikawi": "'pouring, flooding'" "PV/simaci": "'upright; straightened'" "PV/sipwe": "'leaving, departing, going away; starting out, commencement'" "PV/sisikoci": "'suddenly'" "PV/sisiwe": "'spread, scatter'" "PV/sohkahat": "'greatly, powerfully'" "PV/sohki": "'hard, strongly, intensively, vigourously, properly'" "PV/soniyawi": "'with respect to money, in financial matters'" "PV/ta": "'[grammatical preverb: future; infinitive]'" "PV/tah": "'would, ought to; likely to'" "PV/tahci": "'on the top'" "PV/tahki": "'repeated action, always, constantly ;; receiving a chill, cold'" "PV/tahkohci": "'on top'" "PV/tahto": "'as many as'" "PV/takahki": "'good, nice'" "PV/tako": "'in addition to, on top, over and above; with, having along, also'" "PV/tapi": "'through the same place'" "PV/tapisi": "'threading, inserting'" "PV/tasi": "'for such a time, for the duration; an action at a time, while'" "PV/tehci": "'on, on top of something'" "PV/tepi": "'sufficiently; enough; reaching'" "PV/tewi": "'pain'" "PV/teyi": "'pain'" "PV/tipi": "'equal'" "PV/tita": "'[grammatical preverb; future]'" "PV/tomi": "'oily, greasy'" "PV/wa": "'intend to, be about to'" "PV/wah": "'whenever in future'" "PV/wahke": "'addicted to, easily led to'" "PV/waki": "'curving'" "PV/wani": "'dim, dark, indistinctly, blurred; lose; destroy'" "PV/wapani": "'dawn; at, until dawn'" "PV/wapohki": "'white'" "PV/wasa": "'around'" "PV/wase": "'clear; bright'" "PV/wawiye": "'round, spherical'" "PV/wayawi": "'outside; out from inside, out from the tipi'" "PV/wayesi": "'deceitfully'" "PV/wehci": "'easily'" "PV/wihpi": "'hollowing out'" "PV/wini": "'soil, dirty'" "PV/wipi": "'dirty, unclean'" "PV/wipo": "'narrow'" "PV/wisaki": "'painfully'" "PV/wito": "'want, intend'" "PV/wiyipi": "'dirty looking; dull brown, drab'" "PV/yahki": "'act of pushing forward; increasing, increasingly, adding, more and more'" "PV/yikate": "'aside'" "PV/yipe": "'on a slant, on a slope, on the side, sideways'" "PV/yoski": "'soft, softly'"