! ========================================================================================================================================= ! ! Old FST ——> Arok’s Class Special Chrs. AEW NEW ——> NEW FST Class ! ========================================================================================================================================= ! ! VII-w impersonal ——> VII-1v VII-1v ——> VIIw_SG ! VII-w regular ——> VII-2v VII-2v ——> VIIw ! VII-w Plural ——> Subtype of VII-2v VII-2v (a$) ——> VIIw_PL ! ! VII-n impersonal ——> VII-1n [n3] VII-1n ——> VIIn_SG ! VII-n regular ——> VII-2n [n3] VII-2n ——> VIIn ! VII-n Plural ——> VII-2 [n3] VII-2n (a$) ——> VIIn_PL ! !!(in all classes ending in /n/ -an, n changes to h, for in/on drop h mostly) ! : ! ! VAI-v ——> VAI-1 [n2] VAI-v ——> VAIw ! VAI-v-pl ——> N/A [n2] VAI-v (ak$) ——> VAIw_PL ! VAI-n ——> VAI-2 [n2] VAI-n ——> VAIn ! VAI-n-pl ——> N/A [n2] VAI-n (ak$) ——> VAIn_PL ! VAI-am ——> VAI-3 (VTI like) [n2] ——> WE NEED THIS ! ! VTI-am ——> VTI-1 [n2][t4] VTI-1 ——> VTIm ! VTI-am ——> N/A [n2] VTI-1 (ak$) ——> VTIm_PL ! VTI-â ——> VTI-2 (VAIlike) [n2] VTI-2 ——> VTIw ! VTI-ø ——> VTI-3 (Dims/Habs) (VAIlike) [n2] VTI-3 ——> VTIw ! ! VTA ——> VTA-1 (Regulars) [ii2] VTA-1 ——> VTA ! VTA-Vw ——> VTA-2 [i2][ii2] VTA-2 ——> VTA ! VTA-2 (ak$) ——> VTA_PL ! VTA-Cw ——> VTA-3 (hw, sw stem endings mostly) [i2][ii2] VTA-3 ——> VTA ! VTA-Ts ——> VTA-4 (kostew, wîhkistêw will go here) [t3][i3][ii2] VTA-4 ——> VTA ! VTAi ——> VTA-5 (ahew, itew, ay-itew) [i3] VTA-5 ——> VTAi ! ======================================================================================================================================= ! ======================================================================================================================================= !! Model verb lemmas and stems for new crk FST ! LEXICON VERBSTEMS ! !!!HAVE YAMLS FOR THESE !!! ! osâwâw:osâwâ VIIw ; ! mihkwâw:mihkwâ VIIw ; ! nîpin:nîpin3 VIIn ; ! mispon VIIn_PL ; ! only occurs in plural ! pimamon VIIn ; ! mâyâtan:mâyâtan3 VIIn ; ! miywâsin VIIn ; ! ! apiw:api VAIw ; ! atoskêw:atoskê VAIw ; ! matow:mato VAIw ; ! mîcisow:mîciso VAIw ; ! nêhiyawêw:nêhiyawê VAIw ; ! nipâw:nipâ VAIw ; ! pimisin:pimisin3 VAIn ; ! ! kâtâw:kâtâ VTIw ; ! kîsihtâw:kîsihtâ VTIw ; ! mîciw:mîci VTIw ; ! wâpahtam:wâpaht4a VTIm ; ! Check status of -a ! nâtam:nâta VTIm ; ! ! kîskiswêw:kîskisw VTA; ! w:0 for collapsing cases ! atoskahêw:atoskah VTA ; ! miskawêw:miskaw VTA ; ! mowêw:mow2 VTA ; ! w2:w for non-collapsing cases ! nakatêw:nakat3 VTA ; ! t3:s in some cases ! nâtêw:nât3 VTA ; ! wâpamêw:wâpam VTA ; ! wîcihêw:wîcih VTA ; ! mêstasîhkawêwak:mêstasîhkaw VTA_PL ; !'generally' plural according to AEW ! ! !!! NO YAML !!! ! ! atihkamêkoskâw:atihkamêkoskâ VIIw_SG ; ! 'generally' singular according to AEW ! asaskitêwa:asaskitê VIIw_PL ;!'generally' plural according to AEW ! ! asisinwak:asisin VAIn_PL ; !'generally' plural according to AEW ! asahtowak:asahto VAIw_PL ;! Plural Only ! ! pêyako-itêýihtamwak:pêyako-itêýihta VTIm_PL ; !'generally' plural according to AEW ! ! itêw:it3 VTAi ; ! kostêw:kost3 VTA ; ! s:0 when preceeding t3:s ! ayâwêw:ayâw2 VTA ; ! w2:w for non-collapsing cases ! nitonawêw:nitonaw VTA; ! w:0, V:VV for VG rules ! !! Full incorporation of AEW 2014 verbs into new crk FST LEXICON VERBSTEMS acâhkosiwiw:acâhkosiwi VAIw "it is a star; s/he is a star (e.g. in movies, sports, music, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v acici-wêpinam:acici-wêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. top down, in bent position" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 acici-wêpinêw:acici-wêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. head first, in bent position" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 acicikâpawiw:acicikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands bent over" ; ! AEW: VAI-v acicipayihow:acicipayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself head first, falling forward; s/he throws him/herself on all fours; s/he somersaults" ; ! AEW: VAI-v acicipayiw:acicipayi VAIw "s/he falls head first, s/he falls bent forward" ; ! AEW: VAI-v acicisin:acicisin3 VAIn "s/he lies with head down or facing away" ; ! AEW: VAI-n aciciwihêw:aciciwih VTA "s/he arrives ahead of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 acitakocin:acitakocin3 VAIn "s/he hangs head downwards" ; ! AEW: VAI-n acitakotâw:acitakotâ VTIw "s/he hangs s.t. head down" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 acitakotêw:acitakotê VIIw "it hangs head downwards" ; ! AEW: VII-v acitakotêw:acitakot3 VTA "s/he hangs s.o. head down" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 acitamow:acitamo VAIw "s/he hangs with bottom up, it hangs with bottom up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v acitaskihêw:acitaskih VTA "s/he sets s.o. upside down" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 acitaskisow:acitaskiso VAIw "s/he stands (bent over) with head near ground (as when hoeing, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v acitaskitâw:acitaskitâ VTIw "s/he sets s.t. upside down (e.g. a post in the ground)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 acitaskitêw:acitaskitê VIIw "it is set upside down (e.g. a post in the ground)" ; ! AEW: VII-v acitastâw:acitastâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. upside down; s/he sets s.t. upside down" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 acitastêw:acitastê VIIw "it is upside down, it is set upside down" ; ! AEW: VII-v acitinam:acitina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. upside down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 acitinêw:acitin VTA "s/he holds s.o. with head down, s/he holds s.o. upside down" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 acitisin:acitisin3 VAIn "s/he lies with head down or facing away" ; ! AEW: VAI-n acoskâcasiw:acoskâcasi VTIw "s/he works a little at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-3 acoskêsiw:acoskêsi VAIw "s/he works a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahcahkowan:ahcahkowan VIIn "it is spiritual" ; ! AEW: VII-n ahcahkowiw:ahcahkowi VAIw "it is a spirit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahcâpîhkawêw:ahcâpîhkaw VTA "s/he makes a bow for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ahcâpîhkâkêw:ahcâpîhkâkê VAIw "s/he makes a bow from something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahcâpîhkêw:ahcâpîhkê VAIw "s/he makes a bow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v 1:ah VTA "s/he puts s.o. (s.w.), s/he places s.o.; s/he sets s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-5 ahkwêhtawapiwak:ahkwêhtawapi VAIw_PL "they sit in layers on top of one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahkwêhtawastâw:ahkwêhtawastâ VTIw "s/he piles s.t. in layers on top of one another" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ahkwêhtawastêwa:ahkwêhtawastê VIIw_PL "they are piled in layers on top of one another; they are piled up, crosswise; they are laid on top of one another" ; ! AEW: VII-v ahkwêhtawêskam:ahkwêhtawêska VTIm "s/he wears several layers of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ahkwêhtawêskawêw:ahkwêhtawêskaw VTA "s/he wears several layers of s.o. (i.e. animate clothing)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ahkwêhtawêskikêw:ahkwêhtawêskikê VAIw "s/he wears several layers of clothing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahpîhcihêw:ahpîhcih VTA "s/he bruises s.o., s/he makes s.o. black and blue ;; s/he wrongs s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ahpîhcimêw:ahpîhcim VTA "s/he verbally abuses s.o., s/he wrongs s.o. verbally, s/he slanders s.o., s/he badmouths s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ahpîhcimow:ahpîhcimo VAIw "s/he is verbally abused, s/he is wronged verbally, s/he is slandered, s/he is badmouthed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahpîhcisiw:ahpîhcisi VAIw "s/he has bruises; s/he is blue with bruises" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahpîhtahosow:ahpîhtahoso VAIw "s/he bruises him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahpîhtahwêw:ahpîhtahw VTA "s/he bruises s.o. (by beating)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ahpîhtan:ahpîhtan VIIn "it is bruised; it is blue with bruises" ; ! AEW: VII-n ahpîhtâpiw:ahpîhtâpi VAIw "s/he has a black eye; s/he has a bruise around the eye(s)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahpîhtihkasow:ahpîhtihkaso VAIw "s/he is burnt, s/he is scorched" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahpîhtinâkosiw:ahpîhtinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks bruised, beaten up; s/he appears purple" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahpîhtinâkwan:ahpîhtinâkwan VIIn "it looks bruised, beaten; it looks well used, worn out; it appears purple" ; ! AEW: VII-n ahpîhtipayiw:ahpîhtipayi VAIw "s/he becomes bruised; s/he turns purple, blue" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ahpîhtisiw:ahpîhtisi VAIw "s/he has a bruise, s/he is bruised" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akâmaham:akâmaha VTIm "s/he crosses s.t. (e.g. water) by paddling or rowing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akâwâci-mâmitonêyihtam:akâwâci-mâmitonêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks wishfully of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akâwâtam:akâwâta VTIm "s/he desires s.t., s/he wishes for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akâwâtamawêw:akâwâtamaw VTA "s/he desires (it/him) from s.o., s/he desires (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akâwâtêw:akâwât3 VTA "s/he desires s.o., s/he wishes for s.o., s/he lusts for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 akâwâtêyihtam:akâwâtêyihta VTIm "s/he grieves for s.t., s/he longs for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akâwâtêyimêw:akâwâtêyim VTA "s/he grieves for s.o., s/he longs for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 akâwêyihtam:akâwêyihta VTIm "s/he is disappointed in s.t.; be shocked by s.t., be bothered by s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akâwêyihtamihikow:akâwêyihtamih VTA "s/he is bothered by a promise s/he made to do s.t." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 akihcikêw:akihcikê VAIw "s/he counts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akihtam:akihta VTIm "s/he counts s.t.; s/he adds s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akihtamawêw:akihtamaw VTA "s/he counts (them) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akihtâsow:akihtâso VAIw "s/he counts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akihtâw:akihtâ VTIw "s/he counts s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 akihtêw:akihtê VIIw "it is counted" ; ! AEW: VII-v akikwamow:akikwamo VAIw "s/he is attached (to something), s/he is stuck (to something)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akimêw:akim VTA "s/he counts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 akinênam:akinêna VTIm "s/he picks s.t. one after another" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akinêskam:akinêska VTIm "s/he passes s.t. (pl) successively" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akinêskawêw:akinêskaw VTA "s/he passes s.o. (pl) successively; she visits s.o. (pl) one by one" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akinêwêskam:akinêwêska VTIm "s/he makes tracks in snow, sand, mud; s/he passes s.t. (pl) successively" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akinêwêyihtam:akinêwêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks of one thing at a time, s/he thinks of s.t. (pl) successively, one after another" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akinêwêyimêw:akinêwêyim VTA "s/he thinks of s.o. (pl) successively, s/he considers s.o. one after another" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 akisow:akiso VAIw "s/he is counted, listed; s/he is accountable, trusted" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ako-sakaham:ako-sakaha VTIm "s/he nails s.t. on (to something)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ako-sakahwêw:ako-sakahw VTA "s/he nails s.o. on (to something)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 akoci-wanihikêw:akoci-wanihikê VAIw "s/he sets hanging traps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akocihcêskawêw:akocihcêskaw VTA "s/he puts s.o.'s hand on something" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akocikêw:akocikê VAIw "s/he hangs things (e.g. clothes) up, s/he hangs clothes on a clothesline" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akocimow:akocimo VAIw "s/he hangs on (to something)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akocin:akocin3 VAIn "s/he hangs, s/he is hanging, s/he is suspended" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ! 1: - ! 2: reduplication: ay-akocin akocipayiw:akocipayi VAIw "s/he is caught aloft; it gets caught on something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akocipayiw:akocipayi VIIw "it gets caught on something" ; ! AEW: VII-v akocipâskisikanêw:akocipâskisikanê VAIw "s/he places a gun on a gun-rack" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akociwêpinam:akociwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. onto (it) so as to hang; s/he throws s.t. over top, onto (it)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akociwêpinêw:akociwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. onto (it) so as to hang; s/he throws s.o. over top (e.g. over willow bushes)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 akocîstam:akocîsta VTIm "s/he waits in an elevated place for s.t.; s/he hangs near s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akocîstamawêw:akocîstamaw VTA "s/he goes and waits for (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akocîstawêw:akocîstaw VTA "s/he waits in an elevated place for s.o.; s/he hangs near s.o., s/he clings to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akocîw:akocî VAIw "s/he hangs on by his/her hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akohcimêw:akohcim VTA "s/he puts s.o. into water, s/he soaks s.o. in water, s/he immerses s.o. in water" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 akohcin:akohcin3 VAIn "s/he is in water" ; ! AEW: VAI-n akohpihkawêw:akohpihkaw VTA "s/he makes blankets for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akohpihkêw:akohpihkê VAIw "s/he makes blankets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akohtatâw:akohtatâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. in to soak" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 akohtêw:akohtê VIIw "it is in water" ; ! AEW: VII-v akohtin:akohtin VIIn "it soaks, it is in water" ; ! AEW: VII-n akohtitâw:akohtitâ VTIw "s/he soaks s.t. in water, s/he puts s.t. into water" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 akokwaham:akokwaha VTIm "s/he staples s.t. on" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akokwahwêw:akokwahw VTA "s/he staples s.o. on" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 akokwâsow:akokwâso VAIw "s/he sews trimming (e.g. on a dress)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akokwâtam:akokwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t. on" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akokwâtêw:akokwât3 VTA "s/he sews s.o. on" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 akonam:akona VTIm "s/he holds s.t. in place; s/he puts, sticks, holds s.t. in place against something else" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akonamawêw:akonamaw VTA "s/he holds (it/him) on for s.o. (as heat to the chest); s/he holds (it/him) up against s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akonêw:akon VTA "s/he holds s.o. in place; s/he puts, sticks, holds s.o. in place against something else" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 akopayiw:akopayi VIIw "it sticks, it holds in place (e.g. as a magnet, from static electricity, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VII-v akopisow:akopiso VAIw "s/he has a compress tied on him/herself, s/he has a poultice on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akopitam:akopita VTIm "s/he applies a poultice to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akopitamawêw:akopitamaw VTA "s/he applies a wet poultice (to it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akopitêw:akopit3 VTA "s/he ties a compress on s.o., s/he applies a poultice to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 akopitisow:akopitiso VAIw "s/he applies a poultice to him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akosîw:akosî VAIw "s/he perches aloft, s/he is perched up on s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v akoskam:akoska VTIm "s/he steps on s.t. so as to press it against something else; s/he presses s.t. up against something else with his/her foot or body" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akoskiwasam:akoskiwasa VTIm "s/he seals s.t. with wax; s/he makes an imprint with a hot object" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akoskiwasikêw:akoskiwasikê VAIw "s/he seals things with wax; s/he makes imprints with a hot object" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akostaham:akostaha VTIm "s/he sews s.t. on (as trimming)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akostahamawêw:akostahamaw VTA "s/he sews (it/him) on for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akostahow:akostaho VAIw "it is sewn on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akostahwêw:akostahw VTA "s/he sews s.o. on (as trimming)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 akotamawêw:akotamaw VTA "s/he hangs (it/him) up for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akotamâsow:akotamâso VAIw "s/he hangs s.t. up for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akotaskihkwêw:akotaskihkwê VAIw "s/he hangs a kettle over the fire" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akotâskocin:akotâskocin3 VAIn "s/he hangs snagged on a tree" ; ! AEW: VAI-n akotâskwahwêw:akotâskwahw VTA "s/he hangs s.o. on a tree (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 akotâw:akotâ VTIw "s/he hangs s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 akotêw:akot3 VTA "s/he hangs s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 akotêw:akotê VIIw "it hangs, it is hanging" ; ! AEW: VII-v akotin:akotin VIIn "it hangs, it is hanging" ; ! AEW: VII-n akotisow:akotiso VAIw "s/he hangs him/herself up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwaham:akwaha VTIm "s/he pastes s.t. on (the wall)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akwahamawêw:akwahamaw VTA "s/he pastes (it/him) on for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akwahikêw:akwahikê VAIw "s/he pastes things up; s/he hangs wallpaper" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwahow:akwaho VAIw "s/he covers him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwahpitam:akwahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. on" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akwahpitamawêw:akwahpitamaw VTA "s/he ties (it/him) on for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akwahpitêw:akwahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. on" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 akwahwêw:akwahw VTA "s/he pastes s.o. on (the wall)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 akwamohêw:akwamoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. stick (to something); s/he glues s.o. on" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 akwamohtâw:akwamohtâ VTIw "s/he sticks s.t. on; s/he fastens s.t. by sticking, glueing; s/he attaches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 akwamon:akwamon VIIn "it is attached, it sticks on" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: wC: it stays at one spot on the water akwamow:akwamo VAIw "s/he sticks on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: wC: s/he stays at one spot on the water akwanaham:akwanaha VTIm "s/he covers s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akwanahamawêw:akwanahamaw VTA "s/he covers (it/him) up for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 akwanahosow:akwanahoso VAIw "s/he covers him/herself up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwanahow:akwanaho VAIw "s/he wraps him/herself in blanket, s/he covers him/herself up, s/he is covered" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwanahwêw:akwanahw VTA "s/he covers s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 akwanâhkwêhtêw:akwanâhkwêhtê VAIw "s/he walks with his/her face covered" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwanâhkwênêw:akwanâhkwên VTA "s/he covers s.o.'s face, s/he veils s.o.'s face (e.g. a baby's)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 akwanâhkwêsimêw:akwanâhkwêsim VTA "s/he lays s.o. down with face covered; s/he puts s.o. to bed with that one's face covered" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 akwanâhkwêsin:akwanâhkwêsin3 VAIn "s/he has his/her own face covered while sleeping; s/he lies with his/her face covered" ; ! AEW: VAI-n akwanâhkwêw:akwanâhkwê VAIw "s/he has his/her own face covered" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwanâpowêham:akwanâpowêha VTIm "s/he puts the cover or lid on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akwanâpowêhikâsow:akwanâpowêhikâso VAIw "it is covered (as a vessel capable of containing liquid), it has a lid" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwanâpowêhikêw:akwanâpowêhikê VAIw "s/he covers things, s/he puts lids on things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwâhwêw:akwâhw VTA "s/he takes s.o. from water or fire by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 akwâkohtin:akwâkohtin VIIn "it is mouldy; it is rusty" ; ! AEW: VII-n akwâkomâkosiw:akwâkomâkosi VAIw "it smells mouldy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwâkomâkwan:akwâkomâkwan VIIn "it smells mouldy" ; ! AEW: VII-n akwâkosiw:akwâkosi VAIw "it is mouldy; it is rusty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwânam:akwâna VTIm "s/he takes s.t. from water or fire by hand; s/he lifts s.t. out of the water or off the stove" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akwânêw:akwân VTA "s/he takes s.o. from water or fire by hand; s/he lifts s.o. out of the water or off the stove" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 akwâpicikêw:akwâpicikê VAIw "s/he fishes with a seine net; s/he pulls things from the water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwâpitam:akwâpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. from the water; s/he drags s.t. out of the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akwâpitêw:akwâpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. from the water; s/he drags s.t. out of the water" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 akwâsiwêpaham:akwâsiwêpaha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. out of the water or fire by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 akwâtaskinêw:akwâtaskinê VIIw "it is not full" ; ! AEW: VII-v akwâwânihkêw:akwâwânihkê VAIw "s/he makes a drying rack" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwâwêpahwêw:akwâwêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. out of the water or fire by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 akwâwêw:akwâwê VAIw "s/he dries meat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwâyâhokow:akwâyâhoko VAIw "s/he drifts to the shore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v akwâyâstan:akwâyâstan VIIn "it drifts ashore (in the wind)" ; ! AEW: VII-n amiskowiw:amiskowi VAIw "s/he is a beaver" ; ! AEW: VAI-v anâskasow:anâskaso VAIw "s/he places a mat for him/herself; s/he lies on s.t., s/he has s.t. under him/her" ; ! AEW: VAI-v anâskâhtam:anâskâhta VTIm "s/he puts a new floor down (on s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 anâskâhtêw:anâskâhtê VAIw "s/he covers the floor, s/he spreads something on the ground" ; ! AEW: VAI-v anâskâkêw:anâskâkê VAIw "s/he uses something as a floor covering" ; ! AEW: VAI-v anâskêstamawêw:anâskêstamaw VTA "s/he puts flooring (a mat, etc.) down for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 anâskêw:anâskê VAIw "s/he puts flooring down, s/he lays carpet, s/he puts down linoleum; s/he lays mats, s/he spreads a blanket; s/he uses s.t. as a covering; s/he lays s.t. on the ground or floor" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apahkwâtam:apahkwâta VTIm "s/he roofs s.t.; s/he shingles the roof" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 apahkwâtamawêw:apahkwâtamaw VTA "s/he roofs for s.o., s/he shingles the roof for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 apahkwâtêw:apahkwâtê VIIw "it has a roof, it is roofed" ; ! AEW: VII-v apahkwâw:apahkwâ VAIw "s/he roofs, s/he engages in roofing; s/he shingles the roof" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apahkwêw:apahkwê VAIw "s/he thatches s.t.; s/he covers a dwelling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apihêw:apih VTA "s/he makes s.o. sit" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 apihkâtam:apihkâta VTIm "s/he braids s.t.; s/he knits s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 apihkâtêw:apihkât3 VTA "s/he braids s.o.; s/he knits s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 apihkâtêw:apihkâtê VIIw "it is braided" ; ! AEW: VII-v apihkêstamawêw:apihkêstamaw VTA "s/he braids (it/him) for s.o.; s/he knits (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 apihkêw:apihkê VAIw "s/he braids, s/he braids hair; s/he weaves, s/he makes a net; s/he knits, s/he does knitting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apini-kêskêw:apini-kêskê VAIw "s/he turns while sitting, s/he turns in his/her seat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: ay-apini-kêskêw apisam:apisa VTIm "s/he warms s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 apisâpêkan:apisâpêkan VIIn "it is small (e.g. thread, rope)" ; ! AEW: VII-n apisâpêkisiw:apisâpêkisi VAIw "it is small (e.g. thread size)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cannot be used to describe a human being apisâsin:apisâsin VIIn "it is small" ; ! AEW: VII-n apisâskosiw:apisâskosi VAIw "it is slender (as a tree); s/he is slender" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apiscawâsisiwiw:apiscawâsisiwi VAIw "s/he is a little child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apiscicâpiw:apiscicâpi VAIw "s/he has small eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apiscikâtêw:apiscikâtê VAIw "s/he has slender legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apiscikwayawêw:apiscikwayawê VAIw "s/he has a slender neck" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apiscisam:apiscisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. into small pieces" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 apiscisasiw:apiscisasi VTIw "s/he cuts s.t. into very small pieces" ; ! AEW: VTI-3 apiscisiskam:apiscisiska VTIm "s/he has small tracks, s/he makes small tracks" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 apisciyawêsiw:apisciyawêsi VAIw "s/he has a small waist; s/he is slender" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apisciyêkâsin:apisciyêkâsin VIIn "it is narrow (material)" ; ! AEW: VII-n apisicâpisiw:apisicâpisi VAIw "s/he has small eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apisicihcêsiw:apisicihcêsi VAIw "s/he has small hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apisiminakâsiw:apisiminakâsi VIIw "it has small berries" ; ! AEW: VII-v apisisihtâw:apisisihtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. small" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 apisîsisiw:apisîsisi VAIw "s/he is small" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apisow:apiso VAIw "s/he warms him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apiswêw:apisw VTA "s/he warms s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 apiw:api VAIw "s/he sits, s/he sits down, s/he is present; s/he is available; s/he is there, s/he is situated ;; s/he is at home, s/he stays at home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: in the latter sense, often reduplicated: ay-apiw apîstam:apîsta VTIm "s/he sits near s.t.; s/he lives close to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 apîstawêw:apîstaw VTA "s/he sits near s.o.; s/he lives close to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 apwêpahtâw:apwêpahtâ VAIw "s/he sweats while running" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apwêsiw:apwêsi VAIw "he sweats, she perspires" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: derived as a diminutive (cf. apwê- + /-si/), but not synchronically perceived as such apwêw:apwê VAIw "s/he makes a roast, s/he roasts over a fire (on a spit)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v apwêyâw:apwêyâ VIIw "it is warm enough to perspire" ; ! AEW: VII-v asaham:asaha VTIm "s/he puts s.t. (pl) together in a heap" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asahêw:asah VTA "s/he puts s.o. (pl) together in a heap" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asahkêskiw:asahkêski VAIw "s/he feeds people all the time, habitually; s/he is given to feeding people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asahkêw:asahkê VAIw "s/he gives food; s/he feeds people; s/he holds a feast, banquet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asahpitam:asahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. together into a bunch, bundle" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asahpitêw:asahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. together into a bunch, bundle" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 asahtowak:asahto VAIw_PL "they feed one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asamastimwêw:asamastimwê VAIw "s/he feeds his/her horses or dogs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asamêw:asam VTA "s/he feeds s.o., s/he gives s.o. food; s/he hands out rations to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asamisow:asamiso VAIw "s/he feeds him/herself, s/he prepares his/her own meals" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asamonam:asamona VTIm "s/he clusters s.t.; s/he holds s.t. together" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asamonwa:asamon VIIn_PL "they are in a cluster, they are clustered together; they are in a bunch, they are bunched together" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: always pl; cf. dialect differences in conjunct plural: (ê)-asamoki, (ê)-asamokwâw asamopitam:asamopita VTIm "s/he closes s.t. (e.g. pouch) with a gathering string" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asamopitêw:asamopitê VIIw "it is closed with a gathering string" ; ! AEW: VII-v asamowak:asamo VAIw_PL "they are in a cluster" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: always plural asapiwak:asapi VAIw_PL "they are in a heap, they sit in a heap" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: generally plural asaskisowak:asaskiso VAIw_PL "they grow in a clump or mass" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: generally plural asaskitêwa:asaskitê VIIw_PL "they grow in a clump or mass" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: generally plural asastâw:asastâ VTIw "s/he piles s.t. up (as wood)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 asastêwa:asastê VIIw_PL "they are piled up, they are heaped up" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: generally plural asawâpahtam:asawâpahta VTIm "s/he waits and watches for s.t.; s/he looks out for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asawâpamêw:asawâpam VTA "s/he looks out for s.o., s/he waits and watches for s.o., s/he lies in watch for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asawâpiw:asawâpi VAIw "s/he looks around, s/he looks out; s/he waits and watches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asayêtiwak:asayêti VAIw_PL "they are together (as a bunch, herd, flock, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: generally plural asâhtin:asâhtin VIIn "it is dull, it is blunt" ; ! AEW: VII-n asâskonam:asâskona VTIm "s/he carries a pile (of firewood) by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asâsow:asâso VAIw "s/he is tattooed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ascikêw:ascikê VAIw "s/he places things there; s/he bets, s/he places bets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asêciwan:asêciwan VIIn "it flows back as an eddy at a falls" ; ! AEW: VII-n asêhâw:asêhâ VAIw "s/he flies back, s/he flies backwards" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asêhtahâhtêw:asêhtahâht VTA "s/he tracks s.o. back, s/he follows s.o.'s track backwards" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asêhtahêw:asêhtah VTA "s/he makes s.o. walk backwards; s/he makes s.o. backtrack; s/he takes s.o. back" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asêhtahwêw:asêhtahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. back" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 asêhtêw:asêhtê VAIw "s/he walks back, s/he walks backwards" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asêkâpawiw:asêkâpawi VAIw "s/he steps backwards" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asêkinam:asêkina VTIm "s/he lays or gathers s.t. together as cloth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asêkocin:asêkocin3 VAIn "s/he flies back, s/he flies backwards, s/he goes backwards" ; ! AEW: VAI-n asêmakan:asêmakan VIIn "it goes backwards, it moves down" ; ! AEW: VII-n asênam:asêna VTIm "s/he refuses s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asênamawêw:asênamaw VTA "s/he returns (it/him) to s.o.; s/he creates a hindrance for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 asênêw:asên VTA "s/he rejects s.o., s/he refuses s.o., s/he puts s.o. back" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asênikâtêw:asênikâtê VIIw "it is refused, it is turned down" ; ! AEW: VII-v asêpahtâw:asêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs back; s/he runs backwards" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asêpayihow:asêpayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself backwards, s/he jumps backwards; s/he backs down (as from a challenge)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asêpayiw:asêpayi VAIw "s/he drives backwards; s/he moves back, s/he moves back quickly (as a machine)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asêpitam:asêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. back" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asêpitêw:asêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. back" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 asêpiw:asêpi VAIw "s/he sits back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asêsin:asêsin3 VAIn "s/he moves back while sleeping or lying" ; ! AEW: VAI-n asêskawêw:asêskaw VTA "s/he forces s.o. back by advancing" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 asêtâcimow:asêtâcimo VAIw "s/he crawls back, s/he crawls backwards" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asêtisaham:asêtisaha VTIm "s/he sends s.t. back, s/he mails s.t. back" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asêtisahwêw:asêtisahw VTA "s/he sends s.o. back, s/he mails s.o. back" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 asêwêpinam:asêwêpina VTIm "s/he flings s.t. back" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asêwêpinêw:asêwêpin VTA "s/he flings s.o. back" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asicâpâtam:asicâpâta VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. along" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asicâpâtêw:asicâpât3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. along (e.g. children in a toboggan)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 asicimêw:asicim VTA "s/he links s.o.'s name with another (e.g. an affair, a partnership, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asicipitam:asicipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. against (something); s/he moves s.t. next to (something)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asicipitêw:asicipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. against (something); s/he moves s.o. next to (something)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 asikanihkawêw:asikanihkaw VTA "s/he makes socks for s.o., s/he knits socks for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 asikanihkêw:asikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes socks, s/he knits socks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asinam:asina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. (pl) together in a bunch" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asinêw:asin VTA "s/he holds s.o. (pl) together in a bunch (e.g. money)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asinîwacîwiw:asinîwacîwi VIIw "it is a rock hill, it is a rocky mountain" ; ! AEW: VII-v asinîwan:asinîwan VIIn "it is rocky, there are many stones" ; ! AEW: VII-n asinîwêw:asinîwê VAIw "s/he sounds like an Assiniboine, Nakota, Stoney person; s/he speaks Assiniboine, Nakota, Stoney" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asinîwiw:asinîwi VAIw "s/he is stone, it is made of stone or cement" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asisinwak:asisin3 VAIn_PL "they lie together (as pigs in a pen)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ! 1: - ! 2: generally plural asiskisin:asiskisin3 VAIn "s/he has an open wound (from falling); s/he has a flesh wound" ; ! AEW: VAI-n asiskisiw:asiskisi VAIw "s/he has an open wound, s/he has a flesh wound" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asiskiswêw:asiskisw VTA "s/he wounds s.o. (by scraping)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 asiskîhkêw:asiskîhkê VAIw "s/he mixes mud, s/he mixes mortar; s/he mixes clay" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asiskînam:asiskîna VTIm "s/he plasters s.t. with clay" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asiskînamawêw:asiskînamaw VTA "s/he plasters (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 asiskînêw:asiskîn VTA "s/he plasters s.o. with clay" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asiskîwan:asiskîwan VIIn "it is dusty, it is muddy" ; ! AEW: VII-n asiskîwihêw:asiskîwih VTA "s/he muddies s.o., s/he makes s.o. dirty" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asiskîwihkwêw:asiskîwihkwê VAIw "s/he has soil on his/her face, s/he has dirt on his/her face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asiskîwihtâw:asiskîwihtâ VTIw "s/he muddies s.t., s/he makes s.t. dirty" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 asiskîwinisow:asiskîwiniso VAIw "s/he puts clay on him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asiskîwiw:asiskîwi VAIw "s/he is muddy, it is dusty; s/he is covered with clay" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asiskîwiyâkanihkamawêw:asiskîwiyâkanihkamaw VTA "s/he makes pottery for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: alternative derivation: asiskiy- + [-wi-] + /-ýâkan/ + /-ihk/ + /-amaw/ asiskîwiyâkanihkêw:asiskîwiyâkanihkê VAIw "s/he makes pottery, s/he makes earthenware dishes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: alternative derivation: asiskiy- + [-wi-] + /-ýâkan/ + /-ihkê/ asitahpisow:asitahpiso VAIw "s/he is tied close to s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v asitahpitam:asitahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. fast to something" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asitahpitêw:asitahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. fast to something" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 asitahpitisow:asitahpitiso VAIw "s/he ties him/herself fast to s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v asitakimisow:asitakimiso VAIw "s/he includes him/herself, s/he counts him/herself in" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asitinêw:asitin VTA "s/he places s.o. with something" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asiwacikêw:asiwacikê VAIw "s/he places things in, inside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asiwahêw:asiwah VTA "s/he puts s.o. inside (a bag or box)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 asiwasow:asiwaso VAIw "s/he is inside, s/he is closed in, s/he is contained within" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asiwatan:asiwatan VIIn "it is inside" ; ! AEW: VII-n asiwatâw:asiwatâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. inside (a bag or box)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 asiwatêw:asiwatê VIIw "it is inside, it is closed in" ; ! AEW: VII-v askamawêw:askamaw VTA "s/he lies in wait watching for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 askatâw:askatâ VAIw "s/he lies in wait" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askâpiw:askâpi VAIw "s/he has red flesh showing around his/her eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askâwikanêw:askâwikanê VAIw "s/he has raw wounds on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askêkinowiw:askêkinowi VIIw "it is fresh rawhide" ; ! AEW: VII-v askihtakonâkosiw:askihtakonâkosi VAIw "s/he looks green (blue)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askihtakonâkwan:askihtakonâkwan VIIn "it looks green (blue)" ; ! AEW: VII-n askihtakosiw:askihtakosi VAIw "s/he is green; s/he is blue, blue-green" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askihtakoskâw:askihtakoskâ VIIw "there is much green (e.g. grass, forest)" ; ! AEW: VII-v askihtakwan:askihtakwan VIIn "it is green (e.g. coat or blanket)" ; ! AEW: VII-n askihtakwâpakwanîw:askihtakwâpakwanî VIIw "it has blue flowers" ; ! AEW: VII-v askihtakwâpêkan:askihtakwâpêkan VIIn "it is a green (blue) string" ; ! AEW: VII-n askihtakwâw:askihtakwâ VIIw "it is green; it is blue, blue-green" ; ! AEW: VII-v askimâtam:askimâta VTIm "s/he laces s.t., s/he knots s.t., s/he loops s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 askimâtêw:askimât3 VTA "s/he laces s.o. (e.g. snowshoe)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 askipow:askipo VAIw "s/he eats s.t. raw, s/he eats raw meat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askisiw:askisi VAIw "s/he is raw" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askitin:askitin VIIn "it is raw" ; ! AEW: VII-n askitiw:askiti VAIw "it is raw, it is uncooked (e.g. flour)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askîwakipow:askîwakipo VAIw "s/he eats raw meat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askîwan:askîwan VIIn "it is mossy" ; ! AEW: VII-n askîwan:askîwan VIIn "it is one year, it is summer; it is earth, it is land" ; ! AEW: VII-n askîwaskamikâw:askîwaskamikâ VIIw "it is boggy, it is mossy land" ; ! AEW: VII-v askîwiw:askîwi VIIw "it is one year, it is summer; it is land, it is earth" ; ! AEW: VII-v askîwiw:askîwi VAIw "s/he has land; s/he has a farm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askocistikwânêhpisow:askocistikwânêhpiso VAIw "s/he ties his/her own head in a kerchief" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askonêw:askonê VAIw "s/he traps fish" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askoskam:askoska VTIm "s/he follows s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 askowêhêw:askowêh VTA "s/he follows s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 askowêw:askow VTA "s/he follows s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 askowiskawêw:askowiskaw VTA "s/he comes next after s.o. (in age); s/he is next to s.o., s/he follows s.o. (in birth, age, height, or position); s/he is taller than s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 askowiskotâtowak:askowiskotâto VAIw_PL "they come one after the other; they stand in descending order based on height" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askôtawiskâw:askôtawiskâ VAIw "s/he comes empty-handed, s/he did not make a kill" ; ! AEW: VAI-v askôtowak:askôto VAIw_PL "they follow one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: generally plural asohikanihkêw:asohikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes a blind (for hunting)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asohikêw:asohikê VAIw "s/he watches from a blind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v asotam:asota VTIm "s/he promises s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 asotamawêw:asotamaw VTA "s/he promises (it/him) to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 asototam:asotota VTIm "s/he promises s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 aspacihtin:aspacihtin VIIn "it is a hammering noise cushioned by a layer of something" ; ! AEW: VII-n aspaham:aspaha VTIm "s/he places s.t. on a flat surface" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 aspahâkêmow:aspahâkêmo VAIw "s/he asks to have someone speak on his/her behalf" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspahcikêw:aspahcikê VAIw "s/he eats a relish with his/her food" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspahêw:aspah VTA "s/he places s.o. on a mat" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 aspapiw:aspapi VAIw "s/he sits on something (e.g. blanket)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspastâkanihkamawêw:aspastâkanihkamaw VTA "s/he makes an apron for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 aspastâkanihkâkêw:aspastâkanihkâkê VAIw "s/he makes an apron from something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspastâkanihkêw:aspastâkanihkê VAIw "s/he makes aprons" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspastâw:aspastâ VTIw "s/he puts a mat under s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 aspastêpiw:aspastêpi VAIw "s/he rests his/her own feet on a stool" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspatâskopisow:aspatâskopiso VAIw "s/he ties his/her own legs onto a leg-rest" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspatisin:aspatisin3 VAIn "s/he lies leaning on something" ; ! AEW: VAI-n aspatotêw:aspatot3 VTA "s/he accompanies his/her request of s.o. with a gift" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 aspâpowêw:aspâpowê VAIw "s/he uses seasoning" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspâwikanêskocikêw:aspâwikanêskocikê VAIw "s/he prepares a saddle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspêyimêw:aspêyim VTA "s/he relies on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 aspêyimototawêw:aspêyimototaw VTA "s/he relies on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 aspêyimow:aspêyimo VAIw "s/he relies; s/he relies on s.t. for support; s/he trusts, s/he places confidence" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspihêw:aspih VTA "s/he treats s.o. badly; s/he gives s.o. less than their share" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 aspinam:aspina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. with a pot holder; s/he uses a pot holder" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 aspinikâtêw:aspinikâtê VIIw "it is held with a pot holder" ; ! AEW: VII-v aspisimêw:aspisim VTA "s/he lies on s.o. (s.t. animate)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 aspisimow:aspisimo VAIw "s/he lies on something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspisin:aspisin3 VAIn "s/he lies on something" ; ! AEW: VAI-n aspisitêsimow:aspisitêsimo VAIw "s/he puts his/her own feet on a footstool" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspiskocikêw:aspiskocikê VAIw "s/he makes a saddle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspiskwêsimonihkawêw:aspiskwêsimonihkaw VTA "s/he makes pillows for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 aspiskwêsimow:aspiskwêsimo VAIw "s/he lies with his/her own head on something; s/he lays his/her own face on a pillow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspiyihkâsow:aspiyihkâso VAIw "s/he is so called as a last name, surname; s/he has the same last name (as s.o.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aspiyihkâtêw:aspiyihkât3 VTA "s/he names s.o. after (s.o.); s/he calls s.o. by a surname, s/he calls s.o. by that one's last name" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 astahcikow:astahciko VAIw "s/he leaves s.t. here (for later retrieval); s/he makes a cache" ; ! AEW: VAI-v astamawêw:astamaw VTA "s/he puts (it/him) on s.o.; s/he applies (it/him) to s.o.; s/he places (it/him) for s.o., s/he bets with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 astamâsow:astamâso VAIw "s/he puts (it/him) on him/herself; s/he places (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v astâhamawêw:astâhamaw VTA "s/he fears s.o. will frighten game away before it can be procured" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 astâhêw:astâh VTA "s/he frightens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 astâsiw:astâsi VAIw "s/he is afraid, s/he is suspicious; s/he lives in fear; s/he expects danger" ; ! AEW: VAI-v astâw:astâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. there, s/he places s.t. there" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 astâwâtam:astâwâta VTIm "s/he puts feathers on s.t. (e.g. an arrow); s/he fletches s.t. (e.g. an arrow)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 astâwêw:astâwê VAIw "s/he attaches feathers; s/he fletches arrows" ; ! AEW: VAI-v astêw:astê VIIw "it is there, it sits there; it is placed" ; ! AEW: VII-v astisihkawêw:astisihkaw VTA "s/he makes mitts for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 astisihkâkêw:astisihkâkê VAIw "s/he makes mitts from something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v astisihkêw:astisihkê VAIw "s/he makes mitts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v astisihkêw:astisihkê VAIw "s/he makes sinew thread" ; ! AEW: VAI-v astisîhkêw:astisîhkê VAIw "s/he makes sinew thread" ; ! AEW: VAI-v astostohtin:astostohtin VIIn "it curdles; it clots" ; ! AEW: VII-n astotinihkawêw:astotinihkaw VTA "s/he makes a hat for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 astotinihkêw:astotinihkê VAIw "s/he makes hats" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aswaham:aswaha VTIm "s/he waits eagerly for s.t., s/he lies in wait for s.t. ;; s/he catches s.t. as it drips" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 aswahikêw:aswahikê VAIw "s/he lies in wait with a weapon; s/he is on one's guard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aswahwêw:aswahw VTA "s/he waits eagerly for s.o., s/he lies in wait to ambush s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 aswêhikêw:aswêhikê VAIw "s/he lies in wait (to shoot)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aswêyihtam:aswêyihta VTIm "s/he is careful of s.t.; s/he guards against s.t.; s/he is on his/her guard against s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 aswêyimêw:aswêyim VTA "s/he guards against s.o.; s/he is on his/her guard against s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 atahamâsow:atahamâso VAIw "s/he pounds (it/him) out for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atamihêw:atamih VTA "s/he makes s.o. smile; s/he pleases s.o., s/he makes s.o. glad; s/he makes s.o. grateful, indebted; s/he treats s.o. well" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: used to thank s.o.: e.g. kitatamihin you please me atamihow:atamiho VAIw "s/he does well for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atamimêw:atamim VTA "s/he makes s.o. thankful by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 atamiskawêw:atamiskaw VTA "s/he greets s.o., s/he sends greetings to s.o.; s/he says hello to s.o.; s/he shakes hands with s.o.; s/he hugs s.o. in greeting, s/he kisses s.o. in greeting; s/he bids s.o. farewell" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 atamiskâtowak:atamiskâto VAIw_PL "they greet one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atamiskotâtowak:atamiskotâto VAIw_PL "they greet one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atâhkowiw:atâhkowi VAIw "it is a star; s/he is a star" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atâmâkonêw:atâmâkonê VAIw "s/he is under the snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atâmêw:atâm VTA "s/he buys (it/him) from s.o., s/he buys for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 atâmêyihtam:atâmêyihta VTIm "s/he accuses s.t., s/he suspects s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 atâmêyihtâkosiw:atâmêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is suspected" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atâmêyimêw:atâmêyim VTA "s/he blames s.o. in one's thoughts, s/he accuses s.o. in one's thoughts, s/he suspects s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: ay-atâmêyimêw atâmimêw:atâmim VTA "s/he accuses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 atâmitowak:atâmito VAIw_PL "they trade (it/him) with one another, they barter (it/him) with one another; they buy (it/him) from one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atâwâkêw:atâwâkê VAIw "s/he sells (things)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atâwêstamawêw:atâwêstamaw VTA "s/he buys (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 atâwêstamâkêw:atâwêstamâkê VAIw "s/he buys (it/him) for people, he is a middle-man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atâwêstamâsow:atâwêstamâso VAIw "s/he buys (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atâwêw:atâwê VAIw "s/he buys, s/he trades; s/he buys s.t., s/he trades s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v atâwêwikamikohkâtam:atâwêwikamikohkâta VTIm "s/he makes it into a store" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 atâwêwikamikohkêw:atâwêwikamikohkê VAIw "s/he builds a store" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ati-itohtêw:ati-itohtê VAIw "s/he begins going along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ati-mêstitêw:ati-mêstitê VIIw "it is boiling away, it is boiling low, it is starting to evaporate" ; ! AEW: VII-v ati-miyw-âyâw:ati-miyw-âyâ VAIw "s/he improves (in health)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ati-otâkosin:ati-otâkosin VIIn "it is early evening, it is approaching evening" ; ! AEW: VII-n atihkamêkoskâw:atihkamêkoskâ VIIw_SG "there are many whitefish, whitefish are numerous" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: singular only atihtêminiskâw:atihtêminiskâ VIIw "there are many ripe berries; it is the time when berries are ripe" ; ! AEW: VII-v atihtêw:atihtê VIIw "it is ripe, it is coloured; it runs (as in colour)" ; ! AEW: VII-v atimapiw:atimapi VAIw "s/he sits with his/her back towards others; s/he sits facing away from speaker" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atimâpamêw:atimâpam VTA "s/he sees s.o. going away" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 atimêw:atim VTA "s/he catches up to s.o., s/he overtakes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 atimihâw:atimihâ VAIw "s/he flies away (in the direction of the addressee); s/he flies onward" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atimikâpawiw:atimikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands facing away from speaker" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atimipahtâw:atimipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs away; s/he runs in the addressee's direction; s/he runs on ahead away from speaker" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atimipayiw:atimipayi VAIw "s/he runs on ahead, s/he drives on ahead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atimisin:atimisin3 VAIn "s/he lies facing away from speaker; s/he lies with one's back towards others" ; ! AEW: VAI-n atimiskanawêw:atimiskanawê VAIw "s/he leaves tracks away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atimiskwêyiw:atimiskwêyi VAIw "s/he turns his/her own head away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atimitiyêsin:atimitiyêsin3 VAIn "s/he lies with his/her buttocks facing away from speaker (and towards addressee)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n atimohtêw:atimohtê VAIw "s/he walks away, s/he walks away from speaker" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atimwêwitam:atimwêwita VTIm "s/he noises s.t. going away from speaker (and in direction of addressee)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 atisam:atisa VTIm "s/he tans s.t., s/he dyes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 atisikêmakan:atisikêmakan VIIn "it is a dying-agent, it yields a dye" ; ! AEW: VII-n atisikêw:atisikê VAIw "s/he dyes things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atisonâkosiw:atisonâkosi VAIw "s/he looks tan, s/he appears tan; s/he looks brown, s/he appears brown" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atisonâkwan:atisonâkwan VIIn "it looks tan, it appears tan; it looks brown, it appears brown" ; ! AEW: VII-n atisow:atiso VAIw "s/he is tan, s/he is brown; s/he is dyed; s/he is ripe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atiswêw:atisw VTA "s/he tans s.o., s/he dyes s.o. (e.g. porcupine-quills)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 atohow:atoho VAIw "s/he chokes, s/he chokes on food or liquid" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atoskahêw:atoskah VTA "s/he puts s.o. to work, s/he makes s.o. work; s/he employs s.o., s/he hires s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 atoskawêw:atoskaw VTA "s/he works for s.o., s/he is employed by s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: ay-acoskawêw [dim] atoskâsow:atoskâso VAIw "s/he works for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atoskâtam:atoskâta VTIm "s/he works at or on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 atoskâtêw:atoskât3 VTA "s/he works at or on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 atoskêmakan:atoskêmakan VIIn "it works, it functions" ; ! AEW: VII-n atoskêmow:atoskêmo VAIw "s/he employs people (e.g. for magic/medicine); s/he gets people to do things, s/he hires people; s/he asks to have s.t. repaired" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atoskêstamawêw:atoskêstamaw VTA "s/he works for or in place of s.o.; s/he does s.o.'s work for him/her" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 atoskêstawêw:atoskêstaw VTA "s/he works in s.o.'s place; s/he works for s.o. (as part of a group)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 atoskêstâkêw:atoskêstâkê VAIw "s/he gives personal help" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atoskêw:atoskê VAIw "s/he works" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atoskêwi-kîsikâw:atoskêwi-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Monday; literally: work-day" ; ! AEW: VII-v atoskêwinihkêw:atoskêwinihkê VAIw "s/he makes work (for someone)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v atotêw:atot3 VTA "s/he makes a request of s.o., s/he asks s.o. to do something; s/he engages s.o. for something, s/he employs s.o.; s/he commands s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ! 1: - ! 2: 2s-3s Imperative form is homonymous with atos- arrow atotiskawêw:atotiskaw VTA "s/he hinders s.o., s/he keeps s.o. back" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 atôspow:atôspo VAIw "s/he eats off of something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v awahkêw:awahkê VAIw "s/he has a slave" ; ! AEW: VAI-v awasêwêmakan:awasêwêmakan VIIn "it goes round a bend; it goes behind an obstacle to vision, it goes out of sight" ; ! AEW: VII-n awasêwêpahtâw:awasêwêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs round behind an obstacle to vision, s/he runs out of sight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v awasêwêpayihow:awasêwêpayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself to the other side of an obstacle, out of sight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v awasêwêskam:awasêwêska VTIm "s/he goes around s.t. by canoe" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 awasêwêw:awasêwê VAIw "s/he goes behind an obstacle to vision, out of sight; the sun sets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v awasitêw:awasitê VIIw "it is beyond" ; ! AEW: VII-v awasow:awaso VAIw "s/he warms up, s/he warms him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v awâsisihkâsow:awâsisihkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to be a child; s/he is clinging like a child, s/he is needy like a child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v awâsisiwêw:awâsisiwê VAIw "s/he speaks like a child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v awâsisîwiw:awâsisîwi VAIw "s/he is a child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v awihêw:awih VTA "s/he lends (it/him) to s.o.; s/he rents (it/him) out to s.o., s/he loans (it/him) to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 awihitowak:awihito VAIw_PL "they lend to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v awihiwêw:awihiwê VAIw "s/he lends (it/him) to people; s/he rents (it/him) out to people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ay-apini-kêskêw:ay-apini-kêskê VAIw "s/he is hyperactive, s/he is unable to sit still" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. apini-kêskêw ay-apisâsin:ay-apisâsin VIIn "it is small" ; ! AEW: VII-n ay-apiw:ay-api VAIw "s/he sits, s/he is seated ;; s/he is at home, s/he stays at home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ay-itâpiw:ay-itâpi VAIw "s/he looks around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v 1:ay-it3 VTA "s/he says so to s.o, s/he says so of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-5 ay-itinamawêw:ay-itinamaw VTA "s/he makes signs to s.o.; s/he holds (it/him) in a certain way for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ay-itisinam:ay-itisina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ay-itiskêw:ay-itiskê VAIw "s/he steps thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ay-itwêw:ay-itwê VAIw "s/he speaks so, s/he says so" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayaham:ayaha VTIm "s/he covers s.t. with earth; s/he hoes s.t., s/he hills s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ayahcisîhêw:ayahcisîh VTA "s/he alters s.o. (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ayahciyinîmow:ayahciyinîmo VAIw "s/he speaks Blackfoot; s/he speaks a strange language" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayahikâtêw:ayahikâtê VIIw "it is hilled, it is covered with earth; it is hoed (e.g. a garden)" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayahikêstamawêw:ayahikêstamaw VTA "s/he hoes (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ayahikêw:ayahikê VAIw "s/he hoes things, s/he covers things with earth, s/he hills things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayahpipayiw:ayahpipayi VAIw "s/he staggers about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayahtêyimêw:ayahtêyim VTA "s/he envies s.o.; s/he resents s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ayahwêw:ayahw VTA "s/he hoes s.o.; s/he covers s.o. with earth" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ayakaskâpiskâw:ayakaskâpiskâ VIIw "it is wide (metal)" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayakaskâpiskisiw:ayakaskâpiskisi VAIw "it is wide (metal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayakaskâw:ayakaskâ VIIw "it is wide" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayakaskêkan:ayakaskêkan VIIn "it is wide (cloth)" ; ! AEW: VII-n ayakaskicihcêw:ayakaskicihcê VAIw "s/he has broad hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayakaskihkwêw:ayakaskihkwê VAIw "s/he has a broad face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayakaskihkwêw:ayakaskihkwê VAIw "s/he has a wide pail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: in the derivation /aýakask-/ + askihkw- + /-ê/, the phonological sequence [kaskask] is reduced by haplology to [kask] ayakaskihtâw:ayakaskihtâ VTIw "s/he widens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ayakaskikotêw:ayakaskikotê VAIw "s/he has a broad nose; it has a broad beak" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayakaskisitêw:ayakaskisitê VAIw "s/he has broad feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayakaskisiw:ayakaskisi VAIw "s/he is broad, s/he is wide" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayamihâhkâsow:ayamihâhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to pray" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayamihâhtahêw:ayamihâhtah VTA "s/he makes s.o. go to church, s/he takes s.o. to mass" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ayamihâw:ayamihâ VAIw "s/he prays; s/he hold a church service, s/he attends mass" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: in latter sense, often in unspecified actor form: ayamihâniwan there is prayer, mass is held ayamihâwi-kîsikâw:ayamihâwi-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Sunday" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayamihcikêw:ayamihcikê VAIw "s/he reads" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: literally derived as to make things (e.g. written words) talk ayamihêstamawêw:ayamihêstamaw VTA "s/he prays for s.o., s/he says prayers for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ayamihêstamâkêw:ayamihêstamâkê VAIw "s/he prays for all" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayamihêstawêw:ayamihêstaw VTA "s/he prays to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ayamihêw:ayamih VTA "s/he talks to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: more commonly wC and sC ayamihêwâtisiw:ayamihêwâtisi VAIw "s/he lives a Christian life, s/he is of religious disposition" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayamihêwi-kîsikâw:ayamihêwi-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Sunday; literally: prayer-day" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayamihitowak:ayamihito VAIw_PL "they speak to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: more commonly wC and sC ayamihkwâmiw:ayamihkwâmi VAIw "s/he talks in his/her sleep" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayamihtâw:ayamihtâ VTIw "s/he reads s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ayamihtôtam:ayamihtôta VTIm "s/he argues about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ayamiw:ayami VAIw "s/he talks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: more commonly wC and sC ayapacâwahkâw:ayapacâwahkâ VIIw "it is a hilly place" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayapihtakâw:ayapihtakâ VIIw "it is a net-like structure of boards" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayapinam:ayapina VTIm "s/he turns s.t. upside down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ayapinêw:ayapin VTA "s/he turns s.o. upside down" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ayapinikêw:ayapinikê VAIw "s/he turns everything upside down; s/he is always disturbing things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayapîhkâkêw:ayapîhkâkê VAIw "s/he makes a net out of s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayapîhkêsiw:ayapîhkêsi VAIw "s/he crochets, s/he knits a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayapîhkêsîskâw:ayapîhkêsîskâ VIIw "there are many spiders, spiders are numerous" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: sg only ayapîhkêw:ayapîhkê VAIw "s/he makes nets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayaskâpiw:ayaskâpi VAIw "s/he has red flesh showing around his/her eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayâcimêsitêw:ayâcimêsitê VAIw "s/he has splay feet, s/he is splay-footed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayâhcihtâw:ayâhcihtâ VTIw "s/he alters s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ayâhcisîhtâw:ayâhcisîhtâ VTIw "s/he alters s.t., s/he remodels s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ayâhkwacâwahkâsin:ayâhkwacâwahkâsin VIIw "it is a small ravine" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayâhkwacâwahkâw:ayâhkwacâwahkâ VIIw "it is a ravine" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayâkonêham:ayâkonêha VTIm "s/he covers s.t. with snow" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ayâkonêhwêw:ayâkonêhw VTA "s/he covers s.o. with snow" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ayâkonêw:ayâkonê VIIw "it is drifted over (by snow)" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayâkonêw:ayâkonê VAIw "s/he is drifted over (by snow)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayâkwâmisiw:ayâkwâmisi VAIw "s/he is careful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayâniwiw:ayâniwi VIIw "it is a possession" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayâsahpitam:ayâsahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. in a bundle" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ayâsêkinam:ayâsêkina VTIm "s/he gathers s.t. together as cloth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ayâsîhtam:ayâsîhta VTIm "s/he responds to s.t., s/he makes a statement, s/he writes a letter in response" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ayâtamohtâw:ayâtamohtâ VTIw "s/he fastens s.t. firmly" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ayâtan:ayâtan VIIn "it is set firmly" ; ! AEW: VII-n ayâtaskitâw:ayâtaskitâ VTIw "s/he plants s.t. firmly" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ayâtaskitêw:ayâtaskitê VIIw "it is planted firmly" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayâtastâw:ayâtastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. in solid" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ayâtastêw:ayâtastê VIIw "it rests firmly in place" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayâtinam:ayâtina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. firmly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ayâtinêw:ayâtin VTA "s/he holds s.o. firmly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ayâw:ayâ VIIw "it is, it is there" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayâw:ayâ VTIw "s/he has s.t., s/he owns s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ayâw:ayâ VAIw "s/he is, s/he is there; s/he lives there, s/he stays there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayâwahkaham:ayâwahkaha VTIm "s/he buries s.t. in the ground" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ayâwahkahwêw:ayâwahkahw VTA "s/he buries s.o. in the ground" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ayâwêw:ayâw VTA "s/he has s.o., s/he owns s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ayêkomow:ayêkomo VAIw "s/he stays underwater" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayênânêwopiponêw:ayênânêwopiponê VAIw "s/he is eight years old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayêsihtin:ayêsihtin VIIn "it leaves its imprint, it leaves a print, it leaves a mark" ; ! AEW: VII-n ayêsisin:ayêsisin3 VAIn "s/he leaves his/her imprint or mark" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ayêskomow:ayêskomo VAIw "s/he is tired" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayêskosin:ayêskosin3 VAIn "s/he is exhausted, s/he is tired; s/he lies down from exhaustion" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ayêskosiw:ayêskosi VAIw "s/he is exhausted, s/he is tired" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayêskotisahwêw:ayêskotisahw VTA "s/he tires s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ayêskwapiw:ayêskwapi VAIw "s/he is stiff from sitting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayêtiskam:ayêtiska VTIm "s/he leaves tracks on s.t.; s/he tracks s.t. up (e.g. a carpet)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ayêtiskawêw:ayêtiskaw VTA "s/he leaves tracks on s.o.; s/he tracks s.o. up (e.g. snow)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ayêtiskiw:ayêtiski VAIw "s/he leaves tracks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayinânêwopiponêw:ayinânêwopiponê VAIw "s/he is eight years old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayinisow:ayiniso VAIw "s/he flees" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayisiyinîwiw:ayisiyinîwi VAIw "s/he is a person, s/he is a human being" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayiwatêyâskwahosow:ayiwatêyâskwahoso VAIw "s/he enlarges him/herself at the belly with sticks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayiwâkastâw:ayiwâkastâ VTIw "s/he puts more of s.t. out, s/he places more of s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ayiwâkêyihtam:ayiwâkêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks more of s.t., s/he prefers s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ayiwâkêyihtâkosiw:ayiwâkêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is thought of most highly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayiwâkêyihtâkwan:ayiwâkêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is thought of most highly" ; ! AEW: VII-n ayiwâkêyimêw:ayiwâkêyim VTA "s/he thinks more of s.o., s/he thinks more highly of s.o.; s/he regards s.o. more highly; s/he prefers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ayiwâkipayin:ayiwâkipayin VIIn "it is in excess, there is some left over" ; ! AEW: VII-n ayiwâkipayiw:ayiwâkipayi VAIw "s/he has more than enough, s/he has a surplus, s/he has plenty; it is left over, it is in excess" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayiwâkipêw:ayiwâkipê VIIw "it is too deep in the water, the water is too deep" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayiwâkipêw:ayiwâkipê VAIw "s/he is too deep in the water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayiwâkiskawêw:ayiwâkiskaw VTA "s/he outstatures s.o., s/he is greater in stature than s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ayiwâkitonâmêw:ayiwâkitonâm VTA "s/he out-talks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ayiwihêw:ayiwih VTA "s/he outdoes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ayiwiw:ayiwi VIIw "it is such and such a thing" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: generally prefixed by a descriptive IPV ayiwiw:ayiwi VAIw "s/he is such and such a creature" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: generally prefixed by a descriptive IPV ayîhcihêw:ayîhcih VTA "s/he confirms s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ayîkisiwiw:ayîkisiwi VAIw "s/he is a frog" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayîtawâpitakâw:ayîtawâpitakâ VIIw "it is two-edged; it is a saw with teeth on both sides" ; ! AEW: VII-v ayîtawihkwâkanêw:ayîtawihkwâkanê VAIw "s/he has two faces, s/he has faces on both sides" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ayôskanâhtikoskâw:ayôskanâhtikoskâ VIIw "there are many raspberry bushes, be an abundance of raspberry bushes" ; ! AEW: VII-v aywâstan:aywâstan VIIn "it is calm (i.e. the wind)" ; ! AEW: VII-n aywâstin:aywâstin VIIn "it is calm" ; ! AEW: VII-n aywêpihêw:aywêpih VTA "s/he gives s.o. a rest" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 aywêpiw:aywêpi VAIw "s/he rests, s/he takes a rest" ; ! AEW: VAI-v aywêpiwi-kîsikâw:aywêpiwi-kîsikâ VIIw "it is a holiday" ; ! AEW: VII-v âcihtin:âcihtin VIIn "it catches in the corners so as to be blocked or stuck" ; ! AEW: VII-n âcikêhwêw:âcikêhw VTA "s/he trips s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 âcikêwêpahwêw:âcikêwêpahw VTA "s/he trips and throws s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 âcimêw:âcim VTA "s/he tells about s.o., s/he talks about s.o.; s/he narrates about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âcimikowisiw:âcimikowisi VAIw "s/he is told about by the powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âcimisow:âcimiso VAIw "s/he tells about him/herself, s/he talks about him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âcimostamawêw:âcimostamaw VTA "s/he tells tales to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âcimostawêw:âcimostaw VTA "s/he tells a story to s.o., s/he tells news to s.o.; s/he tells s.o. about (it/him), s/he gives s.o. an account" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âcimostâsow:âcimostâso VAIw "s/he narrates to him/herself, s/he talks to him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âcimostâtowak:âcimostâto VAIw_PL "they tell stories to one another, they narrate to one another, they tell one another about (it)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âcimow:âcimo VAIw "s/he tells, s/he tells a story; s/he tells news, s/he gives an account, s/he narrates; s/he tells his/her own story" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âcimôhêw:âcimôh VTA "s/he makes s.o. tell about (it), s/he has s.o. tell a story" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âcisin:âcisin3 VAIn "s/he is blocked" ; ! AEW: VAI-n âciwikaham:âciwikaha VTIm "s/he hews s.t. short, s/he chops s.t. short" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âciwikahwêw:âciwikahw VTA "s/he hews s.o. short, s/he chops s.o. short" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 âciwinam:âciwina VTIm "s/he makes s.t. less; s/he lessens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âciwinamawêw:âciwinamaw VTA "s/he gives s.o. less (e.g. food)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âciwinêw:âciwin VTA "s/he gives s.o. less; s/he removes part of s.o.'s allotment, earnings" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âciwipotâw:âciwipotâ VTIw "s/he saws s.t. short" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âciwipotêw:âciwipot3 VTA "s/he saws s.o. short" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âciwisam:âciwisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. short" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âciwiswêw:âciwisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. short" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 âhcanicihcêw:âhcanicihcê VAIw "s/he has several rings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhci-ayâw:âhci-ayâ VAIw "s/he moves his/her own abode, s/he moves from one place to another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhci-kapêsiw:âhci-kapêsi VAIw "s/he changes campsite" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhci-kipaham:âhci-kipaha VTIm "s/he recloses s.t., s/he closes s.t. again" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âhci-kipahwêw:âhci-kipahw VTA "s/he closes s.o. in another section" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 âhci-wîkiw:âhci-wîki VAIw "s/he moves to another place of residence" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhcihêw:âhcih VTA "s/he moves s.o.; s/he causes s.o. to move" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âhcihisow:âhcihiso VAIw "s/he moves him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhcikâpawiw:âhcikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands further over; s/he takes a new stand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhcinâkohêw:âhcinâkoh VTA "s/he changes s.o.'s appearance" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âhcinâkohisow:âhcinâkohiso VAIw "s/he changes his/her own appearance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhcinâkohtâw:âhcinâkohtâ VTIw "s/he changes s.t.'s appearance" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âhcinâkosiw:âhcinâkosi VAIw "s/he appears different" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhcipayiw:âhcipayi VIIw "it moves" ; ! AEW: VII-v âhcipiciw:âhcipici VAIw "s/he moves camp, s/he moves to another place" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhcipitam:âhcipita VTIm "s/he moves s.t. over by pulling; s/he pulls s.t. away" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âhcipitêw:âhcipit3 VTA "s/he moves s.o. over by pulling" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âhcisiyihkâsow:âhcisiyihkâso VAIw "s/he is renamed, s/he changes his/her name" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhcisiyihkâtêw:âhcisiyihkât3 VTA "s/he renames s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âhcisîhêw:âhcisîh VTA "s/he alters s.o. (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âhcisîhow:âhcisîho VAIw "s/he changes his/her own clothes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhcisîhtâw:âhcisîhtâ VTIw "s/he alters s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âhciwinam:âhciwina VTIm "s/he decreases s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âhciwinêw:âhciwin VTA "s/he lowers s.o.'s wages or earnings" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âhciwipayiw:âhciwipayi VIIw "it shrinks; it shrivels" ; ! AEW: VII-v âhcîw:âhcî VAIw "s/he moves to a different location" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: or alternatively: âhci- + /-i/ âhkamêyihtam:âhkamêyihta VTIm "s/he continues to think of future deeds or tasks" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âhkamêyimêw:âhkamêyim VTA "s/he hopes s.o. perseveres" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âhkamêyimow:âhkamêyimo VAIw "s/he is persistant, s/he persists in his/her will, s/he does his/her best, s/he tries hard; s/he perseveres; s/he is energetic" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhkamihtâw:âhkamihtâ VTIw "s/he keeps at s.t" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âhkikoskâw:âhkikoskâ VIIw "there are many seals, seals are abundant" ; ! AEW: VII-v âhkisîhow:âhkisîho VAIw "s/he dresses lightly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhkohêw:âhkoh VTA "s/he gives s.o. a sharp pain, s/he gives s.o. a great deal of pain; s/he hurts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âhkohisow:âhkohiso VAIw "s/he hurts him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhkohtêwisiw:âhkohtêwisi VAIw "s/he is caustic (as lye)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhkosiw:âhkosi VAIw "s/he is sick, s/he is ill; s/he is in labour, s/he has labour pains" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: ay-âhkosiw âhkosîhêw:âhkosîh VTA "s/he makes s.o. sick" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âhkosîhitowak:âhkosîhito VAIw_PL "they make one another sick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhkosîskawêw:âhkosîskaw VTA "s/he makes s.o. sick" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: commonly in inanimate actor VTA paradigm, e.g. nitâhkosîskâk pîhtwâwin smoking sickens me âhkospakosiw:âhkospakosi VAIw "s/he has a strong, sharp, or bitter taste" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhkospakwan:âhkospakwan VIIn "it has a strong, sharp, or bitter taste" ; ! AEW: VII-n âhkoyawêsiw:âhkoyawêsi VAIw "s/he is so angry s/he cannot speak" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhkwacihtâw:âhkwacihtâ VTIw "s/he freezes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âhkwaciw:âhkwaci VAIw "s/he freezes, s/he is frozen" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: alternatively: /âhkw-/ + /-aci/ âhkwakihtêw:âhkwakihtê VIIw "it is expensive" ; ! AEW: VII-v âhkwakisow:âhkwakiso VAIw "it is expensive or costly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhkwan:âhkwan VIIn "it is painful; it is tart" ; ! AEW: VII-n âhkwatâwâkêw:âhkwatâwâkê VAIw "s/he sells s.o. at a dear price; s/he sells s.o. at a high price" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhkwatâwêw:âhkwatâwê VAIw "s/he buys s.o. at a dear price; s/he buys s.o. at a high price" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhkwatihcikâtêw:âhkwatihcikâtê VIIw "it is (purposefully) frozen" ; ! AEW: VII-v âhkwatihtâw:âhkwatihtâ VTIw "s/he freezes s.t.; s/he lets s.t. freeze" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âhkwatimêw:âhkwatim VTA "s/he freezes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âhkwatin:âhkwatin VIIn "it is freezing, it is frozen, it is frozen hard" ; ! AEW: VII-n âhkwatinam:âhkwatina VTIm "s/he freezes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âhkwatisimêw:âhkwatisim VTA "s/he freezes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âhkwâkamin:âhkwâkamin VIIn "it is a strong, sharp, or bitter liquid" ; ! AEW: VII-n âhkwâkamiw:âhkwâkami VIIw "it is bitter (i.e. liquid)" ; ! AEW: VII-v âhkwâpahtêw:âhkwâpahtê VIIw "there are strong, acrid, acidic fumes, there is strong smoke; it is lye" ; ! AEW: VII-v âhkwâstêw:âhkwâstê VIIw "it is fierce sunlight" ; ! AEW: VII-v âhkwâtisiw:âhkwâtisi VAIw "s/he is stern, s/he is sharp, s/he is of severe disposition, s/he is ferocious; s/he is hot-tempered" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhkwâtonamow:âhkwâtonamo VAIw "s/he speaks boldly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhpinihkêw:âhpinihkê VAIw "s/he tans rawhide" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhtahêw:âhtah VTA "s/he puts s.o. elsewhere, s/he places s.o. elsewhere" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âhtahow:âhtaho VAIw "s/he flies to another place" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhtapiw:âhtapi VAIw "s/he moves as s/he sits, s/he moves elsewhere, s/he moves to sit elsewhere" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhtaskêw:âhtaskê VAIw "s/he moves from one reserve to another, s/he moves from one land to another, s/he changes his/her land; s/he emigrates" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhtaskicikêw:âhtaskicikê VAIw "s/he transplants vegetables" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhtaskihêw:âhtaskih VTA "s/he transplants s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âhtastâw:âhtastâ VTIw "s/he moves s.t.'s place; s/he puts s.t. elsewhere, s/he places s.t. elsewhere" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âhtisin:âhtisin3 VAIn "s/he moves as s/he lies; s/he lies in a new place" ; ! AEW: VAI-n âhtohtatâw:âhtohtatâ VTIw "s/he moves s.t. to another place" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âhtohtêw:âhtohtê VAIw "s/he walks to another place or area" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âhtokêw:âhtokê VAIw "s/he moves camp" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkawaskwêw:âkawaskwê VAIw "s/he goes behind a cloud (e.g. the sun or moon)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkawâstêham:âkawâstêha VTIm "s/he shades s.t. (e.g. a window), s/he places s.t. in shade; s/he shelters s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âkawâstêhow:âkawâstêho VAIw "s/he shades him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkawâstêhwêw:âkawâstêhw VTA "s/he shades s.o.; s/he places s.o. in shade" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 âkawâstêsimow:âkawâstêsimo VAIw "s/he sits in the shade, s/he lies down in the shade" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkawâstêsin:âkawâstêsin3 VAIn "s/he lies in the shade, s/he sits in the shade" ; ! AEW: VAI-n âkawâstêskam:âkawâstêska VTIm "s/he shades s.t. with his/her own shadow" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âkawâstêskawêw:âkawâstêskaw VTA "s/he shades s.o. with his/her own shadow" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âkawâstêw:âkawâstê VIIw "it is shady" ; ! AEW: VII-v âkawêwêmakan:âkawêwêmakan VIIn "it goes behind an obstacle to vision (e.g. cloud), it goes out of sight" ; ! AEW: VII-n âkawêwêpahtâw:âkawêwêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs behind an obstacle to vision, out of sight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkawêwêw:âkawêwê VAIw "s/he goes behind an obstacle to vision, out of sight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkayâsîmototawêw:âkayâsîmototaw VTA "s/he speaks English to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âkayâsîmow:âkayâsîmo VAIw "s/he speaks English" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkayâsîwastâw:âkayâsîwastâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. into English, s/he translates s.t. into English" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âkohkwêhpisow:âkohkwêhpiso VAIw "s/he is blindfolded" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkohkwêhpitêw:âkohkwêhpit3 VTA "s/he blindfolds s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âkohkwêhpitisow:âkohkwêhpitiso VAIw "s/he blindfolds him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkohkwênêw:âkohkwên VTA "s/he covers s.o.'s face; s/he shades s.o.'s face" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âkohkwêw:âkohkwê VAIw "s/he has a covered face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkô-wiyipâw:âkô-wiyipâ VIIw "it is covered in dirt" ; ! AEW: VII-v âkôham:âkôha VTIm "s/he shields s.t.; s/he covers s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âkôhikâkêw:âkôhikâkê VAIw "s/he uses something to obscure light; s/he uses something as a window blind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkôhosow:âkôhoso VAIw "s/he covers him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkôhwêw:âkôhw VTA "s/he conceals s.o.; s/he covers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 âkônam:âkôna VTIm "s/he puts s.t. on or over (it)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âkônêw:âkôn VTA "s/he puts s.o. on or over (it)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âkôpayihow:âkôpayiho VAIw "s/he flings him/herself into shelter, out of sight, around the corner" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkôpitam:âkôpita VTIm "s/he draws the blinds to obscure light; s/he pulls s.t. so as to cover" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âkôsimow:âkôsimo VAIw "s/he shields him/herself; s/he dances behind someone or something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkôsipêyâw:âkôsipêyâ VIIw "it is dewy, there is dew on the grass" ; ! AEW: VII-v âkôstikwânêhêw:âkôstikwânêh VTA "s/he covers s.o.'s head (with a scarf)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âkôstikwânêhow:âkôstikwânêho VAIw "s/he wears his/her own scarf; s/he is dressed with a hat; s/he wears a head covering" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkôstikwânêw:âkôstikwânê VAIw "s/he covers his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkôwêpinam:âkôwêpina VTIm "s/he flings s.t. to shield or out of sight" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âkôwêpinêw:âkôwêpin VTA "s/he flings s.o. to shield or out of sight" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âkôyâpahpisow:âkôyâpahpiso VAIw "s/he has his/her own eyes shielded or blindfolded" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkôyâpahpitêw:âkôyâpahpit3 VTA "s/he blindfolds s.o.'s eyes" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âkôyâpahpitisow:âkôyâpahpitiso VAIw "s/he blindfolds him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkwaham:âkwaha VTIm "s/he covers s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âkwahwêw:âkwahw VTA "s/he covers s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 âkwaskipahtâw:âkwaskipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs and heads s.o. off, s/he heads s.o. off running" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkwaskipayihow:âkwaskipayiho VAIw "s/he moves quickly in front of something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkwaskiskawêw:âkwaskiskaw VTA "s/he heads s.o. off" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âkwaskitinêw:âkwaskitin VTA "s/he puts his/her own arm around s.o., s/he hugs s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âkwaskîw:âkwaskî VAIw "s/he goes ahead ;; s/he is protective of a sibling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkwaskohtêw:âkwaskohtê VAIw "s/he walks heading off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkwâ-kîsikâw:âkwâ-kîsikâ VIIw "it is high day" ; ! AEW: VII-v âkwâhkatosow:âkwâhkatoso VAIw "s/he is very thin from hunger; s/he is very hungry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkwâhkatotêw:âkwâhkatotê VIIw "it is very dry and hard" ; ! AEW: VII-v âkwâskam:âkwâska VTIm "s/he heads s.t. off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âkwâskawêw:âkwâskaw VTA "s/he heads s.o. off" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âkwâtaskinêw:âkwâtaskinê VAIw "s/he is quite full, it is more than half-full (e.g. pail)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkwâyâhokow:âkwâyâhoko VAIw "s/he drifts to shore, s/he floats to shore (from the wind)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkwâyâhotêw:âkwâyâhotê VIIw "it floats to shore" ; ! AEW: VII-v âkwâyâsiw:âkwâyâsi VAIw "s/he is blown ashore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkwâyâsow:âkwâyâso VAIw "s/he is blown dry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âkwâyâstan:âkwâyâstan VIIn "it is blown ashore" ; ! AEW: VII-n âkwâyâw:âkwâyâ VIIw "it is late" ; ! AEW: VII-v âmaciwê-yahkinam:âmaciwê-yahkina VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. uphill or upstairs" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âmaciwê-yahkinêw:âmaciwê-yahkin VTA "s/he pushes s.o. uphill or upstairs" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âmaciwêhtahêw:âmaciwêhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. up, s/he takes s.o. uphill or upstairs" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âmaciwêhtatâw:âmaciwêhtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. up; s/he takes s.t. uphill or upstairs" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âmaciwêpahêw:âmaciwêpah VTA "s/he takes s.o. uphill (by vehicle), s/he takes s.o. upstairs" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âmaciwêpahtâw:âmaciwêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs up, s/he runs uphill or upstairs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âmaciwêpayiw:âmaciwêpayi VAIw "s/he goes uphill, s/he rides uphill (by horse or vehicle)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âmaciwêpitam:âmaciwêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âmaciwêpitêw:âmaciwêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âmaciwêtâcimow:âmaciwêtâcimo VAIw "s/he crawls uphill or upstairs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âmaciwêtâpâsow:âmaciwêtâpâso VAIw "s/he drives uphill" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âmaciwêtowahêw:âmaciwêtowah VTA "s/he carries s.o. uphill or upstairs on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âmaciwêtowatâw:âmaciwêtowatâ VTIw "s/he carries s.t. uphill or upstairs on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âmaciwêtowatêw:âmaciwêtowatê VAIw "s/he carries things uphill or upstairs on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âmaciwêw:âmaciwê VAIw "s/he climbs up, s/he walks up, s/he goes uphill or upstairs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âmaciwêyâhtawîw:âmaciwêyâhtawî VAIw "s/he climbs up a tree, s/he crawls up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âmîw:âmî VAIw "it goes upstream to spawn (i.e. fish)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âmôskâw:âmôskâ VIIw "there are many bees, bees are abundant" ; ! AEW: VII-v âniskêtastâw:âniskêtastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. so as to join" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âniskohpitam:âniskohpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. end to end, s/he lengthens s.t. (i.e. by tying on an extra length)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âniskohpitêw:âniskohpitê VIIw "it is tied end to end" ; ! AEW: VII-v âniskohpitêw:âniskohpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. end to end, s/he lengthens s.o. (i.e. by tying on an extra length)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âniskohtâw:âniskohtâ VTIw "s/he lengthens s.t.; s/he joins s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âniskokwâtam:âniskokwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t. on as an extension" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âniskoscikêw:âniskoscikê VAIw "s/he makes an extension" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âniskostêw:âniskostê VIIw "it extends, it is extended" ; ! AEW: VII-v âniskotâpêw:âniskotâpê VAIw "s/he has a great grandchild" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âniskowaskâw:âniskowaskâ VIIw "it is full of reeds" ; ! AEW: VII-v âniskowaskoskâw:âniskowaskoskâ VIIw "there are many reeds" ; ! AEW: VII-v âniskôskitêw:âniskôskitê VIIw "it adjoins a larger thing" ; ! AEW: VII-v ânwêhcikâtêw:ânwêhcikâtê VIIw "it is denied, it is disbelieved" ; ! AEW: VII-v ânwêhtam:ânwêhta VTIm "s/he doubts s.t., s/he rejects s.t., s/he denies s.t., s/he disbelieves s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ânwêhtaskiw:ânwêhtaski VAIw "s/he is in the habit of disbelief; s/he is a cynic" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ânwêhtawêw:ânwêhtaw VTA "s/he rejects s.o., s/he denies s.o., s/he disbelieves s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ânwêhtâsow:ânwêhtâso VAIw "s/he disbelieves him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpacihêw:âpacih VTA "s/he uses s.o., s/he makes use of s.o. (e.g. porcupine-quills); s/he does s.o. service" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âpacihiwêw:âpacihiwê VAIw "s/he serves people; s/he takes advantage of others" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpacihow:âpaciho VAIw "s/he does him/herself service" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpacihtamôhêw:âpacihtamôh VTA "s/he makes s.o. use (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âpacihtâw:âpacihtâ VTIw "s/he uses s.t., s/he makes use of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âpaham:âpaha VTIm "s/he loosens s.t. by tool; s/he unties s.t., s/he unwraps s.t., s/he untangles s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpahamawêw:âpahamaw VTA "s/he unties (it/him) for s.o., s/he unwraps (it/him) for s.o., s/he untangles (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âpahikâsow:âpahikâso VAIw "s/he is freed, s/he is untied" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpahikâtêw:âpahikâtê VIIw "it is loosened, it is unwound" ; ! AEW: VII-v âpahikêw:âpahikê VAIw "s/he loosens (things) by tool" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpahkawihêw:âpahkawih VTA "s/he brings s.o. to consciousness" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âpahkawisiw:âpahkawisi VAIw "s/he returns to his/her senses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpahôpayiw:âpahôpayi VIIw "it unwinds (as a bolt)" ; ! AEW: VII-v âpahôstêham:âpahôstêha VTIm "s/he unscrews s.t., s/he unwinds s.t. (with a wrench)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpahôstêhwêw:âpahôstêhw VTA "s/he unwinds s.o. (with a wrench)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 âpahwêw:âpahw VTA "s/he unharnesses s.o.; s/he untie s.o., s/he unbinds s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 âpakosîsiwiw:âpakosîsiwi VAIw "s/he is a mouse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpasâpahtam:âpasâpahta VTIm "s/he looks back and sees s.t.; s/he looks back at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpasâpamêw:âpasâpam VTA "s/he looks back at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âpasâpiw:âpasâpi VAIw "s/he looks back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpatan:âpatan VIIn "it is used, it is useful" ; ! AEW: VII-n âpatisiw:âpatisi VAIw "it is used, s/he is useful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpâpiskaham:âpâpiskaha VTIm "s/he unlocks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpêhow:âpêho VAIw "s/he seeks revenge" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpihkohow:âpihkoho VAIw "s/he unties him/herself, s/he gets loose, s/he becomes untied or unfettered; it is unleashed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpihkohtâw:âpihkohtâ VTIw "s/he undoes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âpihkokaham:âpihkokaha VTIm "s/he unlocks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpihkonam:âpihkona VTIm "s/he unties s.t., s/he undoes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpihkonêw:âpihkon VTA "s/he unties s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âpihkonisow:âpihkoniso VAIw "s/he unties him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpihkopayiw:âpihkopayi VIIw "it comes unfastened, it comes untied" ; ! AEW: VII-v âpihkopitam:âpihkopita VTIm "s/he unties s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpihkopitêw:âpihkopit3 VTA "s/he unties s.o., s/he pulls s.o. untied" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âpihkotêw:âpihkotê VAIw "s/he is in an untied state; it is unwound" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpihkwaham:âpihkwaha VTIm "s/he unlocks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpihkwahtam:âpihkwahta VTIm "s/he bites s.t. so as to untie it" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpihtâ-kîsikaniw:âpihtâ-kîsikani VAIw "s/he has lunch; s/he takes time off for lunch" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpihtâ-kîsikâw:âpihtâ-kîsikâ VIIw "it is noon (12:00 p.m.)" ; ! AEW: VII-v âpihtâ-kîsikâwi-mîcisow:âpihtâ-kîsikâwi-mîciso VAIw "s/he eats at noon; s/he has lunch" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpihtâ-nîpin:âpihtâ-nîpin3 VIIn "it is midsummer" ; ! AEW: VII-n âpihtâ-pipon:âpihtâ-pipon VIIn "it is midwinter" ; ! AEW: VII-n âpihtâ-tipiskâw:âpihtâ-tipiskâ VIIw "it is midnight (12:00 a.m.)" ; ! AEW: VII-v âpihtâw:âpihtâ VIIw "it is half" ; ! AEW: VII-v âpihtâwi-kîsikâw:âpihtâwi-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Wednesday; literally: (it is) middle day" ; ! AEW: VII-v âpihtâwipayiw:âpihtâwipayi VIIw "it is Wednesday, it is mid-week; it is at the half-way point" ; ! AEW: VII-v âpihtâwitâkosiw:âpihtâwitâkosi VIIw "it is halfway through afternoon" ; ! AEW: VII-v âpisisin:âpisisin3 VAIn "s/he revives; s/he rises from the dead" ; ! AEW: VAI-n âpisîhkwasiw:âpisîhkwasi VAIw "s/he awakens from a nightmare" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpiyikâsow:âpiyikâso VAIw "s/he is untied" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpiyikâtêw:âpiyikâtê VIIw "it is untied" ; ! AEW: VII-v âpocikwânipayiw:âpocikwânipayi VAIw "s/he somersaults, s/he turns upside down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpocikwânipitam:âpocikwânipita VTIm "s/he turns s.t. upside down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpocikwânipitêw:âpocikwânipit3 VTA "s/he turns s.o. upside down" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âpocikwânîw:âpocikwânî VAIw "s/he somersaults, s/he does a somersault" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpocipayiw:âpocipayi VAIw "s/he falls head over heels" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpocipayîmakan:âpocipayîmakan VIIn "it turns around" ; ! AEW: VII-n âpohtêw:âpohtê VAIw "he returns with big game (from hunting); he gives the hunter's treat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âpotaham:âpotaha VTIm "s/he turns s.t. upside down; s/he turns s.t. inside out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpotinam:âpotina VTIm "s/he turns s.t. inside out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âpotinêw:âpotin VTA "s/he turns s.o. inside out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âsawinamawêw:âsawinamaw VTA "s/he passes (it/him) on to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âsiskam:âsiska VTIm "s/he arrives before s.t., s/he arrives before the proceedings" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âsiskamâtowak:âsiskamâto VAIw_PL "they outstrip one another; they arrive before another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsiskawêw:âsiskaw VTA "s/he arrives before s.o., s/he gets ahead of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âsiskâkêw:âsiskâkê VAIw "s/he arrives before people, s/he gets ahead of people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsitêyimêw:âsitêyim VTA "s/he suspects s.o. jealously" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âsohtatâw:âsohtatâ VTIw "s/he leans s.t. across something ;; s/he carries s.t. across something" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ! 1: - ! 2: also âsôhtatâw âsohtâw:âsohtâ VTIw "s/he leans s.t. up against something (e.g. a wall)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âsohtitâw:âsohtitâ VTIw "s/he lays s.t. to lean" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âsokanihkêw:âsokanihkê VAIw "s/he build bridges, s/he makes a ford" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsokâham:âsokâha VTIm "s/he swims across" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âsokâmatin:âsokâmatin VIIn "it freezes across" ; ! AEW: VII-n âsokâmêham:âsokâmêha VTIm "s/he goes across by canoe" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âsokâmêhtahêw:âsokâmêhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. across (the water)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âsokâmêhtêw:âsokâmêhtê VAIw "s/he walks across (a river or bridge)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsokâmêpayiw:âsokâmêpayi VAIw "s/he goes across by boat or canoe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsokâmêyâtakâw:âsokâmêyâtakâ VAIw "s/he wades across shallow water, s/he wades across" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsokâmohtêw:âsokâmohtê VAIw "s/he walks across" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsokâmow:âsokâmo VAIw "s/he flees across, s/he escapes across (to the other side)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: /asokâm-/ + /-âmo/ reduced by haplology âsowaham:âsowaha VTIm "s/he crosses s.t. (e.g. a river), s/he crosses over; s/he crosses s.t. by canoe" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âsowahasiw:âsowahasi VTIw "s/he makes a short crossing, s/he crosses a short distance" ; ! AEW: VTI-3 âsowahêw:âsowah VTA "s/he takes s.o. across" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âsowahow:âsowaho VAIw "s/he crosses by him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsowahoyêw:âsowahoy VTA "s/he ferries s.o. across" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âsowakâmêw:âsowakâmê VAIw "s/he crosses a body of water, s/he fords a stream, s/he crosses a river at a shallow ford; s/he crosses the ice by foot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsowakâmêyâhtawîw:âsowakâmêyâhtawî VAIw "s/he crosses on a bridge" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsowakâmêyâtakâw:âsowakâmêyâtakâ VAIw "s/he wades across, s/he swims across" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsowîhtamawêw:âsowîhtamaw VTA "s/he passes a message to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âsônam:âsôna VTIm "s/he puts out his/her hand for an offering, s/he receives s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âsônamawêw:âsônamaw VTA "s/he passes (it/him) on to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âsôpayiw:âsôpayi VIIw "it goes from one to another; it is catching, it is contagious" ; ! AEW: VII-v âsôsimêw:âsôsim VTA "s/he places s.o. leaning" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âsôsimow:âsôsimo VAIw "s/he leans against something (e.g. a wall)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsôsin:âsôsin3 VAIn "s/he leans on something" ; ! AEW: VAI-n âsôskamawêw:âsôskamaw VTA "s/he infects s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âsponêsiw:âsponêsi VAIw "s/he is resentful; s/he is greedy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âsponêyihtam:âsponêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks resentfully (of s.t.); s/he covets s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âsponêyimêw:âsponêyim VTA "s/he resents s.o. (for taking more than giving)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âsponisiw:âsponisi VAIw "s/he is greedy, s/he is stingy, s/he is covetous" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstamipayiw:âstamipayi VAIw "it becomes less, it runs low (e.g. money)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstamohtêw:âstamohtê VAIw "s/he walks hither, s/he walks towards speaker" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstawêham:âstawêha VTIm "s/he extinguishes s.t., s/he puts out the fire" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âstawêhamawêw:âstawêhamaw VTA "s/he puts the fire out for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âstawêhikêw:âstawêhikê VAIw "s/he extinguishes the fire; s/he fights fire" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstawênam:âstawêna VTIm "s/he puts out a fire or turns off a light, lamp, or flashlight; s/he extinguishes s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âstawênikêw:âstawênikê VAIw "s/he extinguishes the light, s/he turns out the lights" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstawêpayiw:âstawêpayi VIIw "it goes out suddenly (as a flame) by itself" ; ! AEW: VII-v âstawêpicikêw:âstawêpicikê VAIw "s/he turns off the lights" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstawêskam:âstawêska VTIm "s/he extinguishes s.t. by foot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âstawêskawêw:âstawêskaw VTA "s/he extinguishes s.o. by foot" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âstawêw:âstawê VAIw "it goes out (e.g. pipe)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstawêw:âstawê VIIw "it is out, it goes out (e.g. fire)" ; ! AEW: VII-v âstawêyâpowatâw:âstawêyâpowatâ VTIw "s/he extinguishes s.t. (with water)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âstê-ayâw:âstê-ayâ VAIw "s/he recovers from illness, s/he is gradually restored" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstê-kîsikâw:âstê-kîsikâ VIIw "it is a bright day, it is good weather" ; ! AEW: VII-v âstêkamâw:âstêkamâ VIIw "it is still water, the water is still" ; ! AEW: VII-v âstêkamin:âstêkamin VIIn "it settles (as tea leaves); it is still water, the water is still" ; ! AEW: VII-n âstêkamiw:âstêkami VIIw "the water has calmed (after having once been windswept); it is still water, it is calm water" ; ! AEW: VII-v âstêpayiw:âstêpayi VAIw "s/he feels better (in health)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstêpayiw:âstêpayi VIIw "it ceases" ; ! AEW: VII-v âstêpêw:âstêpê VAIw "s/he sobers up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstêpwêsiw:âstêpwêsi VAIw "s/he stops being hot, s/he stops sweating" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstêsin:âstêsin3 VAIn "s/he rests, s/he lies down to rest" ; ! AEW: VAI-n âstêtâhtam:âstêtâhta VTIm "s/he stops panting" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âstêtâmosin:âstêtâmosin3 VAIn "s/he stops for a rest in flight" ; ! AEW: VAI-n âstêyâkamin:âstêyâkamin VIIn "it settles (as tea)" ; ! AEW: VII-n âstwâhtowak:âstwâhto VAIw_PL "they bet, they bet one another, they place things for one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstwâkêw:âstwâkê VAIw "s/he stakes something, s/he wagers something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âstwâw:âstwâ VAIw "s/he lays a bet, s/he lays down so much (money)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âswahcikêw:âswahcikê VAIw "s/he awaits food with an open mouth (e.g. baby, bird)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. /âsaw-/ âswahêw:âswah VTA "s/he places s.o. to lean against something" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âswahtam:âswahta VTIm "s/he awaits s.t. (as food) with an open mouth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: cf. /âsaw-/ âswamêw:âswam VTA "s/he awaits s.o. (as food) with an open mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: cf. /âsaw-/ âswastâw:âswastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. to lean against something" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âswâskokâpawiw:âswâskokâpawi VAIw "s/he stands leaning on something (of wood)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âtakâmakisin:âtakâmakisin3 VAIn "s/he is blocked by water" ; ! AEW: VAI-n âtawêyihtam:âtawêyihta VTIm "s/he rejects s.t., s/he refuses s.t.; s/he dislikes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âtawêyimêw:âtawêyim VTA "s/he rejects s.o., s/he refuses s.o.; s/he dislikes s.o., s/he disdains s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âtawinâsow:âtawinâso VAIw "s/he disdains his/her own looks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âtayôhkawêw:âtayôhkaw VTA "s/he tells sacred stories or legends to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âtayôhkâtam:âtayôhkâta VTIm "s/he tells a sacred story of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âtayôhkâtêw:âtayôhkât3 VTA "s/he tells a sacred story of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âtayôhkêw:âtayôhkê VAIw "s/he tells a sacred story or legend" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âtisin:âtisin3 VAIn "s/he is blocked" ; ! AEW: VAI-n âtiskawêw:âtiskaw VTA "s/he blocks s.o. with his/her body" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âtocikâtêw:âtocikâtê VIIw "it is told of, it is talked about" ; ! AEW: VII-v âtotam:âtota VTIm "s/he tells about s.t., s/he gives an account of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: ay-âtotam âtotamawêw:âtotamaw VTA "s/he tells about (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âtotâkosiw:âtotâkosi VAIw "s/he is famed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âtotêw:âtot3 VTA "s/he tells about s.o" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âwacikêw:âwacikê VAIw "s/he hauls things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âwacimihtêw:âwacimihtê VAIw "s/he hauls firewood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âwacipitam:âwacipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t.; s/he pulls a load, s/he hauls s.t. by pulling" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âwacipitêw:âwacipit3 VTA "s/he hauls s.o. by pulling; s/he pulls s.o., s/he pulls s.o. away (with one)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âwacitâpêw:âwacitâpê VAIw "s/he pulls s.t., s/he drags s.t. home (e.g. wood)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âwahêw:âwah VTA "s/he hauls s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âwatamawêw:âwatamaw VTA "s/he hauls (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 âwatamâsow:âwatamâso VAIw "s/he hauls (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âwataskosîwêw:âwataskosîwê VAIw "s/he hauls hay" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âwatâhtikwêw:âwatâhtikwê VAIw "s/he takes part in a pole dance; s/he hauls poles" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âwatâw:âwatâ VTIw "s/he hauls s.t., s/he hauls s.t. by carrying; s/he carries s.t. off" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 âwatêw:âwat3 VTA "s/he carries s.o. off" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 âwêpayiw:âwêpayi VAIw "s/he staggers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âyapâskwêyâw:âyapâskwêyâ VIIw "it is a land with clumps of trees" ; ! AEW: VII-v âyimakihtêw:âyimakihtê VIIw "it is expensive, costly (spiritually)" ; ! AEW: VII-v âyimakisow:âyimakiso VAIw "it is expensive, costly (spiritually)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âyiman:âyiman VIIn "it is difficult" ; ! AEW: VII-n âyimâpisin:âyimâpisin3 VAIn "s/he looks difficult to one" ; ! AEW: VAI-n âyimêyihtam:âyimêyihta VTIm "s/he considers s.t. difficult, s/he thinks s.t. is difficult" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âyimihêw:âyimih VTA "s/he gives s.o. a difficult time, s/he troubles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âyimihtowak:âyimihto VAIw_PL "they make it difficult for one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âyimimêw:âyimim VTA "s/he makes things difficult for s.o. by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âyimipayiw:âyimipayi VIIw "it gives trouble" ; ! AEW: VII-v âyimisiw:âyimisi VAIw "s/he has a difficult time; s/he is difficult, s/he is troublesome; s/he is demanding, s/he is constantly in need of attention from his/her parents; s/he is of difficult disposition" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âyimîw:âyimî VAIw "s/he has a difficult time, task or life" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âyimôhtowak:âyimôhto VAIw_PL "they gossip about one another; they talk idly about one another causing trouble" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âyimômêw:âyimôm VTA "s/he speaks of s.o. (causing trouble); s/he causes trouble by speaking of s.o.; s/he gossips about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âyimômiwêw:âyimômiwê VAIw "s/he speaks against people habitually" ; ! AEW: VAI-v âyimôtam:âyimôta VTIm "s/he speaks of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âyîtinam:âyîtina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. tightly or firmly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 âyîtinêw:âyîtin VTA "s/he holds s.o. tightly or firmly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 âywahpinêw:âywahpinê VAIw "s/he is helpless from disease; s/he is deteriorating, s/he is becoming worse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ca-cahkacahikêsiw:ca-cahkacahikêsi VAIw "it gives little pecks with its beak" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ca-cahkaham:ca-cahkaha VTIm "s/he pokes at s.t. with a stick" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ca-cahkataham:ca-cahkataha VTIm "it pecks at s.t. (as a woodpecker)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: also câh-cahkataham ca-cahkatahikêw:ca-cahkatahikê VAIw "it pecks, it pecks at things (as a woodpecker)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cacahkâskwâw:cacahkâskwâ VIIw "there are high waves, the waves are high" ; ! AEW: VII-v cacahkimahcihow:cacahkimahciho VAIw "s/he has a severe, stabbing pain in the chest" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cacahkwanîyiw:cacahkwanîyi VAIw "s/he stands on his/her toes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cacâstapipayin:cacâstapipayin VIIn "it is fast, it is quick" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: cf. /tâstap-/ cacâstapiwêw:cacâstapiwê VAIw "s/he talks fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cacimâsin:cacimâsin VIIn "it is short" ; ! AEW: VII-n caciwihêw:caciwih VTA "s/he takes s.o. by surprise ;; s/he outdoes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: cf. aýiwihêw cahcahkâyôskâw:cahcahkâyôskâ VIIw "there are many blackbirds, blackbirds are abundant" ; ! AEW: VII-v cahkahwêw:cahkahw VTA "s/he pokes s.o. (with a stick)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 cahkasinaham:cahkasinaha VTIm "s/he writes s.t. in Cree syllabics; s/he puts on artwork" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cahkasinastêw:cahkasinastê VIIw "it is spotted, it is covered in polka dots" ; ! AEW: VII-v cahkastâw:cahkastâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. in a high pile" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 cahkastêhwêw:cahkastêhw VTA "s/he prods s.o. on" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 cahkastêw:cahkastê VIIw "it is in a high pile" ; ! AEW: VII-v cahkataham:cahkataha VTIm "it pokes at s.t. with its beak; s/he pokes at s.t. with a stick ;; s/he plays bingo" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cahkatahikêw:cahkatahikê VAIw "it pokes at things with its beak; s/he pokes at things with a stick ;; s/he plays bingo" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cahkatahwêw:cahkatahw VTA "s/he pokes s.o. with a beak or stick" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 cahkatayênêw:cahkatayên VTA "s/he pokes s.o.'s belly, s/he spurs s.o.'s belly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cahkatinâw:cahkatinâ VIIw "it is a steep, pointed hill" ; ! AEW: VII-v cahkâkonêham:cahkâkonêha VTIm "s/he jabs a hole into s.t. as snow" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cahkâpahwêw:cahkâpahw VTA "s/he jabs s.o. in the eye with something" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 cahkâpicin:cahkâpicin3 VAIn "s/he has his/her eye punctured by a sliver, stick; s/he gets snagged in the eye" ; ! AEW: VAI-n cahkâpiskâw:cahkâpiskâ VIIw "it is a pointed rock" ; ! AEW: VII-v cahkâsikêw:cahkâsikê VAIw "it shines (e.g. sun, flashlight, torch)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cahkâskwêyiw:cahkâskwêyi VAIw "s/he sticks his/her own head up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cahkihtitâw:cahkihtitâ VTIw "s/he throws s.t. to stick up" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 cahkinam:cahkina VTIm "s/he pokes s.t. with a finger, elbow, etc." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cahkinêw:cahkin VTA "s/he pokes s.o. with a finger, elbow, etc." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cahkipêham:cahkipêha VTIm "s/he marks s.t. with diacritical symbols, s/he marks s.t. with syllabic symbols" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cahkisimêw:cahkisim VTA "s/he stubs s.o. (e.g. cigarette)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cahkitônêsin:cahkitônêsin3 VAIn "s/he has a swollen (protruding) mouth (from falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n canawîw:canawî VAIw "s/he is busy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v capahcâsin:capahcâsin VIIn "it is low" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: cf. /tipaht-/ câh-cahkasinahikâsow:câh-cahkasinahikâso VAIw "s/he has marks on his/her body" ; ! AEW: VAI-v câh-cahkatâmow:câh-cahkatâmo VAIw "s/he has sharp pains in breathing, s/he suffers shortness of breath" ; ! AEW: VAI-v câh-cahkipêkahwêw:câh-cahkipêkahw VTA "s/he paints dots on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 câh-cahkiyêhêw:câh-cahkiyêhê VAIw "s/he has sharp pains in breathing, s/he suffers shortness of breath" ; ! AEW: VAI-v câh-cimatâw:câh-cimatâ VTIw "s/he erects s.t. upright (everywhere) (e.g. fence posts)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 câh-cîpokocêsiwak:câh-cîpokocêsi VAIw_PL "they have sharp little noses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v câhcâmosiw:câhcâmosi VAIw "s/he sneezes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v câhcâmoskawêw:câhcâmoskaw VTA "s/he makes s.o. sneeze" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: often in inanimate actor form; e.g. câhcâmoskâkow câhcâmoskâkêw:câhcâmoskâkê VAIw "s/he uses something to induce sneezing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v câhcâmoskâkow:câhcâmoskaw VTA "s/he is made to sneeze by s.t." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 câhcâmow:câhcâmo VAIw "s/he sneezes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: onomatopoeic stem ?? câhkâskisow:câhkâskiso VAIw "it burns completely, all the way (as a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v câhkâskitêw:câhkâskitê VIIw "it burns completely; it is a flaming fire, shooting upward" ; ! AEW: VII-v câhkâyowêw:câhkâyowê VAIw "it cocks its tail (as a horse)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v câhkipayiw:câhkipayi VIIw "it comes suddenly to a head (as in boiling), it comes to a point" ; ! AEW: VII-v câstapîw:câstapî VAIw "s/he hurries up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cêcêmipahtâw:cêcêmipahtâ VAIw "s/he trots" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cêhcapisiw:cêhcapisi VAIw "s/he rides a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cihcîkinam:cihcîkina VTIm "s/he scratches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cihcîkinêw:cihcîkin VTA "s/he scratches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cihcîkipitam:cihcîkipita VTIm "s/he scratches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cihcîkipitêw:cihcîkipit3 VTA "s/he scratches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 cihcîkipititowak:cihcîkipitito VAIw_PL "they scratch one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cihcîkîw:cihcîkî VAIw "s/he scratches, s/he itches him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: also cihcîkiw, cîhcîkîw cihcîkwahtam:cihcîkwahta VTIm "s/he nibbles at s.t., s/he nibbles meat off a bone" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cihcîkwamêw:cihcîkwam VTA "s/he nibbles at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cihcîpâpiw:cihcîpâpi VAIw "s/he has a twitching eye, s/he quivers at the eye or eyelid" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cikahkwâtam:cikahkwâta VTIm "s/he throws a dart at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cikahkwâtêw:cikahkwât3 VTA "s/he throws a dart at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 cikahkwê-wêpahwêw:cikahkwê-wêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. down with a shot" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 cikahkwêw:cikahkwê VAIw "s/he throws darts; s/he plays the four stick game" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cikawâsisinwa:cikawâsisin VIIn_PL "they are few in number" ; ! AEW: VII-n cikawâsisiwak:cikawâsisi VAIw_PL "they are few in number" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: necessarily plural cikâhkwêpayiw:cikâhkwêpayi VAIw "s/he becomes unconscious" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cikâstêhtin:cikâstêhtin VIIn "it makes a shadow" ; ! AEW: VII-n cikâstêpayiw:cikâstêpayi VAIw "s/he casts a shadow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cikâstêpayiw:cikâstêpayi VIIw "it casts a shadow" ; ! AEW: VII-v cikâstêpêkisin:cikâstêpêkisin3 VAIn "s/he is reflected in the water" ; ! AEW: VAI-n cikâstêsimow:cikâstêsimo VAIw "s/he makes a shadow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cikâstêsin:cikâstêsin3 VAIn "s/he has his/her shadow seen" ; ! AEW: VAI-n cikâstêsiw:cikâstêsi VAIw "s/he is in shadow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cikâstêskawêw:cikâstêskaw VTA "s/he shadows s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 cimacikêw:cimacikê VAIw "s/he stooks, s/he ties sheaves into stooks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimahêw:cimah VTA "s/he places s.o. (e.g. tree) upright, plant s.o. upright; stand s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cimasow:cimaso VAIw "s/he stands upright; he has an erection, he has an erect penis" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimatahkwêw:cimatahkwê VAIw "s/he throws darts to stand upright" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimatâw:cimatâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. upright, s/he plants s.t. upright; s/he stands s.t. up, s/he erects s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 cimatê-wêpinam:cimatê-wêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. so that it sticks upright" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cimatêw:cimatê VIIw "it stands upright, it stands erect; it is erected" ; ! AEW: VII-v cimâniskwêw:cimâniskwê VAIw "s/he has short hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimâpêkan:cimâpêkan VIIn "it is short (e.g. as string)" ; ! AEW: VII-n cimâpêkasin:cimâpêkasin VIIn "it is rather short" ; ! AEW: VII-n cimâpitêw:cimâpitê VAIw "s/he has short teeth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimâsin:cimâsin VIIn "it is short" ; ! AEW: VII-n cimâskosiw:cimâskosi VAIw "s/he is short (as a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimâskwan:cimâskwan VIIn "it is short (as a board)" ; ! AEW: VII-n cimâwikanêw:cimâwikanê VAIw "s/he has a short back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimâyowêw:cimâyowê VAIw "it has a short tail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimêkaham:cimêkaha VTIm "s/he shortens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cimêkahwêw:cimêkahw VTA "s/he shortens s.o. (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 cimêkasâkêw:cimêkasâkê VAIw "she has a short dress" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimicihcêw:cimicihcê VAIw "s/he has short hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimihtawakêw:cimihtawakê VAIw "s/he has short ears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimikasêw:cimikasê VAIw "s/he has short nails, it has short claws" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimikâtêw:cimikâtê VAIw "s/he has short legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimikotêw:cimikotê VAIw "s/he has a short nose; it has a short beak" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimikwayawêw:cimikwayawê VAIw "s/he has a short neck" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimipayiw:cimipayi VIIw "it shrinks, it shortens suddenly" ; ! AEW: VII-v cimipitonêw:cimipitonê VAIw "s/he has short arms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimisâwâtam:cimisâwâta VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. short" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cimisihtâw:cimisihtâ VTIw "s/he shortens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 cimisisiw:cimisisi VAIw "s/he is short of stature; s/he is very short" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimisitêw:cimisitê VAIw "s/he has short feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimitêskanêw:cimitêskanê VAIw "s/he has short horns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cimiyawêw:cimiyawê VAIw "s/he has a short body" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cistâwêw:cistâwê VAIw "s/he makes echoing noises" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cistwâsiw:cistwâsi VAIw "s/he makes a bet, s/he wagers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ciyawisisiw:ciyawisisi VAIw "it holds little (e.g. pipe, kettle)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ciyâhâw:ciyâhâ VAIw "s/he is late, s/he is not ready" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. taciwihâw cîhcîkomiw:cîhcîkomi VAIw "s/he has a wart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: possibly /-cîhcîkw-/ + /-im/ cîhcîkosam:cîhcîkosa VTIm "s/he cuts meat off s.t. (e.g. bone)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîhcîkosikâsow:cîhcîkosikâso VAIw "s/he is shaven bare" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîhcîkoswêw:cîhcîkosw VTA "s/he clips s.o. very short, s/he crops s.o.'s hair very short" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 cîhcîkwahtam:cîhcîkwahta VTIm "s/he gnaws the meat off of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîhcîpicikêw:cîhcîpicikê VAIw "s/he rakes, s/he scratches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîhcîpipayin:cîhcîpipayin VIIn "it quivers" ; ! AEW: VII-n cîhcîpipayiw:cîhcîpipayi VAIw "s/he quivers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîhkâpisin:cîhkâpisin3 VAIn "s/he is pleased at the sight" ; ! AEW: VAI-n cîhkêyihtam:cîhkêyihta VTIm "s/he likes s.t., approve of s.t.; s/he is eager for s.t.; s/he is proud of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîhkêyihtâkosiw:cîhkêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is important; s/he is well-liked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîhkêyimêw:cîhkêyim VTA "s/he likes s.o., s/he takes to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cîhkêyimow:cîhkêyimo VAIw "s/he is vain; s/he tries with pride and confidence" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîhkîstam:cîhkîsta VTIm "s/he enjoys s.t.; s/he is enthusiastic" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîkaham:cîkaha VTIm "s/he chops s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîkahikêw:cîkahikê VAIw "s/he chops, s/he cuts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîkahosow:cîkahoso VAIw "s/he chops him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîkahwêw:cîkahw VTA "s/he chops s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 cîkâskohtin:cîkâskohtin VIIn "it lies near the edge" ; ! AEW: VII-n cîkâskwahpitam:cîkâskwahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. to wood" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîpacikâpawiw:cîpacikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands very straight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîpahcâw:cîpahcâ VIIw "it is steep" ; ! AEW: VII-v cîpataham:cîpataha VTIm "s/he drives s.t. into the ground; s/he puts s.t. on a spit" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîpatahâhkow:cîpatahâhko VAIw "s/he roasts on a spit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîpatamow:cîpatamo VAIw "it projects out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîpatapiw:cîpatapi VAIw "s/he sits erect, s/he sits up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîpayâmatisow:cîpayâmatiso VAIw "s/he is visited by ghosts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîpayâmatisôstawêw:cîpayâmatisôstaw VTA "s/he talks as a ghost with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 cîpêhtakowêw:cîpêhtakowê VAIw "it is blue or grey" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîpêhtakwâpikwanîskâw:cîpêhtakwâpikwanîskâ VIIw "there are many blue or grey flowers" ; ! AEW: VII-v cîpêhtakwâpikwanîwiw:cîpêhtakwâpikwanîwi VIIw "it has blue or grey flowers" ; ! AEW: VII-v cîpêhtakwâw:cîpêhtakwâ VIIw "it is blue or grey" ; ! AEW: VII-v cîpipayiw:cîpipayi VAIw "s/he moves with a jerk, s/he twitches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîpipitâw:cîpipitâ VTIw "s/he jerks s.t. pulling" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 cîpipitêw:cîpipit3 VTA "s/he jerks s.o. pulling" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 cîpitonêw:cîpitonê VAIw "s/he twitches at the mouth, s/he jerks at the mouth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîpohkotam:cîpohkota VTIm "s/he whittles s.t. to a point" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîpohkotêw:cîpohkot3 VTA "s/he whittles s.o. to a point" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 cîpohkotêw:cîpohkotê VIIw "it is whittled to a point" ; ! AEW: VII-v cîpokotêw:cîpokotê VAIw "s/he has a pointed nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîponam:cîpona VTIm "s/he sharpens s.t. (by hand), s/he makes s.t. sharp" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîponêw:cîpon VTA "s/he sharpens s.o. (by hand), s/he makes s.o. sharp" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cîposam:cîposa VTIm "s/he sharpens s.t. by cutting, s/he cuts s.t. to a sharp point" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîposiw:cîposi VAIw "it is pointed; it is a pear (i.e. fruit)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. kâ-cîposicik pears cîposwêw:cîposw VTA "s/he sharpens s.o. by cutting, s/he cuts s.o. to a sharp point" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 cîpotonêw:cîpotonê VAIw "s/he has pointed lips; s/he has pursed lips" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîpwaskisow:cîpwaskiso VAIw "it stands with a point" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîpwaskitêw:cîpwaskitê VIIw "it is a pointed article standing up, it stands with a point" ; ! AEW: VII-v cîpwâw:cîpwâ VIIw "it is pointed; it is sharp" ; ! AEW: VII-v cîpwêkascikêw:cîpwêkascikê VAIw "s/he makes a pointed pile" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîsâwâtam:cîsâwâta VTIm "s/he chops s.t. into strips" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîscipitêw:cîscipit3 VTA "s/he scratches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ! 1: - ! 2: also cîscîscipitêw cîsihêw:cîsih VTA "s/he misleads s.o., s/he deceives s.o., s/he fools s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cîsihiwêskiw:cîsihiwêski VAIw "s/he is a deceiver, s/he habitually deceives people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîsihow:cîsiho VAIw "s/he has a misconception; s/he is mistaken" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîsimêw:cîsim VTA "s/he misleads s.o. by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cîsiskawêw:cîsiskaw VTA "s/he flirts with s.o. by slight body contact" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 cîskâpitêw:cîskâpitê VAIw "s/he grinds his/her own teeth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîstaham:cîstaha VTIm "s/he pierces s.t.; s/he punctures s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîstahâskwatêw:cîstahâskwat3 VTA "s/he crucifies s.o.; s/he nails or pins s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 cîstahâskwâtam:cîstahâskwâta VTIm "s/he makes a target and shoots; s/he chooses s.t. as a target and shoots" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîstahâskwâtêw:cîstahâskwât3 VTA "s/he chooses s.o. as a target and shoots" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 cîstahêw:cîstah VTA "s/he pierces s.o.; s/he gives s.o. an injection, needle; s/he pricks s.o. with an awl or pin" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cîstahikêw:cîstahikê VAIw "s/he gives an injection" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîstahwêw:cîstahw VTA "s/he pricks s.o., s/he pierces s.o., s/he jabs s.o., s/he spears s.o. with a pointed object; s/he give s.o. an injection, s/he injects s.o., s/he vaccinates s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 cîstaskosîwâkêw:cîstaskosîwâkê VAIw "s/he pitches hay" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîstâwêsin:cîstâwêsin3 VAIn "s/he makes an echo" ; ! AEW: VAI-n cîstâwêyâw:cîstâwêyâ VIIw "echoes are heard, there are echoes" ; ! AEW: VII-v cîstikwayawêpitêw:cîstikwayawêpit3 VTA "s/he chokes s.o.; s/he pinches s.o.'s neck (pulling)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 cîstikwênêw:cîstikwên VTA "s/he pinches s.o.'s neck; s/he chokes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: also: cîscîstikwênêw cîstikwêpitêw:cîstikwêpit3 VTA "s/he chokes s.o.; s/he pinches s.o.-s neck (pulling)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ! 1: - ! 2: also cîscîstikwêpitêw cîstinam:cîstina VTIm "s/he pinches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîstinêw:cîstin VTA "s/he pinches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 cîstinitowak:cîstinito VAIw_PL "they pinch one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîstipitam:cîstipita VTIm "s/he scratches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 cîstipitêw:cîstipit3 VTA "s/he scratches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 cîstipititowak:cîstipitito VAIw_PL "they scratch one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîwêhtawakêw:cîwêhtawakê VAIw "s/he has ringing ears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cîwêw:cîwê VIIw "it is calm, peaceful" ; ! AEW: VII-v cîwêyâw:cîwêyâ VIIw "it is very calm" ; ! AEW: VII-v cohcônamâsow:cohcônamâso VAIw "he masturbates" ; ! AEW: VAI-v cowêskihtêw:cowêskihtê VAIw "s/he has ringing ears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v côhkâpisiw:côhkâpisi VAIw "s/he opens his/her own eyes a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v côwêhkasow:côwêhkaso VAIw "it hisses as it cooks; it makes a sizzling sound while cooking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v êkotowiw:êkotowi VAIw "it is of that kind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v êkotowiwiw:êkotowiwi VAIw "it is of that kind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v êsêhtin:êsêhtin VIIn "it leaves a print, it leaves a mark" ; ! AEW: VII-n êskêw:êskê VAIw "s/he makes a hole in the ice to hunt beaver" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: possibly derived from /(-i)sk-/ + /-ê/ êtatawisiw:êtatawisi VAIw "it barely exists; s/he is almost dead, s/he is very ill and unable to move" ; ! AEW: VAI-v êwakoniwiw:êwakoniwi VAIw "s/he is of a that kind (previously mentioned)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v êyikohkwêyimow:êyikohkwêyimo VAIw "s/he has courage to such an extent; s/he has confidence only so far" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. iýikohk êyikosiwiw:êyikosiwi VAIw "it is an ant" ; ! AEW: VAI-v êyikoskâw:êyikoskâ VIIw "there are numerous ants, ants are abundant" ; ! AEW: VII-v êyînimiw:êyînimi VAIw "s/he has ringworm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ihkastêw:ihkastê VIIw "it dries up, it has dried up (i.e. something formerly containing water)" ; ! AEW: VII-v ihkatawahkâw:ihkatawahkâ VIIw "it is a marshy depression" ; ! AEW: VII-v ihkatawâw:ihkatawâ VIIw "it is a marshy depression, it is a stagnant pond, it is a slough" ; ! AEW: VII-v ihkêyihtam:ihkêyihta VTIm "s/he is tired of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ihkêyimêw:ihkêyim VTA "s/he is tired of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ihkin:ihkin VIIn "it happens, it occurs, it takes place" ; ! AEW: VII-n ihkipayihêw:ihkipayih VTA "s/he drains s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ihkipayihtâw:ihkipayihtâ VTIw "s/he drains s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ihkipayiw:ihkipayi VIIw "it recedes, there are receding waters, there is a lowering of water" ; ! AEW: VII-v ihtakon:ihtakon VIIn "it exists, it is there" ; ! AEW: VII-n ihtakow:ihtako VAIw "it exists, s/he is there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ihtasimêw:ihtasim VTA "s/he perseveres in talking to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ihtasiwak:ihtasi VAIw_PL "they are so many, they are as many" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ihtatêyihtam:ihtatêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks s.t. is there, s/he expects s.t. to be there" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ihtatêyimêw:ihtatêyim VTA "s/he thinks s.o. is there, s/he expects s.o. to be there" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ihtatwêwitam:ihtatwêwita VTIm "s/he makes a lot of noise talking" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ihtâw:ihtâ VAIw "s/he exists, s/he is there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ihtiw:ihti VAIw "s/he does so, s/he fares so; s/he is doing s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v isawêyâw:isawêyâ VIIw "it is square" ; ! AEW: VII-v isi-ayâw:isi-ayâ VAIw "s/he is thus, s/he is thus in health, s/he is in such shape; s/he is unwell, s/he is in poor health" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isi-kitow:isi-kito VAIw "s/he cries in such a way, s/he calls in such a way (as an animal's call)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isi-miyâhtam:isi-miyâhta VTIm "s/he smells s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 isi-wêpaham:isi-wêpaha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. thither or thus; s/he forces s.t. away (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 isi-wêpinam:isi-wêpina VTIm "s/he tosses s.t. thither or thus, s/he throws s.t. there" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 isi-wêpinamawêw:isi-wêpinamaw VTA "s/he tosses (it/him) thither or thus to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 isi-wêpinêw:isi-wêpin VTA "s/he tosses s.o. thither or thus, s/he throws s.o. there" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 isi-wêpinikêw:isi-wêpinikê VAIw "s/he throws things there; s/he manages things thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isi-wêpiskam:isi-wêpiska VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. thither or thus by foot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 isi-wêpiskawêw:isi-wêpiskaw VTA "s/he pushes s.o. thither or thus by foot" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 isicimêw:isicimê VAIw "s/he paddles thither; s/he goes there by water (e.g. in a boat)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isihtam:isihta VTIm "s/he hears s.t. so" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 isihtawêw:isihtaw VTA "s/he understands s.o., s/he hears s.o. so" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 isihtitâw:isihtitâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. so" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 isikamâw:isikamâ VIIw "it is shaped thus as a body of water, it is shaped thus as a shoreline; the body of water is such a shape" ; ! AEW: VII-v isikâpawiw:isikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands so" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isikâtêsin:isikâtêsin3 VAIn "s/he lies with legs that way" ; ! AEW: VAI-n isikwâtam:isikwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 isimâkosiw:isimâkosi VAIw "s/he smells so" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isimâkwan:isimâkwan VIIn "it smells so" ; ! AEW: VII-n isimêw:isim VTA "s/he speaks so to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 isimêw:isim VTA "s/he places s.o. so (i.e. in a certain position)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 isinam:isina VTIm "s/he sees s.t. thus; s/he thinks s/he sees s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 isinawêw:isinaw VTA "s/he sees s.o. thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 isinâkosiw:isinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks thus, s/he gives such an appearance (e.g. colour, etc.), s/he appears so; s/he resembles" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isinâkwan:isinâkwan VIIn "it looks thus, it gives such an appearance (e.g. colour, etc.), it appears so" ; ! AEW: VII-n isiniskêpayihow:isiniskêpayiho VAIw "s/he throws his/her own arms thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isiniskêstawêw:isiniskêstaw VTA "s/he makes hand signs to s.o., s/he gestures to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 isiniskêw:isiniskê VAIw "s/he has his/her own arm thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isiniskêyiw:isiniskêyi VAIw "s/he moves his/her own arms thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isipitam:isipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. there" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 isipitêw:isipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. there" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 isisimêw:isisim VTA "s/he lays s.o. so" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 isisin:isisin3 VAIn "s/he lies down so, s/he falls so" ; ! AEW: VAI-n isisitêw:isisitê VAIw "s/he has such a foot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isistâw:isistâ VAIw "s/he performs a ceremony so" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isitâcimow:isitâcimo VAIw "s/he crawls thither" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isitâpahêw:isitâpah VTA "s/he makes s.o. pull thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 isitâpâsow:isitâpâso VAIw "s/he drives thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isitâpêw:isitâpê VAIw "s/he drags thither" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isiwêpan:isiwêpan VIIn "it is in such a state; it happens thus, it goes thither or thus; it is such weather" ; ! AEW: VII-n isiwêpisiw:isiwêpisi VAIw "s/he has such a disposition, s/he is of such a temperment" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isiyihkâcikâtêw:isiyihkâcikâtê VIIw "it is named thus" ; ! AEW: VII-v isiyihkâsow:isiyihkâso VAIw "s/he is named thus, s/he has such a name" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isiyihkâtam:isiyihkâta VTIm "s/he calls s.t. thus, s/he gives s.t. such a name; s/he uses such a name for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 isiyihkâtâw:isiyihkâtâ VTIw "s/he calls s.t. thus, s/he uses such a name for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 isiyihkâtêw:isiyihkâtê VIIw "it is called thus, it has such a name" ; ! AEW: VII-v isiyihkâtêw:isiyihkât3 VTA "s/he calls s.o. thus, s/he gives s.o. such a name; s/he uses such a name for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 isiyihkâtisow:isiyihkâtiso VAIw "s/he calls him/herself so, s/he names him/herself so" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isîhcikâtêw:isîhcikâtê VIIw "it is made so" ; ! AEW: VII-v isîhcikêw:isîhcikê VAIw "s/he does things thus, s/he makes things thus, s/he settles things thus, s/he proceeds thus; s/he performs a ceremony thus, s/he performs such a ritual" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isîhêw:isîh VTA "s/he dresses s.o. so; s/he makes s.o. thus, s/he prepares s.o. thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 isîhkam:isîhka VTIm "s/he bothers with s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 isîhkawêw:isîhkaw VTA "s/he bothers s.o. thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 isîhow:isîho VAIw "s/he is thus dressed, s/he is thus equipped; s/he dresses him/herself so" ; ! AEW: VAI-v isîhtâw:isîhtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. thus, s/he prepares s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ! 1: - ! 2: i.e. to his/her own liking iskipêw:iskipê VIIw "it floods, it is a flood, it is flooded" ; ! AEW: VII-v iskiskawêw:iskiskaw VTA "s/he wears s.o. out by treading" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 iskohêw:iskoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. such a height" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 iskohêw:iskoh VTA "s/he leaves s.o. over" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 iskohkasow:iskohkaso VAIw "it is burnt done, it is burnt up to a certain point" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskohtâw:iskohtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. such a length" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 iskohtâw:iskohtâ VTIw "s/he leaves s.t. as a leftover" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 iskokâpawiw:iskokâpawi VAIw "s/he stands to such a height" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskonam:iskona VTIm "s/he holds s.t. so far" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 iskonam:iskona VTIm "s/he leaves a portion of s.t.; s/he takes a portion of s.t. and leaves the rest" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 iskonamawêw:iskonamaw VTA "s/he puts (it/him) so far for s.o. ;; s/he leaves a portion of (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 iskonamâsow:iskonamâso VAIw "s/he puts (it/him) so far for oneself ;; s/he keeps s.t. back for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskonêw:iskon VTA "s/he leaves so much of s.o.; s/he leaves a portion of s.o.; s/he takes a portion of s.o. and leaves the rest" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 iskonikowisiw:iskonikowisi VAIw "s/he is left over (e.g. to survive) by the powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskopayiw:iskopayi VAIw "s/he has just so much left" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskopêkâw:iskopêkâ VIIw "it goes so far, it extends so far (as water)" ; ! AEW: VII-v iskopêw:iskopê VAIw "s/he is so deep in water, in liquid; s/he stands just so high in water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskopitam:iskopita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 iskopitêw:iskopit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. so far; s/he pulls s.o. up (e.g. socks)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 iskosam:iskosa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. just so long" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 iskosihêw:iskosih VTA "s/he makes s.o. so long" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 iskosiw:iskosi VAIw "it extends so far, it is so long; s/he is so tall, s/he is of such height" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskoskiwêw:iskoskiwê VAIw "s/he is so far in the mud" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskoswêw:iskosw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. just so long" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 iskotêmâkwan:iskotêmâkwan VIIn "it smells like fire" ; ! AEW: VII-n iskotêwakan:iskotêwakan VIIn "it smells like fire" ; ! AEW: VII-n iskotêwan:iskotêwan VIIn "it has fire (within), it is fiery" ; ! AEW: VII-n iskotêwiw:iskotêwi VIIw "it is fiery, it has fire (within)" ; ! AEW: VII-v iskotôskwanêw:iskotôskwanê VAIw "s/he has an elbow so long" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwahtam:iskwahta VTIm "s/he leaves s.t. from eating, s/he eats only a portion of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 iskwamêw:iskwam VTA "s/he leaves s.o. from eating, s/he eats only a portion of s.o. (e.g. fish)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 iskwapiw:iskwapi VAIw "s/he has just so much left" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwastam:iskwasta VTIm "s/he leaves s.t. from eating, s/he eats only a portion of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 iskwastamawêw:iskwastamaw VTA "s/he leaves (it/him) for s.o. from eating" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 iskwâhêw:iskwâh VTA "s/he kills nearly all of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 iskwâhitowak:iskwâhito VAIw_PL "they nearly kill one another off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwâhtawâtêw:iskwâhtawât3 VTA "s/he climbs up after s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 iskwâhtawîhtahêw:iskwâhtawîhtah VTA "s/he climbs up with s.o.; s/he takes s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 iskwâhtawîpahtâw:iskwâhtawîpahtâ VAIw "s/he climbs up at a run" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwâhtawîw:iskwâhtawî VAIw "s/he climbs up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwâhtâsow:iskwâhtâso VAIw "s/he kills (it/him) off for his/her own benefit; s/he nearly kills (it/him) off but leaves a few" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwâhtêmiwiw:iskwâhtêmiwi VIIw "it is a door" ; ! AEW: VII-v iskwâpêkamon:iskwâpêkamon VIIn "it goes so far as the rope will go" ; ! AEW: VII-n iskwâpihkêpitêw:iskwâpihkêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. so far on a rope" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 iskwâpiw:iskwâpi VAIw "s/he sees such a distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwâskosiw:iskwâskosi VAIw "it is such a length (e.g. a stick)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwâw:iskwâ VIIw "it is such a length, it is such a height" ; ! AEW: VII-v iskwêhkâsow:iskwêhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to be a woman, s/he acts like a woman (often said of young girls trying to act older)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwêsisiwiw:iskwêsisiwi VAIw "she is a little girl" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwêsiwiw:iskwêsiwi VAIw "she is a girl, she is like a girl child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwêw-atoskêw:iskwêw-atoskê VAIw "s/he does woman's work" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iskwêwiw:iskwêwi VAIw "she is a woman, she reaches womanhood, she becomes a woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispacinâsin:ispacinâsin VIIn "it is quite high; it is a small hill" ; ! AEW: VII-n ispacinâsiw:ispacinâsi VIIw "it is a small hill" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispahcâw:ispahcâ VIIw "it is high ground, the ground is so high" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispahêw:ispah VTA "s/he drives s.o. there quickly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ispahtâw:ispahtâ VAIw "s/he runs thus or there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispakocin:ispakocin VIIn "it hangs high (e.g. the moon)" ; ! AEW: VII-n ispakosiw:ispakosi VAIw "it tastes so, it has such a flavour" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispakwan:ispakwan VIIn "it tastes so, it has such a flavour" ; ! AEW: VII-n ispapiw:ispapi VAIw "s/he sits aloft, s/he sits on s.t.; s/he sits just so high" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispaskitêw:ispaskitê VIIw "it is such a height" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispastâw:ispastâ VTIw "s/he piles s.t. so high, s/he places s.t. so high" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ispastêw:ispastê VIIw "it is piled high" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispatinâw:ispatinâ VIIw "it is a hill" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispayihêw:ispayih VTA "s/he affects s.o. thus, it happens thus to s.o.; s/he takes s.o. there quickly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ispayihow:ispayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself thither or thus; s/he moves toward there quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispayihtâw:ispayihtâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. there quickly" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ispayin:ispayin VIIn "it is, it becomes; it goes there; it happens thus, it occurs thus" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: used as a measurement of time: kâ-ispaýik one week; or follows time specification: e.g. pêyak tipahikan ispaýin it's one o'clock, lit: one hour is happening; cf. ispaýiw ispayiw:ispayi VAIw "s/he is thus affected; s/he is thus afflicted; s/he fares thus; s/he goes there, s/he drives there; s/he moves thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispayiw:ispayi VAIw "s/he goes, s/he rides, s/he drives, s/he travels thus or there; s/he moves along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispayiw:ispayi VIIw "it takes place thus, it occurs thus; it has passed (e.g. days, years); it goes thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispâhkê-wêpinam:ispâhkê-wêpina VTIm "s/he flings s.t. upward" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ispâhkê-wêpinêw:ispâhkê-wêpin VTA "s/he flings s.o. upward" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ispâhkêkocin:ispâhkêkocin3 VAIn "s/he flies up into the air" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ispâhkênam:ispâhkêna VTIm "s/he lifts s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ispâhkênêw:ispâhkên VTA "s/he lifts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ispâhkêpayihow:ispâhkêpayiho VAIw "s/he darts aloft" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispâhkêpayiw:ispâhkêpayi VAIw "s/he goes up there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispâhkêpitêw:ispâhkêpit3 VTA "s/he hoists s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ispâhkêw:ispâhkê VAIw "s/he goes upward" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispâhtawîw:ispâhtawî VAIw "s/he climbs up high; s/he climbs stairs, s/he goes upstairs; s/he climbs up a tree" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispâkonakâw:ispâkonakâ VIIw "it is deep snow" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispâkonêw:ispâkonê VIIw "the snow is piled deeply, it is a deep pile of snow" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispâpiskâw:ispâpiskâ VIIw "it is a high rock or mountain" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispâskosiw:ispâskosi VAIw "s/he is such a height (as a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispâskwêyâw:ispâskwêyâ VIIw "it is a high, thick-wooded area" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispâw:ispâ VIIw "it is high, it is so high, it is so tall" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispiciw:ispici VAIw "s/he moves there, s/he moves camp thither" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispicîhêw:ispicîh VTA "s/he moves s.o. there (belongings and all)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ispihâw:ispihâ VAIw "s/he flies there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispikâpawiw:ispikâpawi VAIw "s/he is just so tall, s/he stands just so tall" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispisipayiw:ispisipayi VAIw "s/he goes on ahead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispisiskâw:ispisiskâ VAIw "s/he goes so fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispisiw:ispisi VAIw "s/he is so tall, it goes so far; it is just so high up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispisîhêw:ispisîh VTA "s/he raises s.o. thus; s/he builds s.o. higher" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ispisîhtâw:ispisîhtâ VTIw "s/he builds s.t. high" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ispiskwêyiw:ispiskwêyi VAIw "s/he raises his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispisohtêw:ispisohtê VAIw "s/he walks on ahead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispisow:ispiso VAIw "s/he travels there by vehicle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispitam:ispita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. thither or thus, s/he draws s.t. thither or thus, s/he brings s.t. hither" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: ay-ispitam ispitamawêw:ispitamaw VTA "s/he pulls (it/him) thither or thus for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ispitêw:ispit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. thither or thus, s/he draws s.o. thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ispîhcâw:ispîhcâ VIIw "it extends so far, it is of such size (e.g. country); it is so big, large or long" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispîhci-askîwiw:ispîhci-askîwi VIIw "it is a certain number of years since, it has been years" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispîhcikitiw:ispîhcikiti VAIw "s/he is of such a large size" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispîhcikonêwêw:ispîhcikonêwê VAIw "s/he has a mouth of such a capacity" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispîhcipayiw:ispîhcipayi VAIw "s/he goes on ahead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispîhcipayiw:ispîhcipayi VIIw "it goes ahead" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispîhcisîw:ispîhcisî VAIw "s/he is of a such an age; it extends such a distance, it is of such a size" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispîhtakotêw:ispîhtakotê VIIw "it flies so far" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispîhtan:ispîhtan VIIn "it is such a time of the year" ; ! AEW: VII-n ispîhtayakaskâw:ispîhtayakaskâ VIIw "it is thus in width; it is a certain width, it is so broad" ; ! AEW: VII-v ispîhtâskosiw:ispîhtâskosi VAIw "s/he is such a height, it is such a thickness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispîhtâskwan:ispîhtâskwan VIIn "it is such a thickness" ; ! AEW: VII-n ispîhtâskwapihkêw:ispîhtâskwapihkê VAIw "s/he has braids of such thickness; s/he braids hair to such a thickness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispîhtâwan:ispîhtâwan VIIn "it is so far in the year" ; ! AEW: VII-n ispîhtêkan:ispîhtêkan VIIn "it is such a length or width (e.g. paper)" ; ! AEW: VII-n ispîhtêkisiw:ispîhtêkisi VAIw "s/he is such a length or width; it is so big a cloth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispîhtêyihtam:ispîhtêyihta VTIm "s/he regards s.t. so; s/he holds s.t. in such regard" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ispîhtêyihtâkosiw:ispîhtêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is considered so much; s/he is worth so much" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispîhtêyihtâkwan:ispîhtêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is considered so much; it is worth so much" ; ! AEW: VII-n ispîhtêyimêw:ispîhtêyim VTA "s/he regards s.o. so; s/he holds s.o. in such regard" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ispîhtikitiw:ispîhtikiti VAIw "s/he is just so big" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispîhtinikwan:ispîhtinikwan VIIn "it is just so heavy" ; ! AEW: VII-n ispîhtinikwatiw:ispîhtinikwati VAIw "s/he is thus in weight; s/he is a certain weight, s/he is just so heavy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ispîhtisîw:ispîhtisî VAIw "s/he is such in age, s/he is so many years old; s/he extends thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itaham:itaha VTIm "s/he handles s.t. so by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itahcâw:itahcâ VIIw "it is such a shape (as a geographic feature); it has such characteristics (as a landform)" ; ! AEW: VII-v itahcikêw:itahcikê VAIw "s/he eats so" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itahêw:itah VTA "s/he places s.o. so" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itahkamikan:itahkamikan VIIn "it is an event, a happening; it is done thus; it happens thus; it goes on that way" ; ! AEW: VII-n itahkamikihtâw:itahkamikihtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. go on that way" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 itahkamikisiw:itahkamikisi VAIw "s/he does things thus, s/he busies him/herself thus, s/he is thus occupied; s/he goes on that way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itahpisow:itahpiso VAIw "s/he is so tied, s/he is harnessed thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itahpitam:itahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. so" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itahpitêw:itahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. so" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 itahtasiwak:itahtasi VAIw_PL "they are so many" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itahtinwa:itahtin VIIn_PL "they are so many" ; ! AEW: VII-n itahtopiponêw:itahtopiponê VAIw "s/he is so many years (winters) old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itahtopiponwêw:itahtopiponwê VAIw "s/he is so old, s/he is so many winters" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itakihcikêw:itakihcikê VAIw "s/he values things so; s/he fixes a price; s/he counts so" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itakihtam:itakihta VTIm "s/he charges so much for s.t., s/he values s.t. so, s/he prices s.t. so; s/he counts s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itakihtamawêw:itakihtamaw VTA "s/he values (it/him) so for s.o., s/he prices (it/him) so for s.o.; s/he gives s.o. such a price on (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itakihtêw:itakihtê VIIw "it is counted thus, it costs so much; it is held in such esteem" ; ! AEW: VII-v itakimêw:itakim VTA "s/he counts s.o. thus; s/he value s.o. so, s/he prices s.o. so" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itakisow:itakiso VAIw "s/he is counted thus; it is held in such esteem, it has such a function; it is worth so much, it costs so much" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itakocin:itakocin3 VAIn "s/he hangs thus or there, s/he is suspended thus or there; s/he flies thus or there, s/he travels (by motor)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n itakotêw:itakotê VIIw "it hangs thither or thus; it flies thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VII-v itam:ita VTIm "s/he says thus to or about s.t.; s/he calls s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itamahcihow:itamahciho VAIw "s/he feels thus, s/he is in such health" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. nânitaw itamahcihow s/he feels unwell itamohêw:itamoh VTA "s/he attaches s.o. thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itamohtâw:itamohtâ VTIw "s/he attaches s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 itamon:itamon VIIn "it hangs thus; it runs thus (e.g. road); it goes in such a direction" ; ! AEW: VII-n itamow:itamo VAIw "it is thus attached; it hangs thus, it hangs in such a direction" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itamow:itamo VIIw "it is thus attached" ; ! AEW: VII-v itapihkâtam:itapihkâta VTIm "s/he braids s.t. thus; s/he knits s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itapihkêw:itapihkê VAIw "s/he braids thus; s/he knits thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itapiw:itapi VAIw "s/he sits thus or there, s/he is present thus or there; s/he is thus placed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itasinaham:itasinaha VTIm "s/he writes or draws s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itasinahikâtêw:itasinahikâtê VIIw "it is so marked or written" ; ! AEW: VII-v itasinahikêw:itasinahikê VAIw "s/he writes thus, s/he handwrites, s/he draw thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itasinâsow:itasinâso VAIw "s/he is so coloured, s/he is coloured; s/he is marked thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itasinâstêham:itasinâstêha VTIm "s/he colours s.t. so" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itasinâstêw:itasinâstê VIIw "it is so coloured, it is coloured; it is marked thus" ; ! AEW: VII-v itasiwâtam:itasiwâta VTIm "s/he judges s.t., s/he orders s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itasiwâtêw:itasiwât3 VTA "s/he gives s.o. such a command; s/he judges s.o.; s/he rules thus for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 itasiwêw:itasiwê VAIw "s/he commands thus, s/he rules thus; s/he states an opinion" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itaskihêw:itaskih VTA "s/he places s.o. upright" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itaskitêw:itaskitê VIIw "it stands thus (e.g. lodge)" ; ! AEW: VII-v itaskôtowak:itaskôto VAIw_PL "they thus follow one on the other" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itastâw:itastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. thus or there" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 itastêw:itastê VIIw "it is placed thus or there, it is located thus or there; it is written thus" ; ! AEW: VII-v itatâmow:itatâmo VAIw "s/he sings thus; s/he thus commits a slip of the tongue" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itatiswêw:itatisw VTA "s/he dyes s.o. (e.g. porcupine-quills) thus or in such a colour" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 itatoskêw:itatoskê VAIw "s/he works thus or there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâcihow:itâciho VAIw "s/he travels there or thus; s/he leads his/her life thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâcimêw:itâcim VTA "s/he tells thus about s.o., s/he narrates thus about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itâcimikosiw:itâcimikosi VAIw "s/he is thus narrated of" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâcimostawêw:itâcimostaw VTA "s/he tells s.o. thus about (it); s/he narrates thus to s.o., s/he tells s.o. such a story" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itâcimow:itâcimo VAIw "s/he tells thus, s/he narrates thus; s/he tells such a story, s/he tells news thus; s/he crawls there, s/he crawls to such a point" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâhkôhtowak:itâhkôhto VAIw_PL "they are thus related to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâhkômêw:itâhkôm VTA "s/he is related thus to s.o.; s/he has s.o. as such a relative, s/he uses such a kin-term for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itâhkômow:itâhkômo VAIw "s/he has kinship, s/he is thus related" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâhokow:itâhoko VAIw "s/he is carried along by current" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâhoyêw:itâhoy VTA "s/he ferries s.o. along" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itâhpihêw:itâhpih VTA "s/he laughs at s.o. thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itâhpiw:itâhpi VAIw "s/he laughs thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâkamiw:itâkami VIIw "it is a liquid of such a colour" ; ! AEW: VII-v itâmow:itâmo VAIw "s/he flees there or thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâpacihêw:itâpacih VTA "s/he uses s.o. thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itâpacihtâw:itâpacihtâ VTIw "s/he uses s.t. thus, s/he uses such (things)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 itâpahkanahikêw:itâpahkanahikê VAIw "s/he looks through binoculars" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâpahtam:itâpahta VTIm "s/he looks at s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itâpamêw:itâpam VTA "s/he looks at s.o. thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itâpatakêyihtam:itâpatakêyihta VTIm "s/he finds s.t. worthy" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itâpatakêyimêw:itâpatakêyim VTA "s/he finds s.o. worthy" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itâpatakêyimow:itâpatakêyimo VAIw "s/he uses his/her own mind thus, s/he makes such use of his/her own mental faculties" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâpatan:itâpatan VIIn "it is thus used, it is of such use, it is useful" ; ! AEW: VII-n itâpatisiw:itâpatisi VAIw "s/he is useful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâpêkamohtâw:itâpêkamohtâ VTIw "s/he attaches s.t. thither or thus by rope; s/he aligns a rope (line, etc.) in such a way" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 itâpêkinêw:itâpêkin VTA "s/he leads s.o. (e.g. horse) thus or there; s/he holds s.o. thus on a rope (by hand); s/he aligns s.o. (e.g. porcupine-quills) thus (e.g. end-to-end)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itâpipayihow:itâpipayiho VAIw "s/he glances thus or there quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâpisin:itâpisin3 VAIn "s/he views s.t. in a certain manner, s/he has such a reaction to a view of s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-n itâpiw:itâpi VAIw "s/he looks thus or there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: ay-itâpiw itâsiw:itâsi VAIw "s/he is blown thither; s/he sails on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâskaciw:itâskaci VAIw "s/he is thus frozen" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâskisow:itâskiso VAIw "s/he is burnt (e.g. a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâskitêw:itâskitê VIIw "it is burnt" ; ! AEW: VII-v itâskocimêw:itâskocim VTA "s/he snags s.o. thus on a branch, wood, etc." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itâskocin:itâskocin3 VAIn "s/he is snagged thus on a branch, wood, etc." ; ! AEW: VAI-n itâskonam:itâskona VTIm "s/he holds s.t. so" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itâskonêw:itâskon VTA "s/he holds s.o. so" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itâskonikâkêw:itâskonikâkê VAIw "s/he points the pipe or pipestem with something, s/he uses something to point the pipe or pipestem" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâskonikêw:itâskonikê VAIw "s/he points the pipe or pipestem; s/he holds a pipe ceremony" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâskosiw:itâskosi VAIw "it is such a stick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâskotin:itâskotin3 VAIn "s/he is snagged thus on a branch, wood, etc." ; ! AEW: VAI-n itâspinatêw:itâspinat3 VTA "s/he assails s.o. so, s/he injures s.o. so" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 itâspinêmêw:itâspinêm VTA "s/he calls s.o. such in anger, s/he angrily calls s.o. such a name, s/he thus scolds s.o. in anger, s/he reproves s.o. so" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itâspinêw:itâspinê VAIw "s/he has such a disease; s/he is ill for such a time, s/he is ill for the duration" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâstan:itâstan VIIn "it is blown there" ; ! AEW: VII-n itâtakâw:itâtakâ VAIw "s/he swims or wades thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâtihkêw:itâtihkê VAIw "s/he digs thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâtisiw:itâtisi VAIw "s/he is of such character or disposition; s/he acts thus, s/he has such conduct, s/he behaves thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itâtotam:itâtota VTIm "s/he tells s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itêham:itêha VTIm "s/he stirs s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itêhwêw:itêhw VTA "s/he stirs s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ! 1: - ! 2: also itêhêw itêkinam:itêkina VTIm "s/he folds s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itênam:itêna VTIm "s/he shuffles s.t. (e.g. cards)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itênikêw:itênikê VAIw "s/he shuffles cards" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itêw:it3 VTAi "s/he says thus to s.o., s/he says thus about s.o.; s/he calls s.o. thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: itîtêw itêwêpaham:itêwêpaha VTIm "s/he stirs s.t. so by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itêyatiwak:itêyati VAIw_PL "they are such in number, they are that many" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itêyihtam:itêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks thus of or about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: ay-itêýihtam itêyihtamopayiw:itêyihtamopayi VAIw "s/he thinks of (it/him) suddenly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itêyihtâkosiw:itêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is thus thought of, s/he is thus considered" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itêyihtâkwan:itêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is thus thought of, it is thus considered" ; ! AEW: VII-n itêyimêw:itêyim VTA "s/he thinks thus of or about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itêyimikowisiw:itêyimikowisi VAIw "s/he is thus thought of by the powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itêyimisow:itêyimiso VAIw "s/he thinks thus about him/herself, s/he assesses him/herself so" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itêyimow:itêyimo VAIw "s/he thinks thus of him/herself; s/he thinks of (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itihkwâmiw:itihkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps so" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itihtam:itihta VTIm "s/he hears s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itihtawêw:itihtaw VTA "s/he hears s.o. thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itihtâkosiw:itihtâkosi VAIw "s/he sounds thus, s/he has such a sound; s/he is heard thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itihtâkosîhkâsow:itihtâkosîhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to be heard making such a noise, s/he acts as if to make such a noise" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itihtâkwan:itihtâkwan VIIn "it is heard thus; it sounds thus" ; ! AEW: VII-n itikitiw:itikiti VAIw "s/he is so big" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itikowisiw:itikowisi VAIw "s/he is told so by higher powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itinam:itina VTIm "s/he moves s.t. thither or thus by hand; s/he holds s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itinamawêw:itinamaw VTA "s/he moves (it/him) so by hand for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itinêw:itin VTA "s/he moves s.o. thither or thus by hand; s/he holds s.o. thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itinikêw:itinikê VAIw "s/he acts thus, s/he fares thus, s/he does things thus; s/he gets into such (e.g. deplorable) things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itipêw:itipê VAIw "s/he is thus from drink" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itisaham:itisaha VTIm "s/he sends s.t. there, s/he drives s.t. thither" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itisahamawêw:itisahamaw VTA "s/he sends (it/him) to s.o. thus or there; s/he drives (it/him) thither to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itisahamâtowak:itisahamâto VAIw_PL "they send (it/him) to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itisahikêw:itisahikê VAIw "s/he sends things thither, s/he drives things thither; s/he sends a parcel" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itisahwêw:itisahw VTA "s/he sends s.o. thus or there; s/he drives s.o. thither" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 itisam:itisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itisinam:itisina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itisinamawêw:itisinamaw VTA "s/he hands (it/him) to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itisinêw:itisin VTA "s/he holds s.o. thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itiskanawêw:itiskanawê VAIw "s/he makes tracks thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itiskêw:itiskê VAIw "s/he steps thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itiskwâstawêstêw:itiskwâstawêstê VIIw "the door is in such a location" ; ! AEW: VII-v itiskwêkotêw:itiskwêkotê VAIw "s/he hangs with head in such a position; it flies with its head that way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itiskwêpiw:itiskwêpi VAIw "s/he sits with head that way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itiskwêsin:itiskwêsin3 VAIn "s/he lies with head that way" ; ! AEW: VAI-n itiskwêstawêw:itiskwêstaw VTA "s/he faces s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itiskwêyiw:itiskwêyi VAIw "s/he turns his/her own head thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itistaham:itistaha VTIm "s/he sews s.t. on thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itistahikêw:itistahikê VAIw "s/he sews things on thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itistahwêw:itistahw VTA "s/he sews s.o. (e.g. porcupine-quills) on thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 itiswêw:itisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ititowak:itito VAIw_PL "they say thus to or about one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itohtahêw:itohtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. thus or there, s/he leads s.o. thither" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itohtahisow:itohtahiso VAIw "s/he gets him/herself there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itohtatam:itohtata VTIm "s/he takes s.t. thither" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itohtatamawêw:itohtatamaw VTA "s/he takes (it/him) there to or for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itohtatâw:itohtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. there" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 itohtêmakan:itohtêmakan VIIn "it goes, it goes there or thus" ; ! AEW: VII-n itohtêw:itohtê VAIw "s/he goes, s/he goes there or thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itowatêw:itowatê VAIw "s/he carries a load on his/her own back thither or thus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itôtam:itôta VTIm "s/he does s.t. thus, s/he does thus, s/he acts thus" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itôtamawêw:itôtamaw VTA "s/he does thus to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itôtamâsow:itôtamâso VAIw "s/he does (it) so for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itôtamôhêw:itôtamôh VTA "s/he makes s.o. act thus, s/he makes s.o. do thus" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itôtawêw:itôtaw VTA "s/he does thus to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itwaham:itwaha VTIm "s/he points s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itwahamawêw:itwahamaw VTA "s/he points (it/him) out to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itwahikâkêw:itwahikâkê VAIw "s/he points s.t. out; s/he uses something to point things out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itwahwêw:itwahw VTA "s/he points his/her finger at s.o., s/he points at s.o.; s/he points s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 itwêmakan:itwêmakan VIIn "it says so (e.g. a book), it has such a meaning" ; ! AEW: VII-n itwêskiw:itwêski VAIw "s/he says so all the time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itwêstamawâtam:itwêstamawâta VTIm "s/he translates s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 itwêstamawêw:itwêstamaw VTA "s/he says so for s.o.; s/he speaks for s.o.; s/he interprets for s.o.; s/he translates for s.o.; he speaks on behalf of s.o. (in making a date or betrothal)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 itwêstamâkêw:itwêstamâkê VAIw "s/he interprets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itwêstamâsow:itwêstamâso VAIw "s/he interprets for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itwêw:itwê VAIw "s/he says so, s/he says thus, s/he calls (it) so; it has such a meaning" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: ay-itwêw, itîtwêw itwêwêhkasow:itwêwêhkaso VAIw "it burns with such noise" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itwêwêmêw:itwêwêm VTA "s/he speaks a lot to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 itwêwêw:itwêwê VAIw "s/he makes such noise" ; ! AEW: VAI-v itwêwitam:itwêwita VTIm "s/he noises s.t. so" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: ay-itwêwitam s/he makes continuous utterances iyihtêw:iyihtê VIIw "it thaws" ; ! AEW: VII-v iyinamawêw:iyinamaw VTA "s/he allows s.o. to do s.t." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 iyiniminiskâw:iyiniminiskâ VIIw "there is an abundance of blueberries, blueberries are abundant" ; ! AEW: VII-v iyiniwihkâsow:iyiniwihkâso VAIw "s/he has a traditional, native name; s/he has an Indian name" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iyiniwihkâtam:iyiniwihkâta VTIm "s/he gives s.t. a traditional, native name; s/he gives s.t. an Indian name" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 iyiniwihkâtêw:iyiniwihkât3 VTA "s/he gives s.o. a traditional, native name; s/he gives s.o. an Indian name" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 iyinîhkêw:iyinîhkê VAIw "s/he makes an image" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iyinîsiw:iyinîsi VAIw "s/he is clever, s/he is smart, s/he is wise" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iyipahtâw:iyipahtâ VAIw "s/he trots" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iyisâhow:iyisâho VAIw "s/he resists, s/he resists temptation, s/he exercises restraint" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iyiwanisiw:iyiwanisi VAIw "s/he is short of supplies" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iyiwêskam:iyiwêska VTIm "s/he goes to s.t. against orders" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 iyîhkostêw:iyîhkostê VAIw "s/he has a hare-lip" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iyîhkwatin:iyîhkwatin VIIn "it is frosty, there is hoar frost" ; ! AEW: VII-n iyîhkwêw:iyîhkwê VAIw "s/he is unsexed, androgynous" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iyîpênêw:iyîpên VTA "s/he tilts s.o. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 iyîpêpayihow:iyîpêpayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself so as to lean over" ; ! AEW: VAI-v iyîpêpayiw:iyîpêpayi VIIw "it slants to one side" ; ! AEW: VII-v iyîpêsin:iyîpêsin3 VAIn "s/he lies on his/her own side" ; ! AEW: VAI-n iyîpêyâw:iyîpêyâ VIIw "it slopes, it slants" ; ! AEW: VII-v iyôskisiw:iyôskisi VAIw "s/he is soft, s/he is tender" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îhkêyihtam:îhkêyihta VTIm "s/he is impatient over s.t.; s/he is anxious about s.t., s/he feels anxiety over s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 îkatê-kwâskohtiw:îkatê-kwâskohti VAIw "s/he jumps aside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îkatê-tihtipinam:îkatê-tihtipina VTIm "s/he rolls s.t. aside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 îkatê-tihtipinamawêw:îkatê-tihtipinamaw VTA "s/he rolls (it/him) aside for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 îkatê-tihtipinêw:îkatê-tihtipin VTA "s/he rolls s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 îkatê-wêpinam:îkatê-wêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. aside, s/he tosses s.t. aside, s/he flings s.t. aside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 îkatê-wêpinamawêw:îkatê-wêpinamaw VTA "s/he throws (it/him) aside for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 îkatê-wêpinêw:îkatê-wêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. aside, s/he tosses s.o. aside, s/he flings s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 îkatêhêw:îkatêh VTA "s/he puts s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 îkatêhtahêw:îkatêhtah VTA "s/he leads s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 îkatêhtatâw:îkatêhtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. aside" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 îkatêhtêw:îkatêhtê VAIw "s/he walks off to one side; s/he walks away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îkatêkâpawiw:îkatêkâpawi VAIw "s/he stands aside, s/he steps aside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îkatênam:îkatêna VTIm "s/he takes s.t. aside; s/he clears the way" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 îkatênamawêw:îkatênamaw VTA "s/he take (it/him) aside for s.o.; clear the way for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 îkatênamâsow:îkatênamâso VAIw "s/he thrusts (it/him) aside for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îkatênêw:îkatên VTA "s/he pushes s.o. aside, s/he thrusts s.o. aside by hand; s/he takes s.o. aside, s/he takes s.o. off to the side" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 îkatêpahtâw:îkatêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs offside, s/he runs aside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îkatêpayihow:îkatêpayiho VAIw "s/he moves aside quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îkatêpayin:îkatêpayin VIIn "it moves off to the side, it moves sideways (e.g. braided strips of rabbitskin)" ; ! AEW: VII-n îkatêpiciw:îkatêpici VAIw "s/he moves camp to one side" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îkatêpitam:îkatêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. aside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 îkatêpitêw:îkatêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 îkatêstamawêw:îkatêstamaw VTA "s/he thrusts (it/him) aside for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 îkatêstamâsow:îkatêstamâso VAIw "s/he thrusts (it/him) aside for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îkatêstawêw:îkatêstaw VTA "s/he goes off to the side from s.o., s/he goes away from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 îkatêstâw:îkatêstâ VTIw "s/he sets s.t. aside, s/he lays s.t. down off to the side" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 îkatêtâcimow:îkatêtâcimo VAIw "s/he crawls off to one side" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îkatêtâpêw:îkatêtâpê VAIw "s/he drags off to one side" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îkinikêsiw:îkinikêsi VAIw "s/he milks a little by hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îkinikêw:îkinikê VAIw "s/he milks (e.g. a cow) by hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v îwahikanihkêw:îwahikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes pemmican" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ka-kâsîyâpahwêw:ka-kâsîyâpahw VTA "s/he wipes s.o.'s eyes" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ka-kâsîyâpiw:ka-kâsîyâpi VAIw "s/he wipes his/her own eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ka-kiyâskiskiw:ka-kiyâskiski VAIw "s/he tells lies" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kahkahkîhkêsiw:kahkahkîhkêsi VAIw "it is square" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: probably a reduplicated root kahkahkîhkêyâw:kahkahkîhkêyâ VIIw "it is square" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: probably a reduplicated root kahkâpêwiw:kahkâpêwi VAIw "he is of whole body" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kahkiyawisiw:kahkiyawisi VAIw "it is entire, whole" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kahkwêyihtam:kahkwêyihta VTIm "s/he is jealous, s/he is jealous of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kahkwêyimêw:kahkwêyim VTA "s/he is jealous of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakayêsihêw:kakayêsih VTA "s/he deceives s.o.; s/he uses evil magic on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakayêsisiw:kakayêsisi VAIw "s/he cheats, s/he is deceitful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakayêsisiwiw:kakayêsisiwi VAIw "s/he is a cheat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakayêsisîhêw:kakayêsisîh VTA "s/he cheats s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakâyawâtisiw:kakâyawâtisi VAIw "s/he is diligent, s/he is hard-working, s/he is of industrious disposition; s/he is active, s/he is agile" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakâyawisîw:kakâyawisî VAIw "s/he works hard, s/he is a hard-worker; s/he is hard-working, s/he is industrious, s/he is diligent" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakêhtawêyihtam:kakêhtawêyihta VTIm "s/he is wise, s/he thinks wisely" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kakêhtânam:kakêhtâna VTIm "s/he immerses s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kakêhtânêw:kakêhtân VTA "s/he immerses s.o. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakêkinam:kakêkina VTIm "s/he picks s.t. out, s/he selects s.t. (from a collection, group, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kakêkinamawêw:kakêkinamaw VTA "s/he picks (it/him) out for s.o.; s/he selects (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kakêkinamâkêw:kakêkinamâkê VAIw "s/he picks (it/him) out for people, s/he selects (it/him) for people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakêkinêw:kakêkin VTA "s/he picks s.o. out, s/he selects s.o. (from a group, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakêkinikêw:kakêkinikê VAIw "s/he picks things out, s/he selects things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakêpâci-tôtam:kakêpâci-tôta VTIm "s/he does stupid things" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kakêpâtinikêw:kakêpâtinikê VAIw "s/he acts stupidly, s/he does foolish things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakêpâtisiw:kakêpâtisi VAIw "s/he is foolish, s/he is stupid; s/he lives foolishly; s/he is stubborn" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakêpihtêw:kakêpihtê VAIw "s/he is deaf; s/he fails to listen" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakêpiskam:kakêpiska VTIm "s/he blocks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kakêpiskawêw:kakêpiskaw VTA "s/he crowds s.o., s/he blocks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kakêskihkêmow:kakêskihkêmo VAIw "s/he lectures people, s/he counsels people, s/he preaches at people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakêskimâwasow:kakêskimâwaso VAIw "s/he lectures (his/her own) children, s/he counsels (his/her own) children; s/he cautions (his/her own) children; s/he advises (his/her own) children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakêskimêw:kakêskim VTA "s/he lectures s.o., s/he counsels s.o.; s/he preaches to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakêskimisow:kakêskimiso VAIw "s/he counsels him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakêskimiwêw:kakêskimiwê VAIw "s/he preaches, s/he counsels" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakêskwêw:kakêskwê VAIw "s/he preaches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakihcimoskiw:kakihcimoski VAIw "s/he is a braggart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakihcimow:kakihcimo VAIw "s/he boasts, s/he brags" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakiyipîw:kakiyipî VAIw "s/he hurries" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakîsahwâw:kakîsahwâ VAIw "it grows feathers, it is a fledgling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwayâhow:kakwayâho VAIw "s/he hurries, s/he hurries up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâhyakêyatinwa:kakwâhyakêyatin VIIn_PL "they are in vast numbers" ; ! AEW: VII-n kakwâhyakêyatiwak:kakwâhyakêyati VAIw_PL "they are in vast numbers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâhyakihêw:kakwâhyakih VTA "s/he does (s.t.) outrageous to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakwâhyakinâkosiw:kakwâhyakinâkosi VAIw "s/he is of outrageous appearance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâhyakinâkwan:kakwâhyakinâkwan VIIn "it is of outrageous appearance" ; ! AEW: VII-n kakwâhyakinikêw:kakwâhyakinikê VAIw "s/he runs at a great speed; s/he does outrageous things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwânwâw:kakwânwâ VIIw "it is a long object" ; ! AEW: VII-v kakwâtakahkatosow:kakwâtakahkatoso VAIw "s/he is terribly hungry; s/he is terribly thin, s/he has a starved look about him/her" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâtakatâmow:kakwâtakatâmo VAIw "s/he wails ;; s/he has a difficult time breathing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâtakatotêw:kakwâtakatot3 VTA "s/he is mean and orders s.o. around, s/he runs s.o. off that one's feet" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kakwâtakâhpiw:kakwâtakâhpi VAIw "s/he laughs a lot, s/he laughs til it hurts; s/he laughs him/herself sick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâtakâpaswêw:kakwâtakâpasw VTA "s/he torments s.o. with smoke" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kakwâtakâpâkwêhêw:kakwâtakâpâkwêh VTA "s/he denies s.o. liquid causing mortification, s/he makes s.o. suffer thirst" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakwâtakâpâkwêhow:kakwâtakâpâkwêho VAIw "s/he suffers mortification by denying him/herself liquid, s/he makes him/herself suffer thirst" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâtakêyihtam:kakwâtakêyihta VTIm "s/he is tormented, s/he is tormented about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kakwâtakêyimêw:kakwâtakêyim VTA "s/he is distressed by s.o. (i.e. a loss); s/he feels deeply for s.o. in sickness" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakwâtakêyimow:kakwâtakêyimo VAIw "s/he feels distressed, helpless, miserable; s/he feels self-pity" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâtakihêw:kakwâtakih VTA "s/he distresses s.o., s/he torments s.o., s/he tortures s.o.; s/he mistreats s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakwâtakihisow:kakwâtakihiso VAIw "s/he makes him/herself miserable, s/he makes him/herself suffer, s/he torments him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâtakihiwêw:kakwâtakihiwê VAIw "s/he torments people, s/he antagonizes people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâtakihow:kakwâtakiho VAIw "s/he suffers, s/he makes him/herself suffer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâtakihtâw:kakwâtakihtâ VTIw "s/he suffers, s/he is distressed; s/he suffers because of s.t., s/he has difficulties because of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kakwâtakimêw:kakwâtakim VTA "s/he speaks meanly to s.o., s/he nags s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakwâtakiyêhêw:kakwâtakiyêhê VAIw "s/he breathes with difficulty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâtakîw:kakwâtakî VAIw "s/he has difficulties, s/he has a handicap" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâyakinikêw:kakwâyakinikê VAIw "s/he acts with great speed, s/he acts abruptly; it bucks violently" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwâyakiyawêhêw:kakwâyakiyawêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. terribly angry" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakwê-cîsimêw:kakwê-cîsim VTA "s/he tries to deceive s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakwê-paskiyâkêw:kakwê-paskiyâkê VAIw "s/he competes, s/he tries to defeat by competition" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwê-tôtam:kakwê-tôta VTIm "s/he tries to do s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kakwêcihkêmow:kakwêcihkêmo VAIw "s/he asks, s/he asks people; s/he asks for s.t., s/he asks a question of people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwêcihtam:kakwêcihta VTIm "s/he questions s.t., s/he asks s.t. a question" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kakwêcimêw:kakwêcim VTA "s/he asks s.o., s/he asks s.o. a question; s/he makes a request of s.o.; s/he asks s.o. about (it/them)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakwêciyawêhitowak:kakwêciyawêhito VAIw_PL "they try to outdo one another, they try to arrive first" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwêciyâhow:kakwêciyâho VAIw "s/he hurries, s/he tries to hurry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwêciyâhtowak:kakwêciyâhto VAIw_PL "they compete with time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kakwêtawêyihtam:kakwêtawêyihta VTIm "s/he misses s.t., s/he longs for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kakwêyâcihêw:kakwêyâcih VTA "s/he gets s.o. ready" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kakwêyâcihtâw:kakwêyâcihtâ VTIw "s/he gets s.t. ready" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kakwêyâhow:kakwêyâho VAIw "s/he hurries" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kamâciwaham:kamâciwaha VTIm "s/he dances the thank you dance, s/he dances the joy dance [traditional dance following a give-away; archaic: s/he dances the scalp dance]" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kamâciwisimow:kamâciwisimo VAIw "s/he dances the thank you dance, s/he dances the joy dance [traditional dance following a give-away; archaic: s/he dances the scalp dance]" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kamâmakoskâw:kamâmakoskâ VIIw "it is infested by moths or butterflies; there are many butterflies" ; ! AEW: VII-v kanawâpahcikêw:kanawâpahcikê VAIw "s/he looks things over, s/he observes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawâpahkânêhikêw:kanawâpahkânêhikê VAIw "s/he uses a spyglass" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawâpahkêw:kanawâpahkê VAIw "s/he observes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawâpahtam:kanawâpahta VTIm "s/he looks at s.t., s/he observes s.t.; s/he watches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kanawâpamêw:kanawâpam VTA "s/he looks at s.o.; s/he looks after s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kanawâpamikowisiw:kanawâpamikowisi VAIw "s/he is cared for by higher powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawâpamisow:kanawâpamiso VAIw "s/he looks at him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawâpokêw:kanawâpokê VAIw "s/he tends the house, s/he looks after a household, s/he keeps house; s/he house-sits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawêwitipiskwêw:kanawêwitipiskwê VAIw "s/he watches all night" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawêyihcikâsow:kanawêyihcikâso VAIw "s/he is kept, s/he is tended" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawêyihcikâtêw:kanawêyihcikâtê VIIw "it is preserved, it is kept" ; ! AEW: VII-v kanawêyihêw:kanawêyih VTA "s/he tends s.o.; s/he keeps s.o.; s/he owns s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kanawêyihtam:kanawêyihta VTIm "s/he keeps s.t., s/he preserves s.t., s/he looks after s.t., s/he takes care of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kanawêyihtamawêw:kanawêyihtamaw VTA "s/he keeps (it/him) for s.o.; s/he takes care of (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kanawêyihtamohêw:kanawêyihtamoh VTA "s/he asks s.o. to look after (it/him); s/he leaves (it/him) in s.o.'s care, s/he leaves (it/him) to be looked after by s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kanawêyimâwasow:kanawêyimâwaso VAIw "s/he babysits, s/he looks after (his/her own) children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawêyimâyatihkowêw:kanawêyimâyatihkowê VAIw "s/he tends sheep, s/he herds sheep, s/he is a shepherd" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawêyimêw:kanawêyim VTA "s/he looks after s.o., s/he takes care of s.o., s/he tends s.o., s/he keeps s.o., s/he guards s.o. closely" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kanawêyimiskwêwêskiw:kanawêyimiskwêwêski VAIw "he watches his own wife possessively" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawêyimiskwêwêw:kanawêyimiskwêwê VAIw "he guards his wife and/or daughters; he guards his female relatives; s/he guards a female's honour" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawêyimostosowêw:kanawêyimostosowê VAIw "s/he takes care of cattle, s/he herds cattle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawêyiskwâhtawêw:kanawêyiskwâhtawê VAIw "s/he is a doorkeeper; s/he is a goalkeeper" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawêyiskwâhtêmêw:kanawêyiskwâhtêmê VAIw "s/he is a doorkeeper; s/he is a goalkeeper" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawi-tipiskêw:kanawi-tipiskê VAIw "s/he stays overnight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanawi-tipiskwêw:kanawi-tipiskwê VAIw "s/he watches all night" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanâcihcikêw:kanâcihcikê VAIw "s/he cleans" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanâcihêw:kanâcih VTA "s/he cleans s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kanâcihisow:kanâcihiso VAIw "s/he tidies him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanâcihow:kanâciho VAIw "s/he cleans him/herself, s/he keeps him/herself clean" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanâcihtamawêw:kanâcihtamaw VTA "s/he cleans (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kanâcihtâw:kanâcihtâ VTIw "s/he cleans, s/he cleans s.t.; s/he cleans s.t. out (e.g. intestine); s/he tidies up" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kanâcinâkosiw:kanâcinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks clean, s/he gives a clean appearance, it looks spotless" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanâcinâkwan:kanâcinâkwan VIIn "it looks clean" ; ! AEW: VII-n kanâtan:kanâtan VIIn "it is clean, is tidy" ; ! AEW: VII-n kanâtapiw:kanâtapi VAIw "s/he lives in a clean house" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanâtastêw:kanâtastê VIIw "it is clean" ; ! AEW: VII-v kanâtâpâwahisow:kanâtâpâwahiso VAIw "s/he washes him/herself clean" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kanâtâpâwatâw:kanâtâpâwatâ VTIw "s/he washes s.t. clean with water" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kanâtêyimêw:kanâtêyim VTA "s/he has respect for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kanâtisiw:kanâtisi VAIw "it is clean, it is tidy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: third person objects only; not personal human cleanliness kanôhkawêw:kanôhkaw VTA "s/he pursues s.o. stubbornly, s/he dogs s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kapatêham:kapatêha VTIm "s/he dishes s.t. out, s/he scoops s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kapatêhoyêw:kapatêhoy VTA "s/he brings s.o. to shore" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kapatêhtahêw:kapatêhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. to shore, s/he hits s.o. to shore" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kapatêhtatâw:kapatêhtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. to shore; s/he hits s.t. to shore; s/he throws s.t. to shore" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kapatêhwêw:kapatêhw VTA "s/he dishes s.o. out, s/he scoops s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kapatênam:kapatêna VTIm "s/he beaches s.t. (e.g. a canoe); s/he takes s.t. from the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kapatênâsow:kapatênâso VAIw "s/he unloads (a boat), s/he puts things ashore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kapatênêw:kapatên VTA "s/he frees s.o. from water; s/he removes s.o. from water (by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kapatênisow:kapatêniso VAIw "s/he gets him/herself out of the water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kapatêsipayihow:kapatêsipayiho VAIw "s/he gets out of a canoe quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kapatêsiwêpiskawêw:kapatêsiwêpiskaw VTA "s/he kicks s.o. onto shore" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kapatêskwêw:kapatêskwê VAIw "s/he takes food from a kettle with a spoon or ladle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kapatêwêpaham:kapatêwêpaha VTIm "s/he beaches s.t. (e.g. canoe) with a batting motion, s/he knocks s.t. out of the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kapatêwêpinam:kapatêwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. on shore" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kapatêwêpinêw:kapatêwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. on shore" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kapatêwêpinikêw:kapatêwêpinikê VAIw "s/he throws things on shore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kapatêyâhokow:kapatêyâhoko VAIw "s/he drifts to shore, s/he is washed to shore by the current, s/he is blown to shore by the wind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kapatêyâsiw:kapatêyâsi VAIw "s/he is blown to shore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kapatêyâstan:kapatêyâstan VIIn "it is blown to shore by wind; the wind is blowing shoreward" ; ! AEW: VII-n kapâ-wêpinam:kapâ-wêpina VTIm "s/he tosses s.t. ashore" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kapâ-wêpinêw:kapâ-wêpin VTA "s/he tosses s.o. ashore" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kapânam:kapâna VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. to shore" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kapâpahtâw:kapâpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs to land" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kapâw:kapâ VAIw "s/he goes ashore, s/he lands, s/he comes ashore; s/he gets out of a canoe or boat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kapâyâhokow:kapâyâhoko VAIw "s/he drifts to shore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kapêsihêw:kapêsih VTA "s/he makes s.o. stay overnight" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kapêsimostawêw:kapêsimostaw VTA "s/he camps overnight near s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kapêsiw:kapêsi VAIw "s/he camps, s/he stays overnight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kapêsîstawêw:kapêsîstaw VTA "s/he camps with s.o., s/he stays overnight with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kapiskam:kapiska VTIm "s/he misses s.t. by coming late; s/he passes s.t. by" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskacipayiw:kaskacipayi VIIw "it breaks off (e.g. a tree limb)" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskaciwêpaham:kaskaciwêpaha VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. with a tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskahpitam:kaskahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. so it does not loosen" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskahpitêw:kaskahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. in a bundle (with a blanket)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kaskam:kaska VTIm "s/he crosses s.t. (e.g. water) by a shorter way" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskamocâw:kaskamocâ VIIw "it is hot and stuffy" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskamocâyâw:kaskamocâyâ VIIw "it is closed in; it is in need of air; it is stifling, it is heat enclosed" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskamotihkasikêw:kaskamotihkasikê VAIw "s/he makes pudding, s/he steams pudding in a can" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskatahwêw:kaskatahw VTA "s/he breaks s.o.'s bone (e.g. by shot)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kaskatin:kaskatin VIIn "it freezes, it freezes up" ; ! AEW: VII-n kaskatisimêw:kaskatisim VTA "s/he throws s.o. so as to break his bone" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kaskatisin:kaskatisin3 VAIn "s/he has a fracture (from falling), s/he breaks a bone (by falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kaskatiskawêw:kaskatiskaw VTA "s/he kicks s.o. so as to break a bone" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kaskatwânam:kaskatwâna VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. off by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskatwâpitam:kaskatwâpita VTIm "s/he yanks s.t. to break it" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskatwâtihkwanênam:kaskatwâtihkwanêna VTIm "s/he breaks off a branch of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskatwâtihkwanênêw:kaskatwâtihkwanên VTA "s/he breaks off a branch of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kaskawan:kaskawan VIIn "it is foggy" ; ! AEW: VII-n kaskawanipêscâsin:kaskawanipêscâsin VIIn "it is drizzling" ; ! AEW: VII-n kaskawanipêstâw:kaskawanipêstâ VIIw "it is misty, there is a light drizzle, there is a light rain" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskawâkamin:kaskawâkamin VIIn "it is foggy, it is foggy on the water" ; ! AEW: VII-n kaskâciwahtêw:kaskâciwahtê VIIw "it is boiled until tender" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskâciwasam:kaskâciwasa VTIm "s/he boils s.t. until tender" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskâpahtêw:kaskâpahtê VIIw "it is smoky; it appears smokey; it is smoking, it emits smoke (e.g. a chimney); it is smoked" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskâpasam:kaskâpasa VTIm "s/he smokes s.t.; s/he treats s.t. (e.g. hide) with smoke" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskâpasow:kaskâpaso VAIw "it is smoked; it gets smoked out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskâpaswêw:kaskâpasw VTA "s/he smokes s.o. (e.g. deerhide, salmon); s/he treats s.o. with smoke" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kaskâpiskaham:kaskâpiskaha VTIm "s/he preserves s.t., s/he cans s.t.; s/he closes s.t. with metal" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskâpiskahikâtêw:kaskâpiskahikâtê VIIw "it is preserved, canned" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskâpiskahwêw:kaskâpiskahw VTA "s/he preserves s.o., s/he cans s.o.; s/he closes s.o. with metal" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kaskâwikanêhwêw:kaskâwikanêhw VTA "s/he breaks s.o.'s back (e.g. by shot)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kaskâwikanênêw:kaskâwikanên VTA "s/he breaks s.o.'s back by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kaskâwikanêsin:kaskâwikanêsin3 VAIn "s/he has a broken back (from falling), s/he breaks his/her back falling" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kaskêw:kaskê VAIw "s/he goes overland" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskêwêhtahêw:kaskêwêhtah VTA "s/he crosses a portage carrying s.o. on his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kaskêwêhtatâw:kaskêwêpahtâ VTIw "s/he crosses a portage carrying s.t. on his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kaskêwêpahtâw:kaskêwêhtatâ VAIw "s/he runs while crossing the portage" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskêwêtowatêw:kaskêwêtowatê VAIw "s/he crosses a portage with goods on his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskêwêw:kaskêwê VAIw "s/he crosses over a portage, s/he goes across land" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskêyihtam:kaskêyihta VTIm "s/he is sad (over s.t.), s/he is lonesome, s/he has a longing, s/he is sad and impatient" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskêyihtamihêw:kaskêyihtamih VTA "s/he makes s.o. sad" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kaskêyihtamihtâsow:kaskêyihtamihtâso VAIw "s/he makes things sad for everyone" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskêyihtamowinâkosiw:kaskêyihtamowinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks sad and lonely" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskêyihtamowinâkwan:kaskêyihtamowinâkwan VIIn "it looks sad and dismal, it looks depressing" ; ! AEW: VII-n kaskêyihtâkosiw:kaskêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is dreary, s/he is dismal, s/he is lonely" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskêyihtâkwan:kaskêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is sad, it is dreary, it is dismal" ; ! AEW: VII-n kaskêyimêw:kaskêyim VTA "s/he misses s.o., s/he yearns for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kaski-tipiskâw:kaski-tipiskâ VIIw "it is pitch-black night" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskicêwasinâsosiw:kaskicêwasinâsosi VAIw "s/he has little black markings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskicihcêyiw:kaskicihcêyi VAIw "s/he clenches his/her own fist" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskihcikwanêhwêw:kaskihcikwanêhw VTA "s/he breaks s.o.'s knee (e.g. by shot)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kaskihcikwanêskikâsow:kaskihcikwanêskikâso VAIw "s/he has knees broken" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskihêw:kaskih VTA "s/he is able to deal with s.o.; s/he manages, s/he controls s.o., s/he convinces s.o., s/he makes s.o. do something; s/he is able to seduce s.o.; s/he earns s.o. (i.e. money)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kaskihisow:kaskihiso VAIw "s/he succeeds for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskihkotêw:kaskihkot3 VTA "s/he cuts s.o. (tobacco) fine" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kaskihow:kaskiho VAIw "s/he has the ability to do s.t., s/he is able, s/he is competent; s/he escapes ;; he scores, he succeeds sexually [slang]" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskihtamawêw:kaskihtamaw VTA "s/he earns (it) for s.o.; s/he makes (it) possible for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kaskihtamâkêw:kaskihtamâkê VAIw "earn things, have the ability to earn" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskihtamâsow:kaskihtamâso VAIw "s/he is able to do for him/herself, s/he accomplishes (it) for him/herself, s/he gets (it) for him/herself, s/he earns (it) for him/herself; s/he deserves what s/he gets (good or bad)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskihtâw:kaskihtâ VTIw "s/he manages s.t., s/he controls s.t.; s/he is able to do s.t., s/he is competent at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kaskikâtêsin:kaskikâtêsin3 VAIn "s/he breaks his/her own leg falling" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kaskikwâcikêw:kaskikwâcikê VAIw "s/he sews things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskikwâsopayihcikâkêw:kaskikwâsopayihcikâkê VAIw "s/he does machine-sewing with something; s/he uses something to machine-sew" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskikwâsow:kaskikwâso VAIw "s/he sews, s/he does his/her own sewing; s/he sews s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskikwâswâkêw:kaskikwâswâkê VAIw "s/he sews with something, s/he uses something in sewing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskikwâswêw:kaskikwâsw VTA "s/he sews s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ! 1: - ! 2: this stem appears to have been recreated on the analogy of the VAI kaskikwâso-; cf. /-kwâT/ kaskikwâtam:kaskikwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskikwâtamawêw:kaskikwâtamaw VTA "s/he sews (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kaskikwâtamâsow:kaskikwâtamâso VAIw "s/he sews (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskikwâtêw:kaskikwâtê VIIw "it is sewn" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskikwâtêw:kaskikwât3 VTA "s/he sews s.o. (e.g. pants); s/he sews for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kaskikwâtisow:kaskikwâtiso VAIw "s/he sews for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskikwênam:kaskikwêna VTIm "s/he breaks s.t.'s neck (e.g. bottle)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskikwênêw:kaskikwên VTA "s/he breaks s.o.'s neck by hand, s/he rings s.o.'s neck" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kaskikwênisow:kaskikwêniso VAIw "s/he breaks his/her own neck, it breaks it-s own neck" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskikwêpitêw:kaskikwêpit3 VTA "s/he breaks s.o's neck by a pull" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kaskikwêsin:kaskikwêsin3 VAIn "s/he breaks his/her own neck falling (in an accident)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kaskimêw:kaskim VTA "s/he persuades s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kaskipitaham:kaskipitaha VTIm "s/he ties s.t. shut" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskipitêw:kaskipitê VIIw "it is tied shut" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskitahtahkwanêhwêw:kaskitahtahkwanêhw VTA "s/he breaks s.o.'s wing (e.g. by shot)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kaskitâpiskanêsin:kaskitâpiskanêsin3 VAIn "s/he has a broken jaw (from falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kaskitêhkwêw:kaskitêhkwê VAIw "s/he blackens his/her own face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitênam:kaskitêna VTIm "s/he blackens s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kaskitêsitêw:kaskitêsitê VAIw "it has black feet (e.g. an animal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêsiw:kaskitêsi VAIw "s/he is black" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêtahtahkwanêw:kaskitêtahtahkwanê VAIw "it has black wings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêw-osâwâw:kaskitêw-osâwâ VIIw "it is brown" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskitêw-osâwisiw:kaskitêw-osâwisi VAIw "s/he is brown" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwacâpiw:kaskitêwacâpi VAIw "s/he has dark eyes; s/he has a black eye" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwahow:kaskitêwaho VAIw "s/he dresses in black" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwahwêw:kaskitêwahw VTA "s/he blackens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kaskitêwatiswêw:kaskitêwatisw VTA "s/he dyes s.o. (e.g. stocking) black" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kaskitêwâkamiw:kaskitêwâkami VIIw "it is black liquid" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskitêwâniskwêw:kaskitêwâniskwê VAIw "s/he has black hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwâpahtêw:kaskitêwâpahtê VIIw "it gives off black smoke" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskitêwâpêkan:kaskitêwâpêkan VIIn "it is a dark, long object" ; ! AEW: VII-n kaskitêwâpêkisiw:kaskitêwâpêkisi VAIw "s/he is a dark, slim person; it is a dark, long object (e.g. animal pelt)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwâskisow:kaskitêwâskiso VAIw "it is burnt black" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwâskitêw:kaskitêwâskitê VIIw "it is burnt black" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskitêwâw:kaskitêwâ VIIw "it is black" ; ! AEW: VII-v kaskitêwâyowêw:kaskitêwâyowê VAIw "s/he has a dark tail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwihêw:kaskitêwih VTA "s/he blackens s.o. (by paint or dress)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kaskitêwihkwêw:kaskitêwihkwê VAIw "s/he has a black face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwihow:kaskitêwiho VAIw "s/he dresses in black" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwihtâw:kaskitêwihtâ VTIw "s/he blackens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kaskitêwikanakâpiw:kaskitêwikanakâpi VAIw "s/he blackens his/her own face round the eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwikâtêw:kaskitêwikâtê VAIw "s/he is black at the leg, s/he has black legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwinâkosiw:kaskitêwinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks black, s/he appears black" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwinâkwan:kaskitêwinâkwan VIIn "it looks black, it appears black" ; ! AEW: VII-n kaskitêwisîhow:kaskitêwisîho VAIw "s/he dresses in black" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitêwistikwânêw:kaskitêwistikwânê VAIw "s/he has dark hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kaskitihtimanêsin:kaskitihtimanêsin3 VAIn "s/he has a broken shoulder (from falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kaskitokanêsin:kaskitokanêsin3 VAIn "s/he has a broken hip (from falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kaskitokanêskawêw:kaskitokanêskaw VTA "s/he breaks s.o.'s hip by foot or body" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 katawasisin:katawasisin VIIn "it is beautiful" ; ! AEW: VII-n katawasisiw:katawasisi VAIw "s/he is beautiful, s/he is good-looking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v katawasisîhêw:katawasisîh VTA "s/he makes s.o. beautiful, s/he beautifies s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 katawasisîhtâw:katawasisîhtâ VTIw "s/he beautifies s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 katawêyihtam:katawêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks s.t. pretty" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 katawêyimêw:katawêyim VTA "s/he thinks s.o. pretty" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 katikoniw:katikoni VAIw "s/he stays out overnight, s/he sleeps over, s/he spends the night" ; ! AEW: VAI-v katôhpinêw:katôhpinê VAIw "s/he has tuberculosis, s/he has TB" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawacihkwamiw:kawacihkwami VAIw "s/he is cold while sleeping" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawacipayiw:kawacipayi VAIw "s/he gets chilled, s/he gets cold" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawaciw:kawaci VAIw "s/he is cold, s/he experiences cold, s/he suffers from cold" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawaciyawêpayiw:kawaciyawêpayi VAIw "s/he has the chills" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawaham:kawaha VTIm "s/he chops s.t. down, s/he fells s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kawahikêw:kawahikê VAIw "s/he chops down trees" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawahtam:kawahta VTIm "s/he bites s.t. until it falls, s/he eats s.t. until it falls" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kawahwêw:kawahw VTA "s/he fells s.o. by tool or shot" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kawamêw:kawam VTA "it gnaws s.o. down (e.g. a beaver to a tree)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kawatâpâwêw:kawatâpâwê VAIw "s/he freezes immersed, s/he is wet to prostration" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawatihtâw:kawatihtâ VTIw "s/he gets (it/him) chilled, s/he gets s.t. cold" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kawatimêw:kawatim VTA "s/he makes s.o. cold, s/he gets s.o. cold, s/he exposes s.o. to cold; s/he freezes s.o. to prostration" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kawatimisow:kawatimiso VAIw "s/he gets him/herself cold" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawatin:kawatin VIIn "it is cold" ; ! AEW: VII-n kawâhkatastimwêw:kawâhkatastimwê VAIw "s/he has lean horses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawâhkatêw:kawâhkatê VAIw "s/he is starving; s/he is so hungry as to keel over from hunger" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawâhkatosow:kawâhkatoso VAIw "s/he is skinny; s/he is weak from hunger" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawâhotêw:kawâhotê VIIw "it tips over in drifting" ; ! AEW: VII-v kawâhtikwêw:kawâhtikwê VAIw "s/he fells trees" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawâkonêw:kawâkonê VAIw "s/he falls down in deep snow; s/he falls down from the snow being too deep" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawâsiw:kawâsi VAIw "it is blown down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawihkwasiw:kawihkwasi VAIw "s/he dozes, s/he dozes off; s/he is weak, s/he falls from sleepiness; s/he falls over while sleeping" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawihkwêyiw:kawihkwêyi VAIw "s/he frowns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawihtakâw:kawihtakâ VIIw "there is a mass of fallen trees" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: sg only kawikaham:kawikaha VTIm "s/he chops s.t. down, s/he cuts s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kawikahwêw:kawikahw VTA "s/he chops s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kawikîhkâw:kawikîhkâ VAIw "s/he is very old, s/he is elderly; s/he is bent with age; s/he lies down with age; s/he is so old as to keel over with age, s/he is feeble with great age" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawinam:kawina VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. down, s/he demolishes s.t., s/he puts s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kawinamawêw:kawinamaw VTA "s/he moves (it/him) down for s.o., s/he moves (it/him) down onto s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kawinêw:kawin VTA "s/he wrestles s.o. down, s/he prostrates s.o. by hand; s/he breaks s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kawipayihow:kawipayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawipayiw:kawipayi VAIw "s/he falls over, s/he falls over suddenly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawipayiw:kawipayi VIIw "it falls over suddenly" ; ! AEW: VII-v kawipêw:kawipê VAIw "s/he falls from drunkenness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawipitam:kawipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kawipitêw:kawipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kawipitisow:kawipitiso VAIw "s/he pulls him/herself down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawisimonahêw:kawisimonah VTA "s/he puts s.o. to bed, s/he places s.o. as if that one had lain down" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kawisimonihkawêw:kawisimonihkaw VTA "s/he prepares a bed for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kawisimonihkêw:kawisimonihkê VAIw "s/he gets ready for bed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawisimopayihow:kawisimopayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself into bed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawisimototawêw:kawisimototaw VTA "s/he lies down with s.o.; s/he goes to bed with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kawisimow:kawisimo VAIw "s/he goes to bed, s/he lies down; s/he gets ready for bed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawiskam:kawiska VTIm "s/he tramps s.t. down, s/he leans on s.t. so that it falls" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kawiskawêw:kawiskaw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. down by kick" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kawiskosow:kawiskoso VAIw "s/he falls under a burden" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawiwêpaham:kawiwêpaha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. down by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kawiwêpahwêw:kawiwêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. down by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kawiwêpinam:kawiwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. down, s/he pushes s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kawiwêpinêw:kawiwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. down, s/he pushes s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kawiwêpinitowak:kawiwêpinito VAIw_PL "they throw one another down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kawiwêpiskam:kawiwêpiska VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. down by foot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kawiwêpiskawêw:kawiwêpiskaw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. down by foot" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kayâs-âyiwan:kayâs-âyiwan VIIn "it is old" ; ! AEW: VII-n kayâs-âyiwiw:kayâs-âyiwi VAIw "s/he is old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kayâsinâkosiw:kayâsinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks old, it appears old or worn" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kayâsinâkwan:kayâsinâkwan VIIn "it looks old, it appears old or worn" ; ! AEW: VII-n kayêyisiw:kayêyisi VAIw "s/he cheats, s/he is sly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kayêyisîhêw:kayêyisîh VTA "s/he cheats s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kayêyisîhtâw:kayêyisîhtâ VTIw "s/he cheats when doing s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kayêyisîmêw:kayêyisîm VTA "s/he cheats s.o. by his/her own talk" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâcikâtêw:kâcikâtê VIIw "it is hidden" ; ! AEW: VII-v kâciwaswêw:kâciwasw VTA "s/he cooks s.o. along" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kâh-kawihkwasiw:kâh-kawihkwasi VAIw "s/he dozes off (periodically)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâh-kâkîcihêw:kâh-kâkîcih VTA "s/he consoles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâh-kâkîcihiwêw:kâh-kâkîcihiwê VAIw "s/he consoles (people)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâh-kimiwan:kâh-kimiwan VIIn "it rains periodically, there are periodic rain showers" ; ! AEW: VII-n kâh-kitow:kâh-kito VAIw "s/he hoots (e.g. owl); s/he calls repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâh-kitowak:kâh-kito VAIw_PL "there is thunder; they (the thunderbirds) thunder; they are calling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâh-kiyâskiw:kâh-kiyâski VAIw "s/he tells lies repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâh-kîhtwâmipêw:kâh-kîhtwâmipê VAIw "s/he drinks over and over" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâh-kîmwêw:kâh-kîmwê VAIw "s/he whispers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâh-kîskwêhêw:kâh-kîskwêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. crazy by love medicine or other negative means" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâh-kîskwêhpinêw:kâh-kîskwêhpinê VAIw "s/he is delirious" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâh-kîskwêstikwânêw:kâh-kîskwêstikwânê VAIw "s/he has a migraine" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâh-kocîw:kâh-kocî VAIw "s/he exercises, s/he drills" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâh-kwêtipinam:kâh-kwêtipina VTIm "s/he turns s.t. over repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâh-kwêtipinêw:kâh-kwêtipin VTA "s/he turns s.o. over repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâhcitinam:kâhcitina VTIm "s/he catches s.t., s/he procures s.t.; s/he holds s.t., s/he seizes s.t.; s/he reaches s.t., s/he gets s.t. with effort by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâhcitinêw:kâhcitin VTA "s/he catches s.o., s/he procures s.o. (as money); s/he holds s.o., s/he seizes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: ! 2: Independent, 3s-3’ kâhcitinikêw:kâhcitinikê VAIw "s/he catches (things)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâhcitiniwêw:kâhcitinikê VAIw "s/he catches (people, animals)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâhkêwakohkêw:kâhkêwakohkê VAIw "s/he makes dry meat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâhkwêskinêw:kâhkwêskin VTA "s/he turns s.o. around" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâhkwêtipipayiw:kâhkwêtipipayi VIIw "it turns over repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VII-v kâhkwêyihtam:kâhkwêyihta VTIm "s/he is jealous in marriage (over s.t.); s/he is jealous of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâhkwêyihtaskiw:kâhkwêyihtaski VAIw "s/he is given to jealousy in marriage" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâhkwêyimêw:kâhkwêyim VTA "s/he is jealous of s.o.; s/he is jealous in marriage about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâhtinam:kâhtina VTIm "s/he pushes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâhtinêw:kâhtin VTA "s/he pushes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâkîcihêw:kâkîcih VTA "s/he consoles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâkîsimototawêw:kâkîsimototaw VTA "s/he supplicates s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kâkîsimow:kâkîsimo VAIw "s/he prays, s/he pleads, s/he chants" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: ceremonial connotations, associated with the pipe ceremony kâkîtisiw:kâkîtisi VAIw "s/he aches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâmwâtan:kâmwâtan VIIn "it is quiet, it is quiet and peaceful" ; ! AEW: VII-n kâmwâtapiw:kâmwâtapi VAIw "s/he sits quietly, s/he sits dejectedly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâmwâtastêw:kâmwâtastê VIIw "it lies quietly" ; ! AEW: VII-v kâmwâtêyihtam:kâmwâtêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks in loneliness" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâmwâtêyimow:kâmwâtêyimo VAIw "s/he feels dejected" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâmwâtisiw:kâmwâtisi VAIw "s/he is quiet, s/he has a calm disposition" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: also: /kâmw-/ + /-âtisi/ kâsakêw:kâsakê VAIw "s/he is gluttonous" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsâpiskâw:kâsâpiskâ VIIw "there are an abundance of sharp rocks; it is an area of many sharp rocks" ; ! AEW: VII-v kâsâpiskisiw:kâsâpiskisi VAIw "it is sharp (e.g. rock)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsâpitêw:kâsâpitê VAIw "s/he has sharp teeth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsâw:kâsâ VIIw "it is sharp" ; ! AEW: VII-v kâsikasêw:kâsikasê VAIw "s/he has sharp nails, it has sharp claws" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsipotâw:kâsipotâ VTIw "s/he sharpens s.t. to a point" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kâsisikin:kâsisikin VIIn "it grows prickly" ; ! AEW: VII-n kâsisin:kâsisin VIIn "it is sharp, it is pointed (e.g. a knife)" ; ! AEW: VII-n kâsisiw:kâsisi VAIw "it is sharply pointed; it is sharp, it is scratchy (e.g. wool)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsiskihtwân:kâsiskihtwân VIIn "it is prickly" ; ! AEW: VII-n kâsispokocin:kâsispokocin3 VAIn "s/he leaps beyond" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kâsitêskanêw:kâsitêskanê VAIw "it has pointed horns, it has sharp horns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsîcihcênêw:kâsîcihcên VTA "s/he washes the hands of s.o.; s/he washes s.o.'s hands" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâsîcihcêw:kâsîcihcê VAIw "s/he washes his/her own hands, s/he wipes his/her own hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsîham:kâsîha VTIm "s/he wipes s.t. up, s/he washes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâsîhamawêw:kâsîhamaw VTA "s/he wipes (it/him) for s.o., s/he washes (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kâsîhiyâkanêw:kâsîhiyâkanê VAIw "s/he washes dishes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsîhkwâkêw:kâsîhkwâkê VAIw "s/he washes his/her own face with something, s/he uses something to wash his/her own face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsîhkwênêw:kâsîhkwên VTA "s/he washes s.o.'s face, s/he wipes s.o.'s face" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâsîhkwêw:kâsîhkwê VAIw "s/he washes his/her own face, s/he wipes his/her own face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsîhtitâw:kâsîhtitâ VTIw "s/he wipes s.t. on something" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kâsîhwêw:kâsîhw VTA "s/he wipes s.o., s/he washes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kâsînam:kâsîna VTIm "s/he erases s.t., s/he wipes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâsînamawêw:kâsînamaw VTA "s/he wipes (it/him) off for s.o.; [Christian:] s/he forgives s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kâsînamâsow:kâsînamâso VAIw "s/he wipes (it/him) off for him/herself; [Christian:] s/he has his/her sins forgiven, s/he obtains forgiveness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsînamâtowak:kâsînamâto VAIw_PL "they wipe (it/him) off for one another; [Christian:] they forgive one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsîsimêw:kâsîsim VTA "s/he wipes s.o. on (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâsîsinaham:kâsîsinaha VTIm "s/he writes over s.t., s/he blots s.t. out in writing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâsîskam:kâsîska VTIm "s/he rubs s.t. out by foot, s/he wipes s.t. by foot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâsîyâkanêw:kâsîyâkanê VAIw "s/he washes dishes, s/he wipes the dishes, s/he does the dishes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsîyâpahwêw:kâsîyâpahw VTA "s/he wipes s.o.'s eyes" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kâsîyâpiskaham:kâsîyâpiskaha VTIm "s/he wipes s.t. as a metal" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâsîyâpiw:kâsîyâpi VAIw "s/he wipes his/her own eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâskaham:kâskaha VTIm "s/he scrapes s.t., s/he scrapes s.t. off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâskahikêw:kâskahikê VAIw "s/he scrapes things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâskahwêw:kâskahw VTA "s/he scrapes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kâskatâwahkinikêw:kâskatâwahkinikê VAIw "s/he scrapes on ground with his/her own hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâskâskaham:kâskâskaha VTIm "s/he scrapes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâskâskihkotêw:kâskâskihkot3 VTA "s/he scrapes s.o. (e.g. touchwood) off" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kâskâskominêw:kâskâskominê VAIw "s/he breaks off berries" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâskicin:kâskicin3 VAIn "s/he has a scrape, s/he has an abrasion" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kâskikwâcikêw:kâskikwâcikê VAIw "s/he rakes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâskipâsow:kâskipâso VAIw "he shaves" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâskipâtisow:kâskipâtiso VAIw "he shaves himself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâskipitam:kâskipita VTIm "s/he scratches s.t., s/he pulls s.t. scraping" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâskipitêw:kâskipit3 VTA "s/he scratches s.o., s/he pulls s.o. scraping" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kâsôstam:kâsôsta VTIm "s/he hides from s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâsôstawêw:kâsôstaw VTA "s/he hides from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kâsôstâtowak:kâsôstâto VAIw_PL "they hide from one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâsôw:kâsô VAIw "s/he hides" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâspahcikêw:kâspahcikê VAIw "s/he chews with a crunchy noise, s/he makes a crunchy noise while chewing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâspahtam:kâspahta VTIm "s/he crunches s.t. while eating" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâspamêw:kâspam VTA "s/he crunches s.o. while eating" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kâspataham:kâspataha VTIm "s/he crunches s.t. by pounding" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâspatahwêw:kâspatahw VTA "s/he gets the better of s.o. in a deal, s/he gyps s.o.; s/he crunches s.o. by pounding" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kâspâw:kâspâ VIIw "it is brittle" ; ! AEW: VII-v kâspihkasam:kâspihkasa VTIm "s/he heats s.t. until crisp, s/he cooks s.t. until crisp" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâspihkasow:kâspihkaso VAIw "it is cooked until crisp" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâspisam:kâspisa VTIm "s/he heats s.t. until crisp" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kâspisiw:kâspisi VAIw "s/he is brittle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kâtamawêw:kâtamaw VTA "s/he hides (it/him) from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kâtâw:kâtâ VTIw "s/he hides s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kâtêw:kât3 VTA "s/he hides s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kâtêw:kâtê VIIw "it hides, it is hidden" ; ! AEW: VII-v kâwiyâtam:kâwiyâta VTIm "s/he puts quills on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kêcatayênêw:kêcatayên VTA "s/he takes out s.o.'s entrails" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kêcicihcênêw:kêcicihcên VTA "s/he takes (it/him) from s.o.'s hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kêcicihcêpitêw:kêcicihcêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls (it/him) from s.o.'s hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kêcikonam:kêcikona VTIm "s/he takes s.t. (clothing) off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kêcikonêw:kêcikon VTA "s/he takes s.o. (clothing) off; s/he removes s.o. (e.g. from a trap)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kêcikonêwênêw:kêcikonêwên VTA "s/he takes (it/him) out of s.o.'s mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kêcikopayiw:kêcikopayi VAIw "it comes off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêcikopitam:kêcikopita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. free, s/he pulls s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kêcikoskam:kêcikoska VTIm "s/he takes s.t. off (e.g. clothing)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kêcikoskawêw:kêcikoskaw VTA "s/he takes s.o. off, s/he steps out of s.o. (e.g. clothing)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kêcikwaham:kêcikwaha VTIm "s/he removes s.t. by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kêcikwâpitêpitêw:kêcikwâpitêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o.'s teeth" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kêcikwâstan:kêcikwâstan VIIn "it blows off" ; ! AEW: VII-n kêciskam:kêciska VTIm "s/he takes s.t. off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kêciskawêw:kêciskaw VTA "s/he takes s.o. off" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kêcitâsênêw:kêcitâsên VTA "s/he takes s.o.'s pants off" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kêcitâsêpitêw:kêcitâsêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o.'s pants off" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kêcitâsêw:kêcitâsê VAIw "s/he takes his/her own pants off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêcitâsiw:kêcitâsi VAIw "s/he is blown loose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêcîpitêw:kêcîpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. out of that one's clothes" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kêcîw:kêcî VAIw "s/he undresses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêhcê-ayiwiw:kêhcê-ayiwi VAIw "s/he is an elder, s/he is old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêhcinâhow:kêhcinâho VAIw "s/he is certain, s/he is sure; s/he makes sure" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêhkêhkowiw:kêhkêhkowi VAIw "s/he is a hawk" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêhtê-ayiwiw:kêhtê-ayiwi VAIw "s/he is an elder, s/he is old, s/he is an old person, s/he is in his/her old age" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêhtênâkosiw:kêhtênâkosi VAIw "s/he looks old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêhtênâkwan:kêhtênâkwan VIIn "it looks old" ; ! AEW: VII-n kêhtêskwêwiw:kêhtêskwêwi VAIw "she is an old woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêhtêwiw:kêhtêwi VAIw "s/he is old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêhtêyâtisiw:kêhtêyâtisi VAIw "s/he acts like an elderly person" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêhtinêw:kêhtin VTA "s/he treats s.o. with respect or deference" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kêkêcîpitêw:kêkêcîpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. out of that one's clothes" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kêkêtaskisinêpahtâw:kêkêtaskisinêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs dropping his/her own moccasins, shoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêkêtaskisinêw:kêkêtaskisinê VAIw "s/he takes off his/her own moccasins, shoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêposkâw:kêposkâ VIIw "there are an abundance of reeds" ; ! AEW: VII-v kêsiskam:kêsiska VTIm "s/he comes in time for s.t.; s/he reaches s.t. in time, s/he arrives in time" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kêsiskawêw:kêsiskaw VTA "s/he comes in time for s.o., s/he comes upon s.o.; s/he reaches s.o. in time (e.g. before departure)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kêsiskotâtowak:kêsiskotâto VAIw_PL "they come upon one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêsiyâkêw:kêsiyâkê VAIw "s/he cheats" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêsiyohwêw:kêsiyohw VTA "s/he cheats s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kêstinam:kêstina VTIm "s/he catches s.t. in time" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kêtasâkênêw:kêtasâkên VTA "s/he takes the coat (dress, etc.) off s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kêtasâkêpayihow:kêtasâkêpayiho VAIw "s/he pulls his/her own coat (dress, etc.) off quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtasâkêpayiw:kêtasâkêpayi VAIw "s/he has his/her own coat (dress, etc.) fall off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtasâkêpiw:kêtasâkêpi VAIw "s/he sits with his/her own coat (dress, etc.) off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtasâkêw:kêtasâkê VAIw "s/he takes his/her own coat (dress, etc.) off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtasâmênêw:kêtasâmên VTA "s/he takes the snowshoes off s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kêtasâmêw:kêtasâmê VAIw "s/he takes his/her own snowshoes off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtasikanêw:kêtasikanê VAIw "s/he takes his/her own socks off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtaskisinênêw:kêtaskisinên VTA "s/he takes s.o.'s shoes (moccasins, boots, etc.) off by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kêtaskisinêpahtâw:kêtaskisinêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs dropping his/her own moccasins, shoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtaskisinêpayiw:kêtaskisinêpayi VAIw "s/he has his/her own shoes, moccasins fall off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtaskisinêpitêw:kêtaskisinêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls his/her own shoes, moccasins off s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kêtaskisinêpiw:kêtaskisinêpi VAIw "s/he sits with his/her own shoes, moccasins off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtaskisinêw:kêtaskisinê VAIw "s/he takes his/her own shoes (moccasins, boots, etc.) off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtaspastâkanêw:kêtaspastâkanê VAIw "s/he takes his/her own apron off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtastisêw:kêtastisê VAIw "s/he takes his/her own mitts off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtastotinênêw:kêtastotinên VTA "s/he takes the hat off s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kêtastotinêpayiw:kêtastotinêpayi VAIw "s/he has his/her own hat fall off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtastotinêpitêw:kêtastotinêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls the hat off s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kêtastotinêpiw:kêtastotinêpi VAIw "s/he sits with his/her own hat off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtastotinêw:kêtastotinê VAIw "s/he takes his/her own hat off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtayiwinisêw:kêtayiwinisê VAIw "s/he takes his/her own clothes off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtâspisow:kêtâspiso VAIw "s/he undresses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtikonam:kêtikona VTIm "s/he takes s.t. off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kêtikoskawêw:kêtikoskaw VTA "s/he steps out of s.o. (e.g. clothing), s/he takes s.o. off" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kêtitâsêw:kêtitâsê VAIw "s/he takes his/her own pants off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêtiwatêw:kêtiwatê VAIw "s/he takes off and puts down his/her own burden" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kêyakisîw:kêyakisî VAIw "s/he itches, s/he is itchy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kicimâkinâkosiw:kicimâkinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks quite pitiful ;; s/he is cute" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: you must be careful which dialect are you use this in kiciskinam:kiciskina VTIm "s/he drops s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kiciskinêw:kiciskin VTA "s/he drops s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kicîskaham:kicîskaha VTIm "s/he makes s.t. creak" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kihcêyihtam:kihcêyihta VTIm "s/he respects s.t.; s/he is proud of s.t.; s/he thinks highly of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kihcêyihtamawêw:kihcêyihtamaw VTA "s/he thinks highly of (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kihcêyihtâkosiw:kihcêyihtâkosiw VAIw "s/he is esteemed; s/he is knowledgeable and respected" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihcêyihtâkwan:kihcêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is respected; it is highly thought of; it is held sacred; it is of the utmost importance" ; ! AEW: VII-n kihcêyimêw:kihcêyim VTA "s/he respects s.o.; s/he thinks highly of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kihcêyimow:kihcêyimo VAIw "s/he is conceited, s/he is proud; s/he thinks a lot of him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihci-ayisiyinîwiw:kihci-ayisiyinîwi VAIw "he is a man of importance, he is a great man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihci-âpihtâwâni-kîsikâw:kihci-âpihtâwâni-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Thursday, it is mid-week; it is high noon" ; ! AEW: VII-v kihci-itwêw:kihci-itwê VAIw "s/he takes an oath, s/he swears an oath" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihci-kîsikâw:kihci-kîsikâ VIIw "it is an important day (e.g. Christmas, New Year)" ; ! AEW: VII-v kihci-kîsikôwiw:kihci-kîsikôwi VAIw "s/he is an angel" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihci-manitôwiw:kihci-manitôwi VAIw "s/he is the Great Spirit, s/he is God" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihci-môhkomâniwiw:kihci-môhkomâniwi VAIw "s/he is an American" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihci-okimâhkâniwiw:kihci-okimâhkâniwi VAIw "he is a great chief" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihci-okimâhkâtêw:kihci-okimâhkât3 VTA "s/he makes s.o. a great chief, s/he appoints s.o. to be governor" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kihci-okimâwiw:kihci-okimâwi VAIw "he is king" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihci-wîkihtow:kihci-wîkihto VAIw "s/he is formally married in church" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihci-wîkimêw:kihci-wîkim VTA "s/he marries s.o. formally in church" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kihci-wîkiw:kihci-wîki VAIw "s/he lives formally; s/he lives in residence" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihcikanisiw:kihcikanisi VAIw "s/he holds a ceremony; s/he spends Christmas" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihcinâkosiw:kihcinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks important, s/he appears important" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihcinâkwan:kihcinâkwan VIIn "it looks impressive, it appears important" ; ! AEW: VII-n kihtânam:kihtâna VTIm "s/he immerses s.t. by hand, s/he dips s.t. in the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kihtânêw:kihtân VTA "s/he immerses s.o. by hand; s/he submerges s.o., s/he pushes s.o. under the water; s/he dips s.o. in the water" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kihtâpayihow:kihtâpayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself under water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihtâpayiw:kihtâpayi VAIw "s/he goes under water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihtêyihtâkosiw:kihtêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is esteemed, s/he is well thought of" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihtêyihtâkwan:kihtêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is respected; it is highly thought of; it is held sacred; it is of the utmost importance" ; ! AEW: VII-n kihtimapiw:kihtimapi VAIw "s/he is tired of sitting, s/he is tired from sitting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihtimêyihtam:kihtimêyihta VTIm "s/he is tired of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kihtimêyimêw:kihtimêyim VTA "s/he is tired of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kihtimikanêw:kihtimikanê VAIw "s/he is lazy, s/he is idle; s/he is a lazy-bones" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihtimiskiw:kihtimiski VAIw "s/he is often lazy, s/he is lazy all the time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihtimiw:kihtimi VAIw "s/he is lazy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kihtohtêw:kihtohtê VAIw "s/he walks despite being tired of it, s/he is tired of walking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kikamohtâw:kikamohtâ VTIw "s/he fastens s.t. on, s/he attaches s.t.; s/he puts s.t. on something" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kikamon:kikamon VIIn "it is attached, it is on something" ; ! AEW: VII-n kikamow:kikamo VIIw "it is attached" ; ! AEW: VII-v kikamow:kikamo VAIw "it clings, it sticks; it is fastened on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kikamôhêw:kikamôh VTA "s/he fastens s.o. on, s/he attaches s.o.; s/he puts s.o. (e.g. yarn) on something" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kikasâmêhtêw:kikasâmêhtê VAIw "s/he walks with snowshoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kikasâmêw:kikasâmê VAIw "s/he has snowshoes on, s/he wears snowshoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kikaskisinêw:kikaskisinê VAIw "s/he wears (his/her own) shoes, s/he has (his/her own) shoes on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kikaskisinihkwâmiw:kikaskisinihkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps with (his/her own) shoes on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kikastotinêpiw:kikastotinêpi VAIw "s/he sits with his/her own hat on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kikastotinêw:kikastotinê VAIw "s/he wears his/her own hat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kikawinam:kikawina VTIm "s/he mixes s.t. into something, s/he sprinkles s.t. over something" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kikawinêw:kikawin VTA "s/he mixes s.o. (e.g. tobacco) together by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kikâpôhkêw:kikâpôhkê VAIw "s/he adds s.t. to the soup" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kikinam:kikina VTIm "s/he adds s.t. (e.g. baking powder) in, s/he mixes s.t. in, s/he includes s.t; s/he puts s.t. on something" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kikinêw:kikin VTA "s/he adds s.o. (e.g. tobacco) in, s/he mixes s.o. in, s/he includes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kikinikâtêw:kikinikâtê VIIw "it is included, it is mixed in, it is added in" ; ! AEW: VII-v kikiskam:kikiska VTIm "s/he wears s.t.; s/he has s.t. as an intimate possession" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kikiskamohêw:kikiskamoh VTA "s/he puts (it/him) on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kikiskawâwasow:kikiskawâwaso VAIw "s/he is with child, s/he is pregnant" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kikiskawêw:kikiskaw VTA "s/he wears s.o. (e.g. stocking, ring); s/he is with child" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kikitâsêw:kikitâsê VAIw "s/he wears pants, breeches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kikiwatêsin:kikiwatêsin3 VAIn "s/he lies with his/her own load on, s/he lies on his/her own baggage" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kimisâhêw:kimisâh VTA "s/he wipes s.o.'s anus (e.g. a child's)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kimisâhow:kimisâho VAIw "s/he wipes his/her own anus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kimiwan:kimiwan VIIn "it rains, it is raining, it is rainy" ; ! AEW: VII-n kimiwanisiw:kimiwanisi VAIw "it has rain, it receives rain; s/he is caught in the rain" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kimiwasin:kimiwasin VIIn "it rains a little; it is drizzling" ; ! AEW: VII-n kimiwaskin:kimiwaskin VIIn "it rains frequently" ; ! AEW: VII-n kimotamawêw:kimotamaw VTA "s/he steals (it/him) from s.o., s/he robs s.o. of (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kimotastotinêw:kimotastotinê VAIw "s/he steals a hat, headgear" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kimotiskiw:kimotiski VAIw "s/he is a thief, s/he steals habitually" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kimotiw:kimoti VAIw "s/he steals (it/him); s/he is a thief" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: kâh-kimotiw kinanâskomitin:kinanâskomitin VTA "thank you, I am grateful to you" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kinêpikoskâw:kinêpikoskâ VIIw "there are an abundance of snakes" ; ! AEW: VII-v kino-miyêstawânêw:kino-miyêstawânê VAIw "he has a long beard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinocihcêw:kinocihcê VAIw "s/he has a long hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinohêw:kinoh VTA "s/he lengthens s.o. (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kinohkwêw:kinohkwê VAIw "s/he has a long face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinohtawakêw:kinohtawakê VAIw "s/he has long ears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinohtâw:kinohtâ VTIw "s/he lengthens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kinokamâw:kinokamâ VIIw "it is a long lake" ; ! AEW: VII-v kinokasêw:kinokasê VAIw "s/he has long nails; it has long claws" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinokâpawiw:kinokâpawi VAIw "s/he stands tall" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinokâtêw:kinokâtê VAIw "s/he has long legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinokohtâw:kinokohtâ VTIw "s/he lengthens s.t. by stretching" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kinokohtêw:kinokohtê VAIw "s/he takes long steps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinokotam:kinokota VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. long (e.g. strips of hide for laces)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kinokotêw:kinokotê VAIw "s/he has a long nose; it has a long beak" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinokwanêw:kinokwanê VAIw "it has long feathers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinokwayawêw:kinokwayawê VAIw "s/he has a long neck" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinopayiw:kinopayi VIIw "it stretches" ; ! AEW: VII-v kinopiskwanêw:kinopiskwanê VAIw "s/he has a long back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinopitonêw:kinopitonê VAIw "s/he has long arms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinosâkêw:kinosâkê VAIw "s/he has a long dress (coat, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinosêskâw:kinosêskâ VIIw "there are an abundance of fish" ; ! AEW: VII-v kinosêwan:kinosêwan VIIn "there are many fish" ; ! AEW: VII-n kinosêwêw:kinosêwê VAIw "s/he fishes, s/he catches fish" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: compare kinosêwê- with sâkêwê-, etc. kinosêwikamikohkêw:kinosêwikamikohkê VAIw "s/he builds a fish plant" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinosêwimâkosiw:kinosêwimâkosi VAIw "s/he smells fishy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinosêwimâkwan:kinosêwimâkwan VIIn "it smells fishy" ; ! AEW: VII-n kinosêwiw:kinosêwi VAIw "s/he is a fish" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinosisiw:kinosisi VAIw "s/he is a bit taller" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinositêw:kinositê VAIw "s/he has long feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinosiw:kinosi VAIw "s/he is long, s/he is tall" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinotahtahkwanêw:kinotahtahkwanê VAIw "it has long wings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinotêskanêw:kinotêskanê VAIw "it has long horns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinoyawêw:kinoyawê VAIw "s/he has a long body" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinwâhtawêw:kinwâhtaw VTA "s/he lengthens (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kinwâniskwêw:kinwâniskwê VAIw "s/he has long hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinwâpêkan:kinwâpêkan VIIn "it is long (e.g. string)" ; ! AEW: VII-n kinwâpêkasâkêw:kinwâpêkasâkê VAIw "she wears long skirts; s/he wears long clothing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinwâpêkihkwêw:kinwâpêkihkwê VAIw "s/he has a long face (e.g. horse)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinwâpêkikwayawêw:kinwâpêkikwayawê VAIw "s/he has a long neck" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinwâpêkisiw:kinwâpêkisi VAIw "it is long (e.g. snake)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinwâsin:kinwâsin VIIn "it is a bit long" ; ! AEW: VII-n kinwâskosiw:kinwâskosi VAIw "s/he is tall; it is a tall tree, it is a long stick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinwâskwan:kinwâskwan VIIn "it is tall, it is long (e.g. board)" ; ! AEW: VII-n kinwâw:kinwâ VIIw "it is long, it is tall" ; ! AEW: VII-v kinwâyowêw:kinwâyowê VAIw "it is long-tailed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kinwêstawêw:kinwêstawê VAIw "he has a long beard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipaham:kipaha VTIm "s/he closes s.t., s/he obstructs s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipahamawêw:kipahamaw VTA "s/he closes (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kipahikâsow:kipahikâso VAIw "s/he is obstructed, it is closed; s/he is closed in; s/he is in jail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipahikâtêw:kipahikâtê VIIw "it is closed" ; ! AEW: VII-v kipahwêw:kipahw VTA "s/he closes s.o. in, s/he imprisons s.o., s/he locks s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kipatâhtam:kipatâhta VTIm "s/he is short of breath, s/he is breathless" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipatâmoskawêw:kipatâmoskaw VTA "s/he cuts off s.o.'s breath by foot or body; s/he smothers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kipâpiskaham:kipâpiskaha VTIm "s/he locks s.t., s/he bars s.t., s/he closes s.t. with or as a metal" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipâpiskahikêw:kipâpiskahikê VAIw "s/he locks (things)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipâpiskahwêw:kipâpiskahw VTA "s/he locks s.o. in" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kipêyihtamiskâkow:kipêyihtamiskaw VAIw "s/he over-eats and feels badly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipihcipayiw:kipihcipayi VIIw "it stops suddenly" ; ! AEW: VII-v kipihcîw:kipihcî VAIw "s/he stops, s/he comes to a standstill; s/he quits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipihkitonêhpisow:kipihkitonêhpiso VAIw "s/he is tied choking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipihkitonêhpitisow:kipihkitonêhpitiso VAIw "s/he hangs or chokes him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipihkitonênêw:kipihkitonên VTA "s/he strangles s.o. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kipihkwêstêw:kipihkwêstê VIIw "it is loaded" ; ! AEW: VII-v kipihtawakêw:kipihtawakê VAIw "s/he is unable to hear, s/he has a blockage of the ear" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipihtêw:kipihtê VAIw "s/he is hard of hearing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipihtinam:kipihtina VTIm "s/he stops s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipihtinamawêw:kipihtinamaw VTA "s/he stops (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kipihtinêw:kipihtin VTA "s/he stops s.o. by hand; s/he keeps s.o. in" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kipihtowêw:kipihtowê VAIw "s/he stops calling, s/he stops talking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipikâpawiw:kipikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands in the way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipipayiw:kipipayi VIIw "it closes up quickly" ; ! AEW: VII-v kipipitam:kipipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. shut" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipisiw:kipisi VAIw "it is obstructed (e.g. pipe)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipiskam:kipiska VTIm "s/he is in the way, s/he blocks the way of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipiskawêw:kipiskaw VTA "s/he blocks the way for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kipiskwâhtapiw:kipiskwâhtapi VAIw "s/he sits blocking the door" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipistanêhwêw:kipistanêhw VTA "s/he gives s.o. a nosebleed by striking with an instrument" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kipistanêw:kipistanê VAIw "s/he has a nose-bleed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipitônêw:kipitônê VAIw "s/he closes his/her own mouth; s/he does not speak" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipiwêpinam:kipiwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. shut" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipocâpinêw:kipocâpin VTA "s/he holds his/her own hands over s.o.'s eyes" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kipocâpinisow:kipocâpiniso VAIw "s/he holds his/her own hands over his/her own eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipocâpiwahpisow:kipocâpiwahpiso VAIw "s/he is blindfolded" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipocâpiwahpitêw:kipocâpiwahpit3 VTA "s/he blindfolds s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ! 1: - ! 2: also kipwacâpahpitêw kipokin:kipokin VIIn "it grows shut, it heals" ; ! AEW: VII-n kipokohtâkanêpayiw:kipokohtâkanêpayi VAIw "s/he has laryngitis" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipokwâtam:kipokwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t. closed or together" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipokwâtêw:kipokwât3 VTA "s/he sews s.o. closed or together" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kiponam:kipona VTIm "s/he covers s.t. with his/her own hand; s/he holds s.t. closed (by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kiponêw:kipon VTA "s/he holds s.o. in (by hand); s/he closes the outlet blocking s.o. (by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kipopitam:kipopita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. closed quickly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kiposin:kiposin3 VAIn "s/he lies in the passageway; s/he lies so as to block passage" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kiposiw:kiposi VAIw "it has no opening" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiposkam:kiposka VTIm "s/he stands over a hole; s/he blocks s.t. from getting out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipostaham:kipostaha VTIm "s/he sews s.t. shut" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipostahikêw:kipostahikê VAIw "s/he sews things shut" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipostahwêw:kipostahw VTA "s/he sews s.o. shut" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kipotêkâtam:kipotêkâta VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. over" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipwahpitam:kipwahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. closed in (in a sack); s/he pulls s.t. closed" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kipwahpitêw:kipwahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. closed in (in a sack)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kipwatâmahpisow:kipwatâmahpiso VAIw "s/he smothers; s/he has s.t. tied over his/her own mouth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipwatâmâpasow:kipwatâmâpaso VAIw "s/he suffocates with smoke" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipwatâmoskawêw:kipwatâmoskaw VTA "s/he cuts off s.o.'s breath by foot" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kipwatâmow:kipwatâmo VAIw "s/he smothers, s/he suffocates" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kipwâw:kipwâ VIIw "it closes; it has no opening; it is closed" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisâcimêw:kisâcim VTA "s/he convinces s.o. to stay" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kisâcimiwêw:kisâcimiwê VAIw "s/he tells people to stay put" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisâcinam:kisâcina VTIm "s/he keeps s.t. there, s/he refuses to part with s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisâcinêw:kisâcin VTA "s/he detains s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kisâkamisam:kisâkamisa VTIm "s/he heats s.t. up as liquid" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisâkamisikêw:kisâkamisikê VAIw "s/he heats water, s/he heats a liquid; s/he makes tea" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisâkamitêhkwêw:kisâkamitêhkwê VAIw "s/he drinks hot liquid" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisâkamitêw:kisâkamitê VIIw "it is a hot liquid, it is heated (as liquid)" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisâpiskisam:kisâpiskisa VTIm "s/he heats s.t. (e.g. metal)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisâpiskisow:kisâpiskiso VAIw "it is heated as stone or metal; it is hot metal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisâpiskiswêw:kisâpiskisw VTA "s/he heats s.o. as stone or metal" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kisâpiskitêw:kisâpiskitê VIIw "it is hot (e.g. metal)" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisâstêw:kisâstê VIIw "it is hot weather, it is sultry weather" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisâtam:kisâta VTIm "s/he stays by s.t., s/he stays with s.t., s/he holds fast to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisâtêw:kisât3 VTA "s/he stays by s.o. (in spite of choice to leave); s/he stays with s.o., s/he refuses to leave s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kisâtinam:kisâtina VTIm "s/he keeps s.t. there, s/he refuses to part with s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisâtinêw:kisâtin VTA "s/he detains s.o.; s/he keeps s.o. there" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiscikêsiw:kiscikêsi VAIw "s/he plants seeds; s/he has a small garden" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisê-manitôwiw:kisê-manitôwi VAIw "s/he is God, s/he is the Great Spirit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisêpânêhkwêw:kisêpânêhkwê VAIw "s/he breakfasts, s/he eats breakfast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisêpâyâw:kisêpâyâ VIIw "it is morning" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisêwâtisitotawêw:kisêwâtisitotaw VTA "s/he is kind and generous to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kisêwâtisiw:kisêwâtisi VAIw "s/he is merciful, s/he is kind, s/he is gentle, s/he is of compassionate disposition" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisêyinîwinâkosiw:kisêyinîwinâkosi VAIw "he looks old, he looks like an old man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisêyinîwiw:kisêyinîwi VAIw "he is an old man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisin:kisin VIIn "it is cold weather, it is very cold weather" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: term preferred in Alberta kisinâsin:kisinâsin VIIn "it is a bit chilly" ; ! AEW: VII-n kisinâw:kisinâ VIIw "it is cold weather, it is bitterly cold weather" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisipaskamikâw:kisipaskamikâ VIIw "it is the end of land" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisipayiw:kisipayi VIIw "it ends, it terminates" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisipâpêkastâw:kisipâpêkastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. ending (e.g. string)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kisipâw:kisipâ VIIw "it ends, it terminates" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisipihkotam:kisipihkota VTIm "s/he whittles s.t. to an end" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisipikahcêw:kisipikahcê VAIw "s/he is constipated" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisipikamâw:kisipikamâ VIIw "it is the end of the lake" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisipipayin:kisipipayin VIIn "it comes to an end, it runs out" ; ! AEW: VII-n kisipipitam:kisipipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. (e.g. string) all the way to its end" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisipisiw:kisipisi VAIw "it ends, it terminates" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisipiskawêw:kisipiskaw VTA "s/he comes to the end of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kisisam:kisisa VTIm "s/he heats s.t. up, s/he warms s.t. up (i.e. food)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisisamawêw:kisisamaw VTA "s/he heats (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kisisimêw:kisisim VTA "s/he impales s.o., s/he causes s.o. to get a splinter" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kisisin:kisisin3 VAIn "s/he gets a splinter, s/he gets impaled; s/he pierces his/her own skin (e.g. stepping on a nail), s/he suffers pierced skin" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kisiskâciwan:kisiskâciwan VIIn "it flows swiftly, it flows fast" ; ! AEW: VII-n kisiskâhtêw:kisiskâhtê VAIw "s/he walks fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisiskâpahtâw:kisiskâpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs fast, s/he runs quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisiskâpayihow:kisiskâpayiho VAIw "s/he moves fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisiskâpayiw:kisiskâpayi VAIw "s/he goes fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisisow:kisiso VAIw "s/he is warm, s/he is hot; s/he is feverish, have a fever" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisisowâspinêw:kisisowâspinê VAIw "s/he has pneumonia; s/he has a high fever" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisiswêw:kisisw VTA "s/he heats s.o., s/he warms s.o. (i.e. food)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kisitêw:kisitê VIIw "it is hot" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisiwaskatêskawêw:kisiwaskatêskaw VTA "s/he gives s.o. a stomach-ache or indigestion" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: commonly inanimate actor: kisiwaskatêskâkow it gives s.o. indigestion kisiwaskatêskâkow:kisiwaskatêskaw VTA "it gives s.o. a stomach-ache or indigestion" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kisiwaskatêw:kisiwaskatê VAIw "s/he has a stomach-ache, s/he has indigestion" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisiwâhêw:kisiwâh VTA "s/he angers s.o., s/he makes s.o. angry" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kisiwâkiwiw:kisiwâkiwi VIIw "it is near, it is nearby, it is close by" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisiwâsihkâsow:kisiwâsihkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to be angry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisiwâsiw:kisiwâsi VAIw "s/he is angry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisiwâsîstawêw:kisiwâsîstaw VTA "s/he is angry at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kisiwi-kanawâpahtam:kisiwi-­kanawâpahta VTIm "s/he frowns at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisiwi-kanawâpamêw:kisiwi-kanawâpam VTA "s/he frowns at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kisiwihkwêyiw:kisiwihkwêyi VAIw "s/he frowns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisiwinâkosiw:kisiwinâkosi VAIw "s/he frowns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisiwipayiw:kisiwipayi VAIw "s/he gets angry, s/he becomes angry suddenly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisiwitisahwêw:kisiwitisahw VTA "s/he chases s.o. so as to anger that one" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kisiwiyow:kisiwiyo VAIw "s/he complains about work, s/he is angry about his/her own work" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisî-kitotêw:kisî-kitot3 VTA "s/he speaks to s.o. in anger" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kisîhkwasiw:kisîhkwasi VAIw "s/he wakes angry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîkocin:kisîkocin3 VAIn "s/he flies fast, s/he speeds along" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kisîmêw:kisîm VTA "s/he angers s.o. by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kisîmow:kisîmo VAIw "s/he speaks angrily" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpahtâw:kisîpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs fast, s/he runs quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpayiw:kisîpayi VAIw "s/he goes fast, s/he travels fast, s/he drives fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpayiw:kisîpayi VIIw "it goes fast, it travels fast" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisîpêkastênêw:kisîpêkastên VTA "s/he gives s.o. a bath" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kisîpêkastênisow:kisîpêkastêniso VAIw "s/he gives him/herself a bath, s/he bathes him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkâpitêw:kisîpêkâpitê VAIw "s/he brushes his/her own teeth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkicihcênêw:kisîpêkicihcên VTA "s/he washes s.o.'s hands" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kisîpêkicihcêw:kisîpêkicihcê VAIw "s/he washes his/her own hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkihtakinikêw:kisîpêkihtakinikê VAIw "s/he washes a wooden floor, s/he washes floor-boards; s/he scrubs the floor, s/he scrubs floors, s/he washes the floor" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkikwayawêw:kisîpêkikwayawê VAIw "s/he washes his/her own neck" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkinam:kisîpêkina VTIm "s/he washes s.t. (e.g. clothing)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisîpêkinamawêw:kisîpêkinamaw VTA "s/he washes (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kisîpêkinayiwinisêw:kisîpêkinayiwinisê VAIw "s/he washes clothing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkinêw:kisîpêkin VTA "s/he washes s.o.; s/he bathes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kisîpêkinicihcêw:kisîpêkinicihcê VAIw "s/he washes his/her own hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkinikanihkawêw:kisîpêkinikanihkaw VTA "s/he makes soap for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kisîpêkinikanihkêw:kisîpêkinikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes soap" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkinikâtêw:kisîpêkinikâtê VIIw "it is washed" ; ! AEW: VII-v kisîpêkinikêw:kisîpêkinikê VAIw "s/he washes clothes, s/he does laundry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkinisitêw:kisîpêkinisitê VAIw "s/he washes his/her own feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkinisow:kisîpêkiniso VAIw "s/he washes him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkisitênêw:kisîpêkisitên VTA "s/he washes s.o.'s feet" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kisîpêkisitênisow:kisîpêkisitêniso VAIw "s/he washes his/her own feet for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkisitêw:kisîpêkisitê VAIw "s/he washes his/her own feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkistikwânâkêw:kisîpêkistikwânâkê VAIw "s/he washes his/her own head with something, s/he uses something to wash his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkistikwânênêw:kisîpêkistikwânên VTA "s/he washes s.o.'s head" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kisîpêkistikwânêw:kisîpêkistikwânê VAIw "s/he washes his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkiyâkanêw:kisîpêkiyâkanê VAIw "s/he washes dishes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpêkîw:kisîpêkî VAIw "s/he bathes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîpiciw:kisîpici VAIw "s/he moves camp fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîstam:kisîsta VTIm "s/he is angry at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisîstawêw:kisîstaw VTA "s/he is angry with s.o., s/he stays angry with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kisîstâtowak:kisîstâto VAIw_PL "they are angry at one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîtâpâsow:kisîtâpâso VAIw "s/he drives fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîw:kisî VAIw "s/he is cross and guards his/her own young from harm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîwê-têpwêw:kisîwê-têpwê VAIw "s/he calls loudly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîwêw:kisîwê VAIw "s/he speaks loudly, s/he sings loudly; s/he makes a loud vocalization; s/he speaks angrily" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîwêyihtam:kisîwêyihta VTIm "s/he is mentally angry" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kisîwinâkosiw:kisîwinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks angry, s/he appears angry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîyâsiw:kisîyâsi VAIw "s/he sails fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kisîyâstan:kisîyâstan VIIn "it sails fast (in the wind)" ; ! AEW: VII-n kiskahikêw:kiskahikê VAIw "s/he points things out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskêyihtam:kiskêyihta VTIm "s/he knows s.t., s/he knows s.t. of his/her own experience" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kiskêyihtamâsow:kiskêyihtamâso VAIw "s/he knows (it) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskêyihtamâw:kiskêyihtamâ VAIw "s/he has spiritual knowledge" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskêyihtamohêw:kiskêyihtamoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. know (it); s/he makes (it/him) known to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiskêyihtamohkâsow:kiskêyihtamohkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to know (s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskêyihtâkosiw:kiskêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is known" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskêyihtâkwan:kiskêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is known" ; ! AEW: VII-n kiskêyihtowak:kiskêyihto VAIw_PL "they know one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskêyimêw:kiskêyim VTA "s/he knows s.o., s/he knows about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiskimêw:kiskim VTA "s/he makes an appointment with s.o.; s/he reminds s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiskimow:kiskimo VAIw "s/he makes an appointment" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinawâcihcikâcêsiw:kiskinawâcihcikâcêsi VIIw "it is made symbolically, it is a manufactured little image" ; ! AEW: VII-v kiskinawâcihtâw:kiskinawâcihtâ VTIw "s/he puts a mark on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kiskinoham:kiskinoha VTIm "s/he marks s.t.; s/he guides s.t.; s/he points s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kiskinohtahêw:kiskinohtah VTA "s/he shows s.o. the way; s/he guides s.o., s/he directs s.o.; s/he gives s.o. directions" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiskinohtahiwêw:kiskinohtahiwê VAIw "s/he guides, s/he guides people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinowâcihêw:kiskinowâcih VTA "s/he decorates s.o. to be seen; s/he puts a sign on s.o. to be known" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiskinowâcihtamawêw:kiskinowâcihtamaw VTA "s/he decorates (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kiskinowâcihtawêw:kiskinowâcihtaw VTA "s/he decorates (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kiskinowâcihtâw:kiskinowâcihtâ VTIw "s/he decorates s.t. to be seen" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kiskinowâpahkêw:kiskinowâpahkê VAIw "s/he looks on at people to learn" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinowâpahtam:kiskinowâpahta VTIm "s/he learns by watching s.t., s/he looks on to learn s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kiskinowâpahtihêw:kiskinowâpahtih VTA "s/he teaches s.o. by example, s/he teaches s.o. by showing the way; s/he sets an example for s.o. by his/her own conduct; s/he shows s.o. by example" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiskinowâpahtihiwêw:kiskinowâpahtihiwê VAIw "s/he teaches people by example, s/he teaches by showing the way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinowâpamêw:kiskinowâpam VTA "s/he learns from watching s.o., s/he learns from observing s.o.; s/he imitates s.o., s/he uses s.o.'s tactics; s/he watches s.o.'s example" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiskinowâpiw:kiskinowâpi VAIw "s/he observes, s/he learns by observing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinowâtasinaham:kiskinowâtasinaha VTIm "s/he writes the original copy; s/he writes s.t. as the original copy; s/he writes s.t. as teaching material" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kiskinowâtasinahikêw:kiskinowâtasinahikê VAIw "s/he writes the original copy, s/he writes teaching material" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinwahamawêw:kiskinwahamaw VTA "s/he teaches s.o., s/he teaches (it) to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kiskinwahamâkêw:kiskinwahamâkê VAIw "s/he teaches, s/he teaches things, s/he teaches (it) to people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinwahamâkêwikamikohkêw:kiskinwahamâkêwikamikohkê VAIw "s/he builds a school" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinwahamâkosiw:kiskinwahamâkosi VAIw "s/he learns; s/he is a student, s/he attends school; s/he is taught" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinwahamâkowisiw:kiskinwahamâkowisi VAIw "s/he is taught by higher powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinwahamâsow:kiskinwahamâso VAIw "s/he is taught, s/he is in school, s/he attends school, s/he is a student; s/he teaches (it to) him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinwahamâtowak:kiskinwahamâto VAIw_PL "they teach (it to) one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinwahamâwasow:kiskinwahamâwaso VAIw "s/he teaches (his/her own) children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskinwâswêwitam:kiskinwâswêwita VTIm "s/he speaks in a manner to refer to the teachings of a ceremony" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kiskisitotam:kiskisitota VTIm "s/he remembers s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kiskisitotawêw:kiskisitotaw VTA "s/he remembers s.o., s/he remembers (it) about s.o.; s/he remind s.o. of something" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kiskisiw:kiskisi VAIw "s/he remembers, s/he remembers s.t.; s/he recalls" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskisohtowak:kiskisohto VAIw_PL "they remind one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskisomêw:kiskisom VTA "s/he reminds s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiskisomitowak:kiskisomito VAIw_PL "they remind one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskisopayiw:kiskisopayi VAIw "s/he recollects, s/he thinks of something, s/he suddenly remembers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskisototawêw:kiskisototaw VTA "s/he remembers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kiskiwêham:kiskiwêha VTIm "s/he utters s.t. as a prophecy, s/he utters prophecies" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kiskiwêhamâsow:kiskiwêhamâso VAIw "s/he marks (it) for him/herself (i.e. in the bush)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiskiwêhwêw:kiskiwêhw VTA "s/he utters prophecies to s.o., s/he utters prophecies about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kispakahcîw:kispakahcî VAIw "s/he is constipated" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kispakasêw:kispakasê VAIw "s/he has thick skin" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kispakaskitêw:kispakaskitê VIIw "it stands, it grows thick (e.g. crop of grain)" ; ! AEW: VII-v kispakatin:kispakatin VIIn "it is frozen thick; it is thick ice" ; ! AEW: VII-n kispakâkamihtâw:kispakâkamihtâ VTIw "s/he thickens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kispakâkamin:kispakâkamin VIIn "it is a thick liquid" ; ! AEW: VII-n kispakâkamisin:kispakâkamisin VIIn "it is a rather thick liquid" ; ! AEW: VII-n kispakâpiskâw:kispakâpiskâ VIIw "it is a piece of thick metal" ; ! AEW: VII-v kispakâpiskisiw:kispakâpiskisi VAIw "it is thick metal (e.g. stove)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kispakâw:kispakâ VIIw "it is thick" ; ! AEW: VII-v kispakêkan:kispakêkan VIIn "it is thick (e.g. cloth, paper)" ; ! AEW: VII-n kispakêkihtin:kispakêkihtin VIIn "it lies in thick folds" ; ! AEW: VII-n kispakihtin:kispakihtin VIIn "it lies thick" ; ! AEW: VII-n kispakikwâtam:kispakikwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t. thickly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kispakisiw:kispakisi VAIw "s/he is thick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kispêwâtam:kispêwâta VTIm "s/he defends s.t., s/he is overprotective of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kispêwâtêw:kispêwât3 VTA "s/he defends s.o., s/he is overprotective of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kispêwêw:kispêwê VAIw "s/he defends, s/he is overprotective of his/her own children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kistahiyâkanêw:kistahiyâkanê VAIw "s/he washes dishes, s/he wipes dishes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kistataham:kistataha VTIm "s/he forces s.t. into the ground (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kistatâham:kistatâha VTIm "s/he makes a beaten path" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kistatâmon:kistatâmon VIIn "it is well-beaten (i.e. a path)" ; ! AEW: VII-n kistâpawacikêw:kistâpawacikê VAIw "s/he does washing, s/he washes, s/he wipes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kistâpawatâw:kistâpawatâ VTIw "s/he washes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kistâpawayêw:kistâpaway VTA "s/he washes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kistâpawayow:kistâpawayo VAIw "s/he washes him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kistâpitêhow:kistâpitêho VAIw "s/he cleans his/her own teeth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kistêyihtam:kistêyihta VTIm "s/he has high regard for s.t.; s/he respects s.t., s/he esteems s.t., s/he glorifies s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kistêyihtâkosiw:kistêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is well-respected, s/he is highly thought of; s/he is important" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kistêyihtâkwan:kistêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is highly thought of, it is important" ; ! AEW: VII-n kistêyikomêhisow:kistêyikomêhiso VAIw "s/he wipes his/her own nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kistêyimêw:kistêyim VTA "s/he respects s.o., s/he esteems s.o., s/he glorifies s.o.; s/he has high regard for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kistêyimow:kistêyimo VAIw "s/he is conceited, s/he is proud" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: see also kihcêýimow kistihtakinikêw:kistihtakinikê VAIw "s/he scrubs the floor" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kistikâtam:kistikâta VTIm "s/he plants s.t., s/he sows s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kistikâtamawêw:kistikâtamaw VTA "s/he plants (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kistikâtêw:kistikâtê VIIw "it is planted" ; ! AEW: VII-v kistikâtêw:kistikât3 VTA "s/he plants s.o., s/he sows s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kistikêw:kistikê VAIw "s/he farms; s/he plants things, s/he seeds things; s/he harvests" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kistikêwiyinîwiw:kistikêwiyinîwi VAIw "he is a farmer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kistonêwêw:kistonêwê VAIw "s/he washes his/her own mouth, s/he has a mouthwash" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiswâspinêw:kiswâspinê VAIw "s/he has typhoid fever" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitahamawêw:kitahamaw VTA "s/he warns s.o. against (it/him), s/he advises s.o. against (it/him); s/he forbids (it to) s.o.; s/he disciplines s.o. (i.e. children)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kitahamâkêw:kitahamâkê VAIw "s/he forbids people, s/he forbids (things); s/he disciplines children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitahamâwêw:kitahamâwê VAIw "s/he forbids; s/he disciplines" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: irregular use of /-iwê/ with VTA-2 (/aw/) stem; cf. /-ikê/ kitamawêw:kitamaw VTA "s/he eats it all on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kitamwêw:kitamw VTA "s/he eats s.o. up, s/he eats all of s.o.; s/he smokes s.o. done" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kitatamihin:kitatamihin VTA "thank you, you make me smile, you please me" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kitânawêw:kitânawê VAIw "s/he eats all of it, s/he eats all of his/her own food" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitâpahkêw:kitâpahkê VAIw "s/he looks at people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitâpahtam:kitâpahta VTIm "s/he looks at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kitâpahtamâkêw:kitâpahtamâkê VAIw "s/he looks at (it) for people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitâpamêw:kitâpam VTA "s/he looks at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kitâpaminâkosiw:kitâpaminâkosi VAIw "s/he appears as when looked at" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitâpayihtamawêw:kitâpayihtamaw VTA "s/he eats (it/him) up on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kitâpayihtâw:kitâpayihtâ VTIw "s/he swallows all of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kitâstapiwêw:kitâstapiwê VAIw "s/he goes along rapidly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitâw:kitâ VTIw "s/he eats all of s.t.; s/he eats s.t. up, s/he devours s.t. completely, s/he eats all of the food" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kitimahêw:kitimah VTA "s/he is rough on s.o.; s/he treats s.o. badly; s/he is mean to s.o.; s/he ruins s.o., s/he reduces s.o. to ruin, s/he destroys s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kitimahihkaswêw:kitimahihkasw VTA "s/he burns s.o. to ruin" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kitimahisow:kitimahiso VAIw "s/he ruins him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimahitowak:kitimahito VAIw_PL "they are rough on one another; they treat one another badly; they are mean to one another; they ruin one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimahow:kitimaho VAIw "s/he is rough on him/herself, s/he ruins him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâkan:kitimâkan VIIn "it is a state of destitution, it is a poor area" ; ! AEW: VII-n kitimâkaskatêw:kitimâkaskat3 VTA "s/he outruns s.o. in pitiful way" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kitimâkêyihcikêw:kitimâkêyihcikê VAIw "s/he feels sorry for others" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâkêyihtam:kitimâkêyihta VTIm "s/he takes pity on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kitimâkêyihtâkosiw:kitimâkêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is pitiable" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâkêyihtowak:kitimâkêyihto VAIw_PL "they are kind to one another, they love one another; they feel pity towards one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâkêyimêw:kitimâkêyim VTA "s/he pities s.o., s/he takes pity on s.o.; s/he feels sorry for s.o.; s/he has sympathy for s.o.; s/he loves s.o.; s/he blesses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kitimâkêyimisow:kitimâkêyimiso VAIw "s/he feels sorry for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâkêyimow:kitimâkêyimo VAIw "s/he feels pitiable, s/he feels sorry for him/herself, s/he takes pity on him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâki-ohpikihêw:kitimâki-ohpikih VTA "s/he raises s.o. in poverty; s/he raises s.o. as an orphan" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kitimâkihitowak:kitimâkihito VAIw_PL "they make one another miserable; they are mean to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâkihtawêw:kitimâkihtaw VTA "s/he hears s.o. with pity; s/he feels sorry for s.o. upon hearing circumstances" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kitimâkihtâkosiw:kitimâkihtâkosi VAIw "s/he sounds pitiable" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâkimêw:kitimâkim VTA "s/he belittles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kitimâkinawêw:kitimâkinaw VTA "s/he pities s.o., s/he looks with pity upon s.o.; s/he lovingly tends s.o.; s/he regards s.o. with respect" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kitimâkinâkêw:kitimâkinâkê VAIw "s/he sympathizes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâkinâkosiw:kitimâkinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks pitiable, s/he appears pitiful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâkinâkowisiw:kitimâkinâkowisi VAIw "s/he is pitied by higher powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâkinâsow:kitimâkinâso VAIw "s/he pities him/herself, s/he feels sorry for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitimâkisiw:kitimâkisi VAIw "s/he is poor, s/he is pitiable, s/he is unfortunate" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitinêw:kitin VTA "s/he holds s.o. back" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kitiskahwêw:kitiskahw VTA "s/he grazes s.o. with a shot" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kitiskatahwêw:kitiskatahw VTA "s/he hits s.o. a glancing blow" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kitiskinam:kitiskina VTIm "s/he drops s.t. accidentally" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kitiskinêw:kitiskin VTA "s/he drops s.o. accidentally; s/he fumble s.o. (e.g. ball)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kitiskipayêw:kitiskipay VTA "s/he escapes from s.o.'s grasp" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kitiskipitam:kitiskipita VTIm "s/he has s.t. slip from his/her own hand; s/he fails to catch s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kitiskipitamawêw:kitiskipitamaw VTA "s/he pulls (it/him) from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kitohcikanihkêw:kitohcikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes musical instruments" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitohcikêsiw:kitohcikêsi VAIw "s/he plays a little on a musical instrument" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitohcikêskiw:kitohcikêski VAIw "s/he plays often on a musical instrument" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitohcikêw:kitohcikê VAIw "s/he makes music, s/he plays a musical instrument" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitohêw:kitoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. call out (as a bird or animal); s/he makes s.o. sound (car, horn, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kitohtâw:kitohtâ VTIw "s/he plays music on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kitosiwêw:kitosiwê VAIw "s/he talks to people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitotam:kitota VTIm "s/he addresses s.t., s/he talk to s.t., s/he speaks to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kitotêw:kitot3 VTA "s/he addresses s.o., s/he talks to s.o., s/he speaks to s.o., s/he lectures s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kitotitowak:kitotito VAIw_PL "they talk to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitow:kito VAIw "it makes a sound, it utters a sound, it calls, it cries, it hoots, it make noises (e.g. a bird or animal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: kâh-kitow; possible historical stem derivation: /kitw-/ + /-i/ kitowêhkwâmiw:kitowêhkwâmi VAIw "s/he snores" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitowêhtâw:kitowêhtâ VTIw "s/he makes noise (on s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kitowêw:kitowê VIIw "it makes a sound; a sound is heard" ; ! AEW: VII-v kitowêyâciwasow:kitowêyâciwaso VAIw "it boils hard (so the cover rattles); it whistles in boiling (i.e. a kettle)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kitowêyêkâstan:kitowêyêkâstan VIIn "it flaps noisily as cloth" ; ! AEW: VII-n kiyakasêw:kiyakasê VAIw "s/he has eczema; s/he has the itch, s/he has scabies" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyakâspinêw:kiyakâspinê VAIw "s/he has the itch" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyakicênêw:kiyakicên VTA "s/he tickles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiyakicihcêw:kiyakicihcê VAIw "s/he has itchy hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyakihtawakêw:kiyakihtawakê VAIw "s/he has itchy ears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyakinêw:kiyakin VTA "s/he tickles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiyakisitêw:kiyakisitê VAIw "s/he has itchy feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyakisiw:kiyakisi VAIw "s/he itches, s/he is itchy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyakistikwânêw:kiyakistikwânê VAIw "s/he has an itchy head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyâmapihêw:kiyâmapih VTA "s/he makes s.o. sit still" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiyâmapiw:kiyâmapi VAIw "s/he is quiet, s/he keeps quiet, s/he sits quietly, s/he sits still" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: from: kiyâm api nevermind, sit! kiyâmatapiw:kiyâmatapi VAIw "s/he sits still" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyâmêwan:kiyâmêwan VIIn "it is a quiet, peaceful area" ; ! AEW: VII-n kiyâmêwisiw:kiyâmêwisi VAIw "s/he is bashful; s/he is of a quiet, peaceful nature; s/he does not fool around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyâmêyihtâkosiw:kiyâmêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is known to be quiet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyâmihkwâmiw:kiyâmihkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps quietly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyâmikâpawiw:kiyâmikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands quietly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyâskihêw:kiyâskih VTA "s/he makes s.o. lie" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiyâskimêw:kiyâskim VTA "s/he falsely reports s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiyâskiskiw:kiyâskiski VAIw "s/he is a liar" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyâskiw:kiyâski VAIw "s/he lies, s/he tells a lie" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyâskîmêw:kiyâskîm VTA "s/he lies to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiyâskîstawêw:kiyâskîstaw VTA "s/he lies to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kiyâskîwâcimêw:kiyâskîwâcim VTA "s/he tells false tales about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kiyâskîwâcimostawêw:kiyâskîwâcimostaw VTA "s/he tells lies to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kiyâskîwâcimow:kiyâskîwâcimo VAIw "s/he tells false news" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyêtohtêw:kiyêtohtê VAIw "s/he wanders about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyipikin:kiyipikin VIIn "it grows quickly" ; ! AEW: VII-n kiyipikiw:kiyipiki VAIw "s/he grows quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyipîw:kiyipî VAIw "s/he is quick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyisin:kiyisin3 VAIn "s/he slips" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kiyokawêw:kiyokaw VTA "s/he visits s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kiyokâtowak:kiyokâto VAIw_PL "they visit one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyokêw:kiyokê VAIw "s/he visits, s/he visits people, s/he pays a visit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyomânâkosiw:kiyomânâkosi VAIw "s/he is in full sight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kiyôtêw:kiyôtê VAIw "s/he visits afar, s/he travels to visit; s/he visits for a long duration" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhcêkosî-wêpinam:kîhcêkosî-wêpina VTIm "s/he flings s.t. onto a high thing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîhcêkosî-wêpinêw:kîhcêkosî-wêpin VTA "s/he flings s.o. onto a high thing" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîhcêkosîpayihow:kîhcêkosîpayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself to climbing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhcêkosîw:kîhcêkosî VAIw "s/he climbs up high (on s.t.); s/he climbs up or in" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhcêkosîw-ôhpîw:kîhcêkosîw-ôhpî VAIw "s/he clambers up, s/he climbs up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhcêkosîyâmow:kîhcêkosîyâmo VAIw "s/he flees climbing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhcitawâkonênam:kîhcitawâkonêna VTIm "s/he jabs s.t. into the snow" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîhcitâskamawêw:kîhcitâskamaw VTA "s/he jabs (it/him) into s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîhêw:kîh VTA "s/he gets away from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîhikosimow:kîhikosimo VAIw "s/he fasts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhisahow:kîhisaho VAIw "s/he restrains him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhkâhtowak:kîhkâhto VAIw_PL "they argue with one another, they quarrel with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhkâmêw:kîhkâm VTA "s/he scolds s.o., s/he reviles s.o.; s/he argues with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîhkânâkosiw:kîhkânâkosi VAIw "s/he is clearly visible, s/he looks sharp and clear, s/he is seen distinctly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhkânâkwan:kîhkânâkwan VIIn "it is clearly visible, it looks sharp and clear, it is seen distinctly" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîhkâtêyihtâkwan:kîhkâtêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is held in high esteem, it is prominent" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîhkâtêyimêw:kîhkâtêyim VTA "s/he holds s.o. in high esteem" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîhkâwitam:kîhkâwita VTIm "s/he is cross and scolding in a loud voice" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîhkâwitaskiw:kîhkâwitaski VAIw "s/he is scolding all the time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhkâyâsowêw:kîhkâyâsowê VAIw "s/he shines clearly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhkêw:kîhkê VIIw "it heals up" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîhkihtowak:kîhkihto VAIw_PL "they antagonize one another, they quarrel" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîhkîhkan:kîhkîhkan VIIn "it is so in spite of all" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîhkîhkimêw:kîhkîhkim VTA "s/he persuades s.o. against that one's will" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîhkîhtow:kîhkîhto VAIw "s/he discusses s.t.; s/he talks about s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîkisêpâ-mîcisow:kîkisêpâ-mîciso VAIw "s/he eats breakfast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîkisêpâw:kîkisêpâ VIIw "it is morning, it is dawn, it is near morning" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîkisêpâyâw:kîkisêpâyâ VIIw "it is morning, it is dawn, it is near morning" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîkwayiwiw:kîkwayiwi VAIw "s/he is what sort" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîkwâhtikowiw:kîkwâhtikowi VAIw "it is what kind of tree, what kind of tree is it?" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: or IPC kîkwâhtikowiw kîmâmow:kîmâmo VAIw "s/he flees by stealth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîmâpahkêw:kîmâpahkê VAIw "s/he watches secretly, s/he spies" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîmâpahtam:kîmâpahta VTIm "s/he spies on s.t., s/he watches s.t. secretly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîmâpamêw:kîmâpam VTA "s/he spies on s.o., s/he watches s.o. secretly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîmâpiw:kîmâpi VAIw "s/he watches secretly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîminatêw:kîminat3 VTA "s/he assails s.o. stealthily" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîminêw:kîmin VTA "s/he touches or feels s.o. sexually, s/he cops a feel; s/he touches s.o.'s genitals" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîminikêw:kîminikê VAIw "s/he touches or feels people sexually, s/he sneaks a feel" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîminîcâkanihkêw:kîminîcâkanihkê VAIw "s/he makes an illegitimate child; she gives birth to an illegitimate child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîmîw:kîmî VAIw "s/he sneaks away, s/he escapes; s/he is truant, s/he runs away from school" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîmôcihêw:kîmôcih VTA "s/he sneaks around on s.o.; s/he conceals (it/him) from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîmôcisiw:kîmôcisi VAIw "s/he is sly; s/he conceals his/her own slyness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîmôtan:kîmôtan VIIn "it is kept as a secret, it is something which is not talked about" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîmôtâpahtam:kîmôtâpahta VTIm "s/he watches s.t. slyly, on the sly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîmôtâpamêw:kîmôtâpam VTA "s/he watches s.o. slyly, on the sly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîmôtâpiw:kîmôtâpi VAIw "s/he looks secretly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîmôtâtisiw:kîmôtâtisi VAIw "s/he is known to be sly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîmôtisiw:kîmôtisi VAIw "s/he has an illicit affair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîmwêw:kîmwê VAIw "s/he whispers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kînâpiskâw:kînâpiskâ VIIw "it is sharp or pointed metal" ; ! AEW: VII-v kînikaham:kînikaha VTIm "s/he hews s.t. to an edge" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kînikamon:kînikamon VIIn "it adheres sharply" ; ! AEW: VII-n kînikatahamawêw:kînikatahamaw VTA "s/he makes pickets for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kînikatahikêw:kînikatahikê VAIw "s/he makes pickets; s/he hews things to points" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kînikâw:kînikâ VIIw "it is sharp, it is pointed" ; ! AEW: VII-v kînikihkotam:kînikihkota VTIm "s/he whittles s.t. to an edge" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kînikokotam:kînikokota VTIm "s/he whittles s.t. to a point" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kînikokotêw:kînikokot3 VTA "s/he whittles s.o. to a point" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kînikotêw:kînikotê VAIw "s/he has a pointed nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kînikwânipayiw:kînikwânipayi VIIw "it revolves, it rotates, it spins" ; ! AEW: VII-v kînipocikêw:kînipocikê VAIw "s/he sharpens things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kînipohêw:kînipoh VTA "s/he sharpens s.o. (with a grindstone)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kînipotâw:kînipotâ VTIw "s/he grinds s.t. sharp, s/he sharpens s.t. (e.g. with a file, grindstone)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kînipotêw:kînipot3 VTA "s/he grinds s.o. sharp" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîpan:kîpan VIIn "it goes quickly, it takes no time at all" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîpihtâw:kîpihtâ VTIw "s/he does s.t. quickly" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kîpikin:kîpikin VIIn "it grows quickly" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîpikiw:kîpiki VAIw "s/he grows quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîpikwâsow:kîpikwâso VAIw "s/he sews quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîpikwâtam:kîpikwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t. quickly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîpikwâtêw:kîpikwât3 VTA "s/he sews s.o. quickly" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîpinam:kîpina VTIm "s/he uses s.t. quickly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîpinêw:kîpin VTA "s/he uses s.o. quickly; s/he uses s.o. as money" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîpipayihow:kîpipayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself over" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîpipayiw:kîpipayi VAIw "s/he falls over, s/he tumbles over; s/he goes quickly, s/he passes quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîpipitêw:kîpipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. so as to make that one fall" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîpiskam:kîpiska VTIm "s/he wears s.t. out (quickly)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîpiskawêw:kîpiskaw VTA "s/he wears s.o. out (quickly)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîpiskawêw:kîpiskaw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. over (by foot or body)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîpiwêpahwêw:kîpiwêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. down with a tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîpiwêpiskam:kîpiwêpiska VTIm "s/he kicks s.t. over" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîpiwêpiskawêw:kîpiwêpiskaw VTA "s/he kicks s.o. over" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîpiyahkinêw:kîpiyahkin VTA "s/he pushes s.o. forward" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîpîw:kîpî VAIw "s/he goes quickly, s/he goes in a hurry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîs-âcimow:kîs-âcimo VAIw "s/he finishes a story" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîs-âyâw:kîs-âyâ VAIw "s/he is finished, s/he is through" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsahêw:kîsah VTA "s/he finishes placing s.o., s/he finishes putting s.o. in place" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîsahkamikisiw:kîsahkamikisi VAIw "s/he finishes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsahpitam:kîsahpita VTIm "s/he finishes tying s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsahpitêw:kîsahpit3 VTA "s/he finishes tying s.o. (hide); s/he finishes harnessing s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîsapihkâtam:kîsapihkâta VTIm "s/he braids s.t. to completion, s/he knits s.t. to completion" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsapwênâyâw:kîsapwênâyâ VIIw "it turns milder, it becomes milder" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsapwênipayiw:kîsapwênipayi VIIw "it turns milder, it quickly becomes milder" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsapwêw:kîsapwê VIIw "it is warm weather" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsapwêyâw:kîsapwêyâ VIIw "it is warm" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsasinaham:kîsasinaha VTIm "s/he finishes writing s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsasinahikêw:kîsasinahikê VAIw "s/he finishes writing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsasiwâtam:kîsasiwâta VTIm "s/he completes making a law, s/he rules about s.t.; s/he decides about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsastâw:kîsastâ VTIw "s/he finishes placing s.t., s/he finishes putting s.t. in place; s/he finishes piling s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kîsatisohêw:kîsatisoh VTA "s/he fully ripens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîsatisow:kîsatiso VAIw "s/he is fully ripe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsâpêw:kîsâpê VAIw "he comes to manhood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsêyihtam:kîsêyihta VTIm "s/he decides s.t., s/he decides on s.t.; s/he completes his/her own plan of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsi-atoskâtam:kîsi-atoskâta VTIm "s/he is through working on s.t., s/he finishes working on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsi-atoskêw:kîsi-atoskê VAIw "s/he is through working, s/he finishes working" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsi-masinahikêw:kîsi-masinahikê VAIw "s/he finishes writing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsi-mânokêw:kîsi-mânokê VAIw "s/he finishes setting up a tent" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsi-mêtawêw:kîsi-mêtawê VAIw "s/he finishes playing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsi-mîcisow:kîsi-mîciso VAIw "s/he finishes eating" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsi-tipiskâw:kîsi-tipiskâ VIIw "it is completely night" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsi-wawêyîw:kîsi-wawêyî VAIw "s/he finishes getting dressed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsihcikâtêw:kîsihcikâtê VTA "s/he finishes doing business with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîsihcikâtêw:kîsihcikâtê VIIw "it is finished, it is accomplished" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsihêw:kîsih VTA "s/he completes s.o. (e.g. stocking), s/he finishes preparing s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîsihtamawêw:kîsihtamaw VTA "s/he finishes (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîsihtamâkêw:kîsihtamâkê VAIw "s/he finishes (it/him) for people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsihtâw:kîsihtâ VTIw "s/he completes s.t., s/he finishes s.t., s/he finishes work on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ! 1: - ! 2: also kîsîhtâw kîsikânam:kîsikâna VTIm "s/he sees (s.t. as) daylight" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsikânâkwan:kîsikânâkwan VIIn "it appears as daylight" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîsikâsiw:kîsikâsi VIIw "there is a bit of daylight left" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsikâstêskamawêw:kîsikâstêskamaw VTA "s/he makes it daylight for s.o. by going" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîsikâstêw:kîsikâstê VIIw "it is moonlight" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsikâw:kîsikâ VIIw "it is day, it is daylight" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsikâwihkwâmiw:kîsikâwihkwâmi VAIw "s/he takes a nap during the day" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsikâyâpan:kîsikâyâpan VIIn "it is day-break" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîsikâyâstêw:kîsikâyâstê VIIw "it is dawn, it is first light; it is moonlight so bright as to be light as day" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsikwâsow:kîsikwâso VAIw "s/he finishes his/her own sewing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsikwâtam:kîsikwâta VTIm "s/he finishes sewing s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsikwâtêw:kîsikwât3 VTA "s/he finishes sewing s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîsinam:kîsina VTIm "s/he tans s.t.; s/he finishes tanning" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsinâcihêw:kîsinâcih VTA "s/he puts s.o. in an unfortunate dilemma" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîsinâcihikowisiw:kîsinâcihikowisi VAIw "s/he is made sad by higher powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsinâcipayiw:kîsinâcipayi VAIw "s/he falls into unfortunate circumstances" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsinâtakocin:kîsinâtakocin VAIw "s/he makes an unfortunate leap" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsinâtêyihtam:kîsinâtêyihta VTIm "s/he is grieved about s.t.; s/he regrets s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsinâtêyihtamawêw:kîsinâtêyihtamaw VTA "s/he regrets (it) deeply for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîsinâtêyimêw:kîsinâtêyim VTA "s/he regrets s.o.'s actions; s/he feels sorry for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîsinâtisiw:kîsinâtisi VAIw "s/he is unfortunate" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsinêw:kîsin VTA "s/he tans s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîsinikâtêw:kîsinikâtê VIIw "it is tanned" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsinikow:kîsiniko VAIw "s/he tans" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsipayiw:kîsipayi VIIw "it ends, it terminates" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsisam:kîsisa VTIm "s/he cooks s.t., s/he bakes s.t. to completion, s/he completes s.t. by heat" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsisamawêw:kîsisamaw VTA "s/he cooks (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîsisikâtêw:kîsisikâtê VIIw "it is cooked, it is baked" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsisikêw:kîsisikê VAIw "s/he cooks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsisiw:kîsisi VAIw "s/he is mature" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsiskwêwiw:kîsiskwêwi VAIw "she comes to womanhood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsisow:kîsiso VAIw "it is cooked to completion" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsiswêw:kîsisw VTA "s/he cooks s.o., s/he bakes s.o. to completion" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîsitêpotêw:kîsitêpot3 VTA "s/he cooks for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîsitêpow:kîsitêpo VAIw "s/he cooks, s/he finishes cooking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsitêw:kîsitê VIIw "it is cooked to completion; it burns, it is burnt" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsîhow:kîsîho VAIw "s/he is finished dressing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskacayâskwahwêw:kîskacayâskwahw VTA "s/he cuts s.o.'s belly by tool [with tree, wood as actor; humorous connotations]" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskacinâsin:kîskacinâsin VIIn "it is a bit steep" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîskaham:kîskaha VTIm "s/he chops s.t. through or off; s/he breaks s.t. apart (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîskahamawêw:kîskahamaw VTA "s/he cuts s.o.'s hair" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîskahamâsow:kîskahamâso VAIw "s/he cuts his/her own hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskahcâw:kîskahcâ VIIw "it is steep (e.g. hill, bank)" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîskahtam:kîskahta VTIm "s/he bites s.t. through or off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîskahwêw:kîskahw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. through; s/he cuts from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskamêw:kîskam VTA "s/he bites s.o. through or off; s/he breaks a piece off s.o. (by teeth)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîskasâkêw:kîskasâkê VAIw "s/he wears a skirt" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskataham:kîskataha VTIm "s/he chops s.t. with an axe, s/he hews s.t. through or off; s/he chops s.t. in two" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîskatahikâtêw:kîskatahikâtê VIIw "it is cut in two" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîskatahikêw:kîskatahikê VAIw "s/he limbs trees, s/he lops the limbs off trees" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskatahwêw:kîskatahw VTA "s/he hews s.o. through or off" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskatawêhamâw:kîskatawêhamâ VAIw "s/he wears a forelock; s/he has bangs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskatâhtikwêw:kîskatâhtikwê VAIw "s/he cuts logs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskatâwahkâw:kîskatâwahkâ VIIw_SG "it is a steep river bank; it is an abrupt drop, it is a long way down" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîskatâwahkihtin:kîskatâwahkihtin VIIn "it flows between steep banks" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîskatinâw:kîskatinâ VIIw "it is a short, jagged, mountainous hill" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîskâpiskâw:kîskâpiskâ VIIw "it is cut off rock; it is a rocky perpendicular area, it is a cliff" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîskâw:kîskâ VIIw "it is cut off, it is edged" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîskâyawâw:kîskâyawâ VIIw "it is deep" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîskâyowêpitam:kîskâyowêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t.'s tail off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîskâyowêpitêw:kîskâyowêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o.'s tail off" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîskâyowêswêw:kîskâyowêsw VTA "s/he cuts off s.o.'s tail" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskâyowêw:kîskâyowê VAIw "it is cut off at the tail; it has a bobtail, it has a short tail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskêyisin:kîskêyisin3 VAIn "s/he lies with a hard object under one" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kîskicihcêpitêw:kîskicihcêpit3 VTA "s/he tears s.o.'s hand off, s/he tears s.o.'s finger off" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîskicihcêw:kîskicihcê VAIw "s/he is cut off at the hand or finger; s/he has an amputated had or finger" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskicin:kîskicin3 VAIn "s/he has a cut (from a sharp object)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kîskihkwêsimêw:kîskihkwêsim VTA "s/he throws s.o. breaking that one's face" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîskihtawakayêw:kîskihtawakayê VAIw "s/he is cut off at the ear" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskihtawakêswêw:kîskihtawakêsw VTA "s/he cuts off s.o.'s ear" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskikaham:kîskikaha VTIm "s/he chops s.t. through or off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîskikahwêw:kîskikahw VTA "s/he chops s.o. through or off" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskikâtêsam:kîskikâtêsa VTIm "s/he cuts the legs off s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîskikâtêswêw:kîskikâtêsw VTA "s/he amputates s.o.'s leg, s/he cuts the leg(s) off s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskikâtêw:kîskikâtê VAIw "s/he is cut off at the leg; s/he has an amputated leg" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskikotêswêw:kîskikotêsw VTA "s/he cuts off s.o.'s nose" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskikotêw:kîskikotê VAIw "s/he is cut off at the nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskikwê-wêpahwêw:kîskikwê-wêpahw VTA "s/he severs s.o.'s neck by throwing a missile, s/he knocks off s.o.'s head" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskikwêhwêw:kîskikwêhw VTA "s/he breaks s.o.'s neck (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskikwênêw:kîskikwên VTA "s/he rings s.o.'s neck; s/he breaks s.o.'s neck off (by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîskikwêpitêw:kîskikwêpit3 VTA "s/he jerks s.o.'s head off" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîskikwêsâwâtêw:kîskikwêsâwât3 VTA "s/he slices off s.o.-s head" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîskikwêsikêw:kîskikwêsikê VAIw "s/he cuts throats, s/he severs necks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskikwêsin:kîskikwêsin3 VAIn "s/he breaks his/her own neck (in falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kîskikwêswêw:kîskikwêsw VTA "s/he cuts s.o.'s throat, s/he severs s.o.'s neck, s/he cuts off s.o.'s head (by cutting edge)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskikwêtahwêw:kîskikwêtahw VTA "s/he severs s.o.'s neck by axe, s/he chops off s.o.'s head" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskinam:kîskina VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîskipayiw:kîskipayi VAIw "s/he comes apart; it is split, it is cracked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskipitam:kîskipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. apart; s/he pulls a piece off s.t.; s/he tears s.t. through or off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîskipitêw:kîskipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. apart; s/he pulls a part off s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîskipitonêw:kîskipitonê VAIw "s/he is cut off at the arm; s/he has only one arm; s/he has a partial arm, s/he has an amputated arm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskipocikêw:kîskipocikê VAIw "s/he saws things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskipotam:kîskipota VTIm "s/he saws s.t. into lengths" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîskipotamawêw:kîskipotamaw VTA "s/he saws (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîskipotâw:kîskipotâ VTIw "s/he saws into lengths, s/he saws s.t. through" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kîskipotêw:kîskipot3 VTA "s/he saws s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîskisam:kîskisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. through or off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîskisamawêw:kîskisamaw VTA "s/he cuts (it/him) off for s.o.; s/he offers (it/him) (i.e. tobacco) to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîskisin:kîskisin3 VAIn "s/he has a cut (from falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kîskiswêw:kîskisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. through or off; s/he plays s.o. (card)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskiwêpaham:kîskiwêpaha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. off (by tool); s/he breaks s.t. off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîskiwêpahwêw:kîskiwêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. off (by tool); s/he breaks s.o. off" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskosîw:kîskosî VAIw "s/he whistles" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskowêmohêw:kîskowêmoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. stop crying" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîskowêw:kîskowê VAIw "s/he stops talking or crying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwê-wêpahwêw:kîskwê-wêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. silly" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîskwêhêw:kîskwêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. crazy, s/he drives s.o. insane" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîskwêhkâniskwêwiw:kîskwêhkâniskwêwi VAIw "she is a foolish woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêhkâniwiw:kîskwêhkâniwi VAIw "s/he is a mentally sick person" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêhkwasiskiw:kîskwêhkwasiski VAIw "s/he is given to sleep-walking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêhkwasiw:kîskwêhkwasi VAIw "s/he talks in his/her sleep, s/he walks in his/her sleep" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêhkwasîhkâsow:kîskwêhkwasîhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to be sleep-walking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêhpinêw:kîskwêhpinê VAIw "s/he is delirious" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêhtâkwan:kîskwêhtâkwan VIIn "it is a maddening sound" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîskwêmêw:kîskwêm VTA "s/he drives s.o. crazy by his/her own foolish talk" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîskwêpêhêw:kîskwêpêh VTA "s/he gets s.o. drunk" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîskwêpêhkâsow:kîskwêpêhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to be drunk" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêpêskâkow:kîskwêpêskaw VTA "it makes s.o. drunk" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîskwêpêskiw:kîskwêpêski VAIw "s/he is a drunkard; s/he drinks habitually, s/he gets drunk all the time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêpêw:kîskwêpê VAIw "s/he is drunk" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêpiw:kîskwêpi VAIw "s/he sits reeling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêsin:kîskwêsin3 VAIn "s/he loses his/her senses in a fall or accident; s/he is disoriented from falling" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kîskwêw:kîskwê VAIw "s/he is mentally disturbed, s/he is mad, s/he is crazy, s/he is insane, s/he is out of his/her mind; s/he is silly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêwinâkosiw:kîskwêwinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks crazy, s/he appears crazy; s/he looks foolish, s/he appears foolish" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêwinâkwan:kîskwêwinâkwan VIIn "it looks foolish, it appears foolish" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîskwêyâpamow:kîskwêyâpamo VAIw "s/he is dizzy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêyâtisiw:kîskwêyâtisi VAIw "s/he is wild and giddy; s/he is mentally deranged, s/he is of a crazy nature" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîskwêyêyihtam:kîskwêyêyihta VTIm "s/he is disturbed (by worry or sadness)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsokêw:kîsokê VAIw "s/he completes his/her own dwelling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsopwêni-pipon:kîsopwêni-pipon VIIn "it is a mild winter" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîsopwêw:kîsopwê VIIw "it is warm weather, it is hot weather" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsopwêyâw:kîsopwêyâ VIIw "it is warmish weather" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsôcihcêw:kîsôcihcê VAIw "s/he has warm hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsôhêw:kîsôh VTA "s/he keeps s.o. warm (as with a blanket)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîsôhkwâmiw:kîsôhkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps warmly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsôhpîhkêw:kîsôhpîhkê VAIw "s/he makes water from snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsôhtâw:kîsôhtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. warm (e.g. house, by insulating)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kîsônam:kîsôna VTIm "s/he warms s.t. (by holding)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîsônêw:kîsôn VTA "s/he warms s.o. (by holding)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîsôsimêw:kîsôsim VTA "s/he lies s.o. down and covers him warmly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîsôsimow:kîsôsimo VAIw "s/he is lying warmly (in bed)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsôsitêw:kîsôsitê VAIw "s/he has warm feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsôsiw:kîsôsi VAIw "s/he is warm, s/he is warmed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsôskawêw:kîsôskaw VTA "s/he warms s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîsôwahêw:kîsôwah VTA "s/he places s.o. so as to warm him; s/he dresses s.o. warmly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîsôwahow:kîsôwaho VAIw "s/he dresses warmly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsôwahpisow:kîsôwahpiso VAIw "s/he has a warm scarf, s/he wears a warm scarf" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsôwâkamin:kîsôwâkamin VIIn "it is warm (as liquid)" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîsôwâw:kîsôwâ VIIw "it is warm, it is warmed; it provides warmth" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: also kîsiwâw kîsôwâyâw:kîsôwâyâ VIIw "it is warm weather; it is mild" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsôwihkasow:kîsôwihkaso VAIw "s/he warms him/herself by fire, s/he keeps him/herself warm by fire" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsôwiyawêw:kîsôwiyawê VAIw "s/he has a warm body" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîspinacikêmakan:kîspinacikêmakan VIIn "it earns; it receives in return" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîspinacikêw:kîspinacikê VAIw "s/he earns money, wages; s/he receives, s/he reaps in return" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîspinamâkosiw:kîspinamâkosi VAIw "s/he is rewarded (for his/her own deeds)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîspinatam:kîspinata VTIm "s/he earns enough to buy s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîspinatamawêw:kîspinatamaw VTA "s/he earns (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîspinatêw:kîspinat3 VTA "s/he earns enough to buy s.o. (e.g. horse)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîspisiw:kîspisi VAIw "s/he is chapped, s/he is rough" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîsponêw:kîsponê VIIw "it is full" ; ! AEW: VII-v kîsposkâkow:kîsposkaw VTA "it filled s.o. up, it was a filling meal for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîspow:kîspo VAIw "s/he is full, s/he has enough to eat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîspôhêw:kîspôh VTA "s/he makes s.o. full, s/he feeds s.o. until full, s/he gets s.o. (e.g. horse) fully fed, s/he gives s.o. enough to eat" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîspôhisow:kîspôhiso VAIw "s/he gives him/herself enough to eat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîtimihkawisiw:kîtimihkawisi VAIw "s/he has a sore place on his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîtiskawêw:kîtiskaw VTA "s/he hurts s.o.'s sore place by stepping on him" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîwâcihêw:kîwâcih VTA "s/he makes s.o. an orphan" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîwâtan:kîwâtan VIIn "it is a lonely, desolate area" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîwâtêyihtam:kîwâtêyihta VTIm "s/he feels lonely, alone" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîwâtêyimêw:kîwâtêyim VTA "s/he feels sorry for s.o., s/he feels s.o. is alone" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîwâtêyimow:kîwâtêyimo VAIw "s/he feels lonely and depressed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwâtisiw:kîwâtisi VAIw "s/he is orphaned, s/he is an orphan" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêcimêw:kîwêcimê VAIw "s/he goes home by boat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêcitâpâtam:kîwêcitâpâta VTIm "s/he drags s.t. home" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîwêcitâpâtêw:kîwêcitâpât3 VTA "s/he drags s.o. home" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîwêcitâpêw:kîwêcitâpê VAIw "s/he drags (something) home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêciwan:kîwêciwan VIIn "the tide is going out; it flows northward" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîwêhâw:kîwêhâ VAIw "s/he flies back; s/he flies home, s/he goes home by plane" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêhow:kîwêho VAIw "s/he goes home (by water)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêhoyêw:kîwêhoy VTA "s/he takes s.o. home (by water)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîwêhtacikêw:kîwêhtacikê VAIw "s/he takes things home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêhtahêw:kîwêhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. home, s/he carries s.o. back home" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: inanimate actor: it takes s.o. back, it reminds s.o. of bygone days kîwêhtahiskwêwêw:kîwêhtahiskwêwê VAIw "he takes a woman home with him" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêhtahisow:kîwêhtahiso VAIw "s/he takes him/herself home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêhtahiwêw:kîwêhtahiwê VAIw "s/he takes people home with him/her" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêhtatamawêw:kîwêhtatamaw VTA "s/he takes (it/him) home for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîwêhtatâw:kîwêhtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. home, s/he carries s.t. back home with him/her" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kîwêhtin:kîwêhtin VIIn "it is a north wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n kîwêkitâsow:kîwêkitâso VAIw "s/he goes home in a huff, s/he goes home angry, upset" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêkosiw:kîwêkosi VAIw "it sets (e.g. star)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêpahêw:kîwêpah VTA "s/he takes s.o. home (by vehicle, running, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kîwêpahtâw:kîwêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs back home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêpayiw:kîwêpayi VAIw "s/he goes back home, s/he drives back home, s/he rides back home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêpiciw:kîwêpici VAIw "s/he moves camp back home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêtâpêw:kîwêtâpê VAIw "s/he drags (something) home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: ka-kîwêtâpêw kîwêtisaham:kîwêtisaha VTIm "s/he sends s.t. home" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîwêtisahwêw:kîwêtisahw VTA "s/he drives s.o. back home, s/he sends s.o. back home" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîwêtotam:kîwêtota VTIm "s/he goes back to s.t., s/he returns home to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîwêtotawêw:kîwêtotaw VTA "s/he goes back to s.o., s/he returns home to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kîwêtowatêw:kîwêtowatê VAIw "s/he carries his/her own burden (e.g. backpack) home on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêtowâtam:kîwêtowâta VTIm "s/he returns with s.t. on his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kîwêtowâtêw:kîwêtowât3 VTA "s/he returns with s.o. on his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kîwêw:kîwê VAIw "s/he goes home, s/he returns home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêyahkahwêw:kîwêyahkahw VTA "s/he pushes s.o. home by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kîwêyâmohkêw:kîwêyâmohkê VAIw "s/he scares people home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêyâmow:kîwêyâmo VAIw "s/he flees back home; s/he goes home to escape (s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwêyâsiw:kîwêyâsi VAIw "s/he is blown back home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kîwinêw:kîwinê VAIw "it gives a dying spasm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kocipayihêw:kocipayih VTA "s/he tries s.o. (e.g. motorized vehicle)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kocipayihtâw:kocipayihtâ VTIw "s/he tries s.t. (e.g. computer)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kociskâwêw:kociskâwê VAIw "s/he races; it gallops" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kocispitam:kocispita VTIm "s/he tastes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kocispitêw:kocispit3 VTA "s/he tastes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kocîhêw:kocîh VTA "s/he tries s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kocîhikowisiw:kocîhikowisi VAIw "s/he is tried by the powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kocîhtâw:kocîhtâ VTIw "s/he tries s.t., s/he tries to do s.t.; s/he fits s.t. in" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kocîw:kocî VAIw "s/he tries, s/he tries s.t.; s/he makes an effort" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplication: kâh-kocîw kohcipayihêw:kohcipayih VTA "s/he swallows s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kohcipayihtâw:kohcipayihtâ VTIw "s/he swallows s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kohtâpayihtâw:kohtâpayihtâ VTIw "s/he swallows s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kosâpahcikêw:kosâpahcikê VAIw "s/he communicates with the spirits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kosâpahtam:kosâpahta VTIm "he uses the shaking lodge; s/he knows future events; s/he finds out about s.t. through the spirits" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kosâpamêw:kosâpam VTA "s/he finds out about s.o. through the spirits" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kosâwêkocin:kosâwêkocin VAIw "s/he hangs in the air" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kosikosiw:kosikosi VAIw "s/he is heavy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kosikwan:kosikwan VIIn "it is heavy" ; ! AEW: VII-n kosikwasin:kosikwasin VIIn "it is a little heavy" ; ! AEW: VII-n kosikwatiw:kosikwati VAIw "s/he is heavy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v koskohêw:koskoh VTA "s/he surprises s.o., s/he startles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 koskohiwêw:koskohiwê VAIw "s/he startles people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v koskomêw:koskom VTA "s/he startles s.o. by a call" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 koskonêw:koskon VTA "s/he wakes s.o. up, s/he startles s.o. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 koskopayihtâw:koskopayihtâ VTIw "s/he shakes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 koskopayiw:koskopayi VAIw "s/he wakes up; it bursts; it goes loose; it shakes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v koskopayiw:koskopayi VIIw "it bursts" ; ! AEW: VII-v koskopitam:koskopita VTIm "s/he shakes s.t. by a pull" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 koskopitêw:koskopit3 VTA "s/he shakes s.o. to awaken" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 koskoskoham:koskoskoha VTIm "s/he juggles s.t. with a stick" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 koskoskonêw:koskoskon VTA "s/he startles s.o. awake, s/he wakes s.o. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 koskoskopayiw:koskoskopayi VIIw "it goes loose, it shakes" ; ! AEW: VII-v koskoskopitam:koskoskopita VTIm "s/he shakes s.t. by a pull" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 koskoskoyahkahwêw:koskoskoyahkahw VTA "s/he prods s.o. awake" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 koskoskwaham:koskoskwaha VTIm "s/he makes a startling noise on s.t. by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 koskoskwâw:koskoskwâ VIIw "it rocks a bit (e.g. boat)" ; ! AEW: VII-v koskowâtan:koskowâtan VIIn "it is all quiet and in order" ; ! AEW: VII-n koskowâtapiw:koskowâtapi VAIw "s/he sits still, s/he sits quietly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v koskowâtêyihtâkwan:koskowâtêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is quiet, it is tranquil" ; ! AEW: VII-n koskowêpinêw:koskowêpin VTA "s/he shakes s.o. to awaken; s/he jiggles s.o.'s bed to awaken" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 koskowihêw:koskowih VTA "s/he startles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 koskoyahkahwêw:koskoyahkahw VTA "s/he prods s.o. awake" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 koskwaham:koskwaha VTIm "s/he makes a startling noise on s.t. by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 koskwâpisin:koskwâpisin3 VAIn "s/he is startled by the sight of something" ; ! AEW: VAI-n koskwêyihtam:koskwêyihta VTIm "s/he is surprised by or at s.t.; s/he has inspiring thoughts about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 koskwêyimêw:koskwêyim VTA "s/he is surprised by or at s.o.; s/he has frightening thoughts about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kospâhtawîw:kospâhtawî VAIw "s/he goes upstairs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kospâpêkinêw:kospâpêkin VTA "s/he pulls s.o. away, s/he pulls s.o. out by a line" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kospihtahêw:kospihtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. up a bank" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kospihtatâw:kospihtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. up a bank" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kospiwêpinêw:kospiwêpin VTA "s/he flings s.o. off" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kospîw:kospî VAIw "s/he goes off (into the woods); s/he goes away from the water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kospohtahêw:kospohtah VTA "s/he carries s.o. away from water" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kospohtêw:kospohtê VAIw "s/he walks away from the water, s/he walks up a bank and into the trees" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kostam:kosta VTIm "s/he fears s.t., s/he is afraid of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kostâcihkwâmiw:kostâcihkwâmi VAIw "s/he has a nightmare" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kostâcikosiw:kostâcikosi VAIw "s/he is frightening, s/he is scarey" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kostâcinâkosiw:kostâcinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks frightening" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kostâcinâkwan:kostâcinâkwan VIIn "it looks frightening" ; ! AEW: VII-n kostâciyawêw:kostâciyawê VAIw "s/he is in fear" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kostâcîskawêw:kostâcîskaw VTA "s/he frightens s.o. by going to that one" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kostâcîskiw:kostâcîski VAIw "s/he is easily frightened" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kostâcîw:kostâcî VAIw "s/he is afraid, s/he is frightened" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kostâmikwan:kostâmikwan VIIn "it is a blizzard" ; ! AEW: VII-n kostâtêyihtâkosiw:kostâtêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is feared, s/he is frightening" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kostâtêyihtâkwan:kostâtêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is feared, it is frightening" ; ! AEW: VII-n kostâtikosiw:kostâtikosi VAIw "s/he is terrible, s/he is fearful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kostâtikwan:kostâtikwan VIIn "it is fearsome, it is awe-inspiring; it is scarey" ; ! AEW: VII-n 1:kost3 VTA "s/he fears s.o., s/he is afraid of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-5 kostitowak:kostito VAIw_PL "they frighten one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotahâskwâtam:kotahâskwâta VTIm "s/he uses s.t. as a target; s/he aims at s.t., s/he shoots at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kotahâskwâtêw:kotahâskwât3 VTA "s/he uses s.o. as a target; s/he aims at s.o., s/he shoots at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kotahâskwêw:kotahâskwê VAIw "s/he shoots at a target; s/he tries target-shooting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotahpisow:kotahpiso VAIw "s/he tries tying him/herself, s/he tries on a belt" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotapinam:kotapina VTIm "s/he overturns s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kotapinêw:kotapin VTA "s/he overturns s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kotapipayiw:kotapipayi VAIw "s/he overturns while riding in a vehicle (or boat)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotapiskam:kotapiska VTIm "s/he overturns s.t. by stepping into a boat" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kotapîw:kotapî VAIw "s/he overturns, s/he turns over, s/he tips over" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotawêw:kotawê VAIw "s/he builds a fire" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotâpacihtâw:kotâpacihtâ VTIw "s/he tries using s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kotâwahcinam:kotâwahcina VTIm "s/he sinks into s.t. as s/he steps" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kotâwaskamikîw:kotâwaskamikî VAIw "s/he sinks into the ground" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotâwinam:kotâwina VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. under (out of sight)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kotâwinêw:kotâwin VTA "s/he makes s.o. sink into the ground; s/he pushes s.o. underground (out of sight)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kotâwinêw:kotâwin VTA "s/he makes s.o. sink into the ground; s/he pushes s.o. underground (out of sight) ;; s/he immerses s.o. in liquid" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kotâwipayiw:kotâwipayi VAIw "s/he sinks into the ground (e.g. soft mud)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotâwîw:kotâwî VAIw "s/he sinks into the ground; it digs him/herself under soil (e.g. a turtle)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotêskâmow:kotêskâmo VAIw "s/he flees to shelter" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotêyihtam:kotêyihta VTIm "s/he tries s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kotikonam:kotikona VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. back" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kotikonêw:kotikon VTA "s/he dislocates s.o., s/he cripples s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kotikonikâtêw:kotikonikâtê VIIw "it is pulled back" ; ! AEW: VII-v kotikopayiw:kotikopayi VAIw "s/he sprains him/herself while running" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotikopitêw:kotikopit3 VTA "s/he dislocates s.o. (while wrestling)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kotikosin:kotikosin3 VAIn "s/he sprains (a joint), s/he puts his/her own joint out of place; s/he falls breaking a limb" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kotikoswêw:kotikosw VTA "s/he cuts a limb from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kotinam:kotina VTIm "s/he tests s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kotinêw:kotin VTA "s/he tests s.o. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kotiskam:kotiska VTIm "s/he tries s.t. on (e.g. article of clothing); s/he tries stepping on or into s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kotiskawêw:kotiskaw VTA "s/he tries s.o. on (e.g. article of clothing); s/he tries going with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kotiskâwêw:kotiskâwê VAIw "s/he races; it gallops" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kotispitam:kotispita VTIm "s/he samples s.t. (as food), s/he tastes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kotispitêw:kotispit3 VTA "s/he tastes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kotokonam:kotokona VTIm "s/he sprains his/her own hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kotokosin:kotokosin3 VAIn "s/he sprains, s/he dislocates s.t. (from falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kotokositêw:kotokositê VAIw "s/he has a club-foot, s/he is club-footed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kôkiyâhokow:kôkiyâhoko VAIw "s/he is drawn under by current or waves" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kôkînam:kôkîna VTIm "s/he holds s.t. underwater" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kôkîpayihow:kôkîpayiho VAIw "s/he dives quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kôkîpayiw:kôkîpayi VAIw "s/he goes underwater" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kôkîw:kôkî VAIw "s/he dives" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kôniwan:kôniwan VIIn "it is covered with snow, there is snow on the ground" ; ! AEW: VII-n kôniwiw:kôniwi VIIw "it is snowy; it is covered with snow" ; ! AEW: VII-v kôtamâw:kôtamâ VAIw "s/he is in want" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kôtawêyihtam:kôtawêyihta VTIm "s/he misses s.t., s/he longs for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kôtawêyimêw:kôtawêyim VTA "s/he misses s.o., s/he longs for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwatapinam:kwatapina VTIm "s/he tips s.t. over" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwatapinêw:kwatapin VTA "s/he tips s.o. over" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwatapipayiw:kwatapipayi VIIw "it tips over (e.g. canoe)" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwatapisimêw:kwatapisim VTA "s/he turns s.o. over, s/he tips s.o. over" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwatapiwêpinêw:kwatapiwêpin VTA "s/he flips s.o. over, s/he throws s.o. over" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwatapîw:kwatapî VIIw "it tips over (e.g. canoe)" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwatapîw:kwatapî VAIw "s/he tips over (e.g. vehicle)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayakoham:kwayakoha VTIm "s/he pries s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwayakohtitâw:kwayakohtitâ VTIw "s/he gets s.t. out by shaking" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwayakonam:kwayakona VTIm "s/he takes s.t. out by hand; s/he takes s.t. out of an opening" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwayakonêw:kwayakon VTA "s/he takes s.o. out of an opening" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwayakopayin:kwayakopayin VIIn "it falls out" ; ! AEW: VII-n kwayakopitam:kwayakopita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwayakopitêw:kwayakopit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kwayakosimêw:kwayakosim VTA "s/he knocks s.o. (pipe) clean" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwayakow:kwayako VAIw "it crawls out of a hole or den" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayakwahwêw:kwayakwahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. (pipe) clean against something" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kwayakwatêhtam:kwayakwatêhta VTIm "s/he takes s.t. out of his/her own mouth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwayasitê-wêpinêw:kwayasitê-wêpin VTA "s/he tosses s.o. in" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwayasitê-yahkinêw:kwayasitê-yahkin VTA "s/he pushes s.o. into a hole" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwayasitêw:kwayasitê VAIw "s/he goes into a hole or den" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayask-ispayiw:kwayask-ispayi VIIw "it works out properly" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: also two words kwayask-itamon:kwayask-itamon VIIn "it is straight" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: also two words kwayask-itastêw:kwayask-itastê VIIw "it is proper or legal" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: also two words kwayask-itâtisiw:kwayask-itâtisi VAIw "s/he is well behaved; s/he is honest" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayask-itêyihtâkwan:kwayask-itêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is believed to be right" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: also two words kwayask-itôtam:kwayask-itôta VTIm "s/he does s.t. right" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: also two words kwayaskapiw:kwayaskapi VAIw "s/he sits properly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayaskastâw:kwayaskastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. properly" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwayaskastêw:kwayaskastê VIIw "it is right, correct" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwayaskoham:kwayaskoha VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. in place (with a pole)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwayaskohêw:kwayaskoh VTA "s/he straightens s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwayaskohtâw:kwayaskohtâ VTIw "s/he straightens s.t. out, s/he straightens the edges" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwayaskokâpawiw:kwayaskokâpawi VAIw "s/he stands straight, s/he stands tall" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayaskomohtâw:kwayaskomohtâ VTIw "s/he applies s.t. in its proper place" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwayaskopayiw:kwayaskopayi VAIw "s/he stands up properly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayaskosam:kwayaskosa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. straight" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwayaskosiw:kwayaskosi VAIw "s/he is straight; s/he stands upright" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayaskowâpiskinam:kwayaskowâpiskina VTIm "s/he straightens s.t. (metal; e.g. wire) by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwayaskwamon:kwayaskwamon VIIn "it is a straight road" ; ! AEW: VII-n kwayaskwan:kwayaskwan VIIn "it is straight; it stands upright" ; ! AEW: VII-n kwayaskwâtisiw:kwayaskwâtisi VAIw "s/he is honest and just" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayaskwâw:kwayaskwâ VIIw "it is straight (e.g. a board)" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwayâci-sikwatahikâtêw:kwayâci-sikwatahikâtê VIIw "it is previously pounded (e.g. meat); it is minute steak" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwayâcihtamawêw:kwayâcihtamaw VTA "s/he prepares (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kwayâcihtâw:kwayâcihtâ VTIw "s/he gets s.t. ready, s/he prepares s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwayâcikâpawiw:kwayâcikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands ready" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayâhikow:kwayâhiko VAIw "s/he acts quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayâhow:kwayâho VAIw "s/he hurries, s/he hurries up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayâtan:kwayâtan VIIn "it is ready" ; ! AEW: VII-n kwayâtapiw:kwayâtapi VAIw "s/he is ready, s/he sits ready" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayâtastamawêw:kwayâtastamaw VTA "s/he puts (it/him) aside in readiness for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kwayâtastamâsow:kwayâtastamâso VAIw "s/he puts (it/him) aside in readiness for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwayâtastâw:kwayâtastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. in readiness, s/he puts s.t. aside in readiness" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwayâtastêw:kwayâtastê VIIw "it is placed in readiness" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwayâtinam:kwayâtina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. ready in hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwayâtinêw:kwayâtina VTIm "s/he holds s.o. ready in hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwayâtisiw:kwayâtisi VAIw "s/he is ready" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâhciwêpinam:kwâhciwêpina VTIm "s/he flings s.t. aside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwâhciwêpinêw:kwâhciwêpin VTA "s/he flings s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwâhkonêw:kwâhkon VTA "s/he pushes s.o. over" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwâhkosow:kwâhkoso VAIw "s/he burns, s/he is burning, s/he catches on fire" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâhkotê-wêpaham:kwâhkotê-wêpaha VTIm "s/he rubs s.t. to make fire" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwâhkotênikêw:kwâhkotênikê VAIw "s/he starts a fire, s/he sets things aflame" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâhkotêw:kwâhkotê VIIw "it catches fire, it burns, it blazes, it is in flames" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwâhkowêpinêw:kwâhkowêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. into the fire" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwâhtâhotêw:kwâhtâhotê VIIw "it drifts far away" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwâhtohtêw:kwâhtohtê VAIw "s/he wanders far away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâpaham:kwâpaha VTIm "s/he dips for s.t., s/he dips s.t. up (i.e. a liquid); s/he dips s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwâpahamawêw:kwâpahamaw VTA "s/he dips water for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kwâpahikêw:kwâpahikê VAIw "s/he scoops things out, s/he scoops liquid out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâpahwêw:kwâpahw VTA "s/he scoops s.o. up (e.g. grain), s/he mines s.o. (e.g. gold)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kwâpatahwêw:kwâpatahw VTA "s/he thrashes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kwâpikamawêw:kwâpikamaw VTA "s/he fetches water for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kwâpikâkêw:kwâpikâkê VAIw "s/he uses something to dip water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâpikêw:kwâpikê VAIw "s/he goes for water; s/he draws water, s/he fetches water, s/he hauls water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâsihêw:kwâsih VTA "s/he kidnaps s.o.; s/he runs off with s.o.; s/he seduces s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwâsihtawêw:kwâsihtaw VTA "s/he steals (it/him) from s.o.; he seduces s.o.'s wife" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kwâsihtâw:kwâsihtâ VTIw "s/he runs off with s.t.; s/he runs off with s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwâsihtwâkêw:kwâsihtwâkê VAIw "s/he steals things from people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâsihtwâw:kwâsihtwâ VAIw "s/he is stolen from; s/he is seduced" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâsiskwêwêw:kwâsiskwêwê VAIw "he steals a wife for himself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâskohtitotam:kwâskohtitota VTIm "s/he jumps up for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwâskohtiw:kwâskohti VAIw "s/he jumps, s/he makes a jump" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâskwahamawêw:kwâskwahamaw VTA "s/he knocks (it/him) into the air for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kwâskwâskinatowêw:kwâskwâskinatowê VAIw "s/he plays lacrosse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâskwâskohtiw:kwâskwâskohti VAIw "s/he jumps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâskwâskwêpayihow:kwâskwâskwêpayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself leaping" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâskwêkocin:kwâskwêkocin3 VAIn "s/he leaps, s/he speeds through the air; s/he jumps from fright" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kwâskwêkotêw:kwâskwêkotê VIIw "it jumps up, it leaps up" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwâskwêpahwêw:kwâskwêpahw VTA "s/he tosses s.o. by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kwâskwêpayihow:kwâskwêpayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself leaping; s/he jumps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâskwêpayiw:kwâskwêpayi VAIw "s/he leaps; it bounces" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâskwêpicikêw:kwâskwêpicikê VAIw "s/he angles, s/he fishes (with rod and reel)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâskwêpimosinêw:kwâskwêpimosin VTA "s/he throws s.t. far" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwâskwêpitam:kwâskwêpita VTIm "s/he catches s.t., s/he grabs s.t.; s/he hooks s.t., s/he jerks s.t. quickly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwâskwêpitamawêw:kwâskwêpitamaw VTA "s/he angles for s.o., s/he catches fish for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kwâskwêpitêw:kwâskwêpit3 VTA "s/he catches s.o., s/he grabs s.o.; s/he hooks s.o., s/he jerks s.o. quickly (e.g. catching a fish)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kwâskwêpitisow:kwâskwêpitiso VAIw "s/he catches him/herself on the hook" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâskwêsin:kwâskwêsin3 VAIn "s/he bounces" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kwâskwêwêpahwêw:kwâskwêwêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. aloft (by tool), s/he knocks s.o. into the air" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kwâskwêwêpinêw:kwâskwêwêpin VTA "s/he flings s.o. aloft" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwâskwêyâciwasow:kwâskwêyâciwaso VAIw "it is at a full boil (e.g. kettle)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwâskwêyâstitâw:kwâskwêyâstitâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. flare up in the wind" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwêcihkêmow:kwêcihkêmo VAIw "s/he asks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskaham:kwêskaha VTIm "s/he changes s.t.'s position; s/he turns s.t. with a fork (as in frying meat); s/he turns s.t. (using an instrument)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêskahêw:kwêskah VTA "s/he changes s.o.'s position in lying or sitting" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwêskahwêw:kwêskahw VTA "s/he turns s.o. over (using an instrument)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kwêskakihcikêw:kwêskakihcikê VAIw "s/he changes the prices" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskakihtam:kwêskakihta VTIm "s/he changes the price of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêskakocin:kwêskakocin3 VAIn "s/he turns to the other side as s/he falls" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kwêskapatêskwêw:kwêskapatêskwê VAIw "s/he turns the meat in the kettle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskapiw:kwêskapi VAIw "s/he turns as s/he sits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskastâw:kwêskastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. turning; s/he changes the position of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwêskawêw:kwêskawê VAIw "s/he turns colour, s/he changes colour" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskâtisiw:kwêskâtisi VAIw "s/he repents; s/he changes his/her way of life" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskêyihtam:kwêskêyihta VTIm "s/he changes his/her mind (about s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêski-pimâtisiw:kwêski-pimâtisi VAIw "s/he changes his/her life" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêski-pimâtisîhêw:kwêski-pimâtisîh VTA "s/he converts s.o., s/he makes s.o. change lifestyle" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwêskihtatin:kwêskihtatin VIIn "there is a change in the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n kwêskihtâkosiw:kwêskihtâkosi VAIw "s/he sounds differently (in voice)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskihtâkwan:kwêskihtâkwan VIIn "it changes sound, it sounds differently" ; ! AEW: VII-n kwêskihtin:kwêskihtin VIIn "there is a turn in the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n kwêskihtinipayiw:kwêskihtinipayi VIIw "there is a sudden change in the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwêskikâpawiw:kwêskikâpawi VAIw "s/he turns standing; s/he turns around (when standing)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskinam:kwêskina VTIm "s/he turns s.t. over (the other way)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêskinamawêw:kwêskinamaw VTA "s/he turns (it/him) once sideways for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kwêskinâkohêw:kwêskinâkoh VTA "s/he changes s.o.'s appearance" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwêskinâkohtâw:kwêskinâkohtâ VTIw "s/he changes s.t.'s appearance" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwêskinâkosiw:kwêskinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks different, s/he looks changed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskinêw:kwêskin VTA "s/he turns s.o. over" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwêskiniskêpayihow:kwêskiniskêpayiho VAIw "s/he throws his/her own arm the other way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskipayihow:kwêskipayiho VAIw "s/he turns him/herself around, s/he throws him/herself around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskipayiw:kwêskipayi VAIw "s/he twists round" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskipayiw:kwêskipayi VIIw "it turns around; it changes suddenly" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwêskipitam:kwêskipita VTIm "s/he jerks s.t. around" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêskipitêw:kwêskipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. the other way" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 kwêskisimêw:kwêskisim VTA "s/he turns s.o. in that one's own bed" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwêskisin:kwêskisin3 VAIn "s/he turns over in bed, s/he turns as s/he lies" ; ! AEW: VAI-n kwêskiskwêpayihow:kwêskiskwêpayiho VAIw "s/he turns him/herself to face the other way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskiskwêw:kwêskiskwê VAIw "s/he turns his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskiskwêyiw:kwêskiskwêyi VAIw "s/he turns his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskiyowêw:kwêskiyowê VIIw "there is a change in the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwêskîmow:kwêskîmo VAIw "s/he changes his/her own shape or form" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskîstam:kwêskîsta VTIm "s/he turns toward s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêskîstawêw:kwêskîstaw VTA "s/he turns toward s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kwêskîw:kwêskî VAIw "s/he turns, s/he turns about, s/he turns around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskosîmêw:kwêskosîm VTA "s/he whistles to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwêskosîtotawêw:kwêskosîtotaw VTA "s/he whistles to or at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 kwêskosîw:kwêskosî VAIw "s/he whistles" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêskosîyâstan:kwêskosîyâstan VIIn "there is a whistling wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n kwêskosîyowêw:kwêskosîyowê VIIw "there is a whistle in the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwêskwêskastâw:kwêskwêskastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. turning a number of times" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwêskwêskinam:kwêskwêskina VTIm "s/he repeatedly turns s.t. the other way" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêtamâw:kwêtamâ VAIw "s/he is in need" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêtapipayiw:kwêtapipayi VAIw "s/he capsizes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêtapipayiw:kwêtapipayi VIIw "it capsizes" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwêtawêyihtam:kwêtawêyihta VTIm "s/he misses s.t., s/he is at a loss for what to do about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêtawêyimêw:kwêtawêyim VTA "s/he misses s.o., s/he wonders about s.o.'s whereabouts" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwêtawi-astâw:kwêtawi-astâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. doubtfully" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwêtawi-itwêw:kwêtawi-itwê VAIw "s/he says s.t. doubtfully, s/he is at a loss for what to say" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêtawi-tôtam:kwêtawi-tôta VTIm "s/he does s.t. hesitantly; s/he is not sure how to do s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêtawitêyihtam:kwêtawitêyihta VTIm "s/he is doubtful, s/he is not sure" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêtipahtin:kwêtipahtin VIIn "it is tipped over" ; ! AEW: VII-n kwêtipastâw:kwêtipastâ VAIw "s/he turns bottom side up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêtipawêpiskam:kwêtipawêpiska VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. over" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêtipâhotêw:kwêtipâhotê VIIw "it is tipped over by the current or waves" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwêtipâskonam:kwêtipâskona VTIm "s/he turns s.t. over" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêtipâskonêw:kwêtipâskon VTA "s/he turns s.o. over" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwêtipinam:kwêtipina VTIm "s/he rolls s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêtipinêw:kwêtipin VTA "s/he rolls s.o. over and over (e.g. a tree)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwêtipipayihow:kwêtipipayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself over to one side" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêtipipayiw:kwêtipipayi VIIw "it rolls over by itself" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwêtipiskwênêw:kwêtipiskwên VTA "s/he turns s.o.'s head to one side for that one" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwêtipiwêpaham:kwêtipiwêpaha VTIm "s/he rolls s.t. over (with a pole)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwêtipiwêpahwêw:kwêtipiwêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. over to one side; s/he upsets s.o., s/he rolls s.o. over (with a pole)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 kwêyâtapiw:kwêyâtapi VAIw "s/he is ready" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwêyâtisiw:kwêyâtisi VAIw "s/he is ready" ; ! AEW: VAI-v kwîhtawêyihcikâtêw:kwîhtawêyihcikâtê VIIw "it is missed, it is in short supply" ; ! AEW: VII-v kwîhtawêyihtam:kwîhtawêyihta VTIm "s/he misses s.t., s/he yearns for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwîhtawêyimêw:kwîhtawêyim VTA "s/he misses s.o., s/he yearns for s.o., s/he pines for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 kwîtâpacihtâw:kwîtâpacihtâ VTIw "s/he is short of s.t. to use; s/he lacks tools" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 kwîtonam:kwîtona VTIm "s/he seeks s.t. in vain" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 kwîtonêw:kwîton VTA "s/he seeks s.o. in vain" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mac-âcimêw:maci-âcim VTA "s/he tells bad things of s.o., s/he tells hurtful gossip of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mac-âcimoskiw:maci-âcimoski VAIw "s/he always tells bad news, s/he is in the habit of telling hurtful gossip" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mac-âcimow:maci-âcimo VAIw "s/he tells bad news" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mac-âyisiw:maci-ayisi VAIw "s/he is bad, s/he is devilish; s/he is temperamental, cruel, wicked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mac-âyisiwiw:maci-ayisiwi VAIw "s/he is a devil, he is the Devil" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mac-âyiwiw:maci-ayiwi VAIw "s/he is bad, s/he is mean, s/he is evil, s/he is wicked, s/he is a wicked person; s/he has a bad temper; s/he is a dangerous being" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macan:macan VIIn "it is bad, it is evil, it is ugly" ; ! AEW: VII-n macâcisiw:macâcisi VAIw "s/he is wicked, s/he is a sinner" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macâhpinêw:macâhpinê VAIw "s/he has a sexually transmitted disease (STD), s/he has a venereal disease (VD), s/he has a bad disease" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macâpahtam:macâpahta VTIm "s/he dislikes the look of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 macâpamêw:macâpam VTA "s/he dislikes the look of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 macâpisin:macâpisin3 VAIn "s/he disapproves of what s/he sees" ; ! AEW: VAI-n macâspinêw:macâspinê VAIw "s/he has a sexually transmitted disease (STD), s/he has venereal disease (VD); s/he has a bad disease" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macâtisiw:macâtisi VAIw "s/he is bad, s/he is evil, s/he is wicked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macêyihtam:macêyihta VTIm "s/he despises s.t., s/he hates s.t.; s/he is suspicious of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 macêyihtâkosiw:macêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is mean, s/he is nasty, s/he is despicable" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macêyihtâkwan:macêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is despicable, it is shameful" ; ! AEW: VII-n macêyimêw:macêyim VTA "s/he thinks s.o. to be of no account, s/he hates s.o.; s/he suspects s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 maci-isîhcikêw:maci-isîhcikê VAIw "s/he does wicked things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maci-iskwêwiw:maci-iskwêwi VAIw "she is a bad woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maci-itêw:maci-it3 VTA "s/he tells bad things about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 maci-itêyihtam:maci-itêyihta VTIm "s/he suspects evil, s/he thinks evil" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 maci-itwêw:maci-itwê VAIw "s/he uses profane language" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maci-kîsikâw:maci-kîsikâ VIIw "it is bad weather, it is a bad day" ; ! AEW: VII-v maci-manitowan:maci-manitowan VIIn "it is devilish; it has evil spirits" ; ! AEW: VII-n maci-manitowêyihtam:maci-manitowêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks evil" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 maci-manitôwiw:maci-manitôwi VAIw "s/he is evil, s/he is devilish; s/he is the Devil" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maci-nâpêsisiwiw:maci-nâpêsisiwi VAIw "he is a bad boy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maci-nâpêwiw:maci-nâpêwi VAIw "he is a bad man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maci-pawâmiw:maci-pawâmi VAIw "s/he has an evil dream spirit; s/he has a bad dream, s/he has a nightmare" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maci-pîkiskwêw:maci-pîkiskwê VAIw "s/he speaks evil, s/he uses bad language" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maci-wêpisiw:maci-wêpisi VAIw "s/he behaves badly, s/he is bad" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macihitowak:macihito VAIw_PL "they do ill to one another (i.e. with bad medicine)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macihow:maciho VAIw "s/he has his/her things in a mess; s/he has a tendency to be lewd" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macihtiw:macihti VAIw "s/he sins, s/he commits sin" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macihtwâw:macihtwâ VAIw "s/he uses bad medicine, s/he is an evil person; s/he is of a bad disposition" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macikosisâniwiw:macikosisâniwi VAIw "he is a bad son" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macikwanâsiwan:macikwanâsiwan VIIn "it is weedy; it is piled with rubbish" ; ! AEW: VII-n macinâkosiw:macinâkosi VAIw "s/he is ugly in appearance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macinâkwan:macinâkwan VIIn "it looks bad, it is ugly in appearance" ; ! AEW: VII-n macipakoskâw:macipakoskâ VIIw "it is infested with weeds, there are many weeds" ; ! AEW: VII-v macipayin:macipayin VIIn "it goes ill, it runs poorly, it runs improperly" ; ! AEW: VII-n macipayiw:macipayi VAIw "s/he fares ill, s/he drives poorly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macispakosiw:macispakosi VAIw "it tastes bad, it tastes awful, it has a bad taste" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macispakwan:macispakwan VIIn "it tastes bad, it tastes awful, it has a bad taste" ; ! AEW: VII-n macitêhêw:macitêhê VAIw "s/he is cruel and unkind, s/he has a wicked heart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macitônêw:macitônê VAIw "s/he has a foul mouth; s/he swears continually" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macostêham:macostêha VTIm "s/he throws s.t. into the fire, s/he puts s.t. to burn" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 macostêhwêw:macostêhw VTA "s/he throws s.o. into the fire, s/he puts s.o. to burn" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 macostêpayiw:macostêpayi VAIw "s/he falls into the fire" ; ! AEW: VAI-v macostêwêpaham:macostêwêpaha VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. into the fire (with a pole)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 macostêwêpahwêw:macostêwêpahw VTA "s/he pushes s.o. into the fire (with a pole)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 macostêwêpinam:macostêwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. into the fire" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 macostêwêpinêw:macostêwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. into the fire" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 macostiwêham:macostiwêha VTIm "s/he throws s.t. in the fire, s/he lights s.t. up with fire" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mahihkaniwiw:mahihkaniwi VAIw "s/he is a wolf" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkacâpiw:mahkacâpi VAIw "s/he has large eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkahkohkâkêw:mahkahkohkâkê VAIw "s/he makes barrels from s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkahkohkêw:mahkahkohkê VAIw "s/he makes barrels" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkasâkêw:mahkasâkê VAIw "s/he has a large coat, s/he wears a large coat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkasâmêw:mahkasâmê VAIw "s/he has large snowshoes, s/he wears large snowshoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkasinaham:mahkasinaha VTIm "s/he writes s.t. large" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mahkasinahikêw:mahkasinahikê VAIw "s/he writes large" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkaskisinêw:mahkaskisinê VAIw "s/he has large shoes, s/he wears large shoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkastâw:mahkastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. in a large pile" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mahkastêwa:mahkastê VIIw_PL "they are placed in a large quantity" ; ! AEW: VII-v mahkastisêw:mahkastisê VAIw "s/he has large mitts, s/he wears large mitts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkastotinêw:mahkastotinê VAIw "s/he has a large hat, s/he wears a large hat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkatayêw:mahkatayê VAIw "s/he has a large stomach, belly; she is far along in her pregnancy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkatâhtam:mahkatâhta VTIm "s/he gives a deep sigh" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mahkatâmow:mahkatâmo VAIw "s/he sighs deeply" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkâhan:mahkâhan VIIn "it is rough, it is wavy" ; ! AEW: VII-n mahkâpiskâw:mahkâpiskâ VIIw "it is a large piece of metal; there are many large rocks about" ; ! AEW: VII-v mahkâpitêw:mahkâpitê VAIw "s/he has large teeth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkâskwêyâw:mahkâskwêyâ VIIw "there is a big grove" ; ! AEW: VII-v mahkâyowêw:mahkâyowê VAIw "s/he has a large tail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkêsîskâw:mahkêsîskâ VIIw "there are many foxes around" ; ! AEW: VII-v mahki-miyêsâpiwinêw:mahki-miyêsâpiwinê VAIw "s/he has large eyelashes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkicihcêw:mahkicihcê VAIw "s/he has large hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkihkwêw:mahkihkwê VAIw "s/he has a large face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkihtawakêw:mahkihtawakê VAIw "s/he has large ears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkikamâw:mahkikamâ VIIw "it is a large body of water" ; ! AEW: VII-v mahkikasêw:mahkikasê VAIw "s/he has large nails, it has large hooves or claws" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkikâtêw:mahkikâtê VAIw "s/he has large legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkikotêw:mahkikotê VAIw "s/he has a large nose; s/he has a large beak" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkikwayawêw:mahkikwayawê VAIw "s/he has a large neck" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkipakâw:mahkipakâ VIIw "there are big leaves; the leaves are big" ; ! AEW: VII-v mahkipitonêw:mahkipitonê VAIw "s/he has large arms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkipwâmêw:mahkipwâmê VAIw "s/he has large thighs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkisitêw:mahkisitê VAIw "s/he has large feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkiskam:mahkiska VTIm "s/he makes big footprints or tracks, s/he makes a big footprint (on s.t.); s/he stretches s.t. (e.g. clothing) through wear" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mahkisôkanêw:mahkisôkanê VAIw "s/he has a large derriere or bum" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkistikwânêw:mahkistikwânê VAIw "s/he has a large head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkitiyêw:mahkitiyê VAIw "s/he has a large bum, buttocks, derriere" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkitohtôsimêw:mahkitohtôsimê VAIw "she has large breasts; it has large teats" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahkitônêw:mahkitônê VAIw "s/he has a large mouth, s/he has a big mouth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mahyakohêw:mahyakoh VTA "s/he gives s.o. bad luck" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mahyakomêw:mahyakom VTA "s/he gives s.o. bad luck by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mahyakosiw:mahyakosi VAIw "s/he has bad luck; s/he is under evil influence" ; ! AEW: VAI-v makosêhiwêw:makosêhiwê VAIw "s/he gives a feast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v makosêw:makosê VAIw "s/he feasts; s/he has a feast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamahkâhan:mamahkâhan VIIn "it is rough water, it is wavy water" ; ! AEW: VII-n mamahkâpôwêw:mamahkâpôwê VAIw "she has much milk (e.g. a cow)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamahkâskâw:mamahkâskâ VIIw "it runs in big waves, there are large waves" ; ! AEW: VII-v mamahkipakâw:mamahkipakâ VIIw "it has large leaves, the leaves are large" ; ! AEW: VII-v mamahkisitêw:mamahkisitê VAIw "s/he has big feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamâhcikokanêpayiw:mamâhcikokanêpayi VAIw "s/he is crippled by arthritis; s/he wobbles when walking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamâhcikonam:mamâhcikona VTIm "s/he holds s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mamâhcikonêw:mamâhcikon VTA "s/he holds s.o. down, s/he holds s.o. immobile" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mamâhcikwahpitam:mamâhcikwahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mamâhcikwahpitêw:mamâhcikwahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mamâhpinêw:mamâhpinê VAIw "s/he moans in pain, s/he groans in pain repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamâhtâkosiw:mamâhtâkosi VAIw "s/he is glad; s/he is gifted, s/he is spiritually talented" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamâhtâwêyihtam:mamâhtâwêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks s.t. strange, supernatural or extraordinary" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mamâhtâwêyihtawêw:mamâhtâwêyihtaw VTA "s/he hears s.o. with surprise, s/he thinks s.o. strange, supernatural or extraordinary" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mamâhtâwêyihtâkosiw:mamâhtâwêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is thought strange, s/he is thought supernatural or extraordinary" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamâhtâwêyihtâkwan:mamâhtâwêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is thought strange, it is thought supernatural or extraordinary" ; ! AEW: VII-n mamâhtâwêyimêw:mamâhtâwêyim VTA "s/he thinks s.o. is strange, s/he thinks s.o. is supernatural or extraordinary; s/he thinks s.o. is a genius" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mamâhtâwinâkosiw:mamâhtâwinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks strange, s/he looks wondrous, s/he looks supernatural" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamâhtâwinâkwan:mamâhtâwinâkwan VIIn "it looks strange and wonderful" ; ! AEW: VII-n mamâhtâwisiw:mamâhtâwisi VAIw "s/he has supernatural power, s/he is gifted spiritually; s/he does magic" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamâhtâwisîhcikêw:mamâhtâwisîhcikê VAIw "s/he performs extraordinary feats, s/he makes extraordinary things; s/he performs miracles" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamâhtâwisîhow:mamâhtâwisîho VAIw "s/he dresses oddly, s/he dresses strangely; s/he dresses for ceremonial purposes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamâkonam:mamâkona VTIm "s/he kneads, s/he kneads s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mamâkonikêw:mamâkonikê VAIw "s/he kneads, s/he presses things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamâkwahcikêw:mamâkwahcikê VAIw "s/he chews continually (e.g. a cow with her cud)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamâkwahtam:mamâkwahta VTIm "s/he chews s.t. continually (e.g. a cow with her cud)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mamâkwamêw:mamâkwam VTA "s/he chews s.o. continually" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mamâyîw:mamâyî VAIw "s/he is poor at s.t., s/he does s.t. poorly; s/he is inefficient" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamêciminêw:mamêcimin VTA "s/he holds s.o. fast" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: cf. /micim-/ mamêhcikâpahtam:mamêhcikâpahta VTIm "s/he stares in awe at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mamêhcikâpamêw:mamêhcikâpam VTA "s/he stares in awe at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mamêhkocinêw:mamêhkocinê VAIw "s/he goes bare-legged" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamênaskwâw:mamênaskwâ VIIw "it is partly cloudy" ; ! AEW: VII-v mamêsiwan:mamêsiwan VIIn "it is scarce" ; ! AEW: VII-n mamihcihêw:mamihcih VTA "s/he gladdens s.o. through deed or accomplishment, s/he boasts about s.o.; s/he makes s.o. proud" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mamihcihtam:mamihcihta VTIm "s/he praises s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mamihcimêw:mamihcim VTA "s/he praises s.o., s/he boasts about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mamihcimisow:mamihcimiso VAIw "s/he brags about him/herself, s/he boasts about him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamihcimoskiw:mamihcimoski VAIw "s/he is boastful, s/he brags all the time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamihcimostamawêw:mamihcimostamaw VTA "s/he boasts about (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mamihcimow:mamihcimo VAIw "s/he boasts, s/he brags about him/herself, s/he is boastful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamihcisiw:mamihcisi VAIw "s/he is proud" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamisimêw:mamisim VTA "s/he tells on s.o., s/he tattle on s.o., s/he rats on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mamisîtotam:mamisîtota VTIm "s/he trusts in s.t., s/he depends on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mamisîtotawêw:mamisîtotaw VTA "s/he relies on s.o., s/he depends on s.o.; s/he places spiritual hope in s.o.; s/he trusts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mamisîw:mamisî VAIw "s/he relies on (it/him), s/he places reliance, s/he places dependence and trust on (it/him); s/he places spiritual hope" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamiyawihtam:mamiyawihta VTIm "s/he hears well" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mamiyôsêw:mamiyôsê VAIw "she is a good breeder (e.g. cow), s/he is fertile; he is virile; s/he makes good offspring" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamiywêyimêw:mamiywêyim VTA "s/he desires s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mamîskonêw:mamîskon VTA "s/he finds s.o. with his/her hand; s/he gropes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mamôhcw-âyihtiw:mamôhcw-âyihti VAIw "s/he is retarded; s/he is silly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mamwêsahkîw:mamwêsahkî VAIw "s/he goes naked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manaham:manaha VTIm "s/he skims s.t., s/he skims s.t. off a liquid" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 manahipêmâtam:manahipêmâta VTIm "s/he skims fat off s.t. (e.g. a liquid)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 manahipêmêw:manahipêmê VAIw "s/he skims off the fat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manahiskowêw:manahiskowê VAIw "s/he collects spruce gum" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manahkwatatahwêw:manahkwatatahw VTA "s/he peels s.o. (as bark from a tree)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 manahow:manaho VAIw "s/he takes, s/he gathers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manahyapêw:manahyapê VAIw "s/he draws in the net, s/he takes up his/her net" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manakisow:manakiso VAIw "s/he distributes food (after a kill)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manaskwamêw:manaskwamê VAIw "s/he gets ice, s/he cuts ice for use" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manaspahcikanêw:manaspahcikanê VAIw "s/he uses a relish or condiment (as fat with meat)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manastimwêw:manastimwê VAIw "s/he rounds up horses, s/he selects a horse or dog; he goes on a horse-raid" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manâcihcikêw:manâcihcikê VAIw "s/he is economical, s/he saves things; s/he is miserly, s/he is stingy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manâcihêw:manâcih VTA "s/he is careful with s.o., s/he is protective about s.o., s/he avoids hurting s.o.; s/he spares s.o.; s/he respects s.o., s/he treats s.o. with respect; s/he uses s.o. carefully" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 manâcihitowak:manâcihito VAIw_PL "they are careful with one another, they are protective about one another, they avoid hurting one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manâcihtâw:manâcihtâ VTIw "s/he is careful of s.t., s/he uses s.t. carefully, s/he spares s.t., s/he treats s.t. with respect" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 manâcimêw:manâcim VTA "s/he is careful how s/he speaks to s.o. out of respect; s/he avoids speaking to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 manâcimowinêw:manâcimowinê VAIw "s/he collects a story" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manâskwêw:manâskwê VAIw "s/he takes up (wooden) weapons" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manâtisihêw:manâtisih VTA "s/he spares s.o.; s/he is careful of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 manâtisihtâw:manâtisihtâ VTIw "s/he is careful of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 manâtisiw:manâtisi VAIw "s/he acts discreetly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manâwêw:manâwê VAIw "s/he takes eggs from nests, s/he gathers eggs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manêhpwâw:manêhpwâ VAIw "s/he is in want of smoking, s/he runs out of cigarettes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manêpayiw:manêpayi VAIw "s/he runs short, s/he is lacking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manêsiw:manêsi VAIw "s/he is in need of s.t., s/he is in want of s.t., s/he lacks s.t., s/he has run out of s.t.; s/he is poor" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manicôsiskâw:manicôsiskâ VIIw "there are many insects" ; ! AEW: VII-v manicôsiwan:manicôsiwan VIIn "there are many insects; it is maggoty" ; ! AEW: VII-n manihkomânêw:manihkomânê VAIw "s/he takes a knife from somewhere, s/he gets a knife" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manikâtêpitêw:manikâtêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o.'s legs off" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 manikâtêswêw:manikâtêsw VTA "s/he cuts s.o.'s legs off" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 manimisâskwatwêw:manimisâskwatwê VAIw "s/he gathers Saskatoon willows" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maninam:manina VTIm "s/he takes s.t. off with his/her fingers" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 maninêw:manin VTA "s/he takes s.o. off with his/her fingers" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 manipayiw:manipayi VAIw "it comes loose, it come off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manipayiw:manipayi VIIw "it comes loose, it comes off" ; ! AEW: VII-v manipitam:manipita VTIm "s/he obtains s.t. by pulling; s/he pulls s.t. out (e.g. tooth), s/he pulls s.t. loose, s/he pulls s.t. free, s/he tears s.t. off; s/he picks s.t. (i.e. a plant)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 manipitamawêw:manipitamaw VTA "s/he pulls (it/him) loose for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 manipitêw:manipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. (e.g. a thorn) out; s/he pulls s.o. loose" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 manipîhtwâhêw:manipîhtwâh VTA "s/he (usually) provides smokes for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 manisam:manisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t., s/he cuts s.t. to take; s/he mows s.t. (e.g. grass)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 manisamawêw:manisamaw VTA "s/he cuts (it/him) from or for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 manisâwêw:manisâwê VAIw "s/he cuts meat into strips" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manisikâtêw:manisikâtê VIIw "it is cut, it is mowed" ; ! AEW: VII-v manisikêw:manisikê VAIw "s/he mows, s/he cuts things, s/he is haying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manisosow:manisoso VAIw "s/he has a cut, s/he cuts him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maniswêw:manisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o., s/he cuts s.o. to take; s/he cuts from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ! 1: - ! 2: unspecified actor form denotes surgery: e.g. maniswâw s/he has surgery; s/he is cut manitowakêyimow:manitowakêyimo VAIw "s/he thinks him/herself blessed with spirit power" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manitowan:manitowan VIIn "it is of spirit nature, it is spiritual" ; ! AEW: VII-n manitowêyimêw:manitowêyim VTA "s/he thinks s.o. supernatural" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 manitowi-kîsikâw:manitowi-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Christmas Day" ; ! AEW: VII-v manitôhkâsow:manitôhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to have supernatural powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manitôhkêw:manitôhkê VAIw "s/he worships idols" ; ! AEW: VAI-v manitôwiw:manitôwi VAIw "s/he is a spirit; s/he has spirit power" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maniwêpaham:maniwêpaha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. off (with a stick)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 maniwêpahwêw:maniwêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. off (like nuts from a tree)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 masaskonam:masaskona VTIm "s/he gathers s.t. up wholly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 masaskonêw:masaskon VTA "s/he strips s.o. of all that one owns" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 masinaham:masinaha VTIm "s/he writes s.t.; s/he marks s.t. by tool; s/he draws s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 masinahamawêw:masinahamaw VTA "s/he writes (it) to s.o., s/he writes (it) for s.o.; s/he owes (it) it s.o., s/he owes s.o. money" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 masinahamâsow:masinahamâso VAIw "s/he writes (it) for him/herself, s/he writes him/herself; s/he draws (it) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahamâtowak:masinahamâto VAIw_PL "they write to one another; they owe one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikanihkawêw:masinahikanihkaw VTA "s/he makes a book for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 masinahikanihkâkêw:masinahikanihkâkê VAIw "s/he makes a book from s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikanihkêw:masinahikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes books, s/he publishes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikanipicikêw:masinahikanipicikê VAIw "s/he types" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikaniwiyinîwiw:masinahikaniwiyinîwi VAIw "s/he is a letter carrier, s/he is a postman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikâkêw:masinahikâkê VAIw "s/he uses (it) to write with" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikâsow:masinahikâso VAIw "it is written on; s/he is marked, it is pictured on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikâtêw:masinahikâtê VIIw "it is written on; it has writing, it has marks, it is marked, it is pictured on" ; ! AEW: VII-v masinahikêhêw:masinahikêh VTA "s/he hires s.o., s/he employs s.o., s/he gives s.o. work" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 masinahikêhiwêw:masinahikêhiwê VAIw "s/he employs people, s/he is an employer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikêhkâsow:masinahikêhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to type" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikêsiw:masinahikêsi VAIw "s/he writes a bit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikêsîsiwiw:masinahikêsîsiwi VAIw "s/he is a stenographer, s/he is an office clerk, s/he is a secretary, s/he is a writer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikêstamawêw:masinahikêstamaw VTA "s/he writes (it) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 masinahikêw:masinahikê VAIw "s/he writes, s/he writes things, s/he is literate; s/he owes; s/he takes employment; s/he gives credit; s/he gets credit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahikêwipayiw:masinahikêwipayi VAIw "s/he gets credit, s/he suddenly is allowed credit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinahwêw:masinahw VTA "s/he marks s.o., s/he pictures s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 masinâpiskahikêw:masinâpiskahikê VAIw "s/he makes marks on rocks; s/he takes pictures, s/he takes photographs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinâpiskinêw:masinâpiskin VTA "s/he marks s.o. on or as a rock" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 masinâskisow:masinâskiso VAIw "s/he is branded" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinâsow:masinâso VAIw "s/he is marked, s/he is striped; s/he is branded" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinâstêw:masinâstê VIIw "it is marked, it is striped, it is coloured" ; ! AEW: VII-v masinihtatâw:masinihtatâ VTIw "s/he traces s.t., s/he uses s.t. as a pattern" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 masinikocikêw:masinikocikê VAIw "s/he carves a pattern" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinikotam:masinikota VTIm "s/he carves s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 masinikotêw:masinikot3 VTA "s/he carves s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 masinipayiw:masinipayi VAIw "s/he has his/her picture taken; s/he is in a picture, s/he is photographed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinipêham:masinipêha VTIm "s/he paints s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 masinipêhikâtêw:masinipêhikâtê VIIw "it is painted" ; ! AEW: VII-v masinipêhikêw:masinipêhikê VAIw "s/he colours, s/he paints (things)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinipêhikotam:masinipêhikota VTIm "s/he carves s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 masinisin:masinisin3 VAIn "s/he is pictured, s/he is represented in embroidery" ; ! AEW: VAI-n masinistaham:masinistaha VTIm "s/he embroiders s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 masinistahikâkêw:masinistahikâkê VAIw "s/he uses s.t. for embroidering" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masinistahikêw:masinistahikê VAIw "s/he embroiders" ; ! AEW: VAI-v masiwêw:masiwê VAIw "s/he has sexual intercourse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskahcihêw:maskahcih VTA "s/he takes (it/him) from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 maskahtowak:maskahto VAIw_PL "they seize from one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskahtwêw:maskahtwê VAIw "s/he robs, s/he takes by force, s/he grabs, s/he seizes things (from others)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskamêw:maskam VTA "s/he grabs (it/him) from s.o., s/he robs s.o. (of it/him), s/he takes (it/him) away from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 maskatêpwêw:maskatêpwê VAIw "s/he broils on coals, s/he barbecues" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskawacistin:maskawacistin VIIn "there is a hard crust on snow" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskawahcâw:maskawahcâ VIIw "it is hard ground" ; ! AEW: VII-v maskawahkâw:maskawahkâ VIIw "it is in a hard lump (as clay)" ; ! AEW: VII-v maskawâhtikwan:maskawâhtikwan VIIn "it is hard wood" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskawâkamin:maskawâkamin VIIn "it is a strong liquid (as tea)" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskawâkonakâw:maskawâkonakâ VIIw "it is hard snow, it is hard-packed snow" ; ! AEW: VII-v maskawâkonêw:maskawâkonê VAIw "it is hard-crusted snow; it has a hard crust (as snow)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskawâpêkan:maskawâpêkan VIIn "it is strong (as twine)" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskawâpiskâw:maskawâpiskâ VIIw "it is hard metal (i.e. cast iron)" ; ! AEW: VII-v maskawâpiskisiw:maskawâpiskisi VAIw "it is hard metal (e.g. pail)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskawâsin:maskawâsin VIIn "it is quite hard" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskawâskamikâw:maskawâskamikâ VIIw "it is an area of hard ground" ; ! AEW: VII-v maskawâskatin:maskawâskatin VIIn "it is frozen hard" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskawâtisiw:maskawâtisi VAIw "s/he is strong, s/he is healthy; it is a strong creature" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskawâw:maskawâ VIIw "it is strong, it is hard" ; ! AEW: VII-v maskawihtâw:maskawihtâ VTIw "s/he hardens s.t., s/he strengthen s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 maskawisiw:maskawisi VAIw "s/he is firm, it is hard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskawisîhtâw:maskawisîhtâ VTIw "s/he strengthens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 maskawisîw:maskawisî VAIw "s/he is strong, s/he is powerful; it is trump (card), it takes the trick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskawitêhêw:maskawitêhê VAIw "s/he has a strong heart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskawîmakan:maskawîmakan VIIn "it is powerful" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskêkowan:maskêkowan VIIn "it is muskeg, it is swampy" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskihkîwan:maskihkîwan VIIn "there are medicines present, it has midicinal properties" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskihkîwâpôhkêw:maskihkîwâpôhkê VAIw "s/he makes tea; s/he makes medicine, s/he boils medicine" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskihkîwâspinêw:maskihkîwâspinê VAIw "s/he is sick through bad medicine, evil spell" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskihkîwimâkwan:maskihkîwimâkwan VIIn "it smells like medicine" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskihkîwin:maskihkîwin VIIn "it has medicinal properties" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskimotihkâkêw:maskimotihkâkê VAIw "s/he makes a bag from s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskimotihkêw:maskimotihkê VAIw "s/he makes bags" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskisinihkawêw:maskisinihkaw VTA "s/he makes moccasins or shoes for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 maskisinihkâkêw:maskisinihkâkê VAIw "s/he makes moccasins or shoes from something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskisinihkêw:maskisinihkê VAIw "s/he makes moccasins, s/he makes shoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskisiniw:maskisini VAIw "s/he has moccasins or shoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskosimow:maskosimo VAIw "s/he dances the bear dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskosîhkêw:maskosîhkê VAIw "s/he makes hay" ; ! AEW: VAI-v maskosîskâw:maskosîskâ VIIw "there is a lot of hay around" ; ! AEW: VII-v maskosîwan:maskosîwan VIIn "it is grassy" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskosîwânikamâw:maskosîwânikamâ VIIw "it is a reedy lake" ; ! AEW: VII-v maskoskâw:maskoskâ VIIw "there are many bears around" ; ! AEW: VII-v maskotêwan:maskotêwan VIIn "it is an open prairie or plain" ; ! AEW: VII-n maskotêwiyinîwiw:maskotêwiyinîwi VAIw "he is a Plains Indian" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matahkamikisiw:matahkamikisi VAIw "s/he carries on in an evil way; s/he carries on in a cheeky way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matakwan:matakwan VIIn "it is not here" ; ! AEW: VII-n matâwisipahtâw:matâwisipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs to an open area or clearing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matâwisipiciw:matâwisipici VAIw "s/he travels in the open, s/he moves camp out in the open" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matâwisipitam:matâwisipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. out into an open area or clearing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 matâwisipitêw:matâwisipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.o. out into an open area or clearing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 matâwisiw:matâwisi VAIw "s/he comes into an open area or clearing (from a trail)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matêw:mat3 VTA "he has sexual intercourse with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 matotisânihkêw:matotisânihkê VAIw "s/he builds a sweat-lodge" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matotisiw:matotisi VAIw "s/he goes into a sweat-lodge, s/he sweats him/herself; s/he takes a steam bath" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwê-âcimow:matwê-âcimo VAIw "s/he is heard from a distance telling news" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwê-kitow:matwê-kito VAIw "s/he is heard calling (as a bird) from a distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwê-mâtow:matwê-mâto VAIw "s/he cries loudly, s/he cries so as to be heard, s/he is heard crying from a distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwê-nikamow:matwê-nikamo VAIw "s/he sings loudly, s/he is heard singing from a distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwê-nipâw:matwê-nipâ VAIw "s/he snores; s/he is heard from a distance while sleeping" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwê-têpwêw:matwê-têpwê VAIw "s/he calls loudly (so as to be heard at a distance)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwêham:matwêha VTIm "s/he hammers s.t. causing a sound audible at a distance" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 matwêhikâtêw:matwêhikâtê VIIw "it is hammered, it is pounded to make a sound audible at a distance" ; ! AEW: VII-v matwêhikêw:matwêhikê VAIw "s/he bangs things, s/he hammers things, s/he is heard hammering at a distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwêhkasow:matwêhkaso VAIw "it burns audibly or visibly at a distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwêhkwâmiw:matwêhkwâmi VAIw "s/he snores, s/he sleeps loudly, s/he makes sounds while sleeping audible at a distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwêhtin:matwêhtin VIIn "it falls audibly; the sound of a door slamming is heard from a distance" ; ! AEW: VII-n matwêhtitâw:matwêhtitâ VTIw "s/he knocks s.t. on (something), s/he hits s.t. against (something); s/he drops s.t. audibly to be heard at a distance" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 matwêhwêw:matwêhw VTA "s/he bangs s.o. (e.g. drum); s/he hammers s.o., s/he pounds s.o., s/he hits s.o. audibly to be heard at a distance" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 matwêkahikêw:matwêkahikê VAIw "s/he chops noisily, s/he makes chopping sounds heard at a distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwêpitam:matwêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. audibly, s/he pulls s.t. hard and makes it snap so as to be heard at a distance" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 matwêsikêw:matwêsikê VAIw "s/he is heard shooting at a distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwêsin:matwêsin3 VAIn "s/he falls or steps audibly at a distance; s/he is heard falling down (as a clock striking is heard)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n matwêskopayiw:matwêskopayi VIIw "it cracks audibly from a distance" ; ! AEW: VII-v matwêtahikêmakan:matwêtahikêmakan VIIn "it makes detonations heard from a distance" ; ! AEW: VII-n matwêtayêhkasow:matwêtayêhkaso VAIw "it pops at the belly from heat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwêwasikêw:matwêwasikê VAIw "s/he is heard making cracklings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwêwêsikêw:matwêwêsikê VAIw "s/he is heard firing shots from a distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v matwêwêw:matwêwê VIIw "it detonates; there is an audible report of a gun heard from a distance" ; ! AEW: VII-v matwêyâpiskaham:matwêyâpiskaha VTIm "s/he strikes s.t. metal (e.g. steel triangle) so as to be heard at a distance" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 matwêyâpiskahikêw:matwêyâpiskahikê VAIw "s/he hits a steel triangle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mawapiw:mawapi VAIw "s/he visits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: sC or further eastern dialects mawimoscikâkêw:mawimoscikâkê VAIw "s/he makes an offering and entreaty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mawimoscikêw:mawimoscikê VAIw "s/he prays, s/he chants, s/he worships, s/he prays to God, s/he makes an entreaty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mawimoskiw:mawimoski VAIw "s/he cries out, wails all the time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mawimostam:mawimosta VTIm "s/he worships s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mawimostawêw:mawimostaw VTA "s/he implores s.o., s/he wails before s.o.; s/he worships s.o., s/he prays to s.o. for help, s/he exhorts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mawimow:mawimo VAIw "s/he cries out; s/he wails, s/he squeals, s/he entreats" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mawinêham:mawinêha VTIm "s/he challenges, s/he attacks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mawinêhikêw:mawinêhikê VAIw "s/he challenges" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mawinêhotowak:mawinêhoto VAIw_PL "they challenge one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mawinêhwêw:mawinêhw VTA "s/he challenges s.o. to a contest" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mawinêskomêw:mawinêskom VTA "s/he challenges s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mawisow:mawiso VAIw "s/he picks berries, s/he gathers berries; s/he gathers food (by hand above ground)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mawisôstamawêw:mawisôstamaw VTA "s/he gathers berries for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mawiswâtam:mawiswâta VTIm "s/he picks the bush clean of berries, s/he picks all the berries on the bush" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mawîhkâtam:mawîhkâta VTIm "s/he laments for s.t., s/he cries for s.t., s/he mourns for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mawîhkâtamawêw:mawîhkâtamaw VTA "s/he begs s.o. for (it/him) with tears" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mawîhkâtêw:mawîhkât3 VTA "s/he begs s.o. with tears; s/he cries for s.o., s/he mourns for s.o.; s/he is sad to see s.o. go" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mayakâpisin:mayakâpisin3 VAIn "s/he is left in surprise at the sight of it, s/he is surprised by a terrible sight" ; ! AEW: VAI-n mayâskam:mayâska VTIm "s/he passes s.t. walking" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mayâskawêw:mayâskaw VTA "s/he passes s.o. walking" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mayâwaham:mayâwaha VTIm "s/he passes s.t. by water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mayâwahwêw:mayâwahw VTA "s/he passes s.o. by water" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mâci-atoskêw:mâci-atoskê VAIw "s/he starts working" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâci-ayamihâw:mâci-ayamihâ VAIw "s/he starts praying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâci-ayamihcikêw:mâci-ayamihcikê VAIw "s/he starts reading" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâci-âhkosiw:mâci-âhkosi VAIw "s/he is getting sick; s/he is beginning labour" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâci-mîcisow:mâci-mîciso VAIw "s/he starts eating" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâci-nikamow:mâci-nikamo VAIw "s/he starts singing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâci-nipâw:mâci-nipâ VAIw "s/he starts sleeping" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâci-nîmihitow:mâci-nîmihito VAIw "s/he starts dancing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâci-pimipahtâw:mâci-pimipahtâ VAIw "s/he starts running" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâci-pîkiskwêw:mâci-pîkiskwê VAIw "s/he starts speaking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâcihtahêw:mâcihtah VTA "s/he starts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâcihtâw:mâcihtâ VTIw "s/he starts, s/he starts s.t., s/he starts to do s.t., s/he starts making s.t.; s/he begins to operate s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mâcikiw:mâciki VAIw "s/he starts to grow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâcipayihtâw:mâcipayihtâ VTIw "s/he starts s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mâcipayin:mâcipayin VIIn "it begins to run (e.g. tape-recorder), it starts to operate" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâcipayiw:mâcipayi VIIw "it starts to operate" ; ! AEW: VII-v mâcisam:mâcisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâcistan:mâcistan VIIn "it is a thawing river" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâciswêw:mâcisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. open" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mâcîhkâsow:mâcîhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to go hunting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâcîhtahêw:mâcîhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. hunting" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâcihtâniwan:mâcihtâ VTIw "it is started (e.g. construction)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mâcîpiciw:mâcîpici VAIw "s/he moves camp to hunt" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâcîtisahwêw:mâcîtisahw VTA "s/he drives s.o. to hunt" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mâcîtotawêw:mâcîtotaw VTA "s/he hunts for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mâcîw:mâcî VAIw "s/he hunts, s/he goes hunting, s/he hunts big game" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâcîwinihkêw:mâcîwinihkê VAIw "s/he organizes a hunt" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâcosiw:mâcosi VAIw "s/he cries a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâh-mêskotonamâtowak:mâh-mêskotonamâto VAIw_PL "they exchange things with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâh-mihkwaskâpiw:mâh-mihkwaskâpi VAIw "s/he has red eyes, s/he has conjunctivitis" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâh-misimêw:mâh-misim VTA "s/he reports s.o. repeatedly, s/he tells on s.o. repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâh-mînomêw:mâh-mînom VTA "s/he corrects s.o.'s behaviour or attitude" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâh-mîsaham:mâh-mîsaha VTIm "s/he mends s.t. in several places" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâh-mîsahwêw:mâh-mîsahw VTA "s/he mends s.o. in several places" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mâham:mâha VTIm "s/he canoes downriver, s/he paddles downstream, s/he rows downstream, s/he goes downstream (by canoe)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâhâpayiw:mâhâpayi VAIw "s/he drifts downstream" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhâpocikêw:mâhâpocikê VAIw "s/he drives logs, s/he floats logs downstream" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhâpokow:mâhâpoko VAIw "s/he canoes downstream" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhâpotâw:mâhâpotâ VAIw "s/he drifts logs downstream" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhâpoyow:mâhâpoyo VAIw "s/he drifts downstream" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhâpwêwêw:mâhâpwêwê VAIw "s/he paddles downstream" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhâstan:mâhâstan VIIn "it sails downstream, it is blown downstream" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâhcikonêw:mâhcikon VTA "s/he holds s.o. down (so that one is helpless)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâhcikwahpicikêw:mâhcikwahpicikê VAIw "s/he binds things, s/he ties things down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhcikwahpitam:mâhcikwahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâhcikwahpitêw:mâhcikwahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. down (so that one cannot move)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mâhipiciw:mâhipici VAIw "s/he moves camp downstream" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhiskam:mâhiska VTIm "s/he goes downstream to trading post for supplies; s/he goes to the store" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâhohtêw:mâhohtê VAIw "s/he walks downstream" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhpinêsiw:mâhpinêsi VAIw "s/he groans a little (from fear or pain)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhpinêw:mâhpinê VAIw "s/he groans in pain; s/he is cowardly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhtakoskam:mâhtakoska VTIm "s/he steps on s.t.; s/he lies on s.t.; s/he sits on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâhtakoskawêw:mâhtakoskaw VTA "s/he steps on s.o.; s/he lies on s.o.; s/he sits on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mâhtâhitowak:mâhtâhito VAIw_PL "they organize a give-away feast, they give a potlatch" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhtâhitowinihkêw:mâhtâhitowinihkê VAIw "s/he arranges a give-away feast or potlatch" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhtâwakêyimêw:mâhtâwakêyim VTA "s/he considers s.o. wondrous, s/he considers s.o. strange" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâhtâwinâkosiw:mâhtâwinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks wondrous, s/he looks strange" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhtâwinâkwan:mâhtâwinâkwan VIIn "it looks wondrous, it looks strange" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâhtâwisiw:mâhtâwisi VAIw "s/he has mysterious ways, s/he has wondrous ways, s/he has strange ways" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhtâwisîhcikêw:mâhtâwisîhcikê VAIw "s/he does things wondrously, s/he does things strangely" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhtâwitêyihtam:mâhtâwitêyihta VTIm "s/he considers s.t. wondrous, s/he considers s.t. strange" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâhtâwitêyihtâkosiw:mâhtâwitêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is known to have mysterious ways, s/he is known to have wondrous ways" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâhtâwitôtam:mâhtâwitôta VTIm "s/he performs spiritual rites, s/he does wondrous things" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâhtâwitôtawêw:mâhtâwitôtaw VTA "s/he does strange things to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mâhtinam:mâhtina VTIm "s/he moves s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâhtinêw:mâhtin VTA "s/he moves s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâkohêw:mâkoh VTA "s/he presses hard on s.o.; s/he pressures s.o., s/he torments s.o., s/he threatens s.o., s/he bothers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâkohiwêw:mâkohiwê VAIw "s/he threatens people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâkohkasow:mâkohkaso VAIw "s/he is oppressed by heat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâkonam:mâkona VTIm "s/he presses s.t. (hard, by hand); s/he squeezes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâkonêw:mâkon VTA "s/he presses s.o., s/he presses s.o.'s hand; s/he kneads s.o. (e.g. bread)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâkonikêw:mâkonikê VAIw "s/he kneads bread; s/he rolls pastry dough" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâkoniskêpayiw:mâkoniskêpayi VAIw "s/he wrings his/her own hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâkopayiw:mâkopayi VIIw "it becomes flat (from being pressed)" ; ! AEW: VII-v mâkoskam:mâkoska VTIm "s/he steps on s.t., s/he presses s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâkoskawêw:mâkoskaw VTA "s/he presses upon s.o., s/he tramples on s.o.; s/he presses s.o. down with his/her weight" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mâkowiw:mâkowi VAIw "it is a loon" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâkwaciw:mâkwaci VAIw "s/he is oppressed by cold" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâkwaham:mâkwaha VTIm "s/he presses s.t. down (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâkwahcikêw:mâkwahcikê VAIw "s/he chews" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâkwahpitam:mâkwahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. up, s/he ties s.t. solidly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâkwahpitêw:mâkwahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. up; s/he immobilizes s.o. by tying" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mâkwahtam:mâkwahta VTIm "s/he bites s.t., s/he gnaws on s.t., s/he chews on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: mâh-mâkwahtam mâkwahwêw:mâkwahw VTA "s/he presses s.o. close by tool or with horns" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mâkwamêw:mâkwam VTA "s/he bites s.o., s/he chews on s.o., s/he seizes s.o. hard with teeth or mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâkwâskwahwêw:mâkwâskwahw VTA "s/he presses s.o. close with a stick; it oppresses s.o. (e.g. tree as actor)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mâkwêyihtam:mâkwêyihta VTIm "s/he is frightened of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâkwêyimow:mâkwêyimo VAIw "s/he is afraid; s/he feels pressed upon, s/he feels oppressed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmacikastêw:mâmacikastê VAIw "s/he is proud, s/he is conceited, s/he is vain" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmaskâcinâkosiw:mâmaskâcinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks strange or amazing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmaskâcinâkwan:mâmaskâcinâkwan VIIn "it looks strange (e.g. an area)" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâmaskâcitôtam:mâmaskâcitôta VTIm "s/he works in strange ways" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâmaskâsâpahtam:mâmaskâsâpahta VTIm "s/he looks on s.t. with wonder" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâmaskâsâpamêw:mâmaskâsâpam VTA "s/he looks on s.o. with wonder" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâmaskâtam:mâmaskâta VTIm "s/he is surprised at s.t., s/he finds s.t. strange, s/he finds s.t. incomprehensible, s/he wonders at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâmaskâtâpisin:mâmaskâtâpisin3 VAIn "s/he is surprised or amazed at the sight of it" ; ! AEW: VAI-n mâmaskâtêw:mâmaskât3 VTA "s/he is surprised by s.o.; s/he wonders at or about s.o.; s/he finds s.o. strange, s/he finds s.o. incomprehensible" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mâmaskâtêyihtam:mâmaskâtêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks s.t. strange; s/he is amazed" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâmaskâtêyihtâkosiw:mâmaskâtêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is thought strange" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmaskâtêyihtâkwan:mâmaskâtêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is amazing, it is surprising" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâmaskâtêyimêw:mâmaskâtêyima VTIm "s/he thinks s.o. strange; s/he is amazed at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâmawapiwak:mâmawapi VAIw_PL "they have a meeting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawaskitêwa:mâmawaskitê VIIw_PL "they stand in a cluster (e.g. plants)" ; ! AEW: VII-v mâmawatoskêwak:mâmawatoskê VAIw_PL "they work together" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawêyatiwak:mâmawêyati VAIw_PL "they go together, they proceed together; they are assembled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-akihcikêw:mâmawi-akihcikê VAIw "s/he adds all together" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-atoskêwak:mâmawi-atoskê VAIw_PL "they work altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-ayamihâwak:mâmawi-ayamihâ VAIw_PL "they pray altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-ayamihcikêwak:mâmawi-ayamihcikê VAIw_PL "they read altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-aywêpiwak:mâmawi-aywêpi VAIw_PL "they rest altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-âcimowak:mâmawi-âcimo VAIw_PL "they tell stories altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-itohtêwak:mâmawi-itohtê VAIw_PL "they walk altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-kiyokêwak:mâmawi-kiyokê VAIw_PL "they visit altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-mâcîwak:mâmawi-mâcî VAIw_PL "they hunt altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-mâtowak:mâmawi-mâto VAIw_PL "they cry altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-mîcisowak:mâmawi-mîciso VAIw_PL "they eat altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-nikamowak:mâmawi-nikamo VAIw_PL "they sing altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-nipâwak:mâmawi-nipâ VAIw_PL "they sleep altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-nîmihitowak:mâmawi-nîmihito VAIw_PL "they dance altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-pîhtwâwak:mâmawi-pîhtwâ VAIw_PL "they smoke altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-pîkiskwêwak:mâmawi-pîkiskwê VAIw_PL "they speak altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawi-wîkiwak:mâmawi-wîki VAIw_PL "they live altogether" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawihitowak:mâmawihito VAIw_PL "they are altogether in one group, they gather in a group" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawinam:mâmawina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. together" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâmawinitowak:mâmawinito VAIw_PL "they unify, they bring one another together" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawipayihowak:mâmawipayiho VAIw_PL "they gather quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawipayiwa:mâmawipayi VIIw_PL "they mix together" ; ! AEW: VII-v mâmawipayiwak:mâmawipayi VAIw_PL "they gather in one place" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawohkamâtowak:mâmawohkamâto VAIw_PL "they do things together, they cooperate; they work (at it/him) together as a group" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawohkawêwak:mâmawohkaw VTA_PL "they present a unified front against s.o.; they go at s.o. in full numbers" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mâmawôkihtam:mâmawôkihta VTIm "s/he counts s.t. all together" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâmawôpayiwak:mâmawôpayi VAIw_PL "they get together, they have a meeting, they assemble, they go in a body" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmawôpiwak:mâmawôpi VAIw_PL "they sit assembled, they sit together, they hold a meeting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmâkwahtam:mâmâkwahta VTIm "s/he chews s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâmâkwamêw:mâmâkwam VTA "s/he chews s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâmêscihtâsow:mâmêscihtâso VAIw "s/he exterminates (e.g. insects)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmiskômêw:mâmiskôm VTA "s/he talks about s.o., s/he discusses s.o., s/he mentions s.o., s/he speaks of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâmiskômisow:mâmiskômiso VAIw "s/he speaks of him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmiskôtam:mâmiskôta VTIm "s/he talks about s.t., s/he discusses s.t., s/he expounds s.t., s/he speaks of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâmiskôtamawêw:mâmiskôtamaw VTA "s/he tells s.o. about (it/him), s/he discusses (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mâmitonêyihcikêw:mâmitonêyihcikê VAIw "s/he thinks, s/he meditates" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmitonêyihtam:mâmitonêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks about s.t., s/he ponders s.t., s/he ponders over s.t., s/he considers s.t., s/he wonders about s.t.; s/he worries about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâmitonêyihtamimêw:mâmitonêyihtamim VTA "s/he gives s.o. (s.t.) to think about" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâmitonêyihtêstamâsow:mâmitonêyihtêstamâso VAIw "s/he thinks about (it/him) for him/herself, s/he plans for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmitonêyimêw:mâmitonêyim VTA "s/he thinks about s.o., s/he ponders over s.o., s/he has s.o. on his/her mind, s/he meditates on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâmiywâkâcihtowak:mâmiywâkâcihto VAIw_PL "they argue with one another; they question one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmiywâkâcimêw:mâmiywâkâcimê VAIw "s/he argues with s.o.; s/he questions s.o." ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâmiywâkâcimow:mâmiywâkâcimo VAIw "s/he questions, s/he argues" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mânahtêw:mânahtê VAIw "s/he gets his/her pelts, s/he gets furs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mânokawêw:mânokaw VTA "s/he sets up a tent or tipi for s.o., s/he makes a house for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mânokêw:mânokê VAIw "s/he camps; s/he puts up a tent, s/he sets up a tipi; s/he makes a ceremonial lodge" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâsihêw:mâsih VTA "s/he wrestles with s.o., s/he fights s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâsihitowak:mâsihito VAIw_PL "they wrestle with one another, they wrestle together" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâsihkêskiw:mâsihkêski VAIw "s/he is fond of wrestling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâsihkêw:mâsihkê VAIw "s/he wrestles, s/he is a wrestler" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâsihtâw:mâsihtâ VTIw "s/he wrestles with s.t., s/he fights with s.t.; s/he undertakes a tough job" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mâskapiw:mâskapi VAIw "s/he is sitting crippled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâskâw:mâskâ VIIw "it is imperfect, it is defective" ; ! AEW: VII-v mâskâwikanêw:mâskâwikanê VAIw "s/he has a deformed back; s/he is hunchbacked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâskicêhêsiw:mâskicêhêsi VAIw "s/he has a defective heart (as an infant)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâskicihcêw:mâskicihcê VAIw "s/he has a deformed hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâskihêw:mâskih VTA "s/he wounds s.o.; s/he cripples s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâskikanêw:mâskikanê VAIw "s/he has a deformed chest" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: haplology reduces mâskâskikanêw to mâskikanêw mâskikâtêw:mâskikâtê VAIw "s/he has a lame leg" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâskikiw:mâskiki VAIw "s/he grows deformed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâskipayiw:mâskipayi VAIw "s/he limps; s/he is lame, s/he goes lame" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâskipiskwanêw:mâskipiskwanê VAIw "s/he has a deformed back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâskipitonêw:mâskipitonê VAIw "s/he has a deformed arm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâskisitêw:mâskisitê VAIw "s/he has a lame foot, has a deformed foot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâskisiw:mâskisi VAIw "s/he is lame, s/he is crippled, s/he is deformed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâskitêhêw:mâskitêhê VAIw "s/he has a defective heart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtaham:mâtaha VTIm "s/he works s.t. (e.g. hide); s/he scrapes the fur off s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâtahikâkêw:mâtahikâkê VAIw "s/he scrapes hides with something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtahikêw:mâtahikê VAIw "s/he scrape hides, s/he scrapes the fur off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtahtam:mâtahta VTIm "s/he starts to eat s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâtahwêw:mâtahw VTA "s/he works s.o. (e.g. hide)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mâtakihtam:mâtakihta VTIm "s/he starts counting s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâtakimêw:mâtakim VTA "s/he starts counting s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâtamêw:mâtam VTA "s/he starts to eat s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâtatoskêw:mâtatoskê VAIw "s/he begins to work; s/he begins a new job; s/he enters the workforce" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtâhêw:mâtâh VTA "s/he comes upon s.o.'s track, s/he sees s.o.'s footprints; s/he tracks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: possibly also mâtâhwêw mâtâhpinatêw:mâtâhpinat3 VTA "s/he starts hitting or slaughtering s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mâtâhpinêw:mâtâhpinê VAIw "s/he begins to feel sick or pain; she begins to feel labour pains" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtâpohtêwak:mâtâpohtê VAIw_PL "they walk abreast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtâposinwak:mâtâposin3 VAIn_PL "they lie in a row" ; ! AEW: VAI-n mâtinamawêw:mâtinamaw VTA "s/he deals (it/him) out to s.o.; s/he portions out food to s.o., s/he passes food to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mâtinamâkêw:mâtinamâkê VAIw "s/he shares, s/he distributes food" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtinamâtowak:mâtinamâto VAIw_PL "they share (it/him) with one another, they give one another food" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtinawê-kîsikâsin:mâtinawê-kîsikâsin VIIn "it is Friday; literally: (it is) ration-day" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâtinawê-kîsikâw:mâtinawê-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Saturday; literally: (it is) ration-day" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: more commonly wC mâtinawêw:mâtinawê VAIw "s/he serves food, s/he passes food around, s/he portions out food" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtinawi-kîsikâw:mâtinawi-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Saturday; literally: (it is) ration-day" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: more commonly wC mâtisam:mâtisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. open, s/he starts to cut s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâtisâwâtam:mâtisâwâta VTIm "s/he starts to cut s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâtisâwâtêw:mâtisâwât3 VTA "s/he starts to cut s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mâtisikêw:mâtisikê VAIw "s/he starts to cut (as a pattern)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtiswêw:mâtisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. open" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mâtitâpihtêpisow:mâtitâpihtêpiso VAIw "s/he starts to wear earrings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtohkâsow:mâtohkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to weep" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtopahtâw:mâtopahtâ VAIw "s/he cries while running" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtoskiw:mâtoski VAIw "s/he cries easily, s/he cries often" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâtow:mâto VAIw "s/he cries, s/he wails, s/he weeps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: mâ-mâtow mâwacihcikêw:mâwacihcikê VAIw "s/he conserves, s/he saves, s/he gathers, s/he collects things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâwacihêw:mâwacih VTA "s/he saves s.o., s/he preserves s.o.; s/he assembles s.o., s/he gathers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâwacihitowak:mâwacihito VAIw_PL "they assemble" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâwacihtamawêw:mâwacihtamaw VTA "s/he assembles (them) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mâwacihtamâsow:mâwacihtamâso VAIw "s/he assembles (them) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâwacihtâw:mâwacihtâ VTIw "s/he saves s.t., s/he preserves s.t., s/he conserves s.t.; s/he assembles s.t., s/he collects s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mâwasakonam:mâwasakona VTIm "s/he collects s.t., s/he gathers all of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâwasakonêw:mâwasakon VTA "s/he collects s.o., s/he gather s.o. (e.g. wheat)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: also wC: mawasokonêw mâwasakopayinwa:mâwasakopayin VIIn_PL "they collect together" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâwasakopicikêw:mâwasakopicikê VAIw "s/he rakes things up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâwasakopitam:mâwasakopita VTIm "s/he rakes s.t. in a heap, s/he rakes s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâwasakopitêw:mâwasakopit3 VTA "s/he rakes s.o. in a heap" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mâwasakostaham:mâwasakostaha VTIm "s/he sews s.t. together" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâwasakostahwêw:mâwasakostahw VTA "s/he sews s.o. together" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mâwasakotisahwêw:mâwasakotisahw VTA "s/he rounds s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mâwasakwahêw:mâwasakwah VTA "s/he piles s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâwasakwastâw:mâwasakwastâ VTIw "s/he piles s.t. up, s/he fathers s.t in a heap" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mâyahkamikan:mâyahkamikan VIIn "it is a bad deed, it is a bad situation, there are evil doings" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâyahkamikisiw:mâyahkamikisi VAIw "s/he does wrong" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyakohêw:mâyakoh VTA "s/he brings bad luck to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâyakohow:mâyakoho VAIw "s/he brings bad luck on him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyakomêw:mâyakom VTA "s/he brings bad luck to s.o. verbally" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâyakosiw:mâyakosi VAIw "s/he is unlucky" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyakoskawêw:mâyakoskaw VTA "s/he sends bad luck in hunting to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: wC: mâthakoskawîw mâyamahcihow:mâyamahciho VAIw "s/he feels poorly, s/he feels badly, s/he feels ill, s/he is sick; s/he fares ill" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyaskatêw:mâyaskatê VAIw "s/he has an upset stomach" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyatihkokamikohkêw:mâyatihkokamikohkê VAIw "s/he makes a sheep barn" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyâcimêw:mâyâcim VTA "s/he speaks ill of s.o., s/he tells bad news of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâyâcimow:mâyâcimo VAIw "s/he tells bad news" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyâcitêhêw:mâyâcitêhê VAIw "s/he is angry, s/he has a bad heart, s/he has evil intent in his/her heart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyâhpinêw:mâyâhpinê VAIw "s/he is ill, s/he feels ill" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyâspinêw:mâyâspinê VAIw "s/he has a serious disease" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyâtan:mâyâtan3 VIIn "it is bad, it is evil; it is ugly" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâyâtisiw:mâyâtisi VAIw "s/he is bad, s/he is evil; s/he is ugly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyêyihcikêw:mâyêyihcikê VAIw "s/he has no respect, s/he is disrespectful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyêyihtam:mâyêyihta VTIm "s/he despises s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâyêyihtâkosiw:mâyêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is hateful, s/he is disrespectful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyêyihtâkwan:mâyêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is hateful" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâyêyimêw:mâyêyim VTA "s/he despises s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mâyi-kîsikanisiw:mâyi-kîsikanisi VAIw "s/he has a bad day, s/he has bad weather (as one who is travelling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyi-kîsikâw:mâyi-kîsikâ VIIw "it is a bad day; it is nasty, it is bad weather; it is a storm, it is storming" ; ! AEW: VII-v mâyi-masinahikêw:mâyi-masinahikê VAIw "s/he writes poorly, s/he writes badly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyi-pipon:mâyi-pipon VIIn "it is a bad winter" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâyi-pîkiskwêw:mâyi-pîkiskwê VAIw "s/he speaks poorly, s/he has difficulty with his/her speech" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyi-tôtam:mâyi-tôta VTIm "s/he does a bad thing, s/he imposes a curse; s/he does s.t. wrongly; s/he does s.t. evil" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: mâh-mâýi-tôtam mâyi-tôtawêw:mâyi-tôtaw VTA "s/he does a bad thing to s.o., s/he does evil to s.o., s/he makes s.o. sick, s/he puts a curse on s.o., s/he does s.o. wrong" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mâyicihcêw:mâyicihcê VAIw "s/he has a bad hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyihkwêstawêw:mâyihkwêstaw VTA "s/he makes a face at s.o., s/he sneers at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mâyihkwêw:mâyihkwê VAIw "s/he makes a face; s/he has a bad face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyihkwêyistam:mâyihkwêyista VTIm "s/he makes a face at s.t., s/he sneers at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâyihtâkosiw:mâyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is hoarse, s/he is difficult to hear plainly; s/he sounds bad" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyihtâkwan:mâyihtâkwan VIIn "it sounds bad, it sounds poor" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: cf. nawac mâýihtâkwan it sounds worse mâyihtin:mâyihtin VIIn "it spoils (e.g. food)" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâyikwâsow:mâyikwâso VAIw "s/he sews badly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyimahcihow:mâyimahciho VAIw "s/he feels poorly, s/he feels badly, s/he feels ill" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyimâkosiw:mâyimâkosi VAIw "s/he smells bad" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyimâkwan:mâyimâkwan VIIn "it smells bad" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâyimâsow:mâyimâso VAIw "s/he smells something bad on him/herself (e.g. tripe)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyinam:mâyina VTIm "s/he finds s.t. ugly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mâyinâkosiw:mâyinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks sick, s/he has a sick look" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyinâkwan:mâyinâkwan VIIn "it looks bad (e.g. a storm)" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâyinikêhkâtowak:mâyinikêhkâto VAIw_PL "they act badly towards one another, they act harmfully towards one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyinikêw:mâyinikê VAIw "s/he has ill befall him/her, s/he has bad luck, s/he has misfortune; s/he becomes pregnant out of wedlock; s/he acts badly, s/he acts harmfully, s/he does harmful things; s/he handles things badly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: mâh-mâýinikêw mâyinikwan:mâyinikwan VIIn "it is difficult walking because of too much snow" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâyipayiw:mâyipayi VAIw "s/he suffers ill, s/he fares ill, s/he fares badly; s/he suffers a death, s/he is bereaved (by the loss of s.o.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyisikow:mâyisiko VIIw "it has rough ice (as a lake); it is a lake with rough ice" ; ! AEW: VII-v mâyisin:mâyisin3 VAIn "s/he lies awkwardly; it spoils (e.g. food)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n mâyiskâkow:mâyiskaw VTA "it affects s.o. badly, it has an adverse effect on s.o.; it makes s.o. ill, it makes s.o. react allergically" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: restricted, VTA-2 stem *mâýiskaw- not typically used outside of inanimate actor mâyispakosiw:mâyispakosi VAIw "it tastes bad" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mâyispakwan:mâyispakwan VIIn "it tastes bad" ; ! AEW: VII-n mâyistâcîhkawêw:mâyistâcîhkaw VTA "s/he bothers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mêcawêsiw:mêcawêsi VAIw "s/he plays a little; s/he plays a children's game" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêcimosiw:mêcimosi VAIw "s/he is stuck" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêcimwâtihtin:mêcimwâtihtin VIIn "it becomes stuck" ; ! AEW: VII-n mêkinawêw:mêkinawê VAIw "s/he gives up his/her losings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêkiskiw:mêkiski VAIw "s/he is liberal, s/he is fond of giving" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêkiskwêmêw:mêkiskwêm VTA "s/he gives s.o. (female) away in an arranged marriage" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mêkiskwêwâniw:mêkiskwêwâni VAIw "she is given away in an arranged marriage" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêkiskwêwêw:mêkiskwêwê VAIw "s/he gives a woman away in an arranged marriage" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêkiw:mêki VAIw "s/he gives, s/he gives away; s/he gives s.t. away; s/he releases s.t.; he gives her in marriage" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêkwâ-kîsikâw:mêkwâ-kîsikâ VIIw "while it is daylight" ; ! AEW: VII-v mêkwâ-pimâtisiw:mêkwâ-pimâtisi VAIw "while s/he lives, s/he is living presently, during his/her lifespan" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêkwâ-tipiskâw:mêkwâ-tipiskâ VIIw "while it is dark, night time" ; ! AEW: VII-v mêkwâham:mêkwâha VTIm "s/he goes through s.t. by air or water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêkwâskawêw:mêkwâskaw VTA "s/he gets there at the same time with s.o.; s/he catches s.o. in the act" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mênikanihkawêw:mênikanihkaw VTA "s/he makes a fence for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mênikanihkâkêw:mênikanihkâkê VAIw "s/he makes fences from something, s/he makes rails for fencing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mênikanihkêw:mênikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes fences" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mênikâtam:mênikâta VTIm "s/he fences s.t. in" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mênikâtêw:mênikât3 VTA "s/he fences s.o. in" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mêniskihkêw:mêniskihkê VAIw "s/he makes an earthwork, s/he digs a trench" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêsciham:mêsciha VTIm "s/he gets rid of all of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêscihêw:mêscih VTA "s/he kills s.o. off, s/he annihilates s.o., s/he exterminates s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mêscihtâsow:mêscihtâso VAIw "s/he exterminates s.t. for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêscihtâw:mêscihtâ VTIw "s/he does away with all of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mêscihtitâw:mêscihtitâ VTIw "s/he wears s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mêscinêwak:mêscinê VAIw_PL "they die out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêscipayihêw:mêscipayih VTA "s/he uses s.o. up, s/he wears s.o. out; s/he consumes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mêscipayihtâw:mêscipayihtâ VTIw "s/he consumes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mêscipayin:mêscipayin VIIn "it runs out, it winds down (as a tape-recorder)" ; ! AEW: VII-n mêscipayiw:mêscipayi VAIw "s/he is worn out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêscipayiw:mêscipayi VIIw "it is worn out; it is all gone (as water from a leaking barrel)" ; ! AEW: VII-v mêscipimîw:mêscipimî VAIw "s/he is out of gas; s/he is out of lard, grease" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêscipitam:mêscipita VTIm "s/he uses s.t. up entirely, s/he pulls s.t. out entirely; s/he exhausts all resources" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêscipitêw:mêscipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. out entirely (e.g. carrots)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mêscisimêw:mêscisim VTA "s/he wears s.o. out on things" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mêsciskam:mêsciska VTIm "s/he wears s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêsciwasow:mêsciwaso VAIw "it melts or boils away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêsciwatêw:mêsciwatê VIIw "it melts or boils away" ; ! AEW: VII-v mêsciwêpaham:mêsciwêpaha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. (meat) right off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêskanawin:mêskanawin VIIn "it is a road" ; ! AEW: VII-n mêskanâhkâtam:mêskanâhkâta VTIm "s/he builds a road to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêskanâhkâtêw:mêskanâhkât3 VTA "s/he builds a road for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mêskanâhkêsiw:mêskanâhkêsi VAIw "s/he builds a path" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêskanâhkêw:mêskanâhkê VAIw "s/he builds a road" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêskocipayin:mêskocipayin VIIn "it changes" ; ! AEW: VII-n mêskocipayiw:mêskocipayi VIIw "it changes into something else" ; ! AEW: VII-v mêskocîw:mêskocî VAIw "s/he changes clothes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêskotapîstawêw:mêskotapîstaw VTA "s/he exchanges seats with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mêskotayiwinisêw:mêskotayiwinisê VAIw "s/he changes his/her clothes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêskotâpinam:mêskotâpina VTIm "s/he changes s.t. (e.g. the water) in boiling" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêskotâsayikêw:mêskotâsayikê VAIw "s/he changes diapers, s/he changes pants" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêskotâsiyânihkêw:mêskotâsiyânihkê VAIw "s/he changes diapers; he changes breech-cloths" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêskotinam:mêskotina VTIm "s/he changes s.t., s/he exchanges s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêskotônam:mêskotôna VTIm "s/he exchanges s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêskotônamawêw:mêskotônamaw VTA "s/he exchanges (it/him) with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mêskotônamâtowak:mêskotônamâto VAIw_PL "they exchange (it/him) with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêskotônêw:mêskotônêw VTA "s/he exchanges s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mêskotônikâkêw:mêskotônikâkê VAIw "s/he gives s.t. in exchange" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêskotônikêw:mêskotônikê VAIw "s/he exchanges things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstahcihkwasiw:mêstahcihkwasi VAIw "s/he is sleepy from rising early" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstahôsiw:mêstahôsi VAIw "s/he is worn out, s/he is burnt out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstahôtêw:mêstahôtê VIIw "it is worn out, it is burnt out" ; ! AEW: VII-v mêstahtam:mêstahta VTIm "s/he eats all of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêstakocin:mêstakocin3 VAIn "it is out of the sky (as the moon), it is the last quarter moon; it is hanging used or burnt up, it has hung its last" ; ! AEW: VAI-n mêstamêw:mêstam VTA "s/he eats all of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mêstasinaham:mêstasinaha VTIm "s/he writes it all down; s/he uses s.t. up in writing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêstasîhkawêwak:mêstasîhkaw VTA_PL "they ostracize s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: plural generally mêstaskisinêw:mêstaskisinê VAIw "s/he wears out all the moccasins or shoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstasow:mêstaso VAIw "s/he saps trees, s/he takes the juice of trees by scraping the inner bark" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstawihêw:mêstawih VTA "s/he uses up all of s.o.'s resources, s/he exhausts all of s.o.'s resources" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mêstawihikêw:mêstawihikê VAIw "s/he uses up his/her own resources, s/he exhausts his/her own resources" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstâciwasow:mêstâciwaso VAIw "it boils dry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstâciwatêw:mêstâciwatê VIIw "it boils dry" ; ! AEW: VII-v mêstâpâwaham:mêstâpâwaha VTIm "s/he wears s.t. away by repeated action" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêstâpâwahwêw:mêstâpâwahw VTA "s/he wears s.o. away by repeated action" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mêstâskisam:mêstâskisa VTIm "s/he burns s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêstâskisow:mêstâskiso VAIw "it is burnt up, it is burnt out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstâskiswêw:mêstâskisw VTA "s/he burns s.o. out, s/he burns s.o. away (e.g. log)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mêstâskitêw:mêstâskitê VIIw "it is burnt out, it is totally destroyed by burning" ; ! AEW: VII-v mêstâskow:mêstâsko VAIw "s/he uses up all the wood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstâskwêsin:mêstâskwêsin3 VAIn "s/he is left without weapons, bullets or arrows; s/he has used up all his/her ammunition" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ! 1: - ! 2: originally, wooden arrows in particular mêstâtaham:mêstâtaha VTIm "s/he scrapes s.t. all away" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêstâtayôhkanêsin:mêstâtayôhkanêsin3 VAIn "s/he runs out of sacred stories, s/he has no more sacred stories" ; ! AEW: VAI-n mêstâwatêw:mêstâwatê VAIw "s/he takes (it) all away with him/her" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstihkahtêw:mêstihkahtê VIIw "it burns all up, it is burnt up, there is nothing left, it burns down completely" ; ! AEW: VII-v mêstihkasam:mêstihkasa VTIm "s/he burns s.t. down, s/he burns s.t. all up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêstihkasamawêw:mêstihkasamaw VTA "s/he burns (it/him) all up for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mêstihkasow:mêstihkaso VAIw "s/he burns all up, s/he melts away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstihkaswêw:mêstihkasw VTA "s/he burns s.o. all up" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mêstinam:mêstina VTIm "s/he uses s.t. up, s/he uses all of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêstinamawêw:mêstinamaw VTA "s/he uses (it/him) all up on s.o.; s/he leaves none of (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mêstinêw:mêstin VTA "s/he uses s.o. up (e.g. money)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mêstinikâtêw:mêstinikâtê VIIw "it is used up" ; ! AEW: VII-v mêstinikêw:mêstinikê VAIw "s/he uses things up; s/he exhausts things, s/he wastes things; s/he spends, s/he spends it all" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêstisam:mêstisa VTIm "s/he burns s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêstiskam:mêstiska VTIm "s/he tramples s.t. to nothing, s/he wears s.t. out (e.g. shoes)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêstiskawêw:mêstiskaw VTA "s/he tramples s.o. to nothing, s/he wears s.o. out (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mêtawâkâtam:mêtawâkâta VTIm "s/he plays with s.t.; s/he makes light of s.t., s/he toys with s.t., s/he denigrates s.t., s/he disrespects s.t., s/he makes light of s.t., s/he makes a mockery of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mêtawâkâtêw:mêtawâkât3 VTA "s/he plays (with things) with s.o.; s/he toys with s.o., s/he denigrates s.o., s/he shows s.o. disrespect, s/he makes light of s.o., s/he makes a mockery of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ! 1: - ! 2: sexual connotations: he uses a woman mêtawâkêw:mêtawâkê VAIw "s/he plays with things; s/he toys with things, s/he denigrates things, s/he disrespects things, s/he makes light of things, s/he makes a mockery of things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêtawêhêw:mêtawêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. play" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mêtawêhisow:mêtawêhiso VAIw "s/he amuses him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêtawêmêw:mêtawêm VTA "s/he plays with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mêtawêskiw:mêtawêski VAIw "s/he likes to play, s/he plays a lot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêtawêw:mêtawê VAIw "s/he plays; s/he gambles, s/he contests" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêtawêwinihkêw:mêtawêwinihkê VAIw "s/he organizes games" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mêyiwan:mêyiwan VIIn "it is smeared with dung" ; ! AEW: VII-n mêyiwiw:mêyiwi VIIw "it is full of dung" ; ! AEW: VII-v mêyiwiw:mêyiwi VAIw "it is full of dung, s/he is smeared with dung" ; ! AEW: VAI-v micimahpisow:micimahpiso VAIw "s/he is tied, s/he is bound" ; ! AEW: VAI-v micimâpêkinêw:micimâpêkin VTA "s/he holds s.o. by a rope, s/he leads s.o. by a rope" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 micimâskohtin:micimâskohtin VIIn "it is jammed by it's length; it is too long to go in" ; ! AEW: VII-n micimâskwaham:micimâskwaha VTIm "s/he bars the door shut, s/he fastens s.t. as or to a solid by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 micimâskwahwêw:micimâskwahw VTA "s/he bars s.o. in, s/he holds s.o. in place (as or by wood)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 micimihkwâmiw:micimihkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps soundly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miciminam:micimina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. fast, s/he holds s.t. in place, s/he grasps s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miciminamawêw:miciminamaw VTA "s/he holds (it/him) fast for s.o., s/he holds on to (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miciminamâsow:miciminamâso VAIw "s/he holds (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miciminamôhêw:miciminamôh VTA "s/he makes s.o. hold on to (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miciminêw:micimin VTA "s/he holds s.o. fast, s/he holds s.o. in place, s/he takes hold of s.o., s/he holds on to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miciminikêw:miciminikê VAIw "s/he takes hold, s/he grips (things) hard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miciminisow:miciminiso VAIw "s/he holds him/herself fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v micimîmakan:micimîmakan VIIn "it clings on (as a repair made)" ; ! AEW: VII-n micimîw:micimî VAIw "s/he holds on (with the hands); s/he clings on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v micimohow:micimoho VAIw "s/he is stuck fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v micimohpitam:micimohpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. fast" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 micimohpitêw:micimohpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. fast" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 micimohtin:micimohtin VIIn "it sticks fast (as it does not fit)" ; ! AEW: VII-n micimosin:micimosin3 VAIn "s/he sticks fast (as s/he is too big to enter)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n micimoskiwakiw:micimoskiwaki VAIw "s/he gets bogged down, s/he gets stuck in a bog or mud" ; ! AEW: VAI-v micimoskiwêw:micimoskiwê VAIw "s/he is stuck in mud or in gum" ; ! AEW: VAI-v micimôhêw:micimôh VTA "s/he causes a problem for s.o., s/he stumps s.o.; s/he causes s.o. to be stuck" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 micimôsow:micimôso VAIw "s/he is stuck in mud" ; ! AEW: VAI-v micimôtâw:micimôtâ VTIw "s/he gets s.t. stuck" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 micimwâkonêw:micimwâkonê VAIw "s/he gets stuck in snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v micimwâskosow:micimwâskoso VAIw "s/he gets snagged" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miciwâmihtowak:miciwâmihto VAIw_PL "they are brothers, sisters, cousins, blood brothers; they are related as ociwâmimâwak or ociwâmiskwêmimâwak" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miciyawêsiw:miciyawêsi VAIw "s/he is sorry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihcâpêkisiw:mihcâpêkisi VAIw "it is a large strand (of thread or wool)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihcâskokâtêw:mihcâskokâtê VAIw "s/he has stout legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihcâskopitonêw:mihcâskopitonê VAIw "s/he has stout arms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihcâskosiw:mihcâskosi VAIw "it is a big tree, it is big around (as a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihcâskoyawêw:mihcâskoyawê VAIw "s/he has a large stout body; s/he has a large waistline" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihcâskwan:mihcâskwan VIIn "it is large, it is big around (as wood)" ; ! AEW: VII-n mihcênwa:mihcên VIIn_PL "they are numerous, they are many" ; ! AEW: VII-n mihcêtastimwêw:mihcêtastimwê VAIw "s/he has many horses or dogs, s/he owns many horses or dogs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihcêtinwa:mihcêtin VIIn_PL "they are numerous, they are many" ; ! AEW: VII-n mihcêtipakâw:mihcêtipakâ VIIw "it is leafy; it has many leaves" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihcêtiwak:mihcêti VAIw_PL "they are numerous, they are many, they are plentiful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihcêtokamikosiw:mihcêtokamikosi VAIw "s/he has many houses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihcêtokâtêw:mihcêtokâtê VAIw "it has many legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihcêtowihkâtam:mihcêtowihkâta VTIm "s/he calls s.t. by many names, s/he gives s.t. many names" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mihcêtowihkâtêw:mihcêtowihkât3 VTA "s/he calls s.o. by many names, s/he give s.o. many names" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mihcêtôsêw:mihcêtôsê VAIw "she has many children; she has many young ones, it has numerous offspring" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihcêtwastimwêw:mihcêtwastimwê VAIw "s/he has many horses or dogs, s/he owns many horses or dogs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkawakîw:mihkawakî VAIw "s/he is a fast runner" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkitam:mihkita VTIm "s/he scrapes s.t. (meat) off the hide" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mihkiw:mihki VAIw "s/he scrapes hide" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihko-sîpihkosiw:mihko-sîpihkosi VAIw "s/he is purple; literally: s/he is red-blue" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihko-sîpihkwâw:mihko-sîpihkwâ VIIw "it is purple; literally: it is red-blue" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihkocihcêw:mihkocihcê VAIw "s/he has bloody hands, s/he has red hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkohêw:mihkoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. bleed; s/he reddens s.o., s/he makes s.o. red" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mihkohkwêw:mihkohkwê VAIw "s/he has a red face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkokâtêw:mihkokâtê VAIw "s/he has red legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkokotêw:mihkokotê VAIw "s/he has a red nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkokwayawêw:mihkokwayawê VAIw "s/he has a red neck" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkonâkosiw:mihkonâkosi VAIw "s/he looks reddish" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkonâkwan:mihkonâkwan VIIn "it looks reddish" ; ! AEW: VII-n mihkonikâtêw:mihkonikâtê VIIw "it is painted red" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihkopayin:mihkopayin VIIn "it reddens, it turns red" ; ! AEW: VII-n mihkopayiw:mihkopayi VAIw "s/he reddens; s/he has his/her face redden, s/he blushes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkosihow:mihkosiho VAIw "s/he is painted red" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkosiw:mihkosi VAIw "s/he is red" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkosîhow:mihkosîho VAIw "s/he is dressed in red" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkotâsêw:mihkotâsê VAIw "s/he has red pants" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkowan:mihkowan VIIn "it is bloody, it is blood-stained" ; ! AEW: VII-n mihkowihtakâw:mihkowihtakâ VIIw "it is a bloody board or floor" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihkowiw:mihkowi VIIw "it is bloody; it bleeds, it is bleeding" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihkwahikâtêw:mihkwahikâtê VIIw "it is made red" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihkwan:mihkwan VIIn "it is red" ; ! AEW: VII-n mihkwasakêw:mihkwasakê VAIw "s/he has red skin" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkwasâkêw:mihkwasâkê VAIw "s/he has a red coat, s/he wears a red coat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkwasêw:mihkwasê VAIw "s/he has the measles" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkwasinâsow:mihkwasinâso VAIw "s/he has red marks, red spots, red stripes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkwasinâstêw:mihkwasinâstê VIIw "it has red marks, red spots, red stripes" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihkwaskamikâw:mihkwaskamikâ VIIw "it is red ground, it is red earth" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihkwaskâpiw:mihkwaskâpi VAIw "s/he is red-eyed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkwaskâw:mihkwaskâ VIIw "it is a red sky, there are red clouds at sunset" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihkwawêw:mihkwawê VAIw "it has a red coat (e.g. animal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkwâkamin:mihkwâkamin VIIn "it is a red liquid" ; ! AEW: VII-n mihkwâkamiw:mihkwâkami VIIw "it is a red liquid, it is red water" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihkwâpakwanîw:mihkwâpakwanî VIIw "it has red flowers" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihkwâpiskâw:mihkwâpiskâ VIIw "it is red (metal or rock)" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihkwâpiskisiw:mihkwâpiskisi VAIw "it is red hot (e.g. a stove)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkwâpiskiswêw:mihkwâpiskisw VTA "s/he reddens s.o. (e.g. stone) by heat" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mihkwâsin:mihkwâsin VIIn "it is quite red (as a bruise)" ; ! AEW: VII-n mihkwâskikanêw:mihkwâskikanê VAIw "it has a red breast (e.g. a robin)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihkwâw:mihkwâ VIIw "it is red" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihtamipayiw:mihtamipayi VAIw "it goes tight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihtamisiw:mihtamisi VAIw "it is tight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihtawêskiw:mihtawêski VAIw "s/he pouts all the time; s/he is prone to dissatisfaction" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihtawêw:mihtawê VAIw "s/he is dissatisfied, s/he grumbles; s/he pouts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: also mîhtawêw mihtâtam:mihtâta VTIm "s/he regrets s.t., s/he is sorry about s.t., s/he grieves over s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mihtâtêw:mihtât3 VTA "s/he mourns for s.o., s/he grieves for s.o., s/he longs for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mihtêyimêw:mihtêyim VTA "s/he grumbles at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mihtimiyêhêw:mihtimiyêhê VAIw "s/he has laboured breathing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihtiskâw:mihtiskâ VIIw "it is wooded land; there is an abundance of wood, there is plenty of firewood in the area" ; ! AEW: VII-v mihyawêhkwêw:mihyawêhkwê VAIw "he has hair on his face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihyawêpitonêw:mihyawêpitonê VAIw "he has hairy arms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mihyawêsiw:mihyawêsi VAIw "he has body hair, it has fur" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mikisimoskiw:mikisimoski VAIw "it is always barking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mikisimow:mikisimo VAIw "it barks (i.e. a dog)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mikiskon:mikiskon VIIn "it is early fall" ; ! AEW: VII-n mikitam:mikita VTIm "it barks at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mikitêw:mikit3 VTA "it barks at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mikiw:miki VAIw "it barks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mikosiskâcihêw:mikosiskâcih VTA "s/he disturbs s.o., s/he agitates s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mikosiskâcihiwêw:mikosiskâcihiwê VAIw "s/he teases people, s/he annoys people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mikoskâcihêw:mikoskâcih VTA "s/he bothers s.o., s/he gives s.o. trouble" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mikoskâcihtâkosiw:mikoskâcihtâkosi VAIw "s/he makes a disturbing noise, s/he disturbs by being loud; s/he sounds annoying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mikoskâcihtâkwan:mikoskâcihtâkwan VIIn "it makes a disturbing noise" ; ! AEW: VII-n mikoskâcihtâw:mikoskâcihtâ VTIw "s/he bothers s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mikoskâcikêw:mikoskâcikê VAIw "s/he bothers things; s/he is disruptive, s/he causes trouble, s/he makes a disturbance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mikoskâcimêw:mikoskâcim VTA "s/he disturbs s.o., s/he annoys s.o. (by speech)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mikoskâtamikisiw:mikoskâtamikisi VAIw "s/he annoys and disturbs the community" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mikoskâtêyihtam:mikoskâtêyihta VTIm "s/he is annoyed by s.t., s/he is perplexed by s.t., s/he worries about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mikoskâtêyihtamihêw:mikoskâtêyihtamih VTA "s/he makes s.o. worry (about it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mikoskâtêyihtâkosiw:mikoskâtêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is troublesome" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mikoskâtêyihtâkwan:mikoskâtêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is troublesome" ; ! AEW: VII-n mikoskâtêyimêw:mikoskâtêyim VTA "s/he worries about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mikoskâtisiw:mikoskâtisi VAIw "s/he is bothersome, s/he is annoying, s/he is a trouble maker" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mimikonam:mimikona VTIm "s/he rubs s.t. in his/her hands; s/he rubs s.t. to soften it (e.g. clothing); s.he shakes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mimikonêw:mimikon VTA "s/he rubs s.o. in his/her hands; s/he rubs s.o. to soften it (e.g. clothing); s.he shakes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mimikopêkinam:mimikopêkina VTIm "s/he rubs s.t. in the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mimikopêkinêw:mimikopêkin VTA "s/he washes s.o. (by hand), s/he rubs s.o. in the water" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mimikopêkinikêw:mimikopêkinikê VAIw "s/he washes clothes by hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: diminutive: mimikopêkinikêsi- mimikopitam:mimikopita VTIm "s/he rubs s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mimikopitêw:mimikopit3 VTA "s/he rubs s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 minahêw:minah VTA "s/he gives s.o. a drink or broth; s/he gives s.o. (it) to drink" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 minahikoskâw:minahikoskâ VIIw "it is a pine forest, it is a spruce grove" ; ! AEW: VII-v minahikowiw:minahikowi VAIw "it is a pine" ; ! AEW: VAI-v minahisow:minahiso VAIw "s/he gives him/herself a drink" ; ! AEW: VAI-v minahiwêw:minahiwê VAIw "s/he gives people drinks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v minahow:minaho VAIw "s/he hunts an animal, s/he kills an animal, s/he kills game, s/he makes a kill, s/he has a successful hunt" ; ! AEW: VAI-v minahôstamawêw:minahôstamaw VTA "s/he kills game for s.o., s/he kills an animal for s.o., s/he makes a kill for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 minahôstamâsow:minahôstamâso VAIw "s/he kills game for him/herself, s/he kills an animal for him/herself, s/he makes a kill for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v minahtâw:minahtâ VTIw "s/he kills s.t. as game" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 minihkwâtam:minihkwâta VTIm "s/he drinks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 minihkwâtêw:minihkwât3 VTA "s/he trades s.o. for a drink; s/he drinks s.o. all up (as money)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 minihkwêsiw:minihkwêsi VAIw "s/he drinks a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v minihkwêskiw:minihkwêski VAIw "s/he makes a habit of drinking, s/he is a drinker, s/he is a chronic abuser of alcohol, s/he is an alcoholic" ; ! AEW: VAI-v minihkwêw:minihkwê VAIw "s/he drinks, s/he has a drink; s/he drinks s.t.; s/he drinks, s/he abuses alcohol" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: mâh-minihkwêw ministikowiw:ministikowi VIIw "it has islands" ; ! AEW: VII-v misahtastâw:misahtastâ VTIw "s/he makes a large pile of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 misakâmêpayiw:misakâmêpayi VAIw "s/he goes across from one side to another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misakâmêsohtin:misakâmêsohtin VIIn "it extends all the way" ; ! AEW: VII-n misakâmêyâsiw:misakâmêyâsi VAIw "s/he sails across from one side to the other, s/he is blown across" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misakâw:misakâ VAIw "s/he lands on shore, s/he comes to shore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misamiyêhêw:misamiyêhê VAIw "s/he has laboured breathing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misatimosimow:misatimosimo VAIw "he dances the horse dance, he dances the mounted dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misatimositêw:misatimositê VAIw "s/he has horse feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misawihêw:misawih VTA "s/he defeats s.o. conclusively" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 misâhcinêham:misâhcinêha VTIm "s/he buys s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 misâhtâw:misâhtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. big, s/he makes s.t. bigger" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 misâsin:misâsin VIIn "it is rather large" ; ! AEW: VII-n misâw:misâ VIIw "it is big" ; ! AEW: VII-v misâyêkisiw:misâyêkisi VAIw "it is wide (e.g. material, as a shawl)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misêkin:misêkin VIIn "it is an expanse of ice ;; it is a big hide, it is a large piece of material" ; ! AEW: VII-n misêkisiw:misêkisi VAIw "it is a big hide" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misi-ayamihâw:misi-ayamihâ VAIw "s/he holds mass, s/he celebrates high mass" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misi-kitow:misi-kito VAIw "s/he calls out loudly; s/he makes a loud call" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misi-kitowak:misi-kito VAIw_PL "there is thunder; literally: they call loudly in reference to piýêsiwak Thunderbirds" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misi-pônam:misi-pôna VTIm "s/he makes a large fire" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 misi-pônamawêw:misi-pônamaw VTA "s/he makes a large fire for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 misi-tawâw:misi-tawâ VIIw "there is plenty of room; there is a large open space" ; ! AEW: VII-v misi-tâwinam:misi-tâwina VTIm "s/he makes a large opening, s/he opens it wide" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 misi-yôtin:misi-yôtin VIIn "it is very windy, there is a strong wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n misihêw:misih VTA "s/he gets s.o. in trouble, s/he exposes s.o., s/he betrays s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 misihkêmow:misihkêmo VAIw "s/he tattle, s/he tells on, s/he reveals the truth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misikamâw:misikamâ VIIw "it is a big expanse of water, it is a big lake" ; ! AEW: VII-v misikitisiw:misikitisi VAIw "s/he is quite large" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misikitiw:misikiti VAIw "s/he is big, s/he is large (in height or girth); s/he is a big person" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misimêw:misim VTA "s/he tells on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 misimiyawêw:misimiyawê VAIw "s/he has a large body" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misinihêw:misinih VTA "s/he defeats s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 misipocikêw:misipocikê VAIw "s/he runs things (e.g. hide) over a sharp edge" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misipotâw:misipotâ VTIw "s/he stretches s.t. (e.g. hide)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 misisihtâw:misisihtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. big" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 misiwanâcihcikêskiw:misiwanâcihcikêski VAIw "s/he spoils things, s/he destroys things habitually, s/he fails to be careful with things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: all derivatives listed below begin with nisi- in sC, and in some areas of pC and wC misiwanâcihcikêw:misiwanâcihcikê VAIw "s/he spoils things, s/he destroys things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misiwanâcihêw:misiwanâcih VTA "s/he ruins s.o., s/he destroys s.o., s/he wastes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 misiwanâcihisow:misiwanâcihiso VAIw "s/he ruins him/herself, s/he destroys him/herself; s/he commits suicide" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misiwanâcihitowak:misiwanâcihito VAIw_PL "they destroy one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misiwanâcihow:misiwanâciho VAIw "s/he destroys him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misiwanâcihtamawêw:misiwanâcihtamaw VTA "s/he ruins (it/him) for s.o., s/he destroys (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 misiwanâcihtâw:misiwanâcihtâ VTIw "s/he ruins s.t., s/he destroys s.t., s/he wastes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 misiwanâcisiw:misiwanâcisi VAIw "s/he is ruined" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misiwanâcisîmakan:misiwanâcisîmakan VIIn "it is ruined; it causes ruin, destruction" ; ! AEW: VII-n misiwanâtahkamikisiw:misiwanâtahkamikisi VAIw "s/he makes a mess of things, s/he destroys" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misiwanâtan:misiwanâtan VIIn "it is ruined, it is destroyed, it is spoiled, it decays" ; ! AEW: VII-n misiwanâtisiw:misiwanâtisi VAIw "s/he is ruined, s/he is destroyed, it is spoiled, it decays" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misiwêminakinam:misiwêminakina VTIm "s/he puts beads all over s.t.; s/he covers s.t. with beads" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 misiwêminakinikâtêw:misiwêminakinikâtê VIIw "it is fully beaded, it is covered in beads, it is beaded all over" ; ! AEW: VII-v misiwêpayihêw:misiwêpayih VTA "s/he swallows s.o. whole" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 misiwêpayihtâw:misiwêpayihtâ VTIw "s/he swallows s.t. whole" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 misiwêsiw:misiwêsi VAIw "it is all in one piece, it is entire, it is whole" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misiwêyâw:misiwêyâ VIIw "it is whole" ; ! AEW: VII-v misiyâpiskâw:misiyâpiskâ VIIw "it is rusty, it is rusted" ; ! AEW: VII-v misîhêw:misîh VTA "s/he makes s.o. larger" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 misîhtam:misîhta VTIm "s/he chews s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 misîhtawikâpawiwak:misîhtawikâpawi VAIw_PL "they stand in numbers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misîhtâw:misîhtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. big, larger" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 misîmêw:misîm VTA "s/he chews s.o. (e.g. tobacco)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 misîmiskiwêw:misîmiskiwê VAIw "s/he chews gum, s/he chews snuff" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miskam:miska VTIm "s/he finds s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miskamawêw:miskamaw VTA "s/he finds (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miskamâsow:miskamâso VAIw "s/he finds (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miskawêw:miskaw VTA "s/he finds s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miskâkaniw:miskâkani VIIw "it is found" ; ! AEW: VII-v miskâtowak:miskâto VAIw_PL "they find one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miskikâtêw:miskikâtê VIIw "it is found" ; ! AEW: VII-v miskocênam:miskocêna VTIm "s/he finds s.t.'s whole body with his/her hand (e.g. in the dark)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miskonam:miskona VTIm "s/he finds s.t. with his/her hand (e.g. in the dark)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miskonêw:miskon VTA "s/he finds s.o. with his/her hand (e.g. in the dark)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miskoskam:miskoska VTIm "s/he comes upon s.t.; s/he finds s.t. (with his/her foot or body)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miskoskawêw:miskoskaw VTA "s/he comes upon s.o.; s/he finds s.o. (with his/her foot or body)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: mâh-miskoskawêw miskotâkihkawêw:miskotâkihkaw VTA "s/he makes a coat for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miskotâkihkâkêw:miskotâkihkâkê VAIw "s/he makes a coat from s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v miskotâtowak:miskotâto VAIw_PL "they find one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miskwamêw:miskwam VTA "s/he finds s.o. by biting" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miskwamî-pahkisin:miskwamî-pahkisin3 VAIn "it hails, it is hailing; ice is falling" ; ! AEW: VAI-n miskwamîwiw:miskwamîwi VIIw "it is icy" ; ! AEW: VII-v miskwêyihtam:miskwêyihta VTIm "s/he finds s.t. out, s/he solves s.t.; s/he thinks of a plan for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miskwêyihtamipayiw:miskwêyihtamipayi VAIw "s/he realizes s.t., s/he solves s.t. suddenly; s/he has a sudden inspiration" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mispon:mispon VIIn_SG "it snows, it is snowing" ; ! AEW: VII-n misponisiw:misponisi VAIw "s/he has snowfall, s/he has snow overtake him/her, s/he receives snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v misposin:misposin VIIn "it snows a little" ; ! AEW: VII-n misposkin:misposkin VIIn "it snows often" ; ! AEW: VII-n mistahcikêw:mistahcikê VAIw "s/he eats a lot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mistakihtêw:mistakihtê VIIw "it is counted for much, it is expensive" ; ! AEW: VII-v mistakisow:mistakiso VAIw "it is expensive; s/he is in a high social position" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mistatayêpayiw:mistatayêpayi VAIw "s/he has his/her stomach swell" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mistatayêw:mistatayê VAIw "s/he is big at the belly, s/he has a big belly, s/he has a large stomach" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mistâpêwiw:mistâpêwi VAIw "he is a large man, it is a large bull" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mistiko-nâpêwiw:mistiko-nâpêwi VAIw "he is a carpenter" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mistiko-wanihikêw:mistiko-wanihikê VAIw "s/he uses wooden traps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mistikow:mistiko VAIw "it is a tree" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mistikowan:mistikowan VIIn "it is wooden, it is made of wood" ; ! AEW: VII-n mistikowatihkawêw:mistikowatihkaw VTA "s/he makes a trunk for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mistikowatihkêw:mistikowatihkê VAIw "s/he makes boxes, trunks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mistikowiw:mistikowi VAIw "s/he is wooden, s/he is made of wood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mistikwâskwêyâw:mistikwâskwêyâ VIIw "there is a bluff of evergreen trees" ; ! AEW: VII-v miswâkanikâtêw:miswâkanikât3 VTA "s/he wounds s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 miswâkaniwiw:miswâkaniwi VAIw "s/he is a wounded person or animal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miswâw:misw VTA "s/he is wounded" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 miswêw:misw VTA "s/he wounds s.o., s/he wounds s.o. with a missile" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mitâsihkawêw:mitâsihkaw VTA "s/he makes trousers for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mitâsihkâkêw:mitâsihkâkê VAIw "s/he makes trousers from s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v mitâsihkêw:mitâsihkê VAIw "s/he makes trousers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mitâtahtasiwak:mitâtahtasi VAIw_PL "they are ten in number" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mitâtasiwak:mitâtasi VAIw_PL "they are ten in number" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mitêwiw:mitêwi VAIw "he takes part in the Mitewin, medicine lodge" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mitihcikêw:mitihcikê VAIw "s/he follows trails" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mitihcipayîstawêw:mitihcipayîstaw VTA "s/he pursues s.o. by that one's trail" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mitihtam:mitihta VTIm "s/he tracks s.t., s/he follows s.t. (road, path) as a trail" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mitihtamawêw:mitihtamaw VTA "s/he trails (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mitihtêw:mitiht VTA "s/he trails s.o., s/he tracks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mitimêw:mitimê VAIw "s/he follows a trail, s/he follows tracks, s/he follows footprints" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mitimêyâhtawêw:mitimêyâhtawê VAIw "s/he climbs on the gunwale" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mitonêyihtam:mitonêyihta VTIm "s/he ponders over s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mitonêyimêw:mitonêyim VTA "s/he meditates upon s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miy-ôtinêw:miy-ôtin VTA "s/he takes s.o. in, s/he accepts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyawâcihêw:miyawâcih VTA "s/he cures s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyawâtam:miyawâta VTIm "s/he celebrates (s.t.), s/he rejoices (over s.t.), s/he enjoys s.t.; s/he has fun, s/he is joyful" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyawâtikwan:miyawâtikwan VIIn "it is a celebration" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyawêsiw:miyawêsi VAIw "s/he is hairy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyâhcikêw:miyâhcikê VAIw "s/he smells things, s/he tests his/her sense of smell" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyâhkasam:miyâhkasa VTIm "s/he burns s.t. as incense" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyâhkasamawêw:miyâhkasamaw VTA "s/he burns (it/him as) incense for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miyâhkasikâkêw:miyâhkasikâkê VAIw "s/he uses something as incense; s/he uses something as a scented lure (e.g. in trapping)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyâhkasikêw:miyâhkasikê VAIw "s/he smudges with sweetgrass, s/he burns incense" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyâhkasow:miyâhkaso VAIw "it gives off a cooking smell" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyâhkosiw:miyâhkosi VAIw "s/he has an odour" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyâhkwan:miyâhkwan VIIn "it has an odour" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyâhtam:miyâhta VTIm "s/he smells s.t., s/he sniffs s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyâkohow:miyâkoho VAIw "s/he scents his/her breath" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: traditionally accomplished by chewing willow pith miyâkohtâw:miyâkohtâ VTIw "s/he perfumes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 miyâkohwâkêw:miyâkohwâkê VAIw "s/he perfumes, s/he uses something as perfume" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyâkwan:miyâkwan VIIn "it smells, it emits an odour" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyâmêw:miyâm VTA "s/he smells s.o., s/he sniffs s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyânam:miyâna VTIm "s/he leaves fresh tracks" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyâskam:miyâska VTIm "s/he passes s.t., s/he passes s.t. walking; s/he transgresses s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyâskawêw:miyâskaw VTA "s/he passes s.o., s/he passes s.o. walking, s/he goes past s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miyâskotâtowak:miyâskotâto VAIw_PL "they pass one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyâwaham:miyâwaha VTIm "s/he passes s.t. by water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyâwahwêw:miyâwahw VTA "s/he passes s.o. by water" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 miyêstawêw:miyêstawê VAIw "he has a beard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyêw:miy VTA "s/he gives (it/him) to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyikowisiw:miyikowisi VAIw "s/he has (it/him) given by the powers, God; s/he is given (it/him) by the powers; s/he receives (it/him) from the powers; s/he is given spiritual relief" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyimâwahcâw:miyimâwahcâ VIIw "damp ground" ; ! AEW: VII-v miyimâwâw:miyimâwâ VIIw "it is damp, it is moist" ; ! AEW: VII-v miyimâwisiw:miyimâwisi VAIw "it is damp (e.g. tobacco)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyisow:miyiso VAIw "s/he gives (it/him) to him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyitowak:miyito VAIw_PL "they give (it/him) to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyiwan:miyiwan VIIn "it has pus, it has a discharge" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyiwipiskwanêw:miyiwipiskwanê VAIw "s/he has tuberculosis, s/he has TB" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyiwiw:miyiwi VAIw "s/he has an open infection, s/he has discharge, s/he has pus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-akohpêw:miyo-akohpê VAIw "s/he has good blankets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-atoskêw:miyo-atoskê VAIw "s/he works well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-âcimêw:miyo-âcim VTA "s/he speaks well of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyo-âcimow:miyo-âcimo VAIw "s/he tells good news" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-âpacihêw:miyo-âpacih VTA "s/he uses s.o. well, s/he makes good use of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyo-âpacihtâw:miyo-âpacihtâ VTIw "s/he uses s.t. well, s/he makes good use of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 miyo-isiwêpisiw:miyo-isiwêpisi VAIw "s/he has a good character" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-isîhcikêw:miyo-isîhcikê VAIw "s/he does well, s/he acts well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-itâtisiw:miyo-itâtisi VAIw "s/he is naturally good" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-kanawâpahtam:miyo-kanawâpahta VTIm "s/he regards s.t. with favour" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyo-kanawâpamêw:miyo-kanawâpam VTA "s/he regards s.o. with favour" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyo-kîsihêw:miyo-kîsih VTA "s/he finishes s.o. well; s/he educates s.o. well" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyo-kîsikâw:miyo-kîsikâ VIIw "it is a nice day, it is a fine day; it is good weather" ; ! AEW: VII-v miyo-nâpêwiw:miyo-nâpêwi VAIw "he is a good man, he is a handsome man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: alternatively: miýo-nâpêw- + /-iwi/ miyo-nikamow:miyo-nikamo VAIw "s/he sings well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-nôcihtâw:miyo-nôcihtâ VAIw "s/he pursues good things; [in negative clauses:] s/he is bad, s/he is evil" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-pimâtisiw:miyo-pimâtisi VAIw "s/he lives a good life, s/he is well, s/he keeps well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-tipiskâw:miyo-tipiskâ VIIw "it is a fine night, it is a good night" ; ! AEW: VII-v miyo-tôtam:miyo-tôta VTIm "s/he does a good thing, s/he does s.t. good" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyo-tôtawêw:miyo-tôtaw VTA "s/he does s.o. good, s/he does s.o. a good turn, s/he affects s.o. beneficially, s/he does a charitable deed for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miyo-tôtâkêw:miyo-tôtâkê VAIw "s/he does good things, s/he comforts and consoles" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-wâhkômêw:miyo-wâhkôm VTA "s/he gets on well with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyo-wîcêhtam:miyo-wîcêhta VTIm "s/he is supportive of s.t.; s/he is cooperative" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyo-wîcêhtowak:miyo-wîcêhto VAIw_PL "they get along well with one another, they get along well together" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyo-wîcêwêw:miyo-wîcêw VTA "s/he gets along well with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miyohêw:miyoh VTA "s/he puts s.o. in a good position" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyohkwâmiw:miyohkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyohkwêw:miyohkwê VAIw "s/he has a pleasant face, s/he has a nice face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyohow:miyoho VAIw "s/he is well-dressed; s/he dresses well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyohtahêw:miyohtah VTA "s/he guides s.o. well" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyohtam:miyohta VTIm "s/he likes the sound of s.t., s/he likes how s.t. is said" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyohtawêw:miyohtaw VTA "s/he likes the sound of s.o., s/he hears s.o. with pleasure" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miyohtâkosiw:miyohtâkosi VAIw "s/he sounds pleasant" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyohtâkwan:miyohtâkwan VIIn "it sounds pleasant" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyohtâw:miyohtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. fit well" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 miyohtwâw:miyohtwâ VAIw "s/he is kind, s/he is good-natured, s/he is of pleasant character; s/he acts well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyokâmow:miyokâmo VAIw "s/he is fat, s/he is nice and plump" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyokihtâw:miyokihtâ VTIw "s/he is good at growing s.t.; s/he makes s.t. grow well" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 miyokiw:miyoki VAIw "s/he grows well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyokosisâniwiw:miyokosisâniwi VAIw "he is a fine son" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyokwâsow:miyokwâso VAIw "s/he sews well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyokwâtam:miyokwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t. well" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyokwâtêw:miyokwât3 VTA "s/he sews s.o. well" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 miyomahcihow:miyomahciho VAIw "s/he feels fine, s/he feels well, s/he feels healthy, s/he is in good health or spirit; s/he feels pleased; s/he fares well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyomâhtam:miyomâhta VTIm "s/he likes the smell of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyomâkosiw:miyomâkosi VAIw "s/he smells good, s/he smells fragrant" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyomâkwan:miyomâkwan VIIn "it smells good, it smells fragrant" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyomâsow:miyomâso VAIw "it smells good in cooking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyomêw:miyom VTA "s/he speaks well of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyomisow:miyomiso VAIw "s/he speaks well of him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyomon:miyomon VIIn "it fits well (as a window in a frame)" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyonam:miyona VTIm "s/he has a good hold on s.t.; s/he likes the looks of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyonawêw:miyonaw VTA "s/he likes the way s.o. looks; s/he likes the appearance of s.o. (e.g. looks, clothing)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miyonâkohcikêw:miyonâkohcikê VAIw "s/he has his/her property look nice, s/he has things look prosperous" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyonâkohêw:miyonâkoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. look good; s/he adorn s.o., s/he improves the looks of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyonâkohow:miyonâkoho VAIw "s/he makes him/herself look good; s/he adorns him/herself, s/he improves his/her own looks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyonâkohtâw:miyonâkohtâ VTIw "s/he improves the looks of s.t. (as a yard)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 miyonâkosiw:miyonâkosi VAIw "s/he is beautiful, s/he looks good" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyonâkwan:miyonâkwan VIIn "it is beautiful, it looks good, it has a nice appearance, it looks prosperous" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyonêw:miyon VTA "s/he holds s.o. nicely (as a mother holds her child); s/he has a good hold on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyonikwan:miyonikwan VIIn "it is good walking, there is good footing" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyopayihêw:miyopayih VTA "s/he makes s.o. fare well; s/he gives s.o. good luck" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyopayin:miyopayin VIIn "it runs well, it runs smoothly; it works well" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyopayiw:miyopayi VIIw "it goes well, it goes smoothly; it works well" ; ! AEW: VII-v miyopayiw:miyopayi VAIw "s/he has good luck; s/he fares well, s/he has things go well, s/he has things go smoothly; s/he works well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyopitam:miyopita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. straight" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyosisiw:miyosisi VAIw "s/he is nice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyosiw:miyosi VAIw "s/he is good, s/he is nice, s/he is pretty, s/he is handsome, s/he is beautiful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyosîhow:miyosîho VAIw "s/he dresses well, s/he is dressed well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyosîhtâw:miyosîhtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. good, s/he makes s.t. beautiful" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ! 1: - ! 2: alteranatively: miýosi- + /-htâ/ miyoskam:miyoska VTIm "s/he has a good fit of s.t., s/he fits s.t. well" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miyoskamin:miyoskamin VIIn "it is early spring, it is springtime, it is ice break-up; literally: it is good ground" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyoskamiw:miyoskami VIIw "it is early spring" ; ! AEW: VII-v miyoskawêw:miyoskaw VTA "s/he fits s.o. (e.g. clothing) nicely; s/he is well­suited to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miyoskâkow:miyoskaw VTA "it goes through s.o.'s body with good affect, it does s.o. good (e.g. animate food as actor); it fits s.o. well (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 miyoskwêwiw:miyoskwêwi VAIw "she is a fine woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyosow:miyoso VAIw "it burns well, it smokes well (e.g. tobacco)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyospakosiw:miyospakosi VAIw "it tastes good, it tastes nice, it has a fine taste" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyospakwan:miyospakwan VIIn "it tastes good, it tastes nice, it has a fine taste" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyostâw:miyostâ VTIw "s/he arranges s.t. nicely" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 miyostêw:miyostê VIIw "it is arranged nicely" ; ! AEW: VII-v miyotamon:miyotamon VIIn "it is a good road; it is a well-beaten path" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyotâkosin:miyotâkosin VIIn "it is a fine evening" ; ! AEW: VII-n miyotâmow:miyotâmo VAIw "s/he has a melodious voice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyotêhêw:miyotêhê VAIw "s/he is good-hearted, s/he has a good heart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyotêhêw:miyotêh VTA "s/he gives s.o. a good feeling at heart; s/he consoles and enlightens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miyowêw:miyowê VAIw "it has good fur, s/he has good hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyoyihkâsow:miyoyihkâso VAIw "s/he has a good name" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyôw:miyô VAIw "s/he does well, s/he is skillful, s/he is good at something; s/he is dexterous, s/he is agile" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miyw-âyâw:miyw-âyâ VAIw "s/he is well, s/he is in good health, s/he is in good shape" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywahcihow:miywahciho VAIw "s/he is in good health" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywahcikêw:miywahcikê VAIw "s/he has good eating" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywakisow:miywakiso VAIw "it is well-priced" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywapiw:miywapi VAIw "s/he sits well; s/he is well-off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywasinaham:miywasinaha VTIm "s/he writes s.t. well" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miywasinahikêw:miywasinahikê VAIw "s/he writes well, s/he has good hand-writing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywasinâsow:miywasinâso VAIw "s/he is marked nicely, s/he is shaded nicely" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywasinâstêw:miywasinâstê VIIw "it is marked nicely, s/he is shaded nicely" ; ! AEW: VII-v miywaskisinêw:miywaskisinê VAIw "s/he has good moccasins, s/he has good shoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywastâw:miywastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. well" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 miywastêw:miywastê VIIw "it is placed well" ; ! AEW: VII-v miywatoskêw:miywatoskê VAIw "s/he works well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywâpêwiw:miywâpêwi VAIw "he is handsome, he is a handsome man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywâpisin:miywâpisin3 VAIn "s/he likes the look of something" ; ! AEW: VAI-n miywâsin:miywâsin VIIn "it is good, it is nice, it is pretty, it is beautiful; it is valuable; [in negative clauses:] it is bad, it is evil" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: historically a diminutive formation, but the basic non-diminutive form is no longer used miywâsisiw:miywâsisi VAIw "s/he is good, s/he is fine" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywâtisiw:miywâtisi VAIw "s/he is good" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywêyihcikâtêw:miywêyihcikâtê VIIw "it is well thought of; it feels good" ; ! AEW: VII-v miywêyihtam:miywêyihta VTIm "s/he is glad, s/he is happy, s/he is pleased; s/he is glad about s.t.; s/he likes s.t., s/he thinks well of s.t., s/he considers s.t. good" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 miywêyihtamihêw:miywêyihtamih VTA "s/he pleases s.o.; s/he makes s.o. glad" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miywêyihtâkosiw:miywêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is well-liked; s/he is pleasant, s/he is good-natured" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywêyihtâkwan:miywêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is enjoyable, it is pleasant; it is well-liked" ; ! AEW: VII-n miywêyihtowak:miywêyihto VAIw_PL "they like one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywêyimêw:miywêyim VTA "s/he likes s.o., s/he thinks well of s.o.; s/he is pleased with s.o., s/he considers s.o. good" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 miywêyimisow:miywêyimiso VAIw "s/he likes him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v miywêyimow:miywêyimo VAIw "s/he thinks well of him/herself; s/he likes people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîcimâpôhkâkêw:mîcimâpôhkâkê VAIw "s/he makes broth out of things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîcimâpôhkêw:mîcimâpôhkê VAIw "s/he makes stew, s/he makes broth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîcimîhkâcikêsiw:mîcimîhkâcikêsi VAIw "s/he uses s.t. as bait" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîcimîhkâtam:mîcimîhkâta VTIm "s/he puts bait on the trap; s/he sets bait for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mîcimîhkâtêw:mîcimîhkât3 VTA "s/he sets bait for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mîcisohêw:mîcisoh VTA "s/he gives s.o. to eat; s/he makes s.o. eat" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mîcisohkâsow:mîcisohkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to eat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîcisosiw:mîcisosi VAIw "s/he eats a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîcisoskiw:mîcisoski VAIw "s/he eats often, s/he eats all the time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîcisow:mîciso VAIw "s/he eats, s/he has a meal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîcisowamahcihow:mîcisowamahciho VAIw "s/he feels like eating" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîcisowinâhtikohkawêw:mîcisowinâhtikohkaw VTA "s/he makes tables for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mîcisowinâhtikohkêw:mîcisowinâhtikohkê VAIw "s/he makes tables" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîcisowinihkêw:mîcisowinihkê VAIw "s/he prepares a meal, s/he prepares meals" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîcitêw:mîcit3 VTA "s/he soils s.o. with excrement" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ! 1: - ! 2: also wC: mîsâtêw; cf. mîtitêw mîcitisow:mîcitiso VAIw "s/he soils him/herself with excrement" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîciw:mîci VTIw "s/he eats s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-3 mîhistowêw:mîhistowê VAIw "he has beard hairs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîhkawikiw:mîhkawiki VAIw "s/he runs fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîhkîhkotam:mîhkîhkota VTIm "s/he uses a tanning tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mîkisihkahcikêw:mîkisihkahcikê VAIw "s/he does beadwork, s/he beads things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîkisihkahtam:mîkisihkahta VTIm "s/he beads s.t., s/he puts beads on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mîkisihkahtêw:mîkisihkahtê VIIw "it is beaded" ; ! AEW: VII-v mîkisistaham:mîkisistaha VTIm "s/he beads s.t.; s/he puts beadwork on s.t.; s/he adorns s.t. with beadwork, s/he works beads on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mîkisistahikêw:mîkisistahikê VAIw "s/he beads, s/he does beadwork" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîkisistikwânêw:mîkisistikwânê VAIw "s/he has beads on his/her head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîkisiwiw:mîkisiwi VIIw "it is beaded" ; ! AEW: VII-v mîkiwâhpihkêw:mîkiwâhpihkê VAIw "s/he makes a tipi" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mînisiskâw:mînisiskâ VIIw "there are many berries, berries are abundant" ; ! AEW: VII-v mînisiwan:mînisiwan VIIn "it bears fruit" ; ! AEW: VII-n mînisiwiw:mînisiwi VAIw "it bears fruit (as a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mînohtâw:mînohtâ VTIw "s/he corrects s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mînomêw:mînom VTA "s/he straightens s.o. out, s/he corrects s.o. verbally, s/he corrects s.o.'s behaviour or attitude" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: mâh-mînomêw mînopayiw:mînopayi VAIw "s/he settles s.t., s/he balances s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v mînosinaham:mînosinaha VTIm "s/he corrects s.t., s/he rewrites s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mînoskam:mînoska VTIm "s/he rectifies s.t. by foot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mîsaham:mîsaha VTIm "s/he mends s.t., s/he repairs s.t., s/he patches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mîsahikâkêw:mîsahikâkê VAIw "s/he uses s.t. as a patch" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîsahikâsow:mîsahikâso VAIw "it is mended" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîsahikâtêw:mîsahikâtê VIIw "it is mended" ; ! AEW: VII-v mîsahikêw:mîsahikê VAIw "s/he mends things, s/he patches things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîsahwêw:mîsahw VTA "s/he mends s.o., s/he patches s.o. (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mîsihtâw:mîsihtâ VTIw "s/he has (s.t. as) a supply of food" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mîsiyâpiskâw:mîsiyâpiskâ VIIw "it is rusty" ; ! AEW: VII-v mîsiyâpiskisiw:mîsiyâpiskisi VAIw "it is rusty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîsîhkasow:mîsîhkaso VAIw "s/he is made to defecate from the heat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîsîhkâsow:mîsîhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to defecate" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîsîw:mîsî VAIw "s/he defecates, s/he has a bowel movement" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîskonam:mîskona VTIm "s/he feels s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: often used with sexual connotations mîskonêw:mîskon VTA "s/he feels s.o. (by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: often used with sexual connotations mîskonisow:mîskoniso VAIw "s/he feels him/herself; s/he masturbates" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîskoskam:mîskoska VTIm "s/he reverts to s.t. in turn (exchange)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mîskotahpititowak:mîskotahpitito VAIw_PL "they tie one another in turn" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîskotayiwinisêw:mîskotayiwinisê VAIw "s/he changes his/her clothes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîskotinam:mîskotina VTIm "s/he changes s.t., s/he replaces s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mîskotinamawêw:mîskotinamaw VTA "s/he changes (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mîskotinêw:mîskotin VTA "s/he changes s.o., s/he replaces s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mîskotônam:mîskotôna VTIm "s/he exchanges s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mîskotônamawêw:mîskotônamaw VTA "s/he exchanges (it/him) with, to or for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mîskotônamâtowak:mîskotônamâto VAIw_PL "they exchange with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîskotônêw:mîskotôn VTA "s/he exchanges s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mîskwaham:mîskwaha VTIm "s/he hits s.t., s/he strikes s.t., s/he discovers s.t. (by tool; as in water searching for an article)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mîskwahwêw:mîskwahw VTA "s/he hits s.o., s/he strikes s.o., s/he discovers s.o. (by tool; as in water searching for an article)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mîskwâpahtam:mîskwâpahta VTIm "s/he notices s.t., s/he catches a glimpse of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mîskwâpamêw:mîskwâpam VTA "s/he notices s.o., s/he catches a glimpse of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mîstasow:mîstaso VAIw "s/he eats poplar bast; s/he gets sap, s/he taps a tree for sap" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîtihkwâmiw:mîtihkwâmi VAIw "s/he defecates while sleeping; s/he soils his/her bed with excrement while sleeping" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîtitêw:mîtit3 VTA "s/he soils s.o. with excrement" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mîtitisow:mîtitiso VAIw "s/he soils him/herself with excrement" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mîtosiskâw:mîtosiskâ VIIw "there are many trees, it is a poplar thicket" ; ! AEW: VII-v mîwipiskwanêw:mîwipiskwanê VAIw "s/he has consumption, tuberculosis, TB" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mohkicêw:mohkicê VAIw "s/he exposes him/herself indecently" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mohtâskikanêhosow:mohtâskikanêhoso VAIw "s/he wounds him/herself in the chest" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mohtâskikanêhwêw:mohtâskikanêhw VTA "s/he wounds s.o. in the chest" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mohtêmiw:mohtêmi VAIw "s/he has a pimple; s/he has a boil" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mohtêwiskâw:mohtêwiskâ VIIw "there is a caterpillar plague, there are many caterpillars" ; ! AEW: VII-v mohtêwiw:mohtêwi VAIw "it is maggoty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mohyâpitasêkow:mohyâpitasêko VAIw "s/he wears clothes with fur turned in" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mosawaham:mosawaha VTIm "s/he bares s.t. (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 moscâstan:moscâstan VIIn "there are warm breezes; the winds are light" ; ! AEW: VII-n moscikwâsow:moscikwâso VAIw "s/he sews by hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v moscikwâtam:moscikwâta VTIm "s/he sew s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 moscikwâtêw:moscikwât3 VTA "s/he sew s.o. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mosêkâtêw:mosêkâtê VAIw "s/he has bare legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mosêpitêw:mosêpit3 VTA "s/he uncovers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mosêsin:mosêsin3 VAIn "s/he lies uncovered" ; ! AEW: VAI-n mosêskatênêw:mosêskatên VTA "s/he undresses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mosêskatêpiw:mosêskatêpi VAIw "s/he sits naked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mosêskatêw:mosêskatê VAIw "s/he is naked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mosêspitonêw:mosêspitonê VAIw "s/he has bare arms, s/he goes with bare arms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mosêstikwânêw:mosêstikwânê VAIw "s/he has a bare head, s/he goes without a hat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mosêtiyêhkwâmiw:mosêtiyêhkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps with bare buttocks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mosêtiyêw:mosêtiyê VAIw "s/he has a bare buttocks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mostaskamikâw:mostaskamikâ VIIw "it is bare ground" ; ! AEW: VII-v mostastâw:mostastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. simply on bare ground" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 mostâpêkasêpiw:mostâpêkasêpi VAIw "s/he sits naked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mostâpêkasêw:mostâpêkasê VAIw "s/he is bare, s/he is naked, s/he is nude; s/he goes naked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mostâpêkikâtêw:mostâpêkikâtê VAIw "s/he is bare-legged, s/he has bare legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mostâtwêwitam:mostâtwêwita VTIm "s/he speaks without effect; s/he makes a nuisance of him/herself speaking" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mostâwahtâw:mostâwahtâ VIIw "it is bare ground" ; ! AEW: VII-v mostihkwâmiw:mostihkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps alone; s/he sleeps on bare ground" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mostinam:mostina VTIm "s/he takes s.t. with bare hands" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mostinêw:mostin VTA "s/he takes s.o. by actual seizure; s/he catches s.o. in the act of taking" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mostohtêw:mostohtê VAIw "s/he walks without aid or conveyance; s/he merely walks, s/he travels on foot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mostososimow:mostososimo VAIw "he dances the Buffalo Society dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mowâhkwêw:mowâhkwê VAIw "s/he eats roe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mowâkonêw:mowâkonê VAIw "s/he eats snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mowêw:mow2 VTA "s/he eats s.o. (e.g. bread)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: mâh-mowêw mowiskwamêw:mowiskwamê VAIw "s/he eats ice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mowitowak:mowito VAIw_PL "they eat one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môcikan:môcikan VIIn "it is fun" ; ! AEW: VII-n môcikâw:môcikâ VAIw "s/he has fun" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môcikêyihtam:môcikêyihta VTIm "s/he is merry, s/he is happy; s/he is thrilled by s.t.; s/he rejoices" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 môcikihcâsiw:môcikihcâsi VTIw "s/he has a little fun" ; ! AEW: VTI-3 môcikihêw:môcikih VTA "s/he makes s.o. happy" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 môcikihtâw:môcikihtâ VAIw "s/he has fun; s/he has a good time (over s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: also VTI-2 môcikihtâwinihkêw:môcikihtâwinihkê VAIw "s/he throws a party" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môcikipêw:môcikipê VAIw "s/he has fun (from drink)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhcitonâmow:môhcitonâmo VAIw "s/he talks foolishly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhcohkâsow:môhcohkâso VAIw "s/he acts silly, s/he behaves foolishly; s/he pretends to be silly, s/he pretends to be crazy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhcohkêw:môhcohkê VAIw "s/he uses love medicine" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhcowisiw:môhcowisi VAIw "s/he is silly, s/he is crazy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhcowiw:môhcowi VAIw "s/he is mad, s/he is crazy; s/he is stupid, s/he is foolish, s/he is silly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhcowiyâw:môhcowiyâ VAIw "s/he is silly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhcôyinîwiw:môhcôyinîwi VAIw "he is a crazy man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhêw:môh VTA "s/he makes s.o. cry, s/he makes s.o. weep" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 môhkahcâw:môhkahcâ VIIw "it is bare hilly land" ; ! AEW: VII-v môhkiciwanipêw:môhkiciwanipê VIIw "it is a spring (of water)" ; ! AEW: VII-v môhkitapiw:môhkitapi VAIw "s/he sits with improper exposure" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhkitohtêw:môhkitohtê VAIw "s/he walks with improper exposure" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhkocikâkêw:môhkocikâkê VAIw "s/he planes wood with s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhkocikâtêw:môhkocikâtê VIIw "it is whittled, it is sharpened (as a pencil); it is planed" ; ! AEW: VII-v môhkocikêw:môhkocikê VAIw "s/he whittles, s/he planes things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhkomânitôskwanêw:môhkomânitôskwanê VAIw "s/he has knife edges on elbows" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môhkotam:môhkota VTIm "s/he whittles s.t., s/he planes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 môhkotêw:môhkot3 VTA "s/he planes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 môhkwâkanêw:môhkwâkanê VAIw "it bucks, it gallops" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: mâmôhkwâkanêw môhkwâkanêyiw:môhkwâkanêyi VAIw "it bucks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: mâmôhkwâkanêýiw môminêw:môminê VAIw "s/he eats berries from the bush, s/he eats berries as s/he picks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: rdpl: mâh-môminêw mônaham:mônaha VTIm "s/he digs s.t., s/he digs for s.t., s/he digs s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mônahaskwêw:mônahaskwê VAIw "s/he harvests; s/he roots" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mônahicêpihkêw:mônahicêpihkê VAIw "s/he digs roots out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mônahikâtam:mônahikâta VTIm "s/he digs s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mônahikêsiw:mônahikêsi VAIw "s/he digs a small hole" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mônahikêstamawêw:mônahikêstamaw VTA "s/he digs for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mônahikêw:mônahikê VAIw "s/he harvests; s/he digs, s/he digs things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mônahipêpicikêw:mônahipêpicikê VAIw "s/he drills wells" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mônahipêpitam:mônahipêpita VTIm "s/he digs a well, s/he drills a well" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mônahwêw:mônahw VTA "s/he digs for s.o., s/he digs s.o. out (e.g. tree)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 mônipitam:mônipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. up from the ground" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mônisôniyâwêw:mônisôniyâwê VAIw "s/he digs for gold or silver; s/he prospects" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môniyâhkâsow:môniyâhkâso VAIw "s/he is like a White-Man, s/he acts like a White-Man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môniyâwi-itwêw:môniyâwi-itwê VAIw "s/he says the White word, s/he says the English word" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môniyâwiw:môniyâwi VAIw "he is a White-Man, s/he is White" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môsâhkamêw:môsâhkam VTA "it gathers up s.o. to eat, it picks up s.o. to eat (as a chicken picks at grain on the ground)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 môsâhkinam:môsâhkina VTIm "s/he picks s.t., s/he picks s.t. up, s/he gathers s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 môsâhkinêw:môsâhkin VTA "s/he picks s.o. up, s/he gathers s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 môsâhkinikêw:môsâhkinikê VAIw "s/he gathers (things)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môsâhkipitam:môsâhkipita VTIm "s/he gathers s.t. quickly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 môsâhkipitêw:môsâhkipit3 VTA "s/he gathers s.o. quickly" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 môsâkamin:môsâkamin VIIn "it is a weak liquid (as tea)" ; ! AEW: VII-n môsâpêwiw:môsâpêwi VAIw "he is a single man, he is a spouseless man, he is a bachelor, he is an unmarried man, he is a widower" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môsihêw:môsih VTA "s/he senses s.o., s/he feels s.o., s/he perceives s.o.'s presence or coming" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 môsihow:môsiho VAIw "s/he feels s.t. is coming; s/he has the sensation of feeling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môsihowiniw:môsihowini VAIw "s/he has feelings; s/he is a seer, s/he is psychic" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môsihtâw:môsihtâ VTIw "s/he feels s.t., s/he senses s.t.; s/he perceives s.t.'s presence or coming" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 môsiskwêwiw:môsiskwêwi VAIw "she is a single woman, she is a spinster, she is a widow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môskatâwahkiskawêw:môskatâwahkiskaw VTA "s/he uncovers s.o. as that one steps" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 môskâkonêpitam:môskâkonêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. out of the snow" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 môskâkonêpitêw:môskâkonêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. out of the snow" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 môskiciwan:môskiciwan VIIn "it flows out (as a spring)" ; ! AEW: VII-n môskinêw:môskinê VIIw "it is full, it overflows" ; ! AEW: VII-v môskinêw:môskin VTA "s/he uncovers s.o., s/he removes s.o. from concealment, s/he exposes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 môskipayiw:môskipayi VAIw "s/he has a rash, s/he breaks out in a rash, s/he breaks out in sores (e.g. with thrush)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môskipêw:môskipê VAIw "s/he emerges from water, s/he comes to the surface" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môskipêw:môskipê VIIw "it is a spring of water" ; ! AEW: VII-v môskipitam:môskipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. forth; s/he uncovers s.t., s/he pulls s.t. out from concealment" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 môskipitêw:môskipit3 VTA "s/he uncovers and removes s.o., s/he reveals s.o. by uncovering" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 môskiwêpiskam:môskiwêpiska VTIm "s/he uncovers s.t. by a kick" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 môskîscikêw:môskîscikê VAIw "s/he attacks things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môskîstam:môskîsta VTIm "s/he attacks s.t., s/he rushes at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 môskîstamawêw:môskîstamaw VTA "s/he attacks (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 môskîstamâtowak:môskîstamâto VAIw_PL "they attack (it/him) for one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môskîstawêw:môskîstaw VTA "s/he attacks s.o., s/he rushes at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 môskîstâkêw:môskîstâkê VAIw "s/he attacks people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môskîstâtowak:môskîstâto VAIw_PL "they attack one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môskîw:môskî VAIw "s/he comes forth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môskomêw:môskom VTA "s/he moves s.o. to tears by weeping or speaking; s/he makes s.o. cry, s/he makes s.o. weepy, s/he makes s.o. become emotional" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 môskomow:môskomo VAIw "s/he makes him/herself cry (by speech), s/he talks him/herself into crying, s/he cries while talking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môskopêw:môskopê VAIw "s/he cries from drinking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môskowâhkatosow:môskowâhkatoso VAIw "s/he cries from hunger" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môskowêpahwêw:môskowêpahw VTA "s/he makes s.o. cry by hitting" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 môskwamêw:môskwam VTA "s/he makes s.o. cry by biting" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 môskwaskopitêw:môskwaskopit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. out from under grass" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 môskwâpâwêw:môskwâpâwê VAIw "s/he cries because of water; s/he is made to cry by water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môsoskâw:môsoskâ VIIw "there are many moose in the area" ; ! AEW: VII-v môsowiw:môsowi VAIw "it is a moose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v môswaskâw:môswaskâ VIIw "there are lots of moose" ; ! AEW: VII-v môyêyihtam:môyêyihta VTIm "s/he senses s.t., s/he realises s.t., s/he becomes aware of s.t.; s/he suspects s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 môyêyimêw:môyêyim VTA "s/he becomes aware of s.o.; s/he suspects s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mwâkowiw:mwâkowi VAIw "s/he is a loon" ; ! AEW: VAI-v mwêsiskam:mwêsiska VTIm "s/he comes just too late for s.t.; s/he just misses s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mwêsiskawêw:mwêsiskaw VTA "s/he is too late for s.o., s/he comes just too late for s.o., s/he just misses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mwêstasin:mwêstasin VIIn "it is late" ; ! AEW: VII-n mwêstasisin:mwêstasisin3 VAIn "s/he is late" ; ! AEW: VAI-n mwêstâcimêw:mwêstâcim VTA "s/he wears s.o. out by speech; s/he tells all when relating about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 mwêstâcîhkam:mwêstâcîhka VTIm "s/he bothers s.t., s/he hangs around a place" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mwêstâsihtam:mwêstâsihta VTIm "s/he is tired of listening to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mwêstâsihtawêw:mwêstâsihtaw VTA "s/he is tired of listening to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 mwêstâtêw:mwêstât3 VTA "s/he is tired of s.o., s/he is fed up with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 mwêstinam:mwêstina VTIm "s/he is too late to catch s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 mwêstinêw:mwêstin VTA "s/he is too late to catch s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 na-napwahpisow:na-napwahpiso VAIw "s/he is hobbled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v na-napwahpitêw:na-napwahpit3 VTA "s/he hobbles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 na-nâh-nêstopayiw:na-nâh-nêstopayi VAIw "s/he is lethargic" ; ! AEW: VAI-v na-nêpêwihêw:na-nêpêwih VTA "s/he embarrases s.o.; s/he shames s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 na-nêpêwihtâkwan:na-nêpêwihtâkwan VIIn "it sounds shameful; it sounds disgraceful" ; ! AEW: VII-n na-nêpêwisiw:na-nêpêwisi VAIw "s/he is ashamed, s/he is embarrassed; s/he is bashful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v na-nêsowisiw:na-nêsowisi VAIw "s/he is weak" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahahêw:nahah VTA "s/he puts s.o. away" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nahapiw:nahapi VAIw "s/he sits down, s/he sits down in his/her place, s/he is properly seated" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahapîhêw:nahapîh VTA "s/he makes s.o. sit, s/he seats s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nahapîstam:nahapîsta VTIm "s/he sits down by s.t., s/he sits down to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahapîstawêw:nahapîstaw VTA "s/he sits down by s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nahascikêw:nahascikê VAIw "s/he puts things away, s/he puts things into place; s/he tidies up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahastamawêw:nahastamaw VTA "s/he puts (it/him) away for s.o.; s/he places (it/him) right for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nahastamâsow:nahastamâso VAIw "s/he puts (it/him) away for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahastâsimonihkawêw:nahastâsimonihkaw VTA "s/he prepares a bed for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nahastâsimonihkâtam:nahastâsimonihkâta VTIm "s/he makes s.t. up (the bed)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahastâsimonihkêw:nahastâsimonihkê VAIw "s/he prepares beds" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahastâsow:nahastâso VAIw "s/he places things for him/herself, s/he straightens s.t. out; s/he makes the beds" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahastâw:nahastâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. away; s/he puts s.t. in its place, s/he places s.t. right; s/he stores, caches s.t.; s/he buries s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nahâhkapiw:nahâhkapi VAIw "he lives with his wife's people or his wife's parents" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahâpahtam:nahâpahta VTIm "s/he sees s.t. clearly, readily; s/he sees s.t. favourably" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahâpamêw:nahâpam VTA "s/he sees s.o. clearly, readily; s/he sees s.o. favourably" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nahâpasow:nahâpaso VAIw "s/he smells right, properly, well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahâpiw:nahâpi VAIw "s/he sees clearly, s/he sees well; s/he has good vision" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahâsiw:nahâsi VAIw "s/he is keen of perception; s/he is a good shot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahâwakihtam:nahâwakihta VTIm "s/he counts s.t. carefully" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahâwakimêw:nahâwakim VTA "s/he counts s.o. carefully" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nahâwascikêw:nahâwascikê VAIw "s/he places things in order, nicely, neatly; s/he arranges things neatly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahâwastâw:nahâwastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. in order, s/he arranges s.t. in order" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nahâwastêw:nahâwastê VIIw "it is placed in order, it is neat and proper" ; ! AEW: VII-v nahâwêkinam:nahâwêkina VTIm "s/he folds s.t. neatly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahâwêkinêw:nahâwêkin VTA "s/he folds s.o. neatly (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nahâwihtam:nahâwihta VTIm "s/he hears well; s/he hears s.t. well" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahâwihtawêw:nahâwihtaw VTA "s/he hears s.o. well" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nahâwinikêw:nahâwinikê VAIw "s/he is orderly; s/he puts things compactly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahêkâcihtâw:nahêkâcihtâ VTIw "s/he is sparing of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nahêkinam:nahêkina VTIm "s/he folds s.t. up properly (well)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahêyihtam:nahêyihta VTIm "s/he is satisfied with s.t., s/he is pleased with s.t., s/he is content" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahêyihtamihêw:nahêyihtamih VTA "s/he makes s.o. feel good, at home, s/he makes s.o. feel content" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nahêyihtawêyihtam:nahêyihtawêyihta VTIm "s/he has good sense in reasoning" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahêyihtâkwan:nahêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is satisfactory, well" ; ! AEW: VII-n nahêyihtowak:nahêyihto VAIw_PL "they agree with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahêyimêw:nahêyim VTA "s/he is fond of s.o., s/he is pleased with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nahihêw:nahih VTA "s/he satisfies s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nahihow:nahiho VAIw "s/he is satisfied" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahihtam:nahihta VTIm "s/he listens well to s.t.; s/he obeys s.t.; s/he heeds s.t.; s/he hears s.t. well" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahihtawêw:nahihtaw VTA "s/he heeds s.o. well, s/he obeys s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nahihtâhêw:nahihtâh VTA "s/he makes s.o. listen, s/he makes s.o. pay attention" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nahihtâtowak:nahihtâto VAIw_PL "they heed well one another's speech" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahikâpawiw:nahikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands in position" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahikâpawîstawêw:nahikâpawîstaw VTA "s/he stands in place by s.o.; he acts as s.o.'s best man at a wedding" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nahikohtâkanêmow:nahikohtâkanêmo VAIw "s/he clears his/her throat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahinam:nahina VTIm "s/he buries s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahinêw:nahin VTA "s/he buries s.o.; s/he has a funeral for s.o.; s/he puts s.o. in place" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nahipayiw:nahipayi VAIw "s/he has things work, properly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahipayiw:nahipayi VIIw "it fits well (e.g. a door on a frame)" ; ! AEW: VII-v nahisin:nahisin3 VAIn "s/he lies properly, comfortably; s/he fits well in something" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nahiskam:nahiska VTIm "s/he has s.t. fit well, s/he fits s.t. well; s/he looks nice in s.t.; s/he looks nicely dressed; s/he wears s.t. becomingly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahiskawêw:nahiskaw VTA "s/he has s.o. fit well, s/he fits s.o. well; s/he looks nice in s.o. (e.g. pants); s/he looks nicely dressed; s/he wears s.o. becomingly (e.g. pants); s/he looks good with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nahiskâtomakanwa:nahiskâtomakan VIIn_PL "they match, they look nice together" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: plural generally nahiskâtomakisiwak:nahiskâtomakisi VAIw_PL "they match, they look nice together" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: plural generally; said of objects, not people or animals nahiskâtowak:nahiskâto VAIw_PL "they match (people), they look good together" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahitôtam:nahitôta VTIm "s/he does s.t. carefully or accurately" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nahîtikitiw:nahîtikiti VAIw "s/he is of an exact size, s/he is just the right size" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahîw:nahî VAIw "s/he is good (at something); s/he is often right on the mark" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahkawêw:nahkawê VAIw "s/he speaks Saulteaux" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahkawimow:nahkawimo VAIw "s/he speaks Saulteaux" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nahkawiyinîwiw:nahkawiyinîwi VAIw "s/he is a Saulteaux Indian" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakacihêw:nakacih VTA "s/he is familiar with s.o.'s character, s/he knows s.o. well, s/he is able to get along with s.o. through proper observation of his/her character; s/he observes s.o. well" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nakacihtâw:nakacihtâ VTIw "s/he knows well how to do s.t., s/he is familiar with doing s.t., s/he is practised at s.t., s/he is skilled (through experience); s/he is used to s.t.'s ways" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nakacipahêw:nakacipah VTA "s/he runs away from s.o.; s/he leaves s.o. alone, behind by running; s/he outdistances s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nakacipiciscikâtêw:nakacipiciscikâtê VIIw "it is left when camp is moved, it is moved away from" ; ! AEW: VII-v nakacipicistam:nakacipicista VTIm "s/he moves camp leaving s.t. behind" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nakacipicistawêw:nakacipicistaw VTA "s/he moves camp leaving s.o. behind" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nakahcâw:nakahcâ VIIw "it is a steep hill, it is a cliff" ; ! AEW: VII-v nakahpêhan:nakahpêhan VIIn "there is a west wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n nakamow:nakamo VAIw "s/he sings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakasitowak:nakasito VAIw_PL "they leave one another behind, each in turn; they race" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakasiwêw:nakasiwê VAIw "s/he is ahead; s/he outdistances people, s/he outruns everyone" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakatahwêw:nakatahw VTA "s/he leaves s.o. behind by canoe, boat, car" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nakatam:nakata VTIm "s/he leaves s.t., s/he abandons s.t., s/he leaves s.t. behind; s/he goes away from s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nakatamawêw:nakatamaw VTA "s/he leaves (it/him) behind for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nakataskêw:nakataskê VAIw "s/he leaves the earth behind, s/he departs the world, s/he dies" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakatêw:nakat3 VTA "s/he leaves s.o., s/he abandons s.o., s/he leaves s.o. behind; s/he goes away from s.o.; s/he dies and leaves s.o. behind" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nakatisahwêw:nakatisahw VTA "s/he sends s.o. away; s/he drives s.o. to leave, s/he forces s.o. to leave" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nakatisamawêw:nakatisamaw VTA "s/he drives (it/him) away for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nakatisihtam:nakatisihta VTIm "s/he leaves s.t. lying" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nakatisimêw:nakatisim VTA "s/he leaves s.o. lying" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nakatitowak:nakatito VAIw_PL "they race one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakayâhêw:nakayâh VTA "s/he tames s.o., s/he trains s.o., s/he breaks s.o. (e.g. horse); s/he gets s.o. accustomed to something" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nakayâskam:nakayâska VTIm "s/he is used to s.t., s/he is accustomed to s.t., s/he is comfortable with s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nakayâskawêw:nakayâskaw VTA "s/he is used to s.o., s/he is familiar with s.o.; s/he is accustomed to s.o., s/he is comfortable with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nakâhtwâw:nakâhtwâ VAIw "s/he wins" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakânam:nakâna VTIm "s/he holds s.t. back" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nakânêw:nakân VTA "s/he stops s.o.; s/he detains s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nakâpitam:nakâpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. to a stop" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nakâpitêw:nakâpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. to a stop" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nakâsin:nakâsin3 VAIn "s/he is unable to continue because of blockage; s/he stops" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nakâwâskwêsinam:nakâwâskwêsina VTIm "s/he stops dead from running into s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nakêhkwasow:nakêhkwaso VAIw "s/he is stopped from going further by fire" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakêstiw:nakêsti VAIw "s/he stops" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakêwihêw:nakêwih VTA "s/he stops s.o. from leaving by blocking the way" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nakinam:nakina VTIm "s/he stops s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nakinêw:nakin VTA "s/he stops s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nakinikêw:nakinikê VAIw "s/he stops things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakipayiw:nakipayi VAIw "s/he stops travelling, s/he stops driving" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakipayiw:nakipayi VIIw "it stops working (automatically)" ; ! AEW: VII-v nakipicikêw:nakipicikê VAIw "s/he stops his/her team; s/he stops machinery" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakiskam:nakiska VTIm "s/he meets s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nakiskamohtahêw:nakiskamohtah VTA "s/he introduces s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nakiskawêw:nakiskaw VTA "s/he meets s.o., s/he encounters s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: Imperative 2s-3s form used as an introductory exclamation: nakiskaw ... meet ... nakiskâkêw:nakiskâkê VAIw "s/he meets people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakiskâtam:nakiskâta VTIm "s/he meets s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nakiskâtowak:nakiskâto VAIw_PL "they meet one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakiskotâtowak:nakiskotâto VAIw_PL "they meet one another unexpectedly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakîstam:nakîsta VTIm "s/he stops before s.t., s/he stops by s.t., s/he stops for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nakîstawêw:nakîstaw VTA "s/he stops before s.o., s/he stops by s.o., s/he stops for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nakîw:nakî VAIw "s/he stops, s/he comes to a stop; s/he parks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakwâsow:nakwâso VAIw "s/he is snared, s/he is stopped by a snare" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nakwâtêw:nakwât3 VTA "s/he snares s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nakwâtisow:nakwâtiso VAIw "s/he snares him/herself, s/he catches him/herself in a snare" ; ! AEW: VAI-v namahcîw:namahcî VAIw "s/he is left-handed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v namakîkwâw:namakîkwâ VIIw "it disappears, it is nothing" ; ! AEW: VII-v namakîkwâyiwiw:namakîkwâyiwi VAIw "s/he comes to nothing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v namastêw:namastê VIIw "it is wrong, incorrect" ; ! AEW: VII-v namatakon:namatakon VIIn "it is absent, it is gone; it disappears" ; ! AEW: VII-n namatêw:namatê VAIw "s/he is absent, s/he is gone; s/he is nonexistent, s/he has disappeared; s/he disappears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v namayêw:namayê VIIw "it did not occur in time" ; ! AEW: VII-v namayêw:namayê VAIw "s/he did not arrive on time; s/he did not accomplish his/her task in time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v namêhtâw:namêhtâ VAIw "s/he leaves tracks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v namêkosiskâw:namêkosiskâ VIIw "there are many trout" ; ! AEW: VII-v namêsiwan:namêsiwan VIIn "there are sturgeon" ; ! AEW: VII-n namêstêkohkêw:namêstêkohkê VAIw "s/he makes dried fish; s/he makes fillets, s/he makes sucker fillets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v namikêstawêw:namikêstaw VTA "s/he curtsies for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 namikêyiw:namikêyi VAIw "s/he curtsies" ; ! AEW: VAI-v namipayihow:namipayiho VAIw "s/he shakes him/herself; s/he shivers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated generally: nanamipaýihow namipayiw:namipayi VAIw "s/he shakes, s/he shivers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated generally: nanamipayiw namipayiw:namipayi VIIw "it shakes" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated generally: nanamipaýiw namiskwêstawêw:namiskwêstaw VTA "s/he nods to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated generally: nanamiskwêstawêw namiskwêyiw:namiskwêyi VAIw "s/he puts his/her own head down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanahihtam:nanahihta VTIm "s/he listens obediently to s.t., s/he listens well to s.t.; s/he obeys s.t.; s/he hears well, s/he has good hearing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nanahihtawêw:nanahihtaw VTA "s/he listens well to s.o.; s/he obeys s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nanahihtâw:nanahihtâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. in order, s/he makes s.t. look tidy" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nanamaciw:nanamaci VAIw "s/he shivers with cold, s/he is shivering" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanamaskamikêpayiw:nanamaskamikêpayi VIIw "there is an earthquake; the earth trembles" ; ! AEW: VII-v nanamâspinêw:nanamâspinê VAIw "s/he has palsy; literally: s/he has the trembling sickness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanamâstan:nanamâstan VIIn "it is shaken by the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n nanamipayiw:nanamipayi VAIw "s/he shakes; s/he has his/her entire body shake" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanamipitam:nanamipita VTIm "s/he shakes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nanamipitêw:nanamipit3 VTA "s/he shakes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nanamiskwêstawêw:nanamiskwêstaw VTA "s/he bows to s.o. (with the head only like a nod); s/he bows his/her own head to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nanamiskwêyiw:nanamiskwêyi VAIw "s/he nods his/her own head, s/he shakes his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanamitâpiskanêw:nanamitâpiskanê VAIw "s/he has his/her own jaw tremble" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanamitâpiskanêwaciw:nanamitâpiskanêwaci VAIw "s/he has his/her own jaw tremble from cold" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanamwêw:nanamwê VAIw "s/he stutters" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanapotôkanêskawêw:nanapotôkanêskaw VTA "s/he kicks s.o.'s rump crooked" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nanapotôkanêw:nanapotôkanê VAIw "s/he has a crooked rump" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanayêhtâwipayiw:nanayêhtâwipayi VAIw "s/he suffers misfortune, s/he has a breakdown" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanâniscipayiw:nanâniscipayi VAIw "s/he breaks apart in pieces" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanâniscipitam:nanâniscipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. into bits" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nanâniscipitêw:nanâniscipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. into pieces, bits" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nanânistinam:nanânistina VTIm "s/he takes s.t. apart" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nanânistinêw:nanânistin VTA "s/he takes s.o. apart (as a clock)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nanâskomêw:nanâskom VTA "s/he thanks s.o., s/he gives thanks to s.o., s/he is grateful to s.o., s/he speaks words of thanks to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nanâskomow:nanâskomo VAIw "s/he is grateful, s/he is thankful; s/he gives thanks, s/he expresses thanks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanâskotam:nanâskota VTIm "s/he is thankful (for s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nanâspisihtâw:nanâspisihtâ VTIw "s/he copies s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nanâtatwêwêmêw:nanâtatwêwêm VTA "s/he calls for s.o. (i.e. his/her spirit helper) by song" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nanâtawâpahtam:nanâtawâpahta VTIm "s/he looks for s.t., s/he search for s.t.; s/he looks out for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nanâtawâpamêw:nanâtawâpam VTA "s/he looks around for s.o., s/he searches for s.o.; s/he looks out for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nanâtawâpiw:nanâtawâpi VAIw "s/he looks around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanâtawâpôhkêw:nanâtawâpôhkê VAIw "s/he prepares a medicinal drink" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanâtawihêw:nanâtawih VTA "s/he treats s.o. (medically); s/he doctors s.o., s/he heals s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nanâtawihisow:nanâtawihiso VAIw "s/he doctors him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanâtawihiwâkêw:nanâtawihiwâkê VAIw "s/he doctors people with something, s/he uses something to doctor people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanâtawihiwêw:nanâtawihiwê VAIw "s/he treats people, s/he heals people, s/he doctors people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanâtawihow:nanâtawiho VAIw "s/he treats him/herself (medically); s/he doctors him/herself, s/he heals him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanâtawimêw:nanâtawim VTA "s/he examines s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nanâtohkinâkwan:nanâtohkinâkwan VIIn "it is many-coloured" ; ! AEW: VII-n nanâtohkisiwak:nanâtohkisi VAIw_PL "they are many different kinds" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanâtohkokwâsow:nanâtohkikwâso VAIw "s/he sews patchwork blankets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanâtohkomêw:nanâtohkom VTA "s/he teases s.o. (by joking and talking); s/he says all kinds of things to s.o.; s/he is verbally cheeky to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nanâtohkwâpakwanîw:nanâtohkwâpakwanî VIIw "it has many-coloured flowers" ; ! AEW: VII-v nanâtostahikêw:nanâtostahikê VAIw "s/he uses different stitches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanêhtahkâw:nanêhtahkâ VIIw "it is twilight" ; ! AEW: VII-v nanimaham:nanimaha VTIm "s/he canoes against the wind" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nanimiskam:nanimiska VTIm "s/he walks against the wind" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nanitohtam:nanitohta VTIm "s/he listens to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naniwêyacihêw:naniwêyacih VTA "s/he teases s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 naniwêyacihitowak:naniwêyacihito VAIw_PL "they tease one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v naniwêyatwêw:naniwêyatwê VAIw "s/he jokes, s/he tells a joke" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanîcikanêw:nanîcikanê VAIw "s/he has lumps on his/her joints" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanîsânan:nanîsânan VIIn "it is difficult" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: archaic nanîskâpiw:nanîskâpi VAIw "s/he has watery eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nanôcihêw:nanôcih VTA "s/he whips s.o., s/he punishes s.o. physically" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nanôcihtâw:nanôcihtâ VTIw "s/he whips s.t.; s/he works hard at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nanôsawâpamêw:nanôsawâpam VTA "s/he escorts s.o., s/he accompanies s.o. a ways as that one departs" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nanwêyacihêw:nanwêyacih VTA "s/he harrasses s.o.; s/he provokes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nanwêyacihitowak:nanwêyacihito VAIw_PL "they harrass one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napakastâw:napakastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. flat, upside down" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 napakataham:napakataha VTIm "s/he flattens s.t. with a stick, s/he pounds s.t. flat" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 napakatayêw:napakatayê VAIw "s/he has a flat belly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napakâpiskâw:napakâpiskâ VIIw "it is a flat metal" ; ! AEW: VII-v napakâpiskisiw:napakâpiskisi VAIw "it is a flat stone, it is a flat metal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napakâsin:napakâsin VIIn "it is rather flat" ; ! AEW: VII-n napakâskitiyêw:napakâskitiyê VAIw "s/he has flat buttocks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napakâw:napakâ VIIw "it is flat" ; ! AEW: VII-v napakikotêw:napakikotê VAIw "s/he has a flat nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napakinam:napakina VTIm "s/he makes s.t. flat, s/he flattens s.t., s/he presses s.t. flat" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 napakinêw:napakin VTA "s/he flattens s.o., s/he presses s.o. flat" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 napakisam:napakisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. flat (e.g. meat into chops)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 napakisin:napakisin3 VAIn "s/he lies flat, prone" ; ! AEW: VAI-n napakisitêw:napakisitê VAIw "s/he has flat feet, s/he is flat-footed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napakisiw:napakisi VAIw "s/he is flat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napatê-nipowipayiw:napatê-nipowipayi VAIw "s/he is becoming paralyzed on one side" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napatêcihcêw:napatêcihcê VAIw "s/he has only one hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napatêhkâpiw:napatêhkâpi VAIw "s/he winks one eye, s/he squints one eye" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napatêhkâpîstawêw:napatêhkâpîstaw VTA "s/he winks at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 napatêkâtêw:napatêkâtê VAIw "s/he has only one leg" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napatêniskêw:napatêniskê VAIw "s/he uses one arm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napatêpitonêw:napatêpitonê VAIw "s/he has only one arm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napatêstâwikêw:napatêstâwikê VAIw "s/he builds a lean-to" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napatêyâpiw:napatêyâpi VAIw "s/he looks with one eye; s/he has only one eye" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napatêyâsiw:napatêyâsi VAIw "s/he is blown to one side" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napatêyâstan:napatêyâstan VIIn "it is blown to one side" ; ! AEW: VII-n napâcihêw:napâcih VTA "s/he fixes s.o., s/he repairs s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 napâcihtâw:napâcihtâ VTIw "s/he fixes s.t., s/he repairs s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 naponam:napona VTIm "s/he folds s.t. together" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naponêw:napon VTA "s/he folds s.o. together" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 napopayiw:napopayi VIIw "it folds over (automatically)" ; ! AEW: VII-v napotokanêw:napotokanê VAIw "s/he is knock-kneed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napotôkanêkocin:napotôkanêkocin3 VAIn "s/he stalks with crooked rump" ; ! AEW: VAI-n napotôkanêw:napotôkanê VAIw "s/he is crooked at the rump" ; ! AEW: VAI-v napwahpisow:napwahpiso VAIw "s/he is hobbled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: often reduplicated napwahpitêw:napwahpit3 VTA "s/he hobbles s.o. (e.g. a horse)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 napwêkinam:napwêkina VTIm "s/he folds s.t. double, s/he folds s.t. in half" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 napwêkinêw:napwêkin VTA "s/he folds s.o. in half" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 napwêkipitam:napwêkipita VTIm "s/he folds s.t. flat" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 napwêkipitêw:napwêkipit3 VTA "s/he folds s.o. flat" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 napwêkiskam:napwêkiska VTIm "s/he tramples s.t. up; s/he flattens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 napwêkiskawêw:napwêkiskaw VTA "s/he tramples s.o. up; s/he flattens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 naskomêw:naskom VTA "s/he answers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 naskomitowak:naskomito VAIw_PL "they answer one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v naskomow:naskomo VAIw "s/he responds, s/he answers, s/he makes a verbal response" ; ! AEW: VAI-v naskonêw:naskon VTA "s/he answers s.o. (favourably)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 naskotam:naskota VTIm "s/he answers s.t. (favourably)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naskwahamawêw:naskwahamaw VTA "s/he responds to s.o.; s/he sings in response to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 naskwahamâkêw:naskwahamâkê VAIw "s/he accompanies people (dancers) by song; s/he acts as a back-up singer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v naskwâhkêw:naskwâhkê VAIw "s/he fights back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v naskwâw:naskwâ VAIw "s/he retaliates, s/he fights back; s/he resists" ; ! AEW: VAI-v naskwêham:naskwêha VTIm "s/he sings to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naskwêhamawêw:naskwêhamaw VTA "s/he sings along with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 naskwêhamâkêw:naskwêhamâkê VAIw "s/he sings in response to others; s/he sings in accompaniment; s/he is a back-up singer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v naskwêhamâtowak:naskwêhamâto VAIw_PL "they sing together; they accompany one another singing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v naskwêhtawêw:naskwêhtaw VTA "s/he answers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 naskwênam:naskwêna VTIm "s/he catches s.t. as it comes by" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naskwênêw:naskwên VTA "s/he picks s.o. up; s/he catches s.o. as that one comes by" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 naskwêpitam:naskwêpita VTIm "s/he seizes s.t. as it passes" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naskwêpitêw:naskwêpit3 VTA "s/he seizes s.o. as that one passes" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 naskwêwasimêw:naskwêwasim VTA "s/he answers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 naspâci-nihtâwikihâwasow:naspâci-nihtâwikihâwaso VAIw "she gives birth to a breech baby, she has a breech birth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v naspâci-nihtâwikiw:naspâci-nihtâwiki VAIw "s/he is a breech birth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v naspâciskam:naspâciska VTIm "s/he wears s.t. the wrong way (e.g. shoes on the wrong feet; a coat inside out)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naspâciskawêw:naspâciskaw VTA "s/he wears s.o. inside out" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 naspâcitôtam:naspâcitôta VTIm "s/he does s.t. the wrong way" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naspâtinam:naspâtina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. the wrong way" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naspâtinêw:naspâtin VTA "s/he holds s.o. the wrong way" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 naspâtiskam:naspâtiska VTIm "s/he wears s.t. inside out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naspâtiskawêw:naspâtiskaw VTA "s/he wears s.o. inside out" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 naspitam:naspita VTIm "s/he resembles s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naspitamohisow:naspitamohiso VAIw "s/he makes him/herself into a likeness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v naspitawêw:naspitaw VTA "s/he resembles s.o., s/he bears a resemblence to s.o., s/he looks like s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 naspitohtam:naspitohta VTIm "s/he imitates the sound of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 naspitohtawêw:naspitohtaw VTA "s/he imitates the sound of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nataham:nataha VTIm "s/he canoes upstream, s/he paddles upstream" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 natahipahtâw:natahipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs up river" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nataminahow:nataminaho VAIw "s/he goes on a hunt" ; ! AEW: VAI-v natawêyihtam:natawêyihta VTIm "s/he wants s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 natawêyihtâkosiw:natawêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is necessary, s/he is required" ; ! AEW: VAI-v natawêyihtâkwan:natawêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is necessary, it is required" ; ! AEW: VII-n natawêyimêw:natawêyim VTA "s/he wants s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 natawi-asamêw:natawi-asam VTA "s/he goes to feed s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 natawi-kanawâpahtam:natawi-kanawâpahta VTIm "s/he goes to take a look at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 natawi-kapêsiw:natawi-kapêsi VAIw "s/he goes to pitch camp" ; ! AEW: VAI-v natayipayihow:natayipayiho VAIw "it spawns; s/he travels upstream" ; ! AEW: VAI-v natocikêw:natocikê VAIw "s/he asks for things; s/he places an order (for supplies), s/he sends for supplies" ; ! AEW: VAI-v natohtam:natohta VTIm "s/he listens to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 natohtawêw:natohtaw VTA "s/he listens to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 natomâcikêw:natomâcikê VAIw "s/he smells around for a scent (as a dog)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v natomêw:natom VTA "s/he calls s.o., s/he invites s.o., s/he asks s.o. to come" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 natonam:natona VTIm "s/he looks for s.t., s/he seeks s.t., s/he searches for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 natonawêw:natonaw VTA "s/he looks for s.o., s/he seek s.o., s/he searches for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 natonikêw:natonikê VAIw "s/he searches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v natopayiw:natopayi VAIw "s/he goes scouting around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v natotam:natota VTIm "s/he asks for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 natotamawêw:natotamaw VTA "s/he asks s.o. for (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 natotamâkêw:natotamâkê VAIw "s/he makes a request" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawacîhisow:nawacîhiso VAIw "s/he roasts (it) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawacîstamawêw:nawacîstamaw VTA "s/he cooks (it/him) for s.o., s/he roasts (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nawacîstamâsow:nawacîstamâso VAIw "s/he cooks (it/him) for him/herself, s/he roasts (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawacîswêw:nawacîsw VTA "s/he roasts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nawacîw:nawacî VAIw "s/he roasts s.t., s/he cooks s.t. (i.e. in a wood stove or on a fire)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawacîwâtêw:nawacîwât3 VTA "s/he makes a roast of s.o., s/he roasts s.o. (e.g. rabbit)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nawakapiw:nawakapi VAIw "s/he sits with his/her own head and body bent down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawakipahtâw:nawakipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs with his/her own body bent" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawakipayihow:nawakipayiho VAIw "s/he ducks his/her own head, s/he bends down quickly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawakiskwênêw:nawakiskwên VTA "s/he bends down s.o.'s head" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nawakiskwêpiw:nawakiskwêpi VAIw "s/he sits with his/her own head down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawakiskwêyiw:nawakiskwêyi VAIw "s/he hangs his/her own head down, s/he bends down his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawakîstawêw:nawakîstaw VTA "s/he bows to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nawakîw:nawakî VAIw "s/he bends over, s/he bends down, s/he bends forward; s/he stoops, s/he bends" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawasawâpamow:nawasawâpamo VAIw "s/he makes his/her choice by sight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawasônam:nawasôna VTIm "s/he chooses s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nawasônamawêw:nawasônamaw VTA "s/he chooses (it/him) for s.o.; s/he makes a choice for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nawasônêw:nawasôn VTA "s/he chooses s.o.; s/he picks s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nawasônikêw:nawasônikê VAIw "s/he chooses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawaswâsiwêw:nawaswâsiwê VAIw "s/he chases after a person, people; s/he pursues a person, people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawaswâtam:nawaswâta VTIm "s/he chases after s.t., s/he pursues s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nawaswâtêw:nawaswât3 VTA "s/he chases after s.o., s/he pursues s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nawaswâtitowak:nawaswâtito VAIw_PL "they chase one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawaswêw:nawaswê VAIw "s/he gives chase, s/he chases game; s/he is in pursuit, s/he pursues" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawataham:nawataha VTIm "s/he hits s.t. in mid-air, as it flies by" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nawatahwêw:nawatahw VTA "s/he hits s.o. in mid-air, as it flies by" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nawatâskitêw:nawatâskitê VIIw "it catches on fire, it is reached by flames, it catches fire" ; ! AEW: VII-v nawatinam:nawatina VTIm "s/he grabs s.t., s/he seizes s.t.; s/he catches s.t. in his/her hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nawatinamawêw:nawatinamaw VTA "s/he takes hold of (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nawatinêw:nawatin VTA "s/he grabs s.o., s/he seizes s.o.; s/he catches s.o. in his/her hand (e.g. a ball)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nawêkocin:nawêkocin3 VAIn "s/he hangs slanted (as a clock on the wall)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nawêkotêw:nawêkotê VIIw "it hangs slanted (as a picture)" ; ! AEW: VII-v nawêyâsiw:nawêyâsi VAIw "s/he leans into the wind, s/he leans against the wind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawêyâskomow:nawêyâskomo VAIw "s/he leans (as a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nawêyâskosin:nawêyâskosin3 VAIn "it lies crosswise, it lies sideways, it lies slanting (as wood)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nawêyâskwaham:nawêyâskwaha VTIm "s/he makes s.t. lean by using a stick" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nawêyâstan:nawêyâstan VIIw "it leans into the wind, it leans against the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-v nawêyicihêw:nawêyicih VTA "s/he teases s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nawêyicimêw:nawêyicim VTA "s/he teases s.o. verbally" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nayahcikêw:nayahcikê VAIw "s/he carries things on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayahtahêw:nayahtah VTA "s/he makes s.o. carry (it/him) on his back; s/he gives s.o. a pack, s/he puts a pack on s.o.'s back" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nayahtam:nayahta VTIm "s/he carries s.t. on his/her back, s/he bears s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nayahtowak:nayahto VAIw_PL "they take turns carrying one another on their backs; they ride up on one another (e.g. beads)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayawapiw:nayawapi VAIw "s/he is tired, s/he is out of breath" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayawâmohkêw:nayawâmohkê VAIw "s/he scares off the game and loses it" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayawiskôsow:nayawiskôso VAIw "s/he is weary under the burden" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayawîhêw:nayawîh VTA "s/he tires s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nayawîw:nayawî VAIw "s/he is tired" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayêhtâw-âyâw:nayêhtâwi-ayâ VAIw "s/he is troubled, s/he has problems (e.g. health problems)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayêhtâwamahcihow:nayêhtâwamahciho VAIw "s/he is troubled in health" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayêhtâwan:nayêhtâwan VIIn "it is difficult, problematical, awkward, troublesome, inconvenient" ; ! AEW: VII-n nayêhtâwêyihtam:nayêhtâwêyihta VTIm "s/he finds s.t. difficult, s/he finds s.t. troublesome, annoying" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nayêhtâwêyimêw:nayêhtâwêyim VTA "s/he finds s.o. difficult, s/he finds s.o. troublesome, annoying" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nayêhtâwipayin:nayêhtâwipayin VIIn "there is trouble, there are problems" ; ! AEW: VII-n nayêhtâwipayiw:nayêhtâwipayi VAIw "s/he runs into difficulties, s/he experiences trouble, s/he is hindered in his/her progress" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayêhtâwisiw:nayêhtâwisi VAIw "s/he is hard to manage; s/he is hard to get along with" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayêhtâwîw:nayêhtâwî VAIw "s/he is hindered, s/he has a difficult time doing something; s/he is awkward at something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayêwacimow:nayêwacimo VAIw "s/he speaks along the way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayôhcikêw:nayôhcikê VAIw "s/he packs; s/he carries things on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nayôhtam:nayôhta VTIm "s/he carries s.t. on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nayômêw:nayôm VTA "s/he carries s.o. on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâcikâtêw:nâcikâtê VIIw "it is fetched, it is brought" ; ! AEW: VII-v nâcimihtêw:nâcimihtê VAIw "s/he fetches firewood, s/he gets wood, s/he gets firewood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâcimostoswêw:nâcimostoswê VAIw "s/he goes for the cattle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâcinêhikêw:nâcinêhikê VAIw "s/he gets spiritual help, assistance or counselling (from s.o.) by offering appropriate gifts or payment" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâcipahâw:nâcipahâ VAIw "s/he rounds up buffalo to lead to a pound, buffalo jump or enclosure" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâcipahêw:nâcipah VTA "s/he goes quickly for s.o.; s/he fetches s.o. quickly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâcipahtâw:nâcipahtâ VTIw "s/he goes for s.t. at a run" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nâcitâpêw:nâcitâpê VAIw "s/he goes and drags s.t. back, s/he fetches s.t. by cart; s/he drags s.t. home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâciwanihikanêw:nâciwanihikanê VAIw "s/he goes for his/her own trap" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâciwanihikêw:nâciwanihikê VAIw "s/he checks his/her own traps, s/he gets his/her own traps, s/he goes to look at his/her own traps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâciyôscikêw:nâciyôscikê VAIw "s/he creeps up, s/he creeps towards things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâciyôstam:nâciyôsta VTIm "s/he creeps towards s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâciyôstawêw:nâciyôstaw VTA "s/he creeps up to s.o., s/he creeps towards s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nâh-nahihtawêw:nâh-nahihtaw VTA "s/he listens obediently to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nâh-nakîw:nâh-nakî VAIw "s/he stops now and then" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-nanamikâtêpayiw:nâh-nanamikâtêpayi VAIw "s/he has trembling legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-nanamiskwêkâpawiw:nâh-nanamiskwêkâpawi VAIw "s/he stands with shaking head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-nanamispitonêpayiw:nâh-nanamispitonêpayi VAIw "s/he has trembling arms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-nanamitêhêw:nâh-nanamitêhê VAIw "s/he has heart palpitations" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-naponam:nâh-napona VTIm "s/he folds s.t. together" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâh-naponêw:nâh-napon VTA "s/he folds s.o. together" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâh-napwahpisow:nâh-napwahpiso VAIw "s/he is hobbled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-napwahpitam:nâh-napwahpita VTIm "s/he hobbles s.t., s/he ties s.t. together" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâh-napwahpitêw:nâh-napwahpit3 VTA "s/he hobbles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nâh-napwêkinam:nâh-napwêkina VTIm "s/he folds s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâh-napwêkinêw:nâh-napwêkin VTA "s/he folds s.o. (e.g. pair of pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâh-naspitâtowak:nâh-naspitâto VAIw_PL "they resemble one another; they emulate, copy one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-nawaswâtitowak:nâh-nawaswâtito VAIw_PL "they pursue one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-nâskonêw:nâh-nâskon VTA "s/he tows s.o. in (by rope or stick)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâh-nâspicimow:nâh-nâspicimo VAIw "s/he has whooping-cough; s/he has an uncontrollable cough" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-nâwayôhpisowak:nâh-nâwayôhpiso VAIw_PL "they are tied in a sequence, they are tied one behind the other" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-nêpêwihêw:nâh-nêpêwih VTA "s/he continually embarrases s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâh-nitonam:nâh-nitona VTIm "s/he goes to look for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâh-nitonawêw:nâh-nitonaw VTA "s/he goes to look for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nâh-nîsiwak:nâh-nîsi VAIw_PL "they are in pairs, they are two in number" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-nîsohtêwak:nâh-nîsohtê VAIw_PL "they go in pairs, they walk in pairs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâh-nômi-môsihow:nâh-nômi-môsiho VAIw "s/he feels labour starting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâhkâstimon:nâhkâstimon VIIn "it sails lightly" ; ! AEW: VII-n nâkacihtâw:nâkacihtâ VTIw "s/he attends to s.t., s/he looks after s.t.; s/he observes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nâkasohtamohkâsow:nâkasohtamohkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to pay attention" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâkatawêyimêw:nâkatawêyim VTA "s/he takes care of s.o.; s/he thinks of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâkatêyihtam:nâkatêyihta VTIm "s/he is careful; s/he cares for s.t.; s/he looks after s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâkatêyimêw:nâkatêyim VTA "s/he cares for s.o.; s/he looks after s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâkatohkawêw:nâkatohkaw VTA "s/he takes care of s.o., s/he looks after s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nâkatohkâtam:nâkatohkâta VTIm "s/he is interested in s.t., s/he pays attention to s.t., s/he looks out for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâkatohkâtêw:nâkatohkât3 VTA "s/he is interested in s.o., s/he pays attention to s.o., s/he looks out for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nâkatohkâtisow:nâkatohkâtiso VAIw "s/he pays attention to his/her own needs, s/he looks out for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâkatohkâtitowak:nâkatohkâtito VAIw_PL "they keep a careful eye on one another, they look out for one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâkatohkêw:nâkatohkê VAIw "s/he notices people, s/he pays attention to people; s/he cares for people, s/he looks after people, s/he attends to people; s/he listens attentively" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâmiwanaham:nâmiwanaha VTIm "s/he canoes with the wind to his/her rear" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâmiwanâw:nâmiwanâ VIIw "there is a wind from the rear" ; ! AEW: VII-v nânahwêw:nânahw VTA "s/he trims s.o. along the edge" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nânakiwêpayiw:nânakiwêpayi VAIw "s/he stutters" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nânapâcihêw:nânapâcih VTA "s/he mends s.o., s/he doctors s.o.; s/he tends to s.o.; s/he tidies s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nânapâcihisow:nânapâcihiso VAIw "s/he fixes him/herself up; s/he mends him/herself, s/he doctors him/herself; s/he tidies him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nânapâcihow:nânapâciho VAIw "s/he mends him/herself, s/he dresses his/her own wounds" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nânapâcihtamawêw:nânapâcihtamaw VTA "s/he repairs (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nânapâcihtawêw:nânapâcihtaw VTA "s/he repairs (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nânapâcihtâw:nânapâcihtâ VTIw "s/he repairs s.t., s/he fixes s.t.; s/he tidies s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nânaskwâhtawîw:nânaskwâhtawî VAIw "s/he crawls across (water) on a log" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nânâhtêtêw:nânâhtêtê VIIw "it is a heat mirage" ; ! AEW: VII-v nânâhtêw:nânâhtê VIIn "it is a mirage, dazzling sunlight" ; ! AEW: VII-n nânâspicipayiw:nânâspicipayi VAIw "s/he shakes uncontrollably; s/he has a convulsion" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nânâwayôkâpawiwak:nânâwayôkâpawi VAIw_PL "they stand in single file, they stand one behind the other" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nânâwayôpayiwak:nânâwayôpayi VAIw_PL "they go in single file" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nânâwayôstâw:nânâwayôstâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. one behind the other" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nânihkisiw:nânihkisi VAIw "s/he is in haste, s/he is in a hurry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: ! 2: - nânistipitam:nânistipita VTIm "s/he tears s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nânistipitamawêw:nânistipitamaw VTA "s/he tears (it/him) up for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nânistipitamâsow:nânistipitamâso VAIw "s/he tears (it/him) up for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nânistipitamâtowak:nânistipitamâto VAIw_PL "they tear (it/him) up for one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nânistipitêw:nânistipit3 VTA "s/he tears s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nânitawâpahtam:nânitawâpahta VTIm "s/he looks around for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nânitawâpamêw:nânitawâpam VTA "s/he looks around for s.o., s/he searches for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nânitawâpiw:nânitawâpi VAIw "s/he looks around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâpêhkâsow:nâpêhkâso VAIw "he is brave, he acts bravely, he pretends to be brave; he pretends to be a man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: compliment to a boy, insult to a man nâpêwinâkosiw:nâpêwinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks like a man, it is of human appearance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâpêwiw:nâpêwi VAIw "he is a man; he is brave" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâsipahêw:nâsipah VTA "s/he fetches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâsipahtâw:nâsipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs to fetch (s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâsipêhtahêw:nâsipêhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. down to the edge of the water" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâsipêhtatâw:nâsipêhtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. down to the edge of the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nâsipêpahtâw:nâsipêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs down to the edge of the water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâsipêtâw:nâsipêtâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. down to the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nâsipêw:nâsipê VAIw "s/he goes down to the water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâsiwêw:nâsiwê VAIw "s/he fetches people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâspitahwêw:nâspitahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. unconscious, s/he clubs s.o. to death" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nâspitamohtâw:nâspitamohtâ VTIw "s/he fastens s.t. permanently" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nâspitatâmow:nâspitatâmo VAIw "s/he succumbs, s/he gives up his/her last breath" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâspitihkwâmiw:nâspitihkwâmi VAIw "s/he is in a trance, coma; s/he sleeps forever, s/he sleeps for a long period of time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâspitohtêw:nâspitohtê VAIw "s/he goes never to return" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtaham:nâtaha VTIm "s/he fetches s.t. by water, s/he goes to get s.t. by boat" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtahapêw:nâtahapê VAIw "s/he checks his/her own nets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtahâhtêw:nâtahâht VTA "s/he goes for s.o. by following that one's tracks" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâtahâkonêw:nâtahâkonê VAIw "s/he fetches snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtahipêw:nâtahipê VAIw "s/he fetches water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtahwêw:nâtahw VTA "s/he fetches s.o. by water" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nâtahyapêw:nâtahyapê VAIw "s/he goes to look at the nets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtakaham:nâtakaha VTIm "s/he beaches s.t. paddling" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtakâmêpitam:nâtakâmêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. to shore" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtakâmêpitêw:nâtakâmêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. to shore" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nâtakâmêyâsiw:nâtakâmêyâsi VAIw "s/he sails or is blown across toward shore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtakâmêyâstan:nâtakâmêyâstan VIIn "it sails or is blown across toward shore" ; ! AEW: VII-n nâtakâsiw:nâtakâsi VAIw "s/he goes to the bush country" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtakohpêw:nâtakohpê VAIw "s/he fetch the blankets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtakwêw:nâtakwê VAIw "s/he checks his/her own snares" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtam:nâta VTIm "s/he fetches s.t.; s/he goes for s.t., s/he goes to get s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtamawêw:nâtamaw VTA "s/he fetches (it/him) for s.o., s/he gets (it/him) for s.o.; s/he helps s.o. to get (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nâtamâkêw:nâtamâkê VAIw "s/he helps, s/he assists the needy; s/he takes up (for s.o.), s/he sticks up for people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtamâsow:nâtamâso VAIw "s/he fetches (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtamâtowak:nâtamâto VAIw_PL "they help one another fetch (it)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtasâkêw:nâtasâkê VAIw "s/he goes for his/her coat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtasâmawêw:nâtasâmaw VTA "s/he gets snowshoes for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nâtasâmêw:nâtasâmê VAIw "s/he goes for his/her own snowshoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtaskihkwêw:nâtaskihkwê VAIw "s/he goes for a pail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtaskosîwêw:nâtaskosîwê VAIw "s/he fetches hay" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtastimwêw:nâtastimwê VAIw "s/he fetches horses or dogs, s/he goes for the horses or dogs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtastotinêw:nâtastotinê VAIw "s/he goes for his/her own hat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtawâpahtam:nâtawâpahta VTIm "s/he goes to see s.t., s/he fetches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtawâpamêw:nâtawâpam VTA "s/he goes to see s.o., s/he fetches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâtawimêw:nâtawim VTA "s/he examines s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâtayâpêw:nâtayâpê VAIw "s/he goes for his/her net" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtâhtawâtam:nâtâhtawâta VTIm "s/he climbs to fetch s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtâhtawâtêw:nâtâhtawât3 VTA "s/he climbs to fetch s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nâtâmostawêw:nâtâmostaw VTA "s/he flees to s.o. for help, protection; s/he seeks advice from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nâtâmototam:nâtâmotota VTIm "s/he goes to s.t. for help; s/he flees to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtâmototawêw:nâtâmototaw VTA "s/he flees to s.o., s/he seeks refuge with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nâtâwatâw:nâtâwatâ VTIw "s/he goes and hauls s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nâtâwêw:nâtâwê VAIw "s/he fetches eggs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtêw:nât3 VTA "s/he fetches s.o.; s/he goes for s.o., s/he goes to get s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nâtipêw:nâtipê VAIw "s/he fetches a liquid, s/he goes for water; s/he goes for liquor" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtisaham:nâtisaha VTIm "s/he sends for s.t., s/he orders s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtisahikêw:nâtisahikê VAIw "s/he sends for things, s/he orders things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtisahwêw:nâtisahw VTA "s/he sends for s.o.; s/he drives s.o. in" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nâtiskwêwêw:nâtiskwêwê VAIw "he fetches women, he goes for his wife or girlfriend" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtisôniyâhkêw:nâtisôniyâhkê VAIw "s/he goes to make money" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtisôniyâwêw:nâtisôniyâwê VAIw "s/he fetches money (e.g. get treaty money)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtitâpêw:nâtitâpê VAIw "s/he goes and drags (it) back, s/he fetches (it) by cart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtitisaham:nâtitisaha VTIm "s/he sends for s.t., s/he orders s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtitisahikêw:nâtitisahikê VAIw "s/he sends for things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtitisahwêw:nâtitisahw VTA "s/he sends for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nâtitowak:nâtito VAIw_PL "they make for one another, they go for one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtôpêw:nâtôpê VAIw "s/he goes for a drink; s/he goes for liquor" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtwâham:nâtwâha VTIm "s/he splits s.t. by tool, s/he chops s.t. off something; s/he breaks s.t. in two" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtwâhimihtêw:nâtwâhinihtê VAIw "s/he splits wood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtwâhinihtêw:nâtwâhimihtê VAIw "s/he splits wood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtwâhtin:nâtwâhtin VIIn "it breaks in two from falling" ; ! AEW: VII-n nâtwâhtitâw:nâtwâhtitâ VTIw "s/he breaks s.t. in two by knocking it on something" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nâtwâkaham:nâtwâkaha VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. with a hammer" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtwânam:nâtwâna VTIm "s/he snaps s.t. apart; s/he breaks s.t. off by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtwânamawêw:nâtwânamaw VTA "s/he breaks (it/him) off by hand for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nâtwânêw:nâtwân VTA "s/he breaks s.o. in two; s/he breaks s.o. off by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâtwâpayiw:nâtwâpayi VIIw "it breaks in two; it breaks off (as in a high wind)" ; ! AEW: VII-v nâtwâpitam:nâtwâpita VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. off (by pulling and bending)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtwâpitêw:nâtwâpit3 VTA "s/he breaks s.o. off (by pulling and bending)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nâtwâsimêw:nâtwâsim VTA "s/he breaks s.o. (by throwing him against something)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâtwâsin:nâtwâsin3 VAIn "s/he breaks (by falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nâtwâskam:nâtwâska VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. by a kick" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtwâskihkasow:nâtwâskihkaso VAIw "it is broken in fire (i.e. tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtwâskikâsow:nâtwâskikâso VAIw "it is broken, it has a limb broken (i.e. tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtwâwêpaham:nâtwâwêpaha VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. (by hitting with a tool)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtwâwêpiskam:nâtwâwêpiska VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. with a violent kick" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâtwâyâsiw:nâtwâyâsi VAIw "s/he breaks in the wind (as a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nâtwâyâstan:nâtwâyâstan VIIn "it breaks in the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n nâwayimêw:nâwayim VTA "s/he follows behind s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nâwayôhpitam:nâwayôhpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. in a sequence" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nâwayôhpitêw:nâwayôhpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. in a sequence" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nêhiyawascikêw:nêhiyawascikê VAIw "s/he writes Cree" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêhiyawasinahikêw:nêhiyawasinahikê VAIw "s/he writes in Cree" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêhiyawastâw:nêhiyawastâ VTIw "s/he writes s.t. in Cree, s/he translates s.t. into Cree" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nêhiyawâtisiw:nêhiyawâtisi VAIw "s/he has the Cree cultural tradition, s/he lives a traditional Cree life" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêhiyawêmototawêw:nêhiyawêmototaw VTA "s/he speak Cree to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nêhiyawêw:nêhiyawê VAIw "s/he speaks Cree" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêhiyawi-kiskinwahamawêw:nêhiyawi-kiskinwahamaw VTA "s/he teaches s.o. Cree, Cree ways" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nêhiyawi-kiskinwahamâkosiw:nêhiyawi-kiskinwahamâkosi VAIw "s/he learns Cree, Cree ways; s/he attends Cree school" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêhiyawi-pîkiskwêw:nêhiyawi-pîkiskwê VAIw "s/he speaks Cree, use Cree words" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêhiyawimototawêw:nêhiyawimototaw VTA "s/he speaks Cree to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nêhiyawiyîhkâsow:nêhiyawiyîhkâso VAIw "s/he is called so in Cree, s/he has a Cree name, s/he has an Indian name" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêhiyawiyîhkâtam:nêhiyawiyîhkâta VTIm "s/he calls s.t. so in Cree" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nêhiyawiyîhkâtêw:nêhiyawiyîhkâtê VIIw "it is called so in Cree" ; ! AEW: VII-v nêhiyawiyîhkâtêw:nêhiyawiyîhkât3 VTA "s/he calls s.o. so in Cree" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ! 1: - ! 2: cf. nêhiyawîhkâtêw VTA nêhiyawîhkâtêw:nêhiyawîhkât3 VTA "s/he calls s.o. so in Cree" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nêhiyâwiw:nêhiyâwi VAIw "s/he is Cree, s/he is a Cree Indian; s/he is an Indian" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêhpêkâpawiw:nêhpêkâpawi VAIw "s/he stands in readiness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêhpêmahêw:nêhpêmah VTA "s/he puts s.o. in readiness" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nêhpêmapiw:nêhpêmapi VAIw "s/he sits in readiness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêhpêmastâw:nêhpêmastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. in readiness; s/he puts or sets s.t. at hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nêhpêmastêw:nêhpêmastê VIIw "it is placed in readiness" ; ! AEW: VII-v nêhpêmikâpawiw:nêhpêmikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands in readiness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêhpêminam:nêhpêmina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. in readiness, s/he holds s.t. ready" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nêhpêminêw:nêhpêmin VTA "s/he holds s.o. in readiness" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nêhpêmîw:nêhpêmî VAIw "s/he is ready, s/he stands by" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêmow:nêmo VAIw "s/he growls" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêpêmêw:nêpêm VTA "s/he shames s.o. by speech, s/he embarrasses s.o. by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nêpêwihêw:nêpêwih VTA "s/he makes s.o. ashamed, s/he shames s.o., s/he puts s.o. to shame; s/he makes s.o. become shy" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nêpêwihtâkwan:nêpêwihtâkwan VIIn "it sounds shameful; it sounds disgraceful" ; ! AEW: VII-n nêpêwimêw:nêpêwim VTA "s/he shames s.o. by speech, s/he embarrasses s.o. by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nêpêwimow:nêpêwimo VAIw "s/he shames him/herself (by speech), s/he embarrasses him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêpêwinâkosiw:nêpêwinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks shy, s/he looks embarrassed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêpêwinâkwan:nêpêwinâkwan VIIn "it looks disgraceful, shameful" ; ! AEW: VII-n nêpêwisiw:nêpêwisi VAIw "s/he is bashful, s/he is shy; s/he is ashamed, s/he is shamed, s/he is embarrassed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêpêwisîstam:nêpêwisîsta VTIm "s/he is ashamed of s.t., s/he is bashful about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nêpêwisîstawêw:nêpêwisîstaw VTA "s/he is bashful about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nêsowan:nêsowan VIIn "it is weak" ; ! AEW: VII-n nêsowâtisiw:nêsowâtisi VAIw "s/he is weak, s/he has a weak constitution, s/he appears in a weak state; s/he is on the verge of dying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêsowâw:nêsowâ VIIw "it is weak" ; ! AEW: VII-v nêsowisiw:nêsowisi VAIw "s/he is weak, s/he is weary, s/he is sickly; s/he is extremely weak, s/he is near death" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêsowitêhêw:nêsowitêhê VAIw "s/he has a weak heart; s/he is timid" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêstocihcênêw:nêstocihcên VTA "s/he tires out s.o.'s hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nêstocihcênisow:nêstocihcêniso VAIw "s/he tires out his/her own hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêstohkwasiw:nêstohkwasi VAIw "s/he is weary with sleepiness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêstohkwastimêw:nêstohkwastim VTA "s/he tires s.o. out with sleepiness" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nêstohkwêkawiw:nêstohkwêkawi VAIw "s/he is weak from loss of blood; s/he bleeds to exhaustion; s/he bleeds to death" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêstohtêw:nêstohtê VAIw "s/he is tired from walking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêstokâpawiw:nêstokâpawi VAIw "s/he is tired from standing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêstokâtêw:nêstokâtê VAIw "s/he has tired legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêstonâmow:nêstonâmo VAIw "s/he is tired of talking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêstosin:nêstosin3 VAIn "s/he is tired of lying about" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nêstosiw:nêstosi VAIw "s/he is tired" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêstoskawêw:nêstoskaw VTA "s/he tires s.o. by his/her weight" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nêstoskwastimwêw:nêstoskwastimwê VAIw "s/he tires out his/her horses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêstotipiskwêw:nêstotipiskwê VAIw "s/he is tired from being up at night" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêstwatâhtam:nêstwatâhta VTIm "s/he is out of breath (from running)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nêstwâkonâmow:nêstwâkonâmo VAIw "s/he is tired from fleeing in snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêtinâw:nêtinâ VIIw "it is a sharply projecting hill" ; ! AEW: VII-v nêwayakihtâw:nêwayakihtâ VTIw "s/he divides s.t. in four" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nêwâpêwak:nêwâpê VAIw_PL "they are four brothers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêwinwa:nêwin VIIn_PL "they are four in number" ; ! AEW: VII-n nêwiwak:nêwi VAIw_PL "they are four in number" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêwo-kîsikâw:nêwo-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Thursday; literally: (it is) the fourth day" ; ! AEW: VII-v nêwohêw:nêwoh VTA "s/he quarters s.o.; s/he partitions s.o. in four" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nêwohtâw:nêwohtâ VTIw "s/he divides s.t. in four" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nêwokâtêw:nêwokâtê VIIw "it is four panels wide (as a tent) ;; it has four legs" ; ! AEW: VII-v nêwokâtêw:nêwokâtê VAIw "it is four-legged" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêwosimow:nêwosimo VAIw "s/he dances as one of four (in a fiddle-dance, square-dance); s/he square-dances" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêwowanwa:nêwowan VIIn_PL "they are four in number" ; ! AEW: VII-n nêwowihtâw:nêwowihtâ VTIw "s/he divides s.t. in four places" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nêwôsêmihkêw:nêwôsêmihkê VAIw "s/he delivers quadruplets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêwôtêmihkêw:nêwôtêmihkê VAIw "it has four puppies" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nêyâhtakâw:nêyâhtakâ VIIw "the trees are just right (for setting snares, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VII-v nêyâskwêyâw:nêyâskwêyâ VIIw "it is a point of the woods" ; ! AEW: VII-v nêyâw:nêyâ VIIw "it is a promontory, a tip of land, a peninsula" ; ! AEW: VII-v nihtâ-atoskêw:nihtâ-atoskê VAIw "s/he is a good worker" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-âcimow:nihtâ-âcimo VAIw "s/he tells good stories; s/he is a good talker" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-kitohcikêw:nihtâ-kitohcikê VAIw "s/he plays music well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-kiyâskiw:nihtâ-kiyâski VAIw "s/he is good at telling lies; s/he is known as a habitual liar" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: not typically in a derogatory sense; cf. kiýâskiskiw nihtâ-kîsitêpow:nihtâ-kîsitêpo VAIw "s/he cooks well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-kîskipocikêw:nihtâ-kîskipocikê VAIw "s/he saws well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-masinahikêw:nihtâ-masinahikê VAIw "s/he writes well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-minahow:nihtâ-minaho VAIw "s/he is a good hunter" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-mîcisow:nihtâ-mîciso VAIw "s/he has a good appetite; s/he is a habitual eater" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-mîkisistahikêw:nihtâ-mîkisistahikê VAIw "s/he is good at beading" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-nikamow:nihtâ-nikamo VAIw "s/he sings well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-nîmihitow:nihtâ-nîmihito VAIw "s/he dances well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-nôtinikêw:nihtâ-nôtinikê VAIw "s/he is a good fighter, s/he is known as a habitual fighter" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-pakâsimow:nihtâ-pakâsimo VAIw "s/he swims well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâ-yâhyânam:nihtâ-yâhyâna VTIm "s/he swims well" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nihtâwâhtawîw:nihtâwâhtawî VAIw "s/he climbs well, s/he is a good climber" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâwêw:nihtâwê VAIw "s/he is able to talk well; s/he speaks well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: commonly used of children learning to speak; derogatory if applied to fluent adult speakers nihtâwêyihtam:nihtâwêyihta VTIm "s/he is resourceful; s/he has knowledge for doing; s/he is clever (about s.t.), s/he is able to solve problems; s/he is content" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nihtâwicimêw:nihtâwicimê VAIw "s/he uses a boat and paddles well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâwihtâw:nihtâwihtâ VTIw "s/he does s.t. well; s/he is smart" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nihtâwikihâwasow:nihtâwikihâwaso VAIw "s/he gives birth to a child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâwikihcikêw:nihtâwikihcikê VAIw "s/he farms, s/he makes a garden" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâwikihêw:nihtâwikih VTA "she gives birth to s.o., s/he aids s.o.'s birth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nihtâwikinâwasow:nihtâwikinâwaso VAIw "s/he gives birth to a child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâwikiw:nihtâwiki VAIw "s/he is born" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâwikwâsow:nihtâwikwâso VAIw "s/he sews well, s/he is a good seamstress; s/he does fancy sewing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâwikwâtam:nihtâwikwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t. well" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nihtâwikwâtêw:nihtâwikwât3 VTA "s/he sews s.o. well; s/he sews well for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nihtâwiminakinikêw:nihtâwiminakinikê VAIw "s/he is good at sewing on beads" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâwisîhcikêw:nihtâwisîhcikê VAIw "s/he is good at making things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâwitêpow:nihtâwitêpo VAIw "s/he is good at cooking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtâwitôtam:nihtâwitôta VTIm "s/he does s.t. well; s/he is capable" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nihtâwôsêw:nihtâwôsê VAIw "s/he raises a good family" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nihtîhkêw:nihtîhkê VAIw "s/he makes tea" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nikamoham:nikamoha VTIm "s/he sings about s.t.; s/he plays the record player" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nikamohêw:nikamoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. sing; s/he teaches s.o. songs" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nikamoskiw:nikamoski VAIw "s/he sings habitually, s/he sings often" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nikamostamawêw:nikamostamaw VTA "s/he sings for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nikamostamâkêw:nikamostamâkê VAIw "s/he sings for people, s/he makes music for people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nikamow:nikamo VAIw "s/he sings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. Saulteaux: nakamo nikamômakan:nikamômakan VIIn "it sings" ; ! AEW: VII-n nikohtamawêw:nikohtamaw VTA "s/he chops wood for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nikohtâtam:nikohtâta VTIm "s/he chops s.t. for firewood" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nikohtêmakan:nikohtêmakan VIIn "it prepares firewood" ; ! AEW: VII-n nikohtêstamawêw:nikohtêstamaw VTA "s/he makes firewood for s.o., s/he prepares s.o.'s firewood" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nikohtêstamâsow:nikohtêstamâso VAIw "s/he makes firewood for him/herself, s/he makes his/her own firewood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nikohtêw:nikohtê VAIw "s/he cuts wood, s/he chops wood; s/he gets, gathers, collects, prepares firewood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nikotwâsiko-kîsikâw:nikotwâsiko-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Saturday; literally (it is) the sixth day" ; ! AEW: VII-v nikotwâsiwak:nikotwâsi VAIw_PL "they are six in number" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nikotwâso-kîsikâw:nikotwâso-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Saturday; literally: (it is) the sixth day" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: ! 2: - nikwatisow:nikwatiso VAIw "s/he fetches meat from the killing place" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nimaham:nimaha VTIm "s/he shakes his/her own fist at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nimahwêw:nimahw VTA "s/he threatens s.o. with a weapon; s/he shakes his/her own fist at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nimisîwihêw:nimisîwih VTA "s/he threatens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nimitaham:nimitaha VTIm "it rubs its own horns on wood (speaking of a deer)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nimitawaham:nimitawaha VTIm "s/he canoes to the open water; s/he canoes to the prairie, open country" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nimitâsi-yahkahwêw:nimitâsi-yahkahw VTA "s/he pushes s.o. with stick to the open country or away from shore" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nimitâsipiciw:nimitâsipici VAIw "s/he moves camp to the open country ;; wC: s/he moves camp away from shore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nimitâsiw:nimitâsi VAIw "s/he goes to the open country ;; wC: s/he heads away from shore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nimitâwaham:nimitâwaha VTIm "s/he goes out to sea; s/he goes out into the lake" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nimitâwiyâsiw:nimitâwiyâsi VAIw "s/he blows from land out into water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nimitâwiyâstan:nimitâwiyâstan VIIn "it blows from land out into water" ; ! AEW: VII-n nipahaciw:nipahaci VAIw "s/he freezes to death" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahatâhtam:nipahatâhta VTIm "s/he is overcome by loss of breath and dies" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nipahâhkatêw:nipahâhkatê VAIw "s/he is extremely hungry, s/he perishes from hunger" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahâhkatosohêw:nipahâhkatosoh VTA "s/he starves s.o. to death" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nipahâhkatosow:nipahâhkatoso VAIw "s/he starves to death, s/he dies from starvation, s/he perishes from hunger" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahâhkwan:nipahâhkwan VIIn "it is powerful (e.g. medicine)" ; ! AEW: VII-n nipahâpasow:nipahâpaso VAIw "s/he dies from smoke, s/he is smoked to death" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahâpâkwêw:nipahâpâkwê VAIw "s/he dies of thirst; s/he is extremely thirsty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahâskatêw:nipahâskatê VAIw "s/he is extremely hungry, s/he perishes from hunger" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahâskwaciw:nipahâskwaci VAIw "s/he is extremely cold, s/he freezes, s/he freezes to death" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahcikâkêw:nipahcikâkê VAIw "s/he kills with s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahêw:nipah VTA "s/he kills s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: na-nipahêw nipahi-pâwanîw:nipahi-pâwanî VAIw "s/he is extremely skinny, lean" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahi-sâkihêw:nipahi-sâkih VTA "s/he loves s.o. a great deal" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nipahi-yôtin:nipahi-yôtin VIIn "it is very windy" ; ! AEW: VII-n nipahihkasow:nipahihkaso VAIw "s/he is burned to death, s/he is scalded to death; s/he is extremely hot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahihkaswêw:nipahihkasw VTA "s/he burns s.o. to death, s/he scalds s.o. to death" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nipahikanêw:nipahikanê VAIw "s/he is extremely lazy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahikîhkâw:nipahikîhkâ VAIw "s/he dies of old age" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahimikîw:nipahimikî VAIw "s/he dies of smallpox" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahinêw:nipahin VTA "s/he squeezes s.o. to death by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nipahipahtâw:nipahipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs until s/he falls down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: nâh-nipahipahtâw nipahisimêw:nipahisim VTA "s/he throws s.o. to death; s/he drops s.o. (e.g. a baby) accidentally causing death" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nipahisin:nipahisin3 VAIn "s/he falls to death, s/he is killed by a fall; s/he lies dead" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nipahiskawêw:nipahiskaw VTA "s/he kicks s.o. to death, s/he tramples s.o. to death; s/he kills s.o. by rolling over onto him" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nipahisow:nipahiso VAIw "s/he kills him/herself, s/he commits suicide" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahitowak:nipahito VAIw_PL "they kill one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahiwêmakan:nipahiwêmakan VIIn "it is deadly" ; ! AEW: VII-n nipahiwêw:nipahiwê VAIw "s/he kills people, s/he murders people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahtamawêw:nipahtamaw VTA "s/he kills (it/him) for s.o., s/he makes a kill for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nipahtamâsow:nipahtamâso VAIw "s/he kills (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahtawêw:nipahtaw VTA "s/he kills (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nipahtâkêskiw:nipahtâkêski VAIw "s/he murders frequently" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahtâkêw:nipahtâkê VAIw "s/he kills people, s/he murders people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipahtâw:nipahtâ VTIw "s/he kills s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nipahtwâsow:nipahtwâso VAIw "s/he kills (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipâkêw:nipâkê VAIw "s/he uses something as sleepwear" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipâkwêsimow:nipâkwêsimo VAIw "s/he attends a Sundance, s/he participates in a Sundance; s/he attends a Rain Dance, s/he participates in a Rain Dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipâkwêsimowinihkêw:nipâkwêsimowinihkê VAIw "s/he gives a Sundance, s/he holds a Sundance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipâsiw:nipâsi VAIw "s/he dozes, naps, sleeps a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipâskâkow:nipâskaw VTA "it makes one sleep" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: restricted, VTA-2 stem *nipâskaw- not typically used outside of inanimate actor nipâskiw:nipâski VAIw "s/he sleeps all the time, s/he sleeps constantly, s/he likes to sleep" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipâtwêwitam:nipâtwêwita VTIm "s/he talks constantly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nipâw:nipâ VAIw "s/he sleeps, s/he is asleep" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipêhêw:nipêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. sleep, s/he puts s.o. to sleep" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nipêhkâsow:nipêhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to sleep" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipêpayiw:nipêpayi VAIw "s/he falls asleep, doze off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipêskâkêmakan:nipêskâkêmakan VIIn "it causes sleep" ; ! AEW: VII-n nipêskâkow:nipêskaw VTA "it makes s.o. sleep" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: restricted, VTA-2 stem *nipêskaw- not typically used outside of inanimate actor nipêwâspinêw:nipêwâspinê VAIw "s/he has a sleeping disorder, s/he has narcolepsy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipiskêw:nipiskê VAIw "s/he doctors using traditional rites" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipiw:nipi VAIw "s/he dies; s/he is dead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: in some areas, restricted to non-human reference nipîhkawêw:nipîhkaw VTA "s/he melts snow to make water for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nipîhkâtam:nipîhkâta VTIm "s/he melt s.t. to make water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nipîhkêw:nipîhkê VAIw "s/he melts snow to make water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipîmakan:nipîmakan VIIn "it dies, it dies out; it is dead" ; ! AEW: VII-n nipîskâw:nipîskâ VIIw "there is a lot of water around" ; ! AEW: VII-v nipîwan:nipîwan VIIn "it is wet, it is dripping wet" ; ! AEW: VII-n nipîwiw:nipîwi VIIw "there is water, it has water, it is watery, it contains water (e.g. watermelon)" ; ! AEW: VII-v nipowâpiw:nipowâpi VAIw "s/he has weak eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipowipayiw:nipowipayi VAIw "s/he is becoming paralyzed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipowisiw:nipowisi VAIw "s/he is paralyzed, s/he is crippled by a stroke; it is withered (e.g. a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipôhkâsow:nipôhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to be dead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipômakan:nipômakan VIIn "it dies, it is dead" ; ! AEW: VII-n nipôstamawêw:nipôstamaw VTA "s/he dies for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nipôwinâkosiw:nipôwinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks like death, s/he looks as if dead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nipôwinâkwan:nipôwinâkwan VIIn "it looks like death, it looks as if dead" ; ! AEW: VII-n nipwâhkâw:nipwâhkâ VAIw "s/he is clever" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nisihkêpayiw:nisihkêpayi VAIw "s/he trots" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nisikatisiw:nisikatisi VAIw "s/he dwells off alone with his/her family" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nisitawêyihcikâtêw:nisitawêyihcikâtê VIIw "it is recognized" ; ! AEW: VII-v nisitawêyihtam:nisitawêyihta VTIm "s/he knows s.t., s/he recognizes s.t., s/he is acquainted with s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nisitawêyihtâkosiw:nisitawêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is known, s/he is recognized" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nisitawêyihtâkwan:nisitawêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is known, it is recognized" ; ! AEW: VII-n nisitawêyimêw:nisitawêyim VTA "s/he knows s.o., s/he recognizes s.o., s/he is acquainted with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nisitawihtam:nisitawihta VTIm "s/he recognizes s.t. by sound" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nisitawihtawêw:nisitawihtaw VTA "s/he recognizes s.o. by sound" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nisitawinam:nisitawina VTIm "s/he recognizes s.t. by sight" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nisitawinawêw:nisitawinaw VTA "s/he recognizes s.o. by sight" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nisitohtam:nisitohta VTIm "s/he understands; s/he understands s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nisitohtamohkâsow:nisitohtamohkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to understand (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nisitohtamôhêw:nisitohtamôh VTA "s/he makes s.o. understand (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nisitohtawêw:nisitohtaw VTA "s/he understands s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nisitohtâkosiw:nisitohtâkosi VAIw "s/he is recognized by sound" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nisitohtâkwan:nisitohtâkwan VIIn "it is recognized by sound, it is recognizable in sound" ; ! AEW: VII-n nisitohtâtowak:nisitohtâto VAIw_PL "they understand one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nisitospitam:nisitospita VTIm "s/he recognizes s.t. by taste" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nisitospitêw:nisitospit3 VTA "s/he recognizes s.o. by taste" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nisiwanâcihêw:nisiwanâcih VTA "s/he ruins s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nisiwanâcihisow:nisiwanâcihiso VAIw "s/he destroys him/herself; s/he commits suicide" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nisiwanâcihitowak:nisiwanâcihito VAIw_PL "they destroy one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nisiwanâcihtâw:nisiwanâcihtâ VTIw "s/he ruins s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nisiwanâtahkamikisiw:nisiwanâtahkamikisi VAIw "s/he is destructive" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. nisiwanâtan:nisiwanâtan VIIn "it is spoiled, be destroyed" ; ! AEW: VII-n nisiwanâtisiw:nisiwanâtisi VAIw "s/he perishes, s/he is ruined" ; ! AEW: VAI-v niskiskâw:niskiskâ VIIw "there is an abundance of geese" ; ! AEW: VII-v niskiwiw:niskiwi VAIw "s/he is a goose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistamosâniwiw:nistamosâniwi VAIw "s/he is first born" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistâpâwahêw:nistâpâwah VTA "s/he drowns s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nistâpâwêw:nistâpâwê VAIw "s/he drowns, s/he gets drowned" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistâsihkawêw:nistâsihkaw VTA "s/he gives s.o. good company" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nistinwa:nistin VIIn_PL "they are three in number" ; ! AEW: VII-n nistiwak:nisti VAIw_PL "they are three in number" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nisto-kîsikâw:nisto-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Wednesday; literally: (it is) the third day" ; ! AEW: VII-v nisto-tipiskwêw:nisto-tipiskwê VAIw "s/he is away from home for three nights" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistohkwâmiwak:nistohkwâmi VAIw_PL "they sleep three in a bed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistohtâw:nistohtâ VTIw "s/he divides s.t. in three" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nistohtêwak:nistohtê VAIw_PL "they travel in a family of three" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistokâtêw:nistokâtê VAIw "it has three legs, it is three-legged" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistokâtêwêyâw:nistokâtêwêyâ VIIw "it has three legs (as a stool)" ; ! AEW: VII-v nistokêwak:nistokê VAIw_PL "they are three living together" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistopiponwêw:nistopiponwê VAIw "s/he is three years old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistosinwak:nistosin3 VAIn_PL "they lie as three" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nistoyawêw:nistoyawê VAIw "s/he shoots three of them with one shot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistôsêmihkêw:nistôsêmihkê VAIw "s/he delivers triplets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistôskwêwêw:nistôskwêwê VAIw "he has three wives" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistôtêmihkêw:nistôtêmihkê VAIw "it has three puppies" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistwahpisowak:nistwahpiso VAIw_PL "they are harnessed in threes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistwâpêwak:nistwâpê VAIw_PL "they are three men, they are three brothers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nistwâskaciwak:nistwâskaci VAIw_PL "they are three frozen together" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: /-âsk-/** possibly an alternative for /âhkw-/ nitaw-âyamihâw:nitaw-âyamihâ VAIw "s/he attends church" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawahcikêw:nitawahcikê VAIw "s/he sniffs at things for food" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawastimwêw:nitawastimwê VAIw "s/he goes for horses or dogs; s/he looks for his/her own horses or dogs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawâpahkêw:nitawâpahkê VAIw "s/he goes and watches; s/he observes things, s/he watches things; s/he goes to see people, s/he tries to see people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawâpahtam:nitawâpahta VTIm "s/he goes to see s.t., s/he tries to see s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nitawâpamêw:nitawâpam VTA "s/he goes and sees s.o., s/he tries to see s.o., s/he goes to visit s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nitawâpênawêw:nitawâpênaw VTA "s/he goes to see about s.o. (e.g. a sick person); s/he checks on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nitawâpênâkêw:nitawâpênâkê VAIw "s/he visits the sick; s/he checks on people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawâpênâsow:nitawâpênâso VAIw "s/he examines his/her own infirmities, s/he checks on his/her own injuries" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawâpênikêw:nitawâpênikê VAIw "s/he checks up on people/things, s/he inspects symptoms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawâpiw:nitawâpi VAIw "s/he looks, s/he takes a look" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawâwêw:nitawâwê VAIw "s/he goes looking for eggs, s/he goes to collect eggs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawêyihcikêw:nitawêyihcikê VAIw "s/he desires things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawêyihtam:nitawêyihta VTIm "s/he wants s.t., s/he desires s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nitawêyihtamawêw:nitawêyihtamaw VTA "s/he wants (it/him) for s.o., s/he wants (it/him) from s.o., s/he desires (it/him) of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nitawêyihtâkosiw:nitawêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is desired, s/he is wanted; s/he is necessary" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawêyihtâkwan:nitawêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is desired, it is wanted; it is necessary" ; ! AEW: VII-n nitawêyimêw:nitawêyim VTA "s/he wants s.o., s/he desires s.o., s/he desires (it/him) from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nitawi-ayamihâw:nitawi-ayamihâ VAIw "s/he goes to church, s/he attends church, s/he goes to pray" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawi-ayamihcikêw:nitawi-ayamihcikê VAIw "s/he goes to school, s/he attends school; literally: s/he goes to read" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawi-mîcisow:nitawi-mîciso VAIw "s/he goes to eat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawiminêw:nitawiminê VAIw "s/he goes berry-picking, s/he goes for berries" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitawiskwêwêw:nitawiskwêwê VAIw "he looks for a woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitâhtâmêw:nitâhtâm VTA "s/he borrows (it/him) from s.o., s/he seeks to borrow from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nitâhtâmow:nitâhtâmo VAIw "s/he borrows, s/he seeks to borrow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitâmisow:nitâmiso VAIw "s/he pick berries, gather berries" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitihkomâtêw:nitihkomât3 VTA "s/he picks lice from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nitohkêmow:nitohkêmo VAIw "s/he asks people, s/he invites people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitohtam:nitohta VTIm "s/he listens to s.t., s/he listens for s.t.; s/he tries to hear s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nitohtawêw:nitohtaw VTA "s/he listens to s.o., s/he listens for s.o.; s/he obeys s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nitohtâkowisiw:nitohtâkowisi VAIw "s/he is heard by the powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitohtâtowak:nitohtâto VAIw_PL "they call one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitohtowak:nitohto VAIw_PL "they call one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitomêw:nitom VTA "s/he invites s.o., s/he calls s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nitomiskwêwâtêw:nitomiskwêwât3 VTA "he asks for s.o.'s hand (i.e. a woman)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nitomiskwêwêw:nitomiskwêwê VAIw "he asks for a woman's hand in marriage" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitonam:nitona VTIm "s/he seeks s.t., s/he looks for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nitonamawêw:nitonamaw VTA "s/he seeks (it/him) for s.o. ;; [slang:] s/he feels s.o.'s genitals" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nitonawêw:nitonaw VTA "s/he seeks s.o., s/he looks for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nitonêw:niton VTA "s/he seeks s.o., s/he looks for s.o. (by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nitonikâtêw:nitonikâtê VIIw "it is looked for" ; ! AEW: VII-v nitonikêw:nitonikê VAIw "s/he takes a look; s/he seeks things, s/he looks for things, s/he gropes for things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitopahtwâw:nitopahtwâ VTIw "s/he searches for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nitopayiw:nitopayi VAIw "he goes on the warpath; s/he goes seeking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitopayiwinihkêw:nitopayiwinihkê VAIw "he leads a war-party, he conducts a war-party; he arranges a raid" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitopayîstawêw:nitopayîstaw VTA "s/he makes war on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nitotam:nitota VTIm "s/he asks for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nitotamawêw:nitotamaw VTA "s/he asks s.o. for (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nitotamâkêstawêw:nitotamâkêstaw VTA "s/he makes demands for (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nitotamâkêw:nitotamâkê VAIw "s/he requests things, s/he asks for things, s/he prays for things; s/he demands things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitotamâw:nitotamâ VTIw "s/he requests s.t., s/he asks for s.t., s/he prays for s.t.; s/he demands things" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nitônâstêw:nitônâstê VAIw "s/he looks for lice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitôskam:nitôska VTIm "s/he seeks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nitôskawêw:nitôskaw VTA "s/he seeks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nitôwâhkawêw:nitôwâhkawê VAIw "s/he plays Indian poker (card game)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nitwahâhcikêw:nitwahâhcikê VAIw "s/he seeks trails" ; ! AEW: VAI-v niyânaniwa:niyânani VIIw_PL "they are five in number" ; ! AEW: VII-v niyânaniwak:niyânani VAIw_PL "they are five in number" ; ! AEW: VAI-v niyânano-kîsikâw:niyânano-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Friday; literally: (it is )the fifth day" ; ! AEW: VII-v niyâw:niyâ VIIw "it is a point of land" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîhci-kwâskohtiw:nîhci-kwâskohti VAIw "s/he jumps down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhci-yahkaham:nîhci-yahkaha VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. down by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhci-yahkahwêw:nîhci-yahkahw VTA "s/he pushes s.o. down by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nîhcikahwêw:nîhcikahw VTA "s/he sends s.o. down by cutting" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nîhcikâpawiw:nîhcikâpawi VAIw "s/he steps down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhcikwâskwêsin:nîhcikwâskwêsin3 VAIn "s/he is bounced down out of something (e.g. a buggy or wagon)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nîhcipayihow:nîhcipayiho VAIw "s/he jumps down, s/he jumps off; s/he throws him/herself down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhcipayiw:nîhcipayi VAIw "s/he comes down, s/he falls down, s/he falls off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhcipicikâtêw:nîhcipicikâtê VIIw "it is pulled down" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîhcipitam:nîhcipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. down, s/he drags s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhcipitêw:nîhcipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. down, s/he drags s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nîhciwêpaham:nîhciwêpaha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. down by tool; s/he knocks s.t. down off (of something), s/he pushes s.t. down off (of something)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhciwêpahwêw:nîhciwêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. down by a shot or by tool; s/he knocks s.o. down off (of something), s/he pushes s.o. down off (of something)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nîhciwêpinam:nîhciwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. down, off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhciwêpinamawêw:nîhciwêpinamaw VTA "s/he throws (it/him) down for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîhciwêpinêw:nîhciwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. down, off" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîhtaciwê-yahkinam:nîhtaciwê-yahkina VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. down the hill or stairs" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhtaciwê-yahkinêw:nîhtaciwê-yahkin VTA "s/he pushes s.o. down the hill or stairs" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîhtaciwêhcâw:nîhtaciwêhcâ VIIw "it is downhill land" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîhtaciwêhtahêw:nîhtaciwêhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. downwards" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîhtaciwêhtatâw:nîhtaciwêhtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. downwards" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nîhtaciwêpahtâw:nîhtaciwêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs down (e.g. stairs, hill)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtaciwêpayiw:nîhtaciwêpayi VAIw "s/he goes downhill, s/he goes down, s/he drives downhill" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtaciwêpitam:nîhtaciwêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. downhill" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhtaciwêpitêw:nîhtaciwêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. downhill" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nîhtaciwêtâpâsow:nîhtaciwêtâpâso VAIw "s/he drives downhill, s/he rides downhill" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtaciwêw:nîhtaciwê VAIw "s/he climbs down, s/he walks down; s/he goes downstairs, s/he descends a hill, stairs, etc." ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtaciwêyâhtawîw:nîhtaciwêyâhtawî VAIw "s/he climbs down, s/he descends on wood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtakocin:nîhtakocin3 VAIn "s/he falls down through air" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nîhtakosîw:nîhtakosî VAIw "s/he dismounts, s/he climbs down, s/he gets down, s/he gets off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtaskêw:nîhtaskê VAIw "s/he descends to the ground" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtataham:nîhtataha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. down off something" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhtatahwêw:nîhtatahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. down off something" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nîhtâhtawîpahtâw:nîhtâhtawîpahtâ VAIw "s/he climbs down at a run" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtâhtawîw:nîhtâhtawî VAIw "s/he climbs down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtâpêkinam:nîhtâpêkina VTIm "s/he lowers s.t. by a rope" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhtâpêkinêw:nîhtâpêkin VTA "s/he lowers s.o. by a rope; s/he leads s.o. down by rope" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîhtâpêkipitam:nîhtâpêkipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. down by rope, s/he lets s.t. down on a rope" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhtâpêkipitêw:nîhtâpêkipit3 VTA "s/he pulls down by rope, s/he lets s.o. down on a rope" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nîhtâpokow:nîhtâpoko VAIw "s/he slides downhill" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtâsiw:nîhtâsi VAIw "s/he is blown down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtâskocin:nîhtâskocin3 VAIn "s/he gets hooked and falls down" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nîhtâskwaham:nîhtâskwaha VTIm "s/he takes s.t. down with a tool (e.g. stick)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhtâskwahwêw:nîhtâskwahw VTA "s/he takes s.o. down with a tool (e.g. stick)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nîhtâstan:nîhtâstan VIIn "it is blown down" ; ! AEW: VII-n nîhtinam:nîhtina VTIm "s/he takes s.t. down or off; s/he lowers, unloads s.t.; s/he hands s.t. down, s/he lifts s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhtinamawêw:nîhtinamaw VTA "s/he takes (it/him) down for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîhtinêw:nîhtin VTA "s/he takes s.o. down or off, s/he lowers s.o., s/he puts s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîhtinikêw:nîhtinikê VAIw "s/he takes things down or off, s/he unloads things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtinisow:nîhtiniso VAIw "s/he lets him/herself down, s/he lowers him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîhtowatênam:nîhtowatêna VTIm "s/he takes s.t. down as a load" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîhtowatênêw:nîhtowatên VTA "s/he takes s.o. down as a load" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîhtowatênikêw:nîhtowatênikê VAIw "s/he takes down a load" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîkân-ayâw:nîkân-ayâ VAIw "s/he is in the front" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: also simply two words unhyphenated nîkân-wîhtam:nîkân-wîhta VTIm "s/he tells s.t. first" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: also simply two words unhyphenated nîkân-wîhtamawêw:nîkân-wîhtamaw VTA "s/he tells s.o. (about it/him) first" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: also simply two words unhyphenated nîkânahêw:nîkânah VTA "s/he puts s.o. in front" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîkânakimêw:nîkânakim VTA "s/he counts s.o. in first position, s/he holds s.o. (tobacco) to be a prime element" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîkânapiw:nîkânapi VAIw "s/he sits in the lead; s/he is head of the department" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîkânastamawêw:nîkânastamaw VTA "s/he puts (it/him) forward for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîkânastâw:nîkânastâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. in front" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nîkânêyihtam:nîkânêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks s.t. superior, a priority" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîkânêyihtâkosiw:nîkânêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is thought of as superior, a priority" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîkânêyihtâkwan:nîkânêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is thought of as superior, a priority" ; ! AEW: VII-n nîkânêyimêw:nîkânêyim VTA "s/he thinks s.o. superior" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîkânêyimow:nîkânêyimo VAIw "s/he thinks him/herself superior" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîkâninikâsow:nîkâninikâso VAIw "s/he takes precedence, s/he is of the first rank; it is the prime element" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîkânipahtâw:nîkânipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs ahead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîkânipayiw:nîkânipayi VAIw "s/he goes at the head, s/he rides at the head, s/he runs ahead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîkânîmakan:nîkânîmakan VIIn "it is first, best, favorite; it leads" ; ! AEW: VII-n nîkânîw:nîkânî VAIw "s/he is first, best, favorite; s/he leads, s/he is ahead, s/he is at the head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîkânîwiw:nîkânîwi VIIw "it is in the future" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîkânohtahêw:nîkânohtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. ahead, s/he takes s.o. in the front to walk" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîkânohtawêw:nîkânohtaw VTA "s/he walks ahead of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîkânohtêw:nîkânohtê VAIw "s/he walks at the head, s/he walks ahead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmakohpêw:nîmakohpê VAIw "s/he takes his/her blankets along (when on a trip)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmâhêw:nîmâh VTA "s/he gives s.o. provisions for the journey, s/he makes lunch for s.o. to take, s/he makes s.o. take a lunch" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîmâhisow:nîmâhiso VAIw "s/he makes lunch for him/herself to take" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmâsiw:nîmâsi VAIw "s/he takes a little lunch along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmâskwaham:nîmâskwaha VTIm "s/he puts s.t. on a spit" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîmâskwawinêw:nîmâskwawin VTA "s/he takes weapons along for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîmâskwêw:nîmâskwê VAIw "s/he carries a gun, weapons; s/he is armed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmâw:nîmâ VAIw "s/he packs a lunch, s/he takes provisions on the way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmâwinihkêw:nîmâwinihkê VAIw "s/he prepares provisions" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmicîkahikanêw:nîmicîkahikanê VAIw "s/he carries an axe along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmihêw:nîmih VTA "s/he makes s.o. dance" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîmihitohêw:nîmihitoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. dance" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîmihitoskiw:nîmihitoski VAIw "s/he is fond of dancing, s/he dances all the time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmihitow:nîmihito VAIw "s/he dances, s/he joins in the dancing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: plural they make one another dance, they dance with one another; they dance nîmihitowinihkêw:nîmihitowinihkê VAIw "s/he organizes a dance, s/he holds a dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmihiwêw:nîmihiwê VAIw "s/he gives a dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmikwâsow:nîmikwâso VAIw "s/he takes his/her own sewing along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîminam:nîmina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. aloft" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîminamawêw:nîminamaw VTA "s/he holds (it/him) aloft for s.o.; s/he performs funeral rites for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîminâniwan:nîmi VAIw "it is a dance, a time of dancing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîminêw:nîmin VTA "s/he holds s.o. aloft" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîminikêw:nîminikê VAIw "s/he prays over the food (at a feast); s/he holds things aloft; s/he performs a funeral" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmipâskisikanêw:nîmipâskisikanê VAIw "s/he carries a gun along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmipîhtatwânêw:nîmipîhtatwânê VAIw "s/he carries a quiver" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmiskotênêw:nîmiskotên VTA "s/he holds s.o. aloft over the fire" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîmiw:nîmi VAIw "s/he dances" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîmôpêw:nîmôpê VAIw "s/he carries a supply of water; s/he takes a drink along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpawihêw:nîpawih VTA "s/he makes s.o. stand up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîpawipayihow:nîpawipayiho VAIw "s/he stands up suddenly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpawiw:nîpawi VAIw "s/he stands, s/he stands up, s/he stands erect, s/he stands there, s/he stands fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpawîstam:nîpawîsta VTIm "s/he stands s.t., s/he endures s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîpawîstamawêw:nîpawîstamaw VTA "s/he stands up for s.o., s/he is a witness (e.g. at wedding) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîpawîstawêw:nîpawîstaw VTA "s/he stands by s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîpawîstâtowak:nîpawîstâto VAIw_PL "they stand by one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpâ-ayamihâw:nîpâ-ayamihâ VAIw "s/he celebrates midnight mass (at Christmas)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpâ-itohtêw:nîpâ-itohtê VAIw "s/he goes during the night" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpâhow:nîpâho VAIw "s/he canoes in the dark" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpâhtêw:nîpâhtê VAIw "s/he walks in the dark, s/he comes home late at night" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpâmâyâtan:nîpâmâyâtan VIIn "it is purple" ; ! AEW: VII-n nîpâmâyâtisiw:nîpâmâyâtisi VAIw "s/he is purple" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpâyâstêw:nîpâyâstê VIIw "it is moonlight, be a moonlit night" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîpêpiw:nîpêpi VAIw "s/he has a wake, s/he holds a wake; s/he sits up with someone dead or dying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpêpîstamawêw:nîpêpîstamaw VTA "s/he sits up with s.o. who has passed on" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîpêpîstawêw:nîpêpîstaw VTA "s/he sits up with s.o. who has passed on" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîpin:nîpin3 VIIn "it is summer" ; ! AEW: VII-n nîpinisiw:nîpinisi VAIw "s/he camps for the summer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpisîhkopâw:nîpisîhkopâw VIIw "it is a willow groove" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîpitêhêw:nîpitêh VTA "s/he puts s.o. in a row" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîpitêhtêw:nîpitêhtê VAIw "s/he walks abreast; [plural:] they walk in a row" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpitêpiwak:nîpitêpi VAIw_PL "they sit in a row" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîpitêsinaham:nîpitêsinaha VTIm "s/he writes s.t. down in a row" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîpitêsinwak:nîpitêsin3 VAIn_PL "they lie in a line" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ! 1: - ! 2: plural generally nîpitêstâw:nîpitêstâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. in a row" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nîpitêstêwa:nîpitêstê VIIw_PL "they are in a row" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîpîskâw:nîpîskâ VIIw "there are many leaves" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîpîwiw:nîpîwi VIIw "it has leaves" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîsinwa:nîsin VIIn_PL "they are two in number" ; ! AEW: VII-n nîsitanawitiwak:nîsitanawiti VAIw_PL "they are twenty in number" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsiwak:nîsi VAIw_PL "they are two in number; both" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîskâw:nîskâ VIIw "it is damp" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîskâyâw:nîskâyâ VIIw "it is damp weather" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîskisiw:nîskisi VAIw "s/he is damp" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîso-kîsikâw:nîso-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Tuesday; literally: (it is) the second day" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîso-tipiskâw:nîso-tipiskâ VIIw "it is Tuesday night; literally: (it is) the second night" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîso-tipiskwêw:nîso-tipiskwê VAIw "s/he fasts for two days and nights; s/he is away two nights, s/he goes for two nights" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsohkwâmiwak:nîsohkwâmi VAIw_PL "they sleep two in a bed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsohtâw:nîsohtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. two" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nîsohtêwak:nîsohtê VAIw_PL "they walk together in twos" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsokamikisiwak:nîsokamikisi VAIw_PL "they live two in a house, they live in two houses; [singular:] s/he lives in two houses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsokâpawiwak:nîsokâpawi VAIw_PL "they stand in pairs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: plural generally nîsokâtêw:nîsokâtê VAIw "s/he has two legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsokêwak:nîsokê VAIw_PL "they camp together in twos" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsonam:nîsona VTIm "s/he holds two of s.t. together" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîsonêw:nîson VTA "s/he holds two of s.o. together (in one hand)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîsoniskêyiw:nîsoniskêyi VAIw "s/he reaches with both arms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsonitowak:nîsonito VAIw_PL "they hold one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsopiponwêw:nîsopiponwê VAIw "s/he is two years old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsosâkêw:nîsosâkê VAIw "s/he has two coats" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsosimow:nîsosimo VAIw "s/he jigs, s/he dances as one of two; [plural:] they dance in twos; they jig" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsoskawêw:nîsoskawê VAIw "s/he wears two pairs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsoskwêwêw:nîsoskwêwê VAIw "he has two women, he has two wives" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsostahwêw:nîsostahw VTA "s/he gets two of s.o. in one shot" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nîsotêskanêw:nîsotêskanê VAIw "it has two horns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsowêwak:nîsowê VAIw_PL "they speak together, at once" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsoyawêw:nîsoyaw VTA "s/he shoots two of s.o. with a single shot" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîsoyîhkâsow:nîsoyîhkâso VAIw "s/he has two names" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsoyîhkâtêw:nîsoyîhkâtê VIIw "it has two names" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîsôhkamawêw:nîsôhkamaw VTA "s/he helps s.o., s/he gives s.o. assistance" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîsôhkamâtowak:nîsôhkamâto VAIw_PL "they work together at (it/him) as two" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsôhkawêwak:nîsôhkaw VTA_PL "they fight s.o. two against one" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nîsôhkoniskêw:nîsôhkoniskê VAIw "s/he uses both hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîsôtêmihkêw:nîsôtêmihkê VAIw "s/he has twins, it has two offspring" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîswahpisowak:nîswahpiso VAIw_PL "they are harnessed as two, they are a team of two; they are tied in a pair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîswahpitam:nîswahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. together as two (e.g. bones)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîswahpitêw:nîswahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. together as two (e.g. horses)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nîswapiw:nîswapi VAIw "s/he sits as two, be situated as two, come together as two" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîswaskitêwa:nîswaskitê VIIw_PL "they are two standing together" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîswastâw:nîswastâ VTIw "s/he puts two of s.t. together" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nîswastêw:nîswastê VIIw "it is doubled" ; ! AEW: VII-v nîswatôspow:nîswatôspo VAIw "s/he eats with another from same dish" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîswâpêkinam:nîswâpêkina VTIm "s/he doubles the strand; s/he doubles s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nîswâpêkinêw:nîswâpêkin VTA "s/he doubles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nîswâskisowak:nîswâskiso VAIw_PL "they stand in pairs (as trees)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: plural generally nîswâskwêw:nîswâskwê VAIw "s/he uses two solids (in game)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nîswêskisinêw:nîswêskisinê VAIw "s/he has double moccasins" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nosonêham:nosonêha VTIm "s/he follows s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nosonêhwêw:nosonêhw VTA "s/he follows s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 nôcacaskwêw:nôcacaskwê VAIw "s/he hunts muskrats" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôcihcikêw:nôcihcikê VAIw "s/he traps, s/he traps things; s/he hunts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôcihêw:nôcih VTA "s/he beats s.o. up; s/he hunts s.o., s/he pursues s.o.; s/he traps s.o. (e.g. beaver, muskrat); s/he whips s.o., s/he gives s.o. the strap" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nôcihiskwêwêw:nôcihiskwêwê VAIw "he courts women, he chases women" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôcihitowak:nôcihito VAIw_PL "they pursue each other; they mate, they mate with one another, they find mates [in reference to animals]" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôcihtâw:nôcihtâ VTIw "s/he pursues s.t., s/he works on s.t.; s/he hunts for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nôcikinosêwêw:nôcikinosêwê VAIw "s/he fishes, s/he goes fishing, s/he goes for fish; s/he is engaged in fishing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôcikinosêwiyinîwiw:nôcikinosêwiyinîwi VAIw "he is a fisherman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôcikinosêwîstamawêw:nôcikinosêwîstamaw VTA "s/he fishes for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nôcinâpêwêskiw:nôcinâpêwêski VAIw "she is a flirt; she is fond of chasing men" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôcinâpêwêw:nôcinâpêwê VAIw "she chases men, she looks for men" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôcisipêw:nôcisipê VAIw "s/he hunts ducks, s/he is engaged in duck-hunting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôcîhkamawêw:nôcîhkamaw VTA "he seduces s.o.'s wife" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nôcîhkawêw:nôcîhkaw VTA "s/he seduces s.o.; s/he feels s.o. up (as in foreplay)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nôhâwasow:nôhâwaso VAIw "she suckles her child, she nurses her children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhêw:nôh VTA "she suckles s.o., she nurses s.o., she breastfeeds s.o.; she allows s.o. to suck" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nôhisow:nôhiso VAIw "s/he nurses (i.e. a child)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhkwâcikêw:nôhkwâcikê VAIw "s/he licks (e.g. a dish)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhkwâtam:nôhkwâta VTIm "s/he licks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nôhkwâtêw:nôhkwât3 VTA "s/he licks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nôhtê-apiw:nôhtê-api VAIw "s/he would like to sit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtê-atoskêw:nôhtê-atoskê VAIw "s/he would like to work" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtê-kîwêw:nôhtê-kîwê VAIw "s/he would like to go home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtê-mâtow:nôhtê-mâto VAIw "s/he would like to cry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtê-mîcisow:nôhtê-mîciso VAIw "s/he is hungry; s/he wants to eat, s/he would like to eat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtê-nikamow:nôhtê-nikamo VAIw "s/he would like to sing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtê-nipâw:nôhtê-nipâ VAIw "s/he would like to sleep" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtê-pwâkomow:nôhtê-pwâkomo VAIw "s/he is nauseated" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtêhêw:nôhtêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. give out, s/he tires s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nôhtêhkasow:nôhtêhkaso VAIw "it is not hot enough; s/he is in need of warmth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtêhkatêw:nôhtêhkatê VAIw "s/he is hungry, s/he wants food" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtêhkwasipayiw:nôhtêhkwasipayi VAIw "s/he becomes sleepy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtêhkwasiw:nôhtêhkwasi VAIw "s/he is sleepy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtêhkwastimêw:nôhtêhkwastim VTA "s/he makes s.o. sleepy, s/he tires s.o. out causing sleepiness" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nôhtêhtêw:nôhtêhtê VAIw "s/he fails to walk all the way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtêpayihêw:nôhtêpayih VTA "s/he causes s.o. to lack (s.t.); s/he causes s.o. to run short (of s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nôhtêpayihow:nôhtêpayiho VAIw "s/he is in want (for him/herself)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtêpayiw:nôhtêpayi VAIw "s/he lacks (s.t.); s/he falls short, s/he runs short (of s.t.); s/he is in want" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôhtêpayiw:nôhtêpayi VIIw "it is insufficient, it falls short" ; ! AEW: VII-v nôhtêsimêw:nôhtêsim VTA "s/he tires s.o. out, s/he leaves s.o. on the way (as that one is tired)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nôhtêsin:nôhtêsin3 VAIn "s/he is played out, s/he is tired; s/he falls on the way, s/he has his/her strength fail" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nôhtêskam:nôhtêska VTIm "s/he falls short of pacing a distance (measurement)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nôhtêyâpâkwêw:nôhtêyâpâkwê VAIw "s/he is thirsty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôkohâwasow:nôkohâwaso VAIw "she gives birth; literally: she causes her child to appear" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôkohcikêw:nôkohcikê VAIw "s/he shows things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôkohêw:nôkoh VTA "s/he brings s.o. into appearance" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nôkohtâw:nôkohtâ VTIw "s/he lets s.t. appear, s/he shows s.t.; s/he is a capable person" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 nôkosiw:nôkosi VAIw "s/he appears, s/he comes into view, s/he is visible, s/he is seen; s/he is born" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôkwan:nôkwan VIIn "it appears, it becomes visible, it is seen" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: na-nôkwan nômiskam:nômiska VTIm "s/he goes part of the way" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nônâcikêhêw:nônâcikêh VTA "s/he gives s.o. (baby) a bottle to suck; s/he makes s.o. suckle" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nônâcikêw:nônâcikê VAIw "s/he sucks, s/he sucks a bottle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nônâtam:nônâta VTIm "s/he sucks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nônâtêw:nônât3 VTA "s/he sucks s.o. (an animal that is suckled)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nônihtahisow:nônihtahiso VAIw "s/he puts him/herself to suckle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôniskiw:nôniski VAIw "s/he is constantly sucking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôniw:nôni VAIw "s/he is nursing, s/he is breastfeeding, s/he sucks at the breast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôsôskam:nôsôska VTIm "s/he follows after s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nôsôskawêw:nôsôskaw VTA "s/he follows after s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nôtacaskwêw:nôtacaskwê VAIw "s/he hunts muskrats" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtamêsêw:nôtamêsê VAIw "s/he is fishing, s/he goes fishing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtamiskwêw:nôtamiskwê VAIw "s/he hunts beavers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtasâwâkanêw:nôtasâwâkanê VAIw "s/he hunts to get furs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtatâwâkanêw:nôtatâwâkanê VAIw "s/he hunts for furs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtâposwêw:nôtâposwê VAIw "s/he hunts rabbits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtihkomâtêw:nôtihkomât3 VTA "s/he hunts for lice on s.o.'s head" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nôtihkomêw:nôtihkomê VAIw "s/he hunts for lice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtimâw:nôtimâ VIIw "it is round" ; ! AEW: VII-v nôtimisiw:nôtimisi VAIw "s/he is round" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtin:nôtin VIIw "there is a wind, it is windy" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. VTA-1 2s-3s IMP: nôtin fight him/her! nôtinam:nôtina VTIm "s/he fights s.t., s/he fights with s.t" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nôtinastimwêw:nôtinastimwê VAIw "s/he is cruel to horses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtinêw:nôtin VTA "s/he fights s.o., s/he fights with s.o.; s/he seizes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 nôtinikêskiw:nôtinikêski VAIw "s/he fights often, s/he is a habitual fighter; s/he is combative [used derogatorily]" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtinikêstamawêw:nôtinikêstamaw VTA "s/he fights (people) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nôtinikêstamâsow:nôtinikêstamâso VAIw "s/he fights (people) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtinikêw:nôtinikê VAIw "s/he fights people, s/he puts up a fight; s/he takes part in war (e.g. World War II)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtiniskwêwêw:nôtiniskwêwê VAIw "he fights his wife" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtinitowak:nôtinito VAIw_PL "they fight, they fight one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtisin:nôtisin3 VAIn "s/he is too big (to enter an opening); s/he fails to fit in" ; ! AEW: VAI-n nôtisipêw:nôtisipê VAIw "s/he hunts ducks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtiskam:nôtiska VTIm "s/he fails to fit s.t. as it is too small" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 nôtiskawêw:nôtiskaw VTA "s/he fails to fit s.o. (e.g. pants) as it is too small" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 nôtiskwêwâtêw:nôtiskwêwât3 VTA "he courts s.o. (i.e. a woman)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 nôtiskwêwêskiw:nôtiskwêwêski VAIw "he is a woman chaser" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtiskwêwêw:nôtiskwêwê VAIw "he courts a woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtokêwiw:nôtokêwi VAIw "she is an old woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v nôtokwêwiw:nôtokwêwi VAIw "she is an old woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocahkisêhikaniw:ocahkisêhikani VAIw "s/he has a flint" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocakisîmisiw:ocakisîmisi VAIw "s/he has appendicitis" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocasinîmisiw:ocasinîmisi VAIw "s/he has gall-stones" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocawâsimisiw:ocawâsimisi VAIw "s/he has a child, s/he has (s.o. as) a child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocâhkosiw:ocâhkosi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a sister-in-law" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocâpahtam:ocâpahta VTIm "s/he is alive to see s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ocâpahtowak:ocâpahto VAIw_PL "they are alive to see one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocâpamêw:ocâpam VTA "s/he is alive to see s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ocêhpîw:ocêhpî VAIw "s/he is active and nimble; s/he is light-footed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocêhtam:ocêhta VTIm "s/he kisses s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ocêhtowak:ocêhto VAIw_PL "they kiss one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocêhtowi-kîsikâw:ocêhtowi-kîsikâ VIIw "it is New Year's Day; literally: it is kissing-day" ; ! AEW: VII-v ocêmâwasow:ocêmâwaso VAIw "s/he kisses his/her child or children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocêmêw:ocêm VTA "s/he kisses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ocêpihkowan:ocêpihkowan VIIn "it has roots" ; ! AEW: VII-n ocêpihkowiw:ocêpihkowi VAIw "it has roots" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocicâhkoskâw:ocicâhkoskâ VIIw "cranes are numerous, there are numerous cranes" ; ! AEW: VII-v ocihci-kiskisiw:ocihci-kiskisi VAIw "s/he remembers things, s/he has memories far back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocihcihkwanapiw:ocihcihkwanapi VAIw "s/he kneels, s/he sits on his/her own knees" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocihcihkwanapîhêw:ocihcihkwanapîh VTA "s/he makes s.o. kneel" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ocihciminam:ocihcimina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. there, at that spot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ocihciminikâtêw:ocihciminikâtê VIIw "it is held at that spot" ; ! AEW: VII-v ocihcipayin:ocihcipayin VIIn "it comes to pass, it occurs" ; ! AEW: VII-n ocihkwanapiw:ocihkwanapi VAIw "s/he kneels, s/he kneels in prayer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocihkwanapîstawêw:ocihkwanapîstaw VTA "s/he kneels before s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ocikicihcêw:ocikicihcê VAIw "s/he has a scarred hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocikiciskêw:ocikiciskê VAIw "s/he is scarred on the buttocks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocikihkwêw:ocikihkwê VAIw "s/he is scarred on the face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocikikwayawêw:ocikikwayawê VAIw "s/he has a scarred neck" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocikisiw:ocikisi VAIw "s/he is scarred" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocikispitonêw:ocikispitonê VAIw "s/he has a scarred arm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocipicikâtêw:ocipicikâtê VIIw "it is pulled, it is pulled out" ; ! AEW: VII-v ocipitam:ocipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t., s/he pulls s.t. out, towards" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ocipitamawêw:ocipitamaw VTA "s/he pulls (it/him) for s.o., s/he pulls (it/him) out for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ocipitamâsow:ocipitamâso VAIw "s/he pulls (it/him) for him/herself, s/he pulls (it/him) out for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocipitêw:ocipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o., s/he pulls s.o. out, towards; s/he wins from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ocipitikow:ocipitiko VAIw "s/he has a seizure, s/he has fits; s/he has cramps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: also VTA-4, Independent 0'-3 inanimate actor ocipitikowaskatêw:ocipitikowaskatê VAIw "s/he has stomach cramps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocipitisow:ocipitiso VAIw "s/he pulls him/herself up or along (with a rope)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocipohkasam:ocipohkasa VTIm "s/he shrinks s.t. (with heat)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ocipohkaswêw:ocipohkasw VTA "s/he shrinks s.o. (with heat)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ocipwêwiw:ocipwêwi VAIw "s/he is an Ojibway" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocistêmâw:ocistêmâ VAIw "s/he has tobacco, s/he has (it/him) as tobacco" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ociwâmihtowak:ociwâmihto VAIw_PL "they are brothers or cousins to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ociwâmiw:ociwâmi VAIw "he has a brother, he has a male parallel cousin" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: in reference to a male only ocîhcîkomiw:ocîhcîkomi VAIw "s/he has warts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocîkahikaniw:ocîkahikani VAIw "s/he has an axe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocîsiciskêw:ocîsiciskê VAIw "s/he has a burn (scar) on the buttocks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocîsihkwêw:ocîsihkwê VAIw "s/he has a burn (scar) on the face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocîsisiw:ocîsisi VAIw "s/he is scarred by burning" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocîstahâsêponiw:ocîstahâsêponi VAIw "s/he has a fork" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ocîstahikaniw:ocîstahikani VAIw "s/he has an awl; s/he has a fork" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohci-kâhcitinam:ohci-kâhcitina VTIm "s/he catches s.t. from there" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohci-kâhcitinêw:ohci-kâhcitin VTA "s/he catches s.o. from there" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohci-wayawîw:ohci-wayawî VAIw "s/he comes out of (there)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohciciwan:ohciciwan VIIn "it flows thence, it flows from there" ; ! AEW: VII-n ohcihêw:ohcih VTA "s/he stops s.o., s/he holds s.o. away" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohcikawâpiw:ohcikawâpi VAIw "s/he sheds tears; s/he has tears dropping" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohcikawihtâw:ohcikawihtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. drip, leak" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ohcikawitêyikomêw:ohcikawitêyikomê VAIw "s/he runs at the nose, s/he has a runny nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohcikawiw:ohcikawi VIIw "it drips, it flows from there; it leaks" ; ! AEW: VII-v ohcinatêw:ohcinat3 VTA "s/he fights s.o. over something; s/he fights s.o. on account of something" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ohcinâkosiw:ohcinâkosi VAIw "s/he is seen from there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohcinâkwan:ohcinâkwan VIIn "it is seen from there" ; ! AEW: VII-n ohcinêw:ohcinê VAIw "s/he suffers in retribution for something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohcipahtâw:ohcipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs from there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohcipayin:ohcipayin VIIn "it comes from there, it results from that" ; ! AEW: VII-n ohcipayiw:ohcipayi VAIw "s/he moves thence, s/he rides thence" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohcipayiw:ohcipayi VIIw "it moves thence, it rides thence; it come from there" ; ! AEW: VII-v ohcipicihêw:ohcipicih VTA "s/he moves s.o.'s household from there, s/he helps s.o. move from somewhere" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohcipiciw:ohcipici VAIw "s/he moves from somewhere" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohcipitam:ohcipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. from somewhere" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohcipitêw:ohcipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. from somewhere" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ohcisin:ohcisin3 VAIn "s/he lies on that side" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ohciskanawêw:ohciskanawê VAIw "s/he leaves tracks from there, s/he leaves a trail from there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohcistin:ohcistin VIIn "it leaks" ; ! AEW: VII-n ohciyawêw:ohciyaw VTA "s/he wins from, over s.o. (with things)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ohciyâkêw:ohciyâkê VAIw "s/he wins from, over people (with things); s/he scores a win" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohcîhkamawêw:ohcîhkamaw VTA "s/he attempts to win (it/him) from s.o.; he woos s.o.'s wife" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ohcîw:ohcî VAIw "s/he is from there, s/he comes from there; s/he exists thence, therefore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohkohkêw:ohkohkê VAIw "it barks (e.g. dog)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohkomiw:ohkomi VAIw "s/he has a grandmother, s/he has s.o. as a grandmother" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpaham:ohpaha VTIm "s/he pries s.t. up; s/he sets traps" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohpahamawêw:ohpahamaw VTA "s/he sets traps for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ohpahikêw:ohpahikê VAIw "s/he sets traps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpahipêw:ohpahipê VIIw "it floats to the top (e.g. drowned body)" ; ! AEW: VII-v ohpahow:ohpaho VAIw "s/he flies up, s/he rises, s/he flies away, it flies from its perch" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpakocin:ohpakocin3 VAIn "it bounces up into the air, s/he darts into the air" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ohpastêw:ohpastê VIIw "it is higher than ground level" ; ! AEW: VII-v ohpatinâw:ohpatinâ VIIw "it is a high hill" ; ! AEW: VII-v ohpâpêkipicikêw:ohpâpêkipicikê VAIw "s/he hoists things with a machine, pulley" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpâpêkipitam:ohpâpêkipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. up by a string, s/he hoist s.t. (as a flag)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohpâpêkipitêw:ohpâpêkipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. up by a string; s/he hoists s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ohpâsiw:ohpâsi VAIw "s/he is raised by the wind (as a kite); s/he blows off the ground and into the air" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpâskwaham:ohpâskwaha VTIm "s/he lifts s.t. with a stick, s/he raises s.t. (with a bar or pole)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohpâskwahwêw:ohpâskwahw VTA "s/he raises s.o. (with a bar or pole)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ohpihâw:ohpihâ VAIw "s/he flies up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpikihâwasow:ohpikihâwaso VAIw "s/he raises a family, s/he raises children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpikihcikêw:ohpikihcikê VAIw "s/he raises things, s/he grows things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpikihêw:ohpikih VTA "s/he raises s.o., s/he rears s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohpikihitowak:ohpikihito VAIw_PL "they raise one another (i.e. orphans)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpikihtamâsow:ohpikihtamâso VAIw "s/he makes (it/him) grow for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpikihtâw:ohpikihtâ VTIw "s/he raises s.t., s/he grows s.t., s/he makes s.t. grow" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ohpikin:ohpikin VIIn "it grows, it grows up" ; ! AEW: VII-n ohpikinâwasow:ohpikinâwaso VAIw "s/he raises his/her children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpikiw:ohpiki VAIw "s/he grows, s/he grows up; s/he is raised" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: ay-ohpikiw ohpikîmakan:ohpikîmakan VIIn "it grows up" ; ! AEW: VII-n ohpimêhpisow:ohpimêhpiso VAIw "s/he is tied a ways off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpinam:ohpina VTIm "s/he lifts s.t., s/he lifts s.t. up, s/he hoists s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohpinamawêw:ohpinamaw VTA "s/he lifts (it/him) up for s.o., s/he raises (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ohpinamâkêw:ohpinamâkê VAIw "s/he lifts (it/him) for others" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpinamâsow:ohpinamâso VAIw "s/he lifts (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpinêw:ohpin VTA "s/he lifts s.o., s/he lifts s.o. up, s/he raises s.o. (e.g. pipe), s/he hoists s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohpinikêw:ohpinikê VAIw "s/he lifts things up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpiniskêw:ohpiniskê VAIw "s/he raises his/her own arms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpinisow:ohpiniso VAIw "s/he raises him/herself up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpipayihow:ohpipayiho VAIw "s/he starts up; s/he jumps up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpipayiw:ohpipayi VAIw "it rises (as yeast bread); s/he floats to the top" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpipitam:ohpipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. up, s/he raises s.t. (by rope)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohpipitêw:ohpipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. up, s/he raises s.o. (by rope)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ohpipwâmêyiw:ohpipwâmêyi VAIw "s/he lifts his/her own thigh" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpisin:ohpisin3 VAIn "s/he rises (as bread rises)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ohpiskâw:ohpiskâ VAIw "s/he goes upward; s/he ascends ;; [Christian:] s/he ascends to heaven (i.e. Jesus)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpiskwêpayihow:ohpiskwêpayiho VAIw "s/he throws up his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpiskwêyiw:ohpiskwêyi VAIw "s/he lifts his/her own head, s/he raises his/her head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpiwêpinam:ohpiwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. aloft" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohpiwêpinêw:ohpiwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. aloft" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohpîstam:ohpîsta VTIm "s/he jumps at s.t.; s/he jumps at a chance" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohpîstawêw:ohpîstaw VTA "s/he jumps at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ohpîw:ohpî VIIw "it goes up, it jumps" ; ! AEW: VII-v ohpîw:ohpî VAIw "s/he jumps up, s/he goes up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpîwâtam:ohpîwâta VTIm "s/he jumps, s/he rises in direction to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohpîwâtêw:ohpîwât3 VTA "s/he jumps, s/he rises in direction to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ohpwênam:ohpwêna VTIm "s/he makes s.t. fly up (e.g. dust)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohpwênêw:ohpwên VTA "s/he makes s.o. fly up (e.g. startling ducks)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohpwêstikwânêwâsiw:ohpwêstikwânêwâsi VAIw "s/he has messy, wind-blown hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohpwêyawâhkâstan:ohpwêyawâhkâstan VIIn "there is a sandstorm" ; ! AEW: VII-n ohtaham:ohtaha VTIm "s/he brings s.t. from there by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohtahipêw:ohtahipê VAIw "s/he draws water from there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtahtam:ohtahta VTIm "s/he eats s.t. from there; s/he slurps s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohtahwêw:ohtahw VTA "s/he brings s.o. from there by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ohtakocin:ohtakocin3 VAIn "s/he flies from there, s/he falls from there; s/he arrives by water from there" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ohtamêw:ohtam VTA "s/he eats s.o. (e.g. food) from there; s/he slurps s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohtamêyihtam:ohtamêyihta VTIm "s/he is delayed by anxiety, s/he is anxious about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohtamêyimêw:ohtamêyim VTA "s/he is anxious about s.o., s/he thinks of s.o. as one who is sick" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohtamihow:ohtamiho VAIw "s/he is delayed by something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtapiw:ohtapi VAIw "s/he sits on that side, there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtaskatêw:ohtaskat3 VTA "s/he leaves s.o., s/he walks out on s.o., s/he leaves s.o. behind going from there" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ohtatâmêw:ohtatâm VTA "s/he takes s.o. into his/her own mouth; s/he inhales s.o. (e.g. tobacco)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohtatâmototam:ohtatâmotota VTIm "s/he inhales s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohtatâmow:ohtatâmo VAIw "s/he inhales" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtawakayêw:ohtawakayê VAIw "s/he has ears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtâcihow:ohtâciho VAIw "s/he makes his/her living from there, that source; s/he travels from there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtâpamihêw:ohtâpamih VTA "s/he nourishes s.o. from that source" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohtâpamihow:ohtâpamiho VAIw "s/he gets his/her own food from that source" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtâpêkamohtâw:ohtâpêkamohtâ VTIw "s/he fastens s.t. from there as string" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ohtâstan:ohtâstan VIIn "it is blown by the wind from there" ; ! AEW: VII-n ohtâwîmêw:ohtâwîm VTA "s/he regards s.o. as his/her own father" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohtâwîw:ohtâwî VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a father" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtêpayiw:ohtêpayi VIIw "it boils (e.g. water), it bubbles; it fizzes, it foams (e.g. water in falls or rapids)" ; ! AEW: VII-v ohtêw:ohtê VIIw "it boils" ; ! AEW: VII-v ohtêyihtam:ohtêyihta VTIm "s/he is jealous on account of s.t., s/he is envious" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohtêyimêw:ohtêyim VTA "s/he is jealous of s.o., s/he envies s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohtin:ohtin VIIn "there is wind blowing from that way" ; ! AEW: VII-n ohtinam:ohtina VTIm "s/he gets s.t. from there, s/he takes s.t. from there, s/he obtains s.t. from there, s/he accepts s.t. from there" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohtinamawêw:ohtinamaw VTA "s/he takes (it/him) from there for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ohtinamâsow:ohtinamâso VAIw "s/he gets (it/him) from there for him/herself, s/he takes (it/him) from there for him/herself, s/he obtains (it/him) from there for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtinêw:ohtin VTA "s/he gets s.o. from there, s/he takes s.o. from there, s/he obtains s.o. from there" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohtinikêw:ohtinikê VAIw "s/he gets things from there, s/he takes things from there, s/he obtains things from there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtisiw:ohtisi VAIw "s/he receives s.t. from there, s/he obtains s.t. (e.g. money) from there; s/he receives benefit from there, s/he profits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtiskawapiw:ohtiskawapi VAIw "s/he sits facing; s/he sits in front (facing an audience)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtiskawapîstam:ohtiskawapîsta VTIm "s/he sits in front of and facing s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohtiskawapîstawêw:ohtiskawapîstaw VTA "s/he sits in front of and facing s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ohtiskawikâpawiw:ohtiskawikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands in front (facing an audience)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ohtiskawinam:ohtiskawina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. in front (facing)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohtiskawinamawêw:ohtiskawinamaw VTA "s/he holds (it/him) in front of, for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ohtiskawinêw:ohtiskawin VTA "s/he holds s.o. in front (facing)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohtiskawisin:ohtiskawisin3 VAIn "s/he lies facing someone" ; ! AEW: VAI-n ohtiskawisinôstam:ohtiskawisinôsta VTIm "s/he lies facing s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ohtiskawisinôstawêw:ohtiskawisinôstaw VTA "s/he lies facing s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ohtohtahêw:ohtohtah VTA "s/he brings s.o. along from there" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ohtohtêw:ohtohtê VAIw "s/he comes from there, s/he is coming from there, s/he walks from there; s/he arrives from there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: wâh-ohtohtêw okâhkwâskwahikaniw:okâhkwâskwahikani VAIw "s/he has a totem sign" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okâminakasîskâw:okâminakasîskâ VIIw "there are many thornbushes" ; ! AEW: VII-v okâsakimiw:okâsakimi VAIw "s/he has a tapeworm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okâwîmêw:okâwîm VTA "s/he regards s.o. as his/her own mother" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 okâwîw:okâwî VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a mother" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okihciniskiw:okihciniski VAIw "s/he has a right hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okimâhkâniwiw:okimâhkâniwi VAIw "s/he is chief, s/he serves as elected chief; s/he is a government-appointed chief" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okimâhkâsow:okimâhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to be chief" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okimâhkâtêw:okimâhkât3 VTA "s/he makes s.o. chief" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 okimâskwêhkâsow:okimâskwêhkâso VAIw "she tries to act like a queen" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okimâwêyihtâkosiw:okimâwêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is honourable; s/he is highly respected" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okimâwêyimêw:okimâwêyim VTA "s/he honours s.o. as a chief or governor" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 okimâwiw:okimâwi VAIw "he is a chief, leader, head person, boss; he is the master" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okinîwiw:okinîwi VAIw "it is a thorn tree" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okinosêmiw:okinosêmi VAIw "s/he has fish" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okisêwâtisiwiniw:okisêwâtisiwini VAIw "s/he has kindness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okiskimaniw:okiskimani VAIw "s/he has a file (for sharpening tools)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okiskinwahamâkêwiw:okiskinwahamâkêwi VAIw "s/he is a teacher" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okistikânikamikow:okistikânikamiko VAIw "s/he has a granary" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okistikâniw:okistikâni VAIw "s/he has a field or garden" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okistikêwiyinîwiw:okistikêwiyinîwi VAIw "s/he is a farmer, s/he is engaged in agriculture" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okitohcikaniw:okitohcikani VAIw "s/he has musical instruments" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okiyôtêwiw:okiyôtêwi VAIw "s/he is a visitor from a great distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okînipocikaniw:okînipocikani VAIw "s/he has a file (for sharpening saws)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okocawâkanisiw:okocawâkanisi VAIw "s/he has matches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okosisimâwiw:okosisimâwi VAIw "he is a son" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okosisimêw:okosisim VTA "s/he has s.o. as son" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 okosisimiw:okosisimi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a son; he fathers a son; s/he takes s.o. as his/her own son" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okosisiw:okosisi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a son" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okotawâniw:okotawâni VAIw "s/he has a campfire" ; ! AEW: VAI-v okwêmêsiw:okwêmêsi VAIw "s/he is named after s.o.; s/he has (s.o. as) a namesake; s/he has the same name (as s.o.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omanâcimâkaniw:omanâcimâkani VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a relative-in-law" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omanicôsimiw:omanicôsimi VAIw "s/he has worms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omanitômimêw:omanitômim VTA "s/he has or addresses s.o. as god" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 omanitômiw:omanitômi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a god" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omasinahikaniw:omasinahikani VAIw "s/he has paper, letters, books" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omaskihkîmiw:omaskihkîmi VAIw "s/he has medicine" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omaskisiniw:omaskisini VAIw "s/he has shoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omaskosîmiw:omaskosîmi VAIw "s/he has hay" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omâmâw:omâmâ VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a mother" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omâmâwiw:omâmâwi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a mother" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omâtahikaniw:omâtahikani VAIw "s/he has a hide-scraper" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omihtimiw:omihtimi VAIw "s/he has (it as) his/her own firewood, s/he has wood, s/he has firewood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omikîw:omikî VAIw "s/he has a sore, s/he has a scab; s/he has excema" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omikîwâspinêw:omikîwâspinê VAIw "s/he has chicken-pox" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omisimâwiw:omisimâwi VAIw "s/he is the oldest girl in the family" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omisimiw:omisimi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) an older sister" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omisiw:omisi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) an older sister" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omistatimomiw:omistatimomi VAIw "s/he has (it as) a horse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omistikomiw:omistikomi VAIw "s/he has a cane" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omîcaskosîsiwiw:omîcaskosîsiwi VAIw "it is a swallow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omîciwiniw:omîciwini VAIw "s/he has food" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omosômiw:omosômi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a grandfather" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omostosomiw:omostosomi VAIw "s/he has buffalo, s/he has cattle, s/he has (it as) a cow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omôhkomâniw:omôhkomâni VAIw "s/he has a knife" ; ! AEW: VAI-v omôtêyâpiskomiw:omôtêyâpiskomi VAIw "s/he has a bottle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onahâhkimiw:onahâhkimi VAIw "s/he has a son-in-law" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onahâhkisîmiw:onahâhkisîmi VAIw "s/he has a son-in-law" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onanêskwêw:onanêskwê VAIw "s/he fills the kettle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onâpêmihkawêw:onâpêmihkaw VTA "she makes a husband of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 onâpêmihkâw:onâpêmihkâ VAIw "she lives common-law" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onâpêmihkêw:onâpêmihkê VAIw "she lives common-law; she makes a husband (of s.o.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onâpêmimêw:onâpêmim VTA "she has s.o. as a husband" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 onâpêmiw:onâpêmi VAIw "she has (s.o. as) a husband, she gets a husband, she is a married woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onêpêwisiwiniw:onêpêwisiwini VAIw "s/he has shame" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onihtâwikihcikaniw:onihtâwikihcikani VAIw "s/he has a field, garden" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onikêw:onikê VAIw "s/he portages in a canoe; s/he carries s.t. across his/her own shoulder" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onimiskîskâw:onimiskîskâ VIIw "there is plenty of thunder" ; ! AEW: VII-v onipêwiniw:onipêwini VAIw "s/he has a bed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onipiwiniw:onipiwini VAIw "s/he has a death, s/he has a vital spot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onipîmiw:onipîmi VAIw "s/he has water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oniskimiw:oniskimi VAIw "s/he has geese" ; ! AEW: VAI-v onôtinikêwokimâwiw:onôtinikêwokimâwi VAIw "he is a chief of warriors; s/he is an officer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opahkêkiniw:opahkêkini VAIw "s/he has leather, hide" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opahkwêsikanimiw:opahkwêsikanimi VAIw "s/he has bannock, bread, flour" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opakitahwâwiw:opakitahwâwi VAIw "s/he is a fisherman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opasastêhikaniw:opasastêhikani VAIw "s/he has a whip" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opawahikaniw:opawahikani VAIw "s/he has a threshing machine, s/he has a combine" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opawâkanêyâspinatêw:opawâkanêyâspinat3 VTA "s/he harms s.o. by means of dream spirits" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 opawâmiw:opawâmi VAIw "s/he has a dream spirit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opâpâw:opâpâ VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a father" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opâpâwiw:opâpâwi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a father" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opâskisikaniw:opâskisikani VAIw "s/he has a gun" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opêpîmiw:opêpîmi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a baby" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opimîhkânimiw:opimîhkânimi VAIw "s/he has pemmican" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opimîmiw:opimîmi VAIw "s/he has lard, oil, fat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opîhtawêsâkânimiw:opîhtawêsâkânimi VAIw "s/he has a petticoat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opîhtwâkaniw:opîhtwâkani VAIw "s/he has a pipe, tobacco" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opîminâhkwânimiw:opîminâhkwânimi VAIw "s/he has rope" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opîsâkanêyâpîmiw:opîsâkanêyâpîmi VAIw "s/he has a rawhide rope" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opîsimohkânimiw:opîsimohkânimi VAIw "s/he has a clock" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opîsimohkânisiw:opîsimohkânisi VAIw "s/he has a watch" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opîwâpiskoyâkanêw:opîwâpiskoyâkanê VAIw "s/he has a metal plate, cup" ; ! AEW: VAI-v opôtâcikaniw:opôtâcikani VAIw "s/he has a trumpet, flute, wind instrument" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osakahikaniw:osakahikani VAIw "s/he has nails (i.e. of metal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osakâskwahoniw:osakâskwahoni VAIw "s/he has a brooch, clasp" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osam:osa VTIm "s/he boils s.t., s/he keeps s.t. (e.g. water) at the boil" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 osaskahoniw:osaskahoni VAIw "s/he has a cane" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmakocin:osâmakocin3 VAIn "s/he drives too far, s/he drives past his/her destination" ; ! AEW: VAI-n osâmaskinahtâw:osâmaskinahtâ VTIw "s/he overfills s.t., s/he puts too much into s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 osâmaskinêw:osâmaskinê VAIw "s/he is overfilled, s/he is too full of food, s/he has overeaten" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmâhkatosow:osâmâhkatoso VAIw "s/he is too lean, slender, thin" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmâhpinêw:osâmâhpinê VAIw "s/he dies of illness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmâskaciw:osâmâskaci VAIw "s/he is frozen too hard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmêyatinwa:osâmêyatin VIIn_PL "they are too numerous" ; ! AEW: VII-n osâmêyatiwak:osâmêyati VAIw_PL "they are too numerous" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmi-pônam:osâmi-pôna VTIm "s/he puts on too much firewood, s/he puts too much on the fire" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 osâmihêw:osâmih VTA "s/he does too much with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 osâmihkahtêw:osâmihkahtê VIIw "it is overcooked" ; ! AEW: VII-v osâmihkanitêpow:osâmihkanitêpo VAIw "s/he cooks too much" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmihkasam:osâmihkasa VTIm "s/he overcooks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 osâmihkasow:osâmihkaso VAIw "it is overcooked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmihkaswêw:osâmihkasw VTA "s/he overcooks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 osâmihkwâmiw:osâmihkwâmi VAIw "s/he oversleeps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmihow:osâmiho VAIw "s/he has more than enough" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmihtâw:osâmihtâ VTIw "s/he overdoes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 osâmipayiw:osâmipayi VAIw "s/he goes beyond s.t., s/he goes past s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmipêw:osâmipê VAIw "s/he drinks too much; s/he is drunk" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmipitam:osâmipita VTIm "s/he exaggerates s.t., s/he makes a tall tale of s.t.; s/he overdoes s.t., s/he exceeds s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 osâmisiw:osâmisi VAIw "s/he has an over-bearing personality, s/he always has to be first or in the center of activity; s/he is excessive" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmiskôyow:osâmiskôyo VAIw "s/he overeats, s/he stuffs him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâmitônêw:osâmitônê VAIw "s/he gossips, s/he talks too much, s/he is too talkative" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâpahkêw:osâpahkê VAIw "s/he watches people from there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâpahtam:osâpahta VTIm "s/he watches s.t. from there" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 osâpahtêw:osâpahtê VIIw "there is smoke or haze coming from that direction" ; ! AEW: VII-v osâpamêw:osâpam VTA "s/he watches s.o. from there, s/he looks at s.o. from there" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 osâpiw:osâpi VAIw "s/he watches from there, s/he looks from there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâponikaniw:osâponikani VAIw "s/he has a needle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâwasiskîwasow:osâwasiskîwaso VAIw "s/he is painted with yellow clay" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâwasiskîwastênam:osâwasiskîwastêna VTIm "s/he plasters or paints s.t. with yellow clay" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 osâwasiskîwastênêw:osâwasiskîwastên VTA "s/he plasters or paints s.o. with yellow clay" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 osâwasiskîwastênisow:osâwasiskîwastêniso VAIw "s/he paints him/herself with yellow clay" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâwasiskîwastêw:osâwasiskîwastê VIIw "it is painted with yellow clay" ; ! AEW: VII-v osâwaskosiw:osâwaskosi VAIw "s/he is blue-green" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: not common in western dialects osâwaskwan:osâwaskwan VIIn "it is a yellow sky (e.g. sunset, fire in the distance)" ; ! AEW: VII-n osâwaskwâw:osâwaskwâ VIIw "it is blue-green" ; ! AEW: VII-v osâwâkamin:osâwâkamin VIIn "it is a yellow liquid" ; ! AEW: VII-n osâwâniskwêw:osâwâniskwê VAIw "s/he has brown hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâwâpiskâw:osâwâpiskâ VIIw "it is golden, copper, brass" ; ! AEW: VII-v osâwâpiskisiw:osâwâpiskisi VAIw "s/he is yellow (metal, stone)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâwâw:osâwâ VIIw "it is yellow; it is orange" ; ! AEW: VII-v osâwi-mihkosiw:osâwi-mihkosi VAIw "s/he is orange" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâwi-mihkwâw:osâwi-mihkwâ VIIw "it is orange" ; ! AEW: VII-v osâwi-sôniyâwêw:osâwi-sôniyâwê VAIw "s/he has gold" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâwi-sôniyâwiw:osâwi-sôniyâwi VIIw "it contains gold; it is made of gold" ; ! AEW: VII-v osâwihêw:osâwih VTA "s/he makes s.o. yellow; s/he colours s.o. yellow" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 osâwihtâw:osâwihtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. yellow, s/he colours s.t. yellow" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 osâwinâkosiw:osâwinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks yellowish or brownish; s/he looks jaundiced" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâwinâkwan:osâwinâkwan VIIn "it looks yellowish or brownish" ; ! AEW: VII-n osâwipayiw:osâwipayi VAIw "s/he has jaundice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osâwipêskwan:osâwipêskwan VIIn "it is a sky with yellow spots" ; ! AEW: VII-n osâwisiw:osâwisi VAIw "s/he is yellow; s/he is orange; s/he is brown; it is an orange (fruit)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oscoscocasiw:oscoscocasi VTIw "s/he coughs a little" ; ! AEW: VTI-3 osêhcâw:osêhcâ VIIw "it is a rise in the land, it is a hill" ; ! AEW: VII-v osêkitikomiw:osêkitikomi VAIw "s/he has a tangle of hair, s/he has tangled hair; s/he has a braid" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osêtinâw:osêtinâ VIIw "it is a ridge or knoll" ; ! AEW: VII-v osihtêw:osihtê VAIw "s/he has the power of hearing; ;; [in negative clauses:] s/he is deaf" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osikanâtam:osikanâta VTIm "s/he boils (s.t. as) a bone for grease" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 osikanêw:osikanê VAIw "s/he boils bones (for grease)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osikosimiw:osikosimi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a mother-in-law" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osikosiw:osikosi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a mother-in-law" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osikow:osiko VAIw "s/he suffers a miscarriage by fall or injury" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osikw-âyâhêw:osikw-âyâh VTA "s/he procures an abortion for her" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 osikw-âyâw:osikw-âyâ VAIw "s/he has a miscarriage or abortion" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osikwânâsam:osikwânâsa VTIm "s/he smoke-dries s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 osikwânâsow:osikwânâso VAIw "it is smoke-dried" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osikwânâstêw:osikwânâstê VIIw "it is smoke-dried" ; ! AEW: VII-v osikwânâswêw:osikwânâsw VTA "s/he smoke-dries s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 osipêham:osipêha VTIm "s/he writes, s/he writes s.t. (with ink)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: possible Saulteaux loan osipêhwêw:osipêhw VTA "s/he paints a picture of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 osisahamawêw:osisahamaw VTA "s/he startles the game for s.o.; s/he drives off the game on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 osisahikêw:osisahikê VAIw "s/he frightens the animals (when hunting)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osisahwêw:osisahw VTA "s/he scares s.o. off, s/he startles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ! 1: - ! 2: possibly: /o(s)-/ + -(t)isahw/ ?? osisiw:osisi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a father-in-law" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osiskwêpayihow:osiskwêpayiho VAIw "s/he pokes his/own head up out of something (e.g. gopher hole)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîhcikâkêw:osîhcikâkê VAIw "s/he makes things from s.t., s/he prepares things from s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîhcikâsow:osîhcikâso VAIw "s/he is created, it is prepared" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîhcikâtêw:osîhcikâtê VIIw "it is built, it is made, it is prepared" ; ! AEW: VII-v osîhcikêw:osîhcikê VAIw "s/he manufactures things, s/he makes things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîhêw:osîh VTA "s/he makes s.o., s/he arranges s.o., s/he prepares s.o. (e.g. porcupine-quill)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 osîhisow:osîhiso VAIw "s/he arranges him/herself, s/he gets dressed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîhkihpimiw:osîhkihpimi VAIw "s/he has a boil" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîhkîhpimiw:osîhkîhpimi VAIw "s/he has a helldiver" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîhtamawêw:osîhtamaw VTA "s/he makes (it/him) for s.o., s/he arranges (it/him) for s.o., s/he prepares (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 osîhtamâsow:osîhtamâso VAIw "s/he makes (it/him) for him/herself, s/he arranges (it/him) for him/herself, s/he prepares (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîhtamowinihkêw:osîhtamowinihkê VAIw "s/he has s.t. made" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîhtâw:osîhtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t., s/he prepares s.t., s/he builds s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 osîmihtowak:osîmihto VAIw_PL "they are brothers, siblings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîmimâwiw:osîmimâwi VAIw "s/he is the youngest sibling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîmisiw:osîmisi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a younger sibling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osîsipâskwatimiw:osîsipâskwatimi VAIw "s/he has some maple sugar" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osk-âyiwan:osk-âyiwan VIIn "it is new" ; ! AEW: VII-n osk-âyiwiw:osk-âyiwi VAIw "s/he is young, s/he is a young person, s/he is a young creature" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskakimêw:oskakim VTA "s/he counts anew from s.o. (i.e. the new moon)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: often in unspecified actor VTA form: oskakimâw it is counted anew oskakocin:oskakocin3 VAIn "it hangs new; it is a new moon" ; ! AEW: VAI-n oskaninêw:oskaninê VAIw "s/he has arthritis or rheumatism" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskaniwan:oskaniwan VIIn "it is bony, it has bones" ; ! AEW: VII-n oskaniwiw:oskaniwi VAIw "s/he is bony; it is bony" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskaskosîwinâkosiw:oskaskosîwinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks green, s/he has a green appearance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskaskosîwinâkwan:oskaskosîwinâkwan VIIn "it looks green, it has a green appearance" ; ! AEW: VII-n oskastimowiw:oskastimowi VAIw "it is a young horse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskastimwêw:oskastimwê VAIw "s/he has a young horse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskâhtakoskâw:oskâhtakoskâ VIIw "there are many pines, there is an abundance of pines around" ; ! AEW: VII-v oskâhtikosiskâw:oskâhtikosiskâ VIIw "it is a land full of young trees, jackpines" ; ! AEW: VII-v oskânêsiw:oskânêsi VAIw "s/he is of a certain tribe or race" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskâpitêw:oskâpitê VAIw "s/he has a new tooth (as a baby); s/he has new teeth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskinâkosiw:oskinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks young, it looks new" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskinâkwan:oskinâkwan VIIn "it looks new, it looks fresh" ; ! AEW: VII-n oskinîkiskwêhkâsow:oskinîkiskwêhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to be a young woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskinîkiskwêmakisiw:oskinîkiskwêmakisi VAIw "she acts appropriately for a young woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskinîkiskwêwiw:oskinîkiskwêwi VAIw "she is a young woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskinîkîhkâsow:oskinîkîhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to be a young man, s/he tries to appear to be a young man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskinîkîsiw:oskinîkîsi VAIw "he is a teenage boy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskinîkîwiw:oskinîkîwi VAIw "he is a young man, youth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskinîkîwiyinîsiwiw:oskinîkîwiyinîsiwi VAIw "he is a young man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskisiw:oskisi VAIw "it is new, fresh" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskiskwêwêw:oskiskwêwê VAIw "he has a new wife, he has a recent wife, he has a young wife" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskîsikow:oskîsiko VAIw "s/he has eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskotâkâw:oskotâkâ VAIw "s/he has a coat, dress" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oskoyêwiw:oskoyêwi VAIw "she comes to reproductive maturity" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: female reference only osow:oso VAIw "it is at a boil (e.g. cracklings), it comes to a boil (e.g. kettle), it boils" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osôniyâmiw:osôniyâmi VAIw "s/he has money" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osôsimânisiw:osôsimânisi VAIw "s/he has a snow-dart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osôsiw:osôsi VAIw "s/he has a little tail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osôskwahikaniw:osôskwahikani VAIw "s/he has an iron, steam iron, pressing iron" ; ! AEW: VAI-v osôwiw:osôwi VAIw "s/he has a tail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ospiskwanâspinêw:ospiskwanâspinê VAIw "s/he has a back-ache" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ospitoniw:ospitoni VAIw "s/he has arms, s/he has an arm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ospwâkaniw:ospwâkani VAIw "s/he has a pipe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ostêsimâwiw:ostêsimâwi VAIw "he is the oldest brother" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ostostotam:ostostota VTIm "s/he coughs; s/he coughs s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ostostotamopayiw:ostostotamopayi VAIw "s/he has a coughing fit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ostostotaskiw:ostostotaski VAIw "s/he coughs a lot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oswêw:osw VTA "s/he brings s.o. (e.g. cracklings) to the boil, s/he boils s.o., s/he keeps s.o. at the boil" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: oy-oswêw otahowêw:otahowê VAIw "s/he wins, s/he wins in gambling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otahwêw:otahw VTA "s/he draws s.o. by tool, s/he catches s.o. (e.g. fish) in a net; s/he beats s.o. in a game or contest" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 otakikomiw:otakikomi VAIw "s/he has a cold, s/he has the common cough; s/he has a discharge from the nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otakohpiw:otakohpi VAIw "s/he has a blanket" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otakwahonêwisimow:otakwahonêwisimo VAIw "she dances the Fancy Shawl Dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otakwahoniw:otakwahoni VAIw "s/he has a shawl" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otakwanâniw:otakwanâni VAIw "s/he has a shawl" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otamâw:otamâ VTIw "s/he draws, s/he takes a puff" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 otamêw:otam VTA "s/he draws on s.o. (as a pipe one is smoking)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otamêyihtam:otamêyihta VTIm "s/he is delayed by caring for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 otamêyimêw:otamêyim VTA "s/he is delayed by caring for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otami-atoskêw:otami-atoskê VAIw "s/he is occupied, s/he has his/her time taken" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otami-mêtawêw:otami-mêtawê VAIw "s/he is occupied with play" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otami-mîcisow:otami-mîciso VAIw "s/he is occupied with eating" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otamihêw:otamih VTA "s/he hinders s.o.; s/he interrupts s.o., s/he delays s.o., s/he hinders s.o., s/he keeps s.o. busy" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otamihow:otamiho VAIw "s/he is busy, s/he keeps busy, s/he busies him/herself, s/he is preoccupied; s/he is delayed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: also otamiyow otamihtwâsow:otamihtwâso VAIw "s/he delays him/herself with work" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otamimêw:otamim VTA "s/he delays s.o. by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otaminêw:otamin VTA "s/he plays with s.o., s/he amuses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otasâmêw:otasâmê VAIw "s/he has snowshoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otasikaniw:otasikani VAIw "s/he has socks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otasiskîkamikow:otasiskîkamiko VAIw "s/he has a mud dwelling; s/he has a dwelling made of mud or clay; s/he is a Missouri River Indian, probably to be identified with the Mandan and/or Hidatsa" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otaskîw:otaskî VAIw "s/he has land, s/he has a farm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otaspastâkaniw:otaspastâkani VAIw "s/he has an apron" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otaspiskwêsimoniw:otaspiskwêsimoni VAIw "s/he has a pillow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otastênam:otastêna VTIm "s/he cocks a gun" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 otastinwâniw:otastinwâni VAIw "s/he has sinew" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otastisiw:otastisi VAIw "s/he has mitts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otatâwêwiw:otatâwêwi VAIw "s/he is a store-keeper, s/he is a store-manager" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otawâsimisiw:otawâsimisi VAIw "s/he has children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otawâsisîhkâniw:otawâsisîhkâni VAIw "s/he has a doll" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otayânisiwiw:otayânisiwi VAIw "s/he has clothing, possessions" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otayâniw:otayâni VAIw "s/he has clothing, possessions" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otayisiyinîmiw:otayisiyinîmi VAIw "s/he has people (as a chief, leader)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otâhcanisiw:otâhcanisi VAIw "s/he has a ring" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otâkosin:otâkosin VIIn "it is evening" ; ! AEW: VII-n otâkosinêhkwêw:otâkosinêhkwê VAIw "s/he has supper" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otâkwani-mîcisow:otâkwani-mîciso VAIw "s/he eats supper, s/he eats an evening meal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otâkwani-mîcisowinihkawêw:otâkwani-mîcisowinihkaw VTA "s/he makes supper for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 otâkwani-mîcisowinihkêw:otâkwani-mîcisowinihkê VAIw "s/he makes supper" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otâmaham:otâmaha VTIm "s/he strikes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 otâmahwêw:otâmahw VTA "s/he strikes s.o. with a weapon" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 otânisiw:otânisi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a daughter" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otâpahâkaniw:otâpahâkani VAIw "s/he has a draft animal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otâpahêw:otâpah VTA "s/he makes s.o. drag something; s/he drives s.o. (e.g. horse)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otâpânâskow:otâpânâsko VAIw "s/he has a wagon, sled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otâpâsow:otâpâso VAIw "s/he rides in a vehicle, s/he drives" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otâpâtam:otâpâta VTIm "s/he gives s.t. a ride; s/he pulls s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 otâpâtêw:otâpât3 VTA "s/he drags s.o.; s/he serves as draft animal; s/he gives s.o. a ride in a sled, s/he pulls s.o. in a sled; s/he pulls s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 otâpêw:otâpê VAIw "s/he drags s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: oy-otâpêw otâpiskâkaniw:otâpiskâkani VAIw "s/he has a tie, necklace, handkerchief" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otâsiw:otâsi VAIw "s/he has pants, trousers, leggings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otâskwaham:otâskwaha VTIm "s/he draws s.t. in by a stick" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 otâskwahamawêw:otâskwahamaw VTA "s/he draws (it/him) in for s.o. by a stick" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 otâskwahwêw:otâskwahw VTA "s/he draws s.o. in by a stick" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 otêhâspinêw:otêhâspinê VAIw "s/he has heart disease" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otêhtapîwatimomiw:otêhtapîwatimomi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. for) a riding horse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otêmihêw:otêmih VTA "s/he gives s.o. a dog or horse" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otêmiw:otêmi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a dog or horse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otêskaniw:otêskani VAIw "s/he has horns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otihkomiw:otihkomi VAIw "s/he has lice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otihtaham:otihtaha VTIm "s/he reaches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 otihtahêw:otihtah VTA "s/he brings s.o. up to something" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otihtam:otihta VTIm "s/he reaches s.t., s/he comes to where s.t. is, s/he arrives at s.t., s/he encounters s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 otihtapinahisin:otihtapinahisin3 VAIn "s/he moves to lie face-down" ; ! AEW: VAI-n otihtapipayihow:otihtapipayiho VAIw "s/he crouches face down to the ground" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otihtapisimêw:otihtapisim VTA "s/he lays s.o. on that one's stomach" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otihtapisin:otihtapisin3 VAIn "s/he lies prone, s/he lies on his/her own stomach face down to the ground" ; ! AEW: VAI-n otihtapiskwêyiw:otihtapiskwêyi VAIw "s/he lowers his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otihtawêw:otihtaw VTA "s/he reaches s.o., s/he gets to s.o.; s/he comes upon s.o., s/he approaches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: in inverse or inanimate actor: otihtâkow s/he contracts s.t. (e.g. disease), s/he receives s.t. otihtêw:otiht VTA "s/he reaches s.o., s/he gets to s.o.; s/he comes upon s.o., s/he approaches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: in inverse or inanimate actor: otihtikow s/he contracts s.t. (e.g. disease), s/he receives s.t.; cf. otihtawêw otihtinam:otihtina VTIm "s/he catches s.t.; s/he grabs s.t., s/he seizes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 otihtinêw:otihtin VTA "s/he catches s.o.; s/he grabs s.o., s/he seizes s.o.; he rapes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otihtinikêw:otihtinikê VAIw "s/he seizes things; he rapes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otihtinitowak:otihtinito VAIw_PL "they seize one another, they grab one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otihtitowak:otihtito VAIw_PL "they reach one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otinam:otina VTIm "s/he takes s.t., s/he steals s.t.; s/he chooses s.t.; s/he purchases s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 otinamawêw:otinamaw VTA "s/he takes (it/him) for s.o., s/he buys (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 otinamâsow:otinamâso VAIw "s/he takes (it/him) for him/herself; s/he steals (it/him); s/he buys (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otinamâtowak:otinamâto VAIw_PL "they take (it/him) for or from one another; they steal (it/him) for or from one another; they buy (it/him) for or from one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otinâkaniwiw:otinâkaniwi VAIw "it is a thing taken; s/he is a captive" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otinêw:otin VTA "s/he takes s.o., s/he chooses s.o.; s/he purchases s.o.; s/he takes s.o. for (it/him), s/he steals s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otinikâtêw:otinikâtê VIIw "it is taken, it is purchased" ; ! AEW: VII-v otinikêmakan:otinikêmakan VIIn "it acts to take away; it takes away" ; ! AEW: VII-n otinikêw:otinikê VAIw "s/he makes a purchase, s/he buys things; s/he takes things, s/he steals things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otinikowisiw:otinikowisi VAIw "s/he is taken by the powers, s/he passes away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otinitowak:otinito VAIw_PL "they take one another; they marry each other" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otisâpahtam:otisâpahta VTIm "s/he sees s.t. arriving, s/he has lived long enough to see s.t., s/he lives long enough to see s.t. again" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 otisâpamêw:otisâpam VTA "s/he sees s.o. coming in the distance" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otisîhkâniw:otisîhkâni VAIw "s/he has turnips" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otôkimâmiw:otôkimâmi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a boss, master" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otôniw:otôni VAIw "s/he has a mouth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otôskinîkiskwêmiw:otôskinîkiskwêmi VAIw "s/he has a young woman (as partner, servant or employee)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otôspwâkaniw:otôspwâkani VAIw "s/he has a pipe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otôtêmimêw:otôtêmim VTA "s/he makes friends with s.o.; s/he has s.o. as a friend" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 otôtêmimiw:otôtêmimi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a friend" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otôtêmitowak:otôtêmito VAIw_PL "they become friends with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otôtêmiw:otôtêmi VAIw "s/he is friendly; s/he has (s.o. as) a friend or kinsman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v otôyâkaniw:otôyâkani VAIw "s/he has a dish" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owacistwaniw:owacistwani VAIw "s/he has a nest" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owanihikaniw:owanihikani VAIw "s/he has traps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owatapîwatêw:owatapîwatê VAIw "s/he has a birch-bark basket" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owâskahikaniw:owâskahikani VAIw "s/he has a house" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owâspisoniw:owâspisoni VAIw "s/he has a moss bag" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owâtiw:owâti VAIw "s/he has a den, lair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owâwiw:owâwi VAIw "she lays eggs; s/he has eggs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owêpahikaniw:owêpahikani VAIw "s/he has a broom" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owêstakayiw:owêstakayi VAIw "s/he has hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owêstakêw:owêstakê VAIw "s/he has hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owiyâsimiw:owiyâsimi VAIw "s/he has meat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owîcêwâkanimêw:owîcêwâkanim VTA "s/he makes s.o. a buddy, partner" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 owîcêwâkaniw:owîcêwâkani VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a companion or partner" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owîcimosiw:owîcimosi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a lover; he has a girlfriend, she has a boyfriend" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owîhowiniw:owîhowini VAIw "s/he has a name, s/he has (it) as a name" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owîkimâkaniw:owîkimâkani VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a spouse, wife, husband" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owîkiw:owîki VAIw "s/he lives there, s/he has a home there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v owîtisâniw:owîtisâni VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a sibling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyahêw:oyah VTA "s/he sets s.o. in place" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 oyahpicikêw:oyahpicikê VAIw "s/he harnesses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyahpisow:oyahpiso VAIw "it is harnessed, saddled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyahpitam:oyahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. in place" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 oyahpitamawêw:oyahpitamaw VTA "s/he ties (it/him) for s.o., s/he saddles s.o.'s horse" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 oyahpitastimwêw:oyahpitastimwê VAIw "s/he hitches up his/her own horses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyahpitêw:oyahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. in place" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 oyakihtam:oyakihta VTIm "s/he prices s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 oyapiw:oyapi VAIw "s/he sits in place" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyascikêw:oyascikê VAIw "s/he arranges things, s/he sets things in order; s/he sets the table" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyasiwâtam:oyasiwâta VTIm "s/he makes a law of s.t., for s.t., s/he judges s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 oyasiwâtâw:oyasiwâtâ VTIw "s/he makes a law of s.t., for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 oyasiwâtêw:oyasiwât3 VTA "s/he makes a law for s.o.; s/he judges s.o., s/he tries s.o. in court" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 oyasiwêw:oyasiwê VAIw "s/he makes laws; s/he judges" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyaskinahêw:oyaskinah VTA "s/he fills s.o. (e.g. pipe); s/he gets s.o. ready by filling" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 oyaskinahtawêw:oyaskinahtaw VTA "s/he fills (it/him) (e.g. pipe) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 oyastâsow:oyastâso VAIw "s/he sets the table; s/he orders things, s/he puts things in order" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyastâw:oyastâ VTIw "s/he sets the table; s/he orders things, s/he puts things in order; s/he edits s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 oyataham:oyataha VTIm "s/he hews s.t. to shape" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 oyatahikâsow:oyatahikâso VAIw "it is hewn to shape" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyatahwêw:oyatahw VTA "s/he hews s.o. to shape" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 oyâkonêham:oyâkonêha VTIm "s/he places s.t. carefully in snow" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 oyâpicikêw:oyâpicikê VAIw "s/he muddles things up; s/he fails to put things back in place" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyâpiw:oyâpi VAIw "s/he looks on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyâpîhkâtam:oyâpîhkâta VTIm "s/he arranges s.t. on a string, s/he threads s.t. on a string" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 oyâskwaham:oyâskwaha VTIm "s/he arranges s.t. on wood or stick" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 oyâskwahwêw:oyâskwahw VTA "s/he arranges s.o. on wood or stick" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 oyâskwan:oyâskwan VIIn "it is arranged on wood or stick" ; ! AEW: VII-n oyipêhamawêw:oyipêhamaw VTA "s/he writes (it) to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 oyisam:oyisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. to shape" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 oyôhpikihêw:oyôhpikih VTA "s/he raises s.o. over a long period of time" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 oyôsêw:oyôsê VAIw "she is fertile" ; ! AEW: VAI-v oyôyow:oyôyo VAIw "s/he howls (as a wolf, coyote); s/he neighs (as a horse)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ôcêwan:ôcêwan VIIn "there are many flies; it is maggoty" ; ! AEW: VII-n ôcêwâtam:ôcêwâta VTIm "s/he makes s.t. maggoty" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ôcêwâtêw:ôcêwât3 VTA "s/he makes s.o. maggoty" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ôcêwiw:ôcêwi VAIw "s/he is a fly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ôhkomiw:ôhkomi VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a grandmother" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. nôhkom ôhôsimow:ôhôsimo VAIw "s/he dances the owl dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ôhôsimowaham:ôhôsimowaha VTIm "s/he sings the owl dance" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ôtênawihtâw:ôtênawihtâ VTIw "s/he forms a village (from s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pa-pakamahwêsiw:pa-pakamahw VTA "s/he pats s.o. on the head" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pa-pakamahwêw:pa-pakamahw VTA "s/he beats s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pa-pasakwâpiw:pa-pasakwâpi VAIw "s/he blinks, s/he closes his/her eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pa-pasastêham:pa-pasastêha VTIm "s/he thrashes s.t. (with a flail)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pa-pâstâmow:pa-pâstâmo VAIw "s/he blasphemes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pa-pêhêw:pa-pêh VTA "s/he is still waiting for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pa-pimâtisiw:pa-pimâtisi VAIw "s/he is alive and well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pa-pimohtêw:pa-pimohtê VAIw "s/he walks along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paci-sîkinam:paci-sîkina VTIm "s/he misses pouring a liquid; s/he spills a liquid" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paci-tôtawêw:paci-tôtaw VTA "s/he wrongs s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pacipayihtâw:pacipayihtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. miss" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pacipayiw:pacipayi VAIw "s/he misses (e.g. a chair); s/he falls off the main track" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paciyawêhêw:paciyawêh VTA "s/he provokes s.o.'s anger; s/he wrongs s.o. by one's utterance" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pahkacimêw:pahkacim VTA "s/he tricks s.o. into doing something, s/he tricks s.o. into a commitment" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pahkaham:pahkaha VTIm "s/he has a pulse" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkahokow:pahkahoko VAIw "s/he has a heart beat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkêkinohkêw:pahkêkinohkê VAIw "s/he makes dressed hides, s/he makes leather" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkêkinwêskisinihkêw:pahkêkinwêskisinihkê VAIw "s/he makes moccasins" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkihtin:pahkihtin VIIn "it falls, it falls down" ; ! AEW: VII-n pahkihtitâw:pahkihtitâ VTIw "s/he drops s.t. accidently" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pahkihtitêw:pahkihtit3 VTA "s/he drops s.o. accidently" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pahkikawin:pahkikawin VIIn "it drips (e.g. water)" ; ! AEW: VII-n pahkikawinam:pahkikawina VTIm "s/he lets s.t. drip, s/he lets s.t. fall drop by drop" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkikawiw:pahkikawi VIIw "it is dripping (i.e. a liquid)" ; ! AEW: VII-v pahkipêstâw:pahkipêstâ VIIw "it is a shower, there are large raindrops falling, there are raindrops falling gently" ; ! AEW: VII-v pahkipêstin:pahkipêstin VIIn "it drips (as from a roof)" ; ! AEW: VII-n pahkisam:pahkisa VTIm "s/he bombs s.t.; s/he explodes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkisimêw:pahkisim VTA "s/he lets s.o. fall (e.g. pants), s/he drops s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pahkisimon:pahkisimon VIIn "it is sunset" ; ! AEW: VII-n pahkisimow:pahkisimo VAIw "it sets (i.e. the sun), the sun is setting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkisin:pahkisin3 VAIn "s/he falls, s/he falls down" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pahkisow:pahkiso VAIw "s/he explodes; there is an explosion" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkitêw:pahkitê VIIw "it explodes; embers are crackling" ; ! AEW: VII-v pahkonam:pahkona VTIm "s/he skins s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkonêw:pahkon VTA "s/he skins s.o., s/he takes s.o.'s pelt" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pahkonikêw:pahkonikê VAIw "s/he skins an animal, s/he skins animals" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkopêhêw:pahkopêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. walk into water" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pahkopêpahtâw:pahkopêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs into water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkopêpayihow:pahkopêpayiho VAIw "s/he goes quickly into water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkopêpayiw:pahkopêpayi VAIw "s/he slips into water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkopêw:pahkopê VAIw "s/he wades, s/he walks into water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkwacipayihcikêw:pahkwacipayihcikê VAIw "s/he brings up mucus" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkwacipayihtâw:pahkwacipayihtâ VTIw "s/he loosens s.t. (e.g. mucus)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pahkwacipayiw:pahkwacipayi VAIw "it loosens and falls off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkwacipitam:pahkwacipita VTIm "s/he loosens and pulls s.t. off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkwacipitêw:pahkwacipit3 VTA "s/he loosens and pulls s.o. off" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pahkwaciwêpaham:pahkwaciwêpaha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. off, s/he pries s.t. off (e.g. hide-scrapings)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkwaciwêpahwêw:pahkwaciwêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. off, s/he pries s.o. off (e.g. wood-tick)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pahkwataham:pahkwataha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. off; s/he peels s.t. off with a knife" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: alternatively: /pahkw-/ + /-atah/ pahkwatahwêw:pahkwatahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. off; s/he peels s.o. off with a knife" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pahkwatinam:pahkwatina VTIm "s/he takes s.t. off by hand, s/he loosens s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkwatinêw:pahkwatin VTA "s/he takes s.o. off by hand, s/he loosens s.o. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pahkwâcîsiskâw:pahkwâcîsiskâ VIIw "there is an abundance of bats, there are numerous bats" ; ! AEW: VII-v pahkwâtihpêpitêw:pahkwâtihpêpit3 VTA "s/he scalps s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ! 1: - ! 2: lit: s/he peels s.o.'s head and pulls pahkwêham:pahkwêha VTIm "s/he breaks a piece off s.t. by tool (as a piece of a dish)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkwêhtam:pahkwêhta VTIm "s/he bites a piece from s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkwêhwêw:pahkwêhw VTA "s/he breaks a piece off s.o. by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pahkwêmêw:pahkwêm VTA "s/he bites a piece from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pahkwênam:pahkwêna VTIm "s/he breaks a piece off s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkwênamawêw:pahkwênamaw VTA "s/he portions (it/him) for s.o.; s/he breaks a piece off of (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pahkwênêw:pahkwên VTA "s/he breaks a piece off s.o. (e.g. bread) by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pahkwêpayin:pahkwêpayin VIIn "it has a piece break off; it breaks into pieces" ; ! AEW: VII-n pahkwêpayiw:pahkwêpayi VAIw "it breaks off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkwêpitam:pahkwêpita VTIm "s/he breaks a piece off s.t., s/he tears a piece off s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkwêpitêw:pahkwêpit3 VTA "s/he breaks a piece off s.o., s/he tears a piece off s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pahkwêsam:pahkwêsa VTIm "s/he cuts a piece off s.t., s/he cuts a piece from s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkwêsamawêw:pahkwêsamaw VTA "s/he cuts a piece off (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pahkwêsâwâtam:pahkwêsâwâta VTIm "s/he slices s.t. off, s/he cuts a piece off s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahkwêsâwâtêw:pahkwêsâwât3 VTA "s/he slices s.o. off, s/he cuts a piece off s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pahkwêsikani-kîsikâw:pahkwêsikani-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Friday; literally: (it is) flour-day" ; ! AEW: VII-v pahkwêsikanihkawêw:pahkwêsikanihkaw VTA "s/he makes bread for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pahkwêsikanihkêw:pahkwêsikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes bannock, bread" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkwêsiw:pahkwêsi VAIw "it has a portion missing, it is gone from it" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahkwêswêw:pahkwêsw VTA "s/he cuts a piece off s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pahpawaham:pahpawaha VTIm "s/he beats s.t., s/he shakes s.t. out by tool; s/he dusts s.t. off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahpawahwêw:pahpawahw VTA "s/he beats s.o., s/he shakes s.o. out by tool; s/he dusts s.o. off" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pahpawipayihêw:pahpawipayih VTA "s/he shakes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pahpawipayihow:pahpawipayiho VAIw "s/he shakes him/herself (e.g. a dog)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahpawipayihtâw:pahpawipayihtâ VTIw "s/he shakes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pahpawisimêw:pahpawisim VTA "s/he knocks s.o. (e.g. pipe) against something to empty it" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pahpawiwêpinam:pahpawiwêpina VTIm "s/he shakes s.t. out by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahpawiwêpinêw:pahpawiwêpin VTA "s/he shakes s.o. out by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pahpawîw:pahpawî VAIw "s/he shakes him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pahtakoskam:pahtakoska VTIm "s/he sits on s.t., s/he presses s.t. down, s/he flattens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pahtakoskawêw:pahtakoskaw VTA "s/he sits on s.o., s/he presses s.o. down, s/he flattens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pahtakwâtimâtêw:pahtakwâtimât3 VTA "s/he stamps s.o. on ground by snowshoe" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pakamaham:pakamaha VTIm "s/he hits s.t., s/he pounds s.t., s/he strikes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakamahikâsow:pakamahikâso VAIw "s/he is beaten, s/he receives blows" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakamahikâtêw:pakamahikâtê VIIw "it is hit" ; ! AEW: VII-v pakamahikêw:pakamahikê VAIw "s/he strikes, s/he hits, s/he hammers; s/he boxes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakamahwêsiw:pakamahw VTA "s/he gives s.o. a gentle pat" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pakamahwêw:pakamahw VTA "s/he hits s.o., s/he pounds s.o., s/he strikes s.o., s/he beats s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pakamâpahwêw:pakamâpahw VTA "s/he strikes s.o.'s eye by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pakamâpiskahikêw:pakamâpiskahikê VAIw "s/he is a blacksmith; s/he hits rocks or metal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakamâskwêw:pakamâskwê VAIw "s/he hits wood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakamâstan:pakamâstan VIIn "it is hit against something by the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n pakamicihcêhamâw:pakamicihcêhamâ VAIw "s/he claps his/her hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakamicihcêhêw:pakamicihcêh VTA "s/he claps s.o.'s hands for that one, s/he makes s.o. clap that's one's hands" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakamihkwêhwêw:pakamihkwêhw VTA "s/he strikes s.o. on the face" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pakamihtatâw:pakamihtatâ VTIw "s/he hammers s.t., s/he bangs s.t., s/he hits s.t. against something" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pakamihtin:pakamihtin VIIn "it falls against something" ; ! AEW: VII-n pakamipayiw:pakamipayi VIIw "it bumps against something" ; ! AEW: VII-v pakamisimêw:pakamisim VTA "s/he strikes s.o. to the ground, s/he throws s.o. down on the ground" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakamisin:pakamisin3 VAIn "s/he falls against things; s/he falls down with a thud" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pakamiskam:pakamiska VTIm "s/he bumps s.t. with his/her body" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakamiskawêw:pakamiskaw VTA "s/he bumps s.o. with his/her body" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pakaski-nêhiyawêw:pakaski-nêhiyawê VAIw "s/he speaks Cree very fluently, s/he speaks Cree extremely well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakaskinam:pakaskina VTIm "s/he sees s.t. clearly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakaskinâkosiw:pakaskinâkosi VAIw "s/he is clear, visible" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakaskinâkwan:pakaskinâkwan VIIn "it is clear, visible" ; ! AEW: VII-n pakastawêham:pakastawêha VTIm "s/he puts, places s.t. in water, s/he drops s.t. in the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakastawêhwêw:pakastawêhw VTA "s/he puts, places s.o. in water, s/he sets s.o. in the water (e.g. a net)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pakastawêpayin:pakastawêpayin VIIn "it falls into the water" ; ! AEW: VII-n pakastawêpayiw:pakastawêpayi VAIw "s/he falls into the water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakastawêpinam:pakastawêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. into the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakastawêpinêw:pakastawêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. into the water" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakâhcikêw:pakâhcikê VAIw "s/he boils things in water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakâhtâw:pakâhtâ VTIw "s/he boils s.t. in water" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pakâhtêw:pakâhtê VIIw "it is boiled in water" ; ! AEW: VII-v pakâsimêw:pakâsim VTA "s/he boils s.o. in water; s/he immerses s.o. in water" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakâsimonahâwasow:pakâsimonahâwaso VAIw "s/he bathes his/her children, s/he immerses his/her children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakâsimonahêw:pakâsimonah VTA "s/he bathes s.o., s/he immerses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakâsimow:pakâsimo VAIw "s/he bathes, s/he takes a bath; s/he swims" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: in some areas of sC metathesized to: kapâsimow pakâsow:pakâso VAIw "s/he is boiled in water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakêsêw:pakêsê VAIw "s/he gambles with dice (Indian game)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakiciwêpinam:pakiciwêpina VTIm "s/he lets go of s.t., s/he abandons s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakiciwêpinêw:pakiciwêpin VTA "s/he lets go of s.o., s/he abandons s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakicîw:pakicî VAIw "s/he lets go, s/he releases; s/he quits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakisâpahtam:pakisâpahta VTIm "s/he lets s.t. out of sight" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakisâpamêw:pakisâpam VTA "s/he lets s.o. out of sight" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakitahwâw:pakitahwâ VAIw "s/he fishes by net; s/he sets nets (i.e. for fishing)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakitatâmow:pakitatâmo VAIw "s/he lets his/her breath out, s/he breathes his/her last" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakitâpêkinam:pakitâpêkina VTIm "s/he lowers s.t. (by rope)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakitâpêkinêw:pakitâpêkin VTA "s/he lowers s.o. (by rope)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakitâskwahwêw:pakitâskwahw VTA "s/he lets s.o. go by tool [tree as actor]" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pakitêyihtam:pakitêyihta VTIm "s/he gives up hope, s/he gives s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakitêyimêw:pakitêyim VTA "s/he gives s.o. up, s/he tries to forget s.o.; s/he forgives s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakitêyimisow:pakitêyimiso VAIw "s/he gives him/herself up, s/he resigns him/herself; s/he forgives him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakitinam:pakitina VTIm "s/he lets s.t. go; s/he releases s.t., s/he sets s.t. down by hand; s/he allows s.t., s/he provides s.t.; s/he leaves s.t. behind; s/he sows s.t., s/he puts s.t. in (e.g. seed potatoes)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakitinamawêw:pakitinamaw VTA "s/he lets s.o., s/he allows s.o.; s/he sets (it/him) down for s.o. (by hand); s/he lets s.o. have (it/him); s/he sows (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pakitinamâkowisiw:pakitinamâkowisi VAIw "s/he is permitted (it/him) by the powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakitinâsow:pakitinâso VAIw "s/he gives an offering (in a collection plate), s/he tithes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakitinêw:pakitin VTA "s/he lets s.o. go, s/he releases s.o.; s/he sets s.o. down by hand; s/he lets s.o., s/he allows s.o., s/he gives permission to s.o., s/he permits (it) to s.o.; s/he sets s.o. free" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakitinikâsow:pakitinikâso VAIw "s/he is allowed, s/he has permission; s/he is released" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakitinikâtêw:pakitinikâtê VIIw "it is permitted" ; ! AEW: VII-v pakitinikêw:pakitinikê VAIw "s/he sows seeds; s/he gives an offering" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakitinikowisiw:pakitinikowisi VAIw "s/he is released, s/he is let go by the powers, s/he is set down by the powers; s/he is permitted by the powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakitiniskwêwêw:pakitiniskwêwê VAIw "he gives his wife up, he divorces his wife" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakitinisow:pakitiniso VAIw "s/he lets him/herself go; s/he releases him/herself; s/he gives him/herself up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakocênêw:pakocên VTA "s/he cuts s.o. open, s/he draws s.o. out (e.g. intestines from a chicken)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakocêpayiw:pakocêpayi VAIw "s/he has a rupture" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakonêham:pakonêha VTIm "s/he bores s.t., s/he makes a hole in s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakonêhisiw:pakonêhisi VAIw "s/he is punctured" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakonêhwêw:pakonêhw VTA "s/he bores s.o., s/he makes a hole in s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pakonêsin:pakonêsin3 VAIn "s/he punctures him/herself (by falling on something)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pakonêskam:pakonêska VTIm "s/he wears a hole in s.t. (e.g. moccasin)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakonêskawêw:pakonêskaw VTA "s/he wears a hole in s.o. (e.g. sock)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pakonêyâw:pakonêyâ VIIw "it has a hole in it" ; ! AEW: VII-v pakonipêkîw:pakonipêkî VAIw "s/he makes blisters on his/her hands or feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakosêyihtam:pakosêyihta VTIm "s/he expects s.t., s/he hopes for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakosêyihtâkosiw:pakosêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is expected, desired, hoped for" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakosêyimêw:pakosêyim VTA "s/he wishes s.o. (to get well), s/he wishes (it) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakosêyimow:pakosêyimo VAIw "s/he has expectation, desire, hope; s/he wishes for something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakosîhêw:pakosîh VTA "s/he begs s.o. (for something)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakosîhtâw:pakosîhtâ VTIw "s/he begs, s/he begs for s.t" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pakwahtêham:pakwahtêha VTIm "s/he puts a belt on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakwahtêhêw:pakwahtêh VTA "s/he puts a belt on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakwahtêhow:pakwahtêho VAIw "s/he has a belt on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakwânomêw:pakwânom VTA "s/he talks behind s.o.'s back" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pakwâtam:pakwâta VTIm "s/he hates s.t., s/he dislikes s.t., s/he disapproves of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pakwâtamawêw:pakwâtamaw VTA "s/he hates (it/him) for s.o., s/he dislikes (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pakwâtêw:pakwât3 VTA "s/he hates s.o., s/he dislikes s.o., s/he disapproves of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pakwâtikosiw:pakwâtikosi VAIw "s/he is hateful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakwâtikwan:pakwâtikwan VIIn "it is hateful, it is hated" ; ! AEW: VII-n pakwâtitowak:pakwâtito VAIw_PL "they hate one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakwâtôsânêw:pakwâtôsânê VAIw "s/he has a child out of wedlock, s/he has an illegitimate child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakwâtôsânihkêw:pakwâtôsânihkê VAIw "he causes a woman to have a child out of wedlock, he causes a woman to have an illegitimate child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pakwâtôsêw:pakwâtôsê VAIw "s/he gives birth to a child out of wedlock, s/he has an illegitimate child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pamihastimwêw:pamihastimwê VAIw "s/he drives the horses; s/he drives the dog-sled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pamihcikêw:pamihcikê VAIw "s/he drives; s/he tends things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pamihêw:pamih VTA "s/he takes care of s.o., s/he looks after s.o., s/he helps s.o., s/he gives aid to s.o., s/he attends to s.o., s/he tends s.o., s/he serves s.o.; s/he drives s.o. (e.g. horse, car)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pamihisow:pamihiso VAIw "s/he looks after him/herself, s/he tends him/herself, s/he waits on him/herself, s/he supports him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pamihiwêw:pamihiwê VAIw "s/he looks after others, s/he attends others, s/he serves others; s/he is a mid-wife" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pamihow:pamiho VAIw "s/he is well off; s/he is well looked after" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pamihtamawêw:pamihtamaw VTA "s/he tends to (it/him) for s.o., s/he looks after (it/him) for s.o.; s/he drives (it) for s.o.; s/he manages (it) for s.o. (e.g. a store)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pamihtamâsow:pamihtamâso VAIw "s/he tends to (it/him) for or by him/herself, s/he looks after (it/him) for or by him/herself; s/he drives (it) for him/herself; s/he manages (it) for him/herself (e.g. a store)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pamihtamâtowak:pamihtamâto VAIw_PL "they tend (it/him) for one another, they look after (it/him) for one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pamihtâw:pamihtâ VTIw "s/he takes care of s.t., s/he looks after s.t., s/he attends to s.t., s/he tends s.t.; s/he drives s.t.; s/he manages s.t. (e.g. a business)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 paminam:pamina VTIm "s/he tends to s.t., s/he looks after s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paminamawêw:paminamaw VTA "s/he tends to (it/him) for s.o., s/he handles (it/him) for s.o.; s/he fosters (him) for s.o., s/he supports (it/him) for s.o., s/he looks after (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 paminawasow:paminawaso VAIw "s/he cooks, s/he prepares a meal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paminâwasow:paminâwaso VAIw "s/he looks after his/her child, s/he takes care of children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paminêw:pamin VTA "s/he tends to s.o., s/he handles s.o.; s/he fosters s.o., s/he supports s.o., s/he looks after s.o.; s/he guides s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 paminikêw:paminikê VAIw "s/he fosters care; s/he takes care of things, s/he looks after things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paminisow:paminiso VAIw "s/he tends to him/herself, s/he looks after him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paminiwêw:paminiwê VAIw "s/he tends to people, s/he looks after people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pamîstâkêw:pamîstâkê VAIw "s/he attends others, s/he serves others" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papakâsin:papakâsin VIIn "it is thin, it is rather thin (e.g. cloth or paper)" ; ! AEW: VII-n papakâw:papakâ VIIw "it is thin, it is not thick (e.g. a board)" ; ! AEW: VII-v papakisam:papakisa VTIm "s/he slices s.t. thinly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 papakisâwâtam:papakisâwâta VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. into thin slices" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 papakisâwâtêw:papakisâwât3 VTA "s/he cuts s.t. into thin slices" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 papakisiw:papakisi VAIw "it is thin" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: non-human reference only papakiswêw:papakisw VTA "s/he slices s.o. thinly (e.g. a loaf of bread, turkey)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 papakitin:papakitin VIIn "it freezes thin, it is thin ice" ; ! AEW: VII-n papakiwayânihkawêw:papakiwayânihkaw VTA "s/he makes shirts for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 papakiwayânihkâkêw:papakiwayânihkâkê VAIw "s/he makes shirts from s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v papakiwayânihkêw:papakiwayânihkê VAIw "s/he makes shirts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papakwatêyihtâkosiw:papakwatêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is amusing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papakwatêyihtâkwan:papakwatêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is amusing" ; ! AEW: VII-n papakwatêyimow:papakwatêyimo VAIw "s/he is amused" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâm-âcimêw:papâm-âcim VTA "s/he goes around telling news of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 papâm-âcimow:papâm-âcimo VAIw "s/he goes around telling news" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâm-âtotam:papâm-âtota VTIm "s/he goes around talking about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 papâm-âyâw:papâm-âyâ VAIw "s/he stays here and there; s/he bums around; s/he is unstable" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmapiw:papâmapi VAIw "s/he goes sitting here and there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmaskatêw:papâmaskat3 VTA "s/he goes along leaving s.o. outdistanced" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 papâmastâw:papâmastâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. here and there" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 papâmastêw:papâmastê VIIw "it lies along; it is here and there, it is littered about" ; ! AEW: VII-v papâmatoskêw:papâmatoskê VAIw "s/he works in different locations, s/he works about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmâcihow:papâmâciho VAIw "s/he travels, s/he wanders, s/he goes here and there; s/he is unstable" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: alternatively: papâmacih- + /-o/ papâmâhokow:papâmâhoko VAIw "s/he drifts about, s/he floats around, s/he sails about by the wind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmâhtawîw:papâmâhtawî VAIw "s/he climbs about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmâmohkawêw:papâmâmohkaw VTA "s/he chases after and harrasses s.o. for a long duration" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 papâmâmow:papâmâmo VAIw "s/he flees about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmâpêkamow:papâmâpêkamo VIIw "it is strung about, it is clinging" ; ! AEW: VII-v papâmâsiw:papâmâsi VAIw "s/he is blown about, s/he sails about by the wind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmâskawêw:papâmâskaw VTA "s/he follows s.o. about" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 papâmâstan:papâmâstan VIIn "it is blown about with the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n papâmâtisiw:papâmâtisi VAIw "s/he leads a nomadic life" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmêyimow:papâmêyimo VAIw "s/he goes about thinking well of him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmi-piciw:papâmi-pici VAIw "s/he travels around, s/he moves around with his/her camp, s/he treks about, s/he camps here and there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmicimêw:papâmicimê VAIw "s/he canoes about, s/he moves about on the water by vehicle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmihâmakan:papâmihâmakan VIIn "it flies about" ; ! AEW: VII-n papâmihâw:papâmihâ VAIw "s/he flies around, about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmipahtâw:papâmipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs about; s/he runs around, s/he is promiscuous" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: pâh-papâmipahtâw papâmipayihêw:papâmipayih VTA "s/he takes s.o. about (by car or horse)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 papâmipayiw:papâmipayi VAIw "s/he rides around, s/he rides about (by car or horse)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmiskâw:papâmiskâ VAIw "s/he paddles about, s/he canoes about; it swims around (e.g. an animal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmitâcimow:papâmitâcimo VAIw "s/he crawls around, about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmitâpâsow:papâmitâpâso VAIw "s/he rides around, about; s/he drives about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmitisaham:papâmitisaha VTIm "s/he follows s.t. around, about" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 papâmitisahikêskiw:papâmitisahikêski VAIw "s/he always wants to tag along (e.g. accompanying a spouse), s/he contantly follows people about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmitisahikêw:papâmitisahikê VAIw "s/he follows people about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmitisahwêw:papâmitisahw VTA "s/he runs after s.o.; s/he follows s.o. around, s/he chases s.o. about" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 papâmitohtahêw:papâmitohtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. around, s/he takes s.o. for a walk, s/he takes s.o. about on his/her travels" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 papâmitohtatâw:papâmitohtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. around, s/he takes s.t. about on his/her travels" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 papâmiwêpâsiw:papâmiwêpâsi VAIw "s/he blows about with the wind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmiwêpâstan:papâmiwêpâstan VIIn "it blows about with the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n papâmiwihêw:papâmiwih VTA "s/he carries s.o. about" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 papâmohcêsiw:papâmohcêsi VAIw "s/he walks about a little (e.g. a small child)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmohtahêw:papâmohtah VTA "s/he carries s.o. about, s/he walks s.o. about, s/he takes s.o. about, s/he takes s.o. here and there" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 papâmohtatâw:papâmohtatâ VTIw "s/he carries s.t. about, s/he takes s.t. about, s/he takes s.t. here and there" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 papâmohtêskiw:papâmohtêski VAIw "s/he walks about a lot, s/he likes walking around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmohtêw:papâmohtê VAIw "s/he wanders, s/he walks around, s/he walks about, s/he goes here and there; s/he runs around, s/he is promiscuous" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmohtêwâkêw:papâmohtêwâkê VAIw "s/he walks about with the help of s.t. (e.g. crutches)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâmowatâw:papâmowatâ VTIw "s/he carries s.t. about on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 papâmowatêw:papâmowatê VAIw "s/he carries a load about on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâsitisahwêw:papâsitisahw VTA "s/he drives s.o. onward hastily, s/he hurries s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 papâsiwihêw:papâsiwih VTA "s/he bothers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 papâsîw:papâsî VAIw "s/he hurries, s/he is in a great haste" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papâstamêw:papâstam VTA "s/he breaks s.o. with his/her teeth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 papâtinikêw:papâtinikê VAIw "s/he sticks his/her head out (e.g. from cover, hiding)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papêcîw:papêcî VAIw "s/he is slow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papêskwacistin:papêskwacistin VIIn "it is a snowdrift, it is snowdrifting" ; ! AEW: VII-n papêskwatâstan:papêskwatâstan VIIn "it is drifting into snowbanks" ; ! AEW: VII-n papêstin:papêstin VIIn "it is a drift from the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n papêtan:papêtan VIIn "it is slow" ; ! AEW: VII-n papêtisiw:papêtisi VAIw "s/he is slow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papêwêhêw:papêwêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. lucky" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 papêwêw:papêwê VAIw "s/he is lucky, fortunate (in the hunt)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papimîwâpôwêw:papimîwâpôwê VAIw "she has fatty milk (e.g. cow)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papitikohkahtêw:papitikohkahtê VIIw "it burns shriveling" ; ! AEW: VII-v papitikonam:papitikona VTIm "s/he bundles and ties s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 papitikonêw:papitikon VTA "s/he bundles and ties s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 papitikopayihow:papitikopayiho VAIw "s/he doubles him/herself up, s/he crouches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papitikosin:papitikosin3 VAIn "s/he lies curled up, s/he lies rolled up" ; ! AEW: VAI-n papitikwapiw:papitikwapi VAIw "s/he sits hunched" ; ! AEW: VAI-v papitikwêkinêw:papitikwêkin VTA "s/he rolls s.o. small as cloth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 papîmiskwêsisitêw:papîmiskwêsisitê VAIw "s/he is pigeon-toed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasaham:pasaha VTIm "s/he hews and squares s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pasahcâw:pasahcâ VIIw "it is a valley, it is a long hollow" ; ! AEW: VII-v pasahikêw:pasahikê VAIw "s/he is hewing logs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasahkâpiw:pasahkâpi VAIw "s/he blinks his/her eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. pasakwâpiw s/he closes his/her own eyes pasakâpiw:pasakâpi VAIw "s/he has gummy eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasakocêskiwakâw:pasakocêskiwakâ VIIw "it is sticky mud" ; ! AEW: VII-v pasakosiw:pasakosi VAIw "it is sticky (e.g. adhesive, tar)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasakwaham:pasakwaha VTIm "s/he glues s.t. together; s/he pastes s.t. on (the wall)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pasakwahikêw:pasakwahikê VAIw "s/he is pasting or gluing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasakwahwêw:pasakwahw VTA "s/he pastes s.o. on" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pasakwamow:pasakwamo VIIw "it adheres, it sticks" ; ! AEW: VII-v pasakwatâmow:pasakwatâmo VAIw "s/he has thick mucus, phlegm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasakwâpisimow:pasakwâpisimo VAIw "s/he dances with eyes shut, s/he dances the Shut-Eye Dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasakwâpisimowinihkêw:pasakwâpisimowinihkê VAIw "s/he gives a Shut-Eye Dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasakwâpiw:pasakwâpi VAIw "s/he closes his/her eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasakwâw:pasakwâ VIIw "it is sticky" ; ! AEW: VII-v pasastêham:pasastêha VTIm "s/he whips s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pasastêhikanihkêw:pasastêhikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes a whip" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasastêhikêw:pasastêhikê VAIw "s/he whips" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasastêhwêw:pasastêhw VTA "s/he whips s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pasastêpicikêw:pasastêpicikê VAIw "s/he shoots with a slingshot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasâtihpêhwêw:pasâtihpêhw VTA "s/he slaps s.o. on the head" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pasicihcêhwêw:pasicihcêhw VTA "s/he slaps s.o. on the hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pasihkwêtahwêw:pasihkwêtahw VTA "s/he slaps s.o. on the face" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pasikô-kwâskohtiw:pasikô-kwâskohti VAIw "s/he jumps up (from sitting)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasikônam:pasikôna VTIm "s/he sets s.t. up (after it fell)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pasikônêw:pasikôn VTA "s/he helps s.o. up, s/he helps s.o. to stand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pasikôpahtâw:pasikôpahtâ VAIw "s/he jumps up hurriedly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasikôpitam:pasikôpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. upright (after it fell)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pasikôpitêw:pasikôpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. up to a standing position" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pasikôw:pasikô VAIw "s/he gets up, s/he arises (from sitting); s/he is uplifted" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pasisâwêw:pasisâwê VIIw "it is a prairie fire, it is (a field) set on fire" ; ! AEW: VII-v pasitêw:pasitê VIIw "it is on fire, it is a prairie fire" ; ! AEW: VII-v paskahtam:paskahta VTIm "s/he bites through s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paskamêw:paskam VTA "s/he bites s.o. through, s/he breaks s.o. by biting (e.g. yarn)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 paskâpêkîw:paskâpêkî VAIw "s/he breaks the water (i.e. the baby); she has her water break birthing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. ê-paskâpêkît her water broke paskêhêw:paskêh VTA "s/he leads s.o. aside, s/he makes s.o. go to the side" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 paskêhtahêw:paskêhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. on the side road" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 paskêhtin:paskêhtin VIIn "it is a small river branching off (from the main)" ; ! AEW: VII-n paskêkohtâkanêw:paskêkohtâkanê VAIw "s/he is hoarse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskêmon:paskêmon VIIn "it branches off, it is a fork in the road ;; [plural:] they divide, they separate" ; ! AEW: VII-n paskêpayiw:paskêpayi VAIw "s/he branches off, s/he moves off; s/he stops off there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskêtâpâsow:paskêtâpâso VAIw "s/he pulls over to one side" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskêtisahwêw:paskêtisahw VTA "s/he drives s.o. off from the herd" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 paskêw:paskê VAIw "s/he goes onto the side road; s/he leaves, s/he departs, s/he goes off; s/he leaves home; s/he goes out on his/her own" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskêwihêw:paskêwih VTA "s/he parts company with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 paskêwihitowak:paskêwihito VAIw_PL "they separate from one another, they leave from one another; they separate, they divorce" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskicipayihow:paskicipayiho VAIw "s/he hangs over (a rail fence)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskicipayihtâw:paskicipayihtâ VTIw "s/he hangs s.t. over (a rail fence)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 paskicipayiw:paskicipayi VIIw "it falls and hangs over (the fence)" ; ! AEW: VII-v paskiciwêpinam:paskiciwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. over, on top of (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paskiciwêpinêw:paskiciwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. over, on top of (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 paskinam:paskina VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paskinêw:paskin VTA "s/he breaks s.o. off (e.g. thread)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 paskipayiw:paskipayi VAIw "it snaps (when pulled; as thread)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskipayiw:paskipayi VIIw "it snaps (when pulled; as rope)" ; ! AEW: VII-v paskipitam:paskipita VTIm "s/he pulls and breaks s.t. (e.g. rope)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paskipitêw:paskipit3 VTA "s/he pulls and breaks s.o. (e.g. yarn)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 paskisam:paskisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. through" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paskisosow:paskisoso VAIw "s/he cuts him/herself free" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskisow:paskiso VAIw "s/he explodes, it ignites" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: alternatively: /pask-/ + /-iso/ paskiswêw:paskisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. through (e.g. yarn)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 paskitêw:paskitê VIIw "it sparks, it has sparks come from it" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: alternatively: /pask-/ + /-iT/ + /-ê/ paskiyawêw:paskiyaw VTA "s/he beats s.o. in a contest, s/he overpowers s.o.; s/he wins from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 paskiyâkêw:paskiyâkê VAIw "s/he wins things, s/he is the winner" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskopicikêw:paskopicikê VAIw "s/he is plucking fowl or weeds from the garden" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskopitam:paskopita VTIm "s/he plucks s.t. (weeds)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paskopitêw:paskopit3 VTA "s/he plucks s.o. (birds), s/he defeathers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 paskosam:paskosa VTIm "s/he cuts hair off s.t.; s/he cuts the grass" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paskostikwânêw:paskostikwânê VAIw "s/he is bald, s/he has a bald head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskoswêw:paskosw VTA "s/he cuts s.o.'s hair" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 paskow:pasko VAIw "it moults" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskwahtam:paskwahta VTIm "s/he cleans or clears s.t. by mouth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paskwamêw:paskwam VTA "s/he cleans or clears s.o. by mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 paskwatahikêw:paskwatahikê VAIw "s/he chops and clears land" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskwatâwahkinam:paskwatâwahkina VTIm "s/he clears s.t. (as ground)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paskwâtihpêw:paskwâtihpê VAIw "s/he is bald, s/he is bald-headed; s/he has a shaven head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskwâw:paskwâ VIIw "it is prairie" ; ! AEW: VII-v paskwâwinîmow:paskwâwinîmo VAIw "s/he speaks Plains Cree; s/he uses the Plains or Y-dialect of Cree" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paskwâyâw:paskwâyâ VIIw "it is open country" ; ! AEW: VII-v pasow:paso VAIw "s/he smells s.t., s/he catches a scent, s/he catches a fragrance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paspâmow:paspâmo VAIw "s/he escapes through an opening" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paspâpahtam:paspâpahta VTIm "s/he peeps at s.t. through a crack" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paspâpamêw:paspâpam VTA "s/he peeps at s.o. through a crack" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 paspâpiw:paspâpi VAIw "s/he looks out (e.g. a window); s/he peeps through a crack" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paspikâpawiw:paspikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands in a narrow opening" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paspinam:paspina VTIm "s/he takes a risk and goes through" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paspinatêw:paspinat3 VTA "s/he almost causes s.o.'s death, s/he barely misses s.o. (by shooting, in a car, etc.)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 paspinatikow:paspinat VAIw "s/he has a narrow escape, s.t. just misses him/her" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: also 0'-3s unspecified actor form of VTA-4 paspinat-; cf. paspinatêw paspinâsow:paspinâso VAIw "s/he almost kills him/herself (accidentally)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paspinêw:paspinê VAIw "s/he has a close encounter with death" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paspiskwêyiw:paspiskwêyi VAIw "s/he sticks his/her head through narrow opening" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paspitisênam:paspitisêna VTIm "s/he puts s.t. through an open window" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paspitisênêw:paspitisên VTA "s/he puts s.o. through an open window" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 paspîhêw:paspîh VTA "s/he rescues s.o., s/he helps s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 paspîw:paspî VAIw "s/he escapes, s/he gets free" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paswâtam:paswâta VTIm "s/he smells s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 paswêskôyow:paswêskôyo VAIw "s/he gets sick from eating excessively fatty food" ; ! AEW: VAI-v paswêw:pasw VTA "s/he smells s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 paswêyâw:paswêyâ VIIw "it is excessively fatty, it is fat and greasy" ; ! AEW: VII-v pataham:pataha VTIm "s/he misses s.t. (by tool or shot); s/he misses the target, s/he misses the mark" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 patahêw:patah VTA "s/he places, handles s.o. so as to miss" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 patahikâkêw:patahikâkê VAIw "s/he misses with something in shooting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v patahikêw:patahikê VAIw "s/he misses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v patahotowak:patahoto VAIw_PL "they miss one another with tool or shot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v patahtam:patahta VTIm "s/he misses s.t. (when trying to bite it)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 patahwêw:patahw VTA "s/he misses s.o. (by tool or shot)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 patamêw:patam VTA "s/he misses s.o. (when trying to bite him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 patapâyowêw:patapâyowê VAIw "it lets its own tail hang" ; ! AEW: VAI-v patapiskwêyiw:patapiskwêyi VAIw "s/he hangs his/her own head down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v patâhtawêkanêsin:patâhtawêkanêsin3 VAIn "s/he has a dislocation, s/he is out of joint (from falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n patâpahtam:patâpahta VTIm "s/he fails to notice s.t., s/he overlooks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 patâpamêw:patâpam VTA "s/he overlooks s.o., s/he fails to notice s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 patâsokêw:patâsokê VAIw "s/he slips off a log or bridge" ; ! AEW: VAI-v patinam:patina VTIm "s/he drops s.t., s/he misses s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 patinêw:patin VTA "s/he drops s.o., s/he misses s.o. (e.g. a ball) by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 patinikêw:patinikê VAIw "s/he errs, s/he makes a mistake, s/he takes a wrong step, s/he transgresses; s/he sins" ; ! AEW: VAI-v patisîkinam:patisîkina VTIm "s/he spills s.t. (as a liquid), s/he misses pouring a liquid" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 patiskatêmêw:patiskatêm VTA "s/he drops s.o. from his/her mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 patotêpahtâw:patotêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs aside or off the trail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v patotêpayiw:patotêpayi VIIw "it runs off the track or line" ; ! AEW: VII-v patotêpitam:patotêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. aside, s/he pulls s.t. off the track" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 patotêpitêw:patotêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. aside, s/he pulls s.o. off the track" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 patotêpiw:patotêpi VAIw "s/he misses sitting on his/her chair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pawaham:pawaha VTIm "s/he beats s.t., s/he shakes s.t. out, s/he brushes s.t. off by tool; s/he threshes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pawahamawêw:pawahamaw VTA "s/he threshes (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pawahikêw:pawahikê VAIw "s/he threshes, s/he threshes grain, s/he combines" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pawahiminêw:pawahiminê VAIw "s/he knocks off berries" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pawahokêw:pawahokê VAIw "s/he beats the tent walls or the house" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pawahwêw:pawahw VTA "s/he brushes s.o. off by tool; s/he threshes s.o. (e.g. grain)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pawâmêw:pawâm VTA "s/he dreams of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pawâmiw:pawâmi VAIw "s/he dreams; s/he has a dream spirit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pawâpiskaham:pawâpiskaha VTIm "s/he brushes s.t. with metal or stone; s/he cleans s.t. out with metal or stone" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pawâpiskahwêw:pawâpiskahw VTA "s/he brushes s.o. (e.g. pipe, stove) with or as metal or stone; s/he cleans s.o. out with or as metal or stone" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pawâtam:pawâta VTIm "s/he dreams about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pawâtaskiw:pawâtaski VAIw "s/he is a dreamer, s/he dreams often" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pawâtêw:pawât3 VTA "s/he dreams about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pawinam:pawina VTIm "s/he shakes s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pawinêw:pawin VTA "s/he shakes s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 payipaham:payipaha VTIm "s/he bores a hole in s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 payipahtam:payipahta VTIm "s/he bites a hole in s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 payipahwêw:payipahw VTA "s/he bores a hole through s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 payipâw:payipâ VIIw "it has a hole through it" ; ! AEW: VII-v payipihtêw:payipihtê VAIw "s/he has pierced ears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v payipisam:payipisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. out, s/he cuts a hole in s.t., s/he perforates s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 payipisikâtêw:payipisikâtê VIIw "it is perforated" ; ! AEW: VII-v payipiswêw:payipisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. out, s/he cuts a hole in s.o., s/he perforates s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâh-pakamaham:pâh-pakamaha VTIm "s/he raps s.t. repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâh-pakamahwêw:pâh-pakamahw VTA "s/he hits s.o. repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâh-pakwacihêw:pâh-pakwacih VTA "s/he amuses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâh-pakwacihow:pâh-pakwaciho VAIw "s/he amuses him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâh-pakwatêyihtam:pâh-pakwatêyihta VTIm "s/he is amused by s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâh-pakwatêyihtâkosiw:pâh-pakwatêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is very amusing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâh-pakwatêyihtâkwan:pâh-pakwatêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is very amusing" ; ! AEW: VII-n pâh-pakwatêyimêw:pâh-pakwatêyim VTA "s/he is amused by s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâh-pasakwâpiw:pâh-pasakwâpi VAIw "s/he opens and closes his/her eyes repeatedly, s/he blinks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâh-pasihkwêhwêw:pâh-pasihkwêhw VTA "s/he slaps s.o.'s face repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâh-pawaham:pâh-pawaha VTIm "s/he beats s.t., s/he shakes s.t. out by tool; s/he dusts s.t. (with a brush)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâh-pawahikêw:pâh-pawahikê VAIw "s/he knocks things clean, s/he beats things clean; s/he dusts (e.g. furniture)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâh-pawahwêw:pâh-pawahw VTA "s/he dusts s.o. (with a brush)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâh-pawâstitâw:pâh-pawâstitâ VTIw "s/he hangs s.t. in the wind to dust it" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pâh-pawihtitâw:pâh-pawihtitâ VTIw "s/he dusts s.t. by shaking and hitting it on something; s/he shakes s.t. (hit it on something to dust)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pâh-pawinipêhêw:pâh-pawinipêh VTA "s/he causes s.o. to have palpitations" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâh-pâkikâtêpayiw:pâh-pâkikâtêpayi VAIw "s/he has swollen legs, s/he has edema, s/he has water retention in her legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâh-pêkatêw:pâh-pêkatê VAIw "s/he is belching, s/he belches now and again" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâh-piscimêw:pâh-piscim VTA "s/he hurts s.o.'s feelings without meaning to; s/he strikes a nerve with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâh-piskihcastâw:pâh-piskihcastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. in separate places" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pâh-piskihcastêw:pâh-piskihcastê VIIw "it is in separate places" ; ! AEW: VII-v pâh-piskihcayâw:pâh-piskihcayâ VAIw "it is divided, it is partitioned" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâh-piskokanêpayiw:pâh-piskokanêpayi VAIw "s/he has arthritis" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâh-piskwahcâw:pâh-piskwahcâ VIIw "it is uneven ground" ; ! AEW: VII-v pâh-piskwâw:pâh-piskwâ VIIw "it is lumpy in places" ; ! AEW: VII-v pâh-pîtosêyimêw:pâh-pîtosêyim VTA "s/he has a different opinion about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâhk-ôstostotam:pâhk-ôstostota VTIm "s/he has a dry cough" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâhkaciw:pâhkaci VAIw "s/he freezes up, s/he does not move" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkahkosiwiw:pâhkahkosiwi VAIw "s/he is a bony spectre (i.e. in a dance or ceremony)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkahkowiw:pâhkahkowi VAIw "s/he is a bony spectre (i.e. in a dance or ceremony)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkocihcêhosow:pâhkocihcêhoso VAIw "s/he dries his/her own hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkocihcêhow:pâhkocihcêho VAIw "s/he dries his/her own hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkocihcêhwêw:pâhkocihcêhw VTA "s/he dries s.o.'s hands" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâhkocihcêw:pâhkocihcê VAIw "s/he has dry hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkohkwêhow:pâhkohkwêho VAIw "s/he dries his/her own face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkohkwêhwêw:pâhkohkwêhw VTA "s/he dry s.o.'s face" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâhkokanêhwêw:pâhkokanêhw VTA "s/he crushes s.o.'s bone by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâhkopayihow:pâhkopayiho VAIw "s/he dries him/herself (as a dog shaking itself)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkopayiw:pâhkopayi VAIw "s/he gets dry, s/he dries out, s/he dries (by warmth or wind)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkositêhosow:pâhkositêhoso VAIw "s/he dries his/her own feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkositêhwêw:pâhkositêhw VTA "s/he dries s.o.'s feet" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâhkosiw:pâhkosi VAIw "s/he dries, it dries off (e.g. bacon strips)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkw-âyamihâw:pâhkw-âyamihâ VAIw "s/he is a Roman Catholic" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkwaham:pâhkwaha VTIm "s/he dries s.t., s/he wipes s.t. dry" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâhkwahamawêw:pâhkwahamaw VTA "s/he dries (it/him) for s.o.; s/he wipes (it/him) dry for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pâhkwahâkosiw:pâhkwahâkosi VAIw "s/he is dried off (by something)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkwahcâw:pâhkwahcâ VIIw "it is dry ground" ; ! AEW: VII-v pâhkwahwêw:pâhkwahw VTA "s/he dries s.o., s/he wipes s.o. dry" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâhkwasakâtihpêhwêw:pâhkwasakâtihpêhw VTA "s/he crushes s.o.'s head by a tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâhkwatâmow:pâhkwatâmo VAIw "s/he has a dry throat, s/he is very thirsty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkwâpiw:pâhkwâpi VAIw "s/he dries his/her eyes, s/he has dry eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhkwâsin:pâhkwâsin VIIn "it is shallow, it is the bottom of water" ; ! AEW: VII-n pâhkwâw:pâhkwâ VIIw "it is dry; it is shallow water, it is almost dried up" ; ! AEW: VII-v pâhpawêw:pâhpawê VAIw "s/he shakes him/herself (as a dog out of water)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhpawipayihtâw:pâhpawipayihtâ VTIw "s/he shakes s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pâhpawiwêpinam:pâhpawiwêpina VTIm "s/he shakes s.t. out (to remove contents)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâhpawiwêpinêw:pâhpawiwêpin VTA "s/he shakes s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâhpâwêhikêw:pâhpâwêhikê VAIw "s/he knocks, s/he knocks on the door" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhpihêw:pâhpih VTA "s/he laughs at s.o., s/he derides s.o.; s/he jokes with s.o.; s/he makes s.o. laugh" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâhpihkwêw:pâhpihkwê VAIw "s/he smiles" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhpihtam:pâhpihta VTIm "s/he laughs at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâhpihtâkosiw:pâhpihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is laughable" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhpihtâkwan:pâhpihtâkwan VIIn "it is laughable" ; ! AEW: VII-n pâhpihtâw:pâhpihtâ VTIw "s/he laughs at s.t., s/he derides s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pâhpinâkosiw:pâhpinâkosi VAIw "s/he smiles; s/he looks as if s/he is laughing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhpisihêw:pâhpisih VTA "s/he teases s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâhpisihitowak:pâhpisihito VAIw_PL "they tease one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhpisimêw:pâhpisim VTA "s/he teases s.o. by speech, s/he jeers s.o., s/he makes fun of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâhpisiw:pâhpisi VAIw "s/he smiles, s/he laughs a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhpiskiw:pâhpiski VAIw "s/he laughs a lot; s/he is a joker" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhpiw:pâhpi VAIw "s/he laughs, s/he is laughing, s/he smiles" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhpiwinâkosiw:pâhpiwinâkosi VAIw "s/he smiles; s/he looks as if s/he is laughing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâhpîhkâsow:pâhpîhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to laugh" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkahatowêw:pâkahatowê VAIw "s/he plays ball, baseball, lacrosse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkan:pâkan VIIn "it is swollen" ; ! AEW: VII-n pâkâhtowêw:pâkâhtowê VAIw "s/he plays ball, baseball, soccer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkâpitêw:pâkâpitê VAIw "s/he has swollen gums" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkâpiw:pâkâpi VAIw "s/he has swollen eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkâw:pâkâ VIIw "it is swollen" ; ! AEW: VII-v pâkikanêpayiw:pâkikanêpayi VAIw "s/he has swollen limbs; s/he has gout" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkikâtêpayiw:pâkikâtêpayi VAIw "s/he swells at the leg suddenly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkikâtêw:pâkikâtê VAIw "s/he has a swollen leg" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkikotêw:pâkikotê VAIw "s/he has a swollen nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkipayiw:pâkipayi VAIw "s/he swells, s/he has a swelling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkisitêpayiw:pâkisitêpayi VAIw "s/he swells at the foot suddenly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkisitêw:pâkisitê VAIw "s/he has a swollen foot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâkiyihkwêpayiw:pâkiyihkwêpayi VAIw "s/he has swollen glands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pânaham:pânaha VTIm "s/he clears the snow from s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pânahâkonam:pânahâkona VTIm "s/he clears s.t. of snow" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pânahâkonamawêw:pânahâkonamaw VTA "s/he clears (it/him) of snow for s.o., s/he clears snow away from (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pânahâkonêw:pânahâkonê VAIw "s/he clears away snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pânahikêw:pânahikê VAIw "s/he clears away snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pânahkoskêw:pânahkoskê VAIw "s/he kicks the snow aside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pânahkoskikêw:pânahkoskikê VAIw "s/he kicks the snow aside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pânahwêw:pânahw VTA "s/he clears the snow from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pânisam:pânisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. into sheets, s/he cuts s.t. (e.g. meat) for use; s/he cuts and prepares meat" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pânisâwêw:pânisâwê VAIw "s/he prepares meat cut into sheets, s/he slices meat to dry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâniswêw:pânisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. into sheets; s/he cuts (it) from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâpahtâw:pâpahtâ VAIw "s/he comes running" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâpakonam:pâpakona VTIm "s/he makes blisters" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâpakonêw:pâpakon VTA "s/he bruises or blisters s.o. (by hitting)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâpakwatahwêw:pâpakwatahw VTA "s/he blisters s.o., s/he causes s.o. to blister" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâpayihêw:pâpayih VTA "s/he vomits s.o. up; s/he makes s.o. come here" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâpayihtâw:pâpayihtâ VTIw "s/he vomits s.t. up; s/he makes s.t. come here" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pâpayiw:pâpayi VAIw "s/he comes driving along; s/he moves here, s/he drives here; s/he is seen coming (by horse or vehicle)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâpiciw:pâpici VAIw "s/he moves camp here" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâsam:pâsa VTIm "s/he dries s.t. (by warmth)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâsci-kwâskohtiw:pâsci-kwâskohti VAIw "s/he jumps over (as a human); s/he leaps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâsci-ohpîw:pâsci-ohpî VAIw "s/he jumps over (as an animal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâsci-tahkoskêw:pâsci-tahkoskê VAIw "s/he steps over" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâscipayihow:pâscipayiho VAIw "s/he goes over (without leaping)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâscipayiw:pâscipayi VAIw "it bursts; it is overfilled, it goes over (as a pail of water)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâscipêw:pâscipê VIIw "it overflows" ; ! AEW: VII-v pâsciwêpinam:pâsciwêpina VTIm "s/he takes and throws s.t. over (something)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâsciwêpinêw:pâsciwêpin VTA "s/he takes and throws s.o. over (something)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâsikâtêw:pâsikâtê VIIw "it is dried" ; ! AEW: VII-v pâsikwâtan:pâsikwâtan VIIn "it is stormy" ; ! AEW: VII-n pâsiminêw:pâsiminê VAIw "s/he dries berries" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâsitahkoskêw:pâsitahkoskê VAIw "s/he steps over solids; s/he straddles" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâsitohtêw:pâsitohtê VAIw "s/he goes over, across; s/he walks over s.t. (as a heap on the ground)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskaciwaswêw:pâskaciwasw VTA "s/he boils s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâskaham:pâskaha VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. open (e.g. an egg)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâskahwêw:pâskahw VTA "s/he bursts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâskatayêpayiw:pâskatayêpayi VAIw "s/he bursts at the belly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskatayêpitêw:pâskatayêpit3 VTA "s/he tears s.o. open at the belly" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pâskatayêskawêw:pâskatayêskaw VTA "s/he kicks s.o. open at the belly" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pâskâkonêw:pâskâkonê VAIw "s/he makes tracks in the fresh snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskâpahwêw:pâskâpahw VTA "s/he bursts s.o.'s eye, s/he puts out s.o.'s eye by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâskâpatahwêw:pâskâpatahw VTA "s/he puts out s.o.'s eye by stick or beak" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâskâpicin:pâskâpicin3 VAIn "s/he bursts his/her own eye (by running into a sharp stick)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pâskâpisin:pâskâpisin3 VAIn "s/he bursts his/her own eye (by falling on something)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pâskâpiw:pâskâpi VAIw "s/he has a ruptured eye; s/he has only one eye, s/he is one-eyed; s/he is unable to see, s/he is blind; s/he opens his/her own eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskâwêhow:pâskâwêho VAIw "it bursts the shell (e.g. hatching bird)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskâwihow:pâskâwiho VAIw "it hatches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskicênam:pâskicêna VTIm "s/he bursts s.t. (by fingers) (e.g. an egg)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâskicênêw:pâskicên VTA "s/he bursts s.o. (by fingers)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâskihkwênêw:pâskihkwên VTA "s/he uncovers s.o.'s face for him" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâskihkwêyiw:pâskihkwêyi VAIw "s/he uncovers his/her own face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskihtêpayin:pâskihtêpayin VIIn "it goes open (e.g. door)" ; ! AEW: VII-n pâskihtêpayiw:pâskihtêpayi VAIw "it goes open" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskinam:pâskina VTIm "s/he uncovers s.t., s/he turns s.t. over; s/he turns the page" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâskinamawêw:pâskinamaw VTA "s/he uncovers (it/him) for s.o.; s/he opens (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pâskinêw:pâskin VTA "s/he uncovers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâskinokêw:pâskinokê VAIw "s/he breaks up camp" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskipayihow:pâskipayiho VAIw "s/he uncovers him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskipayiw:pâskipayi VAIw "s/he uncovers (as the wind blows it off)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskisam:pâskisa VTIm "s/he shoots s.t. with a gun, s/he shoots at s.t.; s/he hits s.t. with lightning" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâskisamawêw:pâskisamaw VTA "s/he shoots (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pâskisikêw:pâskisikê VAIw "s/he shoots; s/he fires a shot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskisosow:pâskisoso VAIw "s/he shoots him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskisotowak:pâskisoto VAIw_PL "they shoot one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâskiswêw:pâskisw VTA "s/he shoots s.o. with a gun, s/he shoots at s.o.; s/he hits s.o. with lightning" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâskiwêpaham:pâskiwêpaha VTIm "s/he uncovers s.t. (with a tool)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâskiwêpahwêw:pâskiwêpahw VTA "s/he uncovers s.o. (with a tool)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâskîw:pâskî VAIw "s/he comes out from under covers, s/he uncovers him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâsonâsow:pâsonâso VAIw "s/he dries his/her own clothes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâsosow:pâsoso VAIw "s/he dries him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâsow:pâso VAIw "s/he is dry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâstaham:pâstaha VTIm "s/he cracks s.t. (by pressure); s/he breaks s.t., s/he crushes s.t. by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâstahtam:pâstahta VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. (by biting, with teeth)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâstahtâw:pâstahtâ VTIw "s/he cracks s.t. (with his/her teeth)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pâstahwêw:pâstahw VTA "s/he cracks s.o. (by pressure)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâstamêw:pâstam VTA "s/he cracks s.o. (by biting, with teeth)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâstataham:pâstataha VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. (e.g. bones) by tool or shot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâstâciwahtêw:pâstâciwahtê VIIw "it boils over" ; ! AEW: VII-v pâstâciwasow:pâstâciwaso VAIw "s/he boils over (as a tea kettle)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâstâham:pâstâha VTIm "s/he brings evil to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâstâhêw:pâstâh VTA "s/he brings evil to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâstâhow:pâstâho VAIw "s/he brings evil upon him/herself; s/he is killed by lightning; s/he breaches the natural order, s/he transgresses; s/he uses bad medicine; s/he sins, s/he is a sinner, s/he does evil" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâstâmêw:pâstâm VTA "s/he curses s.o.; s/he gives s.o. bad luck by evil incantation" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâstâmoskiw:pâstâmoski VAIw "s/he is a blasphemer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâstâmototam:pâstâmotota VTIm "s/he blasphemes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâstâmototawêw:pâstâmototaw VTA "s/he blasphemes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pâstâmow:pâstâmo VAIw "s/he curses; s/he sins by his/her speech" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâstâmwêw:pâstâmw VTA "s/he curses s.o.; s/he gives s.o. bad luck by evil incantation" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâstâskow:pâstâsko VAIw "s/he steps over s.t. (as a fence)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâstâsow:pâstâso VAIw "s/he breaks bones for marrow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâstâstawîw:pâstâstawî VAIw "s/he climbs over (as a fence)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâstêw:pâstê VIIw "it dries, it is dried (in warmth), it is dry" ; ! AEW: VII-v pâstihtin:pâstihtin3 VAIn "s/he cracks (by falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pâstihtitâw:pâstihtitâ VTIw "s/he smashes s.t. (against something)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pâstinam:pâstina VTIm "s/he crushes s.t. by hand, s/he cracks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâstinêw:pâstin VTA "s/he crushes s.o. by hand, s/he cracks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pâstipayin:pâstipayin VIIn "it breaks, it bursts (e.g. bottle, head)" ; ! AEW: VII-n pâstipayiw:pâstipayi VIIw "it is smashed; it cracks (as a glass in hot water)" ; ! AEW: VII-v pâstiskam:pâstiska VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. by foot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâstiskawêw:pâstiskaw VTA "s/he breaks s.o. by foot" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pâstiwêpaham:pâstiwêpaha VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. by missile" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pâstiwêpahwêw:pâstiwêpahw VTA "s/he breaks s.o. by missile" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâswêw:pâsw VTA "s/he dries s.o. (in warmth) (e.g. a pelt)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pâwanîw:pâwanî VAIw "s/he is thin, s/he is lean" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pâwistikociwan:pâwistikociwan VIIn "it flows with rapids" ; ! AEW: VII-n pâwistikowan:pâwistikowan VIIn "there are a series of rapids" ; ! AEW: VII-n pê-apiw:pê-api VAIw "s/he comes and sits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-atoskêw:pê-atoskê VAIw "s/he comes to work" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-ispahkênam:pê-ispahkêna VTIm "s/he comes and raises s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pê-itisaham:pê-itisaha VTIm "s/he sends s.t. here" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pê-itisahwêw:pê-itisahw VTA "s/he sends s.o. here" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pê-itohtahêw:pê-itohtah VTA "s/he walks s.o. hither, s/he brings s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pê-itohtatamawêw:pê-itohtatamaw VTA "s/he brings (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pê-itohtatâw:pê-itohtatâ VTIw "s/he brings s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pê-itohtêw:pê-itohtê VAIw "s/he comes walking, s/he comes over here" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-kisîpayin:pê-kisîpayin VIIn "it comes quickly (by sailing)" ; ! AEW: VII-n pê-kisîpayiw:pê-kisîpayi VAIw "s/he comes quickly (by horse or car)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-kiyokêw:pê-kiyokê VAIw "s/he comes and visits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-kîwêhtahêw:pê-kîwêhtah VTA "s/he brings s.o. home, back" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pê-kîwêhtatâw:pê-kîwêhtatâ VTIw "s/he brings s.t. home, back" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pê-kîwêpahtâw:pê-kîwêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs home, s/he comes running home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-kîwêw:pê-kîwê VAIw "s/he comes home, s/he returns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-mêtawêw:pê-mêtawê VAIw "s/he comes and plays" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-mîcisow:pê-mîciso VAIw "s/he comes and eats" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-nâsipêw:pê-nâsipê VAIw "s/he comes down to the shore" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-nâtam:pê-nâta VTIm "s/he comes to get s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pê-nâtêw:pê-nât3 VTA "s/he comes for s.o., s/he comes to get s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pê-nipâw:pê-nipâ VAIw "s/he comes and sleeps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-nîhtaciwêw:pê-nîhtaciwê VAIw "s/he comes down (as from stairs or a hill)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-nîhtakosîw:pê-nîhtakosî VAIw "s/he comes climbing down (out of a tree or off a ladder)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-nôkosiw:pê-nôkosi VAIw "s/he comes into sight, s/he is seen" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-nôkwan:pê-nôkwan VIIn "it comes in sight, it is seen; it comes to pass" ; ! AEW: VII-n pê-ohtohtêw:pê-ohtohtê VAIw "s/he arrives from over there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-otihtam:pê-otihta VTIm "s/he comes to s.t., s/he arrives at his/her destination" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pê-otihtêw:pê-otiht VTA "s/he comes to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pê-pîhtikwêw:pê-pîhtikwê VAIw "s/he comes in; s/he comes and enters" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-pîkiskwêw:pê-pîkiskwê VAIw "s/he comes and speaks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-sâminêw:pê-sâmin VTA "s/he comes and touches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pê-takosin:pê-takosin3 VAIn "s/he arrives, s/he comes" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pê-wayawî-pimosinêw:pê-wayawî-pimosinê VAIw "s/he throws s.t. outside (towards the speaker)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-wayawîhtahêw:pê-wayawîhtah VTA "s/he brings s.o. outside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pê-wayawîhtatâw:pê-wayawîhtatâ VTIw "s/he brings s.t. outside" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pê-wayawîw:pê-wayawî VAIw "s/he comes outside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-wâpahtam:pê-wâpahta VTIm "s/he comes and sees s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pê-wâpamêw:pê-wâpam VTA "s/he comes and sees s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pê-wîhkwacipitam:pê-wîhkwacipita VTIm "s/he comes and pulls s.t. out (of a mud hole), s/he comes and pulls s.t. free" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pê-wîhkwacipitêw:pê-wîhkwacipit3 VTA "s/he comes and pulls s.o. out (of a mud hole); s/he comes and pulls s.o. free" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pê-yahkinam:pê-yahkina VTIm "s/he comes and pushes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pê-yahkinêw:pê-yahkin VTA "s/he comes and pushes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pê-yâsipayiw:pê-yâsipayi VIIw "it comes sliding down" ; ! AEW: VII-v pê-yâsipayiw:pê-yâsipayi VAIw "s/he comes sliding down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pê-yôhtênam:pê-yôhtêna VTIm "s/he comes and opens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêcicimêw:pêcicimê VAIw "s/he paddles hither" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêciciwan:pêciciwan VIIn "there is water flowing in, there is water coming in, it is the tide" ; ! AEW: VII-n pêciciwanihkawêw:pêciciwanihkaw VTA "s/he digs a ditch for s.o. (for irrigation)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pêciciwanihkâtam:pêciciwanihkâta VTIm "s/he digs and makes the water flow" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêciciwanihkêw:pêciciwanihkê VAIw "s/he makes a ditch for water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêcihâw:pêcihâ VAIw "s/he comes flying, s/he flies toward (us), s/he approaches by flight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêcikâtêw:pêcikâtê VIIw "it is brought" ; ! AEW: VII-v pêcikêw:pêcikê VAIw "s/he brings things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêcimêw:pêcim VTA "s/he calls s.o. hither" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêcimihtêw:pêcimihtê VAIw "s/he brings firewood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêcinâkosiw:pêcinâkosi VAIw "s/he is seen approaching" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêcinâkwan:pêcinâkwan VIIn "it is seen approaching" ; ! AEW: VII-n pêcipêham:pêcipêha VTIm "s/he writes s.t. hither" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêcipêhamawêw:pêcipêhamaw VTA "s/he writes (it) hither to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pêcipitam:pêcipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. here" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêcipitêw:pêcipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. here" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pêcitâpâsow:pêcitâpâso VAIw "s/he drives hither, s/he comes driving" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêcitâpêw:pêcitâpê VAIw "s/he drags (it) hither" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêciwatâw:pêciwatâ VTIw "s/he brings s.t. hither on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pêciwatêw:pêciwat3 VTA "s/he brings s.o. hither on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pêciyawêmow:pêciyawêmo VAIw "s/he feels enthusiasm coming on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêhêw:pêh VTA "s/he waits for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêhkâcihow:pêhkâciho VAIw "s/he keeps him/herself clean" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêhkihcikêw:pêhkihcikê VAIw "s/he cleans up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêhkihêw:pêhkih VTA "s/he cleans s.o., s/he cleanses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêhkihow:pêhkiho VAIw "s/he keeps him/herself clean" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêhkihtâw:pêhkihtâ VTIw "s/he cleans s.t., s/he cleanses s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pêhkisiw:pêhkisi VAIw "s/he is clean" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêhow:pêho VAIw "s/he waits; s/he expects, s/he is in expectation (of someone's arrival)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêhtam:pêhta VTIm "s/he hears s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: pa-pêhtam pêhtawêw:pêhtaw VTA "s/he hears s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: pâh-pêhtawêw pêhtâkaniwiw:pêhtâkaniwi VIIw "it is heard" ; ! AEW: VII-v pêhtâkêw:pêhtâkê VAIw "s/he hears with something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêhtâkosiw:pêhtâkosi VAIw "s/he is heard, s/he makes him/herself heard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêhtâkwan:pêhtâkwan VIIn "it is audible, it is heard; it is noisy" ; ! AEW: VII-n pêhtâsow:pêhtâso VAIw "s/he hears him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêkatêskâkow:pêkatêskaw VTA "it makes him/her belch, burp" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pêkatêskiw:pêkatêski VAIw "s/he belches, burps frequently" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêkatêw:pêkatê VAIw "s/he belches, burps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêkohêw:pêkoh VTA "s/he wakes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêkomêw:pêkom VTA "s/he wakes s.o. by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêkopayiw:pêkopayi VAIw "s/he wakes up, s/he awakens" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêkopêw:pêkopê VAIw "s/he comes up from under water, s/he emerges from water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêkopitêw:pêkopit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. awake" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 ! 1: - ! 2: not found in wC; see also pîkopitêw pêkwatâmow:pêkwatâmo VAIw "s/he comes up through breathing hole" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêpêsiskâw:pêpêsiskâ VAIw "s/he goes slowly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated; cf. pêsiskâw pêsinam:pêsina VTIm "s/he has a cut hand (from a blade)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêsiskâw:pêsiskâ VAIw "s/he goes slowly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêsiwêw:pêsiw VTA "s/he brings s.o., s/he brings s.o. hither" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: pa-pêsiwêw pêsohtam:pêsohta VTIm "s/he hears s.t. close by" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêsonâkosiw:pêsonâkosi VAIw "s/he is coming near, s/he appears to be near" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêsonâkwan:pêsonâkwan VIIn "it appears to be near" ; ! AEW: VII-n pêsowan:pêsowan VIIn "it is near, it is a short distance" ; ! AEW: VII-n pêswâpahtam:pêswâpahta VTIm "s/he sees s.t. at close range, nearby" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêswâpamêw:pêswâpam VTA "s/he sees s.o. at close range, nearby" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêswêyihtam:pêswêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks s.t. is near" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêswêyimêw:pêswêyim VTA "s/he thinks s.o. is near" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêtahiskwêwêw:pêtahiskwêwê VAIw "he brings a woman by canoe, he brings his wife by canoe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtakocin:pêtakocin3 VAIn "s/he comes through the air, s/he comes swiftly by water" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pêtakotêw:pêtakotê VIIw "it comes through the air" ; ! AEW: VII-v pêtamawêw:pêtamaw VTA "s/he brings (it/him) to or for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pêtamâsow:pêtamâso VAIw "s/he brings (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtasinahikêw:pêtasinahikê VAIw "s/he writes hither; s/he comes in search of mail, books" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtaskosîwêw:pêtaskosîwê VAIw "s/he brings hay" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtastimwêw:pêtastimwê VAIw "s/he brings horses, dogs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtatâmow:pêtatâmo VAIw "s/he blows hither, s/he breathes forth; s/he has his/her breathing return" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtawêw:pêtaw VTA "s/he brings (it/him) to or for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pêtâcimêw:pêtâcim VTA "s/he comes with news of s.o.; s/he tells news of s.o. coming" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêtâhotêw:pêtâhotê VIIw "it is carried hither by current or waves" ; ! AEW: VII-v pêtâmisow:pêtâmiso VAIw "s/he comes from berrying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtâmohkawêw:pêtâmohkaw VTA "s/he flees hither to s.o. for help" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pêtâmohkêw:pêtâmohkê VAIw "s/he flees hither for help" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtâmow:pêtâmo VAIw "s/he comes in flight, s/he flees here for shelter, s/he flees here for help" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtâpahtam:pêtâpahta VTIm "s/he sees s.t. coming" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêtâpamêw:pêtâpam VTA "s/he sees s.o. coming" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêtâpan:pêtâpan VIIn "it is dawn, it is daybreak, it becomes dawn" ; ! AEW: VII-n pêtâpêkamowak:pêtâpêkamo VAIw_PL "they come in a line hither, they come here on a string" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtâpêkipahêw:pêtâpêkipah VTA "s/he runs s.o. hither on a string" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêtâpiw:pêtâpi VAIw "s/he looks hither, s/he looks in this direction" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtâsiw:pêtâsi VAIw "s/he sails this way; s/he blows this way (in the wind)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtâstamohtêw:pêtâstamohtê VAIw "s/he comes walking hither" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtâstan:pêtâstan VIIn "it blows this way" ; ! AEW: VII-n pêtâstêw:pêtâstê VIIw "it is blown here by the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-v pêtâtakâw:pêtâtakâ VAIw "s/he swims hither; s/he wades hither" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtâtâmow:pêtâtâmo VAIw "s/he arrives crying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtâw:pêtâ VTIw "s/he brings s.t., s/he brings s.t. hither" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pêtâwahêw:pêtâwah VTA "s/he hauls s.o. in" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêtâwatâw:pêtâwatâ VTIw "s/he hauls s.t. in; s/he brings, s/he handles s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pêtisaham:pêtisaha VTIm "s/he drives or sends s.t. hither" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêtisahamawêw:pêtisahamaw VTA "s/he drives or sends (it/him) hither for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pêtisahwêw:pêtisahw VTA "s/he drives or sends s.o. hither" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pêtisâpahtam:pêtisâpahta VTIm "s/he sees s.t. coming" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêtisâpamêw:pêtisâpam VTA "s/he sees s.o. coming" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêtiskwêwêw:pêtiskwêwê VAIw "s/he brings a woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtonawêw:pêtonawê VAIw "s/he gives ceremonial food" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtowatêw:pêtowatê VAIw "s/he brings a load, s/he carries a load on his/her back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêtowêkotêw:pêtowêkotê VIIw "it comes noisily flying" ; ! AEW: VII-v pêtwêwênam:pêtwêwêna VTIm "s/he walks audibly, s/he steps audibly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêtwêwêsin:pêtwêwêsin3 VAIn "s/he comes stepping with noise" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pêtwêwêtâhtam:pêtwêwêtâhta VTIm "s/he comes breathing loudly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêtwêwitam:pêtwêwita VTIm "s/he comes speaking noisily" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêyako-itêyihtamwak:pêyako-itêyihtaa VTIm_PL "they think as one, they are unanimous" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêyako-kîsikâw:pêyako-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Monday; literally: (it is) the first day" ; ! AEW: VII-v pêyako-nîmâskwêwinêw:pêyako-nîmâskwêwinê VAIw "s/he has only one weapon, s/he took only one weapon along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyako-nîpawiw:pêyako-nîpawi VAIw "s/he stands alone (without aid)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyako-tipiskwêw:pêyako-tipiskwê VAIw "s/he stays one night" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakocihcêw:pêyakocihcê VAIw "s/he has one hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakohêw:pêyakoh VTA "s/he deals only with s.o., s/he deals with s.o. alone" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêyakohkam:pêyakohka VTIm "s/he tends s.t. alone" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêyakohkawêw:pêyakohkaw VTA "s/he tends s.o. alone" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pêyakohkwâmiw:pêyakohkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps alone" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakohtâw:pêyakohtâ VTIw "s/he keeps to one area ;; s/he makes one of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pêyakokamikosiw:pêyakokamikosi VAIw "s/he lives in a lone lodge" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: /pêyakw-/ + /-kamikw-/ + /-isi/ pêyakokâpawiw:pêyakokâpawi VAIw "s/he stands alone (without others around)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakokâtêw:pêyakokâtê VAIw "s/he has one leg, s/he is one-legged" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakokêw:pêyakokê VAIw "s/he dwells alone, s/he lives alone" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakonêham:pêyakonêha VTIm "s/he brings s.t. as the only thing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pêyakonêhow:pêyakonêho VAIw "s/he brings alone" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakonêw:pêyakon VTA "s/he holds s.o. apart, alone" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pêyakopêhikêw:pêyakopêhikê VAIw "s/he plays cards" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakopiponwêw:pêyakopiponwê VAIw "s/he is one year old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakosimow:pêyakosimo VAIw "s/he lies down alone; s/he hides ;; s/he dances alone" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: alternatively: /pêyakw-/ + /-simo/ pêyakosisâniwiw:pêyakosisâniwi VAIw "he is an only son" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakotêskanêw:pêyakotêskanê VAIw "s/he has one antler" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakow:pêyako VAIw "s/he is alone; s/he is the only one" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakowiw:pêyakowi VAIw "s/he is the same" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakôhkawêw:pêyakôhkaw VTA "s/he goes at s.o. single-handed" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pêyakôskânêsiwak:pêyakôskânêsi VAIw_PL "they are one tribe, one nation" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakwahpicikêw:pêyakwahpicikê VAIw "s/he drives one horse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakwahpitêw:pêyakwahpit3 VTA "s/he harnesses s.o. singly" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pêyakwan:pêyakwan VIIn "it is one, it is the same" ; ! AEW: VII-n pêyakwapiw:pêyakwapi VAIw "s/he is alone; s/he sits, stays alone at home" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakwaskan:pêyakwaskan VIIn "it is for one shot, it is single-barreled" ; ! AEW: VII-n pêyakwaskisow:pêyakwaskiso VAIw "it grows alone (e.g. a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyakwaskokâpawiw:pêyakwaskokâpawi VIIw "it stands as one blade or stem" ; ! AEW: VII-v pêyakwêkan:pêyakwêkan VIIn "it is a single piece (i.e. cloth)" ; ! AEW: VII-n pêyakwêyimisow:pêyakwêyimiso VAIw "s/he thinks only of him/herself, s/he is selfish, s/he is self-centered" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyâhtakisiw:pêyâhtakisi VAIw "s/he is quiet, s/he is careful" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyâhtakotosiw:pêyâhtakotosi VAIw "s/he is slow getting around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyâhtakowêw:pêyâhtakowê VAIw "s/he talks slowly, carefully; s/he chooses his/her words carefully" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyâhtakowisiw:pêyâhtakowisi VAIw "s/he moves slowly, carefully" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pêyâsiw:pêyâsi VAIw "s/he comes down through the air" ; ! AEW: VAI-v picihêw:picih VTA "s/he moves s.o., s/he moves camp for s.o., s/he moves s.o. away, s/he helps s.o. to move" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 picihtâw:picihtâ VTIw "s/he moves camp, s/he moves all, s/he moves s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 piciw:pici VAIw "s/he moves, s/he moves camp; s/he moves his/her belongings and family; s/he travels, s/he goes on a trek" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: likely: /pit-/ + /-i/ piciwinihkêw:piciwinihkê VAIw "s/he arranges for the moving of camp; s/he makes a trip" ; ! AEW: VAI-v picwastêw:picwastê VIIw "it lies around" ; ! AEW: VII-v pihcipohtâw:pihcipohtâ VTIw "s/he poisons s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pihcipow:pihcipo VAIw "s/he is poisoned" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pihêskâw:pihêskâ VIIw "there are many partridges" ; ! AEW: VII-v pihêwiw:pihêwi VAIw "it is a partridge, it is a prairie chicken" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pihkahtêw:pihkahtê VIIw "it is burnt (as a roast)" ; ! AEW: VII-v pihkasam:pihkasa VTIm "s/he toasts s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pihkasikâtêw:pihkasikâtê VIIw "it is toasted, it is burnt" ; ! AEW: VII-v pihkasow:pihkaso VAIw "s/he is burnt" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pihkaswêw:pihkasw VTA "s/he toasts s.o., s/he burns s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pihkohisow:pihkohiso VAIw "s/he frees him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pihkohitowak:pihkohito VAIw_PL "they free one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pihkohkêw:pihkohkê VAIw "s/he makes ashes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pihkohow:pihkoho VAIw "s/he gets loose, s/he gets free, s/he frees him/herself, s/he escapes; s/he gets there, s/he gets along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pihkohtâw:pihkohtâ VTIw "s/he accomplishes s.t., s/he achieves s.t., s/he manages to do s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pihkohtêwâpôhkâkêw:pihkohtêwâpôhkâkê VAIw "s/he makes lye from s.t. (e.g. wood ashes)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pihkohtêwâpôhkêw:pihkohtêwâpôhkê VAIw "s/he makes wood ash lye" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pihkohtêwâpôstamawêw:pihkohtêwâpôstamaw VTA "s/he makes wood ash lye for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pihkonâkosiw:pihkonâkosi VAIw "s/he is grey, s/he is ashen" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pihkonâkwan:pihkonâkwan VIIn "it is grey, it is ashen" ; ! AEW: VII-n pihkosiskâw:pihkosiskâ VIIw "there are many sandflies" ; ! AEW: VII-v pihkowan:pihkowan VIIn "it is covered with ashes" ; ! AEW: VII-n pihkwan:pihkwan VIIn "it is coarse" ; ! AEW: VII-n pikihtawêtâmow:pikihtawêtâmo VAIw "s/he breathes steaming (as in cold weather)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pikihtêw:pikihtê VIIw "it smokes, it sends up smoke, it is burning; it sends up fog (as water cooling)" ; ! AEW: VII-v pikiskatin:pikiskatin VIIn "it is decayed; it is rotten" ; ! AEW: VII-n pikiskatiw:pikiskati VAIw "it is rotten; it is decayed (e.g. tree, apple)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pikiwaskâpiw:pikiwaskâpi VAIw "s/he has gummy eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pikîhkâtam:pikîhkâta VTIm "s/he caulks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pikîhkêkâtam:pikîhkêkâta VTIm "s/he smears pitch on s.t.; s/he waterproofs s.t. by smearing pitch on it" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pikîhkêw:pikîhkê VAIw "s/he makes pitch" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pikohkwêswêw:pikohkwêsw VTA "s/he cuts s.o., s/he lances s.o.; s/he bleeds s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pikwâhtin:pikwâhtin VIIn "it is dull" ; ! AEW: VII-n pikwâhwêw:pikwâhw VTA "s/he pierces s.o. with tool or bullet" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pikwâskawêw:pikwâskaw VTA "s/he pierces s.o. by foot or body movement" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pikwâstahwêw:pikwâstahw VTA "s/he pierces s.o.'s skin" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pikwâtahwêw:pikwâtahw VTA "s/he pricks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pikwâtayêhwêw:pikwâtayêhw VTA "s/he pierces s.o. in the belly by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pimaham:pimaha VTIm "s/he travels down the river" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pimahokow:pimahoko VAIw "s/he drifts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimahotêw:pimahotê VIIw "it drifts" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimakocin:pimakocin3 VAIn "s/he flies past; s/he moves along, s/he goes by; it works, it is in working order (e.g. clock, car)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pimakotêw:pimakotê VIIw "it flies past; it runs along, it operates, it works, it is in working order (e.g. tape-recorder)" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimamon:pimamon VIIn "it runs along, it passes along" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimamow:pimamo VIIw "it passes along" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimapiw:pimapi VAIw "s/he sits along a place" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimaskatêw:pimaskat3 VTA "s/he goes along leaving s.o. outdistanced" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pimastêw:pimastê VIIw "it is placed in linear fashion, it runs along, it lies along" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimâcihâwasow:pimâcihâwaso VAIw "s/he makes a living for his/her children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimâcihêw:pimâcih VTA "s/he saves s.o., s/he revives s.o., s/he restores s.o.; s/he makes s.o. live, s/he gives life to s.o., s/he keeps s.o. alive, s/he lets s.o. live; s/he makes a living for s.o., s/he sustains s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimâcihisow:pimâcihiso VAIw "s/he makes a living for him/herself, s/he is able to support him/herself; s/he restores him/herself to life, s/he cures him/herself; s/he makes him/herself live" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimâcihiwêw:pimâcihiwê VAIw "s/he gives people life" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimâcihow:pimâciho VAIw "s/he travels; s/he lives, s/he makes him/herself live, s/he makes a living (from s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimâcihtâw:pimâcihtâ VTIw "s/he keeps s.t. alive (e.g. a plant)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pimâhtawâtêw:pimâhtawât3 VTA "s/he climbs along on s.o., s/he crosses over on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pimâhtawîw:pimâhtawî VAIw "s/he climbs along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimâmow:pimâmo VAIw "s/he flees along, s/he flees past" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimâpahtêw:pimâpahtê VIIw "it floats along as smoke, it is smoke blowing a long way" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimâpakow:pimâpako VAIw "s/he floats downstream with the current" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimâpamêw:pimâpam VTA "s/he sees s.o. pass" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimâpêkamow:pimâpêkamo VIIw "it is strung about clinging to things" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimâpotêw:pimâpotê VIIw "it flows along" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimâsiw:pimâsi VAIw "s/he sails; s/he is blown about by the wind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimâskohtin:pimâskohtin VIIn "it lies on the ground (e.g. a log)" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimâskosin:pimâskosin3 VAIn "s/he lies along the road (e.g. a fallen tree or person)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pimâstamahcâw:pimâstamahcâ VIIw "it is a hill facing sideways" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimâstan:pimâstan VIIn "it is blown about by the wind, it sails about in the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimâtakâskow:pimâtakâsko VAIw "s/he walks on ice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimâtakâw:pimâtakâ VAIw "s/he swims along, s/he swims by; s/he wades by" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimâtan:pimâtan VIIn "it has life, it lives" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimâtisihtâw:pimâtisihtâ VTIw "s/he keeps s.t. alive" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pimâtisiw:pimâtisi VAIw "s/he lives, s/he is alive" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimâtisiwiniwiw:pimâtisiwiniwi VIIw "it is life" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimâtisîtotam:pimâtisîtota VTIm "s/he lives his/her life; s/he lives his/her life by s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pimêyihtam:pimêyihta VTIm "s/he keeps s.t. in mind" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pimêyimêw:pimêyim VTA "s/he keeps s.o. in mind" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimêyimow:pimêyimo VAIw "s/he goes about thinking well of him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimi-ayahikêw:pimi-ayahikê VAIw "s/he goes along covering things with dirt" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimi-cikâstêpayiw:pimi-cikâstêpayi VAIw "s/he has his/her shadow pass by; s/he casts a shadow in passing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimi-kwâskohtiw:pimi-kwâskohti VAIw "s/he jumps along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimi-pakitinam:pimi-pakitina VTIm "s/he drops s.t. (along the way)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pimi-tahkonam:pimi-tahkona VTIm "s/he goes past carrying s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pimi-tahkonêw:pimi-tahkon VTA "s/he goes past carrying s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimi-têhci-kociskâwêstawêw:pimi-têhci-kociskâwêstaw VTA "s/he races along with s.o. on horseback" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pimi-têhci-kociskâwêw:pimi-têhci-kociskâwê VAIw "s/he races along on horseback" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimi-têhcipayîstawêw:pimi-têhcipayîstaw VTA "s/he rides along with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pimi-têhtapiw:pimi-têhtapi VAIw "s/he goes past on horseback" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimi-wayawîhtahêw:Pimi-wayawîhtah VTA "s/he goes past taking s.o. outside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimi-wayawîhtatâw:pimi-wayawîhtatâ VTIw "s/he goes past taking s.t. outside" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pimicastâw:pimicastâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. alongside" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pimicastêw:pimicastê VIIw "it is set alongside" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimicimêw:pimicimê VAIw "s/he canoes along, paddle along; it swims (e.g. animal, not human)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimicipayiw:pimicipayi VAIw "s/he goes across, s/he rides across, s/he rides sidewise" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimiciwan:pimiciwan VIIn "it flows, it flows along (as a stream)" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimiciyowêw:pimiciyowê VIIw "it blows from the side" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimihâmakan:pimihâmakan VIIn "it flies" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimihâw:pimihâ VAIw "s/he flies, s/he flies along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimihtin:pimihtin VIIn "it goes past, it goes along (e.g. river, trail); it streams, it flows by; it lies extended" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimikâpawiw:pimikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands by" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piminawasosiw:piminawasosi VAIw "s/he cooks a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piminawasow:piminawaso VAIw "s/he cooks, s/he does the cooking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piminawatêw:piminawat3 VTA "s/he cooks for s.o., s/he cooks a meal for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pimipahcâsiw:pimipahcâsi VAIw "s/he trots, s/he runs a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimipahêw:pimipah VTA "s/he carries s.o. along" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimipahtâhêw:pimipahtâh VTA "s/he makes s.o. run" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimipahtâw:pimipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimipahtâwipayisiw:pimipahtâwipayisi VAIw "s/he breaks into a little run along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimipayihêw:pimipayih VTA "s/he gives s.o. a trial run (e.g. car); s/he starts s.o., s/he starts the motor" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimipayihow:pimipayiho VAIw "s/he moves along, s/he run along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimipayihtâw:pimipayihtâ VTIw "s/he runs s.t., s/he operates s.t., (e.g. machine, program); s/he keeps s.t. up, s/he exercises s.t.; s/he conducts s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pimipayin:pimipayin VIIn "it works, it goes, it functions; it runs, it runs along" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimipayiw:pimipayi VAIw "s/he rides along, s/he moves along; it is on (e.g. motor, electricity); it exists currently" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimipayiw:pimipayi VIIw "it moves along; it runs by, it goes on; it is on, it operates" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimipiciw:pimipici VAIw "s/he moves camp, s/he travels, s/he goes past in a wagon with his/her belongings, s/he is moving" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimisêwêw:pimisêwê VAIw "s/he is heard passing by (with bells on)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimisimêw:pimisim VTA "s/he lays s.o. extended, s/he lays s.o. on the ground or bed" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimisimow:pimisimo VAIw "s/he dances by, s/he dances along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimisin:pimisin3 VAIn "s/he lies, s/he lies down, s/he lies extended" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pimiskanawêw:pimiskanawê VAIw "s/he makes tracks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimiskâw:pimiskâ VAIw "s/he swims by; s/he paddles by in a canoe, boat; s/he paddles, s/he rows" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimitamow:pimitamo VIIw "it is a crosswise road, it lies crosswise" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimitapiw:pimitapi VAIw "s/he sits across" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimitastâw:pimitastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. crosswise, across the way" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pimitastêw:pimitastê VIIw "it lies sideways; it is a bunk (on a wagon)" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimitâcimosiw:pimitâcimosi VAIw "s/he crawls a bit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimitâcimoskiw:pimitâcimoski VAIw "s/he crawls constantly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimitâcimow:pimitâcimo VAIw "s/he crawls about, s/he crawls around, s/he creeps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimitâpâsow:pimitâpâso VAIw "s/he drives about, s/he drives by, s/he drives around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimitâskosin:pimitâskosin3 VAIn "it lies across" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pimitâskostâw:pimitâskostâ VTIw "s/he lays s.t. across, crosswise" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pimitinam:pimitina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. crosswise" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pimitinêw:pimitin VTA "s/he holds s.o. crosswise" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimitisaham:pimitisaha VTIm "s/he follows s.t.; s/he sends s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pimitisahikêw:pimitisahikê VAIw "s/he follows, s/he follows people, s/he tags along, s/he is a follower" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimitisahwêw:pimitisahw VTA "s/he follows behind s.o., s/he drives s.o. along; s/he sends s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pimitohtêw:pimitohtê VAIw "s/he walks sidewise, across" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimiwihêw:pimiwih VTA "s/he carries s.o. along; s/he takes s.o. along (e.g. clock, watch)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimiwitâw:pimiwitâ VTIw "s/he carries s.t. along" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pimîcihcêw:pimîcihcê VAIw "s/he has oily hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimîhêw:pimîh VTA "s/he makes s.o. oily" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimîhkawêw:pimîhkaw VTA "s/he renders fat for s.o., s/he makes grease for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pimîhkâkêw:pimîhkâkê VAIw "s/he renders grease from s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimîhkêw:pimîhkê VAIw "s/he makes pemmican" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimîwakan:pimîwakan VIIn "it smells greasy, oily" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: possibly also: pimîwimâkwan pimîwan:pimîwan VIIn "it contains oil; it is greasy" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimîwastêw:pimîwastê VIIw "it forms fat" ; ! AEW: VII-v pimîwihtin:pimîwihtin VIIn "it settles and forms fat" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimocikêw:pimocikê VAIw "s/he shoots arrows, s/he shoots with a slingshot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimohcêsiw:pimohcêsi VAIw "s/he begins to walk; s/he walks a little (as a child)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimohtahêw:pimohtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. along; s/he walks with s.o., s/he makes s.o. walk" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pimohtatâw:pimohtatâ VTIw "s/he carries s.t., s/he takes s.t. along, s/he travels with s.t., s/he has s.t. along; s/he transports s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pimohtêhow:pimohtêho VAIw "s/he travels" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimohtêmakan:pimohtêmakan VIIn "it goes on its own, it goes on, it functions" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimohtêmakisiw:pimohtêmakisi VAIw "it goes, it is in use, it functions" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimohtêskanawan:pimohtêskanawan VIIn "it is a foot path or trail" ; ! AEW: VII-n pimohtêw:pimohtê VAIw "s/he walks, s/he walks along; s/he goes along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimosinâtam:pimosinâta VTIm "s/he throws a stone (or object) at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pimosinâtêw:pimosinât3 VTA "s/he throws a stone (or object) at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pimosinêw:pimosinê VAIw "s/he throws something (as a rock into the river)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimotahkwêhêw:pimotahkwêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. shoot with bow and arrow" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: alternatively: pimot- + /-ahkw-/ + /-ê/ + /-h/ pimotahkwêw:pimotahkwê VAIw "s/he shoots with bow and arrow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: alternatively: pimot- + /-ahkw-/ + /-ê/ pimotam:pimota VTIm "s/he shoots an arrow at s.t.; s/he shoots s.t. with an arrow" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pimotêw:pimot3 VTA "s/he shoots an arrow at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pimowatêw:pimowatê VAIw "s/he carries a load" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimôsêwêw:pimôsêwê VAIw "s/he bears children regularly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimwasinêw:pimwasinê VAIw "s/he throws something, s/he heaves something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pimwêw:pimw VTA "s/he shoots s.o. with arrow" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pinahêsêw:pinahêsê VAIw "s/he scales fish" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pinahwêw:pinahw VTA "s/he scales s.o. (i.e. fish)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pinakocin:pinakocin3 VAIn "s/he falls down from aloft" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pinasiwêtisahwêw:pinasiwêtisahw VTA "s/he sends s.o. down, s/he chases s.o. down, s/he drives s.o. downward" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pinasiwêw:pinasiwê VAIw "s/he goes downward" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pinâwêw:pinâwê VAIw "s/he lays eggs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pinikanêw:pinikanê VAIw "s/he is listless, s/he feels weak" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pinipakâw:pinipakâ VIIw "it is leaf-fall" ; ! AEW: VII-v pinipayihow:pinipayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pinipayiw:pinipayi VAIw "s/he goes downward, s/he falls" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pinipocikêw:pinipocikê VAIw "s/he grinds, s/he is grinding" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pinipohêw:pinipoh VTA "s/he grinds s.o. (e.g. wheat)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pinipotâw:pinipotâ VTIw "s/he grinds s.t. (e.g. meat)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pipon:pipon VIIn "it is winter; is one year" ; ! AEW: VII-n piponâspinêw:piponâspinê VAIw "s/he has polio" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piponihêwiw:piponihêwi VAIw "s/he stays in winter" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piponisiw:piponisi VAIw "s/he camps for the winter" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piponwêw:piponwê VAIw "s/he is one winter old; s/he is one year old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pisci-otinam:pisci-otina VTIm "s/he takes s.t. by accident" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pisci-otinêw:pisci-otin VTA "s/he takes s.o. by accident" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pisci-pakamiskawêw:pisci-pakamiskaw VTA "s/he bumps s.o. accidentally" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pisci-sîkinam:pisci-sîkina VTIm "s/he spills s.t. accidentally" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pisci-tôtam:pisci-tôta VTIm "s/he does s.t. by accident" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pisci-tôtawêw:pisci-tôtaw VTA "s/he does so to s.o. by accident" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 piscikahosow:piscikahoso VAIw "s/he chops him/herself by accident" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piscipitam:piscipita VTIm "s/he accidentally drags s.t. along" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 piscipitêw:piscipit3 VTA "s/he accidentally drags s.o. along" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 piscipohêw:piscipoh VTA "s/he poisons s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 piscipohitowak:piscipohito VAIw_PL "they poison one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piscipohtâw:piscipohtâ VTIw "s/he poisons s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 piscipow:piscipo VAIw "s/he is poisoned" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piscipôskâkow:piscipôskaw VTA "it poisons him/her" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pisikwâtêyihtam:pisikwâtêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks immorally" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pisikwâtêyimêw:pisikwâtêyim VTA "s/he thinks of s.o. as an adulterer/adulteress; s/he thinks s.o. is immoral" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pisikwâtisiw:pisikwâtisi VAIw "he is bold with women; she is bold with men; s/he commits adultery" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pisin:pisin3 VAIn "s/he gets something in his/her eye" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pisisikwastêw:pisisikwastê VIIw "it stands empty" ; ! AEW: VII-v pisisikwâw:pisisikwâ VIIw "it is empty" ; ! AEW: VII-v pisiskâpahtam:pisiskâpahta VTIm "s/he notices s.t., s/he observes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pisiskâpamêw:pisiskâpam VTA "s/he notices s.o., s/he observes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pisiskêyihcikêw:pisiskêyihcikê VAIw "s/he regards things, s/he looks after things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pisiskêyihtam:pisiskêyihta VTIm "s/he pays attention to s.t., s/he cares for s.t., s/he watches over s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pisiskêyihtamawêw:pisiskêyihtamaw VTA "s/he cares for (it/him) for s.o.; s/he looks after (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pisiskêyimêw:pisiskêyim VTA "s/he pays attention to s.o., s/he takes care of s.o.; s/he deals with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: pâh-pisiskêýimêw pisiskîwiw:pisiskîwi VAIw "it is an animal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pisistôsiwan:pisistôsiwan VIIn "it is a small whirlwind" ; ! AEW: VII-n piskihcastâw:piskihcastâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. separately" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 piskihcâsin:piskihcâsin VIIn "it is a separate compartment" ; ! AEW: VII-n piskihcâw:piskihcâ VIIw "it is partitioned off" ; ! AEW: VII-v piskihcâyâw:piskihcâyâ VIIw "it is separate; it is by itself" ; ! AEW: VII-v piskihci-kipaham:piskihci-kipaha VTIm "s/he partitions s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 piskihcikamikohkêw:piskihcikamikohkê VAIw "s/he makes a separate room" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piskihcikwâtam:piskihcikwâta VTIm "s/he sews an extension on s.t. (e.g. canvas)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 piskihcikwâtêw:piskihcikwât3 VTA "s/he sews an extension on s.o. (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 piskihcisin:piskihcisin3 VAIn "s/he lies by him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-n piskihtahêw:piskihtah VTA "s/he puts s.o. separately" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 piskihtastâw:piskihtastâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. separately" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 piskihtinam:piskihtina VTIm "s/he holds s.t. separately" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 piskihtinêw:piskihtin VTA "s/he holds s.o. separately" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 piskihtisahwêw:piskihtisahw VTA "s/he drives s.o. away separately (as one cow from the herd); s/he drives s.o. apart" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 piskihtisiw:piskihtisi VAIw "it is apart (as an orange broken into sections), it is in separate sections" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piskosiw:piskosi VAIw "s/he has a lump, s/he has a growth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piskwahcâw:piskwahcâ VIIw "it is a knoll" ; ! AEW: VII-v piskwahpitwâw:piskwahpitwâ VAIw "s/he has his/her hair tied in a knot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v piskwatâpiskataham:piskwatâpiskataha VTIm "s/he shapes a metal knob on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 piskwatâpiskatahwêw:piskwatâpiskatahw VTA "s/he shapes a metal knob on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 piskwatinâw:piskwatinâ VIIw "it is a mound" ; ! AEW: VII-v piskwâw:piskwâ VIIw "it is lumpy, it has a lump" ; ! AEW: VII-v piskwâwikanêw:piskwâwikanê VAIw "it has a lumpy back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pisoham:pisoha VTIm "s/he stumbles over s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pisomêw:pisom VTA "s/he hurts s.o.'s feelings by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pisosimêw:pisosim VTA "s/he makes s.o. stumble" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pisosin:pisosin3 VAIn "s/he tumbles, s/he stumbles" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pisositêsin:pisositêsin3 VAIn "s/he stumbles over his/her own feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pisoskam:pisoska VTIm "s/he stumbles over s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pisoskawêw:pisoskaw VTA "s/he hits against s.o. with foot or body" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pistaham:pistaha VTIm "s/he hits s.t. accidentally (with an object)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pistahosow:pistahoso VAIw "s/he shoots or hits him/herself by mistake" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pistahowêw:pistahowê VAIw "s/he shoots people by accident" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pistahtam:pistahta VTIm "s/he bites s.t. by mistake" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pistahwêw:pistahw VTA "s/he shoots or knocks s.o. by mistake, s/he hits s.o. accidentally (with an object)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pistamêw:pistam VTA "s/he bites s.o. by mistake" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pistinam:pistina VTIm "s/he takes s.t. accidentally, by mistake" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pistinêw:pistin VTA "s/he takes s.o. accidentally, by mistake" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pistisam:pistisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. accidentally" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pistiskam:pistiska VTIm "s/he steps on s.t. accidentally, s/he bumps or knocks into s.t. by mistake" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pistiskawêw:pistiskaw VTA "s/he steps on s.o. accidentally, s/he bumps or knocks into s.o. by mistake" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pistiskâkêw:pistiskâkê VAIw "s/he steps on people by accident" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pistisosow:pistisoso VAIw "s/he cuts him/herself accidentally" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pistiswêw:pistisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. accidentally" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 piswaham:piswaha VTIm "s/he gets snagged on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 piswahcahikêw:piswahcahikê VAIw "s/he stumbles, s/he stumbles on things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pitihkohtin:pitihkohtin VIIn "it falls with a thud" ; ! AEW: VII-n pitihkopahtâw:pitihkopahtâ VAIw "s/he runs thudding" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pitihkopayiw:pitihkopayi VAIw "s/he goes thudding" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pitihkosin:pitihkosin3 VAIn "s/he makes a noise falling, s/he falls with a thud" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pitihkow:pitihko VAIw "s/he makes a noise" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pitihkwaskamikisiw:pitihkwaskamikisi VAIw "s/he makes crashing noises (e.g. breaking dishes)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pitihkwêkâstan:pitihkwêkâstan VIIn "it flaps noisily in the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n pitihkwêw:pitihkwê VIIw "it thuds, it makes a noise" ; ! AEW: VII-v pitikohkwêw:pitikohkwê VAIw "s/he has a round face or snout" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pitikokiw:pitikoki VAIw "s/he is growing round (e.g. chubby child); s/he is humped up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pitikonam:pitikona VTIm "s/he shapes s.t., s/he forms s.t. into patties; s/he folds s.t. small; s/he holds s.t. in a bundle" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pitikonêw:pitikon VTA "s/he shapes s.o., s/he forms s.o. into patties; s/he folds s.o. small; s/he holds s.o. in a bundle" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pitikonikâtêw:pitikonikâtê VIIw "it is shaped, it is formed into patties" ; ! AEW: VII-v pitikopayihow:pitikopayiho VAIw "s/he doubles him/herself up, s/he crouches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pitikosin:pitikosin3 VAIn "s/he lies rolled up, s/he lies doubled up" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pitikosiw:pitikosi VAIw "s/he is short and fat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pitikow:pitiko VAIw "s/he doubles him/herself up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pitikwahpitam:pitikwahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. in a bundle" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pitikwahpitêw:pitikwahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. in a bundle" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pitikwapiw:pitikwapi VAIw "s/he sits hunched" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pitikwâw:pitikwâ VIIw "it is all in a lump" ; ! AEW: VII-v pitikwêkinam:pitikwêkina VTIm "s/he rolls s.t. small as cloth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pitikwêkinêw:pitikwêkin VTA "s/he rolls s.o. small as cloth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 piyahwêw:piyahw VTA "s/he scrapes the scales from s.o.; s/he scales s.o. (i.e. fish)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 piyêsiwiw:piyêsiwi VIIw "it is a thunderstorm" ; ! AEW: VII-v piyêsîsiskâw:piyêsîsiskâ VIIw "there are an abundance of birds; birds are numerous" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîcicipayiw:pîcicipayi VAIw "s/he bursts forth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîcicipitam:pîcicipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. forth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîcicîw:pîcicî VAIw "s/he Round Dances, s/he dances a Round Dance; s/he dances in the pow-wow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîcicîwinihkêw:pîcicîwinihkê VAIw "s/he organizes or holds a Round Dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîcitisin:pîcitisin3 VAIn "s/he lies facing speaker" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pîhawawâskwêyâw:pîhawawâskwêyâ VIIw "it is open land" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîhcâsin:pîhcâsin VIIn "it is quite a ways" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîhcâw:pîhcâ VIIw "it extends far, it is far off, it is a long way" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîhcihâw:pîhcihâ VAIw "s/he flies inside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhcihtin:pîhcihtin VIIn "it fits inside" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîhcipayiw:pîhcipayi VAIw "s/he falls into (something)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhciwêpinam:pîhciwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. into (something)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhciwêpinêw:pîhciwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. into (something)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhciyowêw:pîhciyowê VIIw "it blows in, it is a wind blowing in" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîhcwâsiw:pîhcwâsi VAIw "s/he smokes a little" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhkinam:pîhkina VTIm "s/he bends s.t. over; s/he shapes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhkinêw:pîhkin VTA "s/he bends s.o. over" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhkipayiw:pîhkipayi VIIw "it bends at an angle" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîhkipitonêw:pîhkipitonê VAIw "s/he has a bent arm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhkipitonêyiw:pîhkipitonêyi VAIw "s/he bends his/her arm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhkohtâw:pîhkohtâ VTIw "s/he earns s.t. (by working)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pîhkosin:pîhkosin3 VAIn "s/he cuts him/herself on ice in falling" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pîhkwâsin:pîhkwâsin VIIn "it is quite sharp" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîhkwâtin:pîhkwâtin VIIn "it is sharp" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîhtamohtâw:pîhtamohtâ VTIw "s/he fits s.t. inside another part" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pîhtaskinêw:pîhtaskinê VAIw "s/he is inside (a container or box)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtatiwânihkawêw:pîhtatiwânihkaw VTA "s/he makes a quiver for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîhtatiwânihkêw:pîhtatiwânihkê VAIw "s/he makes a quiver" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtawêkinam:pîhtawêkina VTIm "s/he lines s.t. (i.e. lining of a robe, jacket); s/he insulates s.t. (e.g. building)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhtawêkinêw:pîhtawêkin VTA "s/he lines s.o. (e.g. mitts, pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhtawêkwâtam:pîhtawêkwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t. as lining into a garment; s/he sews s.t. in between covers, s/he sews covers on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhtawêkwâtêw:pîhtawêkwât3 VTA "s/he sews s.o. as lining into a garment; s/he sews s.o. in between covers, s/he sews covers on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîhtawêpisam:pîhtawêpisa VTIm "s/he cuts a piece from the inside of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhtâkonêw:pîhtâkonê VAIw "s/he gets snow in his/her shoes; s/he loads snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtâpâwahêw:pîhtâpâwah VTA "s/he gives s.o. an enema" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhtâpâwatâw:pîhtâpâwatâ VTIw "s/he puts liquid into s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pîhtâsow:pîhtâso VAIw "s/he loads, s/he loads his/her gun" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtikwê-âwacimihtêw:pîhtikwê-âwacimihtê VAIw "s/he hauls firewood inside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtikwêsitêw:pîhtikwêsitê VAIw "s/he has inward feet, s/he is pigeon-toed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtikwêw:pîhtikwê VAIw "s/he enters, s/he comes in" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtikwêyâmow:pîhtikwêyâmo VAIw "s/he flees inside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokahêw:pîhtokah VTA "s/he brings s.o. inside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhtokatâw:pîhtokatâ VTIw "s/he brings s.t. in" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pîhtokawêw:pîhtokaw VTA "s/he enters s.o.'s abode, s/he enters to visit s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîhtokê-âwatâw:pîhtokê-âwat VTIw "s/he hauls s.t. inside" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pîhtokê-âwatêw:pîhtokê-âwat3 VTA "s/he hauls s.o. inside" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîhtokê-wêpinam:pîhtokê-wêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. in, s/he flings s.t. inside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhtokê-wêpinêw:pîhtokê-wêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. in, s/he flings s.o. inside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhtokêhâw:pîhtokêhâ VAIw "s/he flies in" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokêkocin:pîhtokêkocin3 VAIn "s/he flies in, s/he falls in" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pîhtokêpahêw:pîhtokêpah VTA "s/he runs in with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhtokêpayihêw:pîhtokêpayih VTA "s/he makes s.o. go in" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhtokêpayihow:pîhtokêpayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself in" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokêpayiw:pîhtokêpayi VAIw "s/he goes in accidentally, s/he falls in" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokêpitam:pîhtokêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. inside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhtokêpitêw:pîhtokêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. inside" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîhtokêtâcimow:pîhtokêtâcimo VAIw "s/he crawls in" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokêtisahwêw:pîhtokêtisahw VTA "s/he sends s.o. in; s/he drives in, s/he chases s.o. in" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pîhtokêtisinam:pîhtokêtisina VTIm "s/he hands s.t. in" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhtokêw:pîhtokê VAIw "s/he enters, s/he goes in" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokêyâmow:pîhtokêyâmo VAIw "s/he flees indoors" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokêyâstan:pîhtokêyâstan VIIn "it is blown in" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîhtokwahêw:pîhtokwah VTA "s/he makes s.o. enter, s/he makes s.o. go inside, s/he takes s.o. inside, s/he brings s.o. inside; s/he allows s.o. to enter" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhtokwatamâkêw:pîhtokwatamâkê VAIw "s/he brings (it/him) inside for people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokwatâw:pîhtokwatâ VTIw "s/he brings s.t. inside" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pîhtokwêhâw:pîhtokwêhâ VAIw "s/he flies in" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokwêhêw:pîhtokwêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. enter; s/he takes s.o. inside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhtokwêkocin:pîhtokwêkocin3 VAIn "s/he flies inside, s/he comes flying inside" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pîhtokwêmon:pîhtokwêmon VIIn "it goes into (as a door, gate, room); it enters (as a path), it runs in" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîhtokwêpahtâw:pîhtokwêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs inside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokwêpayiw:pîhtokwêpayi VAIw "s/he falls in (as the door is opened)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokwêpihâw:pîhtokwêpihâ VAIw "s/he flies inside, s/he enters by flying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokwêtâcimow:pîhtokwêtâcimo VAIw "s/he crawls inside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokwêw:pîhtokwê VAIw "s/he enters, s/he goes inside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtokwêyâmow:pîhtokwêyâmo VAIw "s/he runs into a building, s/he runs inside, s/he flees inside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtonam:pîhtona VTIm "s/he peels s.t. by hand (e.g. tree bark)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhtonêw:pîhton VTA "s/he peels s.o. by hand (e.g. fruit)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhtopayiw:pîhtopayi VAIw "s/he peels (e.g. sunburnt skin), s/he sheds his/her skin; it sheds its bark (e.g. tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtopitam:pîhtopita VTIm "s/he peels (it) from s.t.; s/he peels off s.t.'s skin" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhtopitêw:pîhtopit3 VTA "s/he peels, s/he pulls, s/he removes (e.g. skin or bark) from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîhtosam:pîhtosa VTIm "s/he peels s.t. with a knife" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhtoswêw:pîhtosw VTA "s/he peels s.o. with a knife" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pîhtwamêw:pîhtwam VTA "s/he eats the outer skin of s.o. (i.e. fruit)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhtwâhêw:pîhtwâh VTA "s/he gives s.o. a smoke; s/he gives s.o. to smoke; s/he makes s.o. smoke" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîhtwâhkâsow:pîhtwâhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to smoke" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtwâkâkêw:pîhtwâkâkê VAIw "s/he uses s.t. to smoke with" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtwâkêw:pîhtwâkê VAIw "s/he smokes with something, s/he uses something in the pipe, s/he uses something as tobacco; s/he smokes things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtwâskiw:pîhtwâski VAIw "s/he is fond of smoking; s/he smokes continually" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtwâtam:pîhtwâta VTIm "s/he smokes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîhtwâtêw:pîhtwât3 VTA "s/he smokes s.o. (e.g. tobacco)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîhtwâw:pîhtwâ VAIw "s/he smokes; s/he smokes the pipe, s/he uses the pipe; s/he has a pipe ceremony; s/he is a nicotine addict" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîhtwâwinihkêw:pîhtwâwinihkê VAIw "s/he arranges a pipe ceremony; s/he gives a smoking ceremony" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkinaham:pîkinaha VTIm "s/he breaks lumps of s.t. into pieces" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkinataham:pîkinataha VTIm "s/he chops s.t. into pieces" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkinatahwêw:pîkinatahw VTA "s/he chops s.o. into pieces, s/he chops s.o. small" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pîkinihkosow:pîkinihkoso VAIw "s/he is cut into small pieces" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkinikaham:pîkinikaha VTIm "s/he hews s.t. small" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkinikahwêw:pîkinikahw VTA "s/he hews s.o. small" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pîkinipayiw:pîkinipayi VAIw "it crumbles; it breaks into pieces" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkinisam:pîkinisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. into small pieces" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkiniswêw:pîkinisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. into small pieces" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pîkisêmahan:pîkisêmahan VIIn "it is foggy on the water" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîkisênam:pîkisêna VTIm "s/he has blurred vision" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkisêyâw:pîkisêyâ VIIw "it is foggy, it is misty" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîkiskâcihêw:pîkiskâcih VTA "s/he makes s.o. lonely and sad" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîkiskâcihtâkosiw:pîkiskâcihtâkosi VAIw "s/he sounds mournful, sad" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkiskâcihtâkwan:pîkiskâcihtâkwan VIIn "it sounds mournful, sad" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîkiskâcimêw:pîkiskâcim VTA "s/he makes s.o. lonely (by speech)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîkiskâcinâkosiw:pîkiskâcinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks lonely and sad" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkiskâcinâkwan:pîkiskâcinâkwan VIIn "it looks lonely and gloomy" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîkiskâtam:pîkiskâta VTIm "s/he is lonesome, lonely, s/he feels sad; s/he longs for s.t., s/he grieves for s.t., s/he finds (s.t.) lonely" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkiskâtêw:pîkiskât3 VTA "s/he is lonesome for s.o., s/he longs for s.o., s/he grieves for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîkiskâtêyihtam:pîkiskâtêyihta VTIm "s/he is troubled and lonely (about s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkiskâtêyimêw:pîkiskâtêyim VTA "s/he is troubled and lonely because of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîkiskâtikosiw:pîkiskâtikosi VAIw "s/he is sad and lonely" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkiskâtikwan:pîkiskâtikwan VIIn "it is a sad situation" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîkiskâtisiw:pîkiskâtisi VAIw "s/he is lonesome, s/he is sad, s/he suffers grief" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkiskwâtam:pîkiskwâta VTIm "s/he speaks to s.t., s/he talks to s.t.; s/he speaks about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkiskwâtêw:pîkiskwât3 VTA "s/he speaks to s.o., s/he talks to s.o.; s/he speaks about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîkiskwâtisow:pîkiskwâtiso VAIw "s/he speaks to him/herself, s/he speaks about him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkiskwâtitowak:pîkiskwâtito VAIw_PL "they speak to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkiskwêhêw:pîkiskwêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. speak, s/he gets s.o. to speak" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîkiskwêmakan:pîkiskwêmakan VIIn "it speaks, it talks, it uses words" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîkiskwêpayiw:pîkiskwêpayi VAIw "s/he bursts into speech" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkiskwêskiw:pîkiskwêski VAIw "s/he is talkative" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkiskwêstamawêw:pîkiskwêstamaw VTA "s/he speaks for s.o., s/he speaks on s.o.'s behalf" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîkiskwêstamâkêw:pîkiskwêstamâkê VAIw "s/he speaks for other, s/he speaks on others- behalf" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkiskwêstamâsow:pîkiskwêstamâso VAIw "s/he speaks for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkiskwêstawêw:pîkiskwêstaw VTA "s/he speaks for s.o., s/he speaks on s.o.'s behalf" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîkiskwêw:pîkiskwê VAIw "s/he speaks, s/he talks, s/he use words, s/he makes a speech" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkocin:pîkocin3 VAIn "s/he is torn by thorns, slivers; s/he gets cut on a snag, thorn" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pîkohkasam:pîkohkasa VTIm "s/he burns s.t. to pieces" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkohkaswêw:pîkohkasw VTA "s/he burns s.o. to pieces" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pîkohkwêpayiw:pîkohkwêpayi VAIw "s/he has pimples, acne" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkohtin:pîkohtin VIIn "it is broken falling, it breaks while falling" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîkohtitam:pîkohtita VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. by dropping" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkohtitâw:pîkohtitâ VTIw "s/he breaks s.t. by dropping" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pîkohtitêw:pîkohtit3 VTA "s/he breaks s.o. by dropping" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîkokonêwêpayiw:pîkokonêwêpayi VAIw "s/he has cracks in his/her mouth, s/he has his/her mouth break out in blisters (e.g. from thrush); s/he has canker sores" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkonam:pîkona VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkonêw:pîkon VTA "s/he breaks s.o. by hand; s/he tames s.o.; s/he breaks up s.o.'s house" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîkonikâtêw:pîkonikâtê VIIw "it is broken, it is torn, it is broken down" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîkonikêmakan:pîkonikêmakan VIIn "it causes things to break down" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîkonikêw:pîkonikê VAIw "s/he breaks things; s/he is destructive" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkopayin:pîkopayin VIIn "it is broken; it breaks down" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîkopayiw:pîkopayi VAIw "it is broken, torn; it breaks down; s/he is broke, s/he is without monetary funds" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkopayiw:pîkopayi VAIw "s/he has chicken pox" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkopayiw:pîkopayi VIIw "it is broken" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîkopicikâtêw:pîkopicikâtê VIIw "it is ploughed soil, it is cultivated" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîkopicikêhêw:pîkopicikêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. plough, s/he uses s.o. (e.g. oxen) in ploughing; s/he hires s.o. to plough" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîkopicikêstamawêw:pîkopicikêstamaw VTA "s/he ploughs (land) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîkopicikêw:pîkopicikê VAIw "s/he ploughs, s/he does the ploughing, s/he breaks land" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkopitam:pîkopita VTIm "s/he tears s.t., s/he breaks s.t. (e.g. soil), s/he ploughs s.t. (e.g. field)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkopitamawêw:pîkopitamaw VTA "s/he breaks (it) for s.o., s/he ploughs (it) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîkopitêw:pîkopit3 VTA "s/he tears s.o. to pieces, s/he tears s.o. apart" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîkosam:pîkosa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. to pieces, s/he cuts s.t. up, s/he ruins s.t. by cutting" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkosikêw:pîkosikê VAIw "s/he cuts things to pieces, s/he destroys by cutting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkosimêw:pîkosim VTA "s/he throws s.o. to break, s/he breaks s.o. on something, s/he breaks s.o. by dropping" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîkosin:pîkosin3 VAIn "s/he is broken (by falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pîkoskam:pîkoska VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. (by foot or body)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkoskamawêw:pîkoskamaw VTA "s/he breaks (it/him) by foot or body for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîkoskawêw:pîkoskaw VTA "s/he breaks s.o. by foot movement; s/he wears s.o. out (by sitting; i.e. pants) ;; s/he wears out his/her pants" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîkostikwânêsin:pîkostikwânêsin3 VAIn "s/he falls and breaks his/her head" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pîkoswêw:pîkosw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. up, s/he cuts s.o. to pieces, s/he cuts up s.o.'s house, s/he ruins s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pîkowêpaham:pîkowêpaha VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. (by prying with a bar)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkowêpiskam:pîkowêpiska VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. by a swift kick" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkowêpiskawêw:pîkowêpiskaw VTA "s/he breaks s.o. by a swift kick" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîkwaham:pîkwaha VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. (with a bar)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkwahtam:pîkwahta VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. by mouth or teeth; s/he bites, s/he chews holes in s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkwahtamawêw:pîkwahtamaw VTA "s/he breaks (it/him) by mouth or teeth for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîkwahwêw:pîkwahw VTA "s/he breaks s.o. (by prying with a bar)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pîkwamêw:pîkwam VTA "s/he breaks s.o. by mouth or teeth, s/he chews s.o. up, s/he chews holes in s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîkwaskisinêpayiw:pîkwaskisinêpayi VAIw "s/he goes with torn moccasins" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkwaskisinêw:pîkwaskisinê VAIw "s/he tears his/her moccasin, s/he has a torn moccasin" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkwataham:pîkwataha VTIm "s/he chops s.t. to pieces; s/he breaks s.t. by striking" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkwatahwêw:pîkwatahw VTA "s/he breaks s.o. with axe; s/he breaks s.o. by striking" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pîkwâsiw:pîkwâsi VAIw "it breaks (in the wind)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîkwâskawêw:pîkwâskaw VTA "s/he breaks through s.o. (as ice)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîkwâstan:pîkwâstan VIIn "it breaks in the wind; it is blown to pieces" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîkwêyihtam:pîkwêyihta VTIm "s/he is worried about s.t., s/he is sad and troubled" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîkwêyihtamihêw:pîkwêyihtamih VTA "s/he causes s.o. mental anguish" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîmaham:pîmaha VTIm "s/he twists s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîmahikêw:pîmahikê VAIw "s/he twists things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîmahwêw:pîmahw VTA "s/he winds s.o. (as a clock); s/he twists s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pîmakâmêham:pîmakâmêha VTIm "s/he goes diagonally across the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîmakâmêhpitêw:pîmakâmêhpit3 VTA "s/he straps s.o. on, s/he harnesses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîmakâmêskam:pîmakâmêska VTIm "s/he wears s.t. on a strap; s/he twists s.t. by foot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîmastêhikêw:pîmastêhikê VAIw "s/he spins wool, yarn" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîmastênam:pîmastêna VTIm "s/he twists s.t. (to twist a few times)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîmastênêw:pîmastên VTA "s/he twists s.o.; s/he pinches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîmayiwinisêw:pîmayiwinisê VAIw "s/he makes a fold in his/her garment" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîmâpiskaham:pîmâpiskaha VTIm "s/he screws s.t. in" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîmâpiskâw:pîmâpiskâ VIIw "it is crooked (something made of metal)" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîmâpiskisiw:pîmâpiskisi VAIw "it is twisted (something made of metal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîmâw:pîmâ VIIw "it is twisted; it is not straight" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîmâwênikêw:pîmâwênikê VAIw "s/he twists or braids his/her hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîmihkwêw:pîmihkwê VAIw "s/he has a crooked face (as the effects of a stroke)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîmihtakinam:pîmihtakina VTIm "s/he drives a screw into s.t. as wood" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîmihtâw:pîmihtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. twist" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pîmikitam:pîmikita VTIm "s/he embroiders s.t. with quill-work" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîmikitêw:pîmikitê VIIw "it has quill-work" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîmikwâsow:pîmikwâso VAIw "it is sewn crooked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîmikwâtam:pîmikwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t. crooked" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîmikwâtêw:pîmikwâtê VIIw "it is sewn crooked" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîmikwâtêw:pîmikwât3 VTA "s/he sews s.o. crooked" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîmikwênêw:pîmikwên VTA "s/he wrings and twists s.o.'s neck" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîmikwêpitêw:pîmikwêpit3 VTA "s/he twists s.o.'s neck, s/he wrings s.o.'s neck" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîminam:pîmina VTIm "s/he twists s.t. by hand, s/he unscrews s.t.; s/he turns s.t. down (i.e. in temperature)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîminêw:pîmin VTA "s/he twists s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîmisâwâtam:pîmisâwâta VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. crooked (not straight)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîmisâwâtêw:pîmisâwât3 VTA "s/he cuts s.o. crooked (not straight)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîmisiw:pîmisi VAIw "s/he is twisted (as a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîmiskam:pîmiska VTIm "s/he wears s.t. crooked; s/he wears s.t. wrong" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîmiskawêw:pîmiskaw VTA "s/he wears s.o. crooked; s/he wears s.o. wrong" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pîmiskwêsitêw:pîmiskwêsitê VAIw "s/he has twisted feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîmitahêw:pîmitah VTA "s/he places s.o. crosswise, across the way" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîsahtam:pîsahta VTIm "s/he chews s.t. into little bits" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîsamêw:pîsam VTA "s/he chews s.o. into little bits" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîsawâcâsin:pîsawâcâsin VIIn "it is windy with rain" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîsâkamâskâsin:pîsâkamâskâsin VIIn "the water is a bit rough" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîsâkosiw:pîsâkosi VAIw "it contains much; it has a capacity for holding a lot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîsâkwan:pîsâkwan VIIn "it contains much; it has a capacity for holding a lot; it is abundant" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîsâpikwanîwan:pîsâpikwanîwan VIIn "it has small flowers" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîsimâspinêw:pîsimâspinê VAIw "she has a menstrual period" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîsimowan:pîsimowan VIIn "it is sunny; it is moonlight" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîsimowâyâw:pîsimowâyâ VIIw "it is bright and sunny" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîsimowiw:pîsimowi VIIw "it has sun, it is sunny" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîsimwêw:pîsimwê VAIw "s/he is one month old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîsipakâw:pîsipakâ VIIw "it has small leaves" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîskatahikêw:pîskatahikê VAIw "s/he makes kindling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîstêwaciwahtâw:pîstêwaciwahtâ VTIw "s/he boils s.t. until a scum appears" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pîstêwaciwahtêw:pîstêwaciwahtê VIIw "it boils until a scum appears" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîstêwaciwasow:pîstêwaciwaso VAIw "it boils until a scum appears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîstêwan:pîstêwan VIIn "it has foam; it is foamy" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîstêwataham:pîstêwataha VTIm "s/he beats s.t. (as eggs with a beater)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîstêwiw:pîstêwi VIIw "it has froth or foam" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîswêhkasikanihkêw:pîswêhkasikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes bread" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîswêhkasow:pîswêhkaso VAIw "it rises (e.g. bread)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîswêpayiw:pîswêpayi VAIw "s/he has edema, s/he retains water; it is spongy, it is fluffy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîswêpiw:pîswêpi VAIw "s/he sits loose (e.g. snow)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîswêskiwakâw:pîswêskiwakâ VIIw "it is a soft bog, it is quicksand" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîswêyâw:pîswêyâ VIIw "it is woolly and fleecy" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîtosêyihtam:pîtosêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks differently" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîtosêyimêw:pîtosêyim VTA "s/he thinks of s.o. differently; s/he finds s.o. changed, different" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîtosinâkosiw:pîtosinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks different" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîtosinâkwan:pîtosinâkwan VIIn "it looks different" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîtosisiw:pîtosisi VAIw "s/he is a stranger, s/he is an outsider, s/he is a foreigner" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîtotâpisin:pîtotâpisin3 VAIn "s/he sees strange sights" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pîtotêyihtam:pîtotêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks s.t. strange" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîtotêyihtâkosiw:pîtotêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is thought strange, s/he is considered odd" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwahcikêw:pîwahcikê VAIw "s/he makes crumbs (while eating)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwan:pîwan VIIn "it is drifting (i.e. snow); it is a blizzard" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîwani-yôtin:pîwani-yôtin VIIn "it is a blizzard" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîwapiw:pîwapi VAIw "s/he lies around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwaskisow:pîwaskiso VIIw "it is poor grain growth" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîwastâw:pîwastâ VTIw "s/he scatters s.t. about" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pîwastêw:pîwastê VIIw "it is scattered about" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: often plural pîwâpiskowan:pîwâpiskowan VIIn "it is iron, it is metal" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîwâpiskowiw:pîwâpiskowi VAIw "s/he is of iron" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwâpiskowiw:pîwâpiskowi VIIw "it is of iron" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîwâpiskwastotinêw:pîwâpiskwastotinê VAIw "s/he has a helmet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwâstan:pîwâstan VIIn "it is scattered about by the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîwênam:pîwêna VTIm "s/he scatters s.t. about" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîwênêw:pîwên VTA "s/he scatters s.o. about (as grain when planted by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîwêpinam:pîwêpina VTIm "s/he scatters s.t. about by throwing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîwêpinêw:pîwêpin VTA "s/he scatters s.o. about by throwing" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîwêsikêw:pîwêsikê VAIw "s/he wears socks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwêtaham:pîwêtaha VTIm "s/he makes chips (while chopping wood)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîwêwêpinam:pîwêwêpina VTIm "s/he scatters s.t., s/he sprinkles in a pinch of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîwêyâwahkwâw:pîwêyâwahkwâ VIIw "it is powdery" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîwêyihtam:pîwêyihta VTIm "s/he despises s.t.; s/he thinks little of s.t., s/he considers s.t. inferior" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîwêyihtâkosiw:pîwêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is despised, s/he is considered inferior" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwêyihtâkwan:pîwêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is despised, it is considered inferior" ; ! AEW: VII-n pîwêyimêw:pîwêyim VTA "s/he despises s.o.; s/he thinks little of s.o., s/he considers s.o. inferior" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîwêyimisow:pîwêyimiso VAIw "s/he despises him/herself; s/he thinks little of him/herself, s/he considers him/herself inferior, s/he feels inferior" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwêyimow:pîwêyimo VAIw "s/he thinks little of him/herself, s/he has low self-esteem; s/he is humble" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwinam:pîwina VTIm "s/he scatters s.t. about (small articles)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîwinêw:pîwin VTA "s/he scatters s.o. about (e.g. beads)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pîwinikêw:pîwinikê VAIw "s/he scatters things about (small articles)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwipayiw:pîwipayi VIIw "it lies scattered about" ; ! AEW: VII-v pîwipicikêw:pîwipicikê VAIw "s/he tears things and scatters them about; s/he makes it untidy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwipitam:pîwipita VTIm "s/he drops and scatters s.t. about" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîwipitêw:pîwipit3 VTA "s/he drops and scatters s.o. about" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pîwisam:pîwisa VTIm "s/he cuts scraps off; s/he makes scraps" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîwisikêw:pîwisikê VAIw "s/he cuts things out and leaves remnants lying about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pîwiswêw:pîwisw VTA "s/he cuts pieces off s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pîwitam:pîwita VTIm "s/he shoots rapids" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pîwiyinîwiw:pîwiyinîwi VAIw "he is a man of no account" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pohciniskêyiw:pohciniskêyi VAIw "s/he sticks his/her arm into a hole" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pohcipayihow:pohcipayiho VAIw "s/he jumps into a hole" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pohcipayin:pohcipayin VIIn "it falls into a hole" ; ! AEW: VII-n pohcipayiw:pohcipayi VIIw "it goes into a hole, it falls into a hole" ; ! AEW: VII-v pohciwêpaham:pohciwêpaha VTIm "s/he shovels s.t. in" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pohciwêpahwêw:pohciwêpahw VTA "s/he shovels s.o. in" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pohciwêpinam:pohciwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. into a hole" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pohciwêpinêw:pohciwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. into a hole" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pohtahêw:pohtah VTA "s/he inserts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pohtastâw:pohtastâ VTIw "s/he inserts s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pohtastêw:pohtastê VIIw "it is inserted" ; ! AEW: VII-v pohtâtakinam:pohtâtakina VTIm "s/he stumbles stepping into a hole" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pohtâtakinikêw:pohtâtakinikê VAIw "s/he steps or falls into an unseen hole" ; ! AEW: VAI-v poscipayiw:poscipayi VAIw "it goes on (e.g. a ring)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v poscipitam:poscipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. on" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 poscipitêw:poscipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. on (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 posiskatinâw:posiskatinâ VIIw "it is a steep gulley wall, it is a steep valley wall" ; ! AEW: VII-v positâsêw:positâsê VAIw "s/he puts on breeches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v postamôhêw:postamôh VTA "s/he puts, fastens s.o. on; s/he hitches s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 postasâkahêw:postasâkah VTA "s/he makes s.o. put on a coat" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 postasâkêhêw:postasâkêh VTA "s/he puts a coat (or dress) on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 postasâkêw:postasâkê VAIw "s/he puts his/her own jacket (coat, vest, dress, etc.) on; s/he has a coat on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v postasâmêw:postasâmê VAIw "s/he puts on his/her own snowshoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v postasikanêw:postasikanê VAIw "s/he puts his/her own socks on; s/he has socks on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v postaskisinahêw:postaskisinah VTA "s/he makes s.o. put moccasins, shoes on" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 postaskisinêhêw:postaskisinêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. put moccasins, shoes on" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 postaskisinêw:postaskisinê VAIw "s/he puts his/her own moccasins, shoes on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v postaspastâkanêw:postaspastâkanê VAIw "s/he has an apron on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v postastisêw:postastisê VAIw "s/he puts his/her own mitts on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v postastotinêhêw:postastotinêh VTA "s/he puts a hat on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 postastotinêw:postastotinê VAIw "s/he puts his/her own hat, cap on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v postayiwinisahêw:postayiwinisah VTA "s/he dresses s.o., s/he makes s.o. put clothes on; s/he clothes s.o., s/he makes clothes for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 postayiwinisahisow:postayiwinisahiso VAIw "s/he dresses him/herself, s/he clothes him/herself, s/he makes clothes for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v postayiwinisêw:postayiwinisê VAIw "s/he puts his/her own clothing on, s/he gets dressed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v postiskam:postiska VTIm "s/he puts s.t. (clothing) on; s/he wears s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 postiskawêw:postiskaw VTA "s/he puts s.o. (clothing) on, s/he wears s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 postitâsêw:postitâsê VAIw "s/he puts his/her own pants, breeches on" ; ! AEW: VAI-v poyakahtam:poyakahta VTIm "s/he peels s.t. with his/her teeth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 poyakamêw:poyakam VTA "s/he peels s.o. with his/her teeth (e.g. an orange)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 poyakinam:poyakina VTIm "s/he peels s.t. with his/her hands" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 poyakinêw:poyakin VTA "s/he peels s.o. with his/her hands (e.g. an orange)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pôh-pôtâtam:pôh-pôtâta VTIm "s/he blows on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôh-pôtâtêw:pôh-pôtât3 VTA "s/he blows on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pômêhêw:pômêh VTA "s/he discourages s.o., s/he makes s.o. discouraged; s/he disappoints s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pômêmêw:pômêm VTA "s/he discourages s.o. (by speech)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pômênâkwan:pômênâkwan VIIn "it look discouraging" ; ! AEW: VII-n pômêw:pômê VAIw "s/he is discouraged, s/he gives up, s/he quits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôn-âcimow:pôn-âcimo VAIw "s/he is finished telling stories" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôn-âhkosiw:pôn-âhkosi VAIw "s/he recovers from his/her illness" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôn-âpihtâ-kîsikâw:pôn-âpihtâ-kîsikâ VIIw "it is afternoon" ; ! AEW: VII-v pôn-âpihtâ-tipiskâw:pôn-âpihtâ-tipiskâ VIIw "it is after midnight, it is very early morning" ; ! AEW: VII-v pôn-âtoskêw:pôn-âtoskê VAIw "s/he is finished working" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôn-âyamihâw:pôn-âyamihâ VAIw "s/he ceases praying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôn-âyamihêwi-kîsikâw:pôn-âyamihêwi-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Monday; literally: (it is) the day after prayer day" ; ! AEW: VII-v pônakiskâtêw:pônakiskât3 VTA "s/he doctors s.o. with a rattle" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pônam:pôna VTIm "s/he builds a fire, s/he feeds the fire; s/he builds a fire with s.t., s/he puts (s.t. as) fuel on the fire" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pônamawêw:pônamaw VTA "s/he makes a fire for s.o., s/he builds a fire for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pônamâsow:pônamâso VAIw "s/he keeps up his/her own fire" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pônâhpiw:pônâhpi VAIw "s/he stops laughing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pônâmow:pônâmo VAIw "s/he quits fleeing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pônâsiw:pônâsi VAIw "s/he stops being blown about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pônêsin:pônêsin3 VAIn "s/he lands descending" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pônêw:pôn VTA "s/he puts s.o. as fuel on the fire" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pônêyihtam:pônêyihta VTIm "s/he ceases thinking of s.t., s/he thinks no more of s.t., s/he forgets s.t.; s/he gets over a worrying preoccupation" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pônêyihtamawêw:pônêyihtamaw VTA "s/he forgives s.o. for (it)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pônêyihtamâsow:pônêyihtamâso VAIw "s/he forgives him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pônêyihtamâtowak:pônêyihtamâto VAIw_PL "they forgive one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pônêyimêw:pônêyim VTA "s/he gives up the thought of s.o.; s/he stops thinking about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pôni-kimiwan:pôni-kimiwan VIIn "it stops raining" ; ! AEW: VII-n pôni-mâtow:pôni-mâto VAIw "s/he stops crying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôni-mispon:pôni-mispon VIIn "it stops snowing" ; ! AEW: VII-n pôni-mîcisow:pôni-mîciso VAIw "s/he stops eating, s/he is finished eating" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôni-nôhêw:pôni-nôh VTA "s/he stops nursing s.o.; s/he weans s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pôni-nôkwan:pôni-nôkwan VIIn "it disappears" ; ! AEW: VII-n pôni-pimâtisiw:pôni-pimâtisi VAIw "s/he ceases living, s/he dies, s/he ceases to be alive, s/he is dead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôni-yêhêw:pôni-yêhê VAIw "s/he stops breathing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pônihêw:pônih VTA "s/he leaves s.o. alone, s/he leaves off from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pônihkam:pônihka VTIm "s/he leaves s.t. alone" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pônihkawêw:pônihkaw VTA "s/he stops bothering s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pônihtâw:pônihtâ VTIw "s/he stops s.t., s/he ceases of (s.t.); s/he leaves off from s.t., s/he leaves s.t. alone" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pônihtin:pônihtin VIIn "it ceases to fall" ; ! AEW: VII-n pônikâkêw:pônikâkê VAIw "s/he makes fire with s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v pônikâtêw:pônikâtê VIIw "it is burnt in a fire; it is made a fire of" ; ! AEW: VII-v pônimêw:pônim VTA "s/he leaves off talking to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pônipayin:pônipayin VIIn "it stops, it quits" ; ! AEW: VII-n pônipayiw:pônipayi VIIw "it stops running, it stops operating, it ceases, it ceases to exist" ; ! AEW: VII-v pônisimow:pônisimo VAIw "s/he stops dancing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pônisin:pônisin3 VAIn "s/he stops falling, it stops falling (e.g. hail)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n pônôsêw:pônôsê VAIw "s/he is no longer of child-bearing age" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pônwêwitam:pônwêwita VTIm "s/he stops talking about s.t.; s/he ceases making noise" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôsâhkwâmiw:pôsâhkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps a lot; s/he sleeps late, s/he sleeps soundly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôsâhtawîw:pôsâhtawî VAIw "s/he climbs aboard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôsi-kwâskohtiw:pôsi-kwâskohti VAIw "s/he jumps in (a vehicle)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôsi-wêpaham:pôsi-wêpaha VTIm "s/he throws s.t. on board (using a fork or stick)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôsi-wêpahwêw:pôsi-wêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. aboard by tool; s/he throws s.o. aboard" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pôsi-wêpinam:pôsi-wêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. in (a vehicle), s/he throws s.t. on (a conveyance)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôsi-wêpinêw:pôsi-wêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. in (a vehicle)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pôsihcikêw:pôsihcikê VAIw "s/he loads things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôsihêw:pôsih VTA "s/he gives s.o. a ride; s/he puts s.o. on board, s/he makes s.o. board a conveyance" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pôsihtâsow:pôsihtâso VAIw "s/he loads things up (in a truck or wagon)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôsihtâw:pôsihtâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. on board, s/he loads s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pôsipayihow:pôsipayiho VAIw "s/he jumps on board" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôsipayiw:pôsipayi VAIw "it goes or falls on board (e.g. a load)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôsitisaham:pôsitisaha VTIm "s/he sends s.t. aboard" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôsitisahwêw:pôsitisahw VTA "s/he sends s.o. aboard" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pôsiw:pôsi VAIw "s/he boards, s/he gets aboard, s/he embarks; s/he rides (in a vehicle)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôskohtin:pôskohtin VIIn "it gets a hole through it (e.g. a canoe); it bursts (as a tire), it bursts from wearing out" ; ! AEW: VII-n pôskohtitâw:pôskohtitâ VTIw "s/he bursts s.t. (by wearing out)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pôskonam:pôskona VTIm "s/he opens s.t., s/he bursts s.t. open" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôskonêw:pôskon VTA "s/he opens s.o., s/he bursts s.o. open" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pôskopayihêw:pôskopayih VTA "s/he bursts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pôskopayihtâw:pôskopayihtâ VTIw "s/he bursts s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pôskopayiw:pôskopayi VIIw "it bursts" ; ! AEW: VII-v pôskopitam:pôskopita VTIm "s/he tears a hole in s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôskopitêw:pôskopit3 VTA "s/he tears a hole in s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pôskosam:pôskosa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. to burst; s/he cuts a hole in s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôskosiw:pôskosi VAIw "it has a hole in it (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôskoskam:pôskoska VTIm "s/he makes a hole in s.t. by stepping, s/he treads a hole in s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôskoskawêw:pôskoskaw VTA "s/he makes a hole in s.o. by stepping, s/he treads a hole in s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 pôskoswêw:pôskosw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. to burst; s/he cuts a hole in s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pôskwaham:pôskwaha VTIm "s/he opens s.t. (by making a hole)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôskwahikâsow:pôskwahikâso VAIw "it has holes put in it; s/he has his/her ears pierced, s/he has his/her body pierced" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôskwahikâtêw:pôskwahikâtê VIIw "it has holes put in it; it is pierced" ; ! AEW: VII-v pôskwahwêw:pôskwahw VTA "s/he puts holes in s.o.; s/he opens by putting holes in s.o.; s/he breaks s.o. open (e.g. coconut)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pôskwataham:pôskwataha VTIm "s/he puts holes in s.t. (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôskwatahwêw:pôskwatahw VTA "s/he puts holes in s.o. (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pôskwâw:pôskwâ VIIw "it has a hole in it" ; ! AEW: VII-v pôtâcikanihkêw:pôtâcikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes a horn, bugle, or whistle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôtâcikêw:pôtâcikê VAIw "s/he blows" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôtâtam:pôtâta VTIm "s/he blows at s.o., s/he blows upon s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pôtâtêw:pôtât3 VTA "s/he blows at s.o., s/he blows upon s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pôtâwisiw:pôtâwisi VAIw "s/he is bloated" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pôyow:pôyo VAIw "s/he stops, s/he ceases, s/he quits, s/he gives up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwâhpinatam:pwâhpinata VTIm "s/he fails attacking s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pwâhpinatêw:pwâhpinat3 VTA "s/he fails attacking s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 pwâkamihkwêw:pwâkamihkwê VAIw "s/he vomits blood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwâkamohêw:pwâkamoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. vomit" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: also pâkomohêw pwâkamow:pwâkamo VAIw "s/he vomits; s/he is sick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwâkamowâspinêw:pwâkamowâspinê VAIw "s/he is vomiting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwâsîmow:pwâsîmo VAIw "s/he speaks Assiniboine, Nakota; s/he speaks Dakota, Sioux" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwâstâwêw:pwâstâwê VAIw "s/he is slow; s/he is late" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwâtawihcikêw:pwâtawihcikê VAIw "s/he is unable to finish" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwâtawihêw:pwâtawih VTA "s/he fails of s.o., s/he gives up in helping s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pwâtawihtâw:pwâtawihtâ VTIw "s/he fails of s.t., s/he is thwarted at s.t.; s/he gives up trying to fix s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 pwâtimow:pwâtimo VAIw "s/he speaks Dakota, s/he speaks Sioux" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwâtisimow:pwâtisimo VAIw "s/he dances pow-wow, s/he dances the Grass Dance, s/he dances the Sioux Dance (a war dance)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwâtiwiw:pwâtiwi VAIw "s/he is a Dakota, Sioux Indian" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwâwatêw:pwâwatê VAIw "s/he is overloaded, s/he is heavily burdened" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwâwihêw:pwâwih VTA "s/he is unable to carry s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pwâwitisahwêw:pwâwitisahw VTA "s/he is unable to drive s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pwâwîw:pwâwî VAIw "s/he is pregnant, s/he is heavy with child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwêkitow:pwêkito VAIw "s/he farts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v pwêyakahtam:pwêyakahta VTIm "s/he peels s.t. (by teeth)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pwêyakamêw:pwêyakam VTA "s/he peels s.o. (by teeth)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 pwêyakataham:pwêyakataha VTIm "s/he peels s.t. (by a hard blow)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pwêyakatahwêw:pwêyakatahw VTA "s/he peels s.o. (by a hard blow)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 pwêyakinam:pwêyakina VTIm "s/he peels s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 pwêyakinêw:pwêyakin VTA "s/he peels s.o. (as an orange or apple)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sa-sâkiskwêw:sa-sâkiskwê VAIw "s/he pokes his/her own head out of a hole (as a gopher)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sa-sâpikanêw:sa-sâpikanê VAIw "s/he has sturdy bones; s/he has strong bones" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sa-sîhkimêw:sa-sîhkim VTA "s/he urges s.o. on" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sa-sîhtonam:sa-sîhtona VTIm "s/he supports s.t., s/he holds s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sa-sîhtonêw:sa-sîhton VTA "s/he supports s.o., s/he holds s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sa-sîhtosiw:sa-sîhtosi VAIw "s/he is stiff (after exertion)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sa-sîpêyihtam:sa-sîpêyihta VTIm "s/he is patient" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sa-sîpêyimêw:sa-sîpêyim VTA "s/he is patient with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sahkwêw:sahkwê VIIw "it makes a crashing sound; it echoes" ; ! AEW: VII-v sakaham:sakaha VTIm "s/he nails s.t., s/he fastens s.t. (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sakahikêw:sakahikê VAIw "s/he drives nails" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sakahpisow:sakahpiso VAIw "s/he is tied fast, tightly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sakahpitam:sakahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. fast, tightly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sakahpitêw:sakahpitê VIIw "it is tied fast or tightly" ; ! AEW: VII-v sakahpitêw:sakahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. fast or tightly, s/he tethers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sakahwêw:sakahw VTA "s/he nails s.o. onto something" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sakamon:sakamon VIIn "it adheres; it is caught or hooked, it is attached" ; ! AEW: VII-n sakamotêyanîwêw:sakamotêyanîwê VAIw "s/he mumbles; s/he holds his/her own tongue" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sakamow:sakamo VAIw "s/he holds on; it is fastened on to something, it is attached" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sakapwêw:sakapwê VAIw "it roasts over a fire (by hanging, with string on stick)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sakatahtahkwanênêw:sakatahtahkwanên VTA "s/he seizes s.o. by the wing" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakatêhtam:sakatêhta VTIm "s/he holds s.t. between his/her own teeth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sakatêmêw:sakatêm VTA "s/he holds s.o. between his/her own teeth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakâpâtam:sakâpâta VTIm "s/he attaches s.t. by sewing, s/he sews s.t. on" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sakâpêkahpisow:sakâpêkahpiso VAIw "it is tethered, hitched" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sakâpêkinêw:sakâpêkin VTA "s/he leads s.o., s/he holds s.o. by string in hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakâpêkipahêw:sakâpêkipah VTA "s/he leads s.o.; s/he makes s.o. run on a rope (as on a lead)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakâpîhkâtam:sakâpîhkâta VTIm "s/he ties s.t. fast" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sakâpîhkâtêw:sakâpîhkât3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. fast" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sakâskwaham:sakâskwaha VTIm "s/he pins s.t.; s/he buttons s.t. up; s/he fastens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sakâskwahamawêw:sakâskwahamaw VTA "s/he pins (it/him) for s.o.; s/he buttons (it/him) for s.o.; s/he fastens (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sakâskwahwêw:sakâskwahw VTA "s/he buttons s.o. up; s/he pins s.o.; s/he fastens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sakâw:sakâ VIIw_SG "it is bush, woods; there is a grove of trees, woodland, forest" ; ! AEW: VII-v sakâwiyinîwiw:sakâwiyinîwi VAIw "s/he is a Woods Cree" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sakicihcênêw:sakicihcên VTA "s/he seizes s.o.'s hand (by hand), s/he takes s.o. by the hand; s/he shakes hands with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakicihcênitowak:sakicihcênito VAIw_PL "they take one another by hand; they shake hands with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sakicin:sakicin3 VAIn "s/he is caught on something, she gets snagged on a protrusion" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sakikwênam:sakikwêna VTIm "s/he holds s.t. by the neck" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sakikwênêw:sakikwên VTA "s/he seizes s.o.'s neck (by hand), s/he holds s.o. by the neck, s/he takes s.o. by the neck" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakikwêpisow:sakikwêpiso VAIw "it is tied by the neck, it is bridled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sakikwêpitêw:sakikwêpit3 VTA "s/he grabs s.o. by the neck" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sakimêskâw:sakimêskâ VIIw "there is an abundance of mosquitoes, it is infested with mosquitoes" ; ! AEW: VII-v sakimêw:sakim VTA "s/he holds s.o. firmly (with the teeth)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakimiyêstawânênêw:sakimiyêstawânên VTA "s/he seizes s.o. by the beard" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakinam:sakina VTIm "s/he hangs on to s.t. (by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sakinamawêw:sakinamaw VTA "s/he seizes (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sakinêw:sakin VTA "s/he seizes s.o., s/he hangs on to s.o. (by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakiniskênêw:sakiniskên VTA "s/he seizes s.o.'s arm (by hand); s/he holds s.o.'s hand, s/he holds s.o. by the arm" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakiniskênitowak:sakiniskênito VAIw_PL "they hold hands, they hold hands with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sakiniskêpahêw:sakiniskêpah VTA "s/he runs s.o. by the arm" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakipâtam:sakipâta VTIm "s/he buttons s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sakipâtêw:sakipât3 VTA "s/he buttons s.o. (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sakipitonênêw:sakipitonên VTA "s/he seizes s.o. by the arm" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakipitonêpitêw:sakipitonêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. by the arm" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sakiskam:sakiska VTIm "s/he steps on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sakiskawêw:sakiskaw VTA "s/he steps on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sakiskênêw:sakiskên VTA "s/he takes s.o. by the hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakistikwânêcin:sakistikwânêcin3 VAIn "s/he gets snagged by his/her own hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sakistikwânênêw:sakistikwânên VTA "s/he seizes s.o.'s head or hair (by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sakistikwânêpitêw:sakistikwânêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. by the head or hair" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sakwâskwaham:sakwâskwaha VTIm "s/he fastens s.t.; s/he zippers s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 samacîw:samacî VAIw "it rears up (e.g. horse)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v samahcâw:samahcâ VIIw "it is steep" ; ! AEW: VII-v samakiskam:samakiska VTIm "s/he weighs s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 samakiskawêw:samakiskaw VTA "s/he weighs s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 samaskipayihow:samaskipayiho VAIw "s/he throws oneself flat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v samaskisin:samaskisin3 VAIn "s/he lies flat" ; ! AEW: VAI-n samaskîw:samaskî VAIw "s/he stays crouching flat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v samatapiw:samatapi VAIw "s/he sits up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v samatiskam:samatiska VTIm "s/he sits on s.t. and flatten it" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 samatiskawêw:samatiskaw VTA "s/he sits on s.o. and flattens it" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 samatiskwêyiw:samatiskwêyi VAIw "s/he raises his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v samiskamâsow:samiskamâso VAIw "s/he presses down for oneself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sasahkêmow:sasahkêmo VAIw "s/he speaks boldly, brashly, bragging" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sasawâpohtêw:sasawâpohtê VAIw "s/he walks with wobbly knees" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sasâkisîw:sasâkisî VAIw "s/he is selfish, s/he is stingy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sasâkosiw:sasâkosi VAIw "s/he is slender" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sasâkwâw:sasâkwâ VIIw "it is narrow" ; ! AEW: VII-v sasciwihêw:sasciwih VTA "s/he startles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sasîhciwihêw:sasîhciwih VTA "s/he makes s.o. ashamed, s/he embarrasses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sasîpihtam:sasîpihta VTIm "s/he is disobedient, s/he disobeys s.t.; s/he is stubborn; s/he fails to listen (to s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sasîpihtawakêw:sasîpihtawakê VAIw "s/he is disobedient, s/he refuses to listen" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sasîpihtawêw:sasîpihtaw VTA "s/he fails to listen to s.o., s/he disobeys s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 saskaham:saskaha VTIm "s/he kindles s.t., s/he ignites s.t, s/he lights s.t. (e.g. a lamp); s/he sets s.t. on fire" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 saskahamawêw:saskahamaw VTA "s/he sets fire to (it/him) for s.o.; s/he lights (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 saskahamâsow:saskahamâso VAIw "s/he lights (it/him) for oneself (e.g. fire, pipe)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v saskahispwâkanêw:saskahispwâkanê VAIw "s/he lights the pipe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v saskahohtêw:saskahohtê VAIw "s/he walks with a cane" ; ! AEW: VAI-v saskahow:saskaho VAIw "s/he uses a cane" ; ! AEW: VAI-v saskahowâkêw:saskahowâkê VAIw "s/he uses s.t. as a cane; s/he uses s.t. when walking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v saskahwêw:saskahw VTA "s/he kindles s.o., s/he ignites s.o., s/he sets s.o. on fire" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 saskamêw:saskam VTA "s/he puts s.o. into his/her own mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 saskamo-wêpinêw:saskamo-wêpin VTA "s/he throws (it/him) into s.o.'s mouth for that one (e.g. mother bird feeding young)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 saskamohêw:saskamoh VTA "s/he puts (it/him) into s.o.'s mouth for that one, s/he gives s.o. a soother; s/he gives s.o. communion" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 saskamow:saskamo VAIw "s/he puts (it/him) into his/her own mouth; s/he takes holy communion" ; ! AEW: VAI-v saskan:saskan VIIn "it thaws, it is melting, it is ice-break, it is a chinook; it is the thaw, it is a time of fast snow-melting" ; ! AEW: VII-n saskaniyowêw:saskaniyowê VIIw "it is a chinook" ; ! AEW: VII-v saskatahtam:saskatahta VTIm "s/he is tired of eating the same food" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 saskatêyihtam:saskatêyihta VTIm "s/he is tired of s.t.; s/he is tired of his/her own surroundings and life" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 saskatêyimêw:saskatêyim VTA "s/he is tired of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 saskatwêmopayiw:saskatwêmopayi VAIw "s/he takes s.t. into his/her own mouth with noise; s/he eats s.t. noisily, s/he slurps s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v saskisow:saskiso VAIw "it catches on fire, it ignites, s/he is on fire" ; ! AEW: VAI-v saskitêpayiw:saskitêpayi VIIw "it ignites; it catches on fire" ; ! AEW: VII-v saskitêw:saskitê VIIw "it catches on fire, it ignites, it is on fire" ; ! AEW: VII-v sawahamawêw:sawahamaw VTA "s/he spreads (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sawâhpinêw:sawâhpinê VAIw "s/he has unexplainable pain" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sawânakêyihtam:sawânakêyihta VTIm "s/he is jealous of s.t., s/he is envious of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sawânakêyimêw:sawânakêyim VTA "s/he is jealous of s.o., s/he is envious of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sawânakêyimoskiw:sawânakêyimoski VAIw "s/he is habitually jealous" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sawânakêyimow:sawânakêyimo VAIw "s/he is jealous, s/he envies, s/he is envious" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sawêsiw:sawêsi VAIw "it has four sides" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sawêyâw:sawêyâ VIIw "it has four sides" ; ! AEW: VII-v sawêyihtam:sawêyihta VTIm "s/he blesses s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sawêyihtâkosiw:sawêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is blessed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sawêyihtâkwan:sawêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is blessed" ; ! AEW: VII-n sawêyihtowak:sawêyihto VAIw_PL "they bless one another; they love one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sawêyimêw:sawêyim VTA "s/he cherishes s.o., s/he loves s.o., s/he takes care of s.o., s/he looks out for s.o.; s/he is generous to s.o.; s/he blesses s.o.; s/he gives s.o. the last sacrament" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sawêyimikowisiw:sawêyimikowisi VAIw "s/he is blessed by the powers, God" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâh-sâposow:sâh-sâposo VAIw "s/he has frequent diarrhea" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâh-sîpîpitam:sâh-sîpîpita VTIm "s/he stretches s.t. repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâh-sîpîpitêw:sâh-sîpîpit3 VTA "s/he stretches s.o. repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sâkaciwahtêw:sâkaciwahtê VIIw "it sticks out at the top in boiling" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkaciwasow:sâkaciwaso VAIw "it sticks out at the top in boiling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkahikanisiwiw:sâkahikanisiwi VIIw "it is a small lake" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkahikaniwiw:sâkahikaniwi VIIw "it is a lake, it has lakes" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkamon:sâkamon VIIn "it sticks out, it projects" ; ! AEW: VII-n sâkamow:sâkamo VIIw "it sticks out" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkamow:sâkamo VAIw "s/he sticks out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkaskâw:sâkaskâ VIIw "it is the grass showing growth" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkaskinaham:sâkaskinaha VTIm "s/he fills s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâkaskinahêw:sâkaskinah VTA "s/he fills s.o. up, s/he fills s.o. (e.g. pail)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâkaskinahtamawêw:sâkaskinahtamaw VTA "s/he fills (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sâkaskinahtâw:sâkaskinahtâ VTIw "s/he fills s.t. up, s/he makes s.t. full" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sâkaskinêmâkwan:sâkaskinêmâkwan VIIn "it is filled with a scent (i.e. a place)" ; ! AEW: VII-n sâkaskinêpatâw:sâkaskinêpatâ VTIw "s/he fills s.t. to the brim" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sâkaskinêpiwak:sâkaskinêpi VAIw_PL "they are seated filled to capacity; they fill a place to capacity while seated" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkaskinêw:sâkaskinê VIIw "it is full; it is in to the full" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkaskinêw:sâkaskinê VAIw "s/he is full; it is in to the full" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkaskinêyâpahtêw:sâkaskinêyâpahtê VIIw "it is filled with smoke" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkaskitêw:sâkaskitê VIIw "it projects out of the ground" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkatêhtam:sâkatêhta VTIm "s/he holds s.t. with the teeth so as to project from his/her own mouth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâkatêmêw:sâkatêm VTA "s/he holds s.o. with the teeth so as to project from his/her own mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâkâkonêkâpawiw:sâkâkonêkâpawi VAIw "s/he stands sticking out of the snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkâkonêw:sâkâkonê VAIw "s/he sticks out of the snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkâpitêw:sâkâpitê VAIw "s/he is teething" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkâskitêw:sâkâskitê VIIw "flames are seen from a distance" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkâstênâw:sâkâstênâ VAIw "it is sunrise, it rises (e.g. sun)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkâstêw:sâkâstê VIIw "it is sunrise; it is sunny, it is day-light" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkâwâsin:sâkâwâsin VIIn "it is a bit narrow, it is rather narrow" ; ! AEW: VII-n sâkâwâw:sâkâwâ VIIw "it is narrow" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkêkamon:sâkêkamon VIIn "it sticks out as cloth, it projects as cloth" ; ! AEW: VII-n sâkêwêpahtâw:sâkêwêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs into view" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkêwêpayihow:sâkêwêpayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself into view" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkêwêpayiw:sâkêwêpayi VAIw "s/he comes into view" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkêwêpiciw:sâkêwêpici VAIw "s/he treks into view" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkêwêtotam:sâkêwêtota VTIm "s/he comes into view of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâkêwêtotawêw:sâkêwêtotaw VTA "s/he comes into view of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sâkêwêw:sâkêwê VAIw "s/he comes into view" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkihêw:sâkih VTA "s/he loves s.o., s/he prizes s.o., s/he is attached to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâkihikosiw:sâkihikosi VAIw "s/he is lovable" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkihisow:sâkihiso VAIw "s/he loves him/herself; s/he likes him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkihitowak:sâkihito VAIw_PL "they love one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkihiwêw:sâkihiwê VAIw "s/he loves others, s/he has love for others, s/he is a philanthropist" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkihtam:sâkihta VTIm "s/he likes s.t., s/he loves s.t.; s/he has a strong attachment to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâkihtamawêw:sâkihtamaw VTA "s/he keeps (it/him) from s.o.; s/he refuses (love to) s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sâkihtâw:sâkihtâ VTIw "s/he loves s.t., s/he prizes s.t., s/he is attached to s.t.; s/he is stingy of s.t., s/he is selfish of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sâkikin:sâkikin VIIn "it grows forth, it sprouts" ; ! AEW: VII-n sâkikiw:sâkiki VAIw "s/he grows forth, it sprouts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkiniskêw:sâkiniskê VAIw "s/he takes his/her own hand out from under the covers, s/he sticks his/her own hand out from cover" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkipakâw:sâkipakâ VIIw "it is budding, it is leaf-budding; it sprouts leaves; it is the time of leaf-budding" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâkiskwêkâpawiw:sâkiskwêkâpawi VAIw "s/he stands with head sticking out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkiskwêpayihow:sâkiskwêpayiho VAIw "s/he pokes his/her own head out; s/he throws him/herself so that his/her own head sticks out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkiskwêw:sâkiskwê VAIw "s/he sticks his/her own head out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkistikwânênêw:sâkistikwânên VTA "s/he uncovers s.o.'s head" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâkistikwânêw:sâkistikwânê VAIw "s/he has his/her own head out from under covers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkitêyanîstam:sâkitêyanîsta VTIm "s/he sticks his/her own tongue out at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâkitêyanîstawêw:sâkitêyanîstaw VTA "s/he sticks his/her own tongue out at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sâkitêyanîw:sâkitêyanî VAIw "s/he sticks his/her own tongue out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkitêyanîwêw:sâkitêyanîwê VAIw "s/he sticks his/her own tongue out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkohêw:sâkoh VTA "s/he overcomes s.o., s/he overpowers s.o., s/he defeats s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâkohitowak:sâkohito VAIw_PL "they overpower one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkohtamawêw:sâkohtamaw VTA "s/he defeats (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sâkohtâw:sâkohtâ VTIw "s/he overcomes s.t., s/he defeats s.t., s/he manages s.t.; s/he accomplishes s.t., s/he is able to lift s.t. up; s/he is capable of defending" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sâkohtêw:sâkohtê VAIw "s/he comes into view; it rises (i.e. the sun)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkohtwâw:sâkohtwâ VAIw "s/he overcomes, s/he is victorious" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkowâtêw:sâkowât3 VTA "s/he whoops at or over s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sâkowêstayawêw:sâkowêstayaw VTA "s/he yells for s.o., s/he encourages s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sâkowêw:sâkowê VAIw "s/he calls, s/he yells" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkôcihêw:sâkôcih VTA "s/he defeats s.o., s/he overcomes s.o., s/he beats s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâkôcihitowak:sâkôcihito VAIw_PL "they defeat one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkôcihiwêw:sâkôcihiwê VAIw "s/he defeats people, s/he is victorious" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkôcihtâw:sâkôcihtâ VTIw "s/he conquers s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sâkôcihtowak:sâkôcihto VAIw_PL "they talk one another down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkôcihtwâw:sâkôcihtwâ VAIw "s/he is defeated" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkôcimêw:sâkôcim VTA "s/he convinces s.o. by speech; s/he talks s.o. down, s/he persuades s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâkôcimiwêw:sâkôcimiwê VAIw "s/he persuades people, s/he convinces people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkôtêhêw:sâkôtêhê VAIw "s/he is cowardly; s/he is timid" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâkôtêyimêw:sâkôtêyim VTA "s/he intimidates s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâkwâskosimêw:sâkwâskosim VTA "s/he lays a child down under blankets with feet protruding" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâkwêyihtam:sâkwêyihta VTIm "s/he fears s.t. to is too difficult" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâkwêyimêw:sâkwêyim VTA "s/he doubts s.o.; s/he fears for s.o., s/he fears s.o. is not capable" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâkwêyimow:sâkwêyimo VAIw "s/he hesitates; s/he is unwilling" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâmaham:sâmaha VTIm "s/he touches s.t. with a tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâmahamawêw:sâmahamaw VTA "s/he touches (it/him) with a tool for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sâmahtam:sâmahta VTIm "s/he tastes s.t., s/he touches s.t. with mouth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâmahwêw:sâmahw VTA "s/he touches s.o. with tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sâmamêw:sâmam VTA "s/he tastes s.o., s/he touches s.o. with mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâmaskêhtin:sâmaskêhtin VIIn "it lies or falls so as to touch ground" ; ! AEW: VII-n sâmaskêhtitâw:sâmaskêhtitâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. to touch the ground" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sâmihtin:sâmihtin VIIn "it touches (as something touching the floor)" ; ! AEW: VII-n sâmihtitâw:sâmihtitâ VTIw "s/he touches s.t.; s/he makes s.t. touch (as a dress touching the floor)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sâminam:sâmina VTIm "s/he touches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâminêw:sâmin VTA "s/he touches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâmisin:sâmisin3 VAIn "s/he touches (s.t.) with his/her own body" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sâmiskam:sâmiska VTIm "s/he touches s.t. with foot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâmiskawêw:sâmiskaw VTA "s/he touches s.o. with foot; s/he rubs against s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sâpêyihtam:sâpêyihta VTIm "s/he is not keen on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâpêyimêw:sâpêyim VTA "s/he is not keen on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâpikanêw:sâpikanê VAIw "s/he has strong bones" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpo-itwêw:sâpo-itwê VAIw "s/he recites s.t. through" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpo-kiskinohtahêw:sâpo-kiskinohtah VTA "s/he guides s.o. all the way through" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâpo-pimiskanawêw:sâpo-pimiskanawê VAIw "s/he goes cross country; s/he leaves tracks right through the territory" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpo-pimohtêw:sâpo-pimohtê VAIw "s/he walks past" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpo-wâsitêw:sâpo-wâsitê VIIw "lights are seen shining through, it shines through" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâpocin:sâpocin3 VAIn "s/he pierces him/herself through" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sâpociwan:sâpociwan VIIn "it flows through" ; ! AEW: VII-n sâpohâw:sâpohâ VAIw "s/he flies through a pane of glass; s/he flies right past without stopping" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpohkwâmiw:sâpohkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps in, s/he oversleeps; s/he sleeps right through the night" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpohtawêhtêw:sâpohtawêhtê VAIw "s/he walks through, s/he walks through an opening" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpohtawêyâw:sâpohtawêyâ VIIw "it has an opening at each end" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâpohtêw:sâpohtê VAIw "s/he walks through (s.t.), s/he goes right past; s/he passes through" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpohyawâw:sâpohyawâ VIIw "it has an opening (as a culvert)" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâponam:sâpona VTIm "s/he puts or pierces through s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâponâkosiw:sâponâkosi VAIw "s/he is transparent; it is seen through (like a shawl can be seen through)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâponâkwan:sâponâkwan VIIn "it is transparent" ; ! AEW: VII-n sâponêw:sâpon VTA "s/he puts or pierces through s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâpopahêw:sâpopah VTA "s/he gets s.o. drenched, s/he makes s.o. wet (e.g. by spraying)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâpopatâw:sâpopatâ VTIw "s/he waters s.t.; s/he drenches s.t., s/he dips s.t., s/he gets s.t. thoroughly wet" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sâpopayiw:sâpopayi VAIw "s/he is pierced, it is leaky" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpopayiw:sâpopayi VIIw "it is pierced, it is leaky; it goes through; it passes through" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâpopâcikêw:sâpopâcikê VAIw "s/he wets things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpopêcihcêw:sâpopêcihcê VAIw "s/he has wet hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpopêkan:sâpopêkan VIIn "it is soaking" ; ! AEW: VII-n sâpopêmêw:sâpopêm VTA "s/he wets s.o. with mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâpopêskisinêw:sâpopêskisinê VAIw "s/he has wet moccasins, shoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpopêtêhtam:sâpopêtêhta VTIm "s/he wets s.t. in his/her own mouth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâpopêw:sâpopê VIIw "it is wet, it is drenched" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâpopêw:sâpopê VAIw "s/he is wet, s/he is drenched" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpopêyâw:sâpopêyâ VIIw "it is water-soaked (e.g. the ground)" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâpopitam:sâpopita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. through" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâpopitêw:sâpopit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. through" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sâposkam:sâposka VTIm "s/he passes through s.t.; s/he pushes s.t. through by foot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâposkâkow:sâposkaw VTA "it goes through s.o., it enters s.o.'s body; it purges s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sâposkâwisiw:sâposkâwisi VAIw "s/he has diarrhea" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâposow:sâposo VAIw "s/he has diarrhea, s/he has dysentery" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâposowâspinêw:sâposowâspinê VAIw "s/he has diarrhea" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâposôhpinêw:sâposôhpinê VAIw "s/he has diarrhea" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpostaham:sâpostaha VTIm "s/he pierces s.t. through with a needle" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâpostahwêw:sâpostahw VTA "s/he pierces s.o. through with a needle" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sâpostamow:sâpostamo VIIw "it goes through" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. kâ-sâpostamoki reaches (on a carriage) - add a separate INM entry sâpotawêw:sâpotawê VAIw "s/he looks over a meadow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpowêpinam:sâpowêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. through" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâpowêpinêw:sâpowêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. through" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâpowêyawihow:sâpowêyawiho VAIw "s/he flies through the body" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpoyahkêw:sâpoyahkê VAIw "s/he squeezes through" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpoyahkinam:sâpoyahkina VTIm "s/he squeezes s.t. through" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâpoyahkinêw:sâpoyahkin VTA "s/he squeezes s.o. through" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâpoyowêw:sâpoyowê VIIw "it has the wind blowing through" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâpôminiskâw:sâpôminiskâ VIIw "there are many gooseberry bushes around" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâpwâpahtam:sâpwâpahta VTIm "s/he sees through s.t., s/he takes a x-ray of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâpwâpamêw:sâpwâpam VTA "s/he sees through s.o.; s/he takes s.o.'s x-ray" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâpwâskonam:sâpwâskona VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. through (as in a tube)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâpwâskonêw:sâpwâskon VTA "s/he pushes s.o. through (as in a tube)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sâpwâsow:sâpwâso VAIw "s/he is transparent" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâpwâstan:sâpwâstan VIIn "it is the wind blowing through" ; ! AEW: VII-n sâpwâstêw:sâpwâstê VIIw "it is transparent" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâsakici-wêpaham:sâsakici-wêpaha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. supine by a shot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâsakici-wêpahwêw:sâsakici-wêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. supine by a shot" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sâsakici-wêpiskam:sâsakici-wêpiska VTIm "s/he kicks s.t. supine" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâsakici-wêpiskawêw:sâsakici-wêpiskaw VTA "s/he kicks s.o. supine" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sâsakicisin:sâsakicisin3 VAIn "s/he lies supine, s/he lies on his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sâsakiciyawêsiw:sâsakiciyawêsi VAIw "s/he is furious; s/he has a tantrum, s/he falls on his/her own back from such anger" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsakitastâw:sâsakitastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. facing up" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sâsakitastêw:sâsakitastê VIIw "it is placed facing up" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâsakitisin:sâsakitisin3 VAIn "s/he lies supine, s/he lies on his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sâsâkanikâtêw:sâsâkanikâtê VAIw "s/he goes bare-legged" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsâkihtêw:sâsâkihtê VAIw "s/he walks barefoot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsâkihtiw:sâsâkihti VAIw "s/he is barefoot, s/he goes barefoot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsâkinicihcêw:sâsâkinicihcê VAIw "s/he have bare hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsâkinikâtêw:sâsâkinikâtê VAIw "s/he is bare-legged, s/he has bare legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsâkinipitonêw:sâsâkinipitonê VAIw "s/he has bare arms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsâkinisitêw:sâsâkinisitê VAIw "s/he goes barefoot, s/he has bare feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsâkwâpêwiw:sâsâkwâpêwi VAIw "he is a slim man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsâpiskicikâtêw:sâsâpiskicikâtê VIIw "it is fried" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâsâpiskisam:sâsâpiskisa VTIm "s/he fries s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâsâpiskisikêw:sâsâpiskisikê VAIw "s/he fries" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsâpiskiswêw:sâsâpiskisw VTA "s/he fries s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sâsâpiskitêw:sâsâpiskitê VIIw "it is fried" ; ! AEW: VII-v sâsinikonastimwêw:sâsinikonastimwê VAIw "s/he pets his/her own dog, s/he strokes his/her own dog" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsinikwastimwêw:sâsinikwastimwê VAIw "s/he pets his/her own dog" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsipimêw:sâsipimê VAIw "s/he renders fat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsipimîhkasam:sâsipimîhkasa VTIm "s/he renders s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâsipimîhkêw:sâsipimîhkê VAIw "s/he renders fat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâsisam:sâsisa VTIm "s/he fries s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sâsiswêw:sâsisw VTA "s/he fries s.o. (e.g. fish)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sâwahtow:sâwahto VAIw "s/he extends his/her own legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sâwani-yôtin:sâwani-yôtin VIIn "it is a south wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n sêham:sêha VTIm "s/he swabs s.t. out (e.g. dish, bowl)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sêhispwâkanêw:sêhispwâkanê VAIw "s/he cleans his/her pipe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêhkê-atoskêmakan:sêhkê-atoskêmakan VIIn "it works automatically" ; ! AEW: VII-n sêhkêpayiw:sêhkêpayi VIIw "it goes forward quickly; it goes automatically" ; ! AEW: VII-v sêkihêw:sêkih VTA "s/he scares s.o., s/he frightens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: sâh-sêkihêw sêkihisow:sêkihiso VAIw "s/he frightens him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêkihiwêw:sêkihiwê VAIw "s/he frightens people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêkihtâw:sêkihtâ VTIw "s/he frightens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sêkimêw:sêkim VTA "s/he frightens s.o. by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sêkinâkosiw:sêkinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks frightful, frightening; s/he looks frightened" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêkinâkwan:sêkinâkwan VIIn "it looks frightful, frightening" ; ! AEW: VII-n sêkipatwâw:sêkipatwâ VAIw "s/he has a braid" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêkisiw:sêkisi VAIw "s/he is afraid, s/he is scared" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêkonam:sêkona VTIm "s/he puts s.t. under or between; s/he puts s.t. into the oven" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sêkonêw:sêkon VTA "s/he puts s.o. (e.g. a chicken) into the oven" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sêkopayihow:sêkopayiho VAIw "s/he goes in, under something; s/he quickly hides from sight under something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêkopayin:sêkopayin VIIn "it runs beneath, s/he goes underneath, s/he gets caught underneath" ; ! AEW: VII-n sêkopayiw:sêkopayi VAIw "s/he slips between or under" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêkoyahkinam:sêkoyahkina VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. between or under" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sêkoyahkinêw:sêkoyahkin VTA "s/he stores s.o. between things; s/he pushes s.o. between or under" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sêkôw:sêkô VAIw "s/he gets between something, s/he goes under something (e.g. blankets)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêkwahkinam:sêkwahkina VTIm "s/he puts s.t. under ashes" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sêkwahkinêw:sêkwahkin VTA "s/he puts s.o. under ashes" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sêkwamow:sêkwamo VIIw "it is underneath, it runs beneath" ; ! AEW: VII-v sêkwasow:sêkwaso VAIw "s/he carries things in his/her own belt" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêkwâmow:sêkwâmo VAIw "s/he flees and hides under something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêkwâpiskinam:sêkwâpiskina VTIm "s/he puts s.t. in an oven, s/he puts s.o. under the coals" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sêkwâpiskinêw:sêkwâpiskin VTA "s/he puts s.o. in an oven" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sêkwêstikwâniwâsiw:sêkwêstikwâniwâsi VAIw "s/he has messy, wind-blown hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêmâkipayiw:sêmâkipayi VAIw "s/he goes past his/her destination, s/he drives right past his/her destination" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêmâkohtêw:sêmâkohtê VAIw "s/he walks right past his/her destination" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêsâw-âyâw:sêsâw-âyâ VTIw "s/he rests s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sêsâwinêw:sêsâwin VTA "s/he stretches s.o., s/he exercises s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sêsâwipahtâw:sêsâwipahtâ VAIw "s/he jogs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêsâwipayiw:sêsâwipayi VAIw "s/he stretches, s/he becomes relaxed (after exercise)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêsâwîhkasow:sêsâwîhkaso VAIw "s/he refreshes him/herself by steam bath (e.g. sweat-lodge, sauna)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêsâwîw:sêsâwî VAIw "s/he stretches him/herself, s/he takes exercise" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêsâwohtêw:sêsâwohtê VAIw "s/he refreshes him/herself by walking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêsêkwâpitêhow:sêsêkwâpitêho VAIw "s/he picks his/her own teeth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêsêskinâkosiw:sêsêskinâkosi VAIw "s/he has a frightening look" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêsêskinâkwan:sêsêskinâkwan VIIn "it looks dreadful, frightful" ; ! AEW: VII-n sêskâmow:sêskâmo VAIw "s/he flees into bushes, the woods" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêskâpahtêw:sêskâpahtê VIIw "there is smoke blowing into the woods" ; ! AEW: VII-v sêskipayihtâw:sêskipayihtâ VTIw "s/he beaches s.t. (using a motor)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sêskipayiw:sêskipayi VAIw "s/he goes into woods; s/he runs off the road into a bluff" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêskipitam:sêskipita VTIm "s/he beaches s.t., s/he pulls s.t. into the bush" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sêskipitêw:sêskipit3 VTA "s/he beaches s.o., s/he pulls s.o. into the bush" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sêskisiw:sêskisi VAIw "s/he is in the bush; s/he enters the bush, s/he goes into the woods" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêskitâpâsow:sêskitâpâso VAIw "s/he drives into the bush (with horse and wagon)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêstôyow:sêstôyo VAIw "s/he puts on extra inner clothes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêwêhtitâw:sêwêhtitâ VTIw "s/he shakes s.t. (e.g. a rattle); s/he rattles s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sêwêpayiw:sêwêpayi VAIw "s/he jingles, s/he rattles" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêwêpayiw:sêwêpayi VIIw "it jingles, s/he rattles" ; ! AEW: VII-v sêwêpicikêw:sêwêpicikê VAIw "s/he jingles things; s/he rings a bell" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêwêpitam:sêwêpita VTIm "s/he jingles s.t., s/he rings s.t.; s/he phones" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sêwêpitamawêw:sêwêpitamaw VTA "s/he phones s.o., s/he calls s.o. by phone" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sêwêpitêw:sêwêpit3 VTA "s/he jingles s.o., s/he rings s.o. (e.g. a bell)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sêwêw:sêwê VAIw "it rings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sêyâpitêw:sêyâpitê VAIw "s/he grins and shows his/her own teeth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sihkaciw:sihkaci VAIw "s/he is extremely cold" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sihkoskiw:sihkoski VAIw "s/he spits all the time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sihkow:sihko VAIw "s/he spits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sihkwâtam:sihkwâta VTIm "s/he spits on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sihkwâtêw:sihkwât3 VTA "s/he spits on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sikatêyihtam:sikatêyihta VTIm "s/he is bored by s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikatêyimêw:sikatêyim VTA "s/he is bored by s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sikâkomâkosiw:sikâkomâkosi VAIw "s/he has a skunk odour" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikâkomâkwan:sikâkomâkwan VIIn "it has a skunk odour" ; ! AEW: VII-n sikihkwâmiskiw:sikihkwâmiski VAIw "s/he is a bed-wetter" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikihkwâmiw:sikihkwâmi VAIw "s/he wets the bed, s/he urinates while sleeping" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikitam:sikita VTIm "s/he urinates on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikitêw:sikit3 VTA "s/he urinates on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sikitisow:sikitiso VAIw "s/he urinates on him/herself, s/he wets him/herself, s/he is incontinent" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikiw:siki VAIw "s/he urinates" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikiyêsiw:sikiyêsi VAIw "s/he is happy, glad" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikokaham:sikokaha VTIm "s/he chops s.t. small" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikokahtâw:sikokahtâ VAIw "s/he has hiccups" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikokahwêw:sikokahw VTA "s/he chops s.o. small" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sikonam:sikona VTIm "s/he crushes s.t. by hand until small" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikonêw:sikon VTA "s/he crushes s.o. by hand (e.g. nuts)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sikopayiw:sikopayi VIIw "it is reduced to small bits, it is pulverized" ; ! AEW: VII-v sikopitam:sikopita VTIm "s/he tears s.t. to pieces" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikopitêw:sikopit3 VTA "s/he tears s.o. to pieces" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sikopotam:sikopota VTIm "s/he grinds s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikopotêw:sikopot3 VTA "s/he grinds s.o. up (e.g. liver)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sikosam:sikosa VTIm "s/he chops s.t. small" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikosâwâtam:sikosâwâta VTIm "s/he slices s.t. small" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikoskam:sikoska VTIm "s/he breaks s.t. by foot; s/he tramps s.t. to bits" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikoskawêw:sikoskaw VTA "s/he breaks s.o. by foot; s/he crushes s.o. by stepping" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sikoswêw:sikosw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. up (e.g. tobacco)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sikowêpaham:sikowêpaha VTIm "s/he mashes s.t. with a fork" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikowêpahwêw:sikowêpahw VTA "s/he mashes s.o. (e.g. loaf of bread, raspberries)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sikwaham:sikwaha VTIm "s/he crushes s.t. (by tool) until small; s/he mashes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikwahcikêw:sikwahcikê VAIw "s/he chews" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikwahcisikêw:sikwahcisikê VAIw "s/he cultivates, s/he harrows" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikwahtam:sikwahta VTIm "s/he chews s.t. until small, s/he masticates s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikwamêw:sikwam VTA "s/he chews s.o. until small" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sikwataham:sikwataha VTIm "s/he pounds s.t. (by tool with handle) until small, s/he crushes s.t. (by pounding)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sikwatahikâtêw:sikwatahikâtê VIIw "it is pounded until small" ; ! AEW: VII-v sikwatahikêw:sikwatahikê VAIw "s/he crushes (by pounding)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikwatahwêw:sikwatahw VTA "s/he crushes s.o. (by pounding); s/he pounds s.o. to pieces, pulp" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sikwatakahikêw:sikwatakahikê VAIw "s/he prods, s/he jabs with a stick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikwatatin:sikwatatin VIIn "it is rotten" ; ! AEW: VII-n sikwatatiw:sikwatati VAIw "it is rotten" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sikwâciwahtêw:sikwâciwahtê VIIw "it is boiled so as to fall into small bits" ; ! AEW: VII-v sikwâciwasow:sikwâciwaso VAIw "it is boiled so as to fall into small bits" ; ! AEW: VAI-v simacipayiw:simacipayi VIIw "it turns upwards, it straightens up" ; ! AEW: VII-v simacîw:simacî VAIw "s/he straightens up, it stands upright; it rears up (e.g. horse)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v simatapiw:simatapi VAIw "s/he sits up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v simâkanisihkâniwiw:simâkanisihkâniwi VAIw "s/he is a soldier; s/he takes part in war" ; ! AEW: VAI-v simâkanisiwiw:simâkanisiwi VAIw "s/he is a police officer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sinikohcâpinêw:sinikohcâpin VTA "s/he rubs s.o.'s eyes" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sinikohcâpinisow:sinikohcâpiniso VAIw "s/he rubs his/her own eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sinikohkitonênêw:sinikohkitonên VTA "s/he rubs s.o. over the mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sinikohkitonêpitêw:sinikohkitonêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. rubbing that one's mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sinikohkwêpayiw:sinikohkwêpayi VAIw "s/he falls and scrapes his/her own face on the ground" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sinikohkwêsin:sinikohkwêsin3 VAIn "s/he falls scraping his/her own face" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sinikohtaham:sinikohtaha VTIm "s/he scrubs s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sinikohtakaham:sinikohtakaha VTIm "s/he scrubs s.t. (as wood)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sinikohtakahikêw:sinikohtakahikê VAIw "s/he scrubs the floor; s/he is scrubbing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sinikohtatâw:sinikohtatâ VTIw "s/he rubs s.t. on the floor" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sinikohtitâw:sinikohtitâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. rubbing" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sinikonam:sinikona VTIm "s/he rubs s.t., s/he strokes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sinikonamawêw:sinikonamaw VTA "s/he strokes or rubs (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sinikonêw:sinikon VTA "s/he rubs s.o., s/he strokes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sinikonisow:sinikoniso VAIw "s/he rubs him/herself, s/he strokes him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sinikosimow:sinikosimo VAIw "s/he rubs against something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sinikoskam:sinikoska VTIm "s/he rubs against s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sinikoskawêw:sinikoskaw VTA "s/he rubs his/her own body against s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sinikotamênêw:sinikotamên VTA "s/he strokes s.o. on the mouth (e.g. a baby's gums when teething)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sinikwaham:sinikwaha VTIm "s/he rubs s.t. on (as linament on his/her own leg)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sinikwahwêw:sinikwahw VTA "s/he rubs or washes s.o. with a cloth" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sipwê-kisiwâsiw:sipwê-kisiwâsi VAIw "s/he leaves sulking, s/he leaves angry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwê-têhtapiw:sipwê-têhtapi VAIw "s/he rides away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêcimêw:sipwêcimê VAIw "s/he leaves by boat, s/he canoes away, s/he paddles away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêham:sipwêha VTIm "s/he utters s.t.; s/he begins to sing with accompaniment" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sipwêhamawêw:sipwêhamaw VTA "s/he starts a tune for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sipwêhtahêw:sipwêhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. away; s/he leaves with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sipwêhtahiwêw:sipwêhtahiwê VAIw "s/he takes people away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêhtatâw:sipwêhtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. away" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sipwêhtêhkâsow:sipwêhtêhkâso VAIw "s/he pretends to go away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêhtêpayiw:sipwêhtêpayi VAIw "s/he goes quickly on his/her own way" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêhtêw:sipwêhtê VAIw "s/he leaves, s/he goes off, s/he departs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêkitâsow:sipwêkitâso VAIw "s/he leaves sulking, s/he leaves angry" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêkocin:sipwêkocin3 VAIn "s/he flies off, s/he departs flying; s/he leaves by water or air" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sipwêmakan:sipwêmakan VIIn "it goes away" ; ! AEW: VII-n sipwêpahtâw:sipwêpahtâ VAIw "s/he leaves running; s/he runs off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêpayihtâw:sipwêpayihtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. go, s/he makes s.t. start; s/he starts s.t. (e.g. a vehicle)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sipwêpayin:sipwêpayin VIIn "it starts off to run (e.g. tape recorder); it goes off" ; ! AEW: VII-n sipwêpayiw:sipwêpayi VAIw "s/he leaves riding; s/he leaves by vehicle, s/he drives off, s/he goes away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêpayiw:sipwêpayi VIIw "it leaves (e.g. a vehicle)" ; ! AEW: VII-v sipwêpiciw:sipwêpici VAIw "s/he moves camp away, s/he moves away with all his/her own goods and family" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêpihâw:sipwêpihâ VAIw "s/he leaves flying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêtatwêmow:sipwêtatwêmo VAIw "s/he goes off weeping" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêtâcimopahtâw:sipwêtâcimopahtâ VAIw "s/he crawls off fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêtâpâsow:sipwêtâpâso VAIw "s/he leaves with a team of horses, s/he travels away by team" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêtâpêw:sipwêtâpê VAIw "s/he drags s.t. away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêtisaham:sipwêtisaha VTIm "s/he sends s.t. away, s/he mails s.t. away" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sipwêtisahwêw:sipwêtisahw VTA "s/he sends s.o. away, s/he expels s.o.; s/he drives s.o. to depart" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sipwêtowatêw:sipwêtowatê VAIw "s/he departs with a load on his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêyâhokow:sipwêyâhoko VAIw "s/he drifts away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêyâhtawîw:sipwêyâhtawî VAIw "s/he departs climbing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêyâpêkamowak:sipwêyâpêkamo VAIw_PL "they file off; they go off in a line" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêyâsiw:sipwêyâsi VAIw "s/he blows away (as a boat with sails)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sipwêyâstan:sipwêyâstan VIIn "it blows away" ; ! AEW: VII-n sipwêyâstitâw:sipwêyâstitâ VTIw "s/he starts s.t. sailing" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sipwêyâtakâw:sipwêyâtakâ VAIw "s/he swims away, s/he wades away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sisikocimêw:sisikocim VTA "s/he surprises s.o. with speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sisikocinêw:sisikocinê VAIw "s/he dies suddenly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sisikokahtâw:sisikokahtâ VAIw "s/he hiccups" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sisikotâhpinêw:sisikotâhpinê VAIw "s/he dies suddenly (from a short illness)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sisikotêyihtam:sisikotêyihta VTIm "s/he is surprised, s/he is shocked" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sisikotêyimêw:sisikotêyim VTA "s/he is surprised at s.o., s/he is shocked by s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sisikotiskênam:sisikotiskêna VTIm "s/he grapples with s.t. by surprise with the hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sisikotiskênêw:sisikotiskên VTA "s/he grapples with s.o. by surprise with the hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sisikwacihêw:sisikwacih VTA "s/he startles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sisiwêpayihêw:sisiwêpayih VTA "s/he scatters s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sisiwêpayihtâw:sisiwêpayihtâ VTIw "s/he scatters s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sisiwêpayin:sisiwêpayin VIIn "it scatters" ; ! AEW: VII-n sisiwêpayiw:sisiwêpayi VIIw "it scatters" ; ! AEW: VII-v sisiwêpinam:sisiwêpina VTIm "s/he scatters s.t. about by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sisiwêpinêw:sisiwêpin VTA "s/he scatters s.o. about by hand (such as grain)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sisiwêpinikâtêw:sisiwêpinikâtê VIIw "it is scattered by hand" ; ! AEW: VII-v sisiwêpinikêw:sisiwêpinikê VAIw "s/he scatters things (e.g. seeds) by hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sisiwêskam:sisiwêska VTIm "s/he scatters s.t. with his/her own feet" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sisiwêskawêw:sisiwêskaw VTA "s/he scatters s.o. with his/her own feet" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sisocêskiwakinikêw:sisocêskiwakinikê VAIw "s/he plasters with mud (e.g. a log house)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sisonam:sisona VTIm "s/he paints s.t. on by hand (i.e. not with a brush)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sisopâcikâtêw:sisopâcikâtê VIIw "it is sprayed upon" ; ! AEW: VII-v sisopâtam:sisopâta VTIm "s/he licks s.t.; s/he spits s.t. spattering (e.g. in traditional healing practice of chewing herbs which are blown on a patient)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sisopâtêw:sisopât3 VTA "s/he spreads (it/him) on s.o.; s/he spits (it/him) onto s.o. spattering (e.g. in traditional healing practice of chewing herbs which are blown on a patient)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sisopêkaham:sisopêkaha VTIm "s/he paints s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sisopêkahikêw:sisopêkahikê VAIw "s/he paints" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sisopêkahwâkêw:sisopêkahwâkê VAIw "s/he sprinkles people with something (e.g. priest sprinkling holy water)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sisopêkahwêw:sisopêkahw VTA "s/he paints s.o.; s/he puts salve on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sisopêkinam:sisopêkina VTIm "s/he rubs s.t. with oil, fat, linament, etc." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sisopêkinêw:sisopêkin VTA "s/he rubs s.o. with oil, fat, linament, etc." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sisoskiwakaham:sisoskiwakaha VTIm "s/he plasters s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sisoskiwakahikêw:sisoskiwakahikê VAIw "s/he plasters" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sisoskiwakinam:sisoskiwakina VTIm "s/he plasters s.t., s/he muds s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sisoskiwakinamâsow:sisoskiwakinamâso VAIw "s/he plasters (it/him) for him/herself, s/he does the mudding for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sisoskiwakinêw:sisoskiwakin VTA "s/he plasters s.o., s/he muds s.o. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sisoskiwakinikâtêw:sisoskiwakinikâtê VIIw "it is plastered, it is mudded" ; ! AEW: VII-v sisoskiwakinikêw:sisoskiwakinikê VAIw "s/he plasters by hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sisowaham:sisowaha VTIm "s/he paints s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sisowahwêw:sisowahw VTA "s/he paints s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 siswamêw:siswam VTA "s/he sprinkles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 siswêwêpinam:siswêwêpina VTIm "s/he sprinkles s.t. about (e.g. ashes in cleaning)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhcâw:sîhcâ VIIw "it is tightly packed, it is crowded; it is tight, it is taut" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîhcihtâw:sîhcihtâ VTIw "s/he has difficulty with s.t.; s/he makes s.t. tight or firm" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sîhcihtin:sîhcihtin VIIn "it fits tightly (as in a box)" ; ! AEW: VII-n sîhcipayiw:sîhcipayi VIIw "it tightens" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîhcipitam:sîhcipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. tight (as a rope)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhcisiw:sîhcisi VAIw "s/he is tightly packed, s/he fits tightly (as in a box)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîhciw:sîhci VAIw "s/he has a difficult time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîhcîw:sîhcî VAIw "s/he puts great effort in doing something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîhkaciw:sîhkaci VAIw "s/he is very thin; s/he is lean" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîhkatimêw:sîhkatim VTA "s/he puts s.o. on a diet to lose weight" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîhkawêw:sîhkaw VTA "s/he bothers s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sîhkihkêmow:sîhkihkêmo VAIw "s/he gives orders; s/he urges others, s/he encourages others" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîhkihpimiw:sîhkihpimi VAIw "s/he has a boil (sore)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîhkimêw:sîhkim VTA "s/he urges s.o., s/he orders s.o., s/he guides s.o. (by speech)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîhkimitowak:sîhkimito VAIw_PL "they encourage one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîhkinam:sîhkina VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. on" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhkinêw:sîhkin VTA "s/he pushes s.o. on" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîhkipicikâkêw:sîhkipicikâkê VAIw "s/he stretches hides with something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîhkipitam:sîhkipita VTIm "s/he stretches s.t. (e.g. a hide)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhkipitêw:sîhkipit3 VTA "s/he stretches s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sîhkiskam:sîhkiska VTIm "s/he pushes s.t., s/he supports or emphasizes an idea" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhkiskawêw:sîhkiskaw VTA "s/he incites s.o.; s/he urges s.o. bodily" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sîhkitisahwêw:sîhkitisahw VTA "s/he drives s.o. ahead" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîhtaham:sîhtaha VTIm "s/he tightens s.t. with a wrench" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhtahamawêw:sîhtahamaw VTA "s/he tightens (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sîhtahpitam:sîhtahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. tightly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhtahpitêw:sîhtahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. tightly" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sîhtahwêw:sîhtahw VTA "s/he winds s.o., s/he tightens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîhtamohtâw:sîhtamohtâ VTIw "s/he fastens s.t. tightly" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sîhtapiw:sîhtapi VAIw "s/he sits scrunched into a tight place; [plural:] they sit crowded together, they sit clustered together" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîhtascâpênam:sîhtascâpêna VTIm "s/he tightens his/her own bowstring" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhtatoskawêw:sîhtatoskaw VTA "s/he works hard on or for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sîhtatoskâtam:sîhtatoskâta VTIm "s/he works hard at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhtawâskosin:sîhtawâskosin3 VAIn "s/he lies pinched between trees" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sîhtawikaham:sîhtawikaha VTIm "s/he chinks the log house, s/he patches s.t. tightly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhtawikwêhwêw:sîhtawikwêhw VTA "s/he holds s.o. tight on neck with tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîhtâpêkinam:sîhtâpêkina VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. tight (e.g. rope)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhtâpêkinêw:sîhtâpêkin VTA "s/he pulls s.o. tight (e.g. yarn, thread)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîhtâpîhkênam:sîhtâpîhkêna VTIm "s/he holds s.t. tight" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhtâpîhkênêw:sîhtâpîhkên VTA "s/he holds s.o. tight" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîhtâskikanêw:sîhtâskikanê VAIw "s/he has a congested chest; s/he experiences tightness in the chest" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîhtâskwahow:sîhtâskwaho VAIw "s/he wears a girdle, corset" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîhtihkasam:sîhtihkasa VTIm "s/he tightens s.t. up by heat" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhtihkaswêw:sîhtihkasw VTA "s/he tightens s.o. up by heat" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîhtihkokanâham:sîhtihkokanâha VTIm "s/he holds s.t. tightly over his/her shoulder" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhtihkokanâhwêw:sîhtihkokanâhw VTA "s/he holds s.o. around the neck and shoulders (while being carried on that one's back)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîhtiskam:sîhtiska VTIm "s/he fits s.t. tightly; s/he wears s.t. tight fitting; s/he wears s.t. too small" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhtiskawêw:sîhtiskaw VTA "s/he fits s.o. (e.g. pants) tightly; s/he wears s.o. tight fitting" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sîhtwahpitam:sîhtwahpita VTIm "s/he bandages s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîhtwahpitêw:sîhtwahpit3 VTA "s/he bandages s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sîhtwamohtâw:sîhtwamohtâ VTIw "s/he fits s.t. on tightly" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sîhtwamon:sîhtwamon VIIn "it fits tightly, it is on tight" ; ! AEW: VII-n sîhtwamow:sîhtwamo VIIw "it fits very tightly" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîkahasinêw:sîkahasinê VAIw "s/he pours cement" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkahâhcihêw:sîkahâhcih VTA "s/he pours water on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîkahâhcikêw:sîkahâhcikê VAIw "s/he waters plants" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkahâhtam:sîkahâhta VTIm "s/he splashes or pours water on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîkahâhtawêw:sîkahâhtaw VTA "s/he sprinkles s.o., s/he splashes s.o., s/he pours water onto s.o.; s/he baptizes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sîkahâhtâsow:sîkahâhtâso VAIw "s/he splashes or pours water on him/herself; s/he is baptized" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkahosow:sîkahoso VAIw "s/he combs his/her own hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkahow:sîkaho VAIw "s/he combs his/her own hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkahwêw:sîkahw VTA "s/he combs s.o.'s hair" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîkawâhokow:sîkawâhoko VAIw "s/he is borne along in a flood, it (e.g. ice) is borne along in a flood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkawîpiciwak:sîkawîpici VAIw_PL "they trek away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkawîstamawêw:sîkawîstamaw VTA "s/he clears (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sîkawîwak:sîkawî VAIw_PL "they go away in numbers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: plural only sîkâwihow:sîkâwiho VAIw "s/he is in mourning" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkâwiw:sîkâwi VAIw "s/he is in mourning" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkihtitâw:sîkihtitâ VTIw "s/he pours s.t. out, s/he dumps s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sîkinam:sîkina VTIm "s/he pours s.t.; s/he spills s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîkinamawêw:sîkinamaw VTA "s/he pours (it/him) out for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sîkinâpâwêw:sîkinâpâwê VAIw "s/he is drenched" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkinêw:sîkin VTA "s/he pours s.o.; s/he spills s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîkinikêw:sîkinikê VAIw "s/he taps beer or liquor, s/he is a bartender" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkipayiw:sîkipayi VIIw "it spills; it is spilling" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîkipêstâw:sîkipêstâ VIIw_SG "it is a downpour; it is pouring rain, it showers" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîkipicikêw:sîkipicikê VAIw "s/he spills things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkipitam:sîkipita VTIm "s/he spills s.t., s/he pours s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîkipitêw:sîkipit3 VTA "s/he spills s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sîkiskam:sîkiska VTIm "s/he spills s.t. by bumping" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîkiskawêw:sîkiskaw VTA "s/he spills s.o. by bumping" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sîkiskâtowak:sîkiskâto VAIw_PL "they are overcrowded" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkiwêpaham:sîkiwêpaha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. over spilling it" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîkiwêpahwêw:sîkiwêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. over spilling it" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîkiwêpinam:sîkiwêpina VTIm "s/he pours s.t. out, s/he throws liquid out of a container, s/he pours s.t. away" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîkiwêpinêw:sîkiwêpin VTA "s/he throws a liquid out of s.o. (e.g. a pail)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîkiwêpinikêw:sîkiwêpinikê VAIw "s/he is emptying water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkiwêpiskam:sîkiwêpiska VTIm "s/he spills s.t. by foot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîkiwêpiskawêw:sîkiwêpiskaw VTA "s/he spills s.o. by foot" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sîkohkinam:sîkohkina VTIm "s/he empties s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîkohkinêw:sîkohkin VTA "s/he empties s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîkonam:sîkona VTIm "s/he empties s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîkonêw:sîkon VTA "s/he empties s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîkopwâtinam:sîkopwâtina VTIm "s/he strains s.t., s/he sifts s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîkopwâtinêw:sîkopwâtin VTA "s/he strains s.o., s/he sifts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîkôpêsin:sîkôpêsin3 VAIn "s/he spills a liquid in falling" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sîkwahkasow:sîkwahkaso VAIw "it spills in being heated, it boils over" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîkwan:sîkwan VIIn "it is spring" ; ! AEW: VII-n sîkwâhkatosow:sîkwâhkatoso VAIw "s/he is starved lean" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîmihkwasiw:sîmihkwasi VAIw "s/he is still sleepy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sînam:sîna VTIm "s/he wrings s.t. out, s/he twists s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sînâskwaham:sînâskwaha VTIm "s/he wrings s.t. out with a wooden tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sînâskwahikêw:sînâskwahikê VAIw "s/he wrings things out with a wooden tool" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sînâskwahwêw:sînâskwahw VTA "s/he wrings s.o. out with a wooden tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sînêw:sîn VTA "s/he wrings s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sînihkomêhêw:sînihkomêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. blow and wipe that one's nose" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sînihkomêw:sînihkomê VAIw "s/he blows his/her own nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sînikêw:sînikê VAIw "s/he wrings things out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sînipâtinam:sînipâtina VTIm "s/he wrings s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sînipâtinêw:sînipâtin VTA "s/he wrings s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sînipêkinam:sînipêkina VTIm "s/he wrings s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sînipêkinêw:sînipêkin VTA "s/he wrings s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sînipêkinikêw:sînipêkinikê VAIw "s/he wrings things out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpaham:sîpaha VTIm "s/he stretches s.t., s/he stretches s.t. on the stretcher to dry" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîpahikêw:sîpahikê VAIw "s/he stretches a fur, s/he stretches a pelt, s/he stretches things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpahwêw:sîpahw VTA "s/he stretches s.o. (e.g. pelts)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîpan:sîpan VIIn "it is durable; it wears well" ; ! AEW: VII-n sîpaskitâw:sîpaskitâ VTIw "s/he implants s.t. solidly" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sîpaskitêw:sîpaskitê VIIw "it stands a long time (as a building)" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîpâpayihow:sîpâpayiho VAIw "s/he ducks under" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpâpayiw:sîpâpayi VIIw "it goes under" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîpâpicikêw:sîpâpicikê VAIw "s/he draws a jigger line under the ice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpâpitam:sîpâpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. under" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîpâpitêw:sîpâpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. under; s/he pulls thread under the sewing machine" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sîpâsîw:sîpâsî VAIw "s/he goes underneath, s/he passes under (a low overpass over the road)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpâyâkonakihêw:sîpâyâkonakih VTA "s/he makes s.o. go under the snow" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîpâyâkonakihtâw:sîpâyâkonakihtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. go under the snow" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sîpâyâsiw:sîpâyâsi VAIw "s/he is blown under by the wind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpêkâskwaham:sîpêkâskwaha VTIm "s/he stretches s.t. on sticks" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîpêkâskwahwêw:sîpêkâskwahw VTA "s/he stretches s.o. on sticks" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîpêkinam:sîpêkina VTIm "s/he washes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîpêkinêw:sîpêkin VTA "s/he washes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîpêkipayiw:sîpêkipayi VAIw "s/he stretches (as a garment)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpêkipayiw:sîpêkipayi VIIw "it stretches" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîpêkipitam:sîpêkipita VTIm "s/he stretches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîpêkipitêw:sîpêkipit3 VTA "s/he stretches s.o. (e.g. yarn)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sîpêyâw:sîpêyâ VIIw "there is an open place in the woods; there is an opening from land to water" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîpêyihtam:sîpêyihta VTIm "s/he is patient; s/he bears s.t. without complaining" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîpêyimêw:sîpêyim VTA "s/he is patient with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîpi-kiskisiw:sîpi-kiskisi VAIw "s/he remembers far back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpihkêyihtam:sîpihkêyihta VTIm "s/he endures s.t. by strength of mind; perseveres" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîpihkosâkêw:sîpihkosâkê VAIw "s/he wears a blue coat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpihkosiw:sîpihkosi VAIw "s/he is blue" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpihkwasiw:sîpihkwasi VAIw "s/he can go without sleep for a long time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpihkwâsin:sîpihkwâsin VIIn "it is blueish" ; ! AEW: VII-n sîpihkwâw:sîpihkwâ VIIw "it is blue" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîpikâpawiw:sîpikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands a long time without tiring" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpinam:sîpina VTIm "s/he makes s.t. last a long time" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîpinêw:sîpin VTA "s/he makes s.o. last a long time" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîpinêw:sîpinê VAIw "s/he is long-lived; s/he is hardy; s/he is hard to kill" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpisiw:sîpisi VAIw "s/he is strong and durable (e.g. fur)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpiyawêsiw:sîpiyawêsi VAIw "s/he is not easily provoked, s/he is tolerant" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpîhkânihkêw:sîpîhkânihkê VAIw "s/he makes a ditch" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpîsisiwahcâw:sîpîsisiwahcâ VIIw "it is an area of creeks" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîpîsisiwiw:sîpîsisiwi VIIw "it is a creek, it has a creek" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîpîw:sîpî VAIw "s/he stretches" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîpostaham:sîpostaha VTIm "s/he sews s.t. up (as a rip in his/her own clothes)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîpostahamawêw:sîpostahamaw VTA "s/he sews (it/him) up for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sîpostahwêw:sîpostahw VTA "s/he sews s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîpwêwêmow:sîpwêwêmo VAIw "s/he is long-winded in speech" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîsipâskwamin:sîsipâskwamin VIIn "it is sweet" ; ! AEW: VII-n sîsipâskwamiw:sîsipâskwami VAIw "s/he is sweet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîsipâskwatihkêw:sîsipâskwatihkê VAIw "s/he makes maple sugar" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîsîkan:sîsîkan VIIn "it hails" ; ! AEW: VII-n sîsîkomow:sîsîkomo VAIw "it whines (e.g. a dog)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîsîkow:sîsîko VAIw "it whines (e.g. a dog)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîsîkwanihkêw:sîsîkwanihkê VAIw "s/he makes a rattle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîsîpiskâw:sîsîpiskâ VIIw "there are many ducks" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîskêpisow:sîskêpiso VAIw "s/he puts on a garter" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîskêpitisow:sîskêpitiso VAIw "s/he garters him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîspopayiw:sîspopayi VAIw "s/he loses weight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîtawaham:sîtawaha VTIm "s/he starches s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîtawahikêw:sîtawahikê VAIw "s/he starches things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîtawâw:sîtawâ VIIw "it is stiff" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîtawipayiw:sîtawipayi VIIw "it stiffens" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîtonam:sîtona VTIm "s/he supports s.t. by holding" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîtonêw:sîton VTA "s/he supports s.o. by holding" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîtwâskwaham:sîtwâskwaha VTIm "s/he props s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîtwâskwahwêw:sîtwâskwahw VTA "s/he props s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîwaham:sîwaha VTIm "s/he sweetens s.t., s/he salts s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîwahcikêw:sîwahcikê VAIw "s/he eats sweets" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîwahwêw:sîwahw VTA "s/he sweetens s.o., s/he salts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sîwaskatêw:sîwaskatê VAIw "s/he feels his/her own stomach is empty ;; s/he has an upset stomach; s/he has a sour stomach" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîwatêw:sîwatê VAIw "s/he has an empty stomach" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîwâkamisikêw:sîwâkamisikê VAIw "s/he makes birch tree syrup" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîwâsin:sîwâsin VIIn "it is a bit sweet; it is a bit sour; it is a bit salty" ; ! AEW: VII-n sîwâw:sîwâ VIIw "it is sweet; it is sour; it is salty" ; ! AEW: VII-v sîwinam:sîwina VTIm "s/he sweetens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîwinêw:sîwin VTA "s/he sweetens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîwinikanâspinêw:sîwinikanâspinê VAIw "s/he has diabetes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîwinikêw:sîwinikê VAIw "s/he sweetens his/her own tea; s/he uses sugar" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîwipîwiw:sîwipîwi VAIw "s/he has edema, water retention" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîwisiw:sîwisi VAIw "s/he is sweet (e.g. watermelon)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîwispakosiw:sîwispakosi VAIw "it tastes sweet; it tastes salty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîwispakwan:sîwispakwan VIIn "it tastes sweet; it tastes salty" ; ! AEW: VII-n sîwîhtâkamin:sîwîhtâkamin VIIn "it is a salty liquid" ; ! AEW: VII-n sîwîhtâkanaham:sîwîhtâkanaha VTIm "s/he salts s.t.; s/he rubs salt into s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sîwîhtâkanahêw:sîwîhtâkanah VTA "s/he salts s.o. (e.g. fish)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sîwîhtâkanahikêw:sîwîhtâkanahikê VAIw "s/he cures meats or fish (in brine)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîwîhtâkanâpôhkêw:sîwîhtâkanâpôhkê VAIw "s/he makes brine" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sîwîhtâw:sîwîhtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. salty" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sôhkakihtam:sôhkakihta VTIm "s/he prices s.t. dear" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôhkakihtêw:sôhkakihtê VIIw "it is expensive" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôhkakisow:sôhkakiso VAIw "it is expensive" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkan:sôhkan VIIn "it is strongly made, it is sturdy, it is firm, it is solid, it is strong" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkastâw:sôhkastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. solidly" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sôhkatin:sôhkatin VIIn "it freezes solidly" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkatoskêw:sôhkatoskê VAIw "s/he works hard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkâkamihtâw:sôhkâkamihtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. (i.e. liquid) strong (e.g. tea)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sôhkâkamiw:sôhkâkami VIIw "it is a strong liquid (e.g. tea)" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôhkâkonêw:sôhkâkonê VAIw "it is hard snow, it is snow packed hard enough to bear weight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkâpêkan:sôhkâpêkan VIIn "it is strong (e.g. rope)" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkâpêkasin:sôhkâpêkasin VIIn "it is rather strong (e.g. twine, rope)" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkâpêkisiw:sôhkâpêkisi VAIw "it is strong (e.g. thread, yarn)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkâpiskâw:sôhkâpiskâ VIIw "it is strong (i.e. metal)" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôhkâpiskisiw:sôhkâpiskisi VAIw "it is strong (i.e. metal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkâskohtâw:sôhkâskohtâ VTIw "s/he strengthens s.t. by poles, s/he reinforces s.t., s/he props s.t. with poles" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sôhkâskosiw:sôhkâskosi VAIw "s/he is strong (as a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkâskwahwêw:sôhkâskwahw VTA "s/he props s.o. up to reinforce" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sôhkâskwan:sôhkâskwan VIIn "it is strong (as wood-lumber)" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkâstan:sôhkâstan VIIn "it blows away in a strong wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkâtisiw:sôhkâtisi VAIw "s/he is strong, s/he is powerful, s/he is sturdy, s/he is mighty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkâw:sôhkâ VIIw "it is strong" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôhkêciwan:sôhkêciwan VIIn "it flows strongly, it is a strong current" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkêhtatâw:sôhkêhtatâ VTIw "s/he throws s.t. hard, s/he throws s.t. down forcefully" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sôhkêkan:sôhkêkan VIIn "it is strong (i.e. cloth)" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkêkocin:sôhkêkocin3 VAIn "s/he travels at great speed" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sôhkêkotêw:sôhkêkotê VIIw "it runs hard, it runs fast, it runs vigourously; it speeds well" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôhkêmow:sôhkêmo VAIw "s/he speaks boldly, forcefully" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkêmowitotam:sôhkêmowitota VTIm "s/he speaks about s.t. boldly, forcefully" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôhkêmowitotawêw:sôhkêmowitotaw VTA "s/he speaks to s.o. boldly, forcefully" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sôhkêpahtâw:sôhkêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs hard, s/he runs fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkêpayin:sôhkêpayin VIIn "it is strong, it works effectively (e.g. machine, medicine)" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkêpayiw:sôhkêpayi VIIw "it moves surely and quickly" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôhkêpitam:sôhkêpita VTIm "s/he stands firmly behind s.t., s/he promotes s.t.; s/he pulls s.t. using strength" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôhkêpitêw:sôhkêpit3 VTA "s/he stands firmly behind s.o., s/he promotes s.o.; s/he pulls s.o. using strength" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sôhkêsimow:sôhkêsimo VAIw "s/he dances hard, vigourously" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkêwêpinam:sôhkêwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. hard" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôhkêwêpinêw:sôhkêwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. hard" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sôhkêyihtam:sôhkêyihta VTIm "s/he is steadfast, s/he is steadfast about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôhkêyihtâkosiw:sôhkêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is thought to be strong, s/he is rated as brave" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkêyihtâkwan:sôhkêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is thought to be strong" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkêyimêw:sôhkêyim VTA "s/he thinks s.o. brave; s/he is confident of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sôhkêyimisow:sôhkêyimiso VAIw "s/he thinks him/herself brave" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkêyimow:sôhkêyimo VAIw "s/he is brave, s/he is bold, s/he is confident" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkiciwan:sôhkiciwan VIIn "it flows strongly, it is a strong current or stream" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkihêw:sôhkih VTA "s/he makes s.o. strong, s/he fortifies s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sôhkihtâkosiw:sôhkihtâkosi VAIw "s/he has a powerful voice or sound" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkihtâkwan:sôhkihtâkwan VIIn "it has a powerful sound" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkihtâw:sôhkihtâ VTIw "s/he builds s.t. strongly, s/he fortifies s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sôhkikâpawiw:sôhkikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands firm" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkinâkosiw:sôhkinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks strong; it is built strong" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkinâkwan:sôhkinâkwan VIIn "it looks strong; it is built strong" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôhkisiw:sôhkisi VAIw "s/he is strong, s/he is stout; s/he has supernatural power" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkistimêw:sôhkistim VTA "s/he soaks s.o.; s/he dilutes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sôhkistitâw:sôhkistitâ VTIw "s/he soaks s.t.; s/he dilutes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sôhkitêhêw:sôhkitêhê VAIw "s/he is stout of heart, s/he has a strong heart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôhkiyowêw:sôhkiyowê VIIw "it is very windy, it is a strong wind" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôkâwâspinêw:sôkâwâspinê VAIw "s/he has diabetes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôminâpôhkâkêw:sôminâpôhkâkê VAIw "s/he makes wine from s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôminâpôhkêw:sôminâpôhkê VAIw "s/he makes wine" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôniskwâtahikêw:sôniskwâtahikê VAIw "s/he skates; s/he plays hockey; s/he skis" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôniyâhkâkêw:sôniyâhkâkê VAIw "s/he makes money out of s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôniyâhkâtam:sôniyâhkâta VTIm "s/he earns money from s.t., s/he makes money at s.t., s/he uses s.t. to make money" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôniyâhkâtêw:sôniyâhkât3 VTA "s/he earns money using s.o., s/he makes money from s.o. (e.g. bannock)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 sôniyâhkêw:sôniyâhkê VAIw "s/he earns money, s/he earns wages; s/he makes money, s/he creates money" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôniyâskâw:sôniyâskâ VIIw "it is Treaty Day; there is an abundance of money" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôniyâw-kîsikâw:sôniyâw-kîsikâ VIIw "it is Treaty Day" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôniyâw-okimâwiw:sôniyâw-okimâwi VAIw "he is an Indian agent" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôniyâwan:sôniyâwan VIIn "it is worth money; it consists of money" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôniyâwâskosiw:sôniyâwâskosi VAIw "it is a golden stick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôniyâwi-pîwayêw:sôniyâwi-pîwayê VAIw "it has golden feathers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôniyâwihkêw:sôniyâwihkê VAIw "s/he makes money from something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôniyâwiw:sôniyâwi VIIw "it is or has gold or money" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôpahcikêw:sôpahcikê VAIw "s/he eats good food and licks his/her own fingers; s/he eats finger-licking good food" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôpahtam:sôpahta VTIm "s/he spits on s.t.; s/he laps s.t. up; s/he licks s.t. off the bone; s/he eats meat off" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôpamêw:sôpam VTA "s/he eats s.o. dunked or soaked in broth or milk (e.g. bannock)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sôsawihtâw:sôsawihtâ VTIw "s/he defiles s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sôsawiskam:sôsawiska VTIm "s/he defiles s.t. by stepping or wearing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôsawiskawêw:sôsawiskaw VTA "s/he defiles s.o. by stepping or wearing" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sôsimêw:sôsimê VAIw "s/he plays at throwing snow-darts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôsiniskwâtaham:sôsiniskwâtaha VTIm "s/he skates on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôsiniskwâtahikêw:sôsiniskwâtahikê VAIw "s/he is skating" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskohtâw:sôskohtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. smooth by sanding" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 sôskokaham:sôskokaha VTIm "s/he hews s.t. smooth" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôskokahwêw:sôskokahw VTA "s/he hews s.o. smooth" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sôskonam:sôskona VTIm "s/he lets s.t. slip out of his/her own hands" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôskonêw:sôskon VTA "s/he lets s.o. slip out of his/her own hands" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sôskopayihow:sôskopayiho VAIw "s/he flings him/herself to glide, s/he slides away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskopayiw:sôskopayi VAIw "s/he slips, s/he slides down, s/he glides; s/he skidoos" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskopicikêw:sôskopicikê VAIw "s/he falls on smooth ice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskosin:sôskosin3 VAIn "s/he slips" ; ! AEW: VAI-n sôskosiw:sôskosi VAIw "s/he is smooth, it is slippery" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskoskam:sôskoska VTIm "s/he slips stepping on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôskoskamikâw:sôskoskamikâ VIIw "it is smooth ground, it is slippery ground" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôskoskawêw:sôskoskaw VTA "s/he slips stepping on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 sôskoyâpawiw:sôskoyâpawi VAIw "s/he skis" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskwaciwêw:sôskwaciwê VAIw "s/he slides downhill, s/he toboggans" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskwaham:sôskwaha VTIm "s/he irons s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôskwahikêw:sôskwahikê VAIw "s/he irons, s/he irons things smooth, s/he presses things smooth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskwahwêw:sôskwahw VTA "s/he irons s.o. (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 sôskwanâtaham:sôskwanâtaha VTIm "s/he skates" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 sôskwanâtahikêw:sôskwanâtahikê VAIw "s/he skates" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskwâkamin:sôskwâkamin VIIn "it is soft water" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôskwâpêkan:sôskwâpêkan VIIn "it is smooth (i.e. rope)" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôskwâpiskâw:sôskwâpiskâ VIIw "it is smooth (i.e. rock or metal)" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôskwâsiw:sôskwâsi VAIw "s/he is blown gliding" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskwâskosiw:sôskwâskosi VAIw "it is smooth (i.e. tall tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskwâskwan:sôskwâskwan VIIn "it is smooth (i.e. long pole)" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôskwâstimêw:sôskwâstim VTA "s/he makes s.o. glide before the wind" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 sôskwâtahikêw:sôskwâtahikê VAIw "s/he skates" ; ! AEW: VAI-v sôskwâw:sôskwâ VIIw "it is smooth, it is slippery (e.g. highway)" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôskwêkan:sôskwêkan VIIn "it is smooth (e.g. velvet)" ; ! AEW: VII-n sôswêpayiw:sôswêpayi VIIw "it scatters" ; ! AEW: VII-v sôwahkêyiw:sôwahkêyi VAIw "s/he soars (as a bird)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tacîwihêw:tacîwih VTA "s/he gets ahead of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tacîwihtâw:tacîwihtâ VTIw "s/he gets ahead of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tahcipayihêw:tahcipayih VTA "s/he loosens s.o. by applying pressure or weight" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tahcipayihow:tahcipayiho VAIw "s/he breaks loose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahcipayiw:tahcipayi VIIw "it becomes loose or unhooked" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahcipitam:tahcipita VTIm "s/he undoes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: tâh-tahcipitam tahcipitêw:tahcipit3 VTA "s/he undoes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tahciwêpaham:tahciwêpaha VTIm "s/he springs the trap; s/he unlocks the trap" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahciwêpahwêw:tahciwêpahw VTA "s/he frees s.o. (from a trap)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tahkaciw:tahkaci VAIw "s/he catches cold" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkahcikêw:tahkahcikê VAIw "s/he stabs; s/he plays pool, s/he plays billiards" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkahtam:tahkahta VTIm "s/he stabs s.t., s/he jabs s.t.; s/he stabs with s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahkamêw:tahkam VTA "s/he stabs s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: tâh-tahkamêw tahkamisow:tahkamiso VAIw "s/he stabs him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkapiw:tahkapi VAIw "s/he is cold (e.g. a goose from the oven)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkastâw:tahkastâ VTIw "s/he cools s.t. by putting it in a cool place" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tahkastêw:tahkastê VIIw "it is cold; it is cold indoors" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahkatêskâcikêw:tahkatêskâcikê VAIw "s/he applies spurs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkatin:tahkatin VIIn "it is cool" ; ! AEW: VII-n tahkâkamin:tahkâkamin VIIn "it is a cold liquid" ; ! AEW: VII-n tahkâkonakâw:tahkâkonakâ VIIw "it is cold (by the snow)" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahkâpâwahêw:tahkâpâwah VTA "s/he cools s.o. in the water" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tahkâpâwatâw:tahkâpâwatâ VTIw "s/he cools s.t. in the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tahkâpiskâw:tahkâpiskâ VIIw "it is cold (i.e. metal)" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahkâpiskisiw:tahkâpiskisi VAIw "s/he is cold (i.e. metal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkâsin:tahkâsin VIIn "it is rather cold (to touch)" ; ! AEW: VII-n tahkâsiw:tahkâsi VAIw "s/he is cooled by the wind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkâw:tahkâ VIIw "it is cool, is it cold (to the touch)" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahkâyâsin:tahkâyâsin VIIn "it is cool weather" ; ! AEW: VII-n tahkâyâw:tahkâyâ VIIw "it is cold weather" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahkêyihtam:tahkêyihta VTIm "s/he perceives the cold, s/he feels the cold" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahkikamâpôhkêw:tahkikamâpôhkê VAIw "s/he adds ice to water, cool the water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkikamin:tahkikamin VIIn "it is a body of cold water" ; ! AEW: VII-n tahkikamiw:tahkikami VIIw "it is cold water" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahkimastâw:tahkimastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. (e.g. liquid) to cool" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tahkipayin:tahkipayin VIIn "it cools, it cools off" ; ! AEW: VII-n tahkipayiw:tahkipayi VAIw "s/he cools, s/he cools off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkipêstâw:tahkipêstâ VIIw "it is cold rain falling" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahkisitêw:tahkisitê VAIw "s/he has cold feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkisiw:tahkisi VAIw "s/he is cold; s/he grows cool" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkiskam:tahkiska VTIm "s/he kicks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahkiskawêw:tahkiskaw VTA "s/he kicks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tahkiskâcikêw:tahkiskâcikê VAIw "s/he kicks, s/he kicks things; s/he raises a fuss" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkiskâtam:tahkiskâta VTIm "s/he kicks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahkiskâtêw:tahkiskât3 VTA "s/he kicks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tahkiskikêw:tahkiskikê VAIw "s/he kicks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkispiskwanêw:tahkispiskwanê VAIw "s/he has a cold back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkispiskwanêwaciw:tahkispiskwanêwaci VAIw "s/he has a freezing back, s/he catches cold on his/her own back from a draft" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkistikwânêw:tahkistikwânê VAIw "s/he has a cold head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkiyawêpayiw:tahkiyawêpayi VAIw "s/he feels cold in his/her own body" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkiyowêw:tahkiyowê VIIw "it is a cold wind, it is cold air" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahko-miyêw:tahko-miy VTA "s/he gives s.o. extra, s/he gives s.o. something above and beyond the original gift or norm" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tahkocihcêskawêw:tahkocihcêskaw VTA "s/he steps on s.o.'s hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tahkoham:tahkoha VTIm "s/he holds s.t., s/he steers s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahkohci-pahkisin:tahkohci-pahkisin3 VAIn "s/he falls on top" ; ! AEW: VAI-n tahkohcikâpawiw:tahkohcikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands on the top of something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkohcipayihow:tahkohcipayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself up on top; s/he jumps on the top of something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkohcipayiw:tahkohcipayi VIIw "it falls on the top" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahkohcisin:tahkohcisin3 VAIn "s/he lies on the top of something" ; ! AEW: VAI-n tahkohtaciwêhtahêw:tahkohtaciwêhtah VTA "s/he brings s.o. to the top of the hill or stairs" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tahkohtaciwêhtatâw:tahkohtaciwêhtatâ VTIw "s/he brings s.t. to the top of the hill or stairs" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tahkohtaciwêw:tahkohtaciwê VAIw "s/he goes to the top of the hill or stairs, s/he reaches the top" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkohtastâw:tahkohtastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. on top" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tahkohtastêw:tahkohtastê VIIw "it sits on top, it is on top" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahkohtâmatin:tahkohtâmatin VIIn "it is at the top of the hill" ; ! AEW: VII-n tahkonam:tahkona VTIm "s/he grasps s.t., s/he holds s.t.; s/he carries s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahkonamawêw:tahkonamaw VTA "s/he carries (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tahkonâwasow:tahkonâwaso VAIw "s/he carries an infant" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkonêw:tahkon VTA "s/he grasps s.o., s/he holds s.o.; s/he carries s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tahkonikêw:tahkonikê VAIw "s/he carries things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkopicikâkêw:tahkopicikâkê VAIw "s/he uses s.t. to tie with" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkopicikêpayin:tahkopicikêpayin VIIn "it has a knot form; it is tangled" ; ! AEW: VII-n tahkopicikêpayiw:tahkopicikêpayi VAIw "it has a knot form; s/he gets tangled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkopicikêw:tahkopicikê VAIw "s/he ties, s/he ties things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkopisow:tahkopiso VAIw "s/he is tied fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkopitam:tahkopita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. fast" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahkopitamawêw:tahkopitamaw VTA "s/he ties (it/him) fast for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tahkopitâwasow:tahkopitâwaso VAIw "s/he ties his/her own child up in a moss-bag; s/he swaddles a child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkopitêw:tahkopitê VIIw "it is tied fast" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahkopitêw:tahkopit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. fast" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tahkopitisow:tahkopitiso VAIw "s/he ties him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkoskam:tahkoska VTIm "s/he treads on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahkoskawêw:tahkoskaw VTA "s/he steps on s.o., s/he treads on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tahkoskâcikêw:tahkoskâcikê VAIw "s/he treads on things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkoskâtam:tahkoskâta VTIm "s/he steps on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahkoskâtêw:tahkoskât3 VTA "s/he steps on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tahkoskêw:tahkoskê VAIw "s/he steps; s/he steps on s.t., s/he kicks s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkwahcikêmakan:tahkwahcikêmakan VIIn "it clamps, it bites" ; ! AEW: VII-n tahkwahcikêw:tahkwahcikê VAIw "s/he bites, s/he clamps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkwahkêskiw:tahkwahkêski VAIw "s/he has a habit of biting" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkwahkêw:tahkwahkê VAIw "s/he bites" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahkwahtam:tahkwahta VTIm "s/he bites s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahkwamêw:tahkwam VTA "s/he bites s.o.; s/he has s.o. in his/her own mouth" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tahkwâskwêhpitam:tahkwâskwêhpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. fast to wood or solid" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahkwâskwêhpitêw:tahkwâskwêhpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. fast to wood or solid" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tahtakosiw:tahtakosi VAIw "it is flat, level (e.g. snow)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahtakwahcâw:tahtakwahcâ VIIw "it is even, level land" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahtakwâw:tahtakwâ VIIw "it is level, it is a flat area" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahtinam:tahtina VTIm "s/he loosens s.t. (e.g. braid), s/he unties s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tahtinêw:tahtin VTA "s/he sets s.o. free, s/he unties s.o., s/he looses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tahtinikâtêw:tahtinikâtê VIIw "it is taken off, it is loosened, it is untied" ; ! AEW: VII-v tahtopiponwêw:tahtopiponwê VAIw "s/he is so many winters old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahtoskânêsiwak:tahtoskânêsi VAIw_PL "they are of so many kinds, nations" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahtotipiskwêw:tahtotipiskwê VAIw "s/he sleeps out many nights" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahtwânakisiwak:tahtwânakisi VAIw_PL "they are of so many kinds" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tahtwâpacihtâwinêw:tahtwâpacihtâwinê VAIw "s/he has so many tools" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkahpicikêw:takahkahpicikê VAIw "s/he has a good team (of horses)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkastimwêw:takahkastimwê VAIw "s/he has a good horse, good dog" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkâciwasomêw:takahkâciwasom VTA "s/he boils s.o. well (e.g. duck)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 takahkâpâwêw:takahkâpâwê VIIw "it is well washed; it washes well" ; ! AEW: VII-v takahkâpêwiw:takahkâpêwi VAIw "he is a good, strong, handsome man" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkêyihtam:takahkêyihta VTIm "s/he is glad, s/he is pleased; s/he thinks well of s.t., s/he likes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: tâh-takahkêýihtam takahkêyihtamihêw:takahkêyihtamih VTA "s/he pleases s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 takahkêyimêw:takahkêyim VTA "s/he thinks well of s.o., s/he likes s.o., s/he considers s.o. nice; s/he likes s.o.'s ways" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 takahkêyimow:takahkêyimo VAIw "s/he is pleased with him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkihkasam:takahkihkasa VTIm "s/he bakes s.t. well" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 takahkihkaswêw:takahkihkasw VTA "s/he bakes s.o. well" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 takahkihtâkosiw:takahkihtâkosi VAIw "s/he sounds nice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkihtâkwan:takahkihtâkwan VIIn "it sounds nice" ; ! AEW: VII-n takahkimâkosiw:takahkimâkosi VAIw "s/he smells good" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkimâkwan:takahkimâkwan VIIn "it smells good" ; ! AEW: VII-n takahkinâkohtâw:takahkinâkohtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. look good, nice, great" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 takahkinâkosiw:takahkinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks good, nice, great" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkinâkwan:takahkinâkwan VIIn "it looks good, nice, great" ; ! AEW: VII-n takahkipahtâw:takahkipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs really well" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkipêw:takahkipê VAIw "s/he feels good with drink, s/he feels intoxicated" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkisiw:takahkisi VAIw "s/he is polite, s/he is well-mannered" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkisîhêw:takahkisîh VTA "s/he dresses s.o. nicely; s/he makes s.o. look well with dress, s/he prepares s.o. (e.g. jewellry) well, nicely" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 takahkisîhow:takahkisîho VAIw "s/he is very well dressed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkisîhtâw:takahkisîhtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. nice, nicely, well" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 takahkispakosiw:takahkispakosi VAIw "s/he tastes good, delicious" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takahkispakwan:takahkispakwan VIIn "it tastes good, delicious" ; ! AEW: VII-n takahkwêwêhtitâw:takahkwêwêhtitâ VTIw "s/he makes a nice drumming or tapping sound, s/he makes a nice drumming sound on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 takohâw:takohâ VAIw "s/he arrives by plane" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takohêw:takoh VTA "s/he joins s.o. to something, s/he adds to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 takohtahêw:takohtah VTA "s/he arrives with s.o.; s/he takes s.o., s/he brings s.o. to a destination" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 takohtahiwêw:takohtahiwê VAIw "s/he arrives with people, s/he brings people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takohtatamawêw:takohtatamaw VTA "s/he arrives with (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 takohtatâw:takohtatâ VTIw "s/he arrives with s.t.; s/he arrives carrying s.t., s/he bring s.t. along" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 takohtêw:takohtê VAIw "s/he arrives (walking)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takonam:takona VTIm "s/he adds more to s.t., s/he includes s.t., s/he adds s.t. to something" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 takonêw:takon VTA "s/he adds on to s.o., s/he adds more to s.o., s/he adds (it/him) to s.o.; s/he includes s.o.; s/he holds s.o. close to something" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 takonikâtêw:takonikâtê VIIw "it is added in by hand" ; ! AEW: VII-v takopahtâw:takopahtâ VAIw "s/he arrives running, s/he arrives in a rush" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takopayiw:takopayi VAIw "s/he arrives riding, s/he arrives by vehicle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takopayiw:takopayi VIIw "it arrives (e.g. a vehicle)" ; ! AEW: VII-v takopicikâtêw:takopicikâtê VIIw "it is tied along to something else" ; ! AEW: VII-v takopiciw:takopici VAIw "s/he arrives with his/her own camp; s/he arrives with family and belongings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takopitam:takopita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. along to something else" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 takopitêw:takopit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. along to something else" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 takopitêw:takopitê VIIw "it is tied to something" ; ! AEW: VII-v takopotâw:takopotâ VAIw "s/he adds more liquid" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takosin:takosin3 VAIn "s/he arrives" ; ! AEW: VAI-n takosinômakan:takosinômakan VIIn "it arrives" ; ! AEW: VII-n takotâpâtam:takotâpâta VTIm "s/he arrives dragging s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 takotâpâtêw:takotâpât3 VTA "s/he arrives dragging s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 takotâpêw:takotâpê VAIw "s/he arrives dragging (s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takotêhtapiw:takotêhtapi VAIw "s/he arrives (riding)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takotisaham:takotisaha VTIm "s/he drives or chases s.t. to arrive at a destination simultaneously" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 takotisahwêw:takotisahw VTA "s/he drives or chases s.o. to arrive at a destination simultaneously" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 takw-âhêw:tako-ah VTA "s/he puts more of s.o. in" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 takw-âstâw:tako-astâ VTIw "s/he puts more of s.t. in" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 takwaham:takwaha VTIm "s/he crushes s.t. (by hand); s/he adds s.t. by tool; s/he pounds or presses s.t. with a heavy weight; s/he crushes berries" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 takwahamawêw:takwahamaw VTA "s/he pounds (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 takwahikêw:takwahikê VAIw "s/he grinds grains" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takwahiminêw:takwahiminê VAIw "s/he crushes berries" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takwahwêw:takwahw VTA "s/he crushes s.o.; s/he puts a weight on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 takwakocin:takwakocin3 VAIn "s/he arrives flying, s/he arrives by vehicle" ; ! AEW: VAI-n takwastâw:takwastâ VTIw "s/he adds s.t. on" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 takwâkin:takwâkin VIIn "it is autumn, it is fall" ; ! AEW: VII-n takwâmow:takwâmo VAIw "s/he arrives, s/he gets (there); s/he arrives in flight, s/he arrives fleeing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takwâpiskataham:takwâpiskataha VTIm "s/he smashes s.t. against stone with tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 takwâpiskatahwêw:takwâpiskatahw VTA "s/he smashes s.o. against stone with tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 takwâpôyow:takwâpôyo VAIw "s/he arrives by rail, s/he arrives by train" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takwâsiw:takwâsi VAIw "s/he arrives by sailing, s/he arrives by sail boat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v takwâw:takwâ VIIw "it is level" ; ! AEW: VII-v tapahtakocin:tapahtakocin3 VAIn "s/he flies low, s/he hangs low" ; ! AEW: VAI-n tapahtakotâw:tapahtakotâ VTIw "s/he hangs s.t. low" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tapahtakotêw:tapahtakot3 VTA "s/he hangs s.o. low" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tapahtakotêw:tapahtakotê VIIw "it hangs low" ; ! AEW: VII-v tapahtêyihtam:tapahtêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks lowly of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tapahtêyimêw:tapahtêyim VTA "s/he thinks lowly of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tapahtêyimisow:tapahtêyimiso VAIw "s/he is humble; s/he thinks little of him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tapahtêyimohêw:tapahtêyimoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. think lowly of himself; s/he puts s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tapahtêyimow:tapahtêyimo VAIw "s/he thinks little of him/herself; s/he is humble" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tapahtiskwêkâpawiw:tapahtiskwêkâpawi VAIw "s/he stands humbly (with head bowed)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tapahtiskwêsin:tapahtiskwêsin3 VAIn "s/he lies with lowered head" ; ! AEW: VAI-n tapahtiskwêyiw:tapahtiskwêyi VAIw "s/he lowers his/her own head; s/he hangs his/her own head down; s/he bows" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tapasîhêw:tapasîh VTA "s/he flees from s.o., s/he runs away from s.o.; s/he flees with s.o., s/he runs away with s.o., s/he helps s.o. to flee" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tapasîhtâw:tapasîhtâ VTIw "s/he flees with s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tapasîstam:tapasîsta VTIm "s/he flees from s.t.; s/he runs away from s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tapasîstawêw:tapasîstaw VTA "s/he flees from s.o.; s/he runs away from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tapasîw:tapasî VAIw "s/he flees, s/he runs away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tasi-pîkiskwêw:tasi-pîkiskwê VAIw "s/he speaks while others are speaking, s/he speaks simultaneously with others" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tasinam:tasina VTIm "s/he fires s.t. (e.g. gun); s/he released s.t., s/he untangles s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tasîhkam:tasîhka VTIm "s/he bothers with s.t., s/he is engaged in s.t., s/he is busy with s.t., s/he works at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tasîhkawêw:tasîhkaw VTA "s/he works with s.o., s/he works on s.o., s/he is busy with s.o. (as a doctor with a patient)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tasîhkâtam:tasîhkâta VTIm "s/he is busy with s.t.; s/he tries to repair s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tasîhkâtêw:tasîhkât3 VTA "s/he is busy with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tasîhkêw:tasîhkê VAIw "s/he is busy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v taskamiham:taskamiha VTIm "s/he goes across the water" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 taskamihâw:taskamihâ VAIw "s/he flies across" ; ! AEW: VAI-v taskamipayiw:taskamipayi VAIw "s/he goes across" ; ! AEW: VAI-v taskamohtêw:taskamohtê VAIw "s/he walks across" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tasokâpawiw:tasokâpawi VAIw "s/he stands straight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tasokâtêw:tasokâtê VAIw "s/he straightens his/her own legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tasonam:tasona VTIm "s/he straightens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tasonêw:tason VTA "s/he straightens s.o. by laying him down" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tasopayiw:tasopayi VAIw "s/he straightens up, s/he straightens him/herself out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tasopitam:tasopita VTIm "s/he opens s.t. up (with a knife)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tasopitêw:tasopit3 VTA "s/he opens s.o. up (with a knife)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tasowisow:tasowiso VAIw "s/he traps him/herself; s/he catches him/herself in a trap" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tasôhêw:tasôh VTA "s/he traps s.o. under something, s/he catches s.o. in a trap" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tasôsow:tasôso VAIw "s/he is trapped under something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tasôtâw:tasôtâ VTIw "s/he drops a tree on s.t. (as a deadfall); s/he traps s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tasôtêw:tasôtê VIIw "it is caught (under a tree)" ; ! AEW: VII-v tasôw:tasô VAIw "s/he straightens up, s/he straightens him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v taspâsôwêw:taspâsôwê VAIw "it shines brightly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tastakiskwêyiw:tastakiskwêyi VAIw "s/he lifts his/her own head up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tastasâpahtam:tastasâpahta VTIm "s/he looks up at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tastasâpamêw:tastasâpam VTA "s/he looks up at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tastasâpiw:tastasâpi VAIw "s/he looks up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tastawahikêw:tastawahikê VAIw "s/he puts up his/her own tent pole" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tastawâpitêyâw:tastawâpitêyâ VIIw "it is forked" ; ! AEW: VII-v tastâpasikêw:tastâpasikê VAIw "s/he makes smoke to drive off insects (using buffalo grass)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v taswâskonam:taswâskona VTIm "s/he straightens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 taswâskonêw:taswâskon VTA "s/he straightens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 taswâskosin:taswâskosin3 VAIn "s/he lies extended as solid; s/he lies full length on his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VAI-n taswâw:taswâ VIIw "it is straight" ; ! AEW: VII-v taswêkakocin:taswêkakocin3 VAIn "it glides through air with outspread wings" ; ! AEW: VAI-n taswêkastâw:taswêkastâ VTIw "s/he spreads s.t. around, s/he spreads s.t. out (e.g. a blanket); s/he places s.t. spread out" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 taswêkataham:taswêkataha VTIm "s/he pounds s.t. flat, s/he flattens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 taswêkatahwêw:taswêkatahw VTA "s/he pounds s.o. flat, s/he flattens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 taswêkâpiskisiw:taswêkâpiskisi VAIw "it is stone that is spread out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v taswêkinam:taswêkina VTIm "s/he spreads s.t. out (by hand), s/he spreads s.t. open" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 taswêkinêw:taswêkin VTA "s/he spreads s.o. out, s/he spreads s.o. open" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 taswêkipakêhtiw:taswêkipakêhti VIIw "it grows spreading leaves" ; ! AEW: VII-v taswêkipayiw:taswêkipayi VIIw "it is opened by pulling, its spread out (e.g. material)" ; ! AEW: VII-v taswêkipitam:taswêkipita VTIm "s/he spreads s.t. open" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 taswêkipitêw:taswêkipit3 VTA "s/he spreads s.o. open" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 taswêkisâwâtam:taswêkisâwâta VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. thinly, s/he slices s.t. to spread open" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 taswêkisâwâtêw:taswêkisâwât3 VTA "s/he cuts s.o. thinly, s/he slices s.o. to spread open" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 taswêkiwêpinam:taswêkiwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. spreading" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 taswêkiwêpinêw:taswêkiwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. spreading" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tatahkamikisiw:tatahkamikisi VAIw "s/he has things to do; s/he is busy there, s/he is busy at s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v tatâhpiw:tatâhpi VAIw "s/he laughs there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tatâstapiwêw:tatâstapiwê VAIw "s/he talks fast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tatâstapîw:tatâstapî VAIw "s/he is quick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tatâyawâw:tatâyawâ VIIw "it is crowded" ; ! AEW: VII-v tatwêwitam:tatwêwita VTIm "s/he noises s.t., s/he makes noise while others are speaking" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tawaham:tawaha VTIm "s/he slashes s.t. open (as a path), s/he clears or marks s.t. (as a line)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tawahcâw:tawahcâ VIIw "it is a narrow ravine" ; ! AEW: VII-v tawahikêw:tawahikê VAIw "s/he slashes a path, s/he clears or marks a line, s/he clears the way of trees" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tawahkahikêw:tawahkahikê VAIw "s/he hews a road through the woods" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tawapîstawêw:tawapîstaw VTA "s/he makes room for s.o. to sit; s/he gives s.o. a place to sit" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tawaskisow:tawaskiso VAIw "s/he grows leaving a passage (e.g. plants)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tawastêw:tawastê VIIw "it lies leaving a passage through" ; ! AEW: VII-v tawataham:tawataha VTIm "s/he blazes a trail, s/he slashes a path; s/he makes room by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tawatinâw:tawatinâ VIIw "it is a valley" ; ! AEW: VII-v tawayâw:tawayâ VAIw "s/he leaves a passage, s/he makes room" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tawâpiskanêpitêw:tawâpiskanêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. wide open" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tawâstêw:tawâstê VIIw "it is a week" ; ! AEW: VII-v tawâw:tawâ VIIw "it is open, it is an opening; there is room, it has room" ; ! AEW: VII-v tawikaham:tawikaha VTIm "s/he slashes, s/he slashes s.t., s/he chops s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tawikahikêw:tawikahikê VAIw "s/he slashes or chops a path" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tawinam:tawina VTIm "s/he opens s.t. by hand; s/he clears the way as s/he goes, s/he makes space" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tawinamawêw:tawinamaw VTA "s/he opens (it/him) by hand for s.o.; s/he makes room for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tawinâkwan:tawinâkwan VIIn "it looks open ahead" ; ! AEW: VII-n tawinêw:tawin VTA "s/he opens s.o. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tawinikêw:tawinikê VAIw "s/he makes a space, s/he puts things aside; s/he makes room for action" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tawipayihikow:tawipayih VAIw "s/he has time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: inanimate actor VTA tawipaýih- tawitisahwêw:tawitisahw VTA "s/he drives s.o. apart" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tawîstam:tawîsta VTIm "s/he makes room for s.t. to go by" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tawîstawêw:tawîstaw VTA "s/he makes room for s.o. to go by; s/he opens the tent for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâcikwêw:tâcikwê VAIw "s/he yells; s/he screams" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâhcikâpawiw:tâhcikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands on the top" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâhcipayihow:tâhcipayiho VAIw "s/he jumps on the top" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâhcipohêw:tâhcipoh VTA "s/he fattens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâhcipow:tâhcipo VAIw "s/he gains weight, s/he becomes fat; it is in good flesh from eating" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâhkinam:tâhkina VTIm "s/he touches s.t., s/he pokes s.t. to identify" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâhkinêw:tâhkin VTA "s/he touches s.o. or pokes s.o. to get that one's attention" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâhtâsaham:tâhtâsaha VTIm "s/he sharpens s.t., s/he strops s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tânimatahto-askîwinêw:tânimatahto-askîwinê VAIw "s/he is how many years old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tânitahtopiponêw:tânitahtopiponê VAIw "s/he is how many years old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: interrogative only tâpakwamawêw:tâpakwamaw VTA "s/he sets snares for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tâpakwâsow:tâpakwâso VAIw "s/he is snared" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpakwâtam:tâpakwâta VTIm "s/he snares s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâpakwâtêw:tâpakwât3 VTA "s/he snares s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tâpakwê-wêpinam:tâpakwê-wêpina VTIm "s/he lassoes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâpakwê-wêpinêw:tâpakwê-wêpin VTA "s/he lassoes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâpakwêstamawêw:tâpakwêstamaw VTA "s/he sets snares on behalf of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâpakwêw:tâpakwê VAIw "s/he snares, s/he sets snares" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpapîstam:tâpapîsta VTIm "s/he takes s.t.'s seat" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâpapîstamawêw:tâpapîstamaw VTA "s/he sits in s.o.'s place, s/he takes the seat that was vacated by s.o.; s/he succeeds s.o. in office" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâpasinahikêpayihtâw:tâpasinahikêpayihtâ VTIw "s/he makes a photocopy of s.t., s/he photocopies s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tâpasinahikêw:tâpasinahikê VAIw "s/he copies; s/he makes a copy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpastâw:tâpastâ VTIw "s/he replaces s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tâpâhkômêw:tâpâhkôm VTA "s/he adopts s.o., s/he takes s.o. as a relative" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâpânaham:tâpânaha VTIm "s/he spies s.t. with a spyglass" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâpânahikêw:tâpânahikê VAIw "s/he is spying; s/he looks through a spy glass" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpânahwêw:tâpânahw VTA "s/he spies s.o. with a spy glass" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tâpâpêkinam:tâpâpêkina VTIm "s/he slings s.t. on by a string" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâpâpêkinêw:tâpâpêkin VTA "s/he slings s.o. on by a string" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâpâskwêw:tâpâskwê VAIw "s/he fits wood into wood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpihêw:tâpih VTA "s/he replaces s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâpihtêpisow:tâpihtêpiso VAIw "s/he wears earrings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpihtin:tâpihtin VIIn "it is inserted, it is fastened in" ; ! AEW: VII-n tâpihtitâw:tâpihtitâ VTIw "s/he fits s.t. in; s/he puts a handle on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tâpikwatisow:tâpikwatiso VAIw "s/he brings home game" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpipayiw:tâpipayi VIIw "it fits all around" ; ! AEW: VII-v tâpipiw:tâpipi VAIw "s/he takes another's place" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpisaham:tâpisaha VTIm "s/he threads s.t. (e.g. needle)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâpisahamawêw:tâpisahamaw VTA "s/he threads (it) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâpisahamow:tâpisahamo VIIw "it is threaded" ; ! AEW: VII-v tâpisahwêw:tâpisahw VTA "s/he threads s.o. (e.g. bead)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tâpisikonam:tâpisikona VTIm "s/he pulls the trigger of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâpisikopayiw:tâpisikopayi VAIw "s/he gets caught in something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpisikoskam:tâpisikoska VTIm "s/he steps into a hoop" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâpisimêw:tâpisim VTA "s/he fits s.o. in" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâpisiminêw:tâpisiminê VAIw "s/he threads beads" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpisin:tâpisin3 VAIn "it lies fit in or strung" ; ! AEW: VAI-n tâpiskahêw:tâpiskah VTA "s/he puts a necklace or collar on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâpiskam:tâpiska VTIm "s/he wears s.t. around his/her own neck" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâpiskawêw:tâpiskaw VTA "s/he wears s.o. (e.g. beads) around his/her own neck" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâpiskâkanihkêw:tâpiskâkanihkê VAIw "s/he knits a scarf" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpiskopayiw:tâpiskopayi VIIw "it fits in, s/he falls into place" ; ! AEW: VII-v tâpiskopisow:tâpiskopiso VAIw "s/he is tied round and round; s/he is tied around the waist" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpiskôtastâw:tâpiskôtastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. alike; s/he duplicates s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tâpitawâkonakâw:tâpitawâkonakâ VIIw "it is level snow" ; ! AEW: VII-v tâpitawâw:tâpitawâ VIIw "it is uniform; is even" ; ! AEW: VII-v tâpitawihtâw:tâpitawihtâ VTIw "s/he evens s.t. all the way around" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tâpowakêyihcikêw:tâpowakêyihcikê VAIw "s/he believes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: term used in traditional rites tâpowakêyihtam:tâpowakêyihta VTIm "s/he has faith in s.t.; s/he believes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: term used in traditional rites tâpowakêyimêw:tâpowakêyim VTA "s/he believes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: term used in traditional rites tâpowêw:tâpowê VAIw "s/he recites; s/he repeats what s/he has heard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpwêhtam:tâpwêhta VTIm "s/he believes s.t., s/he agrees with s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâpwêhtamawêw:tâpwêhtamaw VTA "s/he believes (it/him) for, from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâpwêhtawêw:tâpwêhtaw VTA "s/he believes s.o., s/he agrees with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâpwêhtâkêw:tâpwêhtâkê VAIw "s/he believes people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpwêmakan:tâpwêmakan VIIn "it speaks the truth" ; ! AEW: VII-n tâpwêmêw:tâpwêm VTA "s/he tells the truth about s.o. (generally about personality); s/he convinces s.o. to be truthful" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâpwêskiw:tâpwêski VAIw "s/he always speaks the truth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpwêw:tâpwê VAIw "s/he speaks true, s/he speaks the truth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâpwêwakêyihtam:tâpwêwakêyihta VTIm "s/he believes in s.t., s/he regards s.t. positively, s/he holds s.t. to be true" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâpwêwakêyimêw:tâpwêwakêyim VTA "s/he believes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: term used in traditional rites tâpwêyêyimêw:tâpwêyêyim VTA "s/he believes in s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâsaham:tâsaha VTIm "s/he sharpens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâsahamawêw:tâsahamaw VTA "s/he sharpens (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâsawisâwâtam:tâsawisâwâta VTIm "s/he cuts into the middle of s.t., s/he slices s.t. open" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâsawisâwâtêw:tâsawisâwât3 VTA "s/he cuts into the middle of s.o., s/he slices s.o. open" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tâskataham:tâskataha VTIm "s/he splits s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâskatahikêw:tâskatahikê VAIw "s/he splits wood with axe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâskatahimihtêw:tâskatahimihtê VAIw "s/he splits firewood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâskatahwêw:tâskatahw VTA "s/he splits s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tâskâw:tâskâ VIIw "it is split" ; ! AEW: VII-v tâskihkotam:tâskihkota VTIm "s/he splits s.t. by knife" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâskihkotêw:tâskihkot3 VTA "s/he splits s.o. by knife" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tâskihtakahikêw:tâskihtakahikê VAIw "s/he splits wood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâskinam:tâskina VTIm "s/he divides s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâskinamawêw:tâskinamaw VTA "s/he divides (it/him) for s.o.; s/he divides (it/him) among s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâskinêw:tâskin VTA "s/he divides s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâskipayiw:tâskipayi VAIw "s/he splits open, s/he is split; s/he comes apart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâskipitam:tâskipita VTIm "s/he tears s.t. in half, s/he tears s.t. in two" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâskipitêw:tâskipit3 VTA "s/he tears s.o. in two" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tâskipocikêw:tâskipocikê VAIw "s/he saws (lumber), s/he rips a board" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâskipohêw:tâskipoh VTA "s/he saws s.o. with a rip saw" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâskipotâw:tâskipotâ VTIw "s/he saws s.t. with a rip saw" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tâskisiw:tâskisi VAIw "it is split open" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâskisow:tâskiso VAIw "it is split, forked" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâskiswêw:tâskisw VTA "s/he cuts s.o. into slices; s/he lashes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tâskiwêpaham:tâskiwêpaha VTIm "s/he knocks s.t. splitting with tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâskiwêpahwêw:tâskiwêpahw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. splitting with tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tâstakoskwêyiw:tâstakoskwêyi VAIw "s/he holds his/her own head back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâstapiwêw:tâstapiwê VAIw "s/he speaks rapidly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâstapîw:tâstapî VAIw "s/he hurries up; s/he is active and quick" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâtonam:tâtona VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. to pieces" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâtonêw:tâton VTA "s/he pulls s.o. to pieces" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâtopayiw:tâtopayi VIIw "it is ragged and torn" ; ! AEW: VII-v tâtopitam:tâtopita VTIm "s/he rips s.t.; s/he tears s.t. (at the seams)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâtopitêw:tâtopit3 VTA "s/he rips s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tâtoskam:tâtoska VTIm "s/he tears s.t. (with his/her own feet; e.g. shoes, moccasins)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâtoskawêw:tâtoskaw VTA "s/he tears s.o. (with his/her own feet; e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâwaciwan:tâwaciwan VIIn "there is a midstream current" ; ! AEW: VII-n tâwaham:tâwaha VTIm "s/he hits s.t. with a missile; s/he hits s.t. (as a target), s/he hits the mark; s/he bumps into s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâwahwêw:tâwahw VTA "s/he hits s.o. (as a target); s/he pierces s.o. with a shot" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tâwakihtin:tâwakihtin VIIn "it bumps into something" ; ! AEW: VII-n tâwakisin:tâwakisin3 VAIn "s/he bumps into something" ; ! AEW: VAI-n tâwatihêw:tâwatih VTA "s/he makes s.o.'s mouth open" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâwatinêw:tâwatin VTA "s/he opens s.o.'s mouth (by hand); s/he holds s.o.'s mouth open" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâwatipayiw:tâwatipayi VAIw "s/he opens his/her own mouth suddenly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâwatiw:tâwati VAIw "s/he opens his/her own mouth; s/he yawns; s/he gapes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâwâpiskanêpitam:tâwâpiskanêpita VTIm "s/he jerks s.t. wide open at the jaw" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâwâpiskanêpitêw:tâwâpiskanêpit3 VTA "s/he jerks s.o.'s jaw wide open" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tâwâpitêw:tâwâpitê VAIw "s/he has a missing tooth (in front)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâwicênam:tâwicêna VTIm "s/he parts s.t. in the middle" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâwicênikêw:tâwicênikê VAIw "s/he parts his/her own hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tâwikipayihtâw:tâwikipayihtâ VTIw "s/he runs into s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tâwikipayimêw:tâwikipayim VTA "s/he runs into s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâwikisin:tâwikisin3 VAIn "s/he bumps into something" ; ! AEW: VAI-n tâwikiskam:tâwikiska VTIm "s/he knocks into s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâwikiskawêw:tâwikiskaw VTA "s/he knocks into s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâwikistikwânêsin:tâwikistikwânêsin3 VAIn "s/he bumps his/her own head in a fall" ; ! AEW: VAI-n tâwinam:tâwina VTIm "s/he encounters s.t., s/he bumps into s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâwinêw:tâwin VTA "s/he encounters s.o., s/he bumps into s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tâwiskam:tâwiska VTIm "s/he encounters s.t., s/he comes upon s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tâwiskawêw:tâwiskaw VTA "s/he bumps into s.o., s/he encounters s.o., s/he comes into contact with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tâwiw:tâwi VAIw "s/he hits the mark (throwing a lance)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têham:têha VTIm "s/he stirs s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têhamawêw:têhamaw VTA "s/he stirs (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 têhamâsow:têhamâso VAIw "s/he stirs (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têhamâw:têhamâ VAIw "s/he plays cards" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têhcikâpawiw:têhcikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands on something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têhcipayihow:têhcipayiho VAIw "s/he jumps on (a horse), s/he gets on top (of s.t.), s/he throws him/herself on top (of s.t.)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têhcipayiw:têhcipayi VAIw "s/he springs to the top" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têhciwêpinam:têhciwêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. on top of something" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têhciwêpinêw:têhciwêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. on top of something" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 têhtahêw:têhtah VTA "s/he puts s.o. on surface, into saddle; s/he places s.o. on top (of something), s/he sets s.o. upon" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 têhtakocin:têhtakocin3 VAIn "s/he slips on top of something" ; ! AEW: VAI-n têhtapahipêw:têhtapahipê VIIw "it floats (upon the surface)" ; ! AEW: VII-v têhtapahipêw:têhtapahipê VAIw "s/he floats (upon the surface)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têhtapiw:têhtapi VAIw "s/he mounts, s/he is mounted, s/he rides; s/he sits on horseback, s/he is on horseback; s/he sits on top" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têhtastâw:têhtastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. on top of something" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 têhtastêw:têhtastê VIIw "it is on top of something" ; ! AEW: VII-v tênam:têna VTIm "s/he mixes and stirs s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tênamawêw:tênamaw VTA "s/he deals cards for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tênikêw:tênikê VAIw "s/he deals (cards)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpakêyimow:têpakêyimo VAIw "s/he is willing after much consideration" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpakihcikêw:têpakihcikê VAIw "s/he adds enough; s/he has enough money, s/he is able to afford" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpakihtam:têpakihta VTIm "s/he counts s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpakimêw:têpakim VTA "s/he counts s.o. enough" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 têpakohpiwak:têpakohpi VAIw_PL "they are a group of seven" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpakohpopiponêw:têpakohpopiponê VAIw "s/he is seven years old" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpapiw:têpapi VAIw "s/he has room to sit; s/he has room to sit on one seat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpasâkêw:têpasâkê VAIw "s/he has enough for a dress or coat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpastâw:têpastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. within reach; s/he has enough room for storage" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 têpâcimow:têpâcimo VAIw "s/he tells enough news" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpâpahtam:têpâpahta VTIm "s/he is able to see (all the way to) s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpâskiskam:têpâskiska VTIm "s/he meets s.t. on crossing paths" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpâskiskawêw:têpâskiskaw VTA "s/he meets s.o. on crossing paths" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 têpâskonam:têpâskona VTIm "s/he is able to reach around s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpâskonêw:têpâskon VTA "s/he is able to reach around s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 têpêyihtam:têpêyihta VTIm "s/he is satisfied with s.t.; s/he has enough of s.t.; s/he considers s.t. enough" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpêyimêw:têpêyim VTA "s/he is content with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 têpêyimow:têpêyimo VAIw "s/he agrees, s/he agrees s/he can do s.t.; s/he is content, s/he is willing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpi-mâham:têpi-mâha VTIm "s/he travels enough (on water); s/he goes far enough downstream" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpi-mêtawêw:têpi-mêtawê VAIw "s/he plays enough" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpi-miyêw:têpi-miy VTA "s/he gives s.o. enough (of it/him)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 têpi-mîcisow:têpi-mîciso VAIw "s/he eats enough" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpi-nayahtam:têpi-nayahta VTIm "s/he is tired of carrying s.t. on his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpi-nipâw:têpi-nipâ VAIw "s/he has enough sleep" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpi-nîmihitow:têpi-nîmihito VAIw "s/he has enough dancing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpi-tôtam:têpi-tôta VTIm "s/he does enough" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpihkwâmiw:têpihkwâmi VAIw "s/he has enough sleep" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpihtam:têpihta VTIm "s/he (is near enough and) hears s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpihtawêw:têpihtaw VTA "s/he (is near enough and) hears s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 têpinam:têpina VTIm "s/he is able to reach, hold, carry s.t" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpinâkosiw:têpinâkosi VAIw "s/he is still seen (in the distance), s/he is still in sight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpinâkwan:têpinâkwan VIIn "it is still seen (in the distance), it is still in sight" ; ! AEW: VII-n têpinêham:têpinêha VTIm "s/he has enough (money) to pay for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpinêhwêw:têpinêhw VTA "s/he has enough money to buy s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 têpinêw:têpin VTA "s/he is able to reach, hold, carry s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 têpipayihêw:têpipayih VTA "s/he makes s.o. last (such as thread)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 têpipayihtâw:têpipayihtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. last" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 têpipayiw:têpipayi VAIw "s/he has enough, s/he is sufficient" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpipayiw:têpipayi VIIw "it is enough" ; ! AEW: VII-v têpisin:têpisin3 VAIn "s/he has room to lie or step" ; ! AEW: VAI-n têpiskam:têpiska VTIm "s/he fits s.t. (e.g. coat)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpiskawêw:têpiskaw VTA "s/he fits s.o. (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 têpiskâtowak:têpiskâto VAIw_PL "they have just enough room" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpiyawêsiw:têpiyawêsi VAIw "s/he gets over his/her own anger" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpwâtam:têpwâta VTIm "s/he calls for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 têpwâtêw:têpwât3 VTA "s/he calls to s.o., s/he calls for s.o., s/he yells at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 têpwêmakan:têpwêmakan VIIn "it calls (train, whistling)" ; ! AEW: VII-n têpwêstamawêw:têpwêstamaw VTA "s/he acts as an announcer for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 têpwêstamâkêw:têpwêstamâkê VAIw "s/he announces, s/he acts as an announcer (for people)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têpwêw:têpwê VAIw "s/he calls, s/he yells, s/he hollers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têtipêwêpahtâw:têtipêwêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs round something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têtipêwêpayihow:têtipêwêpayiho VAIw "s/he quickly goes round something (to hide)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têtipêwêw:têtipêwê VAIw "s/he goes round" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têtipêwêyâmow:têtipêwêyâmo VAIw "s/he flees around in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têtipêwêyâpîhkêsin:têtipêwêyâpîhkêsin3 VAIn "s/he lies as coiled string" ; ! AEW: VAI-n têwâpitêw:têwâpitê VAIw "s/he has a toothache" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têwihtawakêw:têwihtawakê VAIw "s/he has an earache" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têwikanêw:têwikanê VAIw "s/he has aching bones, s/he has pain in his/her own bones" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têwikotêw:têwikotê VAIw "s/he has an aching nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têwipitonêw:têwipitonê VAIw "s/he has aching arms" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têwisitêw:têwisitê VAIw "s/he has aching feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têwistikwânêsin:têwistikwânêsin3 VAIn "s/he has a headache from falling" ; ! AEW: VAI-n têwistikwânêw:têwistikwânê VAIw "s/he has a headache" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têyâpitêw:têyâpitê VAIw "s/he has a toothache" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têyâskikanêw:têyâskikanê VAIw "s/he has a pain in his/her own chest" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têyicihcêw:têyicihcê VAIw "s/he has aching hands; s/he has arthritis" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têyihtawakêw:têyihtawakê VAIw "s/he has pain in his/her own ears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têyikanêw:têyikanê VAIw "s/he has aching bones" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têyikâtêw:têyikâtê VAIw "s/he has leg pains" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têyikotêw:têyikotê VAIw "s/he has a sore nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têyipitonêw:têyipitonê VAIw "s/he has arm pains" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têyisitêw:têyisitê VAIw "s/he has foot pains" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têyisiw:têyisi VAIw "s/he has aches and pains" ; ! AEW: VAI-v têyistikwânêw:têyistikwânê VAIw "s/he has a headache" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tihkâpâwahêw:tihkâpâwah VTA "s/he dissolves s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tihkâpâwatâw:tihkâpâwatâ VTIw "s/he dissolves s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tihkâpâwêw:tihkâpâwê VIIw "it dissolves" ; ! AEW: VII-v tihkâpiskisam:tihkâpiskisa VTIm "s/he melts s.t. (as metal)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tihkâpiskiswêw:tihkâpiskisw VTA "s/he melts s.o. (as metal)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tihkâw:tihkâ VIIw "it is partly thawed" ; ! AEW: VII-v tihkicêskiwakisiw:tihkicêskiwakisi VAIw "it is blocked by mud after a thaw" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tihkipayiw:tihkipayi VAIw "s/he melts" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tihkipayiw:tihkipayi VIIw "it melts" ; ! AEW: VII-v tihkisam:tihkisa VTIm "s/he melts s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tihkiskam:tihkiska VTIm "s/he melts s.t. by body heat" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tihkiskawêw:tihkiskaw VTA "s/he melts s.o. by body heat" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tihkisow:tihkiso VAIw "s/he melts (e.g. ice)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tihkiswêw:tihkisw VTA "s/he melts s.o.; s/he cooks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tihkitêw:tihkitê VIIw "it is melting, it thaws" ; ! AEW: VII-v tihtipahpitam:tihtipahpita VTIm "s/he bandages s.t.; s/he ties (something) around s.t.; s/he winds (something) around s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tihtipahpitêw:tihtipahpit3 VTA "s/he bandages s.o.; s/he ties (something) around s.o.; s/he winds (something) around s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tihtipawêkaham:tihtipawêkaha VTIm "s/he embroiders s.t. around" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tihtipawêkahikâtêw:tihtipawêkahikâtê VIIw "it is embroidered round the top (e.g. moccasin)" ; ! AEW: VII-v tihtipawêkahwêw:tihtipawêkahw VTA "s/he embroiders s.o. around" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tihtipâskwaham:tihtipâskwaha VTIm "s/he rolls s.t. around a pole" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tihtipâskwahwêw:tihtipâskwahw VTA "s/he rolls s.o. around a pole" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tihtipêkinam:tihtipêkina VTIm "s/he rolls s.t. up (in paper)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tihtipêkinêw:tihtipêkin VTA "s/he rolls s.o. up (in paper)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tihtipêkisin:tihtipêkisin3 VAIn "s/he is rolled in a blanket (lying down)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n tihtipicêskiwakisin:tihtipicêskiwakisin3 VAIn "it grovels or rolls in the mud (e.g. a pig)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n tihtipihtin:tihtipihtin VIIn "it is rolled or wound around (as a stool)" ; ! AEW: VII-n tihtipinam:tihtipina VTIm "s/he twists s.t.; s/he rolls s.t.; s/he rolls s.t. along by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tihtipinêw:tihtipin VTA "s/he rolls s.o. along (by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tihtipinikêw:tihtipinikê VAIw "s/he rolls dice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tihtipipayihêw:tihtipipayih VTA "s/he rolls s.o. along" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tihtipipayihow:tihtipipayiho VAIw "s/he rolls him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tihtipipayihtâkwan:tihtipipayihtâkwan VIIn "it sounds as if rolling" ; ! AEW: VII-n tihtipipayihtâw:tihtipipayihtâ VTIw "s/he rolls s.t. along" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tihtipipayiw:tihtipipayi VAIw "s/he rolls" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tihtipipayiw:tihtipipayi VIIw "it rolls, it rolls along" ; ! AEW: VII-v tihtipiwêpinam:tihtipiwêpina VTIm "s/he twists or rolls s.t. by throwing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tihtipiwêpinêw:tihtipiwêpin VTA "s/he twists or rolls s.o. by throwing" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tihtipîw:tihtipî VAIw "s/he rolls, s/he spins, s/he turns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tikinêhwêw:tikinêhw VTA "s/he knocks s.o. unconscious" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tikinêpayiw:tikinêpayi VAIw "s/he becomes unconscious; s/he faints" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tikinêsimêw:tikinêsim VTA "s/he throws s.o. down knocking that one unconscious" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tikinêsin:tikinêsin3 VAIn "s/he falls down knocking him/herself unconscious" ; ! AEW: VAI-n timaskâw:timaskâ VIIw "it is tall grass" ; ! AEW: VII-v timikonêw:timikonê VIIw "it is deep snow" ; ! AEW: VII-v timikoniw:timikoni VIIw "it is deep snow" ; ! AEW: VII-v timisisiw:timisisi VAIw "s/he is short of stature" ; ! AEW: VAI-v timîw:timî VIIw "it is deep water, it is very deep (e.g. water)" ; ! AEW: VII-v tipaham:tipaha VTIm "s/he pays for s.t.; s/he measures s.t.; s/he makes s.t. even by tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tipahamawêw:tipahamaw VTA "s/he pays (it/him) to s.o., s/he pays s.o. for (it/him), s/he repays a debt to s.o.; s/he pays s.o. a pension" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tipahamâkêstamawêw:tipahamâkêstamaw VTA "s/he pays for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tipahamâkêstamâkêw:tipahamâkêstamâkê VAIw "s/he pays for others" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipahamâkêw:tipahamâkê VAIw "s/he employs; s/he pays wages" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipahamâkosiw:tipahamâkosi VAIw "s/he receives pay" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipahamâtowak:tipahamâto VAIw_PL "they pay one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipahaskêw:tipahaskê VAIw "s/he measures land, s/he surveys land" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipahêw:tipah VTA "s/he pays for s.o.; s/he looks to s.o. as equal or authority" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: possibly phonetically simplified from tipahwêw tipahikâkêw:tipahikâkê VAIw "s/he uses s.t. as pay, s/he pays people with something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipahikêhêw:tipahikêh VTA "s/he makes s.o. pay" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tipahikêw:tipahikê VAIw "s/he pays for things; s/he measures" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: diminutive: cipahikêsiw tipahotowak:tipahoto VAIw_PL "they come out even with one another; they pay one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipahpitam:tipahpita VTIm "s/he binds s.t. round and round" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tipahpitêw:tipahpit3 VTA "s/he binds s.o. round and round" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tipahtiskwêyiw:tipahtiskwêyi VAIw "s/he puts his/her own head down" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipahwêw:tipahw VTA "s/he measures s.o.; s/he pays for s.o.; s/he evens s.o. up by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tipâpâtam:tipâpâta VTIm "s/he estimates s.t. by eye, s/he measures s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tipâpâtêw:tipâpât3 VTA "s/he estimates s.o. by eye, s/he measures s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tipâpêskohêw:tipâpêskoh VTA "s/he weighs s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tipâpêskotâw:tipâpêskotâ VTIw "s/he weighs s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tipâskonamâtowak:tipâskonamâto VAIw_PL "they play the women's stick-drawing game" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipêkinam:tipêkina VTIm "s/he measures s.t.'s length" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tipêkinêw:tipêkin VTA "s/he makes s.o. (e.g. tobacco) to right length" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tipêyihcikâtêw:tipêyihcikâtê VIIw "it is owned" ; ! AEW: VII-v tipêyihcikêw:tipêyihcikê VAIw "s/he owns, s/he rules" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipêyihtam:tipêyihta VTIm "s/he owns s.t., s/he possesses s.t., s/he controls s.t., s/he rules s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tipêyihtamohêw:tipêyihtamoh VTA "s/he gives (it/him) into s.o.'s possession" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tipêyihtâkosiw:tipêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he belongs there" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipêyihtâkwan:tipêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is the property of (s.o.)" ; ! AEW: VII-n tipêyimêw:tipêyim VTA "s/he owns s.o., s/he possesses s.o.; s/he is in charge of s.o., s/he controls s.o.; s/he rules over s.o., s/he governs s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tipêyimisow:tipêyimiso VAIw "s/he controls him/herself, s/he governs him/herself, s/he owns him/herself; s/he is in charge of him/herself, s/he is on his/her own, s/he is free, s/he is independent" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipihêw:tipih VTA "s/he keeps up with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tipikwanahikêw:tipikwanahikê VAIw "s/he does quill or horsetail trimmings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipikwâtam:tipikwâta VTIm "s/he hems s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tipikwâtêw:tipikwât3 VTA "s/he hems s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 tipinahwêw:tipinahw VTA "s/he shelters s.o. from the wind" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tipinawaham:tipinawaha VTIm "s/he shelters s.t. from the wind" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tipinawahamawêw:tipinawahamaw VTA "s/he makes a shelter from the wind over (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tipinawahikêw:tipinawahikê VAIw "s/he makes shelter from the wind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipinawâw:tipinawâ VIIw "it is sheltered from the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-v tipiskam:tipiska VTIm "s/he has a birthday" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tipiskâsin:tipiskâsin VIIn "it is rather dark: it is almost nighttime" ; ! AEW: VII-n tipiskâw:tipiskâ VIIw "it is night, it is night time; it is dark" ; ! AEW: VII-v tipiskihtâw:tipiskihtâ VTIw "s/he encounters nightfall; s/he finds s.t. dark, s/he pulls the shades down" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tipiskisiw:tipiskisi VAIw "s/he is absent overnight, s/he spends the night out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipiskiskam:tipiskiska VTIm "s/he is overtaken by darkness (before s/he can reach his/her destination)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tipitôtam:tipitôta VTIm "s/he obeys s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tipitôtawêw:tipitôtaw VTA "s/he obeys s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tipiyawêwihow:tipiyawêwiho VAIw "s/he has property, s/he owns property" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipiyawêwisîw:tipiyawêwisî VAIw "s/he owns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tipwêham:tipwêha VTIm "s/he curls hair" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tipwêhamawêw:tipwêhamaw VTA "s/he makes s.o.'s hair curl, s/he curls s.o.'s hair" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tisamânihkêw:tisamânihkê VAIw "s/he makes a smudge" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tisamâw:tisamâ VAIw "s/he makes smoke to drive off insects" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tistamâwasow:tistamâwaso VAIw "s/he sings a lullabye (to a child)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v titipihtin:titipihtin VIIn "it is rolled up, it is twisted" ; ! AEW: VII-n titipikwanaham:titipikwanaha VTIm "s/he sews s.t. in overcast stitch (e.g. the spiral loops around the vamp of a moccasin)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 titipinam:titipina VTIm "s/he twines s.t., s/he twists s.t.; s/he rolls s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 titipinêw:titipin VTA "s/he twines s.o., s/he twists s.o.; s/he rolls s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tîwâpôhkawêw:tîwâpôhkaw VTA "s/he makes tea for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tîwâpôhkêw:tîwâpôhkê VAIw "s/he makes tea, s/he brews tea" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tohtôsâpôwipimîhkêw:tohtôsâpôwipimîhkê VAIw "s/he makes butter" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tôcikâtêw:tôcikâtê VIIw "it is done, it is done so; it is customary" ; ! AEW: VII-v tôcikêmakan:tôcikêmakan VIIn "it does things; it is the cause of (something)" ; ! AEW: VII-n tôcikêw:tôcikê VAIw "s/he does things, s/he acts; s/he is the cause of (something)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tôhkapiw:tôhkapi VAIw "s/he sits in a manner which exposes him/herself indecently (not done purposely)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tôhkâpinêw:tôhkâpin VTA "s/he opens s.o.'s eyes by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tôhkâpiw:tôhkâpi VAIw "s/he opens his/her own eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tôhkâpîmakan:tôhkâpîmakan VIIn "it opens its eyes" ; ! AEW: VII-n tômâpinêw:tômâpin VTA "s/he anoints s.o.'s eyes for that one" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tômâpinisow:tômâpiniso VAIw "s/he anoints his/her own eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tômâpiskinam:tômâpiskina VTIm "s/he oils s.t. (as metal)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tômâpiskinêw:tômâpiskin VTA "s/he oils s.o. (e.g. a car)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tômâw:tômâ VIIw "it is greased, it is greasy, it is oily" ; ! AEW: VII-v tômicihcênêw:tômicihcên VTA "s/he oils or creams s.o.'s hands; s/he puts lotion on s.o.'s hands" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tômicihcênisow:tômicihcêniso VAIw "s/he oils his/her own hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tômicihcêw:tômicihcê VAIw "s/he has oily hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tômihêw:tômih VTA "s/he makes s.o. oily or greasy" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tômihkwêhow:tômihkwêho VAIw "s/he oils or paints his/her own face; s/he puts on make-up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tômihkwênêw:tômihkwên VTA "s/he oils or paints s.o.'s face for that one; s/he puts make-up on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tômihkwêw:tômihkwê VAIw "s/he oils, greases, or paints his/her own face; s/he puts on make-up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tômihtâw:tômihtâ VTIw "s/he oils s.t.; s/he makes s.t. greasy (not intentionally)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 tôminam:tômina VTIm "s/he greases s.t. up, s/he oils s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tôminêw:tômin VTA "s/he greases s.o. up, s/he oils s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tôminikâkêw:tôminikâkê VAIw "s/he uses (something) to oil s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v tôminisow:tôminiso VAIw "s/he uses cream on him/herself; s/he greases him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tômisitênêw:tômisitên VTA "s/he oils s.o.'s feet, s/he anoints s.o.'s feet" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tômisitênisow:tômisitêniso VAIw "s/he oils his/her own feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tômisitêw:tômisitê VAIw "s/he has oily feet" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tômisiw:tômisi VAIw "s/he is greasy, s/he is oily" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tômistikwânêw:tômistikwân VTA "s/he oils s.o.'s head, hair" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tômistikwânisow:tômistikwâniso VAIw "s/he oils his/her own head, hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tôskinam:tôskina VTIm "s/he nudges s.t. (with his/her own hand or elbow)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tôskinêw:tôskin VTA "s/he nudges s.o. (with his/her own hand or elbow)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tôskiskam:tôskiska VTIm "s/he nudges s.t. (with foot or body)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tôskiskawêw:tôskiskaw VTA "s/he nudges s.o. (with foot or body)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tôskwaham:tôskwaha VTIm "s/he nudges s.t. (with a tool)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tôskwahwêw:tôskwahw VTA "s/he nudges s.o. (with a tool)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 tôstôskâpêkipitam:tôstôskâpêkipita VTIm "s/he jerks s.t. at (as a rope)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tôstôskâpîhkêpitam:tôstôskâpîhkêpita VTIm "s/he jerks s.t. at (as a rope)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tôtam:tôta VTIm "s/he does s.t., s/he does s.t. so" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 tôtamawêw:tôtamaw VTA "s/he does (it) so for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tôtamâsow:tôtamâso VAIw "s/he does (it) so for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tôtamôhêw:tôtamôh VTA "s/he makes s.o. do (it)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 tôtawêw:tôtaw VTA "s/he does (it) so to s.o., s/he does so for s.o.; s/he treats s.o. so" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 tôtâkaniwiw:tôtâkaniwi VIIw "it is done so" ; ! AEW: VII-v ! 1: - ! 2: also itôtâkaniwiw; more likely to be found in eastern dialects tôtâkêw:tôtâkê VAIw "s/he treats people so" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tôtâkowisiw:tôtâkowisi VAIw "s/he is so treated by higher powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tôtâsow:tôtâso VAIw "s/he does so to him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v tôtâtowak:tôtâto VAIw_PL "they do so to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v twâham:twâha VTIm "s/he chops ice to get water; s/he cleans ice from the water hole" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 twâhikêw:twâhikê VAIw "s/he makes a hole in the ice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v twâhipânihkêw:twâhipânihkê VAIw "s/he makes a water hole in the ice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v twâhipêw:twâhipê VAIw "s/he chops ice to get water" ; ! AEW: VAI-v twâkonêsin:twâkonêsin3 VAIn "s/he falls through the snow crust" ; ! AEW: VAI-n twâsin:twâsin3 VAIn "s/he falls through the ice" ; ! AEW: VAI-n twêhomakan:twêhomakan VIIn "it lands (from flight)" ; ! AEW: VII-n twêhototam:twêhotota VTIm "s/he lands on or by s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 twêhototawêw:twêhototaw VTA "s/he lands on or by s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 twêhow:twêho VAIw "s/he alights, s/he lands (from flight); s/he lies on the ground" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wacêhpîw:wacêhpî VAIw "s/he jumps high, s/he is very active" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: alternatively: /wacêhp/** + /-î/ wacistwanihkêw:wacistwanihkê VAIw "it builds a nest" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wacîskâw:wacîskâ VIIw "there are hills and mountains, it is a hilly region, there are many hills" ; ! AEW: VII-v wacîskâw:wacîskâ VAIw "s/he limps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wacîwan:wacîwan VIIn "there are many hills, it is hilly" ; ! AEW: VII-n wahkêmow:wahkêmo VAIw "s/he cries easily" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wahkêpômêw:wahkêpômê VAIw "s/he is easily discouraged" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wahkêwisiw:wahkêwisi VAIw "s/he is sensitive" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wahkêyawêsiw:wahkêyawêsi VAIw "s/he is temperamental" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wahkêyêyihtam:wahkêyêyihta VTIm "s/he is easily swayed; s/he is too weak" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wahkitatênam:wahkitatêna VTIm "s/he walks on the snow-crust" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wanahâhtêw:wanahâht VTA "s/he loses the track of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wanahpitêw:wanahpit3 VTA "s/he tangles s.o. (e.g. thread, yarn)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wanakwâw:wanakwâ VAIw "s/he has sleeves" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanascikêw:wanascikê VAIw "s/he misplaces (things)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanaskacipahêw:wanaskacipah VTA "s/he eludes s.o. by running" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wanastâw:wanastâ VTIw "s/he misplaces s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wanâcipayiw:wanâcipayi VAIw "s/he falls or moves indecently" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanâciwêpinamawêw:wanâciwêpinamaw VTA "s/he throws (it/him) indecently to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wanâcîw:wanâcî VAIw "s/he has his/her own genitals exposed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanâhêw:wanâh VTA "s/he distracts s.o.; s/he leads s.o. astray; s/he eludes s.o.; s/he disrupts s.o.'s life; s/he puzzles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wanâmêw:wanâm VTA "s/he distracts s.o. by speech, s/he confuses s.o. by speech, s/he interrupts and confuses s.o. by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wanâmow:wanâmo VAIw "s/he loses his/her way while fleeing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanâmow:wanâmo VAIw "s/he loses his/her own train of thought while speaking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanâpahtam:wanâpahta VTIm "s/he loses sight of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wanâpamêw:wanâpam VTA "s/he loses sight of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wanâpamow:wanâpamo VAIw "s/he sees wrongly, s/he sees something else" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanâpêkinam:wanâpêkina VTIm "s/he tangles s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wanâpitam:wanâpita VTIm "s/he tangles s.t. (by pulling the wrong string)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wanâtapiw:wanâtapi VAIw "s/he sits so as to expose him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanêyihtam:wanêyihta VTIm "s/he forgets s.t., s/he misses s.t., s/he is unsure of s.t., s/he has his/her own mind blurred, s/he is confused; s/he goes wrong; s/he faints" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wani-itôtam:wani-itôta VTIm "s/he does s.t. unacceptable" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wanihastimwêw:wanihastimwê VAIw "s/he loses his/her own horse, dog" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanihcikêw:wanihcikê VAIw "s/he loses things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanihêw:wanih VTA "s/he loses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wanihikamawêw:wanihikamaw VTA "s/he sets a trap for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wanihikêw:wanihikê VAIw "s/he sets traps; s/he traps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanihkêtotawêw:wanihkêtotaw VTA "s/he forgets s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wanihkêw:wanihkê VAIw "s/he forgets; s/he forgets s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanihow:waniho VAIw "s/he is lost, s/he gets lost, s/he becomes lost" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanihtam:wanihta VTIm "s/he is confused; s/he hears s.t. wrongly, s/he hears wrongly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wanihtamihêw:wanihtamih VTA "s/he confuses s.o. by his/her own talk" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wanihtamihitowak:wanihtamihito VAIw_PL "they confuse one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanihtawêw:wanihtaw VTA "s/he misunderstands s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wanihtâw:wanihtâ VTIw "s/he loses s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wanikiskisitotam:wanikiskisitota VTIm "s/he forgets s.t., s/he forgets about s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wanikiskisitotawêw:wanikiskisitotaw VTA "s/he forgets about s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wanikiskisiw:wanikiskisi VAIw "s/he forgets, s/he is forgetful, s/he forgets s.t.; s/he remembers very dimly; s/he faints" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanimêw:wanim VTA "s/he confuses s.o. by his/her own speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wanimitimêw:wanimitimê VAIw "s/he takes the wrong path" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanimow:wanimo VAIw "s/he says the wrong thing; s/he loses his/her own train of thought while speaking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v waninam:wanina VTIm "s/he takes the wrong article" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 waninâkwan:waninâkwan VIIn "it is evening twilight, it is dusk, it is the time of sun setting" ; ! AEW: VII-n waninêw:waninê VAIw "s/he is mad, disoriented, delirious (from illness); s/he is silly, crazy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanipahtâkêw:wanipahtâkê VAIw "s/he drives spirits out (from people); s/he performs an exorcism" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanipayiw:wanipayi VAIw "s/he is missing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanipayiw:wanipayi VIIw "it is missing" ; ! AEW: VII-v wanisimêw:wanisim VTA "s/he loses s.o.; s/he loses s.o. (by taking the wrong path)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wanisin:wanisin3 VAIn "s/he is lost, s/he loses his/her own way" ; ! AEW: VAI-n waniskânam:waniskâna VTIm "s/he stands s.t. up, s/he raises s.t. upright" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 waniskânêw:waniskân VTA "s/he gets s.o. up from bed; s/he raises s.o., s/he makes s.o. sit up, s/he helps s.o. to get up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 waniskâpahtâw:waniskâpahtâ VAIw "s/he jumps up (from lying); s/he jumps and runs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v waniskâpayihow:waniskâpayiho VAIw "s/he jumps up from lying" ; ! AEW: VAI-v waniskâpitam:waniskâpita VTIm "s/he raises s.t. up (by pulling)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 waniskâpitêw:waniskâpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. up from lying; s/he pulls s.o. up to a sitting position" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 waniskâw:waniskâ VAIw "s/he gets up, s/he arises from lying, s/he gets out of bed; s/he goes in, s/he comes in" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanitipiskapiw:wanitipiskapi VAIw "s/he sits in the dark" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanitipiskâsin:wanitipiskâsin VIIn "it is quite dark out" ; ! AEW: VII-n wanitipiskâw:wanitipiskâ VIIw "it is a dark night, it is very dark" ; ! AEW: VII-v wanitipiskinam:wanitipiskina VTIm "s/he makes it dark; s/he turns out the lights, s/he closes the blinds" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wanitipiskipayiw:wanitipiskipayi VIIw "it darkens, it suddenly gets dark, there is an eclipse" ; ! AEW: VII-v wanitonâmow:wanitonâmo VAIw "s/he says the wrong thing, s/he makes an error in speaking, s/he makes a slip of the tongue" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanitôtam:wanitôta VTIm "s/he makes a mistake; s/he sins; s/he does the wrong thing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wanitôtawêw:wanitôtaw VTA "s/he does wrong to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wanitwêw:wanitwê VAIw "s/he misquotes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v waniwêw:waniwê VAIw "s/he utters wrongly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanohtâw:wanohtâ VAIw "s/he makes a mistake" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanotinam:wanotina VTIm "s/he takes s.t. unintentionally" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wanotinamawêw:wanotinamaw VTA "s/he takes the wrong thing for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wanotinamâsow:wanotinamâso VAIw "s/he takes the wrong thing for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wanotinêw:wanotin VTA "s/he takes s.o. wrongly" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wanwêhkawêw:wanwêhkaw VTA "s/he utters (it) wrongly to s.o.; s/he confuses s.o. through incorrect speech, s/he leaves s.o. baffled by speech or in speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wanwêwitam:wanwêwita VTIm "s/he makes a confused noise" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wapâsin:wapâsin VIIn "it is a small narrows" ; ! AEW: VII-n wapâw:wapâ VIIw "it is a narrows" ; ! AEW: VII-v wasâsiw:wasâsi VAIw "s/he is nervous" ; ! AEW: VAI-v waskawinam:waskawina VTIm "s/he arouses s.t., s/he gets s.t. moving; s/he moves s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 waskawinêw:waskawin VTA "s/he arouses s.o., s/he gets s.o. moving; s/he shakes s.o., s/he moves s.o. about (e.g. so as to awaken)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 waskawipayiw:waskawipayi VIIw "it moves, it is moving" ; ! AEW: VII-v waskawipitam:waskawipita VTIm "s/he moves s.t., s/he shakes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 waskawipitêw:waskawipit3 VTA "s/he moves s.o., s/he shakes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 waskawiwêpaham:waskawiwêpaha VTIm "s/he moves s.t. with a tool; s/he knocks s.t. out of place" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 waskawiwêpahwêw:waskawiwêpahw VTA "s/he moves s.o. with a tool; s/he knocks s.o. out of place" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 waskawiwêpiskam:waskawiwêpiska VTIm "s/he moves s.t. with his/her own feet" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 waskawiwêpiskawêw:waskawiwêpiskaw VTA "s/he moves s.o. with his/her own feet" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 waskawîmakan:waskawîmakan VIIn "it moves, it stirs, it moves by itself" ; ! AEW: VII-n waskawîstamâsow:waskawîstamâso VAIw "s/he works for him/herself, s/he is enterprising" ; ! AEW: VAI-v waskawîw:waskawî VAIw "s/he moves, s/he stirs, s/he budges, s/he is in motion" ; ! AEW: VAI-v waskicipayiw:waskicipayi VIIw "it comes to the surface" ; ! AEW: VII-v waskicipitam:waskicipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. over (the surface); s/he pulls s.t. to the surface, on the top" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 waskicipitêw:waskicipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. to the surface" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 waskihtin:waskihtin VIIn "it bends (e.g. a river)" ; ! AEW: VII-n waskitastâw:waskitastâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. on the top" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 waskitatêwênam:waskitatêwêna VTIm "s/he walks on the snow-crust" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 waskitisin:waskitisin3 VAIn "s/he lies on the surface" ; ! AEW: VAI-n waskîw:waskî VAIw "s/he turns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v waskowan:waskowan VIIn "it is cloudy" ; ! AEW: VII-n waspâwêmêw:waspâwêm VTA "s/he keeps s.o. awake by his/her own speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 watakamisiw:watakamisi VAIw "s/he is grouchy, grumpy; s/he is bad, cross, easily angered; s/he is overly anxious" ; ! AEW: VAI-v watihkwaniwan:watihkwaniwan VIIn "it has knots (as a board)" ; ! AEW: VII-n watihkwaniwiw:watihkwaniwi VIIw "it is or has a fork (as a branch)" ; ! AEW: VII-v watihkwaniwiw:watihkwaniwi VAIw "it has knots (as a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v watîskâw:watîskâ VAIw "s/he limps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v watowan:watowan VIIn "it is congealed" ; ! AEW: VII-n wawânêyihtam:wawânêyihta VTIm "s/he is at a loss (for s.t.); s/he worries about s.t., s/he is worried" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wawânêyihtamihêw:wawânêyihtamih VTA "s/he causes s.o. to be at a loss (for s.t.), s/he makes s.o. confused" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wawâninâkwan:wawâninâkwan VIIn "it is evening twilight" ; ! AEW: VII-n wawêsîhcikâtêw:wawêsîhcikâtê VIIw "it is decorated" ; ! AEW: VII-v wawêsîhcikêw:wawêsîhcikê VAIw "s/he decorates" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawêsîhêw:wawêsîh VTA "s/he dresses s.o. up, s/he dresses s.o. in that one's best; s/he adorns s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wawêsîhow:wawêsîho VAIw "s/he dresses up, s/he dresses in his/her own best" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawêsîhtamawêw:wawêsîhtamaw VTA "s/he decorates (it/him) prettily for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wawêsîhtâw:wawêsîhtâ VTIw "s/he ornaments s.t., s/he adorns s.t., s/he decorates s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wawêsîhwâkêw:wawêsîhwâkê VAIw "s/he makes an ornament of something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawêsîw:wawêsî VAIw "s/he dresses up, s/he is dressed up, s/he dresses in his/her own best" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawêspitêw:wawêspit3 VTA "s/he dresses s.o. (i.e. a corpse) up; s/he prepares s.o.'s body (i.e. a corpse)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wawêyapiw:wawêyapi VAIw "s/he sits ready" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawêyihtâkosiw:wawêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he sounds amusing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawêyihtâkwan:wawêyihtâkwan VIIn "it sounds amusing" ; ! AEW: VII-n wawêyîhêw:wawêyîh VTA "s/he prepares s.o., s/he gets s.o. ready" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wawêyîhtâw:wawêyîhtâ VTIw "s/he prepares s.t., s/he gets s.t. ready" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wawêyîstam:wawêyîsta VTIm "s/he prepares for s.t., s/he is prepared" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wawêyîstawêw:wawêyîstaw VTA "s/he prepares for s.o.; s/he arms him/herself against s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wawêyîw:wawêyî VAIw "s/he gets ready, s/he makes preparations; s/he gets dressed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawiyasihêw:wawiyasih VTA "s/he tricks s.o., s/he makes s.o. a laughing stock" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wawiyasimêw:wawiyasim VTA "s/he convinces s.o.; s/he tricks s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wawiyasinâkosiw:wawiyasinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks funny" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawiyasinâkwan:wawiyasinâkwan VIIn "it looks funny" ; ! AEW: VII-n wawiyasipayiw:wawiyasipayi VIIw "it is humourous (from actions)" ; ! AEW: VII-v wawiyatêyihtam:wawiyatêyihta VTIm "s/he considers s.t. funny, odd" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wawiyatêyihtâkosiw:wawiyatêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is funny; s/he is found comical by his/her own actions" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawiyatêyihtâkwan:wawiyatêyihtâkwan VIIn "it appears funny to all" ; ! AEW: VII-n wawiyatêyimêw:wawiyatêyim VTA "s/he considers s.o. funny, s/he thinks s.o. drole, funny" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wawiyatisihkêw:wawiyatisihkê VAIw "s/he plays funny tricks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawiyatisiw:wawiyatisi VAIw "s/he gets what s/he deserves; s/he is served right (i.e. it serves him/her right)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawiyatwêw:wawiyatwê VAIw "s/he jokes, s/he makes jokes, s/he jokes and talks amusingly; s/he makes laughter" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wawîpitâpiskanêpayiw:wawîpitâpiskanêpayi VAIw "s/he has chattering teeth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayacâwipitêw:wayacâwipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. running" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wayacâwîw:wayacâwî VAIw "s/he stands ready to run, s/he runs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayahpitam:wayahpita VTIm "s/he wraps s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayahpitêw:wayahpit3 VTA "s/he wraps s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wayawêpayiw:wayawêpayi VAIw "s/he has hemorrhoids" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawî-pakitinam:wayawî-pakitina VTIm "s/he puts s.t. down outside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayawî-pakitinêw:wayawî-pakitin VTA "s/he puts s.o. (e.g. diapers) down outside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wayawî-tahkiskam:wayawî-tahkiska VTIm "s/he kicks s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayawî-tahkiskawêw:wayawî-tahkiskaw VTA "s/he kicks s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wayawî-tahkonam:wayawî-tahkona VTIm "s/he carries s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayawî-tahkonêw:wayawî-tahkon VTA "s/he carries s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wayawî-wêpaham:wayawî-wêpaha VTIm "s/he sweeps s.t. outside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayawî-wêpahwêw:wayawî-wêpahw VTA "s/he sweeps s.o. outside" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wayawî-wêpinam:wayawî-wêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayawî-wêpinêw:wayawî-wêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. out; s/he evicts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wayawî-wêpiskam:wayawî-wêpiska VTIm "s/he kick s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayawî-wêpiskawêw:wayawî-wêpiskaw VTA "s/he kick s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wayawî-yahkinam:wayawî-yahkina VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayawî-yahkinêw:wayawî-yahkin VTA "s/he pushes s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wayawîciwan:wayawîciwan VIIn "it flows out" ; ! AEW: VII-n wayawîhâw:wayawîhâ VAIw "s/he flies out; it flies out of a cage, it flies outside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: this word is homonomous with the unspecified actor (X-3s) form of VTA-1 waýawîh-; cf. waýawîhêw wayawîhêw:wayawîh VTA "s/he takes s.o. to the bathroom; s/he makes s.o. go outside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wayawîhtahêw:wayawîhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. outside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wayawîhtatâw:wayawîhtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. outside" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wayawîkâpawiw:wayawîkâpawi VAIw "s/he stands outside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîkocin:wayawîkocin3 VAIn "s/he flies out" ; ! AEW: VAI-n wayawîkotin:wayawîkotin VIIn "it flies out; it is flung out" ; ! AEW: VII-n wayawîpahtâw:wayawîpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs out, s/he runs outside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîpayihow:wayawîpayiho VAIw "s/he goes out quickly (e.g. a crated animal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîpayiw:wayawîpayi VAIw "s/he falls out; s/he drives out, it gallops outside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîpitam:wayawîpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. out, s/he pulls s.t. outside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayawîpitêw:wayawîpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. out (of a bag or box), s/he pulls s.o. outside" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wayawîstamâsow:wayawîstamâso VAIw "s/he goes outside for him/herself, s/he goes out for purpose of his/her own; s/he goes to the bathroom, s/he goes to relieve him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîtâcimow:wayawîtâcimo VAIw "s/he crawls outside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîtâpâtam:wayawîtâpâta VTIm "s/he drags s.t. outside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayawîtâpâtêw:wayawîtâpât3 VTA "s/he drags s.o. outside" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wayawîtâpêw:wayawîtâpê VAIw "s/he drags s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîtisaham:wayawîtisaha VTIm "s/he sends s.t. away; s/he sends s.t. out, outside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayawîtisahikêmakan:wayawîtisahikêmakan VIIn "it sends things out, it acts to send things out" ; ! AEW: VII-n wayawîtisahikêw:wayawîtisahikê VAIw "s/he sends things or people out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîtisahwêw:wayawîtisahw VTA "s/he sends s.o. away; s/he sends s.o. out, outside" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wayawîw:wayawî VAIw "s/he goes outside, s/he goes out; ;; s/he goes to relieve him/herself; ;; s/he leaves school, s/he leaves hospital" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîyâmohkêw:wayawîyâmohkê VAIw "s/he chases everyone out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîyâmow:wayawîyâmo VAIw "s/he runs outside, s/he flees out" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîyâpahtêw:wayawîyâpahtê VIIw "it comes out as smoke; there is smoke going out of the room" ; ! AEW: VII-v wayawîyâpasow:wayawîyâpaso VAIw "s/he gets smoked out (e.g. of a house, lodge), it gets smoked out (e.g. of a burrow)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayawîyâstan:wayawîyâstan VIIn "it is blown outside" ; ! AEW: VII-n wayâkonêham:wayâkonêha VTIm "s/he is stuck in snow" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayâstin:wayâstin VIIn "it quiets down (e.g. wind)" ; ! AEW: VII-n wayêsihêw:wayêsih VTA "s/he deceives s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wayêsihkêmoskiw:wayêsihkêmoski VAIw "s/he is given to deceitful talk" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayêsihkêmow:wayêsihkêmo VAIw "s/he deceives people by speech" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wayêsihtam:wayêsihta VTIm "s/he tricks s.t., s/he deceives s.t. by speech" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wayêsimêw:wayêsim VTA "s/he tricks s.o., s/he deceives s.o. by speech" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wayêsiyawêw:wayêsiyaw VTA "s/he gets s.o. by deceit" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wayîwahkamikan:wayîwahkamikan VIIn "it is in excitement" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâh-waskawîw:wâh-waskawî VAIw "s/he moves around" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâh-wâkâw:wâh-wâkâ VIIw "it is bent here and there" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâh-wâpahtam:wâh-wâpahta VTIm "s/he examines s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâh-wîhêw:wâh-wîh VTA "s/he names s.o.; s/he gives names to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâh-wîhtam:wâh-wîhta VTIm "s/he tells s.t. everywhere" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâh-wîhtamawêw:wâh-wîhtamaw VTA "s/he tells (about it/him) to s.o. repeatedly" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâhkôhtahêw:wâhkôhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. to make friends; s/he adopts s.o. as a relative" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâhkôhtam:wâhkôhta VTIm "s/he is related" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâhkôhtowak:wâhkôhto VAIw_PL "they are related to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâhkômêw:wâhkôm VTA "s/he is related to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâhkwaniw:wâhkwani VAIw "it has roe (i.e. a fish)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâhpâsiw:wâhpâsi VAIw "s/he is an early riser, s/he wakes up early" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkamon:wâkamon VIIn "it runs crooked, curved; it is not straight (as a road or river with curves)" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâkamow:wâkamo VIIw "it runs crooked (e.g. a road), has curves" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâkapiw:wâkapi VAIw "it sits crooked, s/he sits bent over" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkastêw:wâkastê VIIw "it lies bent, it lies in a bent position" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâkâhkatisow:wâkâhkatiso VAIw "it is bent from dryness or hunger (as a tree)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkâpiskâw:wâkâpiskâ VIIw "it is bent (i.e. metal object)" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâkâpiskisam:wâkâpiskisa VTIm "s/he heats s.t. until it bends easily" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâkâpiskiswêw:wâkâpiskisw VTA "s/he heats s.o. until it bends easily" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wâkâsin:wâkâsin VIIn "it is a bit bent" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâkâw:wâkâ VIIw "it is bent" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâkâyowêw:wâkâyowê VAIw "it has a crooked tail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkâyôsiwiw:wâkâyôsiwi VAIw "s/he is a bear" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkicânêw:wâkicânê VAIw "s/he has a curved nose or beak" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkikâpawiw:wâkikâpawi VAIw "s/he stands stooped" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkikâtêw:wâkikâtê VAIw "s/he has crooked legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkikîhkâw:wâkikîhkâ VAIw "s/he is bent with age" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkikotam:wâkikota VTIm "s/he whittles s.t. curved" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâkikotêw:wâkikotê VAIw "s/he has a curved, crooked nose, s/he has a hook nose" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkikotêw:wâkikot3 VTA "s/he cuts s.o. curved, s/he hews s.o. curved" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wâkinam:wâkina VTIm "s/he bends s.t. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâkinâkaniskâw:wâkinâkaniskâ VIIw "there are many tamaracks growing" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâkinêw:wâkin VTA "s/he bends s.o. by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâkipayin:wâkipayin VIIn "it bends" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâkipitam:wâkipita VTIm "s/he bends s.t.; s/he bends s.t. down quickly; s/he pulls s.t. forward" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâkipitêw:wâkipit3 VTA "s/he bends s.o.; s/he bends s.o. down quickly; s/he pulls s.o. forward" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wâkisitêw:wâkisitê VAIw "s/he has crooked feet, s/he has a club foot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkisiw:wâkisi VAIw "it is bent, it is curved, s/he is stooped; ;; it is a banana" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkispiskwanêw:wâkispiskwanê VAIw "s/he has a bent back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâkitêskanêw:wâkitêskanê VAIw "it has crooked horns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wânaskêw:wânaskê VAIw "s/he is freed from an ill; s/he is at peace" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wânwâstikwêham:wânwâstikwêha VTIm "s/he goes round a bend in canoe, s/he canoes around a bend" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâpahcikâtêw:wâpahcikâtê VIIw "it is seen" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâpahcikêw:wâpahcikê VAIw "s/he looks at things; s/he shops around, s/he window shops" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpahkêw:wâpahkê VAIw "s/he watches people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpahtahêw:wâpahtah VTA "s/he shows (it/him) to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâpahtam:wâpahta VTIm "s/he sees s.t., s/he witnesses s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: wa-wâpahtam, wâh-wâpahtam wâpahtamawêw:wâpahtamaw VTA "s/he sees (it/him) on or for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâpahtihêw:wâpahtih VTA "s/he shows (it/him) to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâpahtowak:wâpahto VAIw_PL "they see one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpakwanîw:wâpakwanî VIIw "it has flowers" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâpakwanîw:wâpakwanî VAIw "it has flowers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpakwanîwan:wâpakwanîwan VIIn "it has many flowers" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâpamâwasow:wâpamâwaso VAIw "s/he sees his/her own child; she gives birth to a child" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpamêw:wâpam VTA "s/he sees s.o., s/he witnesses s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: wa-wâpamêw wâpamisow:wâpamiso VAIw "s/he sees him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpamitowak:wâpamito VAIw_PL "they see one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpamow:wâpamo VAIw "s/he looks at him/herself in a mirror" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpan:wâpan VIIn "it is dawn, it is first daylight, it is early morning" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâpan-atoskêw:wâpan-atoskê VAIw "s/he works until early morning" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpanacâhkwêw:wâpanacâhkwê VAIw "s/he is out all night; s/he plays games till early morning" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpanapiw:wâpanapi VAIw "s/he sits up until dawn, s/he sits up all night" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpanêwitam:wâpanêwita VTIm "s/he talks all night, s/he makes a noise all night (e.g. child crying; dog barking)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâpanihkwâmiw:wâpanihkwâmi VAIw "s/he sleeps until late in the morning" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpanipahtâw:wâpanipahtâ VAIw "s/he runs until dawn" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpanisimow:wâpanisimo VAIw "s/he dances until dawn" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpaniyowêw:wâpaniyowê VIIw "it is an east wind; there is a wind blowing all night into the morning" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâpanohtêw:wâpanohtê VAIw "s/he walks until dawn" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpaskamikatin:wâpaskamikatin VIIn "there is hoarfrost" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâpaskwâw:wâpaskwâ VIIw "it is a white sky" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâpatoniskinêw:wâpatoniskin VTA "s/he puts white clay on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâpâsow:wâpâso VAIw "s/he is fair, s/he has light skin and hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpâstêw:wâpâstê VIIw "it fades, it is faded" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâpâw:wâpâ VIIw "it is white" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâpâyowêw:wâpâyowê VAIw "it has a white tail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpênam:wâpêna VTIm "s/he sees s.t. as almost white" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâpênêw:wâpên VTA "s/he sees s.o. as light in colour" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâpicâpiw:wâpicâpi VAIw "s/he has light or white eyes; s/he is white-eyed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpihêw:wâpih VTA "s/he makes s.o. see" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâpihkwêw:wâpihkwê VAIw "s/he is white on the face, it has a white face (e.g. animal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpihtakâw:wâpihtakâ VIIw "it is a white lath, stick, or board" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâpikâtêw:wâpikâtê VAIw "s/he has white legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpikiskicêw:wâpikiskicê VAIw "s/he is white at the belly-button" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpikwanîwinâkosiw:wâpikwanîwinâkosi VAIw "s/he is pink" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpikwanîwinâkwan:wâpikwanîwinâkwan VIIn "it is pink" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâpimâkowiw:wâpimâkowi VAIw "it is a white loon" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpinâkosiw:wâpinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks, appears white; it is light in colour" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpinâkwan:wâpinâkwan VIIn "it looks, appears white; it is light in colour" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâpinêwisiw:wâpinêwisi VAIw "s/he is pale" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpisiw:wâpisi VAIw "s/he is white" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpiskaham:wâpiskaha VTIm "s/he whitewashes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâpiskahikêw:wâpiskahikê VAIw "s/he does the whitewashing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpiskatayêw:wâpiskatayê VAIw "s/he has a white belly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpiskâpakwanîw:wâpiskâpakwanî VIIw "it has white flowers" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâpiskâpâwêw:wâpiskâpâwê VAIw "it is washed white" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpiskâpêhikêw:wâpiskâpêhikê VAIw "s/he wears white" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpiskâw:wâpiskâ VIIw "it is white" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâpiskêwêw:wâpiskêwê VAIw "s/he is white-skinned" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpiski-miyêstawêw:wâpiski-miyêstawê VAIw "he has a white beard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: cf. miýêstawêw, mîhistawêw wâpiskihêw:wâpiskih VTA "s/he colours s.o. white" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâpiskihtakâw:wâpiskihtakâ VIIw "there are white boards, it is a white floor" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâpiskihtâw:wâpiskihtâ VTIw "s/he colours s.t. white; s/he makes s.t. white in colour" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wâpiskinikêmakisiw:wâpiskinikêmakisi VAIw "s/he whitens, s/he makes white" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpiskipêkaham:wâpiskipêkaha VTIm "s/he paints s.t. white" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâpiskipêkahwêw:wâpiskipêkahw VTA "s/he paints s.o. white" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wâpiskisiw:wâpiskisi VAIw "s/he is white" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpiskistikwânêw:wâpiskistikwânê VAIw "s/he has white hair (from age); s/he is white-haired ;; s/he is fair-haired, s/he is blonde ;; s/he is an elder and leader of his/her family" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpiskîhêw:wâpiskîh VTA "s/he dresses s.o. in white" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâpiskîhow:wâpiskîho VAIw "s/he dresses in white" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpistikwânêw:wâpistikwânê VAIw "s/he has white hair (from age); s/he is white-haired ;; s/he is a respected elder; s/he has the status of head of a family ;; s/he is fair-haired, s/he is blonde" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpistikwâtiw:wâpistikwâti VAIw "s/he is white-haired" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpiw:wâpi VAIw "s/he sees, s/he has vision ;; [generally in negative phrases:] s/he is blind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâposâwâw:wâposâwâ VIIw "it is yellow" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâposâwisiw:wâposâwisi VAIw "s/he is yellow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâpososkâw:wâpososkâ VIIw "there are numerous rabbits in the area" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâposwâspinêw:wâposwâspinê VAIw "s/he has tumour disease" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsahâw:wâsahâ VIIw "it is a bay" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâsahihkasow:wâsahihkaso VAIw "it is burned transparent" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâhâw:wâsakâhâ VAIw "s/he soars around (as a hawk); s/he flies in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâhêw:wâsakâh VTA "s/he places s.o. in a circle" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâsakâhtêw:wâsakâhtê VAIw "s/he walks around in a circle, s/he walks around the entire area" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâmahêw:wâsakâmah VTA "s/he places s.o. around, in a circle" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâsakâmapiwak:wâsakâmapi VAIw_PL "they sit in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâmastâw:wâsakâmastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. around, in a circle" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wâsakâmâw:wâsakâmâ VAIw "s/he makes a circuit, s/he makes a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâmêkâpawiwak:wâsakâmêkâpawi VAIw_PL "they stand in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâmêpahtâw:wâsakâmêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs around an object, s/he runs around the entire area" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâmêpayiw:wâsakâmêpayi VAIw "s/he moves, s/he goes, s/he rides in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâmêpayîstawêw:wâsakâmêpayîstaw VTA "s/he circles s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâsakâmêpihâw:wâsakâmêpihâ VAIw "s/he flies in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâmêpiwak:wâsakâmêpi VAIw_PL "they sit in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâmêsimow:wâsakâmêsimo VAIw "s/he dances in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâmêskam:wâsakâmêska VTIm "s/he walks around s.t., s/he steps around s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâsakâmêskawêw:wâsakâmêskaw VTA "s/he steps round s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâsakâmêstâw:wâsakâmêstâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. around (e.g. the inside of building)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wâsakâmêtisahwêw:wâsakâmêtisahw VTA "s/he chases s.o. in a circle" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wâsakâmêw:wâsakâmê VAIw "s/he goes around an object, s/he makes a circuit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâmêyâpôyow:wâsakâmêyâpôyo VAIw "s/he goes all the way around, s/he takes the roundabout way (by vehicle)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâmohtêw:wâsakâmohtê VAIw "s/he walks all the way around something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakânam:wâsakâna VTIm "s/he fences s.t. in; s/he builds a fence around s.t. (e.g. hay); s/he puts s.t. in a circle" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâsakânamawêw:wâsakânamaw VTA "s/he fences (it/him) for s.o.; s/he fences in livestock for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâsakânêw:wâsakân VTA "s/he fences s.o. in; s/he builds a fence around s.o.; s/he puts s.o. in a circle" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâsakânihkawêw:wâsakânihkaw VTA "s/he builds a fence for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâsakânihkêw:wâsakânihkê VAIw "s/he makes a corral" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâpahtâw:wâsakâpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs in a circle, s/he runs around some place (e.g. a lake)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâpayiw:wâsakâpayi VAIw "s/he goes around with a car or horse" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâpayiw:wâsakâpayi VIIw "it twirls" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâsakâpiw:wâsakâpi VAIw "s/he looks all round" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâpiwak:wâsakâpi VAIw_PL "they sit in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsakâpîstamwak:wâsakâpîstaa VTIm_PL "they sit around s.t., they encircle s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâsakâpîstawêwak:wâsakâpîstaw VTA_PL "they sit around s.o., they encircle s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâsakâskawêwak:wâsakâskaw VTA_PL "they encircle s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâsaskotênam:wâsaskotêna VTIm "s/he lights s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâsaskotênikâkêw:wâsaskotênikâkê VAIw "s/he lights things with s.t., s/he uses s.t. to have light" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsaskotênikêw:wâsaskotênikê VAIw "s/he turns on the lights" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsaskotêpayiw:wâsaskotêpayi VAIw "s/he goes with lightning; it is lightning" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsaskotêpayiw:wâsaskotêpayi VIIw "it gives light" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâsaskotêpicikêw:wâsaskotêpicikê VAIw "s/he turns on the lights" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsaskotêw:wâsaskotê VIIw "it is light, it is lit up, it is bright; it is a lantern" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâsâpiskinamawêw:wâsâpiskinamaw VTA "s/he flashes s.o., s/he signals s.o. with mirror" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâsâw:wâsâ VIIw "it is a bay" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâsêhkwaham:wâsêhkwaha VTIm "s/he polishes s.t. bright" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâsêhkwahwêw:wâsêhkwahw VTA "s/he polishes s.o. bright" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wâsêhkwâpiskâw:wâsêhkwâpiskâ VIIw "it is bright metal" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâsêhkwâpiskisiw:wâsêhkwâpiskisi VAIw "it is bright metal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsêhtâw:wâsêhtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. bright and shiny" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wâsêkamatawâpiw:wâsêkamatawâpi VAIw "s/he has flashing eyes; s/he has grey eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsêkamin:wâsêkamin VIIn "it is clear water" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâsêkamiw:wâsêkami VIIw "it is clear water" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâsênam:wâsêna VTIm "s/he makes light, s/he lights s.t., s/he puts the lights on" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâsênamawêw:wâsênamaw VTA "s/he puts the lights on for s.o.; s/he lights (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâsênâkwan:wâsênâkwan VIIn "it dawns; it appears brighter" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâsênâpiskâw:wâsênâpiskâ VIIw "it is a bright metal object" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâsênâsin:wâsênâsin VIIn "there is brightness showing, it is a little bright" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâsêsiw:wâsêsi VAIw "it shines bright (e.g. a star)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsêskwan:wâsêskwan VIIn_SG "it is a clear day, it is sunny; it is a clear sky; it is moonlight" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâsêskwatin:wâsêskwatin VIIn "it is smooth ice" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâsêtâhkwakâw:wâsêtâhkwakâ VIIw "it is starlight" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâsêyâkamin:wâsêyâkamin VIIn "it is clear liquid" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâsêyâpan:wâsêyâpan VIIn "it is bright dawn" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâsêyâpiskâw:wâsêyâpiskâ VIIw "it is bright metal" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâsêyâpiskisow:wâsêyâpiskiso VAIw "it glows in heat as stone" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsêyâpiskiswêw:wâsêyâpiskisw VTA "s/he heats s.o. to glow as stone" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wâsêyâsin:wâsêyâsin VIIn "there is brightness showing, it is a little bright" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâsêyâw:wâsêyâ VIIw "it is a bright sky, it is completely light" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâsinam:wâsina VTIm "s/he sees s.t. by the light it gives" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâsipicikêw:wâsipicikê VAIw "s/he flashes light signals" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâsipitam:wâsipita VTIm "s/he shines a light on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâsipitêw:wâsipit3 VTA "s/he shines a light on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wâsitênam:wâsitêna VTIm "s/he gives light by artificial light" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâsitêw:wâsitê VIIw "it gives light, it shines; it is seen by the light it gives" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâskahikanihkamawêw:wâskahikanihkamaw VTA "s/he builds a house for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâskahikanihkamâsow:wâskahikanihkamâso VAIw "s/he builds a house for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâskahikanihkêw:wâskahikanihkê VAIw "s/he builds houses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâskamisiw:wâskamisi VAIw "s/he is sober; s/he is beginning to recover from illness; s/he settles down; s/he is of quiet disposition" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâskâhtêw:wâskâhtê VAIw "s/he walks in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâskâkocin:wâskâkocin3 VAIn "s/he flies in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-n wâskâmow:wâskâmo VAIw "s/he flees in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâskânam:wâskâna VTIm "s/he makes s.t. go around, s/he turns s.t. (e.g. treadle), s/he cranks s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâskâpahtâw:wâskâpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâskâpayihow:wâskâpayiho VAIw "s/he throws him/herself in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâskâpayiw:wâskâpayi VAIw "s/he goes in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâskâsam:wâskâsa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. round the edge, s/he cuts s.t. round" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâskâsimow:wâskâsimo VAIw "s/he dances in a circle; s/he dances a Round Dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâskâskawêw:wâskâskaw VTA "s/he goes round s.o. (e.g. moose, deer)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâskâwêpiskam:wâskâwêpiska VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. round by foot" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâsostikwânêhpisow:wâsostikwânêhpiso VAIw "s/he wraps a handkerchief on his/her own head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâspisonihkawêw:wâspisonihkaw VTA "s/he makes a moss bag for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâspisonihkêw:wâspisonihkê VAIw "s/he makes a moss bag" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâspisow:wâspiso VAIw "s/he is laced in a moss bag; s/he is in the swaddling bag" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâspitaham:wâspitaha VTIm "s/he laces s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâspitam:wâspita VTIm "s/he laces s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâspitêw:wâspit3 VTA "s/he laces s.o. in a moss bag; s/he puts s.o. in the swaddling bag" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wâstahamawêw:wâstahamaw VTA "s/he waves at s.o.; s/he waves (it/him) at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâstahamâkêw:wâstahamâkê VAIw "s/he gives signals" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâstahêw:wâstah VTA "s/he waves at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâstahikêw:wâstahikê VAIw "s/he waves (with the hand)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâstênam:wâstêna VTIm "s/he lights s.t., s/he turns on the light" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâstêpayiw:wâstêpayi VIIw "it flashes lightning" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâstêyâpiw:wâstêyâpi VAIw "s/he has one eye white; s/he has a sty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâstinamawêw:wâstinamaw VTA "s/he waves to s.o., s/he gestures to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâstinikêw:wâstinikê VAIw "s/he waves" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâtihkâtam:wâtihkâta VTIm "s/he digs a hole for s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâtihkêw:wâtihkê VAIw "s/he digs, s/he digs holes; s/he makes a cellar" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâwâkamow:wâwâkamo VIIw "it is winding (as a river or road)" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâwâkâskwatan:wâwâkâskwatan VIIn "it is a crooked stick" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâwâkikâtêw:wâwâkikâtê VAIw "s/he is bow-legged" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâwâkohtêw:wâwâkohtê VAIw "s/he walks turning this way and that" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâwâsakâpihâw:wâwâsakâpihâ VAIw "s/he flies in circles, it circles overhead" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâwâsaskotêpayin:wâwâsaskotêpayi VIIn "it is lightning" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâwâsaskotêpayiw:wâwâsaskotêpayi VIIw "it is lightning" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâwâsêkamatawâpiw:wâwâsêkamatawâpi VAIw "s/he has flashing eyes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâwâskêsîwiw:wâwâskêsîwi VAIw "s/he is an elk" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâwâstahamawêw:wâwâstahamaw VTA "s/he makes signals to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâwâstahikêw:wâwâstahikê VAIw "s/he makes hand signals, s/he waves" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâwâstêpayiw:wâwâstêpayi VIIw "it is lightning" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâwiyakihkotam:wâwiyakihkota VTIm "s/he whittles s.t. round" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâwiyatayêw:wâwiyatayê VAIw "s/he has a round belly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâwiyêkamâw:wâwiyêkamâ VIIw "it is a round lake, it is a round body of water" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâwiyêkwâtam:wâwiyêkwâta VTIm "s/he sews s.t. into a circle" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâwiyêkwâtêw:wâwiyêkwât3 VTA "s/he sews s.o. into a circle" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wâwiyênam:wâwiyêna VTIm "s/he forms (s.t. into) a ball (by hand); s/he bends s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâwiyênâkosiw:wâwiyênâkosi VAIw "s/he looks round, circular" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâwiyênâkwan:wâwiyênâkwan VIIw "it looks round, circular" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâwiyênêw:wâwiyên VTA "s/he rolls s.o. (e.g. snow) into a ball" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâwiyêpêyâw:wâwiyêpêyâ VIIw "it is a round body of water (e.g. pond)" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâwiyêsihêw:wâwiyêsih VTA "s/he makes s.o. round" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâwiyêsiw:wâwiyêsi VAIw "s/he is round, it is circular; it is full (i.e. moon)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâwiyêstêw:wâwiyêstê VIIw "it is in a circle; it is placed around" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâwiyêyâsin:wâwiyêyâsin VIIn "it is a little round object" ; ! AEW: VII-n wâwiyêyâw:wâwiyêyâ VIIw "it is round, it is circular" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâyahcâw:wâyahcâ VIIw "it is a depression in the land, it is a valley" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâyatinâw:wâyatinâ VIIw "it is an area with valleys" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâyâw:wâyâ VIIw "it is concave, it is hollowed" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâyinâmow:wâyinâmo VAIw "s/he flees back, s/he turns back in flight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâyinîstawêw:wâyinîstaw VTA "s/he comes back to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wâyinîw:wâyinî VAIw "s/he turns back, s/he goes back, s/he retreats" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâyinohtahêw:wâyinohtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. back, s/he goes back with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wâyinohtatâw:wâyinohtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. back" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wâyinokotêw:wâyinokotê VIIw "it flies back, it comes back (e.g. boomerang)" ; ! AEW: VII-v wâyinopahtâw:wâyinopahtâ VAIw "s/he runs back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wâyinopitam:wâyinopita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. back" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wâyinopitêw:wâyinopit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. back" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wêhcasin:wêhcasin VIIn "it is easy, it is simple; it is cheap in price" ; ! AEW: VII-n wêhcihêw:wêhcih VTA "s/he gets s.o. easily; s/he has an easy time with s.o. (e.g. hide)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wêhcihow:wêhciho VAIw "s/he gets him/herself in accessible position" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêhcinêham:wêhcinêha VTIm "s/he buys s.t. cheap" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wêhcinêhwêw:wêhcinêhw VTA "s/he buys s.o. (e.g. a horse) cheap" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wêhcisiw:wêhcisi VAIw "it is easy, it is cheap" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêhciskowipayiw:wêhciskowipayi VIIw "it comes easily" ; ! AEW: VII-v wêhtakihtam:wêhtakihta VTIm "s/he prices s.t. cheap" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wêhtakihtêw:wêhtakihtê VIIw "it is cheap, it is inexpensive" ; ! AEW: VII-v wêhtakimêw:wêhtakim VTA "s/he prices s.o. cheap" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wêhtakisow:wêhtakiso VAIw "it is cheap, it is inexpensive" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêhtan:wêhtan VIIn "it is easy; it is inexpensive" ; ! AEW: VII-n wêhtatâwâkêw:wêhtatâwâkê VAIw "s/he sells things cheap" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêhtatâwêw:wêhtatâwê VAIw "s/he buys things cheap" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêhtêyihtam:wêhtêyihta VTIm "s/he thinks s.t. easy to deal with" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wêhtêyimêw:wêhtêyim VTA "s/he thinks s.o. easy to deal with" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wêmistikôsîmototawêw:wêmistikôsîmototaw VTA "s/he speaks French to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wêmistikôsîmow:wêmistikôsîmo VAIw "s/he speaks French" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpaham:wêpaha VTIm "s/he sweeps s.t. away" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wêpahaskwamêw:wêpahaskwamê VAIw "s/he clears ice from the water hole" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpahâkonêw:wêpahâkonê VAIw "s/he clears away the snow" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpahikêw:wêpahikê VAIw "s/he sweeps, s/he sweeps things, s/he does the sweeping" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpahwêw:wêpahw VTA "s/he flings s.o. by tool; s/he sweeps s.o., s/he sweeps s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wêpasinaham:wêpasinaha VTIm "s/he cancels a debt (which was written down on paper); s/he erases s.t, s/he clears the chalkboard" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wêpasinahikêw:wêpasinahikê VAIw "s/he cancels debts; s/he erases things, s/he clears the chalkboard" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpâhokow:wêpâhoko VAIw "s/he is carried off by current" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpâhotêw:wêpâhotê VIIw "it is carried off by current" ; ! AEW: VII-v wêpâhtakahikêw:wêpâhtakahikê VAIw "s/he sweeps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpâpîhkêpayiw:wêpâpîhkêpayi VAIw "s/he swings" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpâpîhkêwêpinam:wêpâpîhkêwêpina VTIm "s/he sets s.t. swinging" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wêpâpîhkêwêpinêw:wêpâpîhkêwêpin VTA "s/he sets s.o. swinging" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wêpâsiw:wêpâsi VAIw "s/he is blown away; it waves in the wind (e.g. a flag)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpâstan:wêpâstan VIIn "it is blown away; it waves in the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n wêpâyowêw:wêpâyowê VAIw "it waves its own tail" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpihêw:wêpih VTA "s/he starts s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wêpimêw:wêpim VTA "s/he urges s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wêpinam:wêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. away" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wêpinamawêw:wêpinamaw VTA "s/he throws (it/him) away for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wêpinamâtowak:wêpinamâto VAIw_PL "they throw (it) to or for one another; they play catch" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpinâsow:wêpinâso VAIw "s/he gives cloth offerings (to the spirits)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpinâwasow:wêpinâwaso VAIw "s/he disowns his/her own children; s/he leaves his/her own children and does not care" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpinêw:wêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. away, s/he throws s.o. aside; s/he leaves s.o., s/he abandons s.o., s/he divorces s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wêpinikâsow:wêpinikâso VAIw "s/he is left and uncared for" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpinikâtêw:wêpinikâtê VIIw "it is thrown away" ; ! AEW: VII-v wêpinikêw:wêpinikê VAIw "s/he throws things away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpiniskâtêw:wêpiniskât3 VTA "s/he slings his/her own fist at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wêpinitowak:wêpinito VAIw_PL "they abandon one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêpiskawêw:wêpiskaw VTA "s/he pushes s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wêwêkahpisow:wêwêkahpiso VAIw "s/he is wrapped or tied round" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêwêkahpitam:wêwêkahpita VTIm "s/he wraps and ties s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wêwêkahpitêw:wêwêkahpit3 VTA "s/he wraps s.o., s/he wraps and ties s.o. (e.g. yarn)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wêwêkapiw:wêwêkapi VAIw "s/he is wrapped up sitting, s/he sits wrapped up, s/he sits bundled up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêwêkastâw:wêwêkastâ VTIw "s/he places s.t. wrapped" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wêwêkâciwasam:wêwêkâciwasa VTIm "s/he wraps s.t. for boiling; s/he rolls s.t. for boiling" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wêwêkâciwaswêw:wêwêkâciwasw VTA "s/he rolls s.o. for boiling (as a pudding}" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wêwêkinam:wêwêkina VTIm "s/he wraps s.t. up" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wêwêkinêw:wêwêkin VTA "s/he wraps s.o.; s/he wears s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wêwêkinikâtêw:wêwêkinikâtê VIIw "it is wrapped" ; ! AEW: VII-v wêwêkinikêw:wêwêkinikê VAIw "s/he wraps, s/he is wrapping, s/he wraps parcels" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêwêkipayihtâw:wêwêkipayihtâ VTIw "s/he wraps s.t. quickly" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wêwêkisimêw:wêwêkisim VTA "s/he wraps s.o. as that one lies" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wêwêkisin:wêwêkisin3 VAIn "s/he lies wrapped, s/he is wrapped while lying; s/he is wrapped up in s.t., s/he is rolled in a blanket" ; ! AEW: VAI-n wêwêkistikwânênêw:wêwêkistikwânên VTA "s/he wraps s.o.'s head for that one" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wêwêkistikwânêw:wêwêkistikwânê VAIw "s/he has his/her own head wrapped" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêwêkistikwânêyapiw:wêwêkistikwânêyapi VAIw "s/he sits with head wrapped" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêwêkîw:wêwêkî VAIw "s/he wraps him/herself (in a blanket)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêwêpâsiw:wêwêpâsi VAIw "it flutters in the wind" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêwêpâstan:wêwêpâstan VIIn "it rocks or flutters in the wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n wêwêpâyowêw:wêwêpâyowê VAIw "it wags his/her own tail; it is a white-tailed deer" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêwêpikâtêw:wêwêpikâtê VAIw "s/he swings his/her own legs; s/he has wobbly legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêwêpiskwêyiw:wêwêpiskwêyi VAIw "s/he nods his/her own head from side to side" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêwêpisow:wêwêpiso VAIw "s/he swings, s/he rocks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêwêpitam:wêwêpita VTIm "s/he swings s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wêwêpitêw:wêwêpit3 VTA "s/he swings s.o., s/he rocks s.o. (e.g. in a rocker)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wêyôcihow:wêyôciho VAIw "s/he is well off" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêyôtan:wêyôtan VIIn "it is rich, it is in abundant supply; it is a wealthy time" ; ! AEW: VII-n wêyôtisiw:wêyôtisi VAIw "s/he is rich" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wêyôtisîmakan:wêyôtisîmakan VIIn "it is rich" ; ! AEW: VII-n wiyahkwâtam:wiyahkwâta VTIm "s/he swears at s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyahkwâtêw:wiyahkwât3 VTA "s/he swears at s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wiyahkwêskiw:wiyahkwêski VAIw "s/he swears all the time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyahkwêw:wiyahkwê VAIw "s/he swears" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyahpicikêw:wiyahpicikê VAIw "s/he harnesses horses, s/he does the harnessing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyahpisow:wiyahpiso VAIw "it is harnessed, saddled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyahpitam:wiyahpita VTIm "s/he hitches s.t. up, s/he ties s.t. in place" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyahpitamawêw:wiyahpitamaw VTA "s/he ties (it/him) for s.o., s/he saddles s.o.'s horse" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: cf. oýahpitamawêw wiyahpitastimwêw:wiyahpitastimwê VAIw "s/he harnesses the horses, s/he hitches up his/her own horses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyahpitêw:wiyahpit3 VTA "s/he harnesses s.o., s/he hitches s.o. up; s/he ties s.o. in place" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wiyahpitêw:wiyahpit3 VTA "s/he tangles s.o. (e.g. yarn)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wiyakâhpinatêw:wiyakâhpinat3 VTA "s/he makes a sad loss of s.o.; s/he does s.o. wrong" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wiyakâhpinêw:wiyakâhpinê VAIw "s/he dies as a sad loss" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyakihêw:wiyakih VTA "s/he makes a sad loss of s.o.; s/he ruins s.o., s/he damages s.o. (e.g. beaver pelt)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wiyakihow:wiyakiho VAIw "s/he spoils his/her own chances" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyakihtam:wiyakihta VTIm "s/he counts s.t.; s/he puts a price on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyakihtamawêw:wiyakihtamaw VTA "s/he puts a price on (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wiyakihtâw:wiyakihtâ VTIw "s/he botches s.t.; s/he ruins s.t., s/he wastes s.t. ;; s/he puts a poor price on s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 ! 1: - ! 2: latter definition shows semantic contamination from wiýakihtam wiyakisiw:wiyakisi VAIw "s/he neglects his/her own work" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyanihcikâsow:wiyanihcikâso VAIw "it is skinned and cut up" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyanihêw:wiyanih VTA "s/he skins and cuts s.o. up" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wiyanihtâkêw:wiyanihtâkê VAIw "s/he skins and cuts up the game" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyascikêw:wiyascikê VAIw "s/he sets the table" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyasinâkosiw:wiyasinâkosi VAIw "s/he looks funny" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyasinâkwan:wiyasinâkwan VIIn "it looks funny" ; ! AEW: VII-n wiyasiwâtam:wiyasiwâta VTIm "s/he makes a law, s/he rules about s.t., s/he decides s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyasiwâtêw:wiyasiwât3 VTA "s/he decides about s.o.; s/he sits in judgment on s.o., s/he holds court over s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wiyasiwêhkâniwiw:wiyasiwêhkâniwi VAIw "s/he is a band councillor" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyasiwêw:wiyasiwê VAIw "s/he makes laws; s/he judges" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyastamawêw:wiyastamaw VTA "s/he sets the table for s.o.; s/he sets (it/him) in order for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wiyastâw:wiyastâ VTIw "s/he sets the table; s/he orders things, s/he puts things in order; s/he edits s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wiyataham:wiyataha VTIm "s/he shapes s.t. (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyatahwêw:wiyatahw VTA "s/he shapes s.o. (by tool)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wiyatêyihtam:wiyatêyihta VTIm "s/he is amused by s.t., s/he considers s.t. amusing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyatêyihtâkosiw:wiyatêyihtâkosi VAIw "s/he is funny" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyatêyihtâkwan:wiyatêyihtâkwan VIIn "it is funny" ; ! AEW: VII-n wiyawihtam:wiyawihta VTIm "s/he hears s.t. plainly" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyâhtam:wiyâhta VTIm "s/he wears s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyâhtâw:wiyâht VTIw "s/he wears s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wiyâkihkâkamisam:wiyâkihkâkamisa VTIm "s/he warms s.t. as liquid in a dish" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyâmêw:wiyâm VTA "s/he wears s.o. (e.g. pants)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wiyânam:wiyâna VTIm "s/he scatters s.t. around; s/he misplaces s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyânikêw:wiyânikê VAIw "s/he misplaces things, s/he scatters things about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyâpitam:wiyâpita VTIm "s/he scatters and mixes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyâsimiw:wiyâsimi VAIw "s/he has meat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyâsiwan:wiyâsiwan VIIn "it has a lot of meat on it" ; ! AEW: VII-n wiyâsiwiw:wiyâsiwi VAIw "it is meaty; it has a lot of meat on it" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyâtikosiw:wiyâtikosi VAIw "s/he is happy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyihkaham:wiyihkaha VTIm "s/he drains s.t. by taking water out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyihkotam:wiyihkota VTIm "s/he whittles s.t., s/he carves s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyihkotamawêw:wiyihkotamaw VTA "s/he whittles (it/him) for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wiyihkotêw:wiyihkot3 VTA "s/he whittles or carves s.o. out of wood" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wiyinohêw:wiyinoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. fat, s/he fattens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wiyinosiw:wiyinosi VAIw "s/he is a bit fat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyinow:wiyino VAIw "s/he is fat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyinowan:wiyinowan VIIn "it is fatty, there is much fat on it (as a whole carcass)" ; ! AEW: VII-n wiyinowiw:wiyinowi VIIw "it is fat, it is fatty" ; ! AEW: VII-v wiyipâtan:wiyipâtan VIIn "it is dirty" ; ! AEW: VII-n wiyipâtisiw:wiyipâtisi VAIw "s/he is dirty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyipâw:wiyipâ VIIw "it is soiled, it is dirty" ; ! AEW: VII-v wiyisam:wiyisa VTIm "s/he cuts s.t. out, s/he cuts s.t. to a pattern" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wiyisamawêw:wiyisamaw VTA "s/he cuts a pattern for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wiyisamâsow:wiyisamâso VAIw "s/he cuts a pattern for him/herself, s/he cuts his/her own pattern" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyîpihkwêw:wiyîpihkwê VAIw "s/he has a dirty face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyîpisiw:wiyîpisi VAIw "s/he is dirty-looking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wiyohtêw:wiyohtê VAIw "s/he walks about" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wî-nipahâhkatosow:wî-nipahâhkatoso VAIw "s/he is malnourished; literally: s/he is going to die of hunger" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîc-âyamihâmêw:wîc-âyamihâm VTA "s/he prays with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîc-âyâmêw:wîc-âyâm VTA "s/he lives with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîc-îspîhcisîmêw:wîc-îspîhcisîm VTA "s/he is of the same age as s.o., s/he has s.o. as his/her age-mate" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîc-ôhpikîmêw:wîc-ôhpikîm VTA "s/he grows up with s.o., s/he is raised together with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîcêhtahêw:wîcêhtah VTA "s/he breeds s.o. (e.g. animals)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîcêhtam:wîcêhta VTIm "s/he supports s.t., s/he goes along with s.t., s/he cooperates with s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîcêhtowak:wîcêhto VAIw_PL "they get along with one another; they accompany one another; they live with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcêskwêwêw:wîcêskwêwê VAIw "s/he has a lady friend" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcêwâkanihêw:wîcêwâkanih VTA "s/he takes s.o. to meet friends" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîcêwâkanihkêw:wîcêwâkanihkê VAIw "s/he makes a match, s/he couples s.o., s/he is a match-maker; s/he makes a friend, companion" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcêwâkanihtahêw:wîcêwâkanihtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. to make friends" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîcêwâkanihtowak:wîcêwâkanihto VAIw_PL "they find one another as partner, spouse; they live as common-law partners" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcêwâkanimêw:wîcêwâkanim VTA "s/he has s.o. as partner, s/he is in partnership with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîcêwâkaniw:wîcêwâkani VAIw "s/he has (s.o. as) a partner, spouse; he has a wife; she has a husband" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcêwâwasow:wîcêwâwaso VAIw "s/he has his/her own children along" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcêwêw:wîcêw VTA "s/he gets along with s.o.; s/he comes along with s.o., s/he accompanies s.o., s/he joins s.o.; s/he has s.o. along, s/he is with s.o., s/he lives with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wîcêwiskwêwêw:wîcêwiskwêwê VAIw "he has his own wife along; s/he accompanies a woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîci-atoskêmêw:wîci-atoskêm VTA "s/he works with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-ayâmêw:wîci-ayâm VTA "s/he lives with s.o., s/he dwells with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-âpihtâw-kîsikanîmêw:wîci-âpihtâw-kîsikanîm VTA "s/he eats lunch with s.o., s/he eats dinner with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-ispîhtisîmêw:wîci-ispîhtisîm VTA "s/he is the same age as s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-kiskinohamâkosîmêw:wîci-kiskinohamâkosîm VTA "s/he is in school with s.o., s/he has s.o. as a fellow-student" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-kîskwêpêmêw:wîci-kîskwêpêm VTA "s/he drinks and gets drunk with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-mêtawêmêw:wîci-mêtawêm VTA "s/he has s.o. as a playmate; s/he plays with s.o., s/he plays together with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-minihkwêmêw:wîci-minihkwêm VTA "s/he has s.o. as a drinking companion; s/he drinks with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-miyawâtamômêw:wîci-miyawâtamôm VTA "s/he rejoices with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-mîcisômêw:wîci-mîcisôm VTA "s/he has someone as a dinner companion; s/he eats with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-natawahômêw:wîci-natawahôm VTA "s/he hunts with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-nikamômêw:wîci-nikamôm VTA "s/he has s.o. as a singing partner; s/he sings with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-nîmihitômêw:wîci-nîmihitôm VTA "s/he dances with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-nôtinikêmêw:wîci-nôtinikêm VTA "s/he fights alongside s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-ohcîmêw:wîci-ohcîm VTA "s/he originates (temporally) together with s.o.; s/he is born together with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-ohpikîmêw:wîci-ohpikîm VTA "s/he grows up together with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-pimohtêmêw:wîci-pimohtêm VTA "s/he walks with s.o.; s/he walks s.o. (e.g. a dog)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-piponisîmêw:wîci-piponisîm VTA "s/he winters with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-pîhtwâmêw:wîci-pîhtwâm VTA "s/he smokes with s.o., he smokes the pipe with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-pîhtwâmitowak:wîci-pîhtwâmito VAIw_PL "they smoke with one another, they smoke the pipe with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîci-pîkiskwêmêw:wîci-pîkiskwêm VTA "s/he speaks with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-wanihikêmêw:wîci-wanihikêm VTA "s/he traps with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîci-wîhpêmêw:wîci-wîhpêm VTA "s/he sleeps with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîcihêw:wîcih VTA "s/he helps s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîcihikowisiw:wîcihikowisi VAIw "s/he is helped by the powers, s/he receives help from higher powers, God; s/he is helped spiritually" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcihisow:wîcihiso VAIw "s/he helps him/herself; s/he applies him/herself, s/he studies for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcihitowak:wîcihito VAIw_PL "they help one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcihiwêw:wîcihiwê VAIw "s/he helps people, s/he gives a helping hand; s/he accompanies, s/he goes along; s/he is along, s/he is part of a group, join in, take part, participates, s/he is part of something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcihtâsow:wîcihtâso VAIw "s/he helps out, s/he helps with things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcisânihtowak:wîcisânihto VAIw_PL "they are blood relations, they are related by blood" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcisânîmêw:wîcisânîm VTA "s/he is of the same parentage as s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîcisimômêw:wîcisimôm VTA "s/he dances with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîcisimômitowak:wîcisimômito VAIw_PL "they dance with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcisiw:wîcisi VAIw "s/he has a good head of hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîcôhkamawêw:wîcôhkamaw VTA "s/he helps s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: cf. wîsôhkamawêw wîhcêkan:wîhcêkan VIIn "it smells bad" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîhcêkatâmow:wîhcêkatâmo VAIw "s/he has bad breath, s/he has halitosis" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhcêkihtin:wîhcêkihtin VIIn "it is left to spoil" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîhcêkimâkosiw:wîhcêkimâkosi VAIw "it smells spoiled" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhcêkimâkwan:wîhcêkimâkwan VIIn "it smells spoiled" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîhcêkinâkosiw:wîhcêkinâkosi VAIw "s/he appears dirty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhcêkinâkwan:wîhcêkinâkwan VIIn "it appears dirty" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîhcêkisiw:wîhcêkisi VAIw "s/he smells bad" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhcikâsow:wîhcikâso VAIw "s/he is named, s/he is mentioned; it is told" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhcikâtêw:wîhcikâtê VIIw "it is named, it is mentioned; it is told" ; ! AEW: VII-v wîhêw:wîh VTA "s/he names s.o., s/he gives a name to s.o.; s/he calls s.o. so, s/he mentions s.o. by name; s/he relies on s.o., s/he tells (it/him) from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîhisow:wîhiso VAIw "s/he names him/herself, s/he gives him/herself a name" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkasin:wîhkasin VIIn "it tastes good, it is delicious" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîhkaskosam:wîhkaskosa VTIm "s/he burns s.t. as incense" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîhkâkamiw:wîhkâkami VIIw "it is a sweet and tasty liquid" ; ! AEW: VII-v wîhkicisiw:wîhkicisi VAIw "it tastes good, it is delicious" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkihkasikêw:wîhkihkasikê VAIw "s/he makes a cake, s/he makes sweet-tasting things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkihkohkawêw:wîhkihkohkaw VTA "s/he makes a feast for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wîhkihkohkêw:wîhkihkohkê VAIw "s/he invites many to a feast" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkimâhkasow:wîhkimâhkaso VAIw "it smells sweet in burning" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkimâkohêw:wîhkimâkoh VTA "s/he makes s.o. sweet smelling; s/he perfumes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîhkimâkohow:wîhkimâkoho VAIw "s/he perfumes him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkimâkosiw:wîhkimâkosi VAIw "s/he smells good, s/he smells fragrant" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkimâkwan:wîhkimâkwan VIIn "it smells good" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîhkimâsam:wîhkimâsa VTIm "s/he burns s.t. (i.e. incense)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîhkimâsikêw:wîhkimâsikê VAIw "s/he burns incense, s/he burns fragrant things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkimâstêw:wîhkimâstê VIIw "it is the fragrant smell of incense" ; ! AEW: VII-v wîhkiminêw:wîhkiminê VAIw "s/he likes eating berries" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkipêw:wîhkipê VAIw "s/he likes his/her liquor; s/he feels good from drink" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkipwêw:wîhkipw VTA "s/he likes the taste of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wîhkiskwêwêw:wîhkiskwêwê VAIw "he likes women" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkistam:wîhkista VTIm "s/he likes the taste of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 1:wîhkist3 VTA "s/he likes the taste of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-5 wîhkitêpow:wîhkitêpo VAIw "s/he cooks delicious smelling foods" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkitisiw:wîhkitisi VAIw "it tastes good" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkiw:wîhki VAIw "s/he forces him/herself, s/he uses all his/her own force, s/he strains him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkohkêw:wîhkohkê VAIw "s/he makes a feast, s/he prepares a feast; s/he invites people to a meal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkohtawêw:wîhkohtaw VTA "s/he makes a feast for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wîhkohtowak:wîhkohto VAIw_PL "they make a feast for one another; they gather" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkomêw:wîhkom VTA "s/he invites s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîhkwacihêw:wîhkwacih VTA "s/he pulls s.o. out (of a mud hole); s/he helps s.o. out (of a tight spot); s/he frees s.o.; s/he pries s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîhkwacihow:wîhkwaciho VAIw "s/he escapes; s/he frees him/herself out of a tight spot" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkwacipitam:wîhkwacipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîhkwacipitêw:wîhkwacipit3 VTA "s/he yanks s.o. free; s/he pulls s.o. out (of a mud hole), s/he frees s.o. by pulling" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wîhkwaciskiwêpitêw:wîhkwaciskiwêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. free from a bog or mud" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wîhkwacîw:wîhkwacî VAIw "s/he frees him/herself by pulling and pushing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkwataham:wîhkwataha VTIm "s/he pries s.t. loose (using a bar)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîhkwatahwêw:wîhkwatahw VTA "s/he pries s.o. loose (using a bar)" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wîhkwatinam:wîhkwatina VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. free" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîhkwatinêw:wîhkwatin VTA "s/he pulls s.o. free" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîhkwêkâpawiwak:wîhkwêkâpawi VAIw_PL "they stand all round something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkwêkâpawîstamwak:wîhkwêkâpawîstaa VTIm_PL "they stand round s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîhkwêkâpawîstawêwak:wîhkwêkâpawîstaw VTA_PL "they stand round s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wîhkwêpiwak:wîhkwêpi VAIw_PL "they sit all round something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhkwêsîhtâw:wîhkwêsîhtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. circular" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wîhkwêskawêw:wîhkwêskaw VTA "s/he goes around s.o., s/he heads s.o. off" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wîhkwêstêwa:wîhkwêstê VIIw_PL "they are in a circle, they lie in a circle, they stand in a circle" ; ! AEW: VII-v wîhkwêwikâpawiwak:wîhkwêwikâpawi VAIw_PL "they stand in a circle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhowiniw:wîhowini VAIw "s/he has a name" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhpâw:wîhpâ VIIw "it is hollow" ; ! AEW: VII-v wîhpêmêw:wîhpêm VTA "s/he sleeps with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîhpêmiskwêwêw:wîhpêmiskwêwê VAIw "he sleeps with a woman" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhpêmitowak:wîhpêmito VAIw_PL "they sleep together, they sleep with one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhtam:wîhta VTIm "s/he tells about s.t., s/he reports s.t.; s/he decrees s.t.; s/he names s.t., s/he mentions s.t. by name" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîhtamawêw:wîhtamaw VTA "s/he tells s.o. about (it/him), s/he tells (it/him) to or for s.o.; s/he names (it/him) to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: wâh-wîhtamawêw wîhtamâkêw:wîhtamâkê VAIw "s/he makes predications; s/he names (it) to people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhtamâkowisiw:wîhtamâkowisi VAIw "s/he is told about (it/him) by higher powers" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhtamâsow:wîhtamâso VAIw "s/he tells about him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhtamâtowak:wîhtamâto VAIw_PL "they tell (about it/him) to one another, they tell one another about (it/him)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhtamâwasow:wîhtamâwaso VAIw "s/he tells (about it/him) to his/her own children" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhtikôhkânisimow:wîhtikôhkânisimo VAIw "s/he dances the Wihtikow dance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhtikôhkâniwiw:wîhtikôhkâniwi VAIw "s/he is a member of the Wihtikow Society ;; s/he is a clown" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhtikôhkotâtowak:wîhtikôhkotâto VAIw_PL "they act as cannibals toward one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhtikôwiw:wîhtikôwi VAIw "s/he is a Wihtikow, Windigo" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîhyêw:wîhy VTA "s/he names s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîkihkêmow:wîkihkêmo VAIw "s/he lives with people" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîkihtahêw:wîkihtah VTA "s/he makes s.o. marry; s/he unites s.o. in marriage" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîkihtow:wîkihto VAIw "s/he gets married, s/he is married; [plural:] they are married to one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîkimêw:wîkim VTA "s/he marries s.o., s/he takes s.o. as spouse; s/he is married to s.o.; s/he lives with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîkiw:wîki VAIw "s/he lives there, s/he dwells there, s/he has his/her own abode (there)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: reduplicated: wa-wîkiw wîmâhâw:wîmâhâ VAIw "s/he flies by a detour" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîmâhtêw:wîmâhtê VAIw "s/he walks by a circuit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîmâskawêw:wîmâskaw VTA "s/he avoids s.o. by going in a circuit" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wînastêw:wînastê VIIw "it lies or stands dirty" ; ! AEW: VII-v wînêyihtam:wînêyihta VTIm "s/he loathes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wînêyimêw:wînêyim VTA "s/he loathes s.o., s/he abhors s.o.; s/he thinks s.o. dirty" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wînêyimisow:wînêyimiso VAIw "s/he thinks him/herself dirty, nasty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wînihêw:wînih VTA "s/he makes s.o. dirty by splashing; s/he dirties s.o. with his/her own dirty hands" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wînihisow:wînihiso VAIw "s/he soils him/herself, s/he soils his/her own clean clothes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wînihkasow:wînihkaso VAIw "it smells bad as one burns" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wînihtâw:wînihtâ VTIw "s/he dirties s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wînihtin:wînihtin VIIn "it spoils, it rots" ; ! AEW: VII-n wînikwayawêw:wînikwayawê VAIw "s/he has a dirty neck" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wînimâkosiw:wînimâkosi VAIw "s/he smells nasty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wînimâkwan:wînimâkwan VIIn "it smells nasty" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîninâkosiw:wîninâkosi VAIw "s/he looks dirty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîninâkwan:wîninâkwan VIIn "it looks dirty" ; ! AEW: VII-n wînisiw:wînisi VAIw "s/he is filthy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîniskam:wîniska VTIm "s/he dirties s.t. by wearing, stepping; s/he soils s.t. by lying on it with soiled clothes" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wînispakosiw:wînispakosi VAIw "it has a tainted taste, it tastes badly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wînispakwan:wînispakwan VIIw "it tastes badly" ; ! AEW: VII-v wînispitam:wînispita VTIm "s/he is disgusted at the taste of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wînispitêw:wînispit3 VTA "s/he is disgusted at the taste of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wînitonêw:wînitonê VAIw "s/he smells foul at the mouth, s/he has a filthy mouth; s/he uses foul language" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wînîhow:wînîho VAIw "s/he dresses with unclean clothes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîpâci-kîsikâw:wîpâci-kîsikâ VIIw "it is a nasty day, it is bad weather, it is wet weather" ; ! AEW: VII-v wîpâcikin:wîpâcikin VIIn "it grows out of place, it grows wild, it grows as a weed" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîpâpêkan:wîpâpêkan VIIn "it is dirty (e.g. material)" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîpâpêkisiw:wîpâpêkisi VAIw "s/he is dirty from head to toe" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîpâpiskâw:wîpâpiskâ VIIw "it is dirty (metal)" ; ! AEW: VII-v wîpâpiskisiw:wîpâpiskisi VAIw "it is dirty (metal)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîpâtan:wîpâtan VIIn "it is dirty (speaking of outside)" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîpâtisiw:wîpâtisi VAIw "s/he is dirty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîpâtiskam:wîpâtiska VTIm "s/he dirties s.t. (with his/her own feet)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîpâtiskawêw:wîpâtiskaw VTA "s/he dirties s.o. (with his/her own feet)" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wîpâw:wîpâ VIIw "it is unclean, it is soiled" ; ! AEW: VII-v wîpicihcêw:wîpicihcê VAIw "s/he has dirty hands" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîpihisow:wîpihiso VAIw "s/he soils him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîpihkwêw:wîpihkwê VAIw "s/he has a dirty face" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîpihtâw:wîpihtâ VTIw "s/he soils s.t., s/he drops s.t. in the dirt; s/he soils s.t. with dirty hands" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wîpikâtêw:wîpikâtê VAIw "s/he has dirty legs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîpinam:wîpina VTIm "s/he soils s.t. from touching it" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîpinamawêw:wîpinamaw VTA "s/he soils (it/him) on s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wîpinêw:wîpin VTA "s/he soils s.o. with dirty hands" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîpisitêw:wîpisitê VAIw "s/he has dirty feet; s/he has soiled shoes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîpiskam:wîpiska VTIm "s/he dirties s.t. by tramping on it" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîpistikwânêw:wîpistikwânê VAIw "s/he has dirty hair, s/he has a dirty head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîpitâhpinêw:wîpitâhpinê VAIw "s/he has a toothache" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîposâwâw:wîposâwâ VIIw "it is brown" ; ! AEW: VII-v wîsakahcahwêw:wîsakahcahw VTA "s/he makes s.o. very envious, s/he gets s.o.'s goat" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wîsakahosow:wîsakahoso VAIw "s/he hurts him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakahpisow:wîsakahpiso VAIw "s/he has a bandage which is too tight, s/he has pain from being bandaged too tightly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakahpitam:wîsakahpita VTIm "s/he ties s.t. too tightly causing pain" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîsakahpitêw:wîsakahpit3 VTA "s/he ties s.o. too tightly causing pain" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wîsakahpitêw:wîsakahpitê VIIw "it is in pain from being tied too tightly" ; ! AEW: VII-v wîsakahwêw:wîsakahw VTA "s/he hurts s.o. by hitting or by tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wîsakamêw:wîsakam VTA "s/he bites s.o. hard, s/he bites s.o. painfully" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîsakan:wîsakan VIIn "it is bitter to the taste" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîsakastêhwêw:wîsakastêhw VTA "s/he straps s.o., spanks s.o. harshly" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 wîsakatâmow:wîsakatâmo VAIw "s/he cries bitterly; s/he wails" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakâhpinêw:wîsakâhpinê VAIw "s/he has strong pains; s/he suffers with much pain" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakâhpiw:wîsakâhpi VAIw "s/he laughs till his/her own sides ache" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakâpasow:wîsakâpaso VAIw "s/he has eyes which smart from smoke" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakâpiw:wîsakâpi VAIw "s/he has sore eyes, s/he has eyes that smart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakâwikanêsin:wîsakâwikanêsin3 VAIn "s/he hurts his/her own back (in falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n wîsakâwikanêw:wîsakâwikanê VAIw "s/he hurts his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakêw:wîsakê VAIw "s/he twists his/her own back, s/he hurts his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakêyihtam:wîsakêyihta VTIm "s/he is hurt by s.t.; s/he is sore, s/he is hurt, s/he feels pain from s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîsakicihcênisow:wîsakicihcêniso VAIw "s/he hurts his/her own hand" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakihcikwanêsin:wîsakihcikwanêsin3 VAIn "s/he hurts his/her own knee (in falling)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n wîsakihcikwanêw:wîsakihcikwanê VAIw "s/he hurts his/her own knee" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakikohtâkanêw:wîsakikohtâkanê VAIw "s/he has a sore throat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakinam:wîsakina VTIm "s/he hurts s.t., s/he sprains s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîsakinêw:wîsakin VTA "s/he hurts s.o. by grasping too hard" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîsakipitam:wîsakipita VTIm "s/he hurts s.t. (by pulling)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîsakipitêw:wîsakipit3 VTA "s/he hurts s.o. (by pulling)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wîsakisimêw:wîsakisim VTA "s/he hurts s.o. by throwing" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîsakisin:wîsakisin3 VAIn "s/he is injured by a fall, s/he falls painfully, s/he hurts him/herself falling" ; ! AEW: VAI-n wîsakiskawêw:wîsakiskaw VTA "s/he hurts s.o. by kick or body movement" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wîsakistikwânêw:wîsakistikwânê VAIw "s/he has a hurting head" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakitêhêw:wîsakitêhê VAIw "s/he has a heavy heart" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsakowêw:wîsakowê VAIw "s/he has a shrill voice" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsâhkawêw:wîsâhkaw VTA "s/he charms s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wîsâmêw:wîsâm VTA "s/he invites s.o., s/he invites s.o. along, s/he asks s.o. to come along with one" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîsâmitowak:wîsâmito VAIw_PL "they accompany one another" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîsâwitam:wîsâwita VTIm "s/he makes up his/her own mind; s/he tells others what to do" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîskawahêw:wîskawah VTA "s/he steals up to s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîskawahtâw:wîskawahtâ VTIw "s/he steals up to s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 wîskwastêw:wîskwastê VIIw "it is smoked (e.g. leather)" ; ! AEW: VII-v wîskwastêwinâkwan:wîskwastêwinâkwan VIIn "it is brown in appearance; literally: it looks like smoked leather" ; ! AEW: VII-n wîskwêhpitêw:wîskwêhpit3 VTA "s/he winds s.o. around, s/he bandages s.o. about" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 wîsôhkamawêw:wîsôhkamaw VTA "s/he helps s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 wîstihkânihkêw:wîstihkânihkê VAIw "s/he makes haystacks" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîstihkêw:wîstihkê VAIw "s/he stacks hay, s/he builds haystacks; s/he stacks, s/he heaps, s/he is stacking; it builds (beaver or muskrat) lodges" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîtapihtahêw:wîtapihtah VTA "s/he makes s.o. (e.g. a chicken) sit on eggs" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîtapihtam:wîtapihta VTIm "s/he sits by s.t., s/he stays with s.t.; she hatches her own eggs (i.e. birds)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîtapimêw:wîtapim VTA "s/he sits with s.o., s/he stays with s.o., s/he is present with s.o.; s/he works together with s.o.; s/he sits by s.o. (in marriage)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîtaskêmêw:wîtaskêm VTA "s/he lives with s.o. in the same country" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîtaskîw:wîtaskî VAIw "s/he makes peace" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîtisânîhitowak:wîtisânîhito VAIw_PL "they are related to one another; they are a family; they belong to the same genealogy" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîtisiw:wîtisi VAIw "s/he has long, thick hair" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîtokêhtam:wîtokêhta VTIm "s/he lives with s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 wîtokêmêw:wîtokêm VTA "s/he shares camp with s.o., s/he lives with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîtokwêmêw:wîtokwêm VTA "s/he lives with s.o., s/he shares a dwelling with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîtôsêmêw:wîtôsêm VTA "s/he has a child with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîtôspomêw:wîtôspom VTA "s/he eats from the same dish with s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîwahêw:wîwah VTA "s/he puts a load on s.o. (e.g. horse)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 wîwahow:wîwaho VAIw "s/he takes up his/her own load" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîwasiw:wîwasi VAIw "s/he carries over his/her own back" ; ! AEW: VAI-v wîwiw:wîwi VAIw "he has (her as) a wife; he takes (s.o. as) a wife, he gets married" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yahkaham:yahkaha VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. with a stick or tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yahkahwêw:yahkahw VTA "s/he pushes s.o. with a stick or tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 yahkakihcikêw:yahkakihcikê VAIw "s/he raises prices" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yahkakihtam:yahkakihta VTIm "s/he raises the price of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yahkakimêw:yahkakim VTA "s/he raises the price of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yahkakocin:yahkakocin3 VAIn "s/he increases speed" ; ! AEW: VAI-n yahkâskwaham:yahkâskwaha VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. as wood" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yahkâskwahwêw:yahkâskwahw VTA "s/he pushes s.o. as wood" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 yahkâtihkâtam:yahkâtihkâta VTIm "s/he pushes out the size of an existing hole or cellar, s/he digs out more of a hole or cellar by pushing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yahkikin:yahkikin VIIn "it grows, pushes forth in growth" ; ! AEW: VII-n yahkikiw:yahkiki VAIw "s/he grows, s/he pushes forth in growth" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yahkinam:yahkina VTIm "s/he pushes s.t., s/he pushes s.t. forward" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yahkinêw:yahkin VTA "s/he pushes s.o., s/he pushes s.o. forward" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yahkipayin:yahkipayin VIIn "it suddenly moves forward" ; ! AEW: VII-n yahkipayiw:yahkipayi VAIw "s/he suddenly moves forward" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yahkipitam:yahkipita VTIm "s/he moves s.t. a little" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yahkipitêw:yahkipit3 VTA "s/he moves s.o. a little" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 yahkisin:yahkisin3 VAIn "s/he moves or pushes over a bit while lying" ; ! AEW: VAI-n yahkisîhêw:yahkisîh VTA "s/he makes s.o. larger" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yahkisîhtâw:yahkisîhtâ VTIw "s/he makes s.t. larger" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 yahkiwêpinam:yahkiwêpina VTIm "s/he pushes s.t. forward, s/he shoves s.t. away" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yahkiwêpinêw:yahkiwêpin VTA "s/he pushes s.o. forward, s/he shoves s.o. away" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yahkîmow:yahkîmo VAIw "s/he grows; s/he has progeny; [plural:] they increase as a family" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yahkohtêw:yahkohtê VAIw "s/he goes forward, s/he progresses" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâhkakocin:yâhkakocin3 VAIn "s/he speeds lightly (by air, land or water)" ; ! AEW: VAI-n yâhkan:yâhkan VIIn "it is light in weight" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: not found in wC, only in the diminutive yâhkasin:yâhkasin VIIn "it is light in weight" ; ! AEW: VII-n yâhkipitam:yâhkipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. out, s/he pulls s.t. as a light thing" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yâhkipitêw:yâhkipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. out, s/he pulls s.o. as a light object" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 yâhkisîhow:yâhkisîho VAIw "s/he dresses lightly" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâhkitisiw:yâhkitisi VAIw "s/he is light in weight" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâhyakikotêw:yâhyakikotê VAIw "s/he is snub-nosed" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâhyânam:yâhyâna VTIm "s/he swims; s/he swims in s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yâkwâmisiw:yâkwâmisi VAIw "s/he acts carefully, s/he takes his/her own time" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâsêpisiw:yâsêpisi VAIw "s/he sits back a bit" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâsinam:yâsina VTIm "s/he lowers s.t.; s/he takes s.t. down by hand" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yâsinêw:yâsin VTA "s/he lowers s.o.; s/he takes s.o. down by hand" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yâsipayihow:yâsipayiho VAIw "s/he lowers him/herself down from a height" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâsipayiw:yâsipayi VAIw "s/he slides down, s/he descends" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâsipayiw:yâsipayi VIIw "it slides down; it suddenly goes down" ; ! AEW: VII-v yâsipitam:yâsipita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yâsipitâw:yâsipitâ VTIw "s/he pulls s.t. down" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 yâsipitêw:yâsipit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. down" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 yâwâpiskipayiw:yâwâpiskipayi VAIw "it bends as metal" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâwâskênam:yâwâskêna VTIm "s/he missteps in s.t., s/he loses his/her own footing in s.t. (e.g. muskeg, uneven ground)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yâwâskênikêw:yâwâskênikê VAIw "s/he loses his/her own footing, s/he missteps" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâwâtan:yâwâtan VIIn "it is a deep hole, cave" ; ! AEW: VII-n yâwâw:yâwâ VIIw "it is a deep hole, cave" ; ! AEW: VII-v yâwêw:yâwê VIIw "it is a sound heard in the distance" ; ! AEW: VII-v yâwinâkosiw:yâwinâkosi VAIw "s/he appears dim at a distance; s/he is seen faintly in the distance" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâwinâkwan:yâwinâkwan VIIn "it appears dim at a distance; it is seen faintly in the distance" ; ! AEW: VII-n yâyaham:yâyaha VTIm "s/he strokes s.t. with tool" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yâyahwêw:yâyahw VTA "s/he strokes s.o. with tool" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 yâyakonam:yâyakona VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. out" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yâyakonêw:yâyakon VTA "s/he pulls s.o. out" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yâyikâskocin:yâyikâskocin3 VAIn "s/he snags and tears his/her own clothes on branches" ; ! AEW: VAI-n yâyikipayiw:yâyikipayi VIIw "it is torn" ; ! AEW: VII-v yâyikipicikêw:yâyikipicikê VAIw "s/he tears things" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yâyikipitam:yâyikipita VTIm "s/he tears s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yâyikipitêw:yâyikipit3 VTA "s/he tears s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-4 yâyikisam:yâyikisa VTIm "s/he slices s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yâyikisâwâtam:yâyikisâwâta VTIm "s/he slices s.t. (e.g. paper)" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yâyikisâwâtêw:yâyikisâwât3 VTA "s/he slices s.o. (e.g. bread)" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 yâyikiswêw:yâyikisw VTA "s/he slices s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 yâyisimêw:yâyisim VTA "s/he lays s.o. down in a certain position" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yâyisimêw:yâyisim VTA "s/he speaks to s.o. in a certain manner" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yâyiskwênêw:yâyiskwên VTA "s/he strokes s.o. on the head or neck; s/he puts s.o.'s head in another position" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yâyitihtâw:yâyitihtâ VTIw "s/he expresses a different idea or connotation" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 yêhyêsiw:yêhyêsi VAIw "s/he pants" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yêhyêw:yêhyê VAIw "s/he breathes" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yêkawahcâw:yêkawahcâ VIIw "it is an area of sandhills" ; ! AEW: VII-v yêkawan:yêkawan VIIn "it is sandy" ; ! AEW: VII-n yêyihêw:yêyih VTA "s/he gets s.o. excited by his/her actions, s/he tempts s.o. by his/her actions" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yêyimêw:yêyim VTA "s/he gets s.o. excited by his/her speech, s/he tempts s.o. by his/her speech; s/he coaxes s.o. into temptation" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yipâcicêskiwakîw:yipâcicêskiwakî VAIw "s/he gets him/herself muddied (dirty)" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yipâcicêskiwâkêw:yipâcicêskiwâkê VAIw "s/he is muddied from something" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yipâcicêskiwêw:yipâcicêskiwê VAIw "s/he is muddied" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yipâcicêskiwêwahow:yipâcicêskiwêwaho VAIw "s/he gets him/herself muddied" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yipâcihêw:yipâcih VTA "s/he dirties s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yipâcihow:yipâciho VAIw "s/he gets him/herself dirty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yipâtisikiwakisimow:yipâtisikiwakisimo VAIw "s/he gets him/herself muddied or dirty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yipâtisin:yipâtisin3 VAIn "s/he becomes dirty, s/he gets him/herself dirty; s/he lies or sits in dirt" ; ! AEW: VAI-n yipâtisiw:yipâtisi VAIw "s/he is dirty" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîhkaham:yîhkaha VTIm "s/he bails liquid out of s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yîhkahwêw:yîhkahw VTA "s/he bails liquid out of s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-3 yîkatê-kwâskohtiw:yîkatê-kwâskohti VAIw "s/he jumps aside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkatê-tihtipinam:yîkatê-tihtipina VTIm "s/he rolls s.t. aside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yîkatê-tihtipinamawêw:yîkatê-tihtipinamaw VTA "s/he rolls (it/him) aside for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 yîkatê-tihtipinêw:yîkatê-tihtipin VTA "s/he rolls s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yîkatê-wêpinam:yîkatê-wêpina VTIm "s/he throws s.t. aside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yîkatê-wêpinamawêw:yîkatê-wêpinamaw VTA "s/he throws (it/him) aside for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 yîkatê-wêpinêw:yîkatê-wêpin VTA "s/he throws s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yîkatêhêw:yîkatêh VTA "s/he puts s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yîkatêhtahêw:yîkatêhtah VTA "s/he takes s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yîkatêhtatâw:yîkatêhtatâ VTIw "s/he takes s.t. aside" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 yîkatêhtêw:yîkatêhtê VAIw "s/he walks off to the side; s/he walks away" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkatêkâpawiw:yîkatêkâpawi VAIw "s/he stands aside, s/he steps aside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkatênam:yîkatêna VTIm "s/he takes s.t. aside; s/he clears the way" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yîkatênamawêw:yîkatênamaw VTA "s/he thrusts (it/him) aside for s.o.; s/he clears the way for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 yîkatênamâsow:yîkatênamâso VAIw "s/he thrusts (it/him) aside for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkatênêw:yîkatên VTA "s/he thrusts s.o. aside (by hand)" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yîkatêpahtâw:yîkatêpahtâ VAIw "s/he runs off to the side, s/he runs aside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkatêpayihow:yîkatêpayiho VAIw "s/he steps quickly aside" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkatêpayin:yîkatêpayin VIIn "it moves off to the side, it moves sideways (e.g. braided strips of rabbitskin)" ; ! AEW: VII-n yîkatêpiciw:yîkatêpici VAIw "s/he moves camp to one side" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkatêpitam:yîkatêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. aside" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yîkatêpitêw:yîkatêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. aside" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 yîkatêstamawêw:yîkatêstamaw VTA "s/he thrusts (it/him) aside for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 yîkatêstamâsow:yîkatêstamâso VAIw "s/he thrusts (it/him) aside for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkatêstawêw:yîkatêstaw VTA "s/he goes off to the side from s.o., s/he goes away from s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 yîkatêstâw:yîkatêstâ VTIw "s/he puts s.t. aside" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 yîkatêtâcimow:yîkatêtâcimo VAIw "s/he crawls off to one side" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkatêtâpêw:yîkatêtâpê VAIw "s/he drags off to one side" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkicênam:yîkicêna VTIm "s/he squeezes s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yîkicênêw:yîkicên VTA "s/he squeezes s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yîkicikâwîw:yîkicikâwî VAIw "s/he is slow or weak at s.t." ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkihtawitâpânâskow:yîkihtawitâpânâsko VAIw "s/he is drawn on a travois" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkihtawitâpêw:yîkihtawitâpê VAIw "s/he draws s.t. on a travois" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkinikêstamâsow:yîkinikêstamâso VAIw "s/he does the milking for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkinikêw:yîkinikê VAIw "s/he milks (e.g. cattle), s/he does the milking" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkitow:yîkito VAIw "s/he has diarrhea" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîkopîwan:yîkopîwan VIIn "it is foggy, there's frost in the air" ; ! AEW: VII-n yîkopîwiw:yîkopîwi VIIw "there is frost, it is hoar-frost" ; ! AEW: VII-v yîkowan:yîkowan VIIn "it is foggy" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: cf. Saulteaux: awan yîkwaskwan:yîkwaskwan VIIn "it is cloudy" ; ! AEW: VII-n yîkwatin:yîkwatin VIIn "it is frozen over" ; ! AEW: VII-n yîkwawan:yîkwawan VIIn "it is foggy, it is cloudy, it is rainy" ; ! AEW: VII-n ! 1: - ! 2: cf. Saulteaux: awan yîkwawanipayiw:yîkwawanipayi VIIw "there is a fog rolling in, there is a sudden fog" ; ! AEW: VII-v yîpê-pahkisin:yîpê-pahkisin3 VAIn "s/he falls on his/her side" ; ! AEW: VAI-n yîpêsin:yîpêsin3 VAIn "s/he lies on his/her side" ; ! AEW: VAI-n yîpêyâw:yîpêyâ VIIw "it slants to one side" ; ! AEW: VII-v yîwaham:yîwaha VTIm "s/he grinds s.t. fine, s/he pounds s.t. fine" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yîwahikanihkêw:yîwahikanihkê VAIw "s/he makes ground dried meat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîwahikêw:yîwahikê VAIw "s/he grinds dry meat" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yîwahwêw:yîwahw VTA "s/he grinds s.o. fine, s/he pounds s.o. fine" ; ! AEW: VTA-3 yîwatayêsimow:yîwatayêsimo VAIw "s/he loses his/her belly by dancing" ; ! AEW: VAI-v ! 1: - ! 2: diminutive: ýîwacayêsimosiw yîwêkocin:yîwêkocin3 VAIn "s/he hangs loosely" ; ! AEW: VAI-n yîwêkotêw:yîwêkotê VIIw "it dangles, it hangs loose" ; ! AEW: VII-v yîwêyâskocin:yîwêyâskocin3 VAIn "s/he tears his/her own clothes ragged on branches" ; ! AEW: VAI-n yîwipayiw:yîwipayi VIIw "it subsides, there is a reduction in swelling" ; ! AEW: VII-v yôcisin:yôcisin VIIn "it is a little windy" ; ! AEW: VII-n yôhtêkotâw:yôhtêkotâ VTIw "s/he leaves s.t. ajar, open" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 yôhtêkotêw:yôhtêkotê VIIw "it is open" ; ! AEW: VII-v yôhtênam:yôhtêna VTIm "s/he opens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yôhtênamawêw:yôhtênamaw VTA "s/he opens (it/him) for s.o" ; ! AEW: VTA-2 yôhtênamâsow:yôhtênamâso VAIw "s/he opens (it/him) for him/herself" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yôhtênêw:yôhtên VTA "s/he opens s.o. (as a covered pail); s/he moves s.o. so as to open passage" ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yôhtênikâtêw:yôhtênikâtê VIIw "it is open, it is opened" ; ! AEW: VII-v yôhtêpayiw:yôhtêpayi VIIw "it goes open" ; ! AEW: VII-v yôhtêpitam:yôhtêpita VTIm "s/he pulls s.t. open" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yôhtêpitamawêw:yôhtêpitamaw VTA "s/he pulls (it/him) open for s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-2 yôhtêpitêw:yôhtêpit3 VTA "s/he pulls s.o. open" ; ! AEW: VTA-4 yôhtêwêpinam:yôhtêwêpina VTIm "s/he flings s.t. open" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yôskahcâw:yôskahcâ VIIw "it is soft ground" ; ! AEW: VII-v yôskâtisiw:yôskâtisi VAIw "s/he is gentle, s/he is meek" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yôskâw:yôskâ VIIw "it is soft, it is tender" ; ! AEW: VII-v yôskicêskiwakâw:yôskicêskiwakâ VIIw "it is soft mud or clay" ; ! AEW: VII-v yôskihêw:yôskih VTA "s/he softens s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yôskihtakâw:yôskihtakâ VIIw "it is soft lumber, it is a soft stick" ; ! AEW: VII-v yôskihtâw:yôskihtâ VTIw "s/he softens s.t." ; ! AEW: VTI-2 yôskipotâw:yôskipotâ VTIw "s/he softens s.t. by scraping (e.g. hide)" ; ! AEW: VTI-2 yôskisiw:yôskisi VAIw "s/he is soft, s/he is tender, s/he is gentle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yôspisiw:yôspisi VAIw "s/he is gentle" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yôspisîhêw:yôspisîh VTA "s/he tames s.o." ; ! AEW: VTA-1 yôtin:yôtin VIIn "it is windy, there is a wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n yôtinipahtâw:yôtinipahtâ VAIw "s/he stirs up wind as s/he runs" ; ! AEW: VAI-v yôtinipayin:yôtinipayin VIIn "there is a gust of wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n yôtinipayiw:yôtinipayi VIIw "there is a gust of wind" ; ! AEW: VII-v yôtinipêstan:yôtinipêstan VIIn "it rains with wind" ; ! AEW: VII-n yôtinipêstâw:yôtinipêstâ VIIw "it rains with wind" ; ! AEW: VII-v yôwahtam:yôwahta VTIm "s/he draws at s.t. by suction" ; ! AEW: VTI-1 yôwamêw:yôwam VTA "s/he draws at s.o. by suction" ; ! AEW: VTA-1