% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % List of morphological and syntactic tags used in the Ïnupiaq corpus % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Table of contents % 0. A short explanation % 1. Structure of the different POS % 2. List of the tags, and their internal distribution % The Document has two parts. % The first part outlines the internal structure of % the complex POS, these should be built as boxes or panes. % The last part is a list over the different morphosyntactic categories. % The tags are in complementary distribution within each tag column. % The derivation component is ignored. % 1. Structure of the different POS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Note!!! The tag grouping under this section is not up to date % Tag syntax for the larger POS % Not all combinations within each box are possibe. % "-" indicates optionality. It is perhaps not needed. "|" means "OR". % The Function: list is listed below, and not indicated here. % The name of these boxes are now legible, rather than the tags (tags in parentheses?) % Noun: N % Verb: V % Class: IA|II|TA|TI % Pol: Neg % Mood: Ind|Imp|Cnj % Tense: Prs|Prt|Fut % Aspect: Imm|Def|Int|Cond % PersonNumber: 1Sg|2Sg|3Sg|4Sg|1Pl|12Pl|3Pl|4Pl % Pronoun: Pron % 2. List of the tags, and their internal distribution % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% V Verb N Noun #Wordclass AI Intransitive Animate II Intransitive Inanimate TA Transitive Animate TI Transitive Inanimate #Class Ind Independent Cnj Conjunctive #Mood Prs Prt #Tense Fut #Futurum Imp #Imperative Imm Immediate Del Delayed #ImpTense Cond Conditional #Conditional Int Intentional Def Definite #Aspect 1Sg First Person singular 2Sg Second Person singular 3Sg Third Person singular 4Sg Fourth Person singular obviative 1Pl First Person plural exclusive 12Pl First Person plural inclusive 2Pl Second Person plural 3Pl Third Person plural 4Pl Fourth Person plural obviative #PersonNumber 2Sg Second Person singular 12Pl First Person plural exclusive 2Pl Third Person plural #ImpPersonNumber 1SgO FirstO PersonO singular 2SgO SecondO PersonO singular 3SgO ThirdO PersonO singular 4SgO FourthO PersonO singularO obviative 1PlO FirstO PersonO pluralO exclusive 12PlO FirstO PersonO pluralO inclusive 2PlO Second PersonO plural 3PlO ThirdO PersonO plural 4PlO FourthO PersonO pluralO obviative #PersonNumberObj AN Animate noun IN Inanimate noun #Gender Der/Dim Diminutive #Diminutive Loc Locative #Locative Obv Obviative #Obviative Px1Sg First Person singular possessive suffix Px2Sg Second Person singular possessive suffix Px3Sg Third Person singular possessive suffix Px4Sg Fourth Person singular possessive suffix Px1Pl First Person plural possessive suffix exclusive Px12Pl First Person plural possessive suffix inclusive Px2Pl Second Person plural possessive suffix Px3Pl Third Person plural possessive suffix Px4Pl Fourth Person plural possessive suffix #PossessiveSuffix Pl Plural Sg Singular #Number