# Wolvengrey diss: wāpiskāw ōma maskisin . #be.white this shoe wāpiskāwa ōhi maskisina . #be.white these shoes wāpiskisiw awa mahihkan . #be.white this wolf wāpiskisiwak ōki mahihkanak . #be.white these wolves nikī-wīcihimāwa cān otānisa . #I helped john's daughter cāniy kī-wīcihēw mērīwa . # Johnny helped Mary cānīwa kī-wīcihēw mēriy . # Mary helped Johnny. cāniy kī-wīcihik mērīwa . # Johnny was helped by Mary. cānīwa kī-wīcihik mēriy . # Mary was helped by Johnny. nikiskēyihtēn ē-kī-sēkisicik . # I know that they were scared. nikiskēyimāwak ē-kī-sēkisicik . # I know them to have been scared. owīcēwākana miskawēw awa nēhiyaw . # His.companions.Obj found that cree.Subj ana nāpēw kī-asamēw kinosēwa atimwa . # That man fed fish dog.to-the ana mahihkan kī-wāpamēw wāposwa . # That wolf saw a rabbit. ana mahihkan kī-wāpamik wāposwa . # That wolf was.seen.by a rabbit # 2013 Textbook: tipiskohk wîpac nika-kawisimon . # Last night I went to bed early . tipiskâki nikî-nitawi-nîmihitonân . # We will go dance tonight . wîpac kîkisêp kiwî-kakwê-waniskânaw # We tried to get up early this morning . âpihtâ-kîsikâyiki kî-pê-mîcisowak . # They will come to eat at noon . otâkosiniyiki ta-kîwêw . # He is going to go home this evening . wîpac kîkisêp ta-papâsi-waniskâw . # Early this morning she/he got up in a hurry . kîkisêpâyiki kî-kiskinwahamâkosiw . # In the morning he/she will go to class . ispîhk kâ-kîkisêpâk niwî-kistâpitêhon . # When it is morning I brush my teeth . âpihtâ-kîsikâyiki wî-ayamihcikêw . # She/he will read at noon . pôni-âpihtâ-kîsikâki nikî-masinahikân . # I’m going to write this afternoon . ispîhk kâ-âpihtâ-kîsikâk kika-mâci-kiskinwahamâkosin . # When it is noon you start class . otâkosiki nika-kakwê-kîsitêpon . # I’m going to try to cook this evening . tipiskohk wî-sôhki-nîmihitow . # She/he danced hard last night . tipiskâki kikî-nitawi-nikamon . # You will go and sing tonight . tânisi kâ-isiwêpahk ôta ? # What’s the weather like here ? mispon êkota . # It snows there. miyo-kîsikâw êkota . # It’s a nice day there kimiwan cî ôta ? # Does it rain here? apisîs ka-masinahamâtin . # I will write you a little. Joseph Wacaskos nitisiyihkâson . # My name is Joseph Wacaskos. ayênânêwosâp nititahtopiponân . # I am 18 years old.