NOUNS I don't know why gt-norm-yamls/N-A-kehte-aya_gt-norm.yaml, gt-norm-yamls/N-I-maskihkiy, and kwapahikan_gt don't work? AA: Because the lexemes/stems in question were not in src/stems/noun_stems.lexc. This has now been corrected. oskasâkay inflection does NOT lengthen the initial -o and it SHOULD according to AEW paradigm AA: The initial o- lengthening rule now applies here. osk-âyi diminutive inflection does NOT lengthen the initial -o and it SHOULD according to AEW paradigm ( I think because our TWOLC rule doesn't specifiy as a left hand context. AA: The initial o- lengthening rule now applies here - this was resolved by leaving open how the epenthetic -t- (t2:) is actually realized on the surface side. VERBS atoskê: wit- allomorph for com. not yet implemented. Other wise atoskê- passes fully. AA: Yes, the wît- +Com allomorph has not yet been implemented. pimisin: we need to code pimisin to allow for pimisin/pimisiniw type forms (which occur in free variation) AA: Does this apply for all II verbs of the pimisin type? If yes, then we can simply add the allomorphs as additional lines in the LEXC code in src/affixes/verb_affixes.lexc mayatan: we want -hk for conjunct endings, but we only produce -k (mayatan is part of a small subclass of VIIs that do this, we should identify them and make them into a special class). AA: This has now been fixed in the LEXC and YAML files miywâsin, pimamon: we need to delete the stem final -n AA: This has now been fixed in the LEXC and YAML files mihkwaw VIIw verbs work now as well due to fixes in LEXC file. VTAs: we should code in the verb affixes the option to have o before w in ikow morphemes. We also want V+TA+Fut+Cond+12Pl+3SgO to produce yahki forms AA: We code the two alternatives, i.e. ikw-/ikow-, and add the -yahki as an alternative Fut+Cond form. VTI: The com suffix for VTIm was altered as it was duplicating the final a in the stem. AA: This is a consequence of additing a final -a to some VTIs, e.g. in the wâpahtam:wâpaht4a case. We might want to consider whether that is the best general solution. AA: Resolved t4->c as a morphophonological alteration when followed by -ikâte. Where to cut VTIm stem to be resolved last. AA: The only currently remaining issue is how best specify the stem-suffix morpheme juncture for VTIm stems, with an optimal balance on how verb stems are speficied in Arok's database, how suffixation is implemented in the LEXC files, how Arok's morphological decompositions incorporated as part of the derivational analyzer, and how this derivational analyzer could be incorporated within the inflectional FST with least modifications, and generally where the morpheme boundary should be.