The Divvun group has support from and cooperation with a number of people and institutions (listed in no particular order): * [images/partnerlogos/GT-logo.png] \\ [Giellatekno|]: our sister group at UiT, with whom we share everything * [images/partnerlogos/SD-logo.png] \\ [Sami Parliament|]: The mother of Divvun, where all started. Present cooperation covers term development infrastructure and [|], as well as collecting and administering the corpus of Sámi texts. The corpus is searchable [here|]. * [images/partnerlogos/TkC8DVeC_bigger.jpg] \\ [Avvir|]: our biggest contributor of corpus text, and long-time cooperator in speller development and testing. * [images/partnerlogos/Giellagaldu.png] \\ [Giellagáldu|]: term development and normativity questions for all Sámi languages in the Nordic countries. * [images/partnerlogos/AltLab.png] \\ [AltLab|]: support for indigenous languages in Canada and North America * [images/partnerlogos/TinoDidriksen.jpg] \\ [Tino Didriksen|]: Windows and MS Office integration. * [images/partnerlogos/TriGram.png] \\ [Trigram AS/Kevin Unhammer|]: Grammar checker technical development. * [images/partnerlogos/BrendanMolloy.jpg] \\ [Brendan Molloy|]: morphology testing framework, mobile keyboards and keyboard generation, web speller, MacDivvun. * [images/partnerlogos/s200_jack.rueter.jpg] \\ [Jack Rueter|]: Skolt Sámi and Uralic languages in Russia. * [images/partnerlogos/Oulun_yliopisto_logo_text_fi.png] \\ [Giellagas-instituutti|]: Inari Sámi proofing tools and analysers. * [images/partnerlogos/acapela-logo.png] \\ [Acapela|]: North Sámi text-to-speech. * [images/partnerlogos/Helsingin_yliopisto.png] \\ [University of Helsinki|]: Hfst and related tools and technology, core speller engine technology. * [images/partnerlogos/voikko-icon.png] \\ [Harri Pitkänen|]: speller integration with LibreOffice, general speller support through libvoikko. * [images/partnerlogos/Aajege_logo_sort_no.png] \\ [Aajege|]: The language learning app Gïelese