!!!Meeting with Polderland 18.10.2006 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Thomas Omma * Sjur Moshagen !!Agenda * since last time * questions and answers !!Since last time __Polderland:__ * received new versions of lexica & compiled them * received first version of hyphenated lexicon yesterday (did not look at it yet) * created localized version of spelling checker - probably finished today (localized = uses the Sámi character set for tokenization) __Divvun:__ * substantial progress with hyphenation and normativity in the delivered data * delivered hyphenated North Sámi * the conversion tool from our Xerox-based format to PLX is progressing, but not yet finished __Next:__ * the first version of the speller:-) !!Possible issues Nothing more than we already have discussed. !!Hyphenation The delivered data contains the following symbols: {{{ # - word break ^ - soft hyphen - - hard/lexicalised hyphen }}} The delivery of the Alpha version for the hyphenator will be slightly delayed compared to the deadline October 31. The speller will be delivered on time. The hyphenator delay is not a problem for the project. !!Lule Sámi There is probably no need for hyphenated Lule Sámi data yet. !!Next meeting Next Tuesday at 9:30 Norwegian / Dutch time as normal. !!!TODO: * continue to improve hyphenation (__Sjur__ and __Thomas__) * continue with speller data generation/conversion (__Tomi__) * get language codes to work with Mac Office 2004 (and check MacOffice 2007) (__Polderland__) * deliver Lule Sámi hyphenation test data (__Sjur__ and __Børre__)