!!!Meeting with Polderland 31.10.2006 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Thomas Omma * Sjur Moshagen !!Agenda * since last time * questions and answers !!Since last time __Polderland:__ !internal discussion on providing tools: - can't find them in the contract, but we see the advantages of a short development loop on your side. - Tools would be for unix/linux environment, we'll look into transfer to Mac: "makelex" - lexicon generator. "PSC_test" testbed for unix/linux-environment (+ stand-alone speller for unix/linux) Have to disable general-purpose usability and make it Sami-specific (and possibly time-delimited) before handing it over to you. !hyphenator: will be based on speller data (look-up hyphenation in stead of pattern hyphenation) __Divvun:__ * made several linguistic updates and corrections, our generated word list now exceeds the file size limit of our computer (linux, 2Gb limit). __Next:__ New drop of the speller as soon as the Divvun gang can deliver updated data files. !!Possible issues !Speller behaviour with "non-alphabetic" chars Example: __Storasjõ__ (should be __Storasjö__) The underlining does not include the last character, "õ", which seems counterintuitive. !!Next meeting Next Tuesday (7.11.) at the usual time. !!!TODO: * add all latin characters, including diacritics, to string token set (__PLD__) * continue to improve hyphenation (__Sjur__ and __Thomas__) ** working on it * continue with speller data generation/conversion (__Tomi__) ** still continues ** Divvun could provide partial data in PLX format for testing and feedback purposes * get language codes to work with Mac Office 2004 (and check MacOffice 2007) (__Polderland__) * deliver Lule Sámi hyphenation test data (__Sjur__ and __Børre__) ** the data is hyphenated, but it was not added to the download area. * send the Skolt Sámi characters to Polderland (__Sjur__)