!!!Meeting with Polderland 28.11.2006 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!Agenda * since last time * questions and answers !!Since last time __Polderland:__ * Alpha drop: ** speller is ready; ** some difficulties with integrating speller in hyphenator; overcome (windows), migrated to Mac, now testing ** mklex: current version has difficulties with >> lexicon; investigating modifications __Divvun:__ * provided new batch of hyphenated data * sent clitic problem via e-mail to Polderland * sent first round of PLX data to Polderland * worked on making complete PLX data set - all nouns now generated !!Alpha version !Spellers Both {{sme}} and {{smj}}. The {{sme}} version will be using the latest, 20Gb lexicon, if possible. !Hyphenators Will use only the limited data delivered to Polderland, and use the fallback algorithm for all words not in the lexicon. It will provide a nice test case for the fallback algorithm:-) !!Possible issues PLX format from Divvun not yet tested, needs to be to find possible issues with it. !Hyphenation In Dutch: "ie" either 1 vowel, or a combination of 2: i + e; in the second case, the e is written as ë to prevent confusion, but when hyphenated, the {{ë}} is "normalised": {{ië -> i-e}} This is not the case in Sámi languages, all characters are always "themselves". !Case in PLX entries Now always what it should be, earlier there were parallel forms of the same word, only with initial case differing. Example of the present (and correct) situation: {{{ Oslo, Oslos oslolaš, oslolažžat (pl) "person(s) from Oslo" }}} !!Next meeting Next Tuesday (5.12.) at the usual time. !!!TODO: * continue to improve hyphenation (__Sjur__ and __Thomas__) * make complete PLX data set (__Tomi__) * get language codes to work with Mac Office 2004 (and check MacOffice 2007) (__Polderland__) * deliver Alpha versions (__Polderland__) including mklex + hyphen script * try to find proper compiler version for Adobe Indesign (old version will probably do)