!!!Meeting with Polderland 12.12.2006 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!Agenda * since last time * questions and answers !!Since last time !Polderland: * Spelling alphas sent (North S + Lule S., tested) * Hyphenation alpha sent (North S.) * work in progress on new version of mklex * PLX-version of north Sami Nouns processed. Compiles OK into lexicon of 500K, not tested liguistically yet * collecting texts for installshield installer to be translated into !Divvun: * installed and tested the alpha version * all open POSes now converted to PLX !!Alpha version It was received and installed. Installation went without problems. There are still some problems with ž (U+017E, latin small letter z with caron). Here are some cases: * breaks the word: __Maŋimužžan__ - red line until ž * does not recognise word: __iežaset -> iežaset__, that is, a correct word is underlined and is corrected to itself. When the suggestion is inserted, a red underline appears immediately * works ok with spelling error: __erenoamažit -> erenoamážit__ (correctly recognised, correct suggestion) * works ok, correctly spelled word: __ožžon__ ** z+hacek/caron: should have been in there. Will check. *** Ok !!Possible issues Compounding: three-letter words can be problematic in error detection, as spelling errors can be masked as a compound of short words. correct in Dutch: Moskou with capital M (Moscow) incorrect: moskou, but is recognised anyway because of "mos" (= moss) + "kou" (= cold) Example: {{{ word1xxxword3 = wronglyspelledlongword }}} where {{xxx}} is a three-letter word. The problem is most likely not that big, due to the default syllable structure of regular words in Sámi: {{{ VCV CVCV VCVC }}} Thus, only words with the structure {{VCV}} will be problematic. There are about 20 such words in our present lexicon. Hypotetical example from Norwegian: {{{ addosjon > addisjon (err > corr) }}} (the spelling error is analysed as a spurious compound ad-do-sjon; the word "ad" does not exist, but serves to illustrate the problem (the other two words do exist); from earlier experience with Norwegian, we know this problem is real.) If -do- could be specified as impossible, the spelling error would be detected. That is, only do- or -do, not -do-, should be allowed in compounds. !!Next meeting Next Tuesday (19.12.) at the usual time. !!!TODO: * re-send speller and hyphenator versions with ž added * continue to improve hyphenation (__Sjur__ and __Thomas__) * make complete PLX data set (__Tomi__) * get language codes to work with Mac Office 2004 (and check MacOffice 2007) (__Polderland__) * deliver Alpha versions (__Polderland__) ** done * deliver mklex + hyphen script * try to find proper compiler version for Adobe Indesign (old version will probably do) * prepare (localisation of) installation packages for the Beta version (__Polderland__: send "default" texts to be translated) * try to get an answer to the language codes in MS Office for Mac question from other sources (__Sjur__)