!!!Meeting with Polderland 3.1.2007 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!Agenda * since last time * questions and answers !!Since last time !Polderland: * not much progress since last video conference, mainly due to holidays * no response from MS on language codes for Mac yet * windows (2004, 2007) versions of spellers almost ready to be shipped * mklex: works when all groups of words that start with same character are < 2 GB, have to find work-around for hyphen and ''e'' !Divvun: Not much has happened here either, due to the holidays. !!Alpha version The bug was not an issue in the end - it was an error in the installation process (the old speller files weren't deleted). !!Possible issues The big lexicon file (25+ Gb) contains large portions of words starting with: * - (hyphen; 0x2d) (3 Gb) * e (0x65; 8 Gb) !!Next meeting Next Tuesday (9.1.) at the usual time. !!!TODO: * send Windows speller for Office 11 (2003) / Office 12 (2007) * make complete PLX data set (__Tomi__) * get language codes to work with Mac Office 2004 (and check MacOffice 2007) (__Polderland__) * deliver mklex + hyphen script * try to find proper compiler version for Adobe Indesign (old version will probably do) * try to get an answer to the language codes in MS Office for Mac question from other sources (__Sjur__) * investigate the initial "e" group of words (8 Gb)