!!!Meeting with Polderland 6.2.2007 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!Since last time !Polderland: * did poll technical contacts, STILL no answer yet * mklex: 2 versions: 1 for North, 1 for Lule * investigated proper noun/common noun prefixing problem: ** solution sent. Additional info: works with prefix nouns only, not with adjectives. Can "Davvi-" be labelled as noun? ==> linguistically doubtful/incorrect, but workable * investigated genitive prefix problem ** solution proposed: word class G (Ga, Gp, Gn). acceptable? Yes * preparing drop: ** group 1 *** 1 mklex for North Sami *** 1 mklex for Lule Sami *** lexicon test tools *** mklex preparation script ('-' ==> '--', '^' ==> '-', '#' ==> '-') ** group 2 *** N + L Sami spelling checkers + N Sami hyphenator for Mac MS Office 2004 *** installer scripts for Mac ** group 3 *** N + L Sami spelling checkers + N Sami hyphenator for Windows MS Office 2003 *** installer scripts for Windows ** documentation * translation of Windows installer texts received, will be integrated !Divvun: * installer translations sent * Lule Sámi PLX lexicon conversion working - it is being made right now, but it takes some time !!Possible issues Previous issues: * prefixing of proper nouns * compounds using genitives Now resolved. !Disguise languages in Mac beta For the public beta for MS Office / Mac, the spellers will have to disguise themselves as something else, since the language code problem isn't solved. The suggestions are: * North Sámi: __Catalan__ * Lule Sámi: __Basque__ Peter will check whether this is possible. The installer should put away the replaced tools (if they exists) in a graceful way, such that they can be easily reinstalled. !!Next meeting Next Tuesday (13.2.) at the usual time. !!!TODO: * (__PLD__) check whether replacing lexicon on Mac requires change to resource fork in speller shared library * send prefix with spelling error penalties (head of fon.rule file) * check: use Catalan and Basque as language codes for North and Lule S.? * check: installer on Mac should be able to: ** move existing proofing tools out of the way (into a zip archive?) ** restore "original" proofing tools on deinstallation * check if Sami-codes are included in Office 2008 / Mac (__PLD__) * beta drop for all deliverables (except Indesign Hyphenator, in week 6 instead) ** spellers for Windows + installers ** N.Sami hyphenator for windows + installer ** spellers for Mac + installers ** N. Sami hyphenator for Mac ** Mklex + hyphenation script * make PLX data set for Lule Sámi (__Tomi__ and __Børre__) * get language codes to work with Mac Office 2004 (and check Mac Office 2008) (__Polderland__) * try to find proper compiler version for Adobe Indesign (old version will probably do) (__Polderland__)