!!!Meeting with Polderland 3.4.2007 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!Since last time !Polderland: * windows installer: check if executable winzip version will run setup.exe automatically ** can be done * check: does the Adobe hyphenator differentiate between "word boundary" (strong) hyphenation points and "word internal" (weak) ones? ** checked all documentation, but saw no such difference * installer for windows: should be multi-lingual for Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, English, N.Sami and L.Sami. Check which installshield version we need ** version sent * easter egg: ** should not be a problem. Will send example today (from Frysian) *** working? ==> yes. see below * Adobe: pending * MS Mac 2008 proofing tools: march beta does NOT contain Sami language codes !Divvun: * working on integrating the whole speller making, PLX conversion etc. in the make file ** still working on it * working on updating the Lule Sámi conversion to be as good as the North Sámi ** still working * got the version info/easter egg working !!Possible issues !Speller lexicon version ID The easter egg with version info is now working as it should :) !Number compounds How are number compounds handled? Example: {{{ 35-ahkásaš - in MS Word (if checked) it gets flagged, no suggestions In command-line speller: if forced, no suggestion. In both cases, it should be corrected to: => 35-jahkásaš }}} While testing the above, Divvun found a speller tool inconsistency: {{{ a88-112-34-11:~/Documents/gt sjur$ spellSamiNort -u8 -m sme/polderland/SamiNortLexWithCatalanRez when started *without* an existing userdict: Prompt: 35-ahkásaš Prompt: Prompt: Prompt: Prompt: when started *with* an existing userdict: Prompt: 35-ahkásaš Prompt: }}} PLD: we'll get back on this. Wanted: description of behaviour of speller wrt number compounds (number+hyphen+(noun|adj): "20-voets-jacht", "20e-eeuwse") Possible at all? requires summation of all numbers? Number compounds have the form Number-Word (note the hyphen!), where the Number part can be anything. We have unchecked the speller preference to ignore words with numbers, that is, they should be checked during our testing. !Documenting the PLX format Can we collect the pieces of information we have received, in a single document, and publish it? We need this for our own sake, it is hard to ensure consistensy as it is now, and it is time-consuming for both parties to debug errors in the PLX source as long as we don't have common documentation to refer to and check against. PLD: send your proposed text, it is probably OK. I personally think we should make PLX documentation public anyway. !!Next meeting Next Tuesday (10.4.) at the usual time. !!!TODO: * description of behaviour of speller wrt number compounds (number+hyphen+(noun|adj): "20-voets-jacht", "20e-eeuwse") Possible at all? requires summation of all numbers? __PLD__ * check inconsistent speller behaviour depending on the existence of userdict or not __PLD__ * check: installer on Mac should be able to (__PLD__ to check): ** move existing proofing tools out of the way (into a zip archive?) ** restore "original" proofing tools on deinstallation *** yes, but some residues remain after de-installation. *** is current solution OK, or should we try to do something drastic (eg, add Perl scripts) *** solution probably requires admin rights - will document * check if Sami-codes are included in Office 2008 / Mac (when beta arrives with codes) (__Polderland__) * try to find proper compiler version for Adobe Indesign (old version will probably do) (__Polderland__) * send speller lexicon (or CVS tag) for the beta release to Polderland (__Sjur__)