!!!Meeting with Polderland 3.7.2007 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!Since last time !Polderland: * working on mklex update: tokenization + behaviour with/without user dict ** completion expected this week * beta indesign CS3 hyphenator nears completion ** hopefully ready and dropped this week, else: 4+ weeks (holiday-related) *** first version does not have to have full installer if delivered this week * price proposition for InDesign speller almost ready * working on self-starting windows installer - next drop * have a set of penalty setting rules (to be included in phonetic rules) ready to be sent ** was sent * bug investigations: ** 402 ("xxx-,") - will be fixed in next drop ** 419 (5-part compounds) - will be fixed in next drop ** 427 (n+aigu) - resolved in last drop ** 447 (terminal server install) - config issue? will try to reproduce ** 448 (uppercase suggestions) - investigating impact ** 449 (suop-ma compounding) - dictionary change? ** 455 (uninstaller Mac) - investigating ** 461 (olbmo - olbmos) - apparently not compounding. *** need dictionary + phonetic rules to investigate ** 465 (hyphenation does not work) - resolved by last drop !Divvun: * CS2 vs CS3: still one more to check, and get confirmation from the board * new mklex compiles just fine, and the ń tokenisation bug seems to be fixed * it looks like we don't need the mklex for Linux tool, but would still like to evaluate it more this week * hyphenation works again, using the latest drop from Polderland * many linguistic changes - right now we have a major set-back with our linguistic description, we are working on it * penalty specifications received, not yet tested !!Issues * full stop at end of word - command line speller ** will check this and get back wrt tokenization diffs with Word *** needs some more investigation !!Next meeting Next week (10.7.) at the usual time. Holiday Peter: 24-07 - 14-08 !!!TODO: * check inconsistent speller behaviour depending on the existence of userdict or not __PLD__ ** Peter has started to look at this * __PLD__ continue to create hyphenator for Adobe InDesign CS3 * __PLD__ try to find proper compiler version for Adobe Indesign CS2. Looks bad. ** old version does not work, user group + Adobe confirms it no longer sold ** check with Sámi publishing houses whether support for CS2 is still needed (__Divvun__) * speller in InDesign/InCopy option (__PLD__) * see buglist in the Divvun Bugzilla partially ; (__PLD__) see above