!!!Meeting with Polderland 21.8.2007 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!Since last time !Polderland: * working on mklex update: tokenization + behaviour with/without user dict ** completion expected this week * beta indesign CS3 hyphenator for Mac works in principle, should be finished this week * working on self-starting windows installer - next drop !Bug investigations: * 402 ("xxx-,") - will be fixed in next drop * 419 (5-part compounds) - will be fixed in next drop * 427 (n+aigu) - resolved in last drop * 447 (terminal server install) - can not reproduce, contact customer * 448 (uppercase suggestions) - feature * 449 (suop-ma compounding) - dictionary change? * 455 (uninstaller Mac) - solution: check privileges at start of uninstall * 461 (olbmo - olbmos) - apparently not compounding. ** need dictionary + phonetic rules to investigate * 465 (hyphenation does not work) - resolved by last drop * 467 (punctuation command line speller) - * 468 (Mac hyphenator: strange hyphenations) - investigate * 473 (windows installer auto-start) - discuss Drop (final) planning: start of september - Peter will confirm next week Indesign speller: contract date: end of october. Will work out planning details by next week. !Divvun: * CS2 vs CS3: board's decision: no support for CS2 * we don't need the mklex for Linux tool * project extensions: board accepted the offer, we need to agree on the deadline * bug 447/terminal server installation: the server admins will retry and investigate !!Issues None beyond what is registered in Bugzilla !!Final Release Planned on December 11 or thereabout. Will hopefully involve a minister and the press. !!Next meeting Next week (28.8.) at the usual time. !!!TODO: * __PLD__ drop first version of indesign Hyphenator * check inconsistent speller behaviour depending on the existence of userdict or not __PLD__ ** __Sjur__ to add this to Bugzilla * __PLD__ continue to create hyphenator for Adobe InDesign CS3