!!!Meeting with Polderland 11.9.2007 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!!Since last time !!Polderland * fixing bugs: most fixed, some to go * beta indesign CS3 hyphenator ** language code issue solved. ** 1 memory leak pending (detected by debug-version of InDesign), then ready. * started installing release versions of InDesign for testing. ** Test completion expected this week, then: drop * Speller behaviour: only suggests if errors are limited to 1 part of compound. ** undesired (or should be user setting), ** are investigating the impact of changing this. !!Divvun * more spellers compiled, reverted back to default penalty settings * continuously improving our testing tools, have found many bugs, fixed many as well !!Bug status !Solved/cancelled ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 427 | 442 | n+accent aegu not considered part of word | 465 | 449 | Hyphenation doesn't work on Mac :: solved at Divvun side | 468 | 451 | Mac: konseartaprogr·mma -> kon-seart-apr-ogr-·mma | 467 | 450 | Command-line speller tool has word-char punctuation issues (~477) | 477 | 454 | Command-line speller tool has number-initial string issues (~467) | 476 | 453 | Inconsistent speller behaviour depending on userdict availability => expected behaviour, message could be better | 498 | 456 | Cmd-line speller doesn't accept hyph-penalty > 0 !To be solved in next drop ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 402 | 439 | word + hyphen + comma is not recognised ("xxx-,") => solved, wf Test | 419 | 440 | 3-part compounds not recognised => solved, wf Test | 448 | 444 | Upper-case words get suggestions with Initial Case => solved, wf Test | 455 | 446 | Mac uninstaller doesn't work if run by a non-admin => solved | 473 | 452 | Windows installer does not autostart after download => discuss solutions !Under investigation by Polderland ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 461 | 448 | Spelling errors with editing distance 1 from lexicalised words do not get correct suggestions => explanation not good enough, investigate more samples | 480 | 455 | Speller suggestions not identical in context menu and dialog => MS word behaviour: sorting of same-penalty suggestions; => could try to artificially differentiate suggestion penalties !To be investigated by Divvun/Users ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 447 | 443 | Windows speller doesn't install on terminal server => nothing new !Will not be solved ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 449 | 445 | suopmasápmelaš-type compounds accepted by the speller -> limits of tagging /compounding mechanism reached !!!Issue discussion !!473 - Windows installer Alternatives to solve it: * make an executable installer file - requires InstallShield, meaning that either Polderland will have to make each installation package, or that the Divvun project will have to get an InstallShield license * make self-extracting zip files for download, with autostart options of the extracted objects; some alternative zippers for this: For both cases different types of protection software (firewalls, anti-virus, etc) might block either download or execution of the installer. But default InstallShield installers behave in the same (or a similar) way, so that should not be any different. !!!Rough schedule Polderland didn't meet their self-imposed goal of delivering at the beginning of September, will try around mid September instead. * Mid September: planned final drop from Polderland * November 1: Divvun code freeze * November 15: Indesign speller * December 11: public release !!!Next meeting Next week (18.9.) at the usual time. !!!TODO: * __PLD__ drop first version of indesign Hyphenator * __PLD__ continue to create hyphenator for Adobe InDesign CS3 * __PLD__ pass information on self-extracting ziptool with autostart option + instructions on how to use it * __PLD__ Proposal for command line hyphenator: 12/9 * __Sjur__ to give 3-4 clear examples of bug 461 * __Sjur__ to ask for further feedback and effort from SD re bug 447 * __Sjur__ to check whether the contract extension has been signed