!!!Meeting with Polderland 9.10.2007 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!!Since last time !!Polderland * improved mac installer for office (sp+hy)*(North+Lule) dropped * dropped: Lule Sami hyphenator for Mac InDesign; language code problem fixed * fixing bugs: some bugs pending * compounding behaviour: ** 3/4/5-part compound appear to work in general, but not in some specific cases *** investigating costs of modification of PLX flags. See some ideas below. * working on zip utility for windows installer * Speller behaviour: only suggests if errors are limited to 1 part of compound. ** undesired (or should be user setting), ** will be changed in future drop * work has started on Indesign Spellers for North + Lule Sami * work has started on command line hyphenator for Mac Ideas for PLX flag modifications: {{{ L + R possibilities are limited L: anything but rightmost R: anything but leftmost considered: B: leftmost only E: rightmost only ? (not M, in any case): anywhere but leftmost or rightmost }}} Development costs are probably prohibitive, though, first estimate is over 40 hrs of work. It would not be a ~Sami-specific change, but was not planned. !!Divvun * released public beta 2 of MS Office tools: with smj hyphenator and improved Mac installer * has tested the smj hyphenator in MS Office * has tested the InDesign hyphenators * will release the InDesign hyphenator to beta testers the coming days * major remaining bugs relate to limits in the PLX formalism: ** adj+noun compounding do not follow the same rules as noun+noun or adj+adj (which means we overgenerate in some cases, and undergenerate in others) *** will be further investigated by the Divvun team ** N-part compounds either overgenerate in a bad way, or severely undergenerate * added Acro case ending casing to Bugzilla (INTERREG:i vs INTERREG:I) !!Bug status !Solved/cancelled ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 455 | 446 | Mac uninstaller doesn't work if run by a non-admin => solved | 449 | 445 | suopmasápmelaš-type compounds accepted by the speller => limits of tagging /compounding mechanism reached | 480 | 455 | Speller suggestions not identical in context menu and dialog => MS word behaviour: sorting of same-penalty suggestions; => no plans to repair this one | 521 | xxx | Mac installer only works for admin accounts => !To be solved in next drop ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 473 | 452 | Windows installer does not autostart after download => discuss solutions | 516 | 4?? | vista installation from zip fails => probably solved by self-extracting zip; not functioning yet !Under investigation by Polderland ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 461 | 448 | Spelling errors with editing distance 1 from lexicalised words do not get correct suggestions => explanation not good enough, investigate more samples *** still investigating | 522 | xxx | Strange compounding fenomena | 528 | xxx | Acro words get upper-case case endings | 533 | xxx | Office 2007 gives North Sámi suggs in context menu when language is Lule => Divvun will check with the ''Public beta 2''. !To be investigated by Divvun/Users ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 447 | 443 | Windows speller doesn't install on terminal server => SD IT guys will have a look once more !!!Issue discussion !!473 - Windows installer Alternatives to solve it: * make an executable installer file - requires InstallShield, meaning that either Polderland will have to make each installation package, or that the Divvun project will have to get an InstallShield license * make self-extracting zip files for download, with autostart options of the extracted objects; some alternative zippers for this: For both cases different types of protection software (firewalls, anti-virus, etc) might block either download or execution of the installer. But default InstallShield installers behave in the same (or a similar) way, so that should not be any different. !!Casing of suggestions Example of acro words: {{{ INTERREG Inflected: INTERREG:s (ie lower-case case endings in normal usage) user types: INTERREG:ii Suggestion: INTERREG:I Expected: INTERREG:i (= lexicon entry) lexicon has: INTERREG:i }}} The case conversion of the suggestions happens after lexicon lookup, and there is no knowledge anymore of the lexical form of the suggestions, ie, no knowledge that the word is upper case, but the case ending is lower. !!Adj+noun compounds A possible solution would be to give all nominals the same PLX code. Since the codes are generated, and not used for anything but control the speller behaviour, adhering to the POS "meaning" of the PLX codes is no point in itself. If this can solve the problem, I see no reason not to let N mean "nominal" (ie nouns and adjectives). !!Mac uninstallation The dropped installer is not the latest code. The latest code is using {{osascript}}, whereas the dropped version is using a perl module, {{MacPerl}}. The installer should re re-dropped with the correct uninstallation code. Alternatively: compile the applescript into an application (using {{osacompile}}); prevents pop-up of Terminal window. A double-clickable app would look less unfamiliar to the unsuspecting user. !!!Rough schedule Polderland didn't meet their self-imposed goal of delivering at the beginning of September, will try around mid September instead. * Mid September: planned final drop from Polderland ** did drop, new drops still expected: new Windows installer, etc * November 1: Divvun code freeze * November 15: Indesign speller * December 11: public release !!!Next meeting Next week (15.10.) at 13.00 Dutch/Norwegian time. !!!TODO: * __PLD__ pass information on self-extracting ziptool with autostart option + instructions on how to use it (not in working order yet) - pending * __PLD__ redrop Mac installer, correct version * __PLD__ provide information on InDesign language groouping * __Divvun__ investigate further the A+N compounds * __Divvun__ check bug {{533}} with latest release