!!!Meeting with Polderland 23.10.2007 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!!Since last time !!Polderland * fixing bugs: some bugs pending * compounding behaviour: ** 3/4/5-part compound appear to work in general, but not in some specific cases *** have worked out details of a technical solution + costs (in hrs). Decision to be taken next week * working on zip utility for windows installer: pending * Speller behaviour: only suggests if errors are limited to 1 part of compound. ** undesired (or should be user setting), ** will be changed in future drop * work has started on Indesign Spellers for North + Lule Sami ** speller starts to work, skeleton version recognises words ** now adding the real functionality; relativey straightforward * work on command line hyphenator for Mac still nearly completed. ** implemented as front end for existing & delivered hyphenators * new bug messages received but not inspected yet !!Divvun * major work on hyphenator debugging, several bugs found relating to compounds * major remaining bugs relate to limits in the PLX formalism: ** N-part compounds either overgenerate in a bad way, or severely undergenerate *** severely limits functionality; according to Divvun not in spec. *** should be fixed (maybe later than originally planned final drop) * added iso-disk installer for CD burning The latest spellers are available at: * [http://www.divvun.no/static_files/sami-proofing-tools-20071022.dmg] - Mac * [http://www.divvun.no/static_files/sami-proofing-tools-20071022.zip] - Win * [http://www.divvun.no/static_files/DivvunToolsCD-20071022.cdr] - cd master disk image !!Bug status !Solved/cancelled None since last meeting. !To be solved in next drop ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 473 | 452 | Windows installer does not autostart after download => discuss solutions | 516 | 4?? | vista installation from zip fails => probably solved by self-extracting zip; not functioning yet !Under investigation by Polderland ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 461 | 448 | Spelling errors with editing distance 1 from lexicalised words do not get correct suggestions => explanation not good enough, investigate more samples *** still investigating | 522 | xxx | Strange compounding fenomena | 528 | xxx | Acro words get upper-case case endings | 533 | xxx | Office 2007 gives North Sámi suggs in context menu when language is Lule => Divvun will check with the ''Public beta 2''. | 545 | xxx | Bad hyphenation in compounds - fence post errors? | 546 | xxx | Other bad hyphenation, different hyphenation in manual and auto | 553 | xxx | Uninstallation under Windows Vista fails !To be investigated by Divvun/Users ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 447 | 443 | Windows speller doesn't install on terminal server => SD IT guys will have a look once more !!!Issue discussion !!473 - Windows installer Alternatives to solve it: * make an executable installer file - requires InstallShield, meaning that either Polderland will have to make each installation package, or that the Divvun project will have to get an InstallShield license * make self-extracting zip files for download, with autostart options of the extracted objects; some alternative zippers for this: For both cases different types of protection software (firewalls, anti-virus, etc) might block either download or execution of the installer. But default InstallShield installers behave in the same (or a similar) way, so that should not be any different. !!!Rough schedule * Mid September: planned final drop from Polderland ** did drop, new drops still expected: new Windows installer, etc * November 1: Divvun code freeze * November 15: Indesign speller * December 11: public release !!!Next meeting Next week (30.10.) at 09.30 Dutch/Norwegian time. !!!TODO: * __PLD__ discuss limits in N-part compound functionality with mgmt team, get back to Divvun ASAP * __PLD__ pass information on self-extracting ziptool with autostart option + instructions on how to use it (not in working order yet) - pending * __PLD__ provide information on InDesign language grouping * __PLD__ check: is mklex version G5 only, or universal binary? * __Divvun__ check bug {{533}} with latest release