!!!Meeting with Polderland 6.11.2007 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!!Since last time !!Polderland * command line hyphenator finished. Win v. dropped, Mac v. follows today * inDesign spellers work except for custom dictionaries (FN) * MS bug (misspell change + add)to be fixed for Sami too (FN) * PB restarted work on Win installer/extractor following work on cmd line hyph * WA is working on installer bugs * FN is working on hyphenator bugs * PB will continue with compound bugs following win installer/extractor * PLX format: BOE solution approved as replacement for LR (FN, week 46). * Speller behaviour: only suggests if errors are limited to 1 part of compound. ** undesired (or should be user setting), *** will be changed in future drop !!Divvun * Installed and tested Leopard - no problems for our tools (and important step forward for the Hunspell/OOo speller) * more PLX conversion fixes * extended test bench to cover hunspell (not yet finishe) * more testing of CD version of installer * fixed hyphenation !!Bug status !Solved/cancelled ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 447 | 443 | Windows speller doesn't install on terminal server => SD IT guys will have a look once more => they found it, it was wrong setup on the server | 533 | xxx | Office 2007 gives North Sámi suggs in context menu when language is Lule => Divvun will check with the ''Public beta 2''. This behaviour is caused by Word, and nothing any of us can do something about !To be solved in next drop ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 473 | 452 | Windows installer does not autostart after download | 516 | 4?? | vista installation from zip fails !Under investigation by Polderland ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 461 | 448 | Spelling errors with editing distance 1 from lexicalised words do not get correct suggestions => explanation not good enough, investigate more samples *** still investigating, low priority | 522 | xxx | Strange compounding fenomena | 524 | xxx | Multi-part compounds not always accepted | 528 | xxx | Acro words get upper-case case endings | 545 | xxx | Bad hyphenation in compounds - fence post errors? There seems to be an error in the Polderland code | 546 | xxx | Other bad hyphenation, different hyphenation in manual and auto. => the difference is caused by Word, and not PLD code | 554 | xxx | Uninstallation under Windows Vista fails | 557 | xxx | Missing suggestion when multiple errors across compound boundary | 561 | xxx | Installer language choice doesn't work when upgrading | 562 | xxx | Win upgrade does not upgrade | 563 | xxx | Dutch text in installer upgrade dialog | 564 | xxx | Win installer asking for non-existing disk | 565 | xxx | Clicking 'Back' in installer doesn't word as expected | 568 | xxx | Speller accepts X-flagged forms without I flag, also hyphenated words not in lexicon !!Priority list # command line hyphenator # hyphenation bug fix (545 and 546) # multipart compounding fix # Windows installer fixes # other bug fixes # MS-reported speller fix (not Sami-specific) # indesign speller !!!Schedule * November 6: Hyphenator command line tool * November 7: Hyphenation bug fix * November 14: multipart compound fix (pending positive decision) * November 14: other bug fixes * November 15: Divvun code freeze * November 20: Indesign speller * December 11-13: public release (one of those days) !!!Next meeting Next week (13.11.) at 09.30 Dutch/Norwegian time. !!!TODO: * __PLD__ pass information on self-extracting ziptool with autostart option + instructions on how to use it (not in working order yet) - pending * __PLD__ provide information on InDesign language grouping * __PLD__ preferred order of results: see above * __PLD__ check if remnants of linguistic data in lex can be re-found