!!!Meeting with Polderland 4.12.2007 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!!Since last time !!Polderland * inDesign spellers work except for custom dictionaries (FN) ** Interface appears to be quite complex. Drop planned for next week. * bug 576 fixed, cmd line spellers dropped, other versions will follow today (incl. new indesign hyphenators) * prio list: 585 not repro. Windows / office / SP issue? ==> norwegian office 2007! - within VM on Mac * investigated series of bugs - no redrops planned for speller * hyphenator bug under investigation * installer bugs analyzed. re-drop planned with 2 changes: unique version ID incremented; dutch texts removed * unexpected suggestions -> investigation result: ** substitute penalty for "a" - "á" is eáual to penalty for e.g. "a" - "x" ** substitute penalty is normally higher than insertion/deletion penalty ** consonant (un)doubling has a built-in low penalty *** poss solutions: lower substitution penalty; add phonetic rules for e.g. "a" - "á" (twin) * very long very slow word: still investigating Planned drops: * new version of installer (this week) * L+N spellers for indesign CS3 (next week) Next drops: * hyphenator for InDesign * speller for InDesign (hopefully this week) Open issues after these drops: * Windows installer issues * 576 – ''heajus'' vs ''heajos–'' (hyphens replaced with n-dash to please forrest) ** heajos– should be accepted (with hyphen only) – it is ** heajus should be accepted – it is ** heajos should NOT be accepted – *** it IS accepted ==> in accordance with lex, not a bug ** heajos–Oslo should be accepted – *** it is NOT accepted, but the exact same string is suggested, and when inserted (corrected) gets a red underline immediately ==> Bug. repaired, dropped *** the bug is still seen in another case, see test results for bug 518 !!Divvun * more PLX conversion fixes * other bug fixes * final touches on suggestions etc. * investigated and reported on new and existing bugs Remark on your "Oslo should accept only NeP flagged words in compounds"-example: the 'trick' with the NeP-marked words only works when the left parts have an A flag. - NB: all adjectives now treated as nouns -> no more A-flags used - NB: below: s/-/--/ s/^/-/ * Guovdageaidnu-Guovdageaidnu (correct form) * GuovdageaidnuGuovdageaidnu (incorrect form, will trigger the double hyphen suggestion) * Guovdageaidnu--Guovdageaidnu (suggested, and wrongly accepted, see below for PLX entries leading to this) {{{ Guov^da^geain^nut NePI Guov^da^geain^nus NePI Guov^da^geain^nuin NePI Guov^da^geain^nui^guin NePI Guov^da^geain^nui^de NePI Guov^da^geain^nuid NePI Guov^da^geain^nuid GpI Guov^da^geain^nu NePI Guov^da^geain^nu GaI Guov^da^geain^no GaI Guov^da^geai^dnun NePI Guov^da^geai^dnu NePI Guov^da^gei^dnui NePI -Guov^da^geain^nut NePE -Guov^da^geain^nus NePE -Guov^da^geain^nuin NePE -Guov^da^geain^nui^guin NePE -Guov^da^geain^nui^de NePE -Guov^da^geain^nuid NePE -Guov^da^geain^nuid GpE -Guov^da^geain^nu NePE -Guov^da^geain^nu GaE -Guov^da^geain^no GaE -Guov^da^geai^dnun NePE -Guov^da^geai^dnu NePE <== right part -Guov^da^gei^dnui NePE Guov^da^geai^dnu- NIB <== wrongly selected Guov^da^geai^dnu NePB <== wanted target for name + name compounds -Guov^da^geai^dnu- NO }}} {{{ stuo^ra NIBOE stuo^ra NIBOE stuo^ra NePBO stuor^ra NIBOE stuor^ra NIBOE stuor^ra NePBO stuor NIBOE stuor NePBO }}} !!Bug status !Solved/cancelled ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 568 | xxx | Speller accepts X-flagged forms without I flag, also hyphenated words not in lexicon | 576 | xxx | Speller does not accept the correct string, but do suggest the same as input. !To be solved by Divvun ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 461 | 448 | Spelling errors with editing distance 1 => most phon-rules now removed, now down to 56. | 564 | xxx | Win installer asking for non-existing disk | 581 | xxx | consonant doubling !Under investigation by Polderland ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 585 | xxx | northsami (Sweden and Finland) triggers lulesami (Office 12) !!Priority list # double hyphens in name + name comps, cf problem description above # real hyphenation issues (missing and wrong hyphenation points) # 585 # new Windows installer # indesign speller !!!Schedule * December 4: other bug fixes * December 5: Indesign speller * December 12: public release at 10 AM Norwegian time !!!Next meeting Next week (10.12.) at 12.30 Dutch/Norwegian time. !!!TODO: * __PLD__ provide information on InDesign language grouping * __PLD__ preferred order of results: see above * __PLD__ bug fixes with deliveries (see above)