!!!Meeting with Polderland 29.1.2008 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!!Since last time !!Polderland * working on custom dictionary: creation & adding words appear to work, testing & completing last details - will get back today on status of planned delivery * working on open bugs (hyphenator bugs (468, 548, 549, 633) and bug 630) hyphenator bugs: will download & de-compile latest version of lexicons first Next drops: !!Divvun * finished the hyphenation test bench * testing, testing * fixing bugs, a.o. hyphenator bugs 545 & 547 !!Bug status !To be solved by Divvun ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 614 | xxx | Rinta-aho not accepted but suggested. PB: lexcion contains three hyphens, speller doesn't know how to interpret that | 621 | xxx | other hyphenator bugs. PB: not as much incorrect as well as weird-looking. !Under investigation by Polderland ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 468 | xxx | mid-syllable hyphenation, ''Márkomeanu'' | 548 | xxx | mid-syllable hyphenation - ''duostan'' | 549 | xxx | missing hyphens at word boundaries | 633 | xxx | double hyphenation in compounds !!Priority list # (ASAP) indesign speller custom dictionary solution *** IN PROGRESS # hyphenator bug fixes *** STARTED # InDesign proofing tools for Windows *** PENDING # Proofing tools for Microsoft Office 2008 / Mac !!!Schedule See above. !!!Next meeting Next week (5.2.) at 09.30 Dutch/Norwegian time.