!!!Meeting with Polderland 25.6.2008 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!!Agenda * Since last time * Possible issues * Next meeting * Todo items for the next meeting !!!Since last time !!Polderland * Re-started work on InDesign/windows - according to Frank functionality is OK, except for 1 crashing bug that he hasn't been able to locate yet * Will do Mac Office 2008 when SW from MS arrives * Met with MS guys, they apologized for not bringing the Office 2008 stuff, will arrive Real Soon Now * OpenOffice: possibility still open !!Divvun * releasing other hunspell distributions - RELEASED * switched from cvs to svn - this should provide for better access control for source code related to Polderland technology (and other proprietary/non-public info). We are still working out some details, and at the moment everything is just as open (or even more so) than it used to be. !!Bug status !Solved/cancelled No new items. !To be solved/investigated by Divvun ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 621 | xxx | other hyphenator bugs. PB: not as much incorrect as well as weird-looking. | 630 | xxx | Word (prefix) with hyphen is rejected - and suggested | 652 | xxx | UPPERCASE-typos only get acronym-suggestions: VARI -> no sugg, vARI -> VÁRI as sugg; consequence of the sugg. mechanism, unresolvable !!PLD Priority list # Proofing tools for Microsoft Office 2008 / Mac *** check locale issues # InDesign proofing tools for Windows *** PENDING !!!Next meeting Next week (1.7.) at 09.30 Dutch/Norwegian time.