!!!Meeting with Polderland 14.10.2008 Participants: * Peter Beinema * Sjur Moshagen !!!Agenda * Since last time * Bug status * Priority list * Next meeting !!!Since last time !!Polderland * InDesign Windows: continue this week * OpenOffice: depends on Papiamento - no info on papiamento * bugs 645 and 679: going to downlaod latest lexicon version (available at The Normal Location)? Or would you happen to know the lex versions used when the bugs occurred? If not, we'll try to reproduce with the latest version. * look at mac installer for office 2008 (Apple's own) - pending * 679: preferably hyphenate at word boundary (NO / SW / DA / FI / SA / NL); user should therefor be able to overrule proposed hyphenation !!Divvun * hunspell lexicons now in for fine-tuning and bug-fixing -> we have a crashing bug in hunspell: if the affix and dic files are compressed, OpenOffice.org crashes; if the files are ''not'' compressed (and thus totalling 1 GB), OOo works fine. But distributing a 1 Gb package is not recommended... * working on improving both our spellers, as well as our hyphenation ** still working, employed a new test routine (speller performance on different word constructions) * installed OpenXSpell, an open-source MacOS X front-end to Enchant, which can use a.o. Hunspell as a back-end. It gives system-wide Sámi spell-checking on the Mac * started work on the M+S as well as the South Sámi offer. ** letter with request for offer on M+S should have been sent by now ** no progress on South Sámi, but will continue this week * working on adding MS Office 2008 support in our build system ** no progress last week !!!Bug status !!Solved/cancelled No new items. !!To be solved/investigated by Divvun ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 621 | xxx | other hyphenator bugs. PB: not as much incorrect as well as weird-looking. | 630 | xxx | Word (prefix) with hyphen is rejected - and suggested | 652 | xxx | UPPERCASE-typos only get acronym-suggestions: VARI -> no sugg, vARI -> VÁRI as sugg; consequence of the sugg. mechanism, unresolvable | 581 | xxx | consonant doubling => actual problem is suggestions with hyphens (split compound type); these can be blocked as suggestions, and thus be removed (they would still be recognised, though) !!Under investigation by Polderland ||Div ||Pld ||Description | 645 | xxx | borgguhan-gihppagis gets the hyphen on the next line | 679 | xxx | Discretionary/soft hyphen not respected !!!Priority list # Installer for Microsoft Office 2008 / Mac # M+S request letter from the Divvun project # InDesign proofing tools for Windows !!!Next meeting Next meeting (21.10.) at 10.00 Dutch/Norwegian time.