[Sátni.org|http://sátni.org/] supports the following browsers (newest version if nothing else is indicated): * Chrome * Firefox * Internet Explorer 8++ * Opera * Safari Other browsers might work, but old versions of most browsers will definitely not work. This is mainly due to limitations in one of the libraries we use, [Bootstrap|http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#support]. The web app is not optimised for mobile phones yet, but it does work. Mobile use optimisation will be implemented soon. !!!REST Api There’s a REST interface for searching and retrieving content in the Sátni dictionary and terminology web app. The documentation for the REST API can be found [here|http://divvun.no/doc/apps/satni/RESTEndPoints.html] !!!Database monitoring There’s a monitoring interface [here|http://gtweb.uit.no:8080/exist/apps/monex/index.html] (username and password required).