# Giella CKEditor Plugin This plugin is based on the SCAYT plugin for CKEditor (by webspellchecker.net), but uses a custom server and hfst-ospell for spell checking. ## Install This bascially follows the [instructions](http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_plugins) to manually install a CKEditor plugin (automatic installation only works for plugins that are in the CKEditor Add-ons Repository). 1. Copy the directory that contains this Readme file to your CKEditor plugin directory (and rename it to 'giella' if necessary). The plugin contents should the be in `ckeditor/plugins/giella/`. 2. Enable the plugin by adding it to `CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins` and adjust its settings (see below). ## Plugin Settings Assuming `CKEDITOR` is the instance of CKEditor you want to enable the giella plugin for. ```js // Activate customized 'giella' plugin. If you have other (extra) plugins, you can separate them with a comma (e.g, `'giella,other_plugin,third_plugin'`). CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'giella'; CKEDITOR.config.giella_multiLanguageMode = true; // Set the URLs for the server giella should use. Replace `domain.tld` with the actual domain the server is accessible on. CKEDITOR.config.giella_servicePath = "http://domain.tld/spellcheck31/script/ssrv.cgi"; CKEDITOR.config.giella_srcUrl = "/spellcheck/lf/giella3/ckgiella/ckgiella.js"; ```