# # NDS: dev environment for itwewina # # TODO: major problem here is that all work performed on nds volume cannot be # overwritten here: each step for some reason is reverted. FROM gt-nds/nds:latest VOLUME /home/neahtta VOLUME /opt/smi MAINTAINER Ryan Johnson ENV HOME /home/neahtta USER root # TODO: copy nds init.d service files USER neahtta WORKDIR /home/neahtta/ WORKDIR /home/neahtta/gtsvn/apps/dicts/nds/src/ ### RUN svn up ### ### RUN . /home/neahtta/gtsvn/apps/dicts/nds/src/env/bin/activate && \ ### pip install -r neahtta/requirements.txt # TODO: determine bare essentials to get NDS running, then remove language # infra so this can be its own Dockerfile. # Expose this to child containers WORKDIR /home/neahtta/ RUN mkdir -p ~/gtsvn/langs RUN mkdir -p ~/gtsvn/art/ RUN mkdir -p ~/gtsvn/words/dicts/ WORKDIR /home/neahtta/gtsvn/words/dicts/ RUN svn co https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/words/dicts/scripts /home/neahtta/gtsvn/words/dicts/scripts ### TODO: RUN svn co https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/words/dicts/crkeng /home/neahtta/gtsvn/words/dicts/crkeng ### TODO: WORKDIR /home/neahtta/gtsvn/langs/ ### TODO: RUN svn co https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/langs/crk /home/neahtta/gtsvn/langs/crk # TODO: find a way to install the credentials ### TODO: WORKDIR /home/neahtta/gtsvn/art/ ### TODO: # SVN pass comes from environment file that's copied over ### TODO: RUN . ~/.profile && svn co https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/art/dicts dicts --username neahtta --password $SVN_PASS --non-interactive # TODO: move to nds ### TODO: WORKDIR /home/neahtta/gtsvn/apps/dicts/nds/src/neahtta/ ### TODO: ### TODO: ENV GTHOME /home/neahtta/gtsvn/ ### TODO: ENV GTCORE /home/neahtta/gtsvn/giella-core/ # environment variables aren't available when fab issues make # RUN . ~/.profile && . ../env/bin/activate && fab no_svn_up itwewina compile WORKDIR /home/neahtta/ RUN ls -lah ~/gtsvn/words/dicts/