#!/bin/sh # nds-sanit Manage NDS processes for Sanat. # # chkconfig: 2345 95 20 # # description: python/fastcgi processes for NDS-sanit # # processname: nds-sanit # source function library . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions PROJNAME='nds-sanit/fastcgi' ADDRESS='' SERVER_PORT='8765' # NB: don't forget to change pidfile if copying this for a new config. SERVER_PID="/home/path/to/proj/dir/sanit-pidfile.pid" # Project's virtualenv ENVLOC="/home/USER/env/" PROJECTLOC="/home/path/to/proj/dir/" MANAGELOC="$PROJECTLOC/manage.py" # Config file associated with the instance NDS_CONFIG="$PROJECTLOC/configs/sanit.config.yaml" BASE_CMD="$ENVLOC/bin/python $MANAGELOC runfcgi --method=prefork --host=$ADDRESS --port=$SERVER_PORT --pidfile=$SERVER_PID --daemonize" RETVAL=0 if [[ "$USER" == "neahtta" ]] then DAEMONIZE="daemon " else DAEMONIZE="daemon --user=neahtta " fi DAEMON_BASE_CMD="$DAEMONIZE$BASE_CMD" start_server () { if [ -f $1 ]; then #pid exists, check if running if [ "$(ps -p `cat $1` | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then action $"Starting $PROJNAME -- ${ADDRESS}:${2}..." /bin/false echo -n " * Server already running on ${ADDRESS}:${2}" return fi fi cd $PROJECTLOC . $ENVLOC/bin/activate export NDS_CONFIG=$NDS_CONFIG $DAEMON_BASE_CMD && success || failure RETVAL=$? echo -n $"Starting $PROJNAME -- ${ADDRESS}:${2}..." $? echo } restart_server () { PID=`cat $1` kill -1 $PID action $"Sending SIGHUP to $PROJNAME -- ${ADDRESS}:${2}..." /bin/true } stop_server (){ if [ -f $1 ] && [ "$(ps -p `cat $1` | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then kill `cat $1` rm $1 export NDS_CONFIG='' action $"Stopping $PROJNAME -- ${ADDRESS}:${2}..." /bin/true else action $"Stopping $PROJNAME -- ${ADDRESS}:${2}..." /bin/false if [ -f $1 ]; then echo -n " * Server ${ADDRESS}:${2} not running" else echo -n " * No pid file found for server ${ADDRESS}:${2}" fi fi } case "$1" in 'start') start_server $SERVER_PID $SERVER_PORT ;; 'stop') stop_server $SERVER_PID $SERVER_PORT ;; 'restart') stop_server $SERVER_PID $SERVER_PORT sleep 2 start_server $SERVER_PID $SERVER_PORT ;; *) echo -n "Usage: $0 { start | stop | restart }" ;; esac exit $RETVAL