{# This template is also rendered with each entry (i.e., `rendered_templates`), and has access to all of the main entry-specific template values. #} {% block template_doc %}{% if TEMPLATE_DOC %} The following customizations have been made: - Display the lexicon entry stem along with the lemma (√root). - Some customizations in `crk.py` and `crk_tags.py` relate to this. - If a tag is PV, wrap it with tooltip markup to display the definition - twitter bootstrap tooltips js included {% endif %}{% endblock %} {%- import "lexicon.macros" as macros with context -%} {%- import "korp.macros" as korp with context -%} {%- macro render_tag_piece(tag, tooltip) -%} {%- if tooltip -%} {{ tag }} {%- else -%} {{ tag }} {%- endif -%} {% endmacro %} {%- macro render_tag(formatted) -%} {%- for tag, tooltip in formatted -%}{%- if not tag %}{% continue -%}{% endif -%} {{ render_tag_piece(tag, tooltip) }}{% if not loop.last %} + {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endmacro %}