NICE EXAMPLES FOR ILLUSTRATION: čađa po: Luohti lea rievdan ollu áiggiid čađa. 'The joik has changed a lot through time.' E6-bálggis manná suohkana guovddáš osiid čađa. 'The E-6 highway goes through central parts of the municipality.' (fictive motion) Son lea jođihan 8 suomagielat oahppi 80 diibmosaš dárogiela álgooahppokurssa čađa. 'He led 8 Finnish-speaking students through an 80 hour beginner course in Norwegian.' METAMOTION Girjji sáhtát diŋgot Davvi Girji o.s., dahje fitnat Finnmark Kontorservice rámbuvvras Guovdageainnus. 'You can order the book through Davvi Girji o.s., or take a trip to the Finnmark Kontorservice office in Kautokeino.' MEANS …buot manna dihtora čađa. 'everything goes through the computer' METAMOTION (about business transactions) Mihkkala jietna ii gull ša johkašoava ja mohtorjiena čađa. 'Mihkkal's sound could not be heard anymore through the rushing of the river and the sound of the motor.' METAMOTION (perception) Mávnos bison ja viggá guolvat guolddu čađa. 'Mávnos stops and tries to peer through the drifting snow.' METAMOTION (perception) Luoddabargit leat oainnat dál divvume fylkkaluotta mii manná Máze čađa. 'Road workers are now seen repairing the main road that runs through Máze' FICTIVE MOTION Son čuolai bálgá čađa vári. 'He cut a path through the mountain.' MOTION-EXTENT Gáivuonas mannet njeallje linjjá čađa gieldda. 'In Gáivuotna four lines go through the community.' FICTIVE MOTION …bout váldogeainnut mannet čađa juohke gieldda fylkkas 'All the main roads go through each community in the province' FICTIVE MOTION Mikkel Anders Eriksen lohká gullán ja oaidnán beatnaga doarrumin guovžžain čađa gaskka go son viegai. 'Mikkel Anders Eriksen claims to have heard and seen the dog fighting with the bear while he was running away.' TIME rastá po: Dieđát go manne vuoncávaris vázzá luotta rats? 'Do you know why the rooster walks across the street?' rastá pr: Nu guhká go Guovdageainnu eatnu ii dulvva, de lea álki beassat rastá eanu. 'As long as the Kautokeino river does not flood, it is easy to get across the river.' maŋŋel po: Moadde beaivvi maŋŋel ledjen geahččame tevdnegiid. 'A few days later I was looking at the drawings.' TIME negative ovdal construction Dát mielddisbuktá ahte suohkanii ii boađe boasta eaige áviissat oval beaivvi maŋŋel… 'The consequence of this is that neither the mail nor newspapers come to the municipality until one day later...' maŋŋel can appear before go: Stivrajođiheaddji Geir Ove Trondsen lohká dan maŋŋel go Sámediggi ja Nussir ASA sohpe áigumuššiehtadusa, mas…. 'After that the committee chairman Geir Ove Trondsen says that the Sami Parliament and Nussir ASA had made an agreement, according to which…' maŋŋel pr: Bakeri og konditori Guovdageainnus reastaluvvo maŋŋel geasseluomu. 'The bakery and pastry shop in Kautokeino went bankrupt after the summer vacation.'