#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # Importing CGI libraries use CGI; $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; $CGI::POST_MAX = 1_024 * 1_024; # limit posts to 1 meg max # Forwarding warnings and fatal errors to browser window use CGI::Alert 'ciprian'; # Show custom text to remote viewer CGI::Alert::custom_browser_text << '-END-';
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-END- # File copying and xml-processing use File::Copy; use XML::Twig; # Set the file permissions of the newly created files to -rw-rw-r-- umask 0112; # The first thing is to print some kind of html-code print "Content-TYPE: text/html\n\n" ; my $query = new CGI; my %bookinfo; my @names = $query->param; for my $name (@names) { $bookinfo{$name} = $query->param($name); } # In case of multilingual document, there should be at least one # mlang-attribute specified. for my $key (keys %bookinfo) { if ( $key =~ /mlang/) { $bookinfo{'multilingual'} = 1; last; } } my $corpdir = "/usr/local/share/corp"; my $tmp_dir = "$corpdir/upload"; my $upload_dir = "$corpdir/upload"; my $xsltemplate = "$corpdir/bin/XSL-template.xsl"; if(!$bookinfo{filename}) { die "File not specified\n"; } # Parse the filenames once more, once for security # and second for to take away the path. my $fname_list = $bookinfo{'filename'}; my @fnames = split(" ", $fname_list); my @mainlangs = split(" ", $bookinfo{'mainlang'}); my @license_types = split(" ", $bookinfo{'license_type'}); my $i; my $real_count = scalar @fnames; for($i=0;$i<$real_count;$i++) { my $fname = $fnames[$i]; next if (! $fname || $fname =~ /^\s+$/); my $mainlang=$mainlangs[$i]; my $license_type=$license_types[$i]; $fname =~ s/.*[\/\\](.*)/$1/; $fname =~ tr/\.A-Za-z0-9ÁČĐŊŠŦŽÅÆØÄÖáčđŋšŧžåæøäö/_/c; my $upload_file = "$upload_dir/$fname"; # Create the xsl-file and add the form data copy ("$xsltemplate", "$upload_file.xsl") or die "Copy failed ($upload_file.xsl): $!"; my $document = XML::Twig->new(twig_handlers => {'xsl:variable' => sub { process(@_, $fname, $mainlang, $license_type)} }); $document->parsefile ("$upload_file.xsl"); $document->set_pretty_print('record'); open (FH, ">$upload_file.xsl") or die "Cannot open file $upload_file.xsl for output: $!"; $document->print( \*FH); } # The html-part starts here print <Information updated to files @fnames.