#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file contains routines to sentence align two files # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this file. If not, see . # # Copyright 2011 Børre Gaup # import os import re import sys import subprocess import difflib import doctest from lxml import etree from lxml import doctestcompare import unittest class ParallelFile: """ A class that contains the info on a file to be parallellized, name and language """ def __init__(self, name, paralang): self.name = name self.paralang = paralang self.setLang() def getName(self): """ Return the absolute path of the file """ return self.name def getDirname(self): """ Return the dirname of the file """ return os.path.dirname(self.name) def getBasename(self): """ Return the basename of the file """ return os.path.basename(self.name) def setLang(self): """ Set the lang of the file """ origfile1Tree = etree.parse(self.getName()) self.lang = origfile1Tree.getroot().attrib['{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang'] def getLang(self): """ Get the lang of the file """ return self.lang def getParallelBasename(self): """ Get the basename of the parallel file Input is the lang of the parallel file """ origfile1Tree = etree.parse(self.getName()) root = origfile1Tree.getroot() parallelFiles = root.findall(".//parallel_text") for p in parallelFiles: if p.attrib['{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang'] == self.paralang: return p.attrib['location'] def getParallelFilename(self): """ Infer the absolute path of the parallel file """ parallelDirname = self.getDirname().replace(self.getLang(), self.paralang) parallelBasename = self.getParallelBasename() + '.xml' return os.path.join(parallelDirname, parallelBasename) class TestSentenceDivider(unittest.TestCase): """A test class for the SentenceDivider class """ def setUp(self): self.sentenceDivider = SentenceDivider("parallelize_data/finnmarkkulahka_web_lettere.pdf.xml", "sme") def assertXmlEqual(self, got, want): """ Check if two xml snippets are equal """ string_got = etree.tostring(got, pretty_print = True) string_want = etree.tostring(want, pretty_print = True) checker = doctestcompare.LXMLOutputChecker() if not checker.check_output(string_got, string_want, 0): message = checker.output_difference(doctest.Example("", string_got), string_want, 0).encode('utf-8') raise AssertionError(message) def testConstructor(self): """Check that the constructor makes what it is suppposed to """ self.assertEqual(self.sentenceDivider.sentenceCounter, 0) self.assertEqual(self.sentenceDivider.docLang, 'sme') self.assertEqual(self.sentenceDivider.inputEtree.__class__.__name__, '_ElementTree') def testProcessAllParagraphs(self): got = self.sentenceDivider.processAllParagraphs() want = etree.parse('parallelize_data/finnmarkkulahka_web_lettere.pdfsme_sent.xml.test') self.assertXmlEqual(want, got) def testProcessOneParagraph(self): """Check the output of processOneParagraph """ p = etree.XML('

máksá Finnmárkkuopmodat. § 10 Áššit meahcceeatnamiid

') got = self.sentenceDivider.processOneParagraph(p) want = etree.XML('

máksá Finnmárkkuopmodat .§ 10 Áššit meahcceeatnamiid

') self.assertXmlEqual(got, want) def testMakeSentence(self): s = self.sentenceDivider.makeSentence([u'Sámerievtti', u'ovdáneapmi', u'lea', u'dahkan', u'vuđđosa', u'Finnmárkkuláhkii']) self.assertEqual(s.attrib["id"], '0') self.assertEqual(s.text, u'Sámerievtti ovdáneapmi lea dahkan vuđđosa Finnmárkkuláhkii') class SentenceDivider: """A class that takes a giellatekno xml document as input. It spits out an xml document that has divided the text inside the p tags into sentences, but otherwise is unchanged. Each sentence is encases in an s tag, and has an id consisting of the outputfilename and a numberic """ def __init__(self, inputXmlfile, lang): self.sentenceCounter = 0 self.docLang = lang self.inputEtree = etree.parse(inputXmlfile) def processAllParagraphs(self): """Go through all paragraphs in the etree and process them one by one. """ document = etree.Element('document') body = etree.Element('body') document.append(body) for paragraph in self.inputEtree.findall('//p'): body.append(self.processOneParagraph(paragraph)) return document def processOneParagraph(self, origParagraph): """Run the content of the origParagraph through preprocess, make sentences Return a new paragraph containing the marked up sentences """ preprocessInput = origParagraph.text origParagraph = etree.Element("p") abbrFile = "" if (self.docLang == 'nob'): abbrFile = os.path.join(os.environ['GTHOME'], 'st/nob/bin/abbr.txt') else: abbrFile = os.path.join(os.environ['GTHOME'], 'gt/sme/bin/abbr.txt') subp = subprocess.Popen(['preprocess', '--abbr=' + abbrFile], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) (output, error) = subp.communicate(preprocessInput.encode('utf-8')) if subp.returncode != 0: print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not divide into sentences' print >>sys.stderr, output print >>sys.stderr, error return subp.returncode else: sentence = [] for word in output.split('\n'): if word == '.': sentence.append(word.decode('utf-8')) #print "«" + ' '.join(sentence) + "»" origParagraph.append(self.makeSentence(sentence)) sentence = [] else: sentence.append(word.decode('utf-8')) #print "«" + ' '.join(sentence) + "»" origParagraph.append(self.makeSentence(sentence)) return origParagraph def makeSentence(self, sentence): """Make an s element, set the id and set the text to be the content of the list sentence """ s = etree.Element("s") s.attrib["id"] = str(self.sentenceCounter) s.text = ' '.join(sentence) self.sentenceCounter += 1 return s class TestParallelFile(unittest.TestCase): """ A test class for the ParallelFile class """ def setUp(self): self.pfile = ParallelFile(os.environ['GTFREE'] + "/prestable/converted/sme/facta/skuvlahistorja2/aarseth2-s.htm.xml", "nob") def testBasename(self): self.assertEqual(self.pfile.getBasename(), "aarseth2-s.htm.xml") def testDirname(self): self.assertEqual(self.pfile.getDirname(), os.path.join(os.environ['GTFREE'] + "/prestable/converted/sme/facta/skuvlahistorja2")) def testName(self): self.assertEqual(self.pfile.getName(), os.environ['GTFREE'] + "/prestable/converted/sme/facta/skuvlahistorja2/aarseth2-s.htm.xml") def testLang(self): self.assertEqual(self.pfile.getLang(), "sme") def testGetParallelBasename(self): self.assertEqual(self.pfile.getParallelBasename(), "aarseth2-n.htm") def testGetParallelFilename(self): self.assertEqual(self.pfile.getParallelFilename(), os.environ['GTFREE'] + "/prestable/converted/nob/facta/skuvlahistorja2/aarseth2-n.htm.xml") class Parallelize: """ A class to parallelize two files Input is the xml file that should be parallellized and the language that it should be parallellized with. The language of the input file is found in the metadata of the input file. The other file is found via the metadata in the input file """ def __init__(self, origfile1, lang2): """ Set the original file name, the lang of the original file and the language that it should parallellized with. Parse the original file to get the access to metadata """ self.origfiles = [] tmpfile = ParallelFile(os.path.abspath(origfile1), lang2) self.origfiles.append(tmpfile) tmpfile = ParallelFile(self.origfiles[0].getParallelFilename(), self.origfiles[0].getLang()) self.origfiles.append(tmpfile) if self.isTranslatedFromLang2(): self.reshuffleFiles() def reshuffleFiles(self): """ Change the order of the files (so that the translated text is last) """ tmp = self.origfiles[0] self.origfiles[0] = self.origfiles[1] self.origfiles[1] = tmp def getFilelist(self): """ Return the list of (the two) files that are aligned """ return self.origfiles def getLang1(self): return self.origfiles[0].getLang() def getLang2(self): return self.origfiles[1].getLang() def getOrigfile1(self): return self.origfiles[0].getName() def getOrigfile2(self): return self.origfiles[1].getName() def isTranslatedFromLang2(self): """ Find out if the given doc is translated from lang2 """ result = False origfile1Tree = etree.parse(self.getOrigfile1()) root = origfile1Tree.getroot() translated_from = root.find(".//translated_from") if translated_from is not None: if translated_from.attrib['{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang'] == self.getLang2(): result = True return result def generateAnchorFile(self): """ Generate an anchor file with lang1 and lang2. Return the path to the anchor file """ infile1 = os.path.join(os.environ['GTHOME'], 'gt/common/src/anchor.txt') infile2 = os.path.join(os.environ['GTHOME'], 'gt/common/src/anchor-admin.txt') subp = subprocess.Popen(['generate-anchor-list.pl', '--lang1=' + self.getLang1(), '--lang2' + self.getLang2(), '--outdir=' + os.environ['GTFREE'], infile1, infile2], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) (output, error) = subp.communicate() if subp.returncode != 0: print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not generate ', pfile.getName(), ' into sentences' print >>sys.stderr, output print >>sys.stderr, error return subp.returncode # Return the absolute path of the resulting file outFilename = 'anchor-' + self.getLang1() + self.getLang2() + '.txt' return os.path.join(os.environ['GTFREE'], outFilename) def dividePIntoSentences(self): """ Call corpus-analyse.pl which reads an xml file and makes it palatable for tca2 """ for pfile in self.origfiles: infile = os.path.join(pfile.getName()) if os.path.exists(infile): outfile = self.getSentFilename(pfile) subp = subprocess.Popen(['corpus-analyze.pl', '--all', '--only_add_sentences', '--output=' + outfile, '--lang=' + pfile.getLang(), infile], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) (output, error) = subp.communicate() if subp.returncode != 0: print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not divide ', pfile.getName(), ' into sentences' print >>sys.stderr, output print >>sys.stderr, error return subp.returncode else: print >>sys.stderr, infile, "doesn't exist" return 2 return 0 def getSentFilename(self, pfile): """ Compute a name for the corpus-analyze output and tca2 input file Input is a ParallelFile """ origfilename = pfile.getBasename().replace('.xml', '') return os.environ['GTFREE'] + '/tmp/' + origfilename + pfile.getLang() + '_sent.xml' def parallelizeFiles(self): """ Parallelize two files using tca2 """ anchorName = self.generateAnchorFile() subp = subprocess.Popen(['tca2.sh', anchorName, self.getSentFilename(self.getFilelist()[0]), self.getSentFilename(self.getFilelist()[1])], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) (output, error) = subp.communicate() if subp.returncode != 0: print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not parallelize', self.getSentFilename(self.getOrigfile1()), 'and', self.getSentFilename(self.getOrigfile2()), ' into sentences' print >>sys.stderr, output print >>sys.stderr, error return subp.returncode class TestParallelize(unittest.TestCase): """ A test class for the Parallelize class """ def setUp(self): self.parallelize = Parallelize(os.environ['GTFREE'] + "/prestable/converted/sme/facta/skuvlahistorja2/aarseth2-s.htm.xml", "nob") def testOrigPath(self): self.assertEqual(self.parallelize.getOrigfile1(), os.environ['GTFREE'] + "/prestable/converted/nob/facta/skuvlahistorja2/aarseth2-n.htm.xml") def testParallelPath(self): self.assertEqual(self.parallelize.getOrigfile2(), os.environ['GTFREE'] + "/prestable/converted/sme/facta/skuvlahistorja2/aarseth2-s.htm.xml") def testLang1(self): self.assertEqual(self.parallelize.getLang1(), "nob") def testLang2(self): self.assertEqual(self.parallelize.getLang2(), "sme") def testGetSentFilename(self): self.assertEqual(self.parallelize.getSentFilename(self.parallelize.getFilelist()[0]), os.environ['GTFREE'] + "/tmp/aarseth2-n.htmnob_sent.xml") def testDividePIntoSentences(self): self.assertEqual(self.parallelize.dividePIntoSentences(), 0) def testParallizeFiles(self): self.assertEqual(self.parallelize.parallelizeFiles(), 0) def testGenerateAnchorFile(self): self.assertEqual(self.parallelize.generateAnchorFile(), os.path.join(os.environ['GTFREE'], 'anchor-nobsme.txt')) class Tmx: """ A class that reads a tmx file, and implements a bare minimum of functionality to be able to compare two tmx'es """ def __init__(self, tmx): self.tmx = tmx def getTmx(self): """ Get the tmx xml element """ return self.tmx def tuToString(self, tu): """ Extract the two strings of a tu element """ string = "" try: string = string + tu[0][0].text.strip() except(AttributeError): pass string += '\t' try: string = string + tu[1][0].text.strip() except(AttributeError): pass string += '\n' return string.encode('utf-8') def tuvToString(self, tuv): """ Extract the string from the tuv element """ string = "" try: string = tuv[0].text.strip() except(AttributeError): pass return string.encode('utf-8') def langToStringlist(self, lang): """ """ all_tuv = self.getTmx().xpath('.//tuv[@xml:lang="' + lang + '"]', namespaces={'xml':'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'}) strings = [] for tuv in all_tuv: strings.append(self.tuvToString(tuv)) return strings def tmxToStringlist(self): """ Extract all string pairs in a tmx to a list of strings """ all_tu = self.getTmx().findall('.//tu') strings = [] for tu in all_tu: strings.append(self.tuToString(tu)) return strings def prettifySegs(self, tu): """ Input is a tu-element """ try: string = tu[0][0].text.strip() tu[0][0].text = string except(AttributeError): pass try: string = tu[1][0].text.strip() tu[1][0].text = string except(AttributeError): pass return tu def reverseLangs(self): """ Reverse the langs in a tmx Return the reverted tmx """ all_tu = self.getTmx().findall('.//tu') body = etree.Element('body') for tu in all_tu: tmp = etree.Element('tu') tmp.append(tu[1]) tmp.append(tu[0]) tmp = self.prettifySegs(tmp) body.append(tmp) tmx = etree.Element('tmx') tmx.append(body) self.tmx = tmx #et = etree.ElementTree(self.tmx) #et.write(sys.stdout, pretty_print = True, encoding = "utf-8", xml_declaration = True) class TestTmx(unittest.TestCase): """ A test class for the Tmx class """ def setUp(self): self.tmx = Tmx(etree.parse('aarseth2-n.htm.tmx')) def assertXmlEqual(self, got, want): """ Check if two xml snippets are equal """ string_got = etree.tostring(got, pretty_print = True) string_want = etree.tostring(want, pretty_print = True) checker = doctestcompare.LXMLOutputChecker() if not checker.check_output(string_got, string_want, 0): message = checker.output_difference(doctest.Example("", string_got), string_want, 0).encode('utf-8') raise AssertionError(message) def testTuToString(self): tu = etree.XML('SámegiellaSamisk') self.assertEqual(self.tmx.tuToString(tu), "Sámegiella\tSamisk\n") def testTuvToString(self): tuv = etree.XML('Sámegiella') self.assertEqual(self.tmx.tuvToString(tuv), "Sámegiella") def testLangToStringList(self): f = open('aarseth2-n.htm.tmx.as.txt', 'r') stringList = f.readlines() nobList = [] smeList = [] for string in stringList: pairList = string.split('\t') nobList.append(pairList[0]) smeList.append(pairList[1].strip()) self.assertEqual(self.tmx.langToStringlist('nob'), nobList) self.assertEqual(self.tmx.langToStringlist('sme'), smeList) def testTmxToStringlist(self): f = open('aarseth2-n.htm.tmx.as.txt', 'r') wantList = f.readlines() f.close() #self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(self.tmx.tmxToStringlist(), wantList) def testPrettifySegs(self): wantXml = etree.XML('ubba gubba. ibba gibba.abba gabba. ebba gebba.') gotXml = etree.XML('ubba gubba. ibba gibba.\nabba gabba. ebba gebba.\n') self.assertXmlEqual(self.tmx.prettifySegs(gotXml), wantXml) class TmxFromTca2(Tmx): """ A class to make tmx files based on the output from tca2 """ def __init__(self, filelist): """ Input is a list of ParallelFile objects """ self.filelist = filelist Tmx.__init__(self, self.setTmx()) def makeTu(self, line1, line2): """ Make a tmx tu element based on line1 and line2 as input """ tu = etree.Element("tu") tu.append(self.makeTuv(line1, self.filelist[0].getLang())) tu.append(self.makeTuv(line2, self.filelist[1].getLang())) return tu def makeTuv(self, line, lang): """ Make a tuv element given an input line and a lang variable """ tuv = etree.Element("tuv") tuv.attrib["{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang"] = lang seg = etree.Element("seg") seg.text = self.removeSTag(line).strip().decode("utf-8") tuv.append(seg) return tuv def makeTmxHeader(self, lang): """ Make a tmx header based on the lang variable """ header = etree.Element("header") # Set various attributes header.attrib["segtype"] = "sentence" header.attrib["o-tmf"] = "OmegaT TMX" header.attrib["adminlang"] = "en-US" header.attrib["srclang"] = lang header.attrib["datatype"] = "plaintext" return header def removeSTag(self, line): """ Remove the s tags that tca2 has added """ line = line.replace('','') sregex = re.compile('') line = sregex.sub('', line) return line def getOutfileName(self): """ Compute the name of the tmx file """ origPathPart = '/converted/' + self.filelist[0].getLang() + '/' # First compute the part that shall replace /orig/ in the path replacePathPart = '/tmx/' + self.filelist[0].getLang() + '2' + self.filelist[1].getLang() + '/' # Then set the outdir outDirname = self.filelist[0].getDirname().replace(origPathPart, replacePathPart) # Replace xml with tmx in the filename outFilename = self.filelist[0].getBasename().replace('.xml', '.tmx') return os.path.join(outDirname, outFilename) def printTmxFile(self): """ Write a tmx file given a tmx etree element """ outFilename = self.getOutfileName() try: f = open(outFilename, "w") et = etree.ElementTree(self.getTmx()) et.write(f, pretty_print = True, encoding = "utf-8", xml_declaration = True) f.close() except IOError: print "ouch, printTmxFile" return outFilename def setTmx(self): """ Make tmx file based on the two output files of tca2 """ tmx = etree.Element("tmx") header = self.makeTmxHeader(self.filelist[0].getLang()) tmx.append(header) pfile1_data = self.readTca2Output(self.filelist[0]) pfile2_data = self.readTca2Output(self.filelist[1]) body = etree.SubElement(tmx, "body") for line1, line2 in map(None, pfile1_data, pfile2_data): tu = self.makeTu(line1, line2) body.append(tu) return tmx def readTca2Output(self, pfile): """ Read the output of tca2 Input is a ParallelFile """ text = "" pfileName = self.getSentFilename(pfile).replace('.xml', '_new.txt') try: f = open(pfileName, "r") text = f.readlines() f.close() except IOError as (errno, strerror): print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror) return text def getSentFilename(self, pfile): """ Compute a name for the corpus-analyze output and tca2 input file Input is a ParallelFile """ origfilename = pfile.getBasename().replace('.xml', '') return os.environ['GTFREE'] + '/tmp/' + origfilename + pfile.getLang() + '_sent.xml' class TestTmxFromTca2(unittest.TestCase): """ A test class for the TmxFromTca2 class """ def setUp(self): """ Hand the data from the Parallelize class to the tmx class """ para = Parallelize(os.environ['GTFREE'] + "/prestable/converted/sme/facta/skuvlahistorja2/aarseth2-s.htm.xml", "nob") self.tmx = TmxFromTca2(para.getFilelist()) def assertXmlEqual(self, got, want): """ Check if two xml snippets are equal """ string_got = etree.tostring(got, pretty_print = True) string_want = etree.tostring(want, pretty_print = True) checker = doctestcompare.LXMLOutputChecker() if not checker.check_output(string_got, string_want, 0): message = checker.output_difference(doctest.Example("", string_got), string_want, 0).encode('utf-8') raise AssertionError(message) def testMakeTu(self): line1 = 'ubba gubba. ibba gibba.' line2 = 'abba gabba. ebba gebba.' gotTu = self.tmx.makeTu(line1, line2) wantTu = etree.XML('ubba gubba. ibba gibba.abba gabba. ebba gebba.') self.assertXmlEqual(gotTu, wantTu) def testMakeTuv(self): line = 'ubba gubba. ibba gibba.' lang = 'smi' gotTuv = self.tmx.makeTuv(line, lang) wantTuv = etree.XML('ubba gubba. ibba gibba.') self.assertXmlEqual(gotTuv, wantTuv) def testMakeTmxHeader(self): lang = 'smi' gotTuv = self.tmx.makeTmxHeader(lang) wantTuv = etree.XML('
') self.assertXmlEqual(gotTuv, wantTuv) def testRemoveSTag(self): got = self.tmx.removeSTag('ubba gubba. ibba gibba.') want = 'ubba gubba. ibba gibba.' self.assertEqual(got, want) def testGetOutfileName(self): self.assertEqual(self.tmx.getOutfileName(), os.path.join(os.environ['GTFREE'], 'prestable/tmx/nob2sme/facta/skuvlahistorja2/aarseth2-n.htm.tmx')) def testPrintTmxFile(self): want = etree.parse("aarseth2-n.htm.tmx") self.tmx.printTmxFile() got = etree.parse(self.tmx.getOutfileName()) self.assertXmlEqual(got, want) class TmxComparator: """ A class to compare two tmx-files """ def __init__(self, wantTmx, gotTmx): self.wantTmx = wantTmx self.gotTmx = gotTmx def getLinesInWantedfile(self): """ Return the number of lines in the reference doc """ return len(self.wantTmx.tmxToStringlist()) def getNumberOfDifferingLines(self): """ Given a unified_diff, find out how many lines in the reference doc differs from the doc to be tested. A return value of -1 means that the docs are equal """ # Start at -1 because a unified diff always starts with a --- line numDiffLines = -1 for line in difflib.unified_diff(self.wantTmx.tmxToStringlist(), self.gotTmx.tmxToStringlist(), n = 0): if line[:1] == '-': numDiffLines += 1 return numDiffLines def getDiffAsText(self): """ Return a stringlist containing the diff lines """ diff = [] for line in difflib.unified_diff(self.wantTmx.tmxToStringlist(), self.gotTmx.tmxToStringlist(), n = 0): diff.append(line) return diff def getLangDiffAsText(self, lang): """ Return a stringlist containing the diff lines """ diff = [] for line in difflib.unified_diff(self.wantTmx.langToStringlist(lang), self.gotTmx.langToStringlist(lang), n = 0): diff.append(line + '\n') return diff class TestTmxComparator(unittest.TestCase): """ A test class for the TmxComparator class """ def testEqualTmxes(self): comp = TmxComparator(Tmx(etree.parse('aarseth2-n.htm.tmx')), Tmx(etree.parse('aarseth2-n.htm.tmx'))) self.assertEqual(comp.getNumberOfDifferingLines(), -1) self.assertEqual(comp.getLinesInWantedfile(), 274) self.assertEqual(len(comp.getDiffAsText()), 0) #def testUnEqualTmxes(self): #gotFile = os.path.join(os.environ['GTFREE'], 'prestable/tmx/nob2sme/laws/other_files/finnmarksloven.pdf.tmx') #wantFile = os.path.join(os.environ['GTFREE'], 'prestable/tmx/goldstandard/nob2sme/laws/other_files/finnmarksloven.pdf.tmx') #comp = TmxComparator(Tmx(etree.parse(wantFile)), Tmx(etree.parse(gotFile))) #self.assertEqual(comp.getNumberOfDifferingLines(), 7) #self.assertEqual(comp.getLinesInWantedfile(), 632) #self.assertEqual(len(comp.getDiffAsText()), 28) #def testReversedlang(self): #wantFile = Tmx(etree.parse('aarseth2-n.htm.tmx')) #gotFile = Tmx(etree.parse('aarseth2-s.htm.tmx')) #gotFile.reverseLangs() #comp = TmxComparator(wantFile, gotFile) #print comp.getDiffAsText() #self.assertEqual(comp.getNumberOfDifferingLines(), -1) #self.assertEqual(comp.getLinesInWantedfile(), 274) #self.assertEqual(len(comp.getDiffAsText()), 0) class TmxTestDataWriter(): """ A class that writes tmx test data to a file """ def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename try: tree = etree.parse(filename) self.setParagsTestingElement(tree.getroot()) except IOError: self.setParagsTestingElement(self.makeParagstestingElement()) #except etree.XMLSyntaxError: #self.setParagsTestingElement(self.makeParagstestingElement()) def getFilename(self): return self.filename def makeFileElement(self, name, gspairs, diffpairs): """ Make the element file, set the attributes """ fileElement = etree.Element("file") fileElement.attrib["name"] = name fileElement.attrib["gspairs"] = gspairs fileElement.attrib["diffpairs"] = diffpairs return fileElement def setParagsTestingElement(self, paragstesting): self.paragstesting = paragstesting def makeTestrunElement(self, datetime): """ Make the testrun element, set the attribute """ testrunElement = etree.Element("testrun") testrunElement.attrib["datetime"] = datetime return testrunElement def makeParagstestingElement(self): """ Make the paragstesting element """ paragstestingElement = etree.Element("paragstesting") return paragstestingElement def insertTestrunElement(self, testrun): self.paragstesting.insert(0, testrun) def writeParagstestingData(self): """ Write the paragstesting data to a file """ try: f = open(self.filename, "w") et = etree.ElementTree(self.paragstesting) et.write(f, pretty_print = True, encoding = "utf-8", xml_declaration = True) f.close() except IOError: print "ouch, Paragstestingresults" class TestTmxTestDataWriter(unittest.TestCase): """ A class to test TmxTestDataWriter """ def setUp(self): self.writer = TmxTestDataWriter("testfilename") def assertXmlEqual(self, got, want): """ Check if two xml snippets are equal """ string_got = etree.tostring(got, pretty_print = True) string_want = etree.tostring(want, pretty_print = True) checker = doctestcompare.LXMLOutputChecker() if not checker.check_output(string_got, string_want, 0): message = checker.output_difference(doctest.Example("", string_got), string_want, 0).encode('utf-8') raise AssertionError(message) def testGetFilename(self): self.assertEqual(self.writer.getFilename(), "testfilename") def testMakeFileElement(self): wantElement = etree.XML('') gotElement = self.writer.makeFileElement("abc", "634", "84") self.assertXmlEqual(wantElement, gotElement) def testMakeTestrunElement(self): wantElement = etree.XML('') gotElement = self.writer.makeTestrunElement("20111208-1234") fileElement = self.writer.makeFileElement("abc", "634", "84") gotElement.append(fileElement) self.assertXmlEqual(wantElement, gotElement) def testMakeParagstestingElement(self): wantElement = etree.XML('') gotElement = self.writer.makeParagstestingElement() testrunElement = self.writer.makeTestrunElement("20111208-1234") fileElement = self.writer.makeFileElement("abc", "634", "84") testrunElement.append(fileElement) gotElement.append(testrunElement) self.assertXmlEqual(wantElement, gotElement) def testInsertTestrunElement(self): wantElement = etree.XML('') gotElement = self.writer.makeParagstestingElement() self.writer.setParagsTestingElement(gotElement) testrunElement = self.writer.makeTestrunElement("20111208-1234") fileElement = self.writer.makeFileElement("abc", "634", "84") testrunElement.append(fileElement) gotElement.append(testrunElement) testrunElement = self.writer.makeTestrunElement("20111208-2345") fileElement = self.writer.makeFileElement("abc", "634", "84") testrunElement.append(fileElement) self.writer.insertTestrunElement(testrunElement) self.assertXmlEqual(wantElement, gotElement) def testWriteParagstestingData(self): want = etree.XML('') gotElement = self.writer.makeParagstestingElement() self.writer.setParagsTestingElement(gotElement) testrunElement = self.writer.makeTestrunElement("20111208-1234") fileElement = self.writer.makeFileElement("abc", "634", "84") testrunElement.append(fileElement) gotElement.append(testrunElement) self.writer.writeParagstestingData() got = etree.parse(self.writer.filename) self.assertXmlEqual(got, want) class TmxGoldstandardTester: """ A class to test the alignment pipeline againt the tmx goldstandard """ def __init__(self, testresult_filename, dateformat_addition = None): """ Set the name where the testresults should be written Find all goldstandard tmx files """ self.numberOfDiffLines = 0 self.testresultWriter = TmxTestDataWriter(testresult_filename) if dateformat_addition is None: self.date = self.dateformat() else: self.date = self.dateformat() + dateformat_addition def setNumberOfDiffLines(self, diffLines): """ Increase the total number of difflines in this test run """ self.numberOfDiffLines += diffLines def getNumberOfDiffLines(self): return self.numberOfDiffLines def dateformat(self): """ Get the date and time, 20111209-1234. Used in a testrun element """ import datetime import time d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) return d.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M") def runTest(self): # Make a testrun element, which will contain the result of the test testrun = self.testresultWriter.makeTestrunElement(self.date) paralang = "" # Go through each tmx goldstandard file for wantTmxFile in self.findGoldstandardTmxFiles(): print "testing", wantTmxFile, "..." # Calculate the parallel lang, to be used in parallelization if wantTmxFile.find('nob2sme') > -1: paralang = 'sme' else: paralang = 'nob' # Align files self.alignFiles(testrun, wantTmxFile, paralang) # All files have been tested, insert this run at the top of the paragstest element self.testresultWriter.insertTestrunElement(testrun) # Write data to file self.testresultWriter.writeParagstestingData() def alignFiles(self, testrun, wantTmxFile, paralang): """ Align files Compare the tmx's of the result of this parallellization and the tmx of the goldstandard file Write the result to a file Write the diffs of these to tmx's to a separate file """ # Compute the name of the main file to parallelize xmlFile = self.computeXmlfilename(wantTmxFile) parallelizer = Parallelize(xmlFile, paralang) if parallelizer.dividePIntoSentences() == 0: if parallelizer.parallelizeFiles() == 0: # The result of the alignment is a tmx element filelist = parallelizer.getFilelist() gotTmx = TmxFromTca2(filelist) # This is the tmx element fetched from the goldstandard file wantTmx = Tmx(etree.parse(wantTmxFile)) # Instantiate a comparator with the two tmxes comparator = TmxComparator(wantTmx, gotTmx) # Make a fileElement for our results file fileElement = self.testresultWriter.makeFileElement(filelist[0].getBasename(), str(comparator.getLinesInWantedfile()), str(comparator.getNumberOfDifferingLines())) self.setNumberOfDiffLines(comparator.getNumberOfDifferingLines()) # Append the result for this file to the testrun element testrun.append(fileElement) self.writeDiffFiles(comparator, parallelizer, filelist[0].getBasename()) def computeXmlfilename(self, wantTmxFile): """ Compute the name of the xmlfile which should be aligned """ xmlFile = wantTmxFile.replace('tmx/goldstandard/', 'converted/') xmlFile = xmlFile.replace('nob2sme', 'nob') xmlFile = xmlFile.replace('sme2nob', 'sme') xmlFile = xmlFile.replace('.tmx', '.xml') return xmlFile def writeDiffFiles(self, comparator, parallelizer, filename): """ Write diffs to a jspwiki file """ print "writeDiffFiles", filename filename = filename + '_' + self.date + '.jspwiki' dirname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.testresultWriter.getFilename()), 'tca2testing') try: f = open(os.path.join(dirname, filename), "w") except IOError: print "couldn't write file", os.path.join(dirname, filename) sys.exit(4) f.write('!!!' + filename + '\n') f.write("!!TMX diff\n{{{\n") f.writelines(comparator.getDiffAsText()) f.write("\n}}}\n!!" + parallelizer.getLang1() + " diff\n{{{\n") f.writelines(comparator.getLangDiffAsText(parallelizer.getLang1())) f.write("\n}}}\n!!" + parallelizer.getLang2() + " diff\n{{{\n") f.writelines(comparator.getLangDiffAsText(parallelizer.getLang2())) f.write("\n}}}\n") f.close() def findGoldstandardTmxFiles(self): """ Find the goldstandard tmx files, return them as a list """ subp = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(os.environ['GTFREE'], 'prestable/tmx/goldstandard'), '-name', '*.tmx', '-print' ], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) (output, error) = subp.communicate() if subp.returncode != 0: print >>sys.stderr, 'Error when searching for goldstandard docs' print >>sys.stderr, error sys.exit(1) else: files = output.split('\n') return files[:-1] class TmxFixer: """ A class to reverse the langs and change the name of a tmx file if needed Possible errors of a tmx file: * the languages can be in the wrong order * the name is wrong * the file is placed in the wrong lang directory """ def __init__(self, filetofix): """ Input is the file we should consider to fix """ if __name__ == '__main__': # for test in [TestSentenceDivider, TestParallelFile, TestParallelize, TestTmx, TestTmxFromTca2, TestTmxComparator, TestTmxTestDataWriter]: testSuite = unittest.TestSuite() testSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test)) unittest.TextTestRunner().run(testSuite)