// Don't remove but you can change position! // // // ANALYSE // // Word analyzer //Welcome to Oqaasileriffik's word-automat. The analyzer will help you analyse actual words //and it will make the words you want if you feed it with the proper bits of information. //Would you like your tags to be in Danish Greenlandic Linguistic //What word do you want to analyse? // $lang['ANALYSE_title'] = "Word analyzer"; $lang['ANALYSE_salutation'] = "Welcome to Oqaasileriffik's word analyzer. It will help you analyse words into stems and endings."; $lang['ANALYSE_tags'] = "Would you like your tags to be in Danish Greenlandic Linguistic"; $lang['ANALYSE_words'] = "What word do you want to analyse?"; $lang['ANALYSE_submit'] = "Analyse"; $lang['ANALYSE_no_word'] = "No Words Received!"; // // GENERATE // $lang['GENERATE_title'] = "Word generator"; $lang['GENERATE_salutation'] = "Welcome to Oqaasileriffik's word generator. It will make the words you want if you feed it with the proper bits of information.
Remember that
  • number and case are mandatory with nouns
  • mode and subject person are mandatory with intransive verbs
  • mode, subject person, and object person are mandatory with transitive verbs"; // STEP 1 $lang['GENERATE_label_step1'] = "Do you want to build"; $lang['GENERATE_word_class'] = "a noun:a verb:a particle"; $lang['GENERATE_continue'] = "Continue"; // STEP 2 // A NOUN $lang['GENERATE_label_noun'] = "What is the noun in question?"; $lang['GENERATE_label_noun_case'] = "2. Which case do you need?"; $lang['GENERATE_noun_case'] = "Absolutive (+Abs):Relative (+Rel):mut-case (+Trm):mit-case (+Abl):mi-case (+Lok):tut-case (+Aeq):mik-case (+Ins):kut-case (+Via)"; $lang['GENERATE_label_noun_form'] = "3. Do you need your noun in"; $lang['GENERATE_noun_form'] = "singular (+Sg):the plural (+Pl)"; $lang['GENERATE_label_noun_genitive'] = "4. If your noun is somebody's, then who's"; $lang['GENERATE_noun_genitive'] = "my (+1Sg):your (+2Sg):his/her (+3Sg):fourth singular (+4Sg):our (+1Pl):your (+2Pl):their (+3Pl):fourth plural (+4Pl)"; $lang['GENERATE_label_noun_clitic'] = "5. Should a clitic follow your noun?"; $lang['GENERATE_noun_clitic'] = "lu (+LU):lugooq (+LUGOOQ):lumi (+LUMI):li (+LI):lissaaq (+LISSAAQ):ligooq (+LIGOOQ):luunniit (+LUUNNIIT):luunniimmi (+LUUNNIIMMI):una (+UNA):gooq (+GOOQ):gooruna (+GOORUNA):aasiinngooq (+AASIINNGOOQ):aasiit (+AASIIT):mi (+MI):miaasiinngooq (+MIAASIINNGOOQ):miaasiit (+MIAASIIT):migooq (+MIGOOQ):ttaaq (+TTAAQ)"; // END A NOUN // A VERB $lang['GENERATE_label_verb'] = "1. What a wordform of the verb in question. (The automaton will itself isolate the base form necessary for the next steps)"; $lang['GENERATE_label_verb_affix'] = "2. Would you like to add an affix?"; $lang['GENERATE_verb_affix'] = "-niarpoq (+NIAR):-tariaqarpoq (+TARIAQAR):-Tarpoq (+TAR):-nngilaq (+NNGIT):-Taqaaq (+TAQE):-ssaaq (+SSA)"; $lang['GENERATE_label_verb_mood'] = "3. Which mode do you need"; $lang['GENERATE_verb_mood'] = "indicative (+Ind):interrogative (+Int):imperative (+Imp):optative (+Opt):causative (+Cau):conditional (+Con):particip (+Par):infinitive (+Inf):negated infinitive (+InfNeg):iterative (+Ite)"; $lang['GENERATE_label_verb_person'] = "4. Who is the subject?"; $lang['GENERATE_verb_person'] = "I (+1Sg):you (+2Sg):he/she (+3Sg):fourth singular (+4Sg):we (+1Pl):you (+2Pl):they (+3Pl):fourth plural (+4Pl)"; $lang['GENERATE_label_verb_objective'] = "5. In case of a transitive verb the object is"; $lang['GENERATE_verb_objective'] = "me (+1Sg):you (+2Sg):him/her (+3Sg):fourth singular (+4Sg):us (+1Pl):you (+2Pl):them (+3Pl):fourth plural (+4Pl)"; $lang['GENERATE_label_verb_clitic'] = "6. Should a clitic follow your verb?"; $lang['GENERATE_verb_clitic'] = "lu (+LU):lugooq (+LUGOOQ):lumi (+LUMI):li (+LI):lissaaq (+LISSAAQ):ligooq (+LIGOOQ):luunniit (+LUUNNIIT):luunniimmi (+LUUNNIIMMI):una (+UNA):gooq (+GOOQ):gooruna (+GOORUNA):aasiinngooq (+AASIINNGOOQ):aasiit (+AASIIT):mi (+MI):miaasiinngooq (+MIAASIINNGOOQ):miaasiit (+MIAASIIT):migooq (+MIGOOQ):ttaaq (+TTAAQ)"; // END A VERB // A PARTICLE $lang['GENERATE_label_particle'] = "1. What is the particle in question?"; $lang['GENERATE_label_particle_clitic'] = "2. Should a clitic follow your particle?"; $lang['GENERATE_particle_clitic'] = "lu (+LU):lugooq (+LUGOOQ):lumi (+LUMI):li (+LI):lissaaq (+LISSAAQ):ligooq (+LIGOOQ):luunniit (+LUUNNIIT):luunniimmi (+LUUNNIIMMI):una (+UNA):gooq (+GOOQ):gooruna (+GOORUNA):aasiinngooq (+AASIINNGOOQ):aasiit (+AASIIT):mi (+MI):miaasiinngooq (+MIAASIINNGOOQ):miaasiit (+MIAASIIT):migooq (+MIGOOQ):ttaaq (+TTAAQ)"; // END A PARTICLE $lang['GENERATE_submit'] = "Generate"; $lang['GENERATE_no_word'] = "No Words Received!"; // // PARADIGM // $lang['PARADIGM_title'] = "Paradigm generator"; $lang['PARADIGM_salutation'] = "Welcome to Oqaasileriffik's paradigm generator!"; $lang['PARADIGM_tags'] = "Would you like your tags to be in Danish Greenlandic Linguistic"; $lang['PARADIGM_words'] = "What word do you want to use?"; $lang['PARADIGM_label_word_class'] = "
    Is it"; $lang['PARADIGM_word_class'] = "a noun:an intransitive verb:a transitive verb:a pronoun"; $lang['PARADIGM_submit'] = "Create the paradigm"; $lang['PARADIGM_no_word'] = "No words received!"; // // TOOL SELECTION // $lang['TOOLS_selection'] = "I would like to a new word. "; $lang['TOOLS_analyse'] = "analyse"; $lang['TOOLS_generate'] = "generate"; $lang['TOOLS_paradigm'] = "generate a paradigm"; $lang['TOOLS_submit'] = "Go"; // end // ############################################## // Language technology // ############################################## // // // That's all Folks! // ------------------------------------------------- ?>