#Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # # hyph-regressions.txt # This file contains example pairs of known hyphenation bugs. It follows the # same pattern as the regressions.txt files, ie error and correct pattern # separated by a character: # errorcorrect # # The file should be extended with examples of all known bugs we have fixed, # and can be used to ensure that we don't brake any old fixes in new releases. # Also problematic patterns not yet properly handled should get test pairs here. # # It is possible, and encouraged, to add a comment with the relevant bug ID # after each (group of) test case. Comments start with ! or #. If # you start a comment with a bug ID, it will ensure that all test pairs # belonging to one bug is grouped together in the test report. # # For maintenance reasons, and to easier ensure that all bugs are covered by # both negative and positive tests, all test pairs are sorted according to bug # number, and test pairs without a bug number in the beginning. Please add new # test pairs at the proper location (usually at the end of the document). # # Format summary: # # errorcorrection# comment # # sme example: #kon^seart^apr^ogr^ámma kon^sear^ta#pro^grám^ma #468 - Word 2004