Most important/urgent: I WANT THIS UP: Hmm, is it not working? we want penalties for hyphens, they should not be suggested URGENT 894 hyphens or not in compounds - yes, we want them for all words in all langs, but with penalties on the suggs - recompile with penalty on hyphen URGENT 805 Nouns+Acronyms - still broken, Tomi is working on it URGENT 892 noun+Acro without hyphen - duplicate of 805, broken URGENT 893 thomas.omma@samediggi. wowels in compound - how should we resolve this? - a#aa & e#ee - still broken, see 805 Second most important/urgent: 2URGENT 889 number+case - fixed in sma, broken in sme & smj 2URGENT 831 gellie not recognized - gellie added as pron lately - pronoun is ok, numeral is not The least urgent of the urgent bugs: 834 collective numerals - Thomas changed the tags, probably fixed now. Retest after next speller 837 noun+adjective compounds 891 millijovne is not recognized - duplicate of 831 (Numeral not included) Regular bugs, mostly not sma-specific: 595 prefix+name as split comp without hyphen 619 thomas.omma@samediggi.n numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails 621 sjur.moshagen@samediggi hyphen-suggestions resulting in double hyphen 629 a taking part of compound 634 sjur.moshagen@samediggi Prop gen + hyphen + Prop gen 641 numeral+noun compounds 644 cased numeral+numeral compounds 647 numerals+NOUN 648 sjur.moshagen@samediggi unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun 652 sjur.moshagen@samediggi UPPERCASE-typos only get acronym-suggestions 711 numeral compounds and cases 785 does not recognize alphabet-abbr+noun 802 sjur.moshagen@samediggi multi word proper nouns 803 FINJU-/VINJU- words accepted single-handed Tomi's task list: 1. recompile speller lexicon with hyphen penalty, redistribrute installer 2. fix the hyphenated compounds bug (e-ee, noun+acro bug) 3. fix the acro hyphen bug (NRK-nïejte bug) Proper nouns vs. common nouns: we misused an already existing set of PLX flags. The following works: give all Proper Nouns (names etc.) PLX TAG "NeP" instead of "N" (= Noun with subclass 'e' and flag P) add an A flag to every (Proper or common) Noun that can be a left part (or even to all Nouns) Example: if lexicon contains: land NR Lapland NePR davvi NAL Davvi-- NePAL // NB: PLX uses two minuses to encode 1 hard hyphen, which is ugly as well as problematic. The following compounds are now recognized: Davvi-Lapland davviland but not: davviLapland Davvi-land