@string{@ACL-89 = "27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{@ACL-90 = "28th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{@ACL-93 = "31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{@ACL-94 = "32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{@ACL-95 = "33nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{@ACL-96 = "34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{@ACL-97 = "35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{@ACL-00 = "38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{@COLING-88 = "12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-88)"} @string{@COLING-90 = "13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-90)"} @string{@COLING-92 = "14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-92)"} @string{@COLING-94 = "15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-94)"} @string{@COLING-96 = "16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96)"} @string{@COLING-98 = "36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98)"} @string{@EACL-89 = "Fourth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{@EACL-93 = "Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{@NODALIDA99 = "NODALIDA '99. Proceedings from the 12th 'Nordiske datalingvistikkdager'. Trondheim, 9-10 December, 1999. Ed. by Torbjørn Nordgård. Trondheim: Department of Linguistics, NTNU"} @string{@EACL-95 = "Seventh Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{@TMI-92 = "Fourth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation"} @string{@TMI-95 = "Sixth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation"} @string{@uhki = "University of Helsinki"} @string{@pubhki = "Publications of the Department of General Linguistics, University of Helsinki"} @book{Antworth90, author = "Evan L. Antworth", title = "PC-KIMMO: a two-level processor for morphological analysis", series = "Occasional Publications in Academic Computing", volume = "16", publisher = "Summer Institute of Linguistics", address = "Dallas, TX", year = "1990", } @book{Bick00, author = "Bick, Eckhard", title = "The Parsing System ''Palavras'': Automatic Grammatical Analysis of Portuguese in a Constraint Grammar Framework", publisher = "Aarhus University Press", address = "Aarhus", year = "2000", } @book{Bach68, author = "Emmon Bach and Robert T. Harms", title = "Universals in Linguistic Theory", publisher = "Holt, Rinehart & Winston", address = "London", year = "1968", } @inproceedings{Fillmore68, author = "Charles Fillmore", title = "The Case for Case", editor = "Emmon Bach and Robert T. Harms", booktitle = "Universals in Linguistic Theory", pages = "1-88", address = "London", publisher = "Holt, Rinehart & Winston", year = "1970", } @article{Sammallahti02, author = "Pekka Sammallahti", title = "Cealkkaráhkadus ja cealkkalahtut", journal = "Sámi dieđalaš áigečála", volume = "1", pages = "29-58", year = "2002", } @book{Sammallahti05, author = "Pekka Sammallahti", title = "Láidehus sámegiela cealkkaoahpa dutkamii", publisher = "Davvi Girji", address = "Kárášjohka", year = "2005", } @book{Beesley03, author = "Kenneth R. Beesley and Lauri Karttunen", title = "Finite State Morphology", series = "Studies in Computational Linguistics.", publisher = "CSLI Publications", address = "Stanford, California", year = "2003", } @inproceedings{Karlsson90, author = "Fred Karlsson", title = "Constraint Grammar as a framework for parsing running text", booktitle = @COLING-90, pages = "168-173", address = "Helsinki", publisher = "", year = "1990", } @book{Karlsson95, author = "Fred Karlsson and Atro Voutilainen and Juha Heikkilä and Atro Anttila", title = "Constraint Grammar. A Language-Independent System for Parsing Unrestricted Text", series = "Natural Language Processing", publisher = "Mouton de Gruyter", address = "Berlin, New York", year = "1995", } @inproceedings{Karttunen94, author = "Lauri Karttunen", title = "Constructing lexical transducers", booktitle = @COLING-94, pages = "406-411", publisher = "", address = " Kyoto, Japan", year = "1994", } @inproceedings{Karttunen97, author = "Lauri Karttunen", title = "Constructing lexical transducers", booktitle = @COLING-94, pages = "406-411", publisher = "", address = " Kyoto, Japan", year = "1994", } %Karttunen, L., Koskenniemi, K., and Kaplan, R. M. (1987). A compiler for %two-level phonological rules. In Dalrymple, M., Kaplan, R., Karttunen, %L., Koskenniemi, K., Shaio, S., and Wescoat, M., editors, Tools for %Morphological Analysis, volume 87-108 of CSLI Reports, pages 1–61. %Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, %Palo Alto, CA. @article{KarttunenBeesley01, author = "Lauri Karttunen", title = "A Short History of Two-Level Morphology", publisher = "", address = " Kyoto, Japan", year = "2001", } @book{Koskenniemi83, author = "Kimmo Koskenniemi", title = "Two-level Morphology: A General Computational Model for Word-form Production and Generation", series = @pubhki, publisher = @uhki, address = "Helsinki", year = "1983", } @inproceedings{Koskenniemi97, author = "Kimmo Koskenniemi", title = "Representations and Finite-State Components in Natural Language", booktitle = "Finite-State Language Processing", editor = "E. Roche and Y. Schabes", pages = "99-116", series = "Language, speech and communication", publisher = "MIT Press", address = "Massachusetts", year = "1997", } @article{Oflazer00, author = "Kemal Oflazer and Sergei Nirenburg and Marjorie McShane", title = "Bootstrapping Morphological Analyzers by Combining Human Elicitation and Machine Learning", journal = "Computer Engineering Technical Report", volume = "BU-CE-0003", publisher = " Bilkent University", year = "2000", } @inproceedings{Samuelsson97, author = "Christer Samuelsson and Atro Voutilainen", title = "Comparing a Linguistic and a Stochastic Tagger", booktitle = @ACL-97, pages = "", publisher = "", year = "1997", } @book{Tapanainen96, author = "Pasi Tapanainen", title = "The Constraint Grammar Parser CG-2", series = @pubhki, volume = "27", publisher = @uhki, address = "Helsinki", year = "1996", } @article{Trosterud01, author = "Trond Trosterud", title = "Morfologiija rolla s\'ami giellateknologiijas", journal = "S\'ami diedala$\check{s}$ \'aige$\check{c}$\'ala", volume = "3", pages = "100-123", year = "2001", } @inproceedings{Uibo00, author = "Heli Uibo", title = "On Using the Two-level Model as the Basis of Morphological Analysis and Synthesis of Estonian", booktitle = @NODALIDA99, pages = "228-242", year = "2000", } @book{Viks92, author = "{\"U}lle Viks", title = "A concise morphological dictionary of Estonian", publisher = "Eesti keele instituut", address = "Tallinn", year = "1992", } @inproceedings{Karlsson85, author = "Fred Karlsson", title = "Automatic Hyphenation of {F}innish", booktitle = "Computational Morphosyntax, Report on Research 1981-84", series = @pubhki, volume = "13", year = "1985", } @article{Arppe02, author = "Antti Arppe", title = "No single path - Finnish lessons in the commercialisation of language engineering research", journal = "http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/filt/info/articles/arppe-en.shtml", publication = @pubhki, year = "2002", }