! Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages ! Copyright © 2000-2010 The University of Tromsø & the Norwegian Sámi Parliament ! http://giellatekno.uit.no & http://divvun.no ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify ! this file under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License ! is found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. It is ! also available in the file $GTHOME/LICENSE.txt. ! ! Other licensing options are available upon request, please contact ! giellatekno@hum.uit.no or divvun@samediggi.no % substantiv%, <- %+N, % adjektiv%, <- %+A, % adverb%, <- %+Adv, % verb%, <- %+V, % pronomen%, <- %+Pron, % subjunksjon%, <- %+CS, % konjunksjon%, <- %+CC, % adposisjon%, <- %+Adp, % postposisjon%, <- %+Po, % preposisjon%, <- %+Pr, % interjeksjon%, <- %+Interj, % partikkel%, <- %+Pcle, % numeral%, <- %+Num, % eigennamn%, <- %+Prop, % personleg%, <- %+Pers, % demonstrativ%, <- %+Dem, % interrogativ%, <- %+Interr, % refleksiv%, <- %+Refl, % resiprok%, <- %+Recipr, % relativ%, <- %+Rel, % indefinitt%, <- %+Indef, % essiv%, <- %+Ess, % eintal%, <- %+Sg, % fleirtal%, <- %+Pl, % nominativ%, <- %+Nom, % genitiv%, <- %+Gen, % akkusativ%, <- %+Acc, % illativ%, <- %+Ill, % lokativ%, <- %+Loc, % komitativ%, <- %+Com, % possessivsuffiks%,% 1%.p%.eintal%, <- %+PxSg1, % possessivsuffiks%,% 2%.p%.eintal%, <- %+PxSg2, % possessivsuffiks%,% 3%.p%.eintal%, <- %+PxSg3, % possessivsuffiks%,% 1%.p%.total%, <- %+PxDu1, % possessivsuffiks%,% 2%.p%.total%, <- %+PxDu2, % possessivsuffiks%,% 3%.p%.total%, <- %+PxDu3, % possessivsuffiks%,% 1%.p%.fleirtal%, <- %+PxPl1, % possessivsuffiks%,% 2%.p%.fleirtal%, <- %+PxPl2, % possessivsuffiks%,% 3%.p%.fleirtal%, <- %+PxPl3, % komparativ%, <- %+Comp, % superlativ%, <- %+Superl, % aktor%, <- %+Actor, % klitikon%, <- %+Clt, % attributtform%, <- %+Attr, % ordenstal%, <- %+Card, % passiv%, <- %+Pass, % indikativ%, <- %+Ind, % presens%, <- %+Prs, % preteritum%, <- %+Prt, % potensialis%, <- %+Pot, % kondisjonalis%, <- %+Cond, % imperativ%, <- %+Imprt, % 1%.p%.eintal%, <- %+Sg1, % 2%.p%.eintal%, <- %+Sg2, % 3%.p%.eintal%, <- %+Sg3, % 1%.p%.total%, <- %+Du1, % 2%.p%.total%, <- %+Du2, % 3%.p%.total%, <- %+Du3, % 1%.p%.fleirtal%, <- %+Pl1, % 2%.p%.fleirtal%, <- %+Pl2, % 3%.p%.fleirtal%, <- %+Pl3, % infinitiv%, <- %+Inf, % akt%.%, <- %+Act, % gerundium%, <- %+Ger, % negasjonsform%, <- %+ConNeg, % negativ%, <- %+Neg, % imperativ%.II%, <- %+ImprtII, % presens%, <- %+PrsPrc, % perfektum%, <- %+PrfPrc, % supinum%, <- %+Sup, % verbgenitiv%, <- %+VGen, % verbabessiv%, <- %+VAbess, % aktio%, <- %+Actio, % aktor%, <- %+Actor, % fork%.%, <- %+ABBR, % setn%.gr%.%, <- %+CLB, % skiljeteikn%, <- %+PUNCT, % diminutiv%, <- %+Dimin, % affiks%-adda%, <- %+adda, % affiks%-alla%, <- %+alla, % affiks%-d%, <- %+d, % affiks%-eaddji%, <- %+eaddji, % affiks%-eamoš%, <- %+eamoš, % affiks%-eapmi%, <- %+eapmi, % affiks%-g%, <- %+g, % affiks%-geahtes%, <- %+geahtes, % affiks%-h%, <- %+h, % affiks%-asti%, <- %+asti, % affiks%-heapmi%, <- %+heapmi, % affiks%-hudda%, <- %+hudda, % affiks%-huhtti%, <- %+huhtti, % affiks%-huvva%, <- %+huvva, % affiks%-j%, <- %+j, % affiks%-l%, <- %+l, % affiks%-laš%, <- %+laš, % affiks%-ahtti%, <- %+ahtti, % affiks%-š%, <- %+š, % affiks%-meahttun%, <- %+meahttun, % affiks%-muš%, <- %+muš, % affiks%-n%, <- %+n, % affiks%-st%, <- %+st, % affiks%-stuvva%, <- %+stuvva, % affiks%-us%, <- %+us, % affiks%-vuohta%, <- %+vuohta, % affiks%-goahti%, <- %+goahti, % affiks%-lágan%, <- %+lágan ;