#Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # # hyph-regressions.txt # This file contains example pairs of known hyphenation bugs. It follows the # same pattern as the regressions.txt files, ie error and correct pattern # separated by a character: # errorcorrect # # The file should be extended with examples of all known bugs we have fixed, # and can be used to ensure that we don't brake any old fixes in new releases. # Also problematic patterns not yet properly handled should get test pairs here. # # It is possible, and encouraged, to add a comment with the relevant bug ID # after each (group of) test case. Comments start with ! or #. If # you start a comment with a bug ID, it will ensure that all test pairs # belonging to one bug is grouped together in the test report. # # For maintenance reasons, and to easier ensure that all bugs are covered by # both negative and positive tests, all test pairs are sorted according to bug # number, and test pairs without a bug number in the beginning. Please add new # test pairs at the proper location (usually at the end of the document). # # Format summary: # # errorcorrection#comment # viessomg^uhkes vies^som^guh^kes #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds viessomv^uohkáj vies^som^vuoh^káj #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds árvvov^uodo árv^vo^vuo^do #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds väráltá^rbbe vä^rált^árb^be #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds åhpaduso^rganisasjåvnån åh^pa^dus^or^ga^ni^sa^sjåv^nån #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds häjmmad^áfo häjm^ma^dá^fo #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds árbbed^áhpe árb^be^dáh^pe #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds barggov^uogijt barg^go^vuo^gijt #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds rijkad^ajva rij^ka^daj^va #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds javllam^áno javl^la^má^no #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds ássjed^åbdde ás^sje^dåbd^de #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds láhkaá^sadimesa láh^ka^á^sa^di^me^sa #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds giellal^ágajn giel^la^lá^gajn #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds sámeg^iellaj sá^me^giel^laj #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds buorrel^ágásj buor^re^lá^gásj #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds suomag^iella suo^ma^giel^la #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds árbbed^ábálattjat árb^be^dá^bá^lat^tjat #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds láhkat^æksta láh^ka^tæks^ta #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds sierr^aláhkáj sier^ra^láh^káj #545 - bad hyphenation in compounds guos^ski guoss^ki #546 - obligatory hyph rules seem to work in facultative manner rijkalatt^jat rij^ka^lat^tjat #546 - obligatory hyph rules seem to work in facultative manner organisas^jåvnån or^ga^ni^sa^sjåv^nån #546 - obligatory hyph rules seem to work in facultative manner háb^bmidime hább^mi^di^me #546 - obligatory hyph rules seem to work in facultative manner rábmakonvens^jåvnå ráb^ma^kon^ven^sjåv^nå #546 - obligatory hyph rules seem to work in facultative manner árvvalas^stet árv^va^lass^tet #546 - obligatory hyph rules seem to work in facultative manner ássjedåbddejuog^os ás^sje^dåbd^de^juo^gos #547 - hyphen in front of vowel unneplågogiel^ajt un^nep^lå^go^gie^lajt #547 - hyphen in front of vowel láhkaásadim^esa láh^ka^á^sa^di^me^sa #547 - hyphen in front of vowel sierralág^ásj sier^ra^lá^gásj #547 - hyphen in front of vowel orgán^ajs or^gá^najs #547 - hyphen in front of vowel Org^ánajs Or^gá^najs #547 - hyphen in front of vowel biejvveav^ijsav biejv^ve^a^vij^sav #547 - hyphen in front of vowel sámegiell^aj sá^me^giel^laj #547 - hyphen in front of vowel Jienastim^njuolg^adusá Jie^nas^tim#njuol^ga^du^sá #547 - hyphen in front of vowel unneplågogiela^jn un^nep^lå^go^gie^lajn #548 - mid syllable hyphenation ministarjuo^hkusis mi^nis^tar^juoh^ku^sis #548 - mid syllable hyphenation bie^jvveavijsav biejv^ve^a^vij^sav #548 - mid syllable hyphenation gu^osski guoss^ki #548 - mid syllable hyphenation ássjedåbddejuogos ás^sje^dåbd^de^juo^gos #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - ássjedåbd dejuogos Europarádeministarjuogos Eu^ro^pa^rá^de^mi^nis^tar^juo^gos #549 - TYPO: Word divides without hyhpen - Europaráde minista rjuogos - typo, the speller only accepts with a hard hyphen after "ráde" Europaráde-ministarjuogos Eu^ro^pa^rá^de-mi^nis^tar^juo^gos #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - Europaráde minista rjuogos biehtsemáno bieh^tse^má^no #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - biehtsemán o oajvvadusán oajv^va^du^sán #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - oajvvad usán giellalágajn giel^la^lá^gajn #549 - Word divides without hyhpen - giellalá gajn Dussnagiehtje Duss^na^gieh^tje #570 - some proper nouns does not get hyphened Divtasvuodna Div^tas^vuod^na #570 - some proper nouns does not get hyphened Gåhpejávrre Gåh^pe^jávr^re #570 - some proper nouns does not get hyphened Gásluokta Gás^luok^ta #570 - some proper nouns does not get hyphened Helmukvuodna Hel^muk^vuod^na #570 - some proper nouns does not get hyphened Ibboluokta Ib^bo^luok^ta #570 - some proper nouns does not get hyphened Julevædno Ju^lev^æd^no #570 - some proper nouns does not get hyphened Jåhkmåhkke Jåhk^måhk^ke #570 - some proper nouns does not get hyphened Jåkmåhkke Jåk^måhk^ke #570 - some proper nouns does not get hyphened Jåhkåmåhkke Jåh^kå^måhk^ke #570 - some proper nouns does not get hyphened AP-biedniga AP-bied^ni^ga #633 - double hyphens in name/acro/num compounds ANC-gáddjo ANC-gád^djo #633 - double hyphens in name/acro/num compounds 10-bæjvvásattja 10-bæjv^vá^sat^tja #633 - double hyphens in name/acro/num compounds Tullingtoppen-gierge Tul^ling^top^pen-gier^ge #633 - double hyphens in name/acro/num compounds Koskivuori-plánimnævvo Kos^ki^vuo^ri-plá^nim#næv^vo #633 - double hyphens in name/acro/num compounds dábálasjvuodak dá^bá^lasj^vuo^dak #636 - Hyphen in front of single consonant Oarjjelij-Bájddárij Oarj^je^lij-Bájd^dá^rij #670 - Hard hyphen replaced with soft hyphen Norges-gruppenin Nor^ges-grup^pe^nin #670 - Hard hyphen replaced with soft hyphen 10-biejvvásattja 10-biejv^vá^sat^tja #670 - Hard hyphen replaced with soft hyphen báŋŋ^ka^au^to^máh^tajn báŋŋ^ka^au^to^máh^tajn #678 - báŋŋka- not correctly hyphenated