Consistency Check for eng1
for Mávsulasj data

original data from: SMJDictionaryComplexG.xml
transformation based on file: result_SMJDictionaryComplexG.xml
using stylesheet: generatePatterns.xsl
created: 2011-12-19T16:46:45.989+01:00

total number of patterns: 242
in the category eng1
There are 5071 out of 5460 empty cells.

click table headers to sort table by category (default is frequency).

frequency pattern
5071 *empty*
9 broad
6 language researcher
6 diffuse
5 temporary
4 house owner, homeowner
4 one arm, one hand
4 cloth (to a Saami traditional costume)
4 salvation
4 handler
3 fishing industry
3 long-term perspective
3 identical (versus fraternal - twins)
3 summer residence
3 fish farm
3 one-armed
3 two-sided
3 fishing
3 a full cup
3 dark (about skin color, wood, etc.)
3 flies easily
3 broader
3 broadest
3 wide (about clothes, etc.), roomy (about clothes, etc.)
3 suspicion
3 nearer land
3 nearest land
3 reindeer (a male about four years old)
3 to be rescued
3 rescuing
3 average
2 language user
2 grave place
2 homeland
2 nomadic life
2 trial period
2 hand axe
2 twenty ninth
2 middle age
2 husband
2 contact person
2 language motivation, language inspiration
2 language question
2 question period
2 midday
2 spring sun
2 clear sun
2 ant hill
2 language nest
2 cliff
2 fish farmer
2 language worker
2 co-worker
2 floor washing
2 dried meat
2 fisher, fisherman
2 shoe store
2 fish monger, fish seller
2 grain product
2 fish product
2 stone fence, stone barrier
2 summer tire
2 Fisheries Department (in Norway)
2 painter, artist
2 cough medicine
2 Fisheries Department
2 language science, linguistics
2 linguistic
2 linguist
2 literature science
2 flier
2 breadth
2 cheese (made from raw milk)
2 instinctive
2 shoe
2 without shoes
2 to become frightened, to become scared
2 knitting
2 spawning (fish)
2 weave (of synthetic material)
2 to suspect
2 murder, killer
2 murder
2 disbelief
2 to be killed (about several), to be murdered (about several)
2 stomache cramp, stomache ache
2 to be killed, to be murdered
2 rescued
2 tear
2 to urinate, to pee
2 piss rain
2 liquid food (that can be eaten with a spoon)
2 spoonful
2 creature with claws
2 weak
2 lung
2 ending
2 glance
2 case worker
2 handling
1 local news
1 language use
1 spawning time (fish)
1 middle ages
1 mating season (birds)
1 flowering period
1 mating season (cats, dogs, forest creatures)
1 stone age
1 summer time
1 calving time
1 1801
1 publisher
1 camera
1 language department
1 language development
1 broadband
1 bracelet
1 temporarily
1 question hour
1 fang
1 left (political party)
1 on the side toward land
1 one-armed, one-handed
1 center (political party)
1 school of fish, shoal of fish
1 Good Friday
1 summer heat
1 liar
1 urethra
1 fishing place
1 handball
1 salary for caring for goats
1 finders fee
1 coffee pot
1 summer job, summer work
1 house work
1 Orion's belt
1 half finished
1 dried food
1 fish farming
1 unsteady wind
1 cold winter wind
1 church bell
1 lorry, truck
1 racing car
1 wild reindeer hunt
1 storage basket (in a store)
1 fish production
1 large intestine
1 book mobile
1 summer house
1 painting (art)
1 flower bed
1 language area
1 summer plumage (birds)
1 gold medel
1 winter (cold)
1 winter (with deep snow)
1 mid-winter
1 spring-winter
1 bokmål (one of the Norwegian written languages)
1 hoof disease
1 epidemic, contagious disease, virus
1 lung disease
1 language situation, language relationship
1 all together
1 spring flood
1 woman's art/handwork/crafts
1 Sørfjord (in Tysfjord, Norway)
1 house folk, homey, family (that lives in the same house)
1 to sit bent over forward
1 to bent oneself forward
1 bent forward (with head down)
1 backward
1 upside down
1 Saami traditional costume
1 to become broader
1 to float
1 to make broad
1 to make broader
1 feather (long feather on a bird)
1 instinct
1 instinctively
1 gamme, turf hut
1 part of pants (that is covered by shoe ribbon)
1 to put on shoes
1 to darken (about face color, wood, etc.)
1 to frighten (reindeer), to scare (reindeer)
1 to frighten, to scare
1 to spawn (fish)
1 to knit
1 to weave
1 to feel nauseated
1 to avoid
1 suspicious
1 murder (several times)
1 murder (of several)
1 prejudice
1 suspicious, skeptical, unbelieving
1 to begin to become suspicious
1 to approach land
1 along the beach, via the beach
1 land (dry)
1 nearer land (about direction)
1 to murder (one after the other)
1 to murder (several)
1 to mistrust, to disbelieve, to be skeptical
1 reindeer (wild)
1 to die (quickly)
1 to murder, to kill
1 to disbelieve
1 to be killed by, to be murdered by
1 to be killed (one after the other), to be murdered (one after the other)
1 to be suspected
1 to make someone suspected
1 to become crazy (suddenly)
1 yell, scream, howl
1 to yell, to scream, to howl
1 to save
1 to rescue
1 saved
1 rescue
1 to be saved (religious)
1 to be saved
1 to howl (now and again), to yell (now and again)
1 to howl (about several subjects), to yell (about several subjects)
1 reindeer fence
1 urine
1 nail, claw, hoof
1 to eat (with a spoon)
1 to eat (quickly with a spoon)
1 thief, "long fingered"
1 gang
1 unmarked (about reindeer)
1 unmarked
1 to remove, to have removed, to let be removed
1 to remove
1 to disappear, to vanish
1 to miss
1 rent
1 half-way
1 book series