! Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages ! Copyright © 2000-2010 The University of Tromsø & the Norwegian Sámi Parliament ! http://giellatekno.uit.no & http://divvun.no ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify ! this file under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License ! is found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. It is ! also available in the file $GTHOME/LICENSE.txt. ! ! Other licensing options are available upon request, please contact ! giellatekno@hum.uit.no or divvun@samediggi.no ! Pronouns ! ======== ! Pointing to all the pronominal subgroups LEXICON Pronoun Personal ; Demonstrative ; Reflexive ; ! Reciprocal ; Interrogative ; ! Relative ; ! Indefinite ; ! Personal pronouns ! ----------------- LEXICON Personal mun+Pron+Pers+Sg1:mu perspronsg ; tun+Pron+Pers+Sg2:tu perspronsg ; sun+Pron+Pers+Sg3:su perspronsg ; mun+Pron+Pers+Du1:mu persprondu ; tun+Pron+Pers+Du2:tu persprondu ; sun+Pron+Pers+Du3:su persprondu ; mun+Pron+Pers+Pl1:mi perspronpl ; tun+Pron+Pers+Pl2:ti perspronpl ; sun+Pron+Pers+Pl3:si perspronpl ; LEXICON perspronsg +Nom:n K ; +Gen:u K ; +Acc:u K ; +Ill:njin K ; +Loc:st K ; +Loc:ste K ; +Com:in K ; +Com:uin K ; +Abe:uttáá K ; +Ess:nen K ; +Par:đe K ; LEXICON persprondu +Nom:oi K ; +Gen:nnuu K ; +Acc:nnuu K ; +Ill:nnui K ; +Loc:nnust K ; +Com:nnuin K ; +Com:nnuuin K ; !^NG^ +Abe:nnuuttáá K ; +Ess:nnun K ; +Par:nnud K ; LEXICON perspronpl +Nom:j K ; +Gen:i K ; +Acc:j K ; +Ill:jjân K ; +Loc:st K ; +Loc:ste K ; +Com:iguim K ; +Abe:ittáá K ; +Ess:nen K ; +Par:đe K ; ! Demonstrative pronouns ! ---------------------- LEXICON Demonstrative tot+Pron+Dem: TOT ; tuot+Pron+Dem: TUOT ; tot+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ill:toos K ; tuot+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ill:tuos K ; !tot+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ill:tooid K ; LEXICON TOT :to TO-TUO ; :ta TA ; LEXICON TUOT :tuo TO-TUO ; :tye TYE ; LEXICON TO-TUO +Sg+Nom:t K ; +Sg+Gen:n K ; +Sg+Acc:m K ; +Sg+Com:oin K ; +Sg+Com:in K ; +Sg+Abe:nttáá K ; +Pl+Nom:h K ; +Pl+Gen:i K ; +Pl+Ill:id K ; +Pl+Ill:oid K ; +Pl+Com:iguim K ; +Pl+Abe:ittáá K ; LEXICON TA +Sg+Loc:st K ; +Sg+Ess:nen K ; +Sg+Par:đe K ; +Pl+Acc:id K ; +Pl+Loc:in K ; LEXICON TYE +Sg+Loc:st K ; +Sg+Ess:nen K ; +Sg+Par:đe K ; +Pl+Acc:id K ; +Pl+Loc:in K ; ! Reflexive pronouns ! ------------------ LEXICON Reflexive # ; ! Interrogative pronouns ! ---------------------- LEXICON Interrogative mii+Pron+Interr:m MK ; mii+Pron+Interr:moo MK-long ; mii+Pron+Interr:mo MK-short ; mii+Pron+Interr:ma MK-low ; mii+Pron+Interr:ma MK-front ; kii+Pron+Interr:k MK ; kii+Pron+Interr:kiä MK-long ; kii+Pron+Interr:kiä MK-short ; kii+Pron+Interr:kiä MK-low ; kii+Pron+Interr:ke MK-front ; mii+Pron+Interr+Sg+Acc:maid K ; ! The exceptions mii+Pron+Interr+Sg+Acc:mon K ; mii+Pron+Interr+Sg+Com:mooin K ; mii+Pron+Interr+Pl+Acc:mooi K ; !mii+Pron+Interr+Pl+Com:mooiguim K ; ! already in MK-long mii+Pron+Interr+Pl+Abe:mooittáá K ; kii+Pron+Interr+Sg+Acc:kiäm K ; kii+Pron+Interr+Sg+Loc:kest K ; kii+Pron+Interr+Sg+Loc:kiäst K ; kii+Pron+Interr+Pl+Loc:kein K ; kii+Pron+Interr+Pl+Loc:kiäin K ; LEXICON MK +Sg+Nom:ii K ; LEXICON MK-long +Sg+Ill:s K ; +Pl+Ill:id K ; +Pl+Com:iguim K ; +Pl+Abe:ittáá K ; LEXICON MK-short +Sg+Gen:n K ; +Sg+Com:in K ; +Sg+Abe:nttáá K ; +Pl+Nom:h K ; +Pl+Gen:i K ; +Pl+Abe:ittáá K ; LEXICON MK-low +Sg+Loc:st K ; +Pl+Acc:id K ; +Pl+Loc:in K ; LEXICON MK-front +Ess:nen K ; +Par:đe K ; +Pl+Acc:id K ;