! Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages ! Copyright © 2000-2010 The University of Tromsø & the Norwegian Sámi Parliament ! http://giellatekno.uit.no & http://divvun.no ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify ! this file under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License ! is found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. It is ! also available in the file $GTHOME/LICENSE.txt. ! ! Other licensing options are available upon request, please contact ! giellatekno@hum.uit.no or divvun@samediggi.no Multichar_Symbols +A +V +Pred +Attr ! +N +Adv ! +Pron +CS +CC +Adp +Po +Pr +Interj +Pcle ! +Pers +Dem +Interr +Refl +Recipr +Rel +Indef ! +Sg +Pl +Nom +Gen +Acc +Ill +Ine +Ela +Com +Ess +Par +Abe ! +PxSg1 +PxSg2 +PxSg3 +PxDu1 +PxDu2 +PxDu3 +PxPl1 +PxPl2 +PxPl3 ! +Comp +Superl +Actor ! +Clt ! +Pass +Ind +Prs +Prt +Pot +Cond +Imprt +ImprtII +Sup ! +Sg1 +Sg2 +Sg3 +Du1 +Du2 +Du3 +Pl1 +Pl2 +Pl3 ! +Inf +Act +Ger +GerII +ConNeg +Neg +PrsPrc +PrfPrc +VGen +VAbess ! +Prop +Ani +Mal +Fem +Sur +Plc +Org +Obj ! Semantic properties of names ! +CLB +PUNCT +HYPH +PAR ! č đ ǧ ǩ n1 ŧ š ǯ ž ! ǥ m2 n2 h2 ! b3 d3 g3 m3 h3 ! ^P3 ! elaine-type diacritic ! %^VOWSH %^1VOW %^2VOW %^3VOW %^4VOW %^5VOW !vowel position and length ! X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 ! Ǯ Ʒ Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 ! Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 ! ================================================= ! Basic lexica, pointing to the other lexicon files ! ================================================= LEXICON Root AdjectiveRoot ; NounRoot ; ProperNoun ; VerbRoot ; ! Adverb ; ! Particle ; Subjunction ; Conjunction ; ! Adposition ; !! Postposition ; !! Preposition ; Interjection ; Pronoun ; Numeral ; Punctuation ; ! =========================== ! Sublexica for AdjectiveRoot ! =========================== ! AdjClass1 suffixes STR-âd (pred) / STR_PAL-es (attr) ! ------- LEXICON A1 +A+Pred:‚d # ; ! AdjClass2 suffixes WK-âs (pred) / STR-Ø (attr) ! ------- LEXICON A2 #; ! AdjClass3 suffixes STR-Ø (pred) / WK-es (attr) ! ------- LEXICON A3 #; ! Comparation ! ----------- ! Comparative ! ----------- ! Superlative ! ----------- ! ====================== ! Sublexica for NounRoot ! ====================== ! Temporary lexicon for the oahpa words LEXICON n +N+Sg+Nom: K ; ! Even-syllable stems ! ------------------- ! 2syll stems ! - - - - - - ! 4syll stems ! - - - - - - ! Nominal substems ! - - - - - - - - ! Odd-syllable stems ! ------------------ ! Odd-syllable stems, sublexica ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! Contracted stems ! ---------------- ! ====================== ! Sublexica for VerbRoot ! ====================== ! Even-syllable stems ! ------------------- LEXICON VIQQAD +V+Inf:‚d # ; +V+Ind+Prs: VS-I ; LEXICON TEEVVAD +V+Ind+Prs: VSUF-IA-PRS ; +V+Ind+Prt: VSUF-IA-PRT ; +V+Imp: VSUF-IA-IMP ; +V:X3 VSUF-I-POTKOND ; !WG +V+Pot+Sg3:X3až FINAL1 ; !WG +V+Inf:ad # ; +V+Ger:men # ; +V+Aktio:am # ; +V+VAbess:X3kâni # ; !WG LEXICON POORRÂD +V+Ind+Prs: VSUF-IÂ-PRS ; +V+Ind+Prt: VSUF-IÂ-PRT ; +V+Imp: VSUF-IÂ-IMP ; +V:X3 VSUF-I-POTKOND ; !WG +V+Pot+Sg3:X3âž FINAL1 ; !WG +V+Inf:âd # ; +V+Ger:men # ; +V+Aktio:âm # ; +V+VAbess:X3kâni # ; !WG LEXICON TIETTED +V+Ind+Prs: VSUF-IE-PRS ; +V+Ind+Prt: VSUF-IE-PRT ; +V+Imp: VSUF-IE-IMP ; +V:X3 VSUF-I-POTKOND ; !WG +V+Pot+Sg3:X3ež FINAL1 ; !WG +V+Inf:%^5VOWed # ; +V+Ger:men # ; +V+Aktio:em # ; +V+VAbess:X3kâni # ; !WG ! Odd-syllable stems ! ------------------ ! Contracted stems ! ---------------- ! Intermediate suffix lexica ! -------------------------- ! Final suffix lexica ! ------------------- ! Suffix series I ! - - - - - - - - LEXICON VS-I +Sg1:am # ; +Sg2:ak # ; +Sg3:^P3 # ; +Pl1:‚p # ; +Pl2:ve`ted # ; +Pl3:e^P3 # ; ! Present tense ! - - - - - - - - LEXICON VSUF-IA-PRS +Sg1:X3am FINAL1 ; !WG +Sg2:X3ak FINAL1 ; !WG +Sg3: FINAL1 ; +Pl1:ap FINAL1 ; +Pl2:ve,ted FINAL1 ; +Pl3:%^VOWSHa FINAL1 ; ! epämääräinen pers. !WG LEXICON VSUF-IÂ-PRS +Sg1:X3am FINAL1 ; !WG +Sg2:X3ak FINAL1 ; !WG +Sg3:%^1VOW FINAL1 ; +Pl1:âp FINAL1 ; +Pl2:ve,ted FINAL1 ; +Pl3:%^4VOWe FINAL1 ; ! epämääräinen pers. !WG LEXICON VSUF-IE-PRS +Sg1:X3%^1VOWam FINAL1 ; !WG +Sg2:X3%^1VOWak FINAL1 ; !WG +Sg3:%^1VOW FINAL1 ; +Pl1:ep FINAL1 ; +Pl2:ve,ted FINAL1 ; +Pl3:%^4VOWe FINAL1 ; ! epämääräinen pers. !WG ! Past tense ! - - - - - - - - LEXICON VSUF-IA-PRT +Sg1:%^2VOWum FINAL1 ; !đđ>dd +Sg2:%^2VOWuk FINAL1 ; !đđ>dd +Sg3:X3ai FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl1:X3aim FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl2:X3aid FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl3:%^2VOWu FINAL1 ; ! epämääräinen pers. LEXICON VSUF-IÂ-PRT +Sg1:%^3VOWem FINAL1 ; +Sg2:%^3VOWiǩ FINAL1 ; +Sg3:X3i FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl1:X3im FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl2:X3id FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl3:%^3VOWe FINAL1 ; ! epämääräinen pers. LEXICON VSUF-IE-PRT +Sg1:%^3VOWem FINAL1 ; +Sg2:%^3VOWiǩ FINAL1 ; +Sg3:X3%^3VOWi FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl1:X3%^3VOWim FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl2:X3%^3VOWid FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl3:%^3VOWe FINAL1 ; ! epämääräinen pers. ! Imperative ! - - - - - - - LEXICON VSUF-IA-IMP +Sg2:X3 FINAL1 ; !WG +Sg3:X3as FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl1:ap FINAL1 ; +Pl2:ad FINAL1 ; +Pl3:%^VOWSHaz FINAL1 ; LEXICON VSUF-IÂ-IMP +Sg2:X3 FINAL1 ; !WG +Sg3:X3%^1VOWas FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl1:âp FINAL1 ; +Pl2:âd FINAL1 ; +Pl3:%^1VOWaz FINAL1 ; !%^VOWSH also ?? LEXICON VSUF-IE-IMP +Sg2:X3 FINAL1 ; !WG +Sg3:X3%^1VOWas FINAL1 ; !WG +Pl1:ep FINAL1 ; +Pl2:ed FINAL1 ; +Pl3:%^1VOWaz FINAL1 ; ! Potentialis & Konditionalis ! not including +Pot+Sg3 ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON VSUF-I-POTKOND +Pot+Sg1:žem FINAL1 ; +Pot+Sg2:žiǩ FINAL1 ; +Pot+Pl1:žep FINAL1 ; +Pot+Pl2:žid FINAL1 ; +Pot+Pl3:že FINAL1 ; ! epäm. pot. +Cond+Sg1:čem FINAL1 ; +Cond+Sg2:čiǩ FINAL1 ; +Cond+Sg3:či FINAL1 ; +Cond+Pl1:čep FINAL1 ; +Cond+Pl2:čid FINAL1 ; +Cond+Pl3:če FINAL1 ; ! epäm. cond. ! Suffix series II ! - - - - - - - - ! Other series ! - - - - - - ! Auxiliary verbs ! --------------- ! Sublexica for possessive suffixes ! ================================= LEXICON K # ; ! +Clt:clitic # ; ! Final lexicon ! ============= LEXICON FINAL1 # ;