Test diary for the Northern Sámi rule and lexicon files

This document is not for error reports (they are found in the files docu-lexicon.html and docu-twolrules.html. Rather, what is found here is an overview of what is tested and what is not tested, and the goal is to avoid duplicate testing, and to ensure that the whole grammar is tested.

Test plan

Not written, but should contain both a systematic and a random part, and involve other persons as well.

Grammatical testing:

Lexical testing:

The parser should be made accessible to testers via the web. As soon as the whole lexicon is included, a plan should be made to run texts.

November 2001

The files all-smeX.save and twolrules-saame.txt are tested. The files represent the improved versions of Pekka's first files, i.e. before the verbs and closed classes were included.


All noun paradigms in Nickel are checked, and everything is OK, except the CG pattern for "ren1ko". Tested: the ijt.save version.

The CG pattern xy:xyy (biila:biilla) has been systematically tested, and appr. 6 patterns do not work. Cf. the lexicon documentation file. TODO: Test all CG patterns.

Trond Trosterud
Last modified: Sun Nov 18 12:25:22 CET 2001