Southern Sámi verb morphology


This page describes the verb morphology, one table for each Umlaut column. In each table, each form is listed for each verb type, and finally a list of tentative underlying forms for the inflectional endings.

One general remark should be made here: It looks like the verb types for even-syllable verbs are corresponding to the different Umlaut rows, with the single difference that Umlaut row 2 corresponds to verb type III, and vice versa. Except for Umlaut Column 7, there is no difference between the two rows, so in practice this has very little significance. The difference is mainly to be seen in the vocality of the inflectional endings. To make the order of the second syllable vowels be the same as in the Umlaut table, I have swapped type II and III in the tables below. This is clearly shown in the titles.

I have also included two productive derivations that cause Umlaut.

Umlaut column 1

The Umlaut column goes like this (verb type in parenthesis):
i (I), ¾ (III), ¾ (II), • (IV), y (V), i (VI).

Forms Uneven Even I Even III Even II Even IV Even V Even VI Underlying form of ending Comments
Inf bissiestidh bissedh f¾nkedh b¾svodh b•ssedh lyjhkedh milkedh
Present tense
1Sg bissestem b¾ssam f¾nkam b¾svoem b•ssem lyjhkem milkem
2Sg bissesth b¾ssah f¾nkah b¾svoeh b•ssh lyjhkh milkh
3Sg bisseste b¾ssa f¾nkoe bysve b¾ssa lyjhkoe milkie
1Du bissiestien bissien f¾nkan
b¾svoen bissien lyjhkoen milkien
2Du bissiestidien bisseden f¾nkeden b¾svoden b•sseden lyjhkeden milkeden
3Du bissiest¾gan bissiej¾gan f¾nkaj¾gan b¾svoej¾gan b•ssij¾gan lyjhkij¾gan milkij¾gan
1Pl bissiestibie bissebe f¾nkebe b¾svobe b•ssebe lyjhkebe milkebe
2Pl bissiestidie bissede f¾nkede b¾svode b•ssede lyjhkede milkede
3Pl bissiestieh bissieh f¾nkah
b¾svoeh bissieh lyjhkoeh milkieh
Past tense
1Sg bissiestim bissim
f¾nkajim b¾svoejim b•ssim lyjhkim milkim
2Sg bissiestih bissih
f¾nkajih b¾svoejih b•ssih lyjhkih milkih
3Sg bissiesti
b•ssi lyjhki milki
1Du bissiestimen bissimen
f¾nkajimen b¾svoejimen b•ssimen lyjhkimen milkimen
2Du bissiestiden bissiden
f¾nkajiden b¾svoejiden b•ssiden lyjhkiden milkiden
3Du bissiestigan bissigan
f¾nkajigan b¾svoejigan b•ssigan lyjhkigan milkigan
1Pl bissiestimh bissimh
f¾nkajimh b¾svoejimh b•ssimh lyjhkimh milkimh
2Pl bissiestidh bissidh
f¾nkajidh b¾svoejidh b•ssidh lyjhkidh milkidh
3Pl bissiestin bissin
f¾nkajin b¾svoejin b•ssin lyjhkin milkin
2Sg bissesth bissieh f¾nkah b¾svoeh b•ssh lyjhkh milkh
2Du bissiestidien bisseden f¾nkeden b¾svoden b•sseden lyjhkeden milkeden
2Pl bissiestidie bissede f¾nkede b¾svode b•ssede lyjhkede milkede
Infinite forms
Neg bissesth bissieh f¾nkah b¾svoeh b•ssh lyjhkh milkh
Ger bissesteminie bissieminie f¾nkaminie b¾svoeminie b•sseminie lyjhkeminie milkeminie
Ptc bissiestamme b¾sseme f¾nkeme bysveme b•sseme lyjhkeme milkeme
VGen(?3) bissesten bissien f¾nkan(?1) b¾svoen b•ssen(?1) lyjhken(?2) milken(?2)
Nom. ag. bissiest¾jja bissije(?2) f¾nkeje(?2) b¾svoje b•sseje(?2) lyjhkeje(?2) milkeje(?2)
Nom. act. bissiestimmie bisseme(?2) f¾nkeme(?2) b¾svome b•sseme(?2) lyjhkeme(?2) milkeme(?2)
Rough translations of stems, Engl. (Norw.)
Transl. steak a little (steika litt) steak (steika) be delayed (bli opphalde, seinka) punish (straffa) wash (vaska) like, love (lika, vera glad i) grass and x down (beita av og trampa ned)

Notes and open issues:

The form is not yet verified
The second vowel needs to be double checked, could be different
Grammar ¤ 62

Umlaut column 2

(some initial remarks?)

Umlaut column 3

(some initial remarks?)

Umlaut column 4

(some initial remarks?)

Umlaut column 5

(some initial remarks?)

Umlaut column 6

(some initial remarks?)

Umlaut column 7

(some initial remarks?)

Sjur N. Moshagen