CVS administration

As part of the installation routine, every new user is assigned to the group "cvs". Add the new user to the group cvs.

Run the command

cvs -d /usr/local/cvs/repository/ co gt

(This might work for the user, without root privileges, I am not sure). What does work is the following:

Be root. Go to the home directory of the new user. Write "cvs get gt".

Cf. Eero's explanation:

[root@gitek cvsrep]# groups sjur
sjur : sjur
Aha. Sjur ei ole ryhmässä lingsoft, jolla on oikeudet gt-hakemistoon.

[root@gitek cvsrep]# groups kristin
kristin : kristin
[root@gitek cvsrep]# /usr/sbin/usermod -G lingsoft kristin
[root@gitek cvsrep]# groups kristin
kristin : kristin lingsoft

Nyt pitäisi toimia:

[root@gitek cvsrep]# su -l sjur
[sjur@gitek sjur]$ cvs get gt
cvs checkout: Updating gt
cvs checkout: Updating gt/doc
U gt/doc/book.pdf_1.pdf

Jep, toimii. Nyt Kristinin pitäisi saada tiedostot ulos komentamalla
cvs get gt

This is a command that perhaps is irrelevant?

[root@gitek cvsrep]# ls -lart gt
drwxrwsr-x   10 trond    lingsoft     4096 feb 15 17:42 gt

Eero Taipale
Last modified: Fri Feb 21 09:59:36 GMT 2003