#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # preprocess # Perl-script for text preprocessing # - Cuts text into sentences and sentences into words (tokens). # - Reads plain text from STDIN and outputs # a list of words separated by newline. # # An abbreviation file may be given as input parameter --abbr, # the file has special syntax and the usage is connected # to other s�mi tools. # # $Id$ # Use the local character class. # It means that variable \w contains Latin-1 alphabet. use locale; # permit named arguments use Getopt::Long; my @words; my %abbrs; my $TRAB="TRAB"; my $ITRAB="ITRAB"; my $TRNUMAB="TRNUMAB"; my $IDIOM="IDIOM"; # Max size of a multi-word expression. my $MULTIWORD_SIZE = 3; # General punctuation, not much used variable. my $PUNCT = quotemeta("|{}[]()$.*?!,;:'\.\"%"); # Punctuation marks that are always their own tokens, # whether word or numeral expression. # There are characters added to this list depending on if # the processed string is word or numeral. my $SEPARATE_PUNCT = quotemeta("|{}[]()��?!;,'`\""); # Regex for tokens that nevertheless contain punctuation that # is specified in variable $SEPARATE_PUNCT. my $CONTAIN_PUNCT = 'ja\/dahje|http|:\/\/|km\/h'; my $abbr_file; my $help=0; my $verbose=0; GetOptions ("abbr=s" => \$abbr_file, "help" => \$help, "v" => \$verbose) ; if ($help) { &print_usage; exit; } # If the abbreviation file is given, # read the abbreviations from the file to a hash. if ($abbr_file) { &read_abbr (\%abbrs); } sub verbose { my ($from, $word, $linenumber) = @_; if (!$verbose) { return; } print "[$from:$linenumber] $word\n"; } # read one paragraph at the time. # the paragraph ends with two subsequent newlines. $/ = ""; while (<>) { chomp; # join hyphenated words separated by newline. Check this! s/\w\-\n/\-/g; # split the sentence by space. my @words = split (/[\s]+/, $_) ; while (@words) { my $word = shift (@words) ; # An array for storing the tokens, each token in its own slot. my @tokens; # store punctuation from the front of the expression # to the tokens array. (todo: check variable $CONTAIN_PUNCT) if ($word =~ s/^([$SEPARATE_PUNCT]+)//) { push (@tokens, split(/ */, $1)); } # Examine the type of the string. If the expression contains # alphabetical characters optionally preceded by one non-alphabetic # character, it is a word. if ($word =~ /^[\W]?[^\W\d]+.*/) { process_word ($word, \@words, \@tokens); } # Otherwise it is processed like numeral. elsif ($word) { process_numeral ($word, \@words, \@tokens); } for my $token (@tokens) { print "$token\n" unless (! $token); } } } sub process_word { my ($word, $words_aref, $tokens_aref) = @_; # variable for storing all the punctuation at the end of the word. # except dot (for abbreviations) and some other punct. if needed my $end_punct; # the variable storing dot and the possible some other punct. my $rest_punct; # Test for multiword expression. test_idiom(\$word, $words_aref, $MULTIWORD_SIZE); my $end_num; if ($word =~ /\.(\d+\.?)$/){ $word =~ s/(\d+\.?)$//; $end_num = $1; } # Store the punctuation at the end of the string to a variable if ($word =~ s/([+=%:$SEPARATE_PUNCT]+)$//) { $end_punct = $1 } # Cut the word into tokens if there is punctuation in the middle. # e.g. gielddat/guovllut # Check for expressions in $CONTAIN_PUNCT -variable. if ($word !~ /$CONTAIN_PUNCT/ && (my @parts = split (/([+=%$SEPARATE_PUNCT\/])/, $word))) { my $i; for ($i=0; $i < $#parts; $i++) { push (@{$tokens_aref}, $parts[$i]); } # Process the last part further, it may start with punctuation # that is separate token. $word = $parts[$i]; if ($word =~ s/^([$PUNCT])//) { push (@{$tokens_aref}, $1); } if (!$word) { push (@{$tokens_aref}, split(/ */, $end_punct)); return; } } # If the punctuation at the end contains a sentence delimiter # ? or !, the word ends the sentence in any case, so the word can # be treated as a token. if ($end_punct =~ /[\?\!\.]/) { push (@{$tokens_aref}, $word); } # Otherwise # the word is checked for abbreviation and sentence boundary. elsif (! test_abbr($word, $words_aref->[0], $tokens_aref)) { # If the word was not an abbreviation, the rest # of the punctuation is removed and stored as separate tokens. # This operation is for taking the dot out. if ($word =~ s/([$SEPARATE_PUNCT\.:]+)$//) { $rest_punct = $1; } push (@{$tokens_aref}, $word); push (@{$tokens_aref}, split(/ */, $rest_punct)); } push (@{$tokens_aref}, $end_num); push (@{$tokens_aref}, split(/ */, $end_punct)); } sub test_abbr { my ($word, $next_word, $tokens_aref) = @_; my $abbr = $word; if (! ($abbr =~ s/\.$//)) { return 0; } # Transitive abbreviations are never followed # by sentence boundary. if (exists $abbrs{$TRAB}{$abbr}) { push (@{$tokens_aref}, $word); return 1; } # There is a sentence boundary if the abbreviation # is followed by other than number or non-alphabetic char. # Is this necessary? elsif (exists $abbrs{$TRNUMAB}{$abbr}) { push (@{$tokens_aref}, $word); if ($next_word !~ /^[0-9]/ ) { push (@{$tokens_aref}, "."); } return 1; } # There is a sentence boundary if intransitive abbreviation # is NOT followed by a small alphabetic char. elsif (exists $abbrs{$ITRAB}{$abbr}) { push (@{$tokens_aref}, $word); if ($next_word !~ /^[[:lower:]]/o) { push (@{$tokens_aref}, "."); } return 1; } # Check for abbreviation with 2-3 capital letters # If followed by a capital letter or number, # There is a sentence boundary. todo: Remove this as irrelevant!! elsif ($abbr =~ /^[[:upper:]1]{2,3}$/o ) { if ($next_word !~ /^[[:lower:]]/ ) { push (@{$tokens_aref}, $abbr); push (@{$tokens_aref}, "."); } else { push (@{$tokens_aref}, $word); } return 1; } return 0; } # If the word starts an multiword expression, it is replaced # with the expression. The other parts are # removed from the words array. sub test_idiom { my ($word_ref, $words_aref, $size) = @_; my $token = $$word_ref; # Test for multiword expressions by growing the token # one word at a time my $i=0; while ($i < $size && $words_aref->[$i]) { $token = $token . " " . $words_aref->[$i]; # Remove the punctuation at the end of the expression. (my $token_2 = $token) =~ s/[^\w]*$//; # Test if the formed multiword expression exists in the # idiom list. Test also lower case version. if (exists $abbrs{$IDIOM}{$token_2} || exists $abbrs{$IDIOM}{lcfirst($token_2)} ) { for (my $j=0; $j <= $i; $j++) { # Construct the new multiword processing unit. # Remove the parts of the multiword expression from # the word array. $$word_ref = $$word_ref . " " . $words_aref->[0]; shift @{$words_aref}; } } $i++; } } sub process_numeral { my ($word, $words_aref, $tokens_aref) = @_; # Punctuation that connects two or more numerals # into one numeral expressions. my $NUM_PUNCT=quotemeta("-+*=/"); # Combine punctuation with numeral if followed by other numeral. # cases like 123- 456 and 123 -456 and 123 456 and 123 - 456 while (($word =~ /^[\d$NUM_PUNCT ]+$/) && ($words_aref->[0] =~ /^[\d$NUM_PUNCT ]+$/)) { $word = $word . " " . $words_aref->[0]; shift @{$words_aref}; } # Combine percent sign to the numeral when separate. # covers cases like: 50 % if (($word =~ /\d$/) && ($words_aref->[0] =~ /^\%/)) { $word = $word . " " . $words_aref->[0]; shift @{$words_aref}; } verbose ("process_numeral", $word, __LINE__); # Clean first the end of the token, where punctuation follows # the numeral or an ordinal and does not belong to the expression. # cases like: 123! and 123.), 123). 10,-. # problem: 123.? and 123 is an ordinal. my $end_punct; if ($word =~ s/([$SEPARATE_PUNCT:]+\.?)$//){ $end_punct = $1; } if ($word =~ /([$SEPARATE_PUNCT:\-\%]+\.?)$/){ $word =~ s/(\.?)$//; $end_punct = $1; } verbose ("process_numeral", $word, __LINE__); # Check if there is an abbreviation or a word attached to # numeral. my $end_word; if ($word =~ /\.([A-Za-z]+\.?)$/){ $word =~ s/([A-Za-z]+\.?)$//; $end_word = $1; } verbose ("process_numeral/end_word", $word, __LINE__); verbose ("process_numeral/abbr", $word, __LINE__); my $rest_punct; # Check for ending dot, it is a separate token if # the following word starts with capital letter. Or if there is # case ending. If there is an abbreviation with numeral, don't # do checking. # Otherwise belongs to the expression. if (!defined $end_word) { if ((($words_aref->[0] !~ /^[[:lower:]\d]/o) && ($word =~ s/(\.)$// )) || ($word =~ s/(:\w+)(\.)/$1/)) { $end_punct = "." . $end_punct; verbose ("process_numeral/ending dot", $word, __LINE__); # Clean the rest of the token: # cases like 123). where dot is preceded by punctuation. if ($word =~ s/([$SEPARATE_PUNCT:]+)$//) { $rest_punct = $1; } } } verbose ("process_numeral", $word, __LINE__); # Push everything to the tokens array. push (@{$tokens_aref}, $word); push (@{$tokens_aref}, split(/ */, $rest_punct)); push (@{$tokens_aref}, split(/ */, $end_punct)); if (defined ($end_word)){ process_word ($end_word, $words_aref, $tokens_aref); } } sub read_abbr { my ($abbr_href) = @_; local $/="\n"; # The filename may contain a tilde ~ # Expand the filename manually $abbr_file =~ s{^~([^/])*} { $1 ? (getpwnam($1))[7] : ($ENV{HOME} || (getpwuid($>))[7] ) }ex; open LEX, "< $abbr_file" or die "Cant open the file: $!\n"; my $current; while () { chomp; if (/^LEXICON (.*)$/) { $current = $1; next; } $$abbr_href{$current}{$_} = 1; } close LEX; } sub print_usage { print "Usage: preprocess --abbr=\n"; print "Split text into sentences and words.\n" }