Multichar_Symbols +N +Sg +Pl +Nom +Acc +Gen +Ine +Ela +Ill +Com +Ess +PxSg1 +PxSg2 +PxSg3 +PxDu1 +PxDu2 +PxDu3 +PxPl1 +PxPl2 +PxPl3 +V +Prs +Prt +Sg1 +Sg2 +Sg3 +Du1 +Du2 +Du3 +Pl1 +Pl2 +Pl3 +Inf +Neg +VGen +Ger +Ptc +Ind +Imp +ImpII !Den siste berre nektingsverbet ! Berre hjelpeverbet/nektingsverbet (Pot. for andre V?): +Pot +Cond ! +Opt (Hasselbrink 48.3.I, 48.14, 48.15, 48.21) ! Frå nordsamisk: ! +Actor +Clt +A +Comp +Superl +Attr +Pron +Pers +Dem +Adp +Po +Adv +Interj +CS +CC +Pcle +CLB A1 A2 A3 A4 E1 I1 I2 I3 I4 O1 O2 U1 U2 Æ Å1 Å2 Å3 Å4 D1 X2 ! ================ ! The root lexicon ! ================ LEXICON Root 0:# Noun ; 0:# ProperNoun ; 0:# Verb ; 0:# Pronoun ; 0:# Adverb ; 0:# Subjunction ; 0:# Conjunction ; 0:# Particle ; 0:# Adposition ; 0:# Punctuation ; 0:# Interjection ; ! ============================ ! Nominal inflection sublexica ! ============================ ! Inflection for nouns ending in '-ie' ! ------------------------------------ LEXICON N_IE +N+Sg+Ill:%>A1n FINAL1 ; ! Special Ill +N+Ess:%>inI1 FINAL1 ; ! Special Ess +N: J-LESS-CASE ; ! cases without -i/j- +N: I-CLASS ; ! cases with -i- ! Inflection for nouns ending in oe ! --------------------------------- LEXICON N_OE +N+Sg+Ill:%>A1sD1e FINAL1 ; ! Causes Umlaut +N+Sg+Ill:%>se FINAL1 ; ! does NOT cause Umlaut +N+Ess:%>jnI1 FINAL1 ; ! cases without -i/j- +N: J-LESS-CASE ; ! cases with -j- +N: J-CLASS ; ! Inflection for all other nouns ! ------------------------------ LEXICON N_OTHERS +N+Sg+Ill:%>A1sD1e FINAL1 ; ! Special Ill +N+Sg+Ess:%>inI1 FINAL1 ; ! Special Ess +N: J-LESS-CASE ; ! cases without -i/j- +N: I-CLASS ; ! cases with -i- ! Sublexica to handle the i/j difference between oe nouns and other ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- LEXICON I-CLASS +Pl+Ela:%>ijstI1 FINAL1 ; ! Ela has -iste :%>i IJ-CASE ; ! others have -ine etc. LEXICON J-CLASS +Pl+Ela:%>jstI1 FINAL1 ; ! Ela has -ijste :%>j IJ-CASE ; ! others have -jne etc. ! Remaining grammatical case lexica for the nouns ! =============================================== LEXICON J-LESS-CASE +Sg+Nom:0 FINAL1 ; +Sg+Acc:%>m FINAL1 ; +Sg+Gen:%>n FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ine:%>snI1 FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ela:%>stI1 FINAL1 ; +Pl+Nom:%>h FINAL1 ; +Pl+Gen:%>I3 FINAL1 ; +Pl+Com:%>I3+gujmie FINAL1 ; LEXICON IJ-CASE +Sg+Com:nI1 FINAL1 ; +Pl+Acc:dI1 FINAL1 ; +Pl+Ill:dI1 FINAL1 ; +Pl+Ine:nI1 FINAL1 ; ! =========================== ! Verbal inflection sublexica ! =========================== ! The auxiliaries ! =============== LEXICON LEA +Ind+Prs:l LEA-PRES ; +Ind+Prt:l LEA-PRET ; LEXICON LEA-PRES +Sg1:eam FINAL1 ; +Sg2:eah FINAL1 ; +Sg3:ea FINAL1 ; +Du1:ean FINAL1 ; +Du2:idien FINAL1 ; +Du3:ægan FINAL1 ; +Pl1:ibie FINAL1 ; +Pl2:idie FINAL1 ; +Pl3:eah FINAL1 ; LEXICON LEA-PRET +Sg1:im FINAL1 ; +Sg2:ih FINAL1 ; +Sg3:ij FINAL1 ; +Du1:imen FINAL1 ; +Du2:iden FINAL1 ; +Du3:igan FINAL1 ; +Pl1:imh FINAL1 ; +Pl2:idh FINAL1 ; +Pl3:in FINAL1 ; ! The negative verb ! ================= LEXICON NEG +Ind+Prs: IJ-PRES ; +Ind+Prt:idtj VSUF-PRT ; LEXICON IJ-PRES +Sg1:im FINAL1 ; +Sg2:ih FINAL1 ; +Sg3:ij FINAL1 ; +Du1:ean FINAL1 ; +Du2:idien FINAL1 ; +Du3:eakan FINAL1 ; +Pl1:ibie FINAL1 ; +Pl2:idie FINAL1 ; +Pl3:eah FINAL1 ; ! Odd-syllable verbs ! ================== LEXICON DÅERIEDIDH ! Finite forms ! ------------ +V+Ind+Prs: VSUF-PRS ; +V+Ind+Prt: VSUF-PRT ; ! Infinite forms ! -------------- +V+Inf:%>0dh FINAL1 ; +V+VGen:%>minie FINAL1 ; ! GH Modalis, KB måtesform ! GH Voluntativ +V+Act:%>me FINAL1 ; ! GH verbalsubst, KB nomen actionis +V+Ger:%>minie FINAL1 ; +V+PrsPrc:%>ije FINAL1 ; ! muzt go to nominal lexicon instead ! Ptz.Fut b'ïssejässaa +V+PrtPrc:%>me FINAL1 ; +V+ConNeg:%> FINAL1 ; +V+VAbess:%> FINAL1 ; ! Even-syllable verbs ! =================== LEXICON BÅETEDH ! row A +V+Prs: V-I-PRS-SG ; ! class I special +V+Prs: V-PRS-DUPL ; +V+Prt:j VSUF-PRT ; +V+Inf:%>dh FINAL1 ; +V+Ger:%>minI1 FINAL1 ; +V+PrtPrc:%>me FINAL1 ; +V+ConNeg:%>0h FINAL1 ; ! row F trigger for Umlaut Prt LEXICON TJEARODH ! row C +V+Prs: V-II-PRS-SG ; ! class II special +V+Prs: V-PRS-DUPL ; +V+Prt:j VSUF-PRT ; LEXICON GUARKEDH ! row B +V+Prs: V-III-PRS-SG ; ! class III special +V+Prt:j VSUF-PRT ; LEXICON TJOEHPEDH ! row D +V+Prs: VSUF-PRS ; +V+Prt: VSUF-PRT ; LEXICON VÅÅJNEDH ! row E +V+Prs: VSUF-PRS ; +V+Prt: VSUF-PRT ; LEXICON GÖÖLEDH ! row F +V+Prs: VSUF-PRS ; +V+Prt: VSUF-PRT ; ! Verbal sublexica ! ================ LEXICON V-I-PRS-SG :A1 V-PRS-SG-12 ; :A1 V-PRS-SG-3 ; LEXICON V-II-PRS-SG V-PRS-SG-12 ; :A1 V-PRS-SG-3 ; ! ?? parallels the byörkesne case LEXICON V-III-PRS-SG V-PRS-SG-12 ; ! This should give guarka ! V-PRS-SG-3 ; ! this is wrong, gives *guarka pro guarkoe ! perhaps use A2 as 0 rule, triggers deletion in front of aff border ! but then oe aff must come afterwards :%>oe FINAL1 ; ! well, perhaps a more archi-looking affix ? ! Verbal affixes ! ============== ! Finite forms ! ------------ LEXICON VSUF-PRS V-PRS-SG-12 ; V-PRS-SG-3 ; V-PRS-DUPL ; LEXICON V-PRS-SG-12 +Sg1:%>m FINAL1 ; +Sg2:%>h FINAL1 ; LEXICON V-PRS-SG-3 +Sg3:%> FINAL1 ; LEXICON V-PRS-DUPL +Du1:%>n FINAL1 ; +Du2:%>dI1n FINAL1 ; +Du3:%>gan FINAL1 ; +Pl1:%>bI1 FINAL1 ; +Pl2:%>dI1 FINAL1 ; +Pl3:%>h FINAL1 ; LEXICON VSUF-PRT +Sg1:%>im FINAL1 ; +Sg2:%>ih FINAL1 ; +Sg3:%>i FINAL1 ; +Du1:%>imen FINAL1 ; +Du2:%>iden FINAL1 ; +Du3:%>igan FINAL1 ; +Pl1:%>imh FINAL1 ; +Pl2:%>idh FINAL1 ; +Pl3:%>in FINAL1 ; ! Final lexicon ! ============= LEXICON FINAL1 0:# # ;