Multichar_Symbols +N +A +Adv +V +Pron +CS +CC +Adp +Po +Pr +Interj +Pcle +Pers +Dem +Interr +Refl +Recipr +Rel +Indef +Sg +Pl +Nom +Gen +Acc +Ill +Ine +Ela +Com +Ess +Par +Abe +PxSg1 +PxSg2 +PxSg3 +PxDu1 +PxDu2 +PxDu3 +PxPl1 +PxPl2 +PxPl3 +Comp +Superl +Actor +Clt +Attr +Pass +Ind +Prs +Prt +Pot +Cond +Imprt +ImprtII +Sup +Sg1 +Sg2 +Sg3 +Du1 +Du2 +Du3 +Pl1 +Pl2 +Pl3 +Inf +Act +Ger +GerII +ConNeg +Neg +PrsPrc +PrfPrc +VGen +VAbess +CLB +PUNCT +HYPH +PAR e1 c1 d1 i1 n1 o1 s1 t1 u1 z1 C1 D1 N1 S1 T1 Z1 g2 m2 n2 h2 b3 d3 g3 m3 h3 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 ! ================================================= ! Basic lexica, pointing to the other lexicon files ! ================================================= LEXICON Root NounRoot ; ! ProperNoun ; ! AdjectiveRoot ; VerbRoot ; ! Adverb ; ! Particle ; ! Subjunction ; ! Conjunction ; ! Adposition ; ! Postposition ; ! Preposition ; ! Interjection ; Pronoun ; ! Numeral ; Punctuation ; ! ====================== ! Sublexica for NounRoot ! ====================== ! Even-syllable stems ! ------------------- ! 2syll stems ! - - - - - - LEXICON SOLLA +N: SOLLA-NEP ; +N:X1 SOLLA-OBL ; +N:X2 SOLLA-OBLSHORT ; ! 4syll stems ! - - - - - - ! Nominal substems ! - - - - - - - - LEXICON SOLLA-NEP +Sg+Nom: K ; +Ess:n K ; +Par:d K ; LEXICON SOLLA-OBL +Sg+Gen: K ; +Sg+Acc: K ; +Sg+Ill:n K ; +Sg+Loc:st K ; +Sg+Com:X3in K ; +Sg+Com:X3áin K ; +Pl+Nom:X4h K ; +Pl+Gen:i K ; +Pl+Acc:id K ; +Pl+Ill:X3id K ; +Pl+Ill:X3áid K ; +Pl+Loc:in K ; LEXICON SOLLA-OBLSHORT +Sg+Abe:ttáá K ; +Pl+Gen:i K ; +Pl+Com:iguim K ; +Pl+Abe:ittáá K ; ! Odd-syllable stems ! ------------------ LEXICON LITTER # ; LEXICON JIEREEH # ; ! Odd-syllable stems, sublexica ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! Contracted stems ! ---------------- ! =========================== ! Sublexica for AdjectiveRoot ! =========================== ! Even-syllable stems ! ------------------- ! Odd-syllable stems ! ------------------ ! Contracted stems ! ---------------- ! Comparation ! ----------- ! Comparative ! ----------- ! Superlative ! ----------- ! ====================== ! Sublexica for VerbRoot ! ====================== ! Even-syllable stems ! ------------------- ! Odd-syllable stems ! ------------------ ! Contracted stems ! ---------------- ! Intermediate suffix lexica ! -------------------------- ! Final suffix lexica ! ------------------- ! Suffix series I ! - - - - - - - - LEXICON EVEN-I +Sg1:m K ; +Sg2:h K ; +Sg3:j K ; +Du1:jm K ; +Du2:jd K ; +Du3:jn K ; +Pl1:jm K ; +Pl2:jd K ; +Pl3:i K ; LEXICON POT-I +Sg1:eem K ; +Sg2:eeh K ; +Sg3: K ; +Du1:een K ; +Du2:vettee K ; +Du3:uv K ; +Pl1:ep K ; +Pl2:vetted1 K ; +Pl3:eh K ; ! Suffix series II ! - - - - - - - - LEXICON ODD-II +Sg1:m K ; +Sg2:h K ; +Sg3:j K ; +Du1:jm K ; +Du2:jd K ; +Du3:jn K ; +Pl1:jm K ; +Pl2:jd K ; +Pl3:i K ; LEXICON ODD-II-DU +Du1:jm K ; +Du2:jd K ; +Du3:jn K ; ! Other series ! - - - - - - ! Auxiliary verbs ! --------------- LEXICON NEG +Prs+Sg1:jiem K ; +Prs+Sg2:jieh K ; +Prs+Sg3:ij K ; +Prs+Du1:iän K ; +Prs+Du1:eän K ; +Prs+Du2:eppee K ; +Prs+Du3:iävá K ; +Prs+Du3:eävá K ; +Prs+Pl1:ep K ; +Prs+Pl2:epped1 K ; +Prs+Pl3:iä K ; +Prs+Pl3:eävá K ; +Imprt+Sg1:iällum K ; +Imprt+Sg1:eällum K ; +Imprt+Sg2:ele K ; +Imprt+Sg3:iällus K ; +Imprt+Sg3:eällus K ; +Imprt+Du1:iälloon K ; +Imprt+Du1:eälloon K ; +Imprt+Du2:ellee K ; +Imprt+Du3:iällus K ; +Imprt+Du3:eällus K ; +Imprt+Pl1:iällup K ; +Imprt+Pl1:eällup K ; +Imprt+Pl2:elled1 K ; +Imprt+Pl3:iällus K ; +Imprt+Pl3:eällus K ; +Opt+Sg2:eälu K ; +Opt+Sg2:iälu K ; +Opt+Du2:eällu K ; +Opt+Du2:iällu K ; +Opt+Pl2:eällud1 K ; +Opt+Pl2:iällud1 K ; +Sup:amâs K ; +Sup:emis K ; LEXICON LEDE +Inf:led1e K ; ! Present +Prs+Sg1:lam K ; +Prs+Sg2:lah K ; +Prs+Sg3:lii K ; +Prs+Du1:leen K ; +Prs+Du1:laan K ; +Prs+Du1:láán K ; +Prs+Du2:leppee K ; +Prs+Du3:lava K ; +Prs+Du3:lává K ; +Prs+Pl1:lep K ; +Prs+Pl2:lepped1 K ; +Prs+Pl3:laa K ; +Prs+Pl3:láá K ; ! Past +Prt+Sg1:lijjim K ; +Prt+Sg2:lijjih K ; +Prt+Sg3:lai K ; +Prt+Sg3:lei K ; +Prt+Du1:láim K ; +Prt+Du1:lááim K ; +Prt+Du1:leim K ; +Prt+Du2:láid K ; +Prt+Du2:lááid K ; +Prt+Du2:leid K ; +Prt+Du3:láin K ; +Prt+Du3:lááin K ; +Prt+Du3:lein K ; +Prt+Pl1:leim K ; +Prt+Pl2:leid K ; +Prt+Pl3:lijjii K ; ! Conditional +Cond+Prs:lic1c1 ODD-II ; +Cond+Prs:lic1c1i ODD-II-DU ; !Potential +Pot+Prs:lez1z1 POT-I ; ! Sublexica for possessive suffixes ! ================================= LEXICON K # ; ! +Clt:clitic # ;