xquery version "1.0"; declare namespace request="http://exist-db.org/xquery/request"; declare namespace util="http://exist-db.org/xquery/util"; declare namespace dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"; declare namespace i18n="http://apache.org/cocoon/i18n/2.1"; import module namespace ristenutil="http://www.risten.no/shared/util" at "../xquery/ristenutil.xqm"; (: Create filter expression from query term, field and mode :) declare function local:filter-expr($record as xs:string) as xs:string { let $t := concat("'", $record, "'") return concat("@id = ", $t) }; (: Assemble the query string :) declare function local:build-query($record as xs:string, $collID) as xs:string { let $expr := local:filter-expr($record), $collpath := ristenutil:get-collection($collID), $docs := concat($collpath, "/termcenter.xml") return concat("for $r in document('", $docs, "')//entry[", $expr, "] return $r") }; (: Modify/enhance the query results before display: Main purpose: to add classification labels, and to remove unwanted senses before display. Does not work due to limitations in eXist (XIncludes are not expanded until serialisation time - thus not available for inspection at this point. Solution: Only classification labels added, the sense filtering is deferred to XSLT processing, when the XIncludes are available :) declare function local:display($hits as node()+) as element() { let $current := item-at($hits, 1), $top := $current/topicClass/@top, $mid := $current/topicClass/@mid, $botm := $current/topicClass/@botm, $count := count($current/entryref) return { for $p in 1 to $count let $entry := item-at($current/entryref, $p), $lang := $entry/@xml:lang, $common := $entry return {$common (: , for $sense in $entry/senses/sense let $sensetop := $sense/topicClass/@top, $sensemid := $sense/topicClass/@mid, $sensebotm := $sense/topicClass/@botm return if ( ($top = $sensetop) and ($mid = $sensemid) and ($botm = $sensebotm) ) then $sense else () :) } } }; (: Main function - retrieves some request attributes, forks further processing to other defined functions depending on the retrieved values :) declare function local:main() as element()+ { let $record := request:get-parameter("record", ""), $collID := request:get-parameter("collection", "") return if(string-length($record) = 0) then

WARNING: There was an error with this request! Please check with the webmaster. Cause: No request record value.

else let $query := local:build-query($record, $collID), $hits := util:eval( $query ) return if (empty($hits)) then (

ERROR! Record {$record} not found!


Your search query:

) else ( (:

Your search query:

, :) $hits (: local:display($hits) :) ) };