% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % List of morphological and syntactic tags used in the Ïnupiaq corpus % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Table of contents % 0. A short explanation % 1. Structure of the different POS (the details of sect. 1 are just the sme ones) % 2. List of the tags, and their internal distribution (these lists are the smj ones) % The Document has two parts. % The first part outlines the internal structure of % the complex POS, these should be built as boxes or panes. % The last part is a list over the different morphosyntactic categories. % The tags are in complementary distribution within each tag column. % The derivation component is ignored. % 1. Structure of the different POS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Note!!! The tag grouping under this section is not up to date % Tag syntax for the larger POS % Not all combinations within each box are possibe. % "-" indicates optionality. It is perhaps not needed. "|" means "OR". % The Function: list is listed below, and not indicated here. % The name of these boxes are now legible, rather than the tags (tags in parentheses?) % Noun: N % Gender: Msc|Fem|Neu % Number: Sg|Pl % Case: NomAcc|Gen|Dat % Function: % Verb: V % Mood: Ind|Imp % PersonNumber: 1Sg|2Sg|3Sg|Pl % Infinite: Inf|Sup|PrsPtc|PstPtc % Function: % Pronoun: Pron % Case: Nom|Acc|Gen|Dat % Number: Sg|Pl % Function: % 2. List of the tags, and their internal distribution % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Initial star = not yet found in kal file N Noun V Verb Pron Pronoun Part Particle #Wordclass Prop Propernoun #Subclass Msc Masculine Fem Feminine Neu Neuter #Gender Sg Singular Pl Plural Du Dual #Number Nom Nominative Acc Accusative Gen Genitive Dat Dative #Case Indef Indefinite Def Definite #Definiteness Ind Indicative Imp Imperative #Mood 1Sg First Person singular 2Sg Second Person singular 3Sg Third Person singular Pl Plural #PersonNumber Inf Sup PrsPtc PstPtc #Infinite Prs Prt #Tense